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Estuaries are composed of multiple interconnected habitat types used by transient fish species during their period of estuarine residency. Structural marsh management restricts habitat connectivity and impedes the movement of fishes among these habitat types by limiting access via water control structures (WCSs) between the managed area and the rest of the estuary. While some general information on fish passage rates is available, species-specific information on passage through WCSs is lacking for salt marsh fishes. We monitored tagged fishes from March 2012 through November 2013 using passive integrated transponder antenna arrays at two identical WCSs in the Calcasieu Lake estuary, Louisiana, USA, to assess the effect of slotted WCSs on fish behavior. A total of 420 individuals of 15 species was tagged and released at the WCSs; of these, 145 individuals representing 11 species were later detected at the WCSs. Five species comprised most (93%) of the detected individuals: Elops saurus (n = 60), Mugil cephalus (n = 43), Sciaenops ocellatus (n = 20), Pogonias cromis (n = 7), and Ariopsis felis (n = 5). Passage rates were low, with most of the observed fishes (n = 80) passing only once through the structures. Other than E. saurus, which was only observed migrating out of the managed marsh, no clear pattern in swimming direction was observed for the other species. Detected species were all present primarily during the summer and fall, however, diel activity at the structures varied by species. The WCSs in our study area appeared to attract and congregate fishes, functioning more like ecological hotspots, rather than simply facilitating fish passage.  相似文献   

Global climate change is increasingly considered one of the major threats to tropical coastal fisheries, potentially undermining important revenue and food security provided by coral reef ecosystems. While there has been significant and increasing work on understanding specific effects of climate change on coral reef fishes, few studies have considered large-bodied fisheries target species, limiting understanding of the effects of climate change on tropical fisheries. This review focuses on coral grouper (Plectropomus spp., and mainly Plectropomus leopardus), which are heavily fished throughout the Indian and Pacific oceans, and represent an exemplar group to assess potential effects of climate change on coral reef fisheries. In experimental studies, P. leopardus appear to be extremely sensitive to increasing ocean temperature, exhibiting declines in survivorship, aerobic scope and activity with relatively moderate increases in temperature. As such, ongoing ocean warming may jeopardize the catchability of coral grouper and sustainability of reef-based fisheries, especially at low latitudes. Notably, a significant portion of wild stocks of P. leopardus are already exposed to temperatures (≥30 °C) that have been shown to compromise individual performance and body condition. While there are considerable knowledge gaps in predicting effects of global climate change on coral grouper, such as their capacity to avoid, acclimate or adapt to changes in local environmental conditions, current information suggests that there is cause for concern. As such, we take the formative steps to outline both ecological and socioeconomic adaptations that could reduce vulnerability of coral reef fisheries to climate impacts on stocks of coral grouper, using a linked socio-economic framework.  相似文献   

Reproduction of tropical species beyond their geographic range associated with ocean warming is regarded as the key indicator of a range shift. However, the lack of historical breeding records poses challenges for detecting distinct range shifts of tropical fishes. To obtain baseline data of the current status of the occurrence and breeding activity of tropical pomacentrid and apogonid fishes in ocean warming hotspots of temperate reefs (Kochi and Wakayama, 33°N) of Japan, we conducted a two-year underwater visual survey and synthesized those data with recently published information. By combining data from the present as well as past studies, the results confirmed the occurrence of 52 pomacentrid and 34 apogonid species, whereas breeding activity was confirmed for 19 and 16 species, respectively. Species richness and abundance of recruitment periphery and breeding active species were high at the warmer site adjacent to the Kuroshio Current. Most observed species were found beyond their known geographic range. Some species showing active breeding were widespread tropical fishes (e.g., Amphiprion clarkii, Pomacentrus coelestis and Apogon notatus) and probably have established breeding populations irrespective of recent global warming. The winter sea water temperature around the study sites will continue to rise, increasing by >2 °C by the end of the century; therefore, our results are highly relevant and represent the first step to elucidate the potential range extension of tropical fishes into temperate reefs with climate change.  相似文献   

Life-stage-based management of marine fishes requires information on juvenile habitat preferences to ensure sustainable population demographics. This is especially important in the Arctic region given very little is known about the life histories of many native species, yet exploitation by developing commercial and artisanal fisheries is increasing as the ice extent decreases. Through scientific surveys and bycatch data from gillnet fisheries, we document captures of rarely reported juvenile Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus; ≤200 cm total length [TL]) during the ice-free period in the Canadian Arctic. A total of 22 juvenile animals (42 % of total catch; n = 54), including the smallest reliably measured individual of 117 cm TL, were caught on scientific longlines and bottom trawls in Scott Inlet and Sam Ford Trough over three consecutive years. Molecular genetic nuclear markers confirmed species identity for 44 of these sharks sampled; however, two sharks including a juvenile of 150 cm TL were identified as carrying a Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) haplotype. This represents the first record of a Pacific sleeper shark genetic signature in Greenland sharks in Eastern Arctic waters. Juvenile sharks caught as bycatch in gillnet fisheries were only observed offshore in Baffin Bay surrounding a fishery closure area, while larger subadult and mature Greenland sharks (>200 cm TL) were caught in all fishing locations, including areas where juveniles were observed. The repeatable occurrence of juvenile Greenland sharks in a fjord and their presence at two offshore sites indicates that these smaller animals either reside in nurseries or have defined home ranges in both coastal and offshore regions or undertake large-scale inshore–offshore movements.  相似文献   

In this study we compare the dynamics of artisanal fishery in two adjacent reserves located in the Brazilian Amazon, Mamirauá (being managed for more than 12 years) and Amanã (initiating a management process), through the record of 485 fish landings in one fishing community in each reserve during high and low water seasons in 2003. Our goals were, first, to make a rapid and comparative assessment of some main aspects of fisheries in these two communities (fish species caught, CPUE, fishing gear and habitats exploited). Second, we used such data to evaluate if management strategies already in place in Mamirauá would be also valid for Amanã. Third, we compared fishing CPUE between the two communities, in order to check if co-management measures have contributed, at least partially, to preclude over-fishing, maintaining a higher fishing reward in Mamirauá reserve. We analyzed fisheries directed to the two most important marketable fishes in the region: the pirarucu (Arapaimas gigas) and the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), besides those fisheries aimed to subsistence and lower valued fishes. Our results indicated that the tambaqui was intensively fished year-round in Mamirauá, while Amanã fishers caught a higher variety of fishes, including catfishes and migratory scale fishes. Such differences might reflect differences in gear used and habitat exploited by fishers during the high water season. Mamirauá fishers caught a higher fish biomass considering both marketable and all fishes. Differences in gear used, habitats exploited and fishes caught during high water season indicate that distinct management initiatives might apply for each reserve. Notwithstanding their differences, both communities exploited the commercial fishes (tambaqui and pirarucu) in a similar way during the low water season. Therefore, the higher mean fishing yield (CPUE) observed in Mamirauá may be partially attributable to co-management measures, considering that Mamirauá has possibly been experiencing a higher fishing intensity than Amanã. Fishing related data are seldom available in Brazil and other tropical developing countries. We thus provided a framework of fast assessment of fishing dynamics, which may represent a first and useful step for management initiatives in the absence of more detailed data.  相似文献   

Fishermen’s local knowledge of fishing resources may be an important source of information to improve artisanal tropical fisheries management, such as those found in Brazil, where most data on fish biology is lacking. We aim to study the local ecological knowledge that Brazilian coastal fishers have about reproductive aspects (season, places and migration) of 13 coastal fish species of commercial importance. We selected fishermen with more than 30 years of fishing practice and we interviewed a total of 67 fishermen: 29 from the southeastern coast, from the communities of Puruba, Almada, Picinguaba and Bertioga, and 38 from the northeastern coast, from the communities of Valença, Arembepe and Porto Sauípe. In the interviews, we used standardized questionnaires and showed photos of fish species. Our results indicate some general patterns in fishes’ reproduction according to fishermen knowledge: fish species spawn in open ocean, near reefs or in coastal rivers (estuaries); some fishes reproduce during the summer and others in winter, while some have more defined spawning months. The main fish migratory patterns mentioned by interviewees were: long migrations along the coast, usually in the South to North direction, short migrations among reefs, fishes that do not migrate, migrations between the shore and open ocean and migrations between the sea and coastal rivers. Fishermen’s knowledge differed among fish species: most fishermen did not know spawning places or seasons of large pelagic fishes, which raised concerns of their possible depletion. We compared such ethnoichthyological information with available scientific data, indicating promising insights about reproduction and migration of Brazilian coastal fishes. Data gathered from local fishermen may provide inexpensive and prompt information, potentially applicable to fisheries management. Our approach might be useful to several other small-scale fisheries, especially the tropical ones, where there is a high diversity of target species and a low biological and ecological knowledge about these species.  相似文献   

Growth rates of deep-water corals provide important information on the recovery potential of these ecosystems, for example from fisheries-induced impacts. Here, we present in situ growth dynamics that are currently largely unknown for deep-water octocorals, calculated by applying a non-destructive method. Videos of a boulder harbouring multiple colonies of Paragorgia arborea and Primnoa resedaeformis in the Northeast Channel Coral Conservation Area at the entrance to the Gulf of Maine at 863 m depth were collected in 2006, 2010 and 2014. Photogrammetric reconstructions of the boulder and the fauna yielded georeferenced 3D models for all sampling years. Repeated measurements of total length and cross-sectional area of the same colonies allowed the observation of growth dynamics. Growth rates of total length of Paragorgia arborea decreased over time with higher rates between 2006 and 2010 than between 2010 and 2014, while growth rates of cross-sectional area remained comparatively constant. A general trend of decreasing growth rates of total length with size of the coral colony was documented. While no growth was observed for the largest colony (165 cm in length) between 2010 and 2014, a colony 50–65 cm in length grew 3.7 cm yr?1 between 2006 and 2010. Minimum growth rates of 1.6–2.7 cm yr?1 were estimated for two recruits (<23 cm in 2014) of Primnoa resedaeformis. We successfully extracted biologically meaningful data from photogrammetric models and present the first in situ growth rates for these coral species in the Northwest Atlantic.  相似文献   

Coral grouper (genus Plectropomus), or coral trout, are members of the grouper family (Epinephelidae) and are one of the largest and most conspicuous predatory fishes on Indo-Pacific coral reefs. They are highly-prized food fishes that are targeted by subsistence, artisanal, commercial and recreational fisheries throughout their geographic range. Plectropomus have broadly similar diets and habitat requirements to other tropical groupers, but typically have faster growth and higher natural mortality rates. Although these characteristics are expected to increase population turnover and reduce innate vulnerability to environmental and anthropogenic impacts relative to other groupers, many Plectropomus populations are in decline due to the combined effects of overfishing and habitat degradation. In many locations, stock depletion from uncontrolled fishing, particularly at spawning aggregation sites, has resulted in local fishery collapse. Therefore, improved management of wild populations is urgently required to ensure conservation and sustainable fisheries of Plectropomus. Where possible, a combination of no-take marine reserves, market-based management approaches, and allocation or resurrection of property rights systems are recommended to complement conventional fishery management actions that limit catch and effort. Additional investment in aquaculture propagation is also needed to reduce fishing pressure on wild stocks and support management initiatives. This global synthesis of information pertaining to the biology, fisheries and management of Plectropomus will assist in guiding future management actions that are attempting to address a range of stressors including fishing, reef habitat degradation, and the escalating effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Feeding habits determine many aspects of living organisms, where it lives, the time of day that it is active, energy flow, biomass consumed and intra- and interspecific interactions, it which provides information to make predictions about the effects of fisheries on predator-prey relationships. Accurate predictions require a thorough understanding of predator diets and prey selection. In this study, specimens of the crevalle jack Caranx caninus were obtained between October 2012 and October 2014 in the SE Gulf of California, Mexico, in order to determine its feeding habits and prey selection. A total of 238 specimens were obtained, of which 94 (39.5%) had stomachs containing food and 144 (60.5%) had empty stomachs. A total of 10 prey items were identified, corresponding to seven families that included fishes, crustaceans and cephalopods. According to the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) the most important prey were Anchoa spp. (IRI = 91.2%), Engraulis mordax (IRI = 1.8%), and fish from the Clupeidae family (IRI = 1.0%). The crevalle jack’s diet did not change with the season (warm or cold). The crevalle jack was considered a tertiary predator (trophic level = 4.3) that tends to feed on a reduced number of prey, characterizing it as a specialist and selective predator of engraulid fishes (Levin’s index, Bi = 0.08; E = 0.6).  相似文献   

Growth models describe the change in length or weight as a function of age. Growth curves in tunas can take different forms from relatively simple von Bertalanffy growth curves (Atlantic bluefin, albacore tunas) to more complex two- or three-stanza growth curves (yellowfin, bigeye, skipjack, southern bluefin tunas). We reviewed the growth of the principal market tunas (albacore, bigeye, skipjack, yellowfin and the three bluefin tuna species) in all oceans to ascertain the different growth rates among tuna species and their implications for population productivity and resilience. Tunas are among the fastest-growing of all fishes. Compared to other species, tunas exhibit rapid growth (i.e., relatively high K) and achieve large body sizes (i.e., high L ). A comparison of their growth functions reveals that tunas have evolved different growth strategies. Tunas attain asymptotic sizes (L ), ranging from 75 cm FL (skipjack tuna) to 400 cm FL (Atlantic bluefin tuna), and reach L at different rates (K), varying from 0.95 year?1 (skipjack tuna) to 0.05 year?1 (Atlantic bluefin tuna). Skipjack tuna (followed by yellowfin tuna) is considered the “fastest growing” species of all tunas. Growth characteristics have important implications for population dynamics and fisheries management outcomes since tunas, and other fish species, with faster growth rates generally support higher estimates of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) than species with slower growth rates.  相似文献   

It is well documented that phosphorus (P) input stimulates biological nitrogen (N) fixation (BNF) in tropical forests with non-legume trees. However, in tropical legume forests with soil N enrichment and P deficiency, the effects of P availability and its combination with N on BNF remain poorly understood. In this study, we measured BNF rate in different compartments, i.e., bulk soil, forest floor, rhizosphere, and nodules, in two tropical plantations with legume trees Acacia auriculiformis (AA) versus non-legume trees Eucalyptus urophylla, (EU) in southern China after 4 years of P addition and combined N and P additions. The objective was to investigate how P addition and its combination with N addition regulate BNF in a tropical legume plantation, and to compare the effects with those in a non-legume plantation. Our results showed that total BNF rates were significantly higher in the P-addition plots than in the control plots by 27.4 ± 4.3 and 23.3 ± 1.7 % in the EU and AA plantations, respectively. Total BNF rates were significantly higher in the NP-addition plots than in the control plots by 27.7  ± 5.0 and 8.5 ± 1.4 % in the EU and AA plantations, respectively, which contrasted to our previous result that total BNF rates were significantly lower in N-addition plots than in the control plots in the AA plantation. These findings suggest that P input can stimulate BNF in tropical forest biome dominated by legume trees, even in consideration of elevated atmospheric N deposition. Thus, our study revealed the important role of P in regulating biological N input, which should be taken into account in the modeling of biogeochemical cycles in the future.  相似文献   

Many areas of tropical rainforest have been fragmented and the habitat quality of fragments is often poor. For example, on Borneo, many forest fragments are highly degraded by repeated logging of Dipterocarpaceae trees prior to fragmentation, and we examined the viability of enrichment planting as a potential management tool to enhance the conservation value of these forest fragments. We planted seedlings of three dipterocarp species with contrasting light demands and tolerances (Parashorea malaanonan (light demander), Dryobalanops lanceolata (intermediate), Hopea nervosa (shade tolerant)) in eight forest fragment sites (3–3529 ha), and compared seedling performance with four sites in continuous forest. Eighteen months after planting, survival rates of seedlings were equally high in fragment sites (mean survival = 63 %), and in continuous forest sites (mean survival = 68 %). By contrast, seedling growth and herbivory rates were considerably higher in fragments (by 60 % for growth and 45 % for herbivory) associated with higher light environments in degraded forest fragments compared with continuous forest sites. Among the three study species, H. nervosa seedlings had the highest survival rates overall, and P. malaanonan seedlings generally grew fastest and suffered highest herbivory rates. There were no interactions between species performance and the effects of fragment site area, forest structure or soil characteristics of sites suggesting that the three species responded similarly to fragmentation effects. High survival of planted seedlings implies that enrichment planting would be a successful forest management strategy to improve forest quality, and hence conservation value, of fragments.  相似文献   

Temperature influences the geographic range, physiology, and behavior of many ectothermic species, including the invasive lionfish Pterois sp. Thermal parameters were experimentally determined for wild-caught lionfish at different acclimation temperatures (13, 20, 25 and 32 °C). Preferences and avoidance were evaluated using a videographic shuttlebox system, while critical thermal methodology evaluated tolerance. The lionfish thermal niche was compared experimentally to two co-occurring reef fishes (graysby Cephalopholis cruentata and schoolmaster Lutjanus apodus) also acclimated to 25 °C. The physiologically optimal temperature for lionfish is likely 28.7 ± 1 °C. Lionfish behavioral thermoregulation was generally linked to acclimation history; tolerance and avoidance increased significantly at higher acclimation temperatures, but final preference did not. The tolerance polygon of lionfish shows a strong correlation between thermal limits and acclimation temperature, with the highest CTmax at 39.5 °C and the lowest CTmin at 9.5 °C. The tolerance range of invasive lionfish (24.61 °C) is narrower than those of native graysby (25.25 °C) and schoolmaster (26.87 °C), mostly because of lower thermal maxima in the former. Results show that lionfish display “acquired” thermal tolerance at higher and lower acclimation temperatures, but are no more eurythermal than other tropical fishes. Collectively, these results suggest that while lionfish range expansion in the western Atlantic is likely over the next century from rising winter sea temperatures due to climate change, the magnitude of poleward radiation of this invasive species is limited and will likely be equivalent to native tropical and subtropical fishes with similar thermal minima.  相似文献   

Life history strategies of batoid fishes have evolved within dynamic marine ecosystems. Adaptations in reproductive and developmental biology are paramount to the survival of species, and therefore knowledge of growth rates to maturity is fundamental for identifying constraints on the conservation of populations. The butterfly rays (Myliobatiformes: Gymnuridae) are highly derived batoids with generally low reproductive potentials for which age and growth information remains unknown. In this study we applied high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT) to vertebral centra from a stingray for the first time to estimate age, and used a multimodel approach to investigate growth of spiny butterfly ray, Gymnura altavela. Estimated ages of the oldest male and female were 11 and 18 yrs. at disk widths (WD) 1355 mm and 2150 mm, respectively. Disk width-at-age data were analyzed using three growth models (von Bertalanffy, logistic, Gompertz), and the most parsimonious and empirically supported model was the logistic function with sex treated as a fixed effect on asymptotic disk width (WD ) and k parameters. Model parameter estimates were (males) WD  = 1285.46 ± 67.27 mm, k = 0.60 ± 0.10, and (females) WD  = 2173.51 ± 129.78 mm, k = 0.27 ± 0.04. Results indicated sexually dimorphic growth patterns, with males growing faster and reaching asymptotic size at earlier ages than females. These age and growth results are the first reported for the genus, and suggest that G. altavela grows at a similar rate as some teleosts and batoids, and relatively fast among chondrichthyans.  相似文献   

Based on light and scanning electron microscopical studies, a new nematode parasite, Capillaria appendigera n. sp. (Capillariidae), is described from the intestine of the goldbanded jobfish Pristipomoides multidens (Day) (Perciformes, Lutjanidae) from the Arafura Sea West, off the northern coast of Australia. The new species, belonging to the subgenus Procapillaria Moravec, 1987, differs from other congeneric species from fishes mainly in the length (0.92–1.13 mm), shape and structure of the spicule, obtuse spines on the spicule sheath and the structure of eggs. It is characterised, in the male, by the presence of two well-developed dorsolateral caudal lobes, a pair of lateral papillae, a heavily sclerotised spicule with many rough transverse grooves covering almost the entice spicule surface (except for spicule ends), a spinose spicule sheath, and in the female, by a subterminal anus, mostly the presence of a large vulval appendage and by eggs (size 54–69 × 27–33 µm) encapsulated by a conspicuous light-coloured superficial layer. Capillaria appendigera n. sp. is the 12th nominal species of capillariids recorded from fishes in Australian waters and the second known capillariid species parasitising fishes of the perciform family Lutjanidae. In addition, four unidentifiable, morphologically different types of capillariid females, probably representing undescribed species, were recorded from the intestines of marine fishes off the northern coast of Australia: Capillariidae gen. sp. 1 and Capillariidae gen. sp. 2 from Lutjanus johnii (Bloch) and L. malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider), respectively (both Lutjanidae), Capillariidae gen. sp. 3 from Protonibea diacanthus (Lacépède) (Sciaenidae) and Capillariidae gen. sp. 4 from Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) (Rachycentridae).  相似文献   

Egg hatching rates of F1 hybrids among three fishes, Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis, Pacific redfin T. brandtii, and rosyface dace T. sachalinensis, were compared with pure crosses. They are highly divergent (diverged 10–20 million years ago) but naturally hybridizing. Although crosses involving female rosyface dace were not available, hatching success was high among all combinations of hybrids (76 ± 23%) and comparable to pure crosses (86 ± 8%), implying ecological or genetic isolation mechanisms maintaining each species in later life stages.  相似文献   

Biochronologies provide important insights into the growth responses of fishes to past variability in physical and biological environments and, in so doing, allow modelling of likely responses to climate change in the future. We examined spatial variability in the key drivers of inter-annual growth patterns of a widespread, tropical snapper, Lutjanus bohar, at similar tropical latitudes on the north-western and north-eastern coasts of the continent of Australia. For this study, we developed biochronologies from otoliths that provided proxies of somatic growth and these were analysed using mixed-effects models to examine the historical drivers of growth. Our analyses demonstrated that growth patterns of fish were driven by different climatic and biological factors in each region, including Pacific Ocean climate indices, regional sea level and the size structure of the fish community. Our results showed that the local oceanographic and biological context of reef systems strongly influenced the growth of L. bohar and that a single age-related growth trend cannot be assumed for separate populations of this species that are likely to experience different environmental conditions. Generalised predictions about the growth response of fishes to climate change will thus require adequate characterisation of the spatial variability in growth determinants likely to be found throughout the range of species that have cosmopolitan distributions.  相似文献   

Reduction in sea ice due to climate change is expected to have a negative impact on habitat availability for Arctic marine fishes and induce range expansion of species from southern environments. Such an effect will likely be observed in the abundance of polar cod, Boreogadus saida (Lepechin, 1774), as well as interspecific interactions of this intermediate-level trophic taxon, particularly in more southerly fringing seas in the Arctic. Polar cod and capelin, Mallotus villosus (Müller, 1776), are pelagic, planktivorous forage fishes, which occupy similar dietary niches and are the primary prey of marine predators. Co-occurring polar cod and capelin were collected at seven stations in Darnley Bay, NT, during August 2013. Standard length (SL), used as a proxy for age, suggested that polar cod (mean ± 1 SD: 71.1 ± 10.3 mm) were predominantly age 1+ and capelin (96.2 ± 13.4 mm) were mostly age 2+. Stomach content analyses indicated that both species feed extensively on calanoid copepods (Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacialis, Metridia longa) and amphipods (Themisto libellula). There was high dietary overlap between capelin and polar cod, evidenced by Schoener’s index (0.80). Additionally the quantity of dietary items, biomass and energetic content consumed differed among size classes in both capelin (SL, 70.5–132.0 mm) and polar cod (SL, 42.1–114.4 mm). This study illustrates that the diets of these sympatric forage fishes in an Arctic ecosystem are very similar, indicating a high potential for interspecific competition as the sub-Arctic capelin expands its range into Arctic regions with climate change.  相似文献   

Classical biological control is a valuable tool against invasive pests, but concerns about non-target effects requires risk assessment studies. Potential non-target effects of Anaphes inexpectatus Huber and Prinsloo (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) were assessed for a classical biological control programme against the Eucalyptus snout beetle, Gonipterus platensis (Marelli) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). No-choice tests were conducted with 17 non-target species to assess host specificity, including 11 curculionids. In behavioural observations, A. inexpectatus showed no interest in any of the non-target species, but two weevil species were parasitised within five days of exposure, although at significantly lower rates than G. platensis. In choice tests, only one non-target, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), was parasitised, at a rate of 0.6%, while 50.0% of G. platensis eggs were parasitised. Based on the host specificity test results and the potential host fauna found in the target area, the likelihood of non-target effects resulting from the release of A. inexpectatus is considered to be negligible.  相似文献   

Despite the significance of biological invasions in the Antarctic region, understanding of the rates of spread and impact of introduced species is limited. Such information is necessary to develop and to justify management actions. Here we quantify rates of spread and changes in impact of the introduced wasp Aphidius matricariae Haliday, which parasitizes the invasive aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), on sub-Antarctic Marion Island, to which the wasp was introduced in ca. 2001. Between 2006 and 2011, the wasp had colonised all coastal sites, with an estimated rate of spread of 3–5 km year?1. Adult abundance doubled over the period, while impact, measured as mean percentage parasitism of R. padi, had increased from 6.9 to 30.1 %. Adult wasps have thermal tolerances (LT50s) of between ?18 and 33.8 °C, with a crystallization temperature of ?22.9 °C, and little tolerance (ca. 37 h) of low humidity at 10 °C. Desiccation intolerance is probably limiting for the adult wasps, while distribution of their aphid host likely sets ultimate distributional limits, especially towards higher elevations where R. padi is absent, despite the presence of its host grass on the island, Poa cookii (Hook. f.). Rising temperatures are benefitting P. cookii, and will probably do the same for both R. padi and A. matricariae. Our study shows that once established, spread of introduced species on the island may be rapid, emphasizing the importance of initial quarantine.  相似文献   

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