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The floral anatomy and morphology of 26 species from the Saxifragoideae and three from the Iteoideae are described and compared. The flowers of the Saxifragoideae are predominantly actinomorphic, partially epigynous and/or perigynous, and pentamerous, with two carpels which bear numerous ovules. There is usually some degree of independence between carpels, and the normally separate styles possess both a canal and transmitting tissue. Generally, staminodia are absent and nectariferous tissue, which is not vascularized, is present. The subfamily is characterized by large multicellular trichomes with globular, often glandular, heads. Placentation may be parietal, axile, or transitional between the two; parietal appears to be a derived condition in the subfamily. The vascular cylinder in the pedicel generally consists of several to many discrete bundles from which diverge ten compound traces at the base of the receptacle, leaving an inner cylinder of vascular strands that coalesce at a higher level into either as many ventral bundles as carpels or twice that number. In the former case, each ventral bundle consists of one-half of the vascular supply to each adjacent carpel and separates into individual ventral strands in the distal half of the ovary. The ventral bundles provide vascular traces to the ovules and, along with the dorsals, extend up the style to the stigma. Each trace diverging in a sepal plane typically supplies one or more carpel-wall bundles, a median sepal bundle, and a stamen bundle. Each petal-plane trace usually provides one or more carpel-wall bundles, a lateral trace to each adjacent sepal, a petal bundle and, in flowers with ten stamens, a stamen bundle. Dorsal carpel bundles are usually recognizable and may originate from traces in either perianth plane. While the position of Ribes remains problematical, its floral structure does not easily exclude it from the Saxifragoideae. Floral structure in the Iteoideae is remarkably similar to that in the Saxifragoideae, the main differences being a lesser degree of independence between carpels, generally narrower placentae with somewhat fewer ovules, and the presence of only unicellular, acutely pointed epidermal hairs as opposed to the relatively complex, multicellular trichomes prevalent in the Saxifragoideae.  相似文献   

The ovules in Drimys winteri var. chilensis and D. lanceolata are consistently vascularized entirely by the ventral bundles, without contribution from the dorsal bundle(s) as generally assumed. The ovules are initiated in two rows, without any in “median” position. Post-initiatory differential growth of the carpel wall brings the lowermost ovules into apparently median position at maturity. The anomalous vascular supply to the lowermost ovules is thought to be related to concurrence of delayed initiation and development of these ovules with delayed differentiation of the vascular supply.  相似文献   

Twenty-two genera representing sixty-two species of Cunoniaceae and Davidsonia were examined with respect to floral anatomy. Sepals are vascularized by three traces with the lateral traces of adjacent sepals united. Pancheria is unique for the family with species in which the sepals are vascularized by a single, undivided bundle. Petals, when present, and stamens, are uniformly one-trace structures. A general tendency exists within the family for the principal floral bundles to unite in various ways, with fusions evident between calyx, corolla, and androecial vascular supplies. Carpel number ranges from two to five and the gynoecium is generally surrounded by a prominent disc. Gynoecia of Ceratopetalum and Pullea are “half-inferior.” The number of ovules per carpel locule ranges from one to numerous. Ventral carpel sutures range from open to completely sealed at the level of placentation. Carpels of the apocarpous genus Spiraeanthemum (incl. Acsmithia) are vascularized by a dorsal bundle and either three or four bundles constituting the ovular and wing vasculation in the ventral position, a condition unlike other members of the family. Ovules are supplied by the median ventral bundle. More advanced bicarpellate gynoecia within the family are predominately vascularized by a dorsal and two ventral bundles although a variable number of additional lateral wall traces may be present. A major trend exists toward fusion of the ventral bundles of adjacent carpels in the ovary of both bicarpellate and multicarpellate plants. At the base of the styles the fused ventral strands separate and extend along with the dorsal carpellary bundles into styles of adjacent carpels. In Pullea the ventral bundles terminate within the ovules. The united ventral carpellary bundles in Aphanopetalum, Gillbeea, and Aistopetalum lie in the plane of the septa separating adjacent carpels. Ovules are vascularized by traces originating from the vascular cylinder at the base of the gynoecium or by traces branching from the ventral bundles. Ovular traces in each carpel are united, or remain as discrete bundles, prior to entering the placenta. Tannin and druses are common throughout all floral parts. Although floral anatomy generally supports the position of Cunoniaceae near Saxifragaceae and Davidsoniaceae, the evolutionary relationship of the Cunoniaceae to the Dilleniaceae is uncertain.  相似文献   

The carpels of Chamaemeles, Cotoneaster, Dichotomanthes, and Pyracantha tend to be separate from one another, their sutures tend to be closed, and they become more or less bony at maturity. However, aside from having collaterally placed ovules, they do not appear to be structurally similar. There seem to be 2 different evolutionary trends in the ovular bundle–wing bundle relationship: in Pyracantha, progressive fusion between the ovular bundle and the wing bundle has led to the formation of a “ventral” bundle; in Cotoneaster, and possibly Chamaemeles, the wing bundle has become reduced and rather attenuated. A primitive pomoid state may be represented by the carpel of Dichotomanthes, which is completely free of the floral cup and in which wing and ovular bundles are separate. Differences in sutural closure appear only in Cotoneaster, and in species of that genus the wing bundles and ovular bundles tend to be fused if the suture is closed, and separate if it is open.  相似文献   

The pistil of Androcymbium closely resembles that of Colchicum : it is tricarpellate usually, syncarpous and multiovulate, and the carpels of most species have open sutures and bitegmic ovules. The only species with closed carpellary sutures, A. dregei has monotegmic ovules. There are always three dorsal bundles and three compound septal bundles, which latter may bifurcate into simple septal bundles. Six placental bundles (two per carpel) are differentiated, either separately from the compound septal bundles or as lateral branches of them. A statistical evaluation of 47 species (6 genera) of the hemisyncarpous Wurmbaeoideae shows a significant tendency for bitegmic ovules and two simple septal bundles per septum to be associated with open sutures and for monotegmic ovules and no septal bundles to be associated with closed sutures.  相似文献   

The multi-ovulate pomoids, Chaenomeles, Cydonia, and Docynia, all have closed sutures and extensive fusion between carpel and floral cup and between ovular and wing bundles. Although the ovules in Docynia are generally apotropic and few in number (4–7), the ovules in the other two genera are pleurotropic and numerous (15–48). A statistical treatment of the whole tribe of Pomoideae shows that in carpels with open sutures ovular and wing bundles definitely tend to be separate while in those with closed sutures these bundles tend to be fused. To a lesser degree carpels with open sutures also tend to have bitegmic ovules, separate carpels, and a lesser extent of fusion between carpel and floral cup, while carpels with closed sutures tend to have monotegmic ovules, united carpels, and a greater extent of fusion between carpel and floral cup.  相似文献   

黄连心皮的形态发育及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从植物器官的演化方面来探讨黄连属的原始特性,研究证明,该属植物心皮发育归属一类原始开启心皮类型。  相似文献   

The pistillate inflorescence of Casuarina verticillata is described as consisting of a primary axis bearing whorls of bracts with a cymule in the axil of each bract of the more central whorls. Each cymule consists of an atepallate, two-carpellate, syncarpous floret and two, lateral, once-lobed bracteoles. A “peripheral intercalary” meristem, in which divisions are primarily periclinal, forms a meshwork beneath the bracts from early development and moves the connate bracts centrifugally around the cymules and extends and binds the bracts, and to some extent the bracteoles, of the fertile part of the inflorescence together. Each bract receives a single trace; each cymule receives two traces. Each bundle extension of a cymule trace supplies: 1) a branch which joins its counterpart to become the anterior common carpellary bundle; 2) a second branch which joins its counterpart to become the posterior common carpellary bundle; and 3) a central branch which supplies a lateral bracteole. Within each floret, each common carpellary bundle provides a dorsal carpellary bundle, two ventral carpellary bundles (fertile anterior carpel) or one common ventral bundle (sterile posterior carpel). The ventral bundle-supplies join and form a single placental bundle which lies in the gynoecial septum, and which, in turn, supplies the two ovules in the anterior carpel. Whether the inflorescence is a simple racemose or a condensed cymose type cannot be determined from this species alone. The function of the sclerenchymatous, enclosing bracteoles and connate bracts is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the carpel has been studied in flowers of the Neodregeae ( Dipidax and Neodregea ). Except in D. triquetra , which is syncarpous, the carpels are united below and free above. A dorsal bundle, two or more lateral bundles, and two placental bundles supply each multiovulate carpel. The six placental bundles of the tricarpellate pistil are united by twos in the lower part of the pistil, forming three opposite compound placental bundles in most species of Dipidax and three alternate bundles in D. triquetra and Neodregea : In the latter, an additional septal bundle continues upward as a branch from the compound placental bundle. Sutural openings are usually short and restricted to the top of the locule. All the Neodregeae have monotegmic ovules.  相似文献   

A survey of species of the prunoid genera, Maddenia and Pygeum, and of the genus Osmaronia has been made. The ovules of all are pendent, campylotropous, and epitropic. In the prunoids, the ovular supply is intimately connected with a central vascular plexus in the base of the carpel; that plexus is absent from Osmaronia. The prunoid carpels are marked by an extensive degree of fusion among the ovular and wing bundles, by fusion of the sutural margins, by fusion of the 2 integuments of the ovule to a single massive one, and by the presence of 3 or 5 well-developed bundles in the base. The carpel of Osmaronia also has a strongly fused bipartite ovular supply, separate bundles of which, however, become very much attenuated before reaching the funiculus; it has independent ovular and wing bundles, completely separate carpellary margins, 2 clearly separate integuments in the ovule, and 6 distinctive bundles in the carpel base. At the funiculus, the wing bundle of Osmaronia is connected with the adjoining weak ovular bundle by a well-developed vascular branch. Various particularities in the morphology of Osmaronia lend support to its segregation into a unique tribe, the Osmaronieae of Rydberg.  相似文献   

The genera of the Veratreae, a tribe of the Melanthioideae, have many features in common: there are usually many ovules, except for Amianthium (with 2 4), arranged in 2 -4 longitudinal placental rows per carpel; all are bitegmic, basipetal, and campylotropous. Of 37 species examined, only 2 have open sutures at the lowermost level of ovular insertion, but 13 species have holes in the centre of the pistil. These holes may represent possible stages in the evolutionary closure of previously open sutures. Most flowers were epigynous, only 11 being hypogynous-perigynous. The tribe as a whole is marked by the presence of 3 composite (heterologous) vascular bundles, composed of joined staminal and tepallary bundles alone and 3 composite bundles, as above, fused to a dorsal bundle. The bundles were united below the locular base in all genera except Schoenocaulon and Toxicoscordion. Two major kinds of central cylinder arrangement occurred at the level of the lowermost ovular insertion: either 6 inverted ventral bundles or 6 simple septal bundles, with normally arranged (or sometimes inverted) xylem and phloem centrifugally located and 6 simple placental bundles, with inverted xylem and phloem, at the centripetal end of the septum. Generally each septal bundle united with its nearest adjoining placental bundle about the mid-locular level.  相似文献   

The two genera of Buxbaum's tribe Wurmbaeae, Anguillaria and Wurmbea , have multiovulate carpels. There are deep septal indentations between the carpels of Anguillaria , but the wings of adjoining carpels are fused to solid septa in most species of Wurmbea. In Anguillaria the carpels have open sutures or prominent commissural markings; in Wurmbea the carpels generally lack these characteristics, and some species have a vascularized, columella-like axis in the centre of the pistil. In both genera there are a dorsal bundle, lateral bundles, and two placental bundles in each carpel. At the inner edge of the septum there are one or two septal bundles in Anguillaria and one or none in Wurmbea. The ovules are monotegmic, the integument and funiculus being partly fused in Anguillaria and mostly fused in Wurmbea. An obturator is present in Anguillaria but absent from most species of Wurmbea.  相似文献   

Most Helonieae have only slight septal indentations between the three carpels: in Xerophyllum deep septal clefts extend centripetally and completely enclosed, narrow septal pockets occur in Metanarthecium . Other unique generic features are found: tepallary-staminal nectarial glands in Heloniopsis , zygomorphy in Chionographis , and dioecism in Chamaelirium . The carpels are biovulate in Chionographis; there are two to several ovules per carpel in Xerophyllum; 8–12 ovules occur in the carpel of Chamaelirium; and numerous bitegmic ovules are borne in many longitudinal rows on enlarged placentae in Helonias, Heloniopsis, Metanarthecium , and Ypsilandra . Except for Metanarthecium , this last-named group of genera displays a near ring composed of 'accessory' placental bundles and a compound septal bundle (with normally oriented xylem and phloem) in cross-section at the inner edge of each septum. Ventral bundles occur in the other four genera.  相似文献   

BELL  A. D. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(2):241-250
The leaf trace system in the region of congested internodesat the base of Lolium multiflorum is described. A typical major trace in a leaf consists of a collateral bundlehaving a double bundle sheath and incorporating a certain amountof sclerenchyma. As such a leaf trace is followed down intothe stem it increases in diameter, loses the inner (mestome)bundle sheath, and the xylem becomes associated with xylem transfercells. Lower down, the bundle diameter is reduced although nowit has become amphivasal. The internal xylem only is still associatedwith transfer cells. The proximal portions of the bundle aremuch reduced, transfer cells, mestome sheath, and sclerenchymaare lacking and the now insignificant bundle merges with a lowerleaf trace or some other vascular tissue. Such a bundle in thestem may be in direct contact via bridges with other leaf traces,with the nodal plexus, and with the peripheral plexus that surroundsthe inner leaf trace system. In the base of a typical young plant, approximately one-halfof all leaf traces, including all the median veins, join bundlesfrom the next oldest leaf. Approximately one-third join thenodal plexus, and the remainder variously join bundles fromthe same or next but one oldest leaf to join the peripheralplexus. The differentiation of tiller insertions into the pre-existingmain stem system is highly variable. In a very young tillera number of traces were seen to terminate before the main systemwas reached suggesting basipetal differentiation. The actualconnections made by the tiller traces may occur with any nearbyleaf trace, the nodal plexus, or with the peripheral plexus.Later differentiating leaf traces in a tiller join leaf tracesof the tiller itself. Occasional bundles from secondary tillers by-pass the vasculartissue of the primary tiller to join directly with that of theparent plant. Vascular connections between parent and tiller,although very variable, appear to be totally comprehensive froma functional standpoint.  相似文献   

Structure of the gynoecium is described in two species of Bakeridesia, subgenus Bakeridesia (Malvaceae, tribe Malveae). The dorsal wall of each carpel bears a winglike projection with a marginal pair of pubescent, bluntly dentate wings. The projection arises as a single, solid ridge of tissue after the ovules are initiated and after the ventral carpellary margins are fused with the receptacle. Two multiseriate layers of fiber-sclereids line each locule and continue into the winglike projection where they are separated by parenchyma. Gynoecial vascularization is described in detail. The richly vascularized carpels are supplied by five traces: a median dorsal trace, which bifurcates into two dorsal bundles; two lateral traces; and two ventral traces. Adjacent ventral traces, lateral traces, and septal bundles are fused—i.e., they are held in common by neighboring carpels. The presence of lateral carpellary traces may be a primitive character in the tribe Malveae.  相似文献   

The pistil of Colchicum is syncarpous, the carpels having open sutures or well-marked commissures and many bitegmic ovules of variable orientation. Although the vascularization of the carpel is also variable, there are usually three dorsal bundles and three alternate, septal bundles at the base of the pistil, with occasionally some placental bundles at that level. More often the placental bundles, differentiating basipetally, appear to establish connections with the septal bundles higher up, at the lowermost ovular insertion level. The septal bundles divide in two more frequently in pistils in which the carpellary suture is open than in those in which it is closed.  相似文献   

Primary shoot vasculature has been studied for 31 species of Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae from serial transections and stained, decorticated shoot tips. The eustele of all species is interpreted as consisting of sympodia, one for each orthostichy. A sympodium is composed of a vertically continuous axial bundle from which arise leaf- and areole-trace bundles and, in many species, accessory bundles and bridges between axial bundles. Provascular strands for leaf traces and axial bundles are initiated acropetally and continuously within the residual meristem, but differentiation of procambium for areole traces and bridges is delayed until primordia form on axillary buds. The differentiation patterns of primary phloem and xylem are those typically found in other dicotyledons. In all species vascular supply for a leaf is principally derived from only one procambial bundle that arises from axial bundles, whereas traces from two axial bundles supply the axillary bud. Two structural patterns of primary vasculature are found in the species examined. In four species of Pereskia that possess the least specialized wood in the stem, primary vascular systems are open, and leaf traces are mostly multipartite, arising from one axial bundle. In other Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae the vascular systems are closed through a bridge at each node that arises near the base of each leaf, and leaf traces are generally bipartite or single. Vascular systems in Pereskiopsis are relatively simple as compared to the complex vasculature of Opuntia, in which a vascular network is formed at each node by fusion of two sympodia and a leaf trace with areole traces and numerous accessory bundles. Variations in nodal structure correlate well with differences in external shoot morphology. Previous reports that cacti have typical 2-trace, unilacunar nodal structure are probably incorrect. Pereskioideae and Opuntioideae have no additional medullary or cortical systems.  相似文献   

The young pistils in the melanthioid tribes, Hewardieae, Petrosavieae and Tricyrteae, are uniformly tricarpellate and syncarpous. They lack raphide idioblasts. All are multiovulate, with bitegmic ovules. The Petrosavieae are marked by the presence of septal glands and incomplete syncarpy. Tepals and stamens adhere to the ovary in the Hewardieae and the Petrosavieae but not in the Tricyrteae. Two vascular bundles occur in the stamens of the Hewartlieae and Tricyrtis latifolia. Ventral bundles in the upper part of the ovary of the Hewardieae are continuous with compound septal bundles and placental bundles in the lower part. Putative ventral bundles occur in the alternate position in the Tricyrteae and putative placental bundles in the opposite. position in the Petrosavieae. The dichtomously branched stigma in each carpel of the Tricyrteae is supplied by a bifurcated dorsal bundle.  相似文献   

In molecular phylogenetic studies, Lophopyxidaceae and Putranjivaceae are well supported as sisters in the large rosid order Malpighiales. As the floral structure of both families is poorly known and the two families have never been compared, the present comparative study was carried out, as part of a larger project on the comparative floral structure of Malpighiales, using microtome section series and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies. Similar to other angiosperm clades, it appears that the structure of the ovules is a strong marker for suprafamilial relationships in Malpighiales. Both families have two collateral pendant antitropous ovules per carpel associated with obturators (as in some Euphorbiaceae s.l., to which Putranjivaceae belonged in earlier classifications). However, in contrast with Euphorbiaceae s.l., the ovules are not crassinucellar, but either incompletely tenuinucellar or only weakly crassinucellar with a long and conspicuously slender nucellus and an endothelium, and do not have a nucellar beak, but a normal micropyle, features they share with families other than Euphorbiaceae s.l. among Malpighiales. Other shared features of the two families include the following. The outer sepals tend to be smaller than the inner ones and the sepals do not protect the gynoecium in older buds. Sepals of some taxa have a single vascular trace. A short zone of synsepaly tends to be present. Stamens tend to be antesepalous in haplostemonous flowers. A short gynophore is present. The synascidiate zone extends up to above the placenta, but is restricted to the ovary in taxa with more than one carpel. The micropyle is formed by the inner integument. The ventral carpel slits extend down into the synascidiate zone as postgenitally fused furrows. The carpels have a broad dorsal band of vascular bundles in the style. The overall floral structure of the two families corroborates their sister position well and does not support the earlier association of Putranjivaceae with Euphorbiaceae s.l. or of Lophopyxidaceae with Geraniales–Sapindales–Celastrales, which rely on shared superficial floral similarities. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 404–448.  相似文献   

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