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Global climate change is increasingly considered one of the major threats to tropical coastal fisheries, potentially undermining important revenue and food security provided by coral reef ecosystems. While there has been significant and increasing work on understanding specific effects of climate change on coral reef fishes, few studies have considered large-bodied fisheries target species, limiting understanding of the effects of climate change on tropical fisheries. This review focuses on coral grouper (Plectropomus spp., and mainly Plectropomus leopardus), which are heavily fished throughout the Indian and Pacific oceans, and represent an exemplar group to assess potential effects of climate change on coral reef fisheries. In experimental studies, P. leopardus appear to be extremely sensitive to increasing ocean temperature, exhibiting declines in survivorship, aerobic scope and activity with relatively moderate increases in temperature. As such, ongoing ocean warming may jeopardize the catchability of coral grouper and sustainability of reef-based fisheries, especially at low latitudes. Notably, a significant portion of wild stocks of P. leopardus are already exposed to temperatures (≥30 °C) that have been shown to compromise individual performance and body condition. While there are considerable knowledge gaps in predicting effects of global climate change on coral grouper, such as their capacity to avoid, acclimate or adapt to changes in local environmental conditions, current information suggests that there is cause for concern. As such, we take the formative steps to outline both ecological and socioeconomic adaptations that could reduce vulnerability of coral reef fisheries to climate impacts on stocks of coral grouper, using a linked socio-economic framework.  相似文献   

Bolbometopon muricatum, the largest species of parrotfish, is a functionally important species that is characterised by the formation of aggregations for foraging, reproductive, and sleeping behaviours. Aggregations are restricted to shallow reef habitats, the locations of which are often known to local fishers. Bolbometopon muricatum fisheries are therefore vulnerable to overfishing and are likely to exhibit hyperstability, the maintenance of high catch per unit effort (CPUE) while population abundance declines. In this study, we provide a clear demonstration of hyperstable dynamics in a commercial B. muricatum fishery in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands. Initially, we used participatory mapping to demarcate the Kia fishing grounds into nine zones that had experienced different historic levels of fishing pressure. We then conducted comprehensive underwater visual census (UVC) and CPUE surveys across these zones over a 21-month period in 2012–2013. The individual sites for replicate UVC surveys were selected using a generalised random tessellation stratified variable probability design, while CPUE surveys involved trained provincial fisheries officers and local spearfishers. A comparison of fishery-independent abundance data and fishery-dependent CPUE data indicate extreme hyperstability, with CPUE maintained as B. muricatum abundance declines towards zero. Hyperstability may explain the sudden collapses of many B. muricatum spear fisheries across the Pacific and highlights the limitations of using data-poor fisheries assessment methods to evaluate the status of commercially valuable coral reef fishes that form predicable aggregations.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Epinephelus morio (red grouper) and Mycteroperca bonaci (black grouper) were evaluated based on 533 specimens collected from artisanal fisheries landings in the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil, between May 2005 and September 2012. Sex ratio for the black grouper was 1:14 (n = 155 females and 11 males; 26.1–147 cm TL) and 1:10 for the red grouper (n = 334 females and 33 males; 15.0–96.0 cm TL). For both species, highest values of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) for females were recorded between July and October, indicating spawning during the austral winter. The length at first maturity (L50) for females was estimated at 62.0 and 47.0 cm TL for the black and red grouper, respectively. Batch fecundity based on TL and TW ranged from 2 to 15.4?106 and 1.5 to 13.7?106 for the black and red grouper, respectively. Interviews with experienced fishers revealed that spawning seasons of both groupers are largely unrecognized. Results demonstrate a positive relationship between GSI peaks, lower temperatures and stronger winds. The information provided herein may help decision-making regarding fisheries management and conservation for E. morio and M. bonaci at various levels of governance in the Abrolhos Bank, the region with the largest and richest coralline reefs in the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

In this study we compare the dynamics of artisanal fishery in two adjacent reserves located in the Brazilian Amazon, Mamirauá (being managed for more than 12 years) and Amanã (initiating a management process), through the record of 485 fish landings in one fishing community in each reserve during high and low water seasons in 2003. Our goals were, first, to make a rapid and comparative assessment of some main aspects of fisheries in these two communities (fish species caught, CPUE, fishing gear and habitats exploited). Second, we used such data to evaluate if management strategies already in place in Mamirauá would be also valid for Amanã. Third, we compared fishing CPUE between the two communities, in order to check if co-management measures have contributed, at least partially, to preclude over-fishing, maintaining a higher fishing reward in Mamirauá reserve. We analyzed fisheries directed to the two most important marketable fishes in the region: the pirarucu (Arapaimas gigas) and the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), besides those fisheries aimed to subsistence and lower valued fishes. Our results indicated that the tambaqui was intensively fished year-round in Mamirauá, while Amanã fishers caught a higher variety of fishes, including catfishes and migratory scale fishes. Such differences might reflect differences in gear used and habitat exploited by fishers during the high water season. Mamirauá fishers caught a higher fish biomass considering both marketable and all fishes. Differences in gear used, habitats exploited and fishes caught during high water season indicate that distinct management initiatives might apply for each reserve. Notwithstanding their differences, both communities exploited the commercial fishes (tambaqui and pirarucu) in a similar way during the low water season. Therefore, the higher mean fishing yield (CPUE) observed in Mamirauá may be partially attributable to co-management measures, considering that Mamirauá has possibly been experiencing a higher fishing intensity than Amanã. Fishing related data are seldom available in Brazil and other tropical developing countries. We thus provided a framework of fast assessment of fishing dynamics, which may represent a first and useful step for management initiatives in the absence of more detailed data.  相似文献   

Invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles complex) now permeate the entire tropical western Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico, but lionfish abundance has been measured only in select locations in the field. Despite its rapid range expansion, a comprehensive meta-population analysis of lionfish ‘sources’ and ‘sinks’ and consequentially the invader’s potential abundance and impacts on economically important, sympatric reef fishes have not been assessed. These data are urgently needed to spatially direct control efforts and to plan for and perhaps mitigate lionfish-caused damage. Here, we use a biophysical computer model to: (1) forecast larval lionfish sources and sinks that are also delineated as low to high lionfish ‘density zones’ throughout their invaded range, and (2) assess the potential vulnerability of five grouper and snapper species—Epinephelus morio, Mycteroperca microlepis, Epinephelus flavolimbatus, Lutjanus campechanus, and Rhomboplites aurorubens—to lionfish within these density zones in the Gulf of Mexico. Our results suggest that the west Florida shelf and nearshore waters of Texas, USA, and Guyana, South America, function both as lionfish sources and sinks and should be a high priority for targeted lionfish control. Furthermore, of the five groupers and snappers studied, the high fishery value E. morio (red grouper) is the Gulf of Mexico species most at risk from lionfish. Lacking a comprehensive lionfish control policy, these risk exposure data inform managers where removals should be focused and demonstrate the risk to five sympatric native groupers and snappers in the Gulf of Mexico that may be susceptible to dense lionfish aggregations, should control efforts fail.  相似文献   

Stegastes fuscus and Epinephelus marginatus are known for co-habiting shelters. The damselfish S. fuscus uses the territory for nesting and must protect its eggs from grazers; the grouper E. marginatus is an omnivorous sit-and-wait predator. This study aims to evaluate the effect of juvenile groupers on the reproductive success of the Brazilian damsel. Twenty-five hours of underwater observations were done in São Sebastião and Ilhabela, Northern shore of São Paulo, Brazil. Fitness increase was measured by the egg-clutch area and number of contributing females in 130 nests shared by groupers and another 130 where damselfishes stood alone. An egg predator crab was placed into the damselfish territory, and behavioural responses during 2 min were recorded for nests with or without E. marginatus, 80 replicates each. Nests shared by the dusky groupers had more eggs and received eggs from more females too. While fathers who were alone in the territory had to deal with the egg predator crab, in shared nests, the grouper would take care of the intruder, sometimes feeding on it. Therefore, the Brazilian damsel may benefit from the presence of the dusky grouper by increasing the fitness and diminishing the costs of parental care.  相似文献   

Life-stage-based management of marine fishes requires information on juvenile habitat preferences to ensure sustainable population demographics. This is especially important in the Arctic region given very little is known about the life histories of many native species, yet exploitation by developing commercial and artisanal fisheries is increasing as the ice extent decreases. Through scientific surveys and bycatch data from gillnet fisheries, we document captures of rarely reported juvenile Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus; ≤200 cm total length [TL]) during the ice-free period in the Canadian Arctic. A total of 22 juvenile animals (42 % of total catch; n = 54), including the smallest reliably measured individual of 117 cm TL, were caught on scientific longlines and bottom trawls in Scott Inlet and Sam Ford Trough over three consecutive years. Molecular genetic nuclear markers confirmed species identity for 44 of these sharks sampled; however, two sharks including a juvenile of 150 cm TL were identified as carrying a Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) haplotype. This represents the first record of a Pacific sleeper shark genetic signature in Greenland sharks in Eastern Arctic waters. Juvenile sharks caught as bycatch in gillnet fisheries were only observed offshore in Baffin Bay surrounding a fishery closure area, while larger subadult and mature Greenland sharks (>200 cm TL) were caught in all fishing locations, including areas where juveniles were observed. The repeatable occurrence of juvenile Greenland sharks in a fjord and their presence at two offshore sites indicates that these smaller animals either reside in nurseries or have defined home ranges in both coastal and offshore regions or undertake large-scale inshore–offshore movements.  相似文献   

Apex predators often have strong top-down effects on ecosystem components and are therefore a priority for conservation and management. Due to their large size and conspicuous predatory behaviour, reef sharks are typically assumed to be apex predators, but their functional role is yet to be confirmed. In this study, we used stomach contents and stable isotopes to estimate diet, trophic position and carbon sources for three common species of reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, Carcharhinus melanopterus and C. amblyrhynchos) from the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) and evaluated their assumed functional role as apex predators by qualitative and quantitative comparisons with other sharks and large predatory fishes. We found that reef sharks do not occupy the apex of coral reef food chains, but instead have functional roles similar to those of large predatory fishes such as snappers, emperors and groupers, which are typically regarded as high-level mesopredators. We hypothesise that a degree of functional redundancy exists within this guild of predators, potentially explaining why shark-induced trophic cascades are rare or subtle in coral reef ecosystems. We also found that reef sharks participate in multiple food webs (pelagic and benthic) and are sustained by multiple sources of primary production. We conclude that large conspicuous predators, be they elasmobranchs or any other taxon, should not axiomatically be regarded as apex predators without thorough analysis of their diet. In the case of reef sharks, our dietary analyses suggest they should be reassigned to an alternative trophic group such as high-level mesopredators. This change will facilitate improved understanding of how reef communities function and how removal of predators (e.g., via fishing) might affect ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

Globally, habitat degradation is altering the abundance and diversity of species in a variety of ecosystems. This study aimed to determine how habitat degradation, in terms of changing coral composition under climate change, affected abundance, species richness and aggressive behaviour of juveniles of three damselfishes (Pomacentrus moluccensis, P. amboinensis and Dischistodus perspicillatus, in order of decreasing reliance on coral). Patch reefs were constructed to simulate two types of reefs: present-day reefs that are vulnerable to climate-induced coral bleaching, and reefs with more bleaching-robust coral taxa, thereby simulating the likely future of coral reefs under a warming climate. Fish communities were allowed to establish naturally on the reefs during the summer recruitment period. Climate-robust reefs had lower total species richness of coral-reef fishes than climate-vulnerable reefs, but total fish abundance was not significantly different between reef types (pooled across all species and life-history stages). The nature of aggressive interactions, measured as the number of aggressive chases, varied according to coral composition; on climate-robust reefs, juveniles used the substratum less often to avoid aggression from competitors, and interspecific aggression became relatively more frequent than intraspecific aggression for juveniles of the coral-obligate P. moluccensis. This study highlights the importance of coral composition as a determinant of behaviour and diversity of coral-reef fishes.  相似文献   

The orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, is one of the most popular fish in China and Southeast Asian countries because of its important economic value. However, molecular mechanism underlying the growth of orange-spotted grouper has never been fully understood. Herein, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on a natural population of 198 individuals aiming to screen the whole genome of orange-spotted grouper for identification of growth-related loci by restrictionsite associated DNA sequencing. In this research, 261,366 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were developed, in which 110 SNPs were identified to be correlated with growth and 20 SNPs were further confirmed to be associated with both body weight and total length. From these identified SNPs, we annotated a total of 34 genes, including adgrb2, csnkza1, cers5, col22a1, creb5, dnd1, dzank1, dnai1, npy2r, fat3, lrrk2, lrp5, map3k9, and so on. Among these candidate genes, npy2r (neuropeptide Y receptor Y2) was reported to play a critical role in growth of the orange-spotted grouper. In addition, population structure, principal component analysis, kinship matrix and linkage disequilibrium were examined to verify the accuracy and reliability of our GWAS results. Our data will also provide a valuable genetic resource for further marker-assisted selection program to improve growth quality in groupers.  相似文献   

Deep-water tropical fishes support locally significant commercial fisheries, high value recreational fisheries, and culturally and economically important artisanal and subsistence fisheries throughout the Indo-Pacific region. The main species captured by these fisheries are deep-water snappers (Lutjanidae), groupers (Epinephelidae), and emperors (Lethrinidae). Quantitative assessments of deep-water tropical fisheries have been limited by a lack of adequate biological and fisheries data. We review the biology and ecology of deep-water tropical fishes, discuss the implications for assessment and management of tropical deep-water fisheries, and provide perspectives on future research priorities. We found that biological and fisheries information is lacking for the majority of deep-water tropical fishes. Furthermore, many studies were constrained by low samples sizes and the use of methods that have not been validated or verified. Most species for which reliable information was available were reported to have extended longevities (>20 years), low rates of natural mortality (M < 0.15), and slow to modest growth rates (K = 0.12–0.25). These life history traits indicate a low production potential for many deep-water tropical fishes, and suggest that sustainable exploitation rates and potential yields may be low. There is a need for more representative and adequate studies of deep-water tropical fishes and for improved fisheries data collection and the use of consistent methods in addition to information sharing to facilitate the development of robust data-poor assessment techniques for these species.  相似文献   

Based on the materials of investigations conducted for 20 years (1995?2015), the features of biology of the common fish species of the family Cottidae from the northwestern Bering Sea are studied. These species are found during summer and fall in the waters of the Olyutorsky-Navarin region. The size–age parameters of the fishes collected with different fishing gears, as well as the features of their body length and body weight dynamics, spawning time, and spawning conditions, are described. The largest exemplars of shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus verrucosus and staghorn sculpins, armorhead sculpin Gymnocanthus galeatus and G. detrisus, are recorded in the catches of snurrevads, while the fishes caught in trawls are characterized by smaller size. Interannual variability of the size composition of the fish is related to the abundance of certain generations or to the fishery directed to different associations of sculpins. In the coastal waters, comparatively low average body size is usual for the majority of common sculpin species (with the exception of lords, yellow Irish lord H. jordani and Gilbert’s Irish lord H. gilberti) because of the dominance of juveniles.  相似文献   

Parasites account for over half of the biodiversity on coral reefs, yet their ecological impacts are poorly understood. Cymothoid isopods of the genus Anilocra are large, conspicuous ectoparasites of coral reef fishes. French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum) and brown chromis (Chromis multilineata) are commonly infected by Anilocra spp. in the Caribbean. These fishes play a significant role in trophic connectivity through their foraging and activity patterns, and Anilocra spp. infection has been reported to influence the trophic interactions of some fishes. Yet, how these changes manifest physiologically has not been quantified. Thus to determine the energetic effects of Anilocra spp. on French grunt and brown chromis, the relationships between Anilocra spp. infection and condition factor, percent moisture in the muscle tissue, total muscle tissue calories, and gut content volume were examined. The results of these analyses revealed that A. haemuli-infected French grunt had greater percent moisture in the muscle tissue but similar condition scores, calorie values, and gut content volumes compared to uninfected conspecifics. By comparison, Anilocra chromis-infected brown chromis had reduced condition factor, but similar percent moisture in the muscle tissue and total muscle tissue calories, as compared to uninfected conspecifics. This study provides evidence that infection by parasites of the same genus and within the same localities can have differential effects on fish host species, such that generalizations about the effects of parasitism across and within genera should be made cautiously.  相似文献   

Predatory fishes play critical roles in the trophodynamics of coral reefs, and the biomass of predatory fish can be a strong determinant of the structure of reef fish assemblages. In this study, we used variations in predator biomass between management zones on the Great Barrier Reef to examine how predators influence the biomass, mortality, condition, and reproductive potential of a common prey species Scolopsis bilineatus (bridled monocle bream; Nemipteridae). Despite no numerical differences in biomass or mortality, we found significant differences in a variety of demographic traits for S. bilineatus between multiple areas of high and low predator biomass. The size-at-age, condition, and reproductive potential of fish were reduced in marine reserves where predator biomass was high. The response of fish to predators was highly sex dependent; females suffered the greatest reductions in condition and reproductive potential. This study supports the notion that predators can play important roles in regulating prey dynamics and emphasises the importance of understanding top-down control by predators when considering fisheries management techniques and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in southwestern Caspian Sea coastal area to elucidate demersal bony fishes distribution and abundance. Twenty two species were found in shore line, which belong to 6 families. In deeper waters down to 7 meters only 5 species of Gobiidae and 1 species of Syngnathidae were identified. Two species Neogobius caspius and N. pallasi were the main components of demersal fishes; however in some regions Rutilus caspicus, Rutilus kutum and Liza spp. were dominated. Most places were dominantly occupied by Atherina boyeri, which had the highest abundance among the pelagic fishes. Conversely, the Ponticola gorlap, N. melanostomus and Proterorhinus nasalis showed the lowest abundances (less than 1 ind./100 m2). Benthophilus stellatus and P. nasali had the lowest niche overlaps with other species. Both of these two species and P. gorlap are suggested to be classified as endangered or vulnerable species based on their low abundance. The distribution of Syngnathus abaster depends on algae, while algae grow up into the stony construction of the coastal line. A negative insignificant correlation was observed between pelagic and demersal fish abundances. The commercial fisheries data of 76 beach seines in our study area during 2002–2013 was compared with our results on fish abundance and species composition. More than 93% of total fish catch constituted Liza spp. and Rutilus kutum. The relationship between the abundance and distribution of the studied species, and the restocking activities performed by Iranian fisheries organization are discussed. The high abundance and distribution of small size fish in tidal zone could be related to the distribution of crustacean, which provide a good source of food for these fish species.  相似文献   

McClanahan TR 《Oecologia》2008,155(1):169-177
The hypothesis that herbivory is higher in areas without fishing and will increase the rate at which hard coral communities return to pre-disturbance conditions was tested in and out of the marine protected areas (MPA) of Kenya after the 1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Herbivory was estimated by assay and biomass methods, and both methods indicated higher herbivory in fishery closures. Despite higher herbivory, the effect of the ENSO disturbance was larger within these closures, with reefs undergoing a temporary transition from dominance by hard and soft coral to a temporary dominance of turf and erect algae that ended in the dominance of calcifying algae, massive Porites, Pocillopora and a few faviids six years after the disturbance. The fished reefs changed the least but had a greater cover of turf and erect algae and sponge shortly after the disturbance. Higher herbivory in the fishery closures reduced the abundance and persistence of herbivore-susceptible erect algae and created space and appropriate substratum for recruiting corals. Nonetheless, other post-settlement processes may have had strong influences such that annual rates of coral recovery were low (~2%) and not different between the management regimes. Recovery, as defined as and measured by the return to pre-disturbance coral cover and the dominant taxa, was slower in fishery closures than unmanaged reefs.  相似文献   

The abundance of many reef fish species varies with depth, but the demographic processes influencing this pattern remain unclear. Furthermore, while the distribution of highly specialized reef fish often closely matches that of their habitat, it is unclear whether changes in distribution patterns over depth are the result of changes in habitat availability or independent depth-related changes in population parameters such as recruitment and mortality. Here, we show that depth-related patterns in the distribution of the coral-associated goby, Paragobiodon xanthosoma, are strongly related to changes in recruitment and performance (growth and survival). Depth-stratified surveys showed that while the coral host, Seriatopora hystrix, extended into deeper water (>20 m), habitat use by P. xanthosoma declined with depth and both adult and juvenile P. xanthosoma were absent below 20 m. Standardization of S. hystrix abundance at three depths (5, 15 and 30 m) demonstrated that recruitment of P. xanthosoma was not determined by the availability of its habitat. Reciprocal transplantation of P. xanthosoma to S. hystrix colonies among three depths (5, 15 and 30 m) then established that individual performance (survival and growth) was lowest in deeper water; mortality was three times higher and growth greatly reduced in individuals transplanted to 30 m. Individuals collected from 15 m also exhibited growth rates 50% lower than fish from shallow depths. These results indicate that the depth distribution of this species is limited not by the availability of its coral habitat, but by demographic costs associated with living in deeper water.  相似文献   

Hybridisation is a significant evolutionary process that until recently was considered rare in the marine environment. A suture zone in the eastern Indian Ocean is home to numerous hybridising sister species, providing an ideal opportunity to determine how hybridisation affects speciation and biodiversity in coral reef fishes. At this location, hybridisation between two grouper (Epinephelidae) species: Cephalopholis urodeta (Pacific Ocean) and C. nigripinnis (Indian Ocean) was investigated to determine the genetic basis of hybridisation and to compare the ecology and life history of hybrids and their parent species. This approach aimed to provide insights into the taxonomic and evolutionary consequences of hybridisation. Despite clear phenotypic differences, multiple molecular markers revealed hybrids, and their parent species were genetically homogenous within and (thousands of kilometres) outside of the hybrid zone. Hybrids were at least as fit as their parent species (in terms of growth, reproduction, and abundance) and were observed in a broad range of intermediate phenotypes. The two species appear to be interbreeding at Christmas Island due to inherent biological and ecological compatibilities, and the lack of genetic structure may be explained by three potential scenarios: (1) hybridisation and introgression; (2) discordance between morphology and genetics; and (3) incomplete lineage sorting. Further molecular analyses are necessary to discriminate these scenarios. Regardless of which applies, C. urodeta and C. nigripinnis are unlikely to evolve in reproductive isolation as they cohabit where they are common (Christmas Island) and will source congeneric mates where they are rare (Cocos Keeling Islands). Our results add to the growing body of evidence that hybridisation among coral reef fishes is a dynamic evolutionary factor.  相似文献   

Estuaries are composed of multiple interconnected habitat types used by transient fish species during their period of estuarine residency. Structural marsh management restricts habitat connectivity and impedes the movement of fishes among these habitat types by limiting access via water control structures (WCSs) between the managed area and the rest of the estuary. While some general information on fish passage rates is available, species-specific information on passage through WCSs is lacking for salt marsh fishes. We monitored tagged fishes from March 2012 through November 2013 using passive integrated transponder antenna arrays at two identical WCSs in the Calcasieu Lake estuary, Louisiana, USA, to assess the effect of slotted WCSs on fish behavior. A total of 420 individuals of 15 species was tagged and released at the WCSs; of these, 145 individuals representing 11 species were later detected at the WCSs. Five species comprised most (93%) of the detected individuals: Elops saurus (n = 60), Mugil cephalus (n = 43), Sciaenops ocellatus (n = 20), Pogonias cromis (n = 7), and Ariopsis felis (n = 5). Passage rates were low, with most of the observed fishes (n = 80) passing only once through the structures. Other than E. saurus, which was only observed migrating out of the managed marsh, no clear pattern in swimming direction was observed for the other species. Detected species were all present primarily during the summer and fall, however, diel activity at the structures varied by species. The WCSs in our study area appeared to attract and congregate fishes, functioning more like ecological hotspots, rather than simply facilitating fish passage.  相似文献   

Trachurus trachurus and Trachurus mediterraneus play an important role in the marine ecosystem and represent an important source of income for local economies related to fishery. This study aimed to improve the knowledge on the spatial distribution and habitat requirements of these two horse mackerels in the south-central Mediterranean Sea (Strait of Sicily) by applying specie distribution models. Species’ biomass HotSpots, areas where the highest abundances are concentrated, were modelled as a function of physical and oceanographic parameters. Predictive distribution maps were produced to identify species-specific spatial patterns and possible overlapping in the distribution areas of the two congeneric species. Depth, bottom salinity, bottom sea temperature, sea surface temperature variation and slope were the main drivers for horse mackerels habitat suitability. Predictive distribution maps revealed a clear spatial segregation between biomass HotSpots of the two species, which depends on complex abiotic and biotic relationships. Since horse mackerels are the main component of discards produced by deep rose shrimp fishery in the Strait of Sicily and due to the importance of discard reduction in the current fishery policies, the results can provide important information for setting up spatial-based management strategies for the Strait of Sicily fisheries aimed in particular at minimizing unwanted by-catches.  相似文献   

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