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 Fragmentation and destruction of natural habitats is currently considered to be the major threat to wildlife populations. We here perform a comprehensive analysis of the demographic effects of habitat fragmentation and destruction on 14 populations of the root vole. The experiment was divided into two consecutive periods. During the first period, we contrasted populations with the same initial size and structure in continuous and fragmented habitat. During the second period, we fragmented the continuous habitat into the same configuration as the permanently fragmented habitat so that the effect of habitat destruction could be evaluated. We estimated survival and fecundity parameters and combined them into population projection matrices to evaluate their relative impact on population growth. In the first period of the experiment there was no difference in population growth rate between fragmented and continuous populations, although litter size was significantly higher in the continuous populations. In the second period, we found higher population growth rates in populations that had experienced habitat destruction. By applying the transition matrix model to empirical estimates of demographic parameters, we demonstrate that the difference in population growth rate in the second period of the experiment was the result of a nonsignificant difference in adult survival. Movements out of the habitat patches were significantly lower in populations that had experienced habitat destruction. We conclude that predator-caused mortality of animals moving out of the habitat patches was the main determinant of demographic variation in this system. Received: January 31, 2002 / Accepted: March 25, 2003  相似文献   

Based on empiric data of breeding success and accurate number trends in The Netherlands, a population model for the black tern was constructed. This model is based on Leslie matrices. Reproductive parameters from the four most important landscape types (river landscape, agricultural grasslands, peat marsh and heath land/moors) are used as model input. Highly accurate national population trend data were used to obtain the best (least square) estimate of overall adult and subadult survival (resp. 0.849 and 0.595). Estimating survival parameters in this way might be useful for threatened (bird) species, especially if catching and ringing is difficult or less desired from a conservation perspective. The model shows the actual importance of the river landscape as the main source for reproductive output of the Dutch black tern population. The prediction model was subsequently used to test different conservation strategies for the Dutch black tern population. Conservation strategies ranged from a null scenario (no change in conservation effort) to in- or decreasing the number of rafts in the most productive landscape (river landscape) to a scenario where breeding success is improved recently in agricultural grasslands via minimizing disturbance. For all scenarios, the model predicts a slow to rapid population increase in the Dutch black tern population after 10–20 years. Improving breeding success in agricultural grasslands habitat has the highest added value.  相似文献   

We estimated demographic parameters and current harvest risks for a population of polar bears (Ursus maritimus Phipps) inhabiting northern Smith Sound and Kane Basin, Canada and Greenland. Our demographic analysis included a detailed assessment of age- and sex-specific survival and recruitment from 141 marked polar bears, using information contained within the standing age distribution of captures and mark-recapture analysis. Total survival rates for females were: 0.374 ± 0.180 (cubs), 0.686 ± 0.157 (ages 1–4), and 0.967 ± 0.043 (ages 5+). Mean litter size was 1.67 ± 0.08 cubs. Females did not reproduce until at least age 6, which is late compared to other populations of polar bears. The model-averaged, mark–recapture estimate of mean abundance (±1 SE) for years 1994–1997 was 164 ± 35 bears. We incorporated demographic parameters and their variances into a harvest risk analysis (i.e., a stochastic, harvested population viability analysis, PVA). Results suggest that polar bears in the region were severely over-harvested during the mark–recapture interval (1992–1997). The current status of the population is unknown.  相似文献   

 Population dynamics of a thistle-feeding univoltine lady beetle, Epilachna niponica Lewis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), was studied from 1996 to 1999 in Yuwaku, Kanazawa, Japan. The lady beetles often reached such a high density level that food was depleted. The Jolly–Seber method was used for adult marking, release, and recapture data to estimate population parameters of adult number, daily resident rate, longevity, reproductive rate (R, the number of new adults produced per overwintered adults), and survival rate of new adults to the reproductive seasons (S w). These estimates were compared with those of the Asiu, Kutsuki (A and F), and Kyoto populations, which were previously studied with similar methods and have similar intensities. Asiu and Kutsuki F populations remained at a rather low density with a low R, while Kutsuki A and Kyoto populations reached a high density where food depletion occurred with a high R value. The Yuwaku population often reached a food-depleting level as in the Kutsuki A and Kyoto populations. It also shared the short life span of overwintered adults (13.5 days) of other high-density populations; however, it showed much shorter longevity of new adults (36.6 days), much lower R (1.0–2.5), and higher S w (43%–53%). In some traits the Yuwaku population was similar to the Asiu population: low R, high S w, and low population variability (SD of log densities; 0.103 and 0.115 for overwintered and new adults, respectively, which were lowest among the populations). Received: July 26, 2001 / Accepted: May 21, 2002  相似文献   

Lampila S  Orell M  Belda E  Koivula K 《Oecologia》2006,148(3):405-413
Population growth rate (λ) and its components (adult survival, local recruitment, immigration and their relative contributions to λ) were studied in the declining willow tit Parus montanus in Northern Finland. Capture–recapture models for open populations were used to estimate the population parameters and their process variation. Adult survival was fairly high with low variation (0.593, CV=0.067). As expected, local recruitment was lower and more variable (0.063, CV=0.610). During the 12-year study, the population growth rate averaged to one (0.988, CV=0.197; calculated as However, if the present processes continue, population projections show that the population is likely to decline. There was considerable temporal variation in the relative contributions of demographic parameters to λ. In all years, adult survival had the highest relative contribution (mean 64%) to the population growth rate and it was the least variable trait. Immigration had a higher relative contribution (22%) to λ than local recruitment (14%). Based on the results for the contributions to λ, the main conservation concern for willow tits is adult survival. Due to low variation, adult survival may be difficult to enhance, but at least it should be prevented from declining. High stochasticity in local recruitment and immigration is probably an inherent characteristic of highly seasonal environments, making these traits difficult to address for conservation practices.  相似文献   

Extreme sexual dimorphism suggests that the South American electric fish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus Hopkins (Copeia 1991:151–161, 1991) is polygynous. No field studies have been conducted on the social behavior of this common gymnotiform species, in part because their nocturnal habits and densely vegetated habitat precludes direct observation in the field. We conducted mark–recapture studies on B. pinnicaudatus in Uruguay to gather indirect evidence of their breeding system. Sex ratios of adults were highly skewed toward females 2–3 weeks into the breeding season. Females moved twice as far as males on average (p = 0.016) and movement tracks of individual females overlapped one another but those of males did not. These data support the hypothesis that B. pinnicaudatus is polygynous or polygynandrous, and suggest that they use space in a manner consistent with exploded lek polygyny or iteroparous nest site polygynandry models. Fish detected within 2 m of each other were more aggregated than chance, both day and night, suggesting they maintain social groupings or alerting networks.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between species that prefer different habitat types but come into contact in edge regions at the interfaces between habitat types are modeled via reaction-diffusion systems. The primary sort of interaction described by the models is competition mediated by pathogen transmission. The models are somewhat novel because the spatial domains for the variables describing the population densities of the interacting species overlap but do not coincide. Conditions implying coexistence of the two species or the extinction of one species are derived. The conditions involve the principal eigenvalues of elliptic operators arising from linearizations of the model system around equilibria with only one species present. The conditions for persistence or extinction are made explicit in terms of the parameters of the system and the geometry of the underlying spatial domains via estimates of the principal eigenvalues. The implications of the models with respect to conservation and refuge design are discussed. Received: 10 June 1999 / Revised version: 7 July 2000 / Published online: 20 December 2000  相似文献   

To clarify functional and numerical responses to temporal and spatial variations of resources (resource tracking), and the population characteristics of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis, I analyzed the results of a 3-year field observation at 24 sites (seven plant species) on eight species of aphids. The seasonal changes in the number of beetles estimated by the Jolly–Seber method were significantly correlated with those of aphids in the total area. The estimated values of population parameters suggested frequent immigration and emigration of the H. axyridis population, although reproductive rates between spring and summer were rather stable all 3 years (1.87–3.49). The staying time and the daily number of adults and eggs at each site were influenced not only by a single factor but also by interactions among time and quantity and quality of the prey. The adult movement showed two patterns, which corresponded with the movement within and between the subpopulations when an assemblage of H. axyridis occurring on the plants of the same species or genus was regarded as a subpopulation. Adult movement intensely occurred within a subpopulation, although the beetles moving between subpopulations had a significantly greater chance to reach the habitat with a high aphid density. The habitats of H. axyridis could be categorized into a suitable habitat for survival and reproduction and a temporal refuge. The results obtained here suggest that H. axyridis, with high ability of prey searching and reproduction, maintains a stable population in heterogeneous and temporal habitats by its resource tracking mechanisms. Received: March 8, 1999 / Accepted: April 25, 2000  相似文献   

Question: How rapidly has the sandy beach and maritime forest vegetation on Phuket recovered and regenerated after the impact of the major Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004? What are the characteristics of sandy beach species for regenerating their populations and the invasion patterns of originally non-sandy beach species or other newcomers after the tsunami? Location: Phuket Island, southern Thailand. Methods: Species composition of beaches was studied on the same research plots 6 months before and 9 months after the tsunami. The changes in individual species cover before and after the tsunami were determined by χ2 tests. Change in community composition was analysed by detrended correspondence analysis. The relationship between species and environmental factors was analysed by canonical correspondence analysis. Results: The sites disturbed by the tsunami were often invaded by annuals, especially grasses and asteraceous plants, rather than by perennials. In contrast, species with clonal growth by stolons decreased significantly. Factors determining the species habitat differences were soil hardness (penetration resistance of sandy soil), per cent silt content, soil water content and beach management. Habitat differences among originally non-sandy beach herbaceous species that expanded their population or moved to the coast after the disaster were defined by sand accretion or erosion caused by the tsunami. Many sandy beach herbaceous communities changed into Dactyloctenium aegyptium communities because of the tsunami were originally constituted by non-sandy beach D. aegyptium with Cenchrus echinatus. Although the forest floors of most maritime forests were invaded by originally non-sandy beach Tridax procumbens, Eleusine indica or D. aegyptium because of the tsunami, this did not result in a change in the vegetation unit, because species' loss was restricted to the understorey. In time, these forests will recover their previous community composition. Conclusions: Our results suggest that originally non-sandy beach native species invaded the disturbed beaches rapidly after the tsunami but their habitats differ. Sites where sand accumulated on a beach because of the tsunami were invaded by D. aegyptium and E. indica, whereas soil erosion permitted invasion by Digitania adscendens. Tridax procumbens establishes rapidly on wet sites with hard soil, high per cent silt content and low beach management pressure. Sandy beach species with subterranean long rhizomes are strongly tolerant of such disasters. We concluded that the species composition of the beaches disturbed by a temporary large disaster is determined by dormancy and growth forms, with radicoid form being influential.  相似文献   

濒危植物海南龙血树的种群结构与动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解种群的生存现状与动态趋势对濒危植物的保护至关重要。为了更好地保护濒危海南龙血树种群,对海南岛不同生境的11个海南龙血树(Dracaena cambodiana)种群进行了调查;并利用个体基径数据建立各种群的年龄结构和静态生命表,得到种群年龄结构动态指数,绘制种群存活曲线和生存函数曲线,从而获得海南龙血树的种群结构与动态。结果表明:海南龙血树种群年龄结构与种群所处的生境关系密切,海边的NS和YL种群结构为衰退型,LN和CH居群为稳定型,而非海边种群为增长型,没有老龄个体;11个种群中,EXL种群显示出最高的增长趋势和最好的种群稳定性,NS和YL种群稳定性最差,种群抗干扰能力极低;11个种群的存活曲线均属于Deevey-Ⅰ型,但生存函数分析显示海南龙血树种群生活史早期和晚期脆弱,中期稳定,这表明海南龙血树种群所处的生境更适合成年个体生存,现有的生境对幼龄个体的环境筛作用较强。海南龙血树属于退偿物种,针对其种群的生存现状,应采取多种方法相结合的方式进行保护与复壮。  相似文献   

Conservation umbrellas are charismatic species, the conservation of which also conserves the high diversity of associated plants and animals. The Large Blue butterfly, Phengaris [Maculinea] arion (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), is a textbook example of a charismatic endangered invertebrate, intensively studied throughout Europe and protected by the EU Habitat Directive. While surveying P. arion at the westernmost outskirts of the Carpathians (Javorniky and Vsetinske Mts.), within a stronghold of the species in the Czech Republic, we asked whether occupied sites differed from unoccupied ones in the composition of vascular plants and butterfly assemblages. The occupied sites (n = 65) were small pastures, including abandoned ones, with S to W exposure, located on rugged terrain and displaying a high microtopographic heterogeneity; the unoccupied sites (n = 101) were typically mown or intensively grazed. The vegetation of occupied sites was characteristic for non-intensive submountain pasture, butterfly assemblages were species richer, contained more specialised species, and significantly higher proportion of red-listed species. P. arion thus may act as an umbrella for a high number of species associated with traditional land use in the study area and elsewhere. Its survival will depend on the continuation of small-scale land use varying in space and time, and can be threatened by uniformisation of management, even if practised under the guise of agri-environmental payments.  相似文献   

The biological balance of Yakushima Island is currently being compromised by overpopulation of sika deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae). We predicted that the island's deer population would continue to grow unless control efforts are raised threefold from their 2012 levels. To identify the best management practice for future implementation, we evaluated and compared the performances of three different zone-based management strategies. Under the current management scenario, the median population size of the sika deer on the island would temporarily decrease, but it would subsequently rebound. Under a scenario that allows management zones to be prioritized according to the occurrence of threatened plant species and deer population size, model simulations suggested that the scenario focusing on the central zone would show the best performance based on the probability of achievement of the management goal (assuming that there is no dispersal between zones). This course of action would lead to a decrease in the median deer population size and would further ensure a high probability of achieving the 2022 target population size across most zones (up to 85 %), even if catch levels were not increased. In a future study, we would need to conduct a more detailed analysis of plants and deer density distributions.  相似文献   

Summary. Taurine and glutamate were monitored by microdialysis technique during various cerebral insults: a. Application of K+ triggered a cortical spreading depression (CSD). Taurine and glutamate increased concomitantly but recovery of glutamate was faster than that of taurine. b. Application of NMDA induced also CSD but only taurine increased. c. Induction of an infarct triggered repetitive CSDs. Taurine increased rapidly whereas glutamate rose slowly starting with some delay. d. After induction of ischemia, taurine and glutamate increased after onset of depolarisation. The increase of glutamate occurred late after a small, transient increase in parallel with the depolarisation. These data suggest a close functional relationship between the changes of both amino acids. Therefore, they should be monitored together especially in clinical settings: during excitation, only taurine will increase; during overexcitation, taurine will also increase but to a higher maximum followed by a moderate rise of glutamate; after energy failure, taurine will accumulate to its highest level followed by a continuous rise of glutamate. Received January 25, 2000/Accepted January 31, 2000  相似文献   

Key to the management of invasive species is an understanding of the scope of an invasion, the rate of proliferation and the rate at which invaded habitats become degraded. This study examines the spatial dynamics of high-density supercolonies of the invasive yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes , on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, and the associated impacts at their boundaries. Since the early 1990s, A. gracilipes supercolonies have occupied over 30% of the 10,000 ha of rainforest on Christmas Island. Thirty-four discrete high-density supercolonies formed between 1989 and 2003, ranging in size across nearly three orders of magnitude from 0.9 to 787 ha. Supercolonies boundaries are diffuse, and ants were observed in low densities in some cases up to 200 m from the main high-density supercolony. The 13 boundaries examined were all dynamic over a 10–20 observation month period: nine boundaries expanded, and the maximum rate of spread was 0.5 m day−1. Across boundary transition zones, between high-density supercolonies and intact rainforest, yellow crazy ants reduced other ant species richness, occupied red crab burrows and killed resident red crabs, which was the trigger for 'invasional meltdown' on Christmas Island. The highly variable and unpredictable nature of A. gracilipes boundaries poses a challenge for incorporation into a predictive framework, as well as for their management.  相似文献   

The endangered American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, was monitored on Block Island, RI, USA, from 1991–2003 using mark-recapture population estimates of adults collected in pitfall traps. Populations increased through time, especially after 1994 when a program was initiated that provided carrion for beetle production. Beetle captures increased with increasing temperature and dew point, and decreased with increasing wind speed. Short distance movement was not related to wind direction, while longer distance flights tended to be downwind. Although many individuals flew considerable distances along transects, most recaptures were in traps near the point of release. These behaviors probably have counterbalancing effects on population estimates.The U.S. Goverment's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

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