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It is shown that the membrane potential level, ionic current and membrane conductance depend on the cell cycle stage both in Misgurnus fossilis L. embryos and in Xenopus laevis Daudin embryos by the microelectrode technics. Allowing for the role of the adenylate cyclase system in the membrane potential oscillations and ion conductance of membranes, some series of experiments for analysis of the inhibitor have been carried out.  相似文献   

Larvae and juveniles of the macrourid fish Coelorinchus kishinouyei, captured from the near-bottom habitat (ca. 1–10 m above the seafloor) at 186 to 500 m depth in Suruga Bay, Honshu, Japan, were examined for the presence, developmental state, and bacterial colonization of the fish’s internal ventral light organ. The specimens ranged from 3.6 mm to 8.5 mm head length, and all exhibited an external cluster of melanophores expanding anteriorly from around the anus that is thought to indicate the presence of an internal light organ. Histological analysis revealed the presence of a light organ in all examined specimens. In smaller specimens, the light organ was seen as a small nub of tissue associated with the intestine near the anus; the light organ gradually elongated anteriorly in larger specimens to form a bean-shaped structure composed of hollow, finger-like chambers. Bacteria were present within the light organ chambers of some, but not all larvae and all juveniles. In light organs not yet colonized by bacteria, the chambers exhibited a generally uniform appearance over their entire length. In colonized light organs, the bacteria were consistently present at the anterior-most tips of the chambers; furthermore, cells comprising chambers colonized by bacteria were swollen, and upon bacterial colonization the orientation of the chambers began to change from anterior–posterior to dorsal–ventral. The colonizing bacteria were identified as Photobacterium kishitanii based on sequence analysis of the luxA gene. These results suggest that formation of the light organ in C. kishinouyei begins during the fish’s pelagic phase, but that bacterial colonization of the light organ occurs after the larvae have reached the near-bottom habitat. Furthermore, colonization of the nascent light organ by P. kishitanii induces morphogenetic changes in the light organ.  相似文献   

Effective conservation of freshwater biodiversity requires spatially explicit investigations of how dams and hydroclimatic alterations among climate regions may interact to drive species to extinction. We investigated how dams and hydroclimatic alterations interact with species ecological and life history traits to influence past extirpation probabilities of native freshwater fishes in the Upper and Lower Colorado River (CR), Alabama‐Coosa‐Tallapoosa (ACT), and Apalachicola‐Chattahoochee‐Flint (ACF) basins. Using long‐term discharge data for continuously gaged streams and rivers, we quantified streamflow anomalies (i.e., departure “expected” streamflow) at the sub‐basin scale over the past half‐century. Next, we related extirpation probabilities of native fishes in both regions to streamflow anomalies, river basin characteristics, species traits, and non‐native species richness using binomial logistic regression. Sub‐basin extirpations in the Southwest (= 95 Upper CR,= 130 Lower CR) were highest in lowland mainstem rivers impacted by large dams and in desert springs. Dampened flow seasonality, increased longevity (i.e., delayed reproduction), and decreased fish egg sizes (i.e., lower parental care) were related to elevated fish extirpation probability in the Southwest. Sub‐basin extirpations in the Southeast (ACT = 46, ACF = 22) were most prevalent in upland rivers, with flow dependency, greater age and length at maturity, isolation by dams, and greater distance upstream. Our results confirm that dams are an overriding driver of native fish species losses, irrespective of basin‐wide differences in native or non‐native species richness. Dams and hydrologic alterations interact with species traits to influence community disassembly, and very high extirpation risks in the Southeast are due to interactions between high dam density and species restricted ranges. Given global surges in dam building and retrofitting, increased extirpation risks should be expected unless management strategies that balance flow regulation with ecological outcomes are widely implemented.  相似文献   

Aim To explore global patterns of riverine fish endemism by applying an island biogeography framework to river drainage basins and highlight evolutionary mechanisms producing two kinds of endemism: neo‐endemism, arising from within‐drainage cladogenetic speciation, and palaeo‐endemism, arising from species range contraction or anagenetic speciation. Location World‐wide. Methods We use a uniquely comprehensive data set of riverine fish species distributions to map global fish endemism patterns. We then use the relationships between (1) total species richness and proportions of endemic species and (2) total species richness and a measure of in situ (i.e. within‐drainage basin) probability of speciation by cladogenesis, to identify the two distinct forms of endemism. After separating drainage basins into two different sets according to dominance of one of these two forms, we apply a model averaging procedure to highlight, for both datasets, the environmental and historical variables that better explain endemism patterns. We finally analyse the effect of biotic components related to dispersal ability on the percentages of both kinds of endemism among lineages. Results Our results indicate that the two types of endemism are distributed differently across space and taxonomic lineages: (1) neo‐endemism, positively related to the overall richness of the drainage basin, is essentially linked to in situ cladogenetic speciation and is positively related to drainage basin area, negatively related to climate variability since glacial periods and negatively related to all proxies of dispersal ability; and (2) palaeo‐endemism, not directly contributing to drainage basin richness, is a pure process of extinction through range contraction and/or isolation through time and is mostly related to geographic isolation, glacial history and positively related to marine‐derived origin of families. Main conclusions The non‐random spatial and taxonomic distribution of neo‐endemism and palaeo‐endemism sharply reflects the role of evolutionary processes and provides a way to identify areas of high conservation interest based on their high present and future diversification potential.  相似文献   

Summary Over the last 20–30 years there has been a very extensive international research effort into freshwater acidification and the decline or loss of soft-water fisheries. The research includes many laboratory studies on physiology and survival of fish under the conditions caused by acidification. The causes of acidification have become increasingly well understood and accepted. In many countries, industrial and environmental management strategies are being implemented with the eventual aim of halting or reversing acidification in vulnerable areas. Attention has shifted away from research into the effects of acidification on fish, and the number of new papers on this subject is declining. Now appears a good time to review this research.As is often the case in research of this kind, it is difficult to compare work from different laboratories. Especially in earlier work, experimental conditions may not be fully relevant to the field (e.g. in the choice of ambient calcium concentration), experimental media may be inadequately specified (e.g. trace metal concentrations) and analytical techniques may be open to question (e.g. pH measurement). This may explain, in part, why agreement is lacking on many aspects of the physiological effects on the early life stages of fish, as well as the adult stages to some extent. If research is to continue in this field, then adoption of standard soft, acid water media would be of significant benefit. Nethertheless, some very general conclusions on fish early life stages can be reached.There is some evidence of impaired gametogenesis and spawning, but in this area there is still a need for systematic research. After fertilization, the chorionic membranes afford protection from the effects of low pH and especially the accompanying toxic trace metals, notably aluminium. Indeed, dissolved aluminium can ameliorate acid toxicity at this stage in development, possibly by helping to decrease membrane permeability and reduce H+ uptake. The main hazard seems to be impaired development (perhaps related to a decline in pH of the perivitelline fluid), often leading to a lack of ability to escape from the chorionic membranes on hatching.After hatching, vulnerability increases. Dissolved aluminium, and other trace metals associated with acidification, become more important. Some studies indicate continuing protection from low pH afforded by low concentrations of aluminium. The causes of death can still only be inferred: much attention has concentrated on mineral uptake and balance, and there is anecdotal evidence of respiratory impairment, although not as unequivocal as it is for postlarval fish. Comparison with the physiological effects on postlarval fish is not necessarily helpful. There seems to be at least one important difference. Unlike postlarvel fish, larvae do not find aluminium at around pH 5.5 (when respiratory effects are probably most important) the most hazardous combination; rather, the greatest danger to larvae seems to be when very low pH (<5.0) and trace metals (including aluminium) combine in some kind of joint toxic effect.There is a great increase in vulnerability once dependence on the yolk has come to an end. This period coincides with the movement from the incubation site in the substratum into the open water, where the relevant water chemistry is likely to fluctuate between greater extremes. However, it is earlier, during autumn rainstorms and spring snowmelt, that pH and concentrations of protective calcium ions usually reach their lowest and metals like aluminium their highest values. In waters where acidification is most likely to occur, the early life stages of many freshwater fish species will be close to their survival threshold and only a slight decline in water quality might result in the loss of a complete year class, which would affect recruitment and eventual population status.With gradual acceptance of the causes and effects of freshwater acidification, the research effort in relation to fish is declining or shifting towards attempts to re-establish fisheries in vulnerable areas. As outlined above, only very general conclusions can be reached on individual life stages, and the relative susceptibilities compared. However, in many respects the sequence of events in the loss of fisheries is not fully understood, and information is lacking on how events at significant stages of the life cycle affect subsequent survival, development and recruitment. Plenty of work is still required.  相似文献   

This article reviews some of the latest information on the evolution of the tetrapod ear region as seen in the fossil record. It looks at the changes that can be documented across the fish-tetrapod transition, the patterns that they show and what can be inferred of the processes that brought some of them about. These processes include an increased role for neural crest, and heterochronic processes such as pedomorphosis. The earliest tetrapods show a common pattern of a short stout stapes with a large stapedial foramen, that primitively contacted the palatal bones and probably supported the braincase. Modifications to this pattern can be seen in tandem with changes to the occiput and are bound up with changes to jaw and breathing mechanisms. By the Late Carboniferous, tetrapods had diversified into a range of groups showing a wide variety of otic morphologies, some of which were probably tympanic, while others were not, and some which are very different from those found in extant tetrapods. In amniotes, the evolution of a tympanic ear appears to correlate with consolidation and integration of the occiput to the skull roof. Competing phylogenies suggest different numbers of iterations for the origin of a tympanic ear, but a minimum of four separate occasions is implied.  相似文献   

Expression patterns of intermediate filament proteins have been studied during early mouse embryo development. For this purpose, pre-implantation embryos at different stages of development after in vitro fertilization were studied using antibodies to cytokeratins, vimentin and lamins, using the indirect immunofluorescence assay. The levels of expression were quantitated and localization of the protein constituents was assessed by means of confocal scanning laser microscopy. Our studies showed that, although the embryos grew in culture, vimentin could not be detected in a filamentous organization. Immunofluorescence for cytokeratins was only positive from the 8-cell stage onwards. In the morula stage an increased level of cytokeratin expression was observed with a transitional staining pattern, combining a filamentous and a diffuse occurrence. In the blastocyst stages profound cytokeratin filaments were seen in trophoblast cells but not in the inner cell mass. When the cytokeratin subtypes were analysed separately, it became apparent that expression levels of cytokeratins 8 and 18 increased gradually up to a filamentous pattern in the blastocyst stage. Cytokeratins 7 and 19, although elevated in the latter stage and showing a filamentous distribution, were not found as prominently as cytokeratins 8 and 18. A-type as well as B-type lamins could be detected in all developmental stages examined, as a faintly reactive nuclear lamina. In blastocysts both lamin types were detected in trophoblast as well as in inner cell mass.  相似文献   

Histological (tissular and cellular) indices have a tradition of determining the nutritional condition of fish both in the laboratory and in the wild. The assessment of condition by means of microscopical methods is probably the mos accurate indicator of nutritional status during the early life stages of fish. This success is partly attributable large amount of information that can be derived from their study and because they are thought to be the only true starvation indices. The technique usually consists of the examination of cells and organs and the establishment of a grading system based on the presence/absence of standardised biomarkers. Each organ is examined, and the cellular aspect or tissular cohesion is evaluated qualitatively and even quantitatively in order to obtain a measure of the general condition of a larva. The literature indicates that there are certain tissular and cellular responses to food availability and quality, particularly in the digestive and muscular tissues, which are common to most teleost fish larvae. These responses, which are independent of water temperature, can be used for assessing fish larvae nutritional condition. In this regard, the microscopical organization of the liver hepatocytes, the intestinal mucosa, the exocrine pancreas and the muscular fibers, which are generally used as target tissues and organs to assess the nutritional condition of fish larvae, is deeply reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of different cellular biomarkers of effect are discussed considering different conditions.  相似文献   

Joneson S  Armaleo D  Lutzoni F 《Mycologia》2011,103(2):291-306
How plants and microbes recognize each other and interact to form long-lasting relationships remains one of the central questions in cellular communication. The symbiosis between the filamentous fungus Cladonia grayi and the single-celled green alga Asterochloris sp. was used to determine fungal and algal genes upregulated in vitro in early lichen development. cDNA libraries of upregulated genes were created with suppression subtractive hybridization in the first two stages of lichen development. Quantitative PCR subsequently was used to verify the expression level of 41 and 33 candidate fungal and algal genes respectively. Induced fungal genes showed significant matches to genes putatively encoding proteins involved in self and non-self recognition, lipid metabolism, and negative regulation of glucose repressible genes, as well as to a putative d-arabitol reductase and two dioxygenases. Upregulated algal genes included a chitinase-like protein, an amino acid metabolism protein, a dynein-related protein and a protein arginine methyltransferase. These results also provided the first evidence that extracellular communication without cellular contact can occur between lichen symbionts. Many genes showing slight variation in expression appear to direct the development of the lichen symbiosis. The results of this study highlight future avenues of investigation into the molecular biology of lichen symbiosis.  相似文献   

Short-term experiments were used to isolate the detrimental effects of grazer disturbance on young corals, and determine the stage of development at which recruits are no longer susceptible to this disturbance. Artificial substrata containing an algal matrix and coral recruits of different life stages were exposed to grazing by epilithic algal matrix (EAM) feeding combtoothed blennies, Salarias fasciatus. Single polyp recruits were vulnerable to grazer disturbance, while multi-polyp recruits (ca. 6–8 polyps) survived with evidence of minor damage in the form of tissue and polyp loss. The result indicates that blennies, although small and possessing weak dentition, can negatively influence the survival of young coral recruits. The protruding structure of micro-nubbins, representing juvenile corals were not damaged, suggesting that coral achieving that size and form can escape such damage. Communicated by Ecology Editor Prof. Peter Mumby  相似文献   

One of the properties of fossils is to provide unique ontogenies that have the potential to inform us of developmental patterns and processes in the past. Although fossilized ontogenies are fairly rare, size series of relatively complete specimens for more than 90 fish species have been documented in the literature. These fossilized ontogenies are known for most major phylogenetic groups of fishes and have a broad stratigraphic range extending from the Silurian to the Quaternary with a good representation during the Devonian. Classically, size series have been studied in terms of size and shape differences, where subsequently allometric changes were used as indicators of heterochronic changes in Paleozoic placoderms and sarcopterygians. Quantitative analyses of fossilized ontogenies of dipnoans have been interpreted in terms of morphological integration and fluctuating asymmetry. Recently, reconstructed sequences of ossification have been used to identify recurrent patterns of similar development in actinopterygians and sarcopterygians in order to infer phenotypic developmental modularity and saltatory pattern of development. Phylogenetic and temporal landmarks are put forward for some of the major developmental patterns in the evolution of fishes.  相似文献   

Embryonic and early postembryonic development of the carp is associated with an increase in the content of soluble proteins and nitrogen of non-protein nitrogenous components. Simultaneously, the activity of trypsin-like and chemotrypsin-like peptide hydrolases increases together with the increase in the degree of proteolysis. These data suggest that the development of carp embryos and early larva is accompanied by intensification of two opposite processes--synthesis and catabolism of proteins. The observed changes are more evident in early postembryonic period as compared with the early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎早期形态及发育特征   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
半滑舌鳎卵子为分离的球形浮性卵 ,卵径 1 18-1 3 1mm。卵膜薄、光滑、透明 ,具弹性。多油球 ,一般为 97-12 5个 ,多数在 10 0个左右 ,油球径 0 0 4-0 11mm。在培养水温为 2 0 5-2 2 8℃的条件下 ,卵子授精后 3 7h仔鱼孵出 ,3 0min后仔鱼全部孵出。初孵仔鱼全长 2 56-2 68mm。 1日龄仔鱼 ,出现胸鳍芽。 1 5日龄仔鱼 ,巡游模式基本建立。 2日龄仔鱼 ,逐渐建立外源性摄食关系。 3日龄仔鱼 ,出现鳔泡 ,个体发育进入后期仔鱼期。 18日龄 ,个体发育进入稚鱼期。 2 5日龄稚鱼 ,右眼开始向上移动。 2 7日龄稚鱼 ,右眼已转到头顶。 2 9日龄稚鱼 ,右眼完全转到左侧 ,胸鳍退化 ,各鳍鳍条发育完全。 57日龄 ,个体发育进入幼鱼期。 79日龄幼鱼 ,鳔退化、鳞片发育完全 ,侧线 3条。研究结果表明 :前期仔鱼培育期间 ,除了严格控制适宜的培养水温外 ,仔鱼开口后就应及时投喂一定密度的适口饵料 ,这是苗种培育中不可忽视的重要环节和技术措施之一 ;稚鱼变态期间加强鲜活饵料的投喂是提高稚鱼变态成活率的关键所在。仔鱼孵化后出现的管状感觉器官以及背、臀鳍膜上的泡状结构在早期发育阶段的生态和生理作用尚不清楚。半滑舌鳎成鱼无鳔和无胸鳍 ,而在早期发育期间具有鳔泡和胸鳍 ,这是生物个体发育史中祖先特征的重演  相似文献   

In this study, embryos and early larval stages of two invasive bivalves, the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), were assayed for physiological apoptosis and stress-induced apoptosis post-exposure to a molluscicide, Bayluscide®. Physiological apoptosis was measured at 4-h intervals and Bayluscide® exposures were 4 h and 24 h beginning at both 30 min post-fertilization and at 24 h post-fertilization. Apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL assay, and apoptotic values were compared for the different stages present. The two bivalves tested for apoptotic cells displayed variations in physiological and stress-induced apoptotic values despite having the same life stage transitions. However, in the majority of exposures, we found that as pesticide concentrations increased, the apoptotic values decreased in the highest concentrations. We suggest that this change to apoptotic inhibition indicates that there is a threshold at which apoptosis can no longer be used as a protective measure against damaged cells. These concentrations that cause changes in apoptotic pattern should be further tested for long-term effects on reproduction and survival. By detecting sub-lethal concentrations that may impair recruitment to the population and the continuation of the life cycle, chemical control of invasive bivalves could be targeted to early life stages and to reduce potential environmental impacts resulting from the higher concentrations required to control adults.  相似文献   

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