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Aquatic ecosystems are critical to the long-term viability and vibrancy of communities and economies across northern Australia. In a region that supports significant cultural and ecological water values, partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous stakeholders can benefit aquatic ecosystem management. We present, as a case study from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, a collaborative research program that successfully documented Indigenous and Western Scientific knowledge of remote wetlands, using a variety of field-based activities, questionnaires, interviews and workshops. The sharing of knowledge between Indigenous and non-Indigenous research partners facilitated a comprehensive understanding of ecosystem values, threats, processes, management priorities and aspirations. These formed the basis of a management plan and monitoring tools, designed to build the capacity of an Indigenous ranger group to engage in research, monitoring and management of wetlands. The project provides a useful example of the benefits of collaborations in the context of remote-area management where local communities are responsible for environmental management and monitoring, such as is the case in northern Australia and presumably other areas of the world.  相似文献   

Summary Indigenous people demonstrably lived along rivers and around lakes and wetlands of Australia's Murray‐Darling Basin in pre‐European times. Waterways were, and continue to be, of major significance to the society and culture of Aboriginal peoples throughout Australia. Historically, they exploited most of the fauna – from mussels and crayfish, to fish and birds – and either ate, or used for other purposes, many species of aquatic plants. Such practices placed them in the role of environmental modifiers, a role played by all human groups from both past and present. They built sophisticated fish traps, cut gaps in river banks to allow fish to move on to floodplains, and there is evidence that they practised a form of fish culture by creating small impoundments in which small fish could live and grow in normally ephemeral tributary streams away from predatory larger fish. Knowledge of the numbers of Aboriginal people inhabiting the riverine regions of the Murray‐Darling Basin are sketchy, but at times large groups congregated for cultural reasons, facilitating fishing with extensively engineered fish traps, such as that at Brewarrina, on the Barwon River in New South Wales. At other times, densities may have been about 0.5 person per river kilometre, although this was certainly not evenly distributed and the calculation postdated deaths from smallpox. From archaeological and anthropological evidence, aquatic fauna and flora would have constituted between about 30% and 100% of the diets of Indigenous people historically, depending on season and location. As such, Indigenous people were very much a part of the ecology of aquatic ecosystems and their effects may have been profound. Despite this, their role in influencing these ecosystems has largely been ignored by contemporary freshwater ecologists and managers. Current management practices do not seem to have considered the loss of this component of riverine ecosystems, and there is little debate about how the historical part that Indigenous people played in shaping these systems and their biota might be incorporated into management generally.  相似文献   

Summary Aboriginal people perceive land and water as equal components of country, and hold distinct perspectives on water relating to identity and attachment to place, environmental knowledge, resource security, and the exercise of custodial responsibilities to manage interrelated parts of customary estates. This paper documents Aboriginal perspectives from certain areas in northern Australia, defined as the region of tropical savannas stretching from Townsville to Broome, and offers a number of suggestions for improving current knowledge of Aboriginal values and Aboriginal participation rates in water and catchment management. The paper highlights the cultural significance of rivers and water in selected northern regions, and provides a preliminary outline of research and management priorities as determined by key north Australian Aboriginal land management organizations. Priorities include developing the capacity for collaborative aquatic resource management, conservation of traditional ecological knowledge, riparian resource inventories and threat assessment, as well as improved Aboriginal participation in catchment management and water policy. Although there is a strong north Australian focus to this paper, the issues raised are relevant to water and natural resource management policy throughout Australia.  相似文献   

The UK's publically available blood stem cell infrastructure has undergone significant transformation in recent years as umbilical cord blood has joined adult donors as a viable clinical stem cell source. This paper describes the development of a collaborative governance arrangement between the UK's two domestic providers of blood stem cells: a public body and a charity. The paper argues that the collaborators, who stand to benefit from the alignment, legitimize their work through appeals to public good. It suggests that appeals to buy British obscure an inevitable requirement to cultivate international, networked stem cell exchange; the paper also explores collaborators' reinforcement of a supposed connection between human leukocyte antigen tissue type and ethnicity through claiming that the UK's ethnic minorities face an “unmet need.” By way of this, the paper demonstrates the interconnection of collaborators' institutional interests with concerns for national health equity.  相似文献   

Recent trends in biobanking indicate that the practices associated with the collection and use of human tissue samples and related health information are increasingly becoming premised on networks of biobanks. These networks and partnerships often involve international collaborations, as well as public–private partnerships. This article reports on the results of a study of people's attitudes towards biobanking and the biomedical use of tissue samples in Finland. Three approaches were used to study these attitudes: a population-based survey, focus group interviews among members of patient organizations and short interviews with research participants. In particular, we look at the attitudes of respondents in these three studies towards the use of tissue samples and use them as a catalyst to discuss two dimensions of biomedical research: public/private and domestic/international. Our discussion highlights how notions of value related to the use of tissue samples vary and provide contrasting perspectives and ambiguity that people may have towards various types of research partnerships and the benefits that may arise from them.  相似文献   

1. Ten of the leading journals in the field of freshwater ecology were identified using the Science Citation Index’s Journal Citation Reports. These journals were surveyed to assess the levels and patterns of collaboration in research initiatives in regions of the Third World. Membership demographics of five professional societies in this field were also examined to elucidate distribution patterns of practitioners in the field. 2. In total, 8960 papers were surveyed, of which only forty were published in a language other than English. Senior authors came from 114 of the 130 different countries listed among authors’ addresses. Of these, forty-five were from Third World countries and sixty-nine from the First World. Five countries were responsible for 60.64% of the papers submitted; the United States = 25.65%; Canada = 11.55%; Australia = 10.15%; the United Kingdom = 6.73%; New Zealand = 6.56%. Multi-authored papers accounted for 73.05% of all papers. 3. Papers by authors from Third World countries accounted for only 10.93% of single-author papers and less than 10% of multi-authored papers. Collaboration was found in 73.05% of the papers surveyed, the vast majority of which (87.39%) was between authors from First World countries. Only 825 (9.21%) of the papers surveyed involved authors from different countries. Most of this collaboration (72.36%) was between authors from different First World countries. 4. Some 1038 papers surveyed included research undertaken in, or included authors from, Third World countries. The majority of these papers (69.08%) were submitted by authors from Third World countries, involving either multiple or single authorship. The third most common publication relating to research in Third World regions (17.4%) came from single-author papers in which the authors were from a First World country. Only four of the papers surveyed were submitted by single authors from Third World countries working in First World countries. 5. There is a disproportionate representation of taxonomic (20.3%) and marine (10.5%) papers from the Third World regions in comparison to both lentic (8.0%) and lotic (7.4%) papers. 6. Membership demographics of the professional societies surveyed continue to reflect the historical origins of freshwater ecology. More than 80% of members in the three largest societies examined are registered in Europe and North America, while membership of the remaining societies remains largely regional. 7. It is argued that present levels of collaboration and technology transfer from the First World to the Third World are inadequate and that, given the widening gulf in terms of personnel and resources, the future of essential research on inland waters in the Third World does not bode well unless in situ capacity building within Third World countries becomes a target of First World research and funding agencies.  相似文献   

Biomedical research relies increasingly on large collections of data sets and knowledge whose generation, representation and analysis often require large collaborative and interdisciplinary efforts. This dimension of 'big data' research calls for the development of computational tools to manage such a vast amount of data, as well as tools that can improve communication and access to information from collaborating researchers and from the wider community. Whenever research projects have a defined temporal scope, an additional issue of data management arises, namely how the knowledge generated within the project can be made available beyond its boundaries and life-time. DC-THERA is a European 'Network of Excellence' (NoE) that spawned a very large collaborative and interdisciplinary research community, focusing on the development of novel immunotherapies derived from fundamental research in dendritic cell immunobiology. In this article we introduce the DC-THERA Directory, which is an information system designed to support knowledge management for this research community and beyond. We present how the use of metadata and Semantic Web technologies can effectively help to organize the knowledge generated by modern collaborative research, how these technologies can enable effective data management solutions during and beyond the project lifecycle, and how resources such as the DC-THERA Directory fit into the larger context of e-science.  相似文献   

Ethics, a branch of philosophy, has a place in the regulatory framework of human subjects research. Sometimes, however, ethical concepts and arguments play a more central role in scientific activity. This can happen, for example, when violations of research norms are also ethical violations. In such a situation, ethical arguments can be marshaled to improve the quality of the scientific research. I explore two different examples in which philosophers and scientists have used ethical arguments to plead for epistemological improvements in the conduct of research. The first example deals with research dishonesty in pharmaceutical development. The second example is concerned with neuropsychological research using fMRI technology.  相似文献   

Eichhornia crassipes or water hyacinth is a free-floating plant, growing plentifully in the tropical water bodies. This invasive weed poses multiple hazards ranging from ecological and economical to social. It tends to endanger biodiversity, cause eutrophication, shelter pests, clog fresh waterways, affect agriculture and aquaculture, hamper shipping and recreational activities. Existing control methods have been insufficient to contain its aggressive propagation. Recently, it has been envisaged that successful utilization of this weed can solve the associated problems associated with them. It is being speculated that the huge biomass can be used in waste water treatment, heavy metal and dye remediation, as substrate for bioethanol and biogas production, electricity generation, industrial uses, human food and antioxidants, medicines, feed, agriculture and sustainable development. Towards this quest many approaches have been undertaken and partial success is achieved. If harnessed properly, this weed-based green technology can solve many of the issues our society faces now. In this context, the papers published in recent years have been reviewed, with the objective of creating public awareness and bolstering management and utilization of this cumbersome invasive weed.  相似文献   

Ecological management of aquatic plants: effects in lowland streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, a significant increase in macrophyte growth has been observed in many lowland rivers in Flanders, mainly due to eutrophication and an improvement of the water quality. This growth strongly influences the channel roughness (Manning-n). The first purpose of the project was a better understanding of the complex relationship between biomass development and discharge capacity in lowland rivers. In order to avoid the backing up of water upstream, the whole vegetation body is usually mowed annually. This project also investigated a lighter ecological management of aquatic plants in which only a part of the vegetation is removed in separate and alternating blocks, seeking a compromise between sufficient discharge and conserving large parts of the macrophyte vegetation with all its functions. Beside laboratory experiments, field survey was undertaken in the Grote Caliebeek, a tributary of the Kleine Nete in Flanders, Belgium. The results indicated that the presence of macrophytes in lowland rivers slowed down the waterflow and resulted in a raised water level. The upstream water level followed biomass development at a certain discharge level. The mowing experiments and the field survey indicated that alternating weed cutting patterns can reduce fall in an effective way. This research emphasizes the possibilities of alternating weed cutting patterns in order to deal with water flow problems. In the long term there will be the need for a better understanding of the ecological relationships in the search for a sustainable integrated method of controlling aquatic vegetation.  相似文献   

Chien S 《IEEE pulse》2012,3(4):35-41
The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) was established in 1961 as a new research university that emphasizes innovation, excellence, and interdisciplinary research and education. It has a School of Medicine (SOM) and the Jacobs School of Engineering (JSOE) in close proximity, and both schools have national rankings among the top 15. In 1991, with the support of the Whitaker Foundation, the Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering was formed to foster collaborations in research and education. In 2008, the university extended the collaboration further by establishing the Institute of Engineering in Medicine (IEM), with the mission of accelerating the discoveries of novel science and technology to enhance health care through teamwork between engineering and medicine, and facilitating the translation of innovative technologies for delivery to the public through clinical application and commercialization.  相似文献   

The need for effective collaboration tools is growing as multidisciplinary proteome-wide projects and distributed research teams become more common. The resulting data is often quite disparate, stored in separate locations, and not contextually related. Collaborative Molecular Modeling Environment (C-ME) is an interactive community-based collaboration system that allows researchers to organize information, visualize data on a two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) basis, and share and manage that information with collaborators in real time. C-ME stores the information in industry-standard databases that are immediately accessible by appropriate permission within the computer network directory service or anonymously across the internet through the C-ME application or through a web browser. The system addresses two important aspects of collaboration: context and information management. C-ME allows a researcher to use a 3-D atomic structure model or a 2-D image as a contextual basis on which to attach and share annotations to specific atoms or molecules or to specific regions of a 2-D image. These annotations provide additional information about the atomic structure or image data that can then be evaluated, amended or added to by other project members.  相似文献   

In 2011, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (UPSOM) and Tsinghua University formed a partnership to further the education of Tsinghua medical students. These students come to UPSOM as visiting research scholars for two years of their eight-year MD curriculum. During this time, the students, who have completed four years at Tsinghua, work full-time in medical school laboratories and research programs of their choice, essentially functioning as graduate students. In their first two months in Pittsburgh, the scholars have a one-week orientation to biomedical research, followed by two-week rotations in four labs selected on the basis of the scholars’ scientific interests, after which they choose one of these labs for the remainder of the two years. Selected labs may be in basic science departments, basic science divisions of clinical departments, or specialized centers that focus on approaches like simulation and modeling. The Tsinghua students also have a brief exposure to clinical medicine. UPSOM has also formed a similar partnership with Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine in Changsha, Hunan Province. The Xiangya students come to UPSOM for two years of research training after their sixth year and, thus, unlike the Tsinghua students, have already completed their clinical rotations. UPSOM faculty members have also paved the way for UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), UPSOM’s clinical partner, to engage with clinical centers in China. Major relationships involving advisory, training, managerial, and/or equity roles exist with Xiangya International Medical Center, KingMED Diagnostics, First Chengmei Medical Industry Group, and Macare Women’s Hospital. Both UPSOM and UPMC are actively exploring other clinical and academic opportunities in China.  相似文献   

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