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Using pulses of nitrate, instead of the permanent presence of external nitrate, to induce the nitrate-assimilating system in Hordeum vulgare L., we demonstrated that nitrate can be considered as a trigger or signal for the induction of nitrate uptake, the appearance of nitratereductase activity and the synthesis of mRNA coding for nitrate reductase. Nitrate pulses stimulated the initial rate of nitrate uptake, even after subsequent cultivation in N-free medium, and resulted in a higher acceleration of the uptake rate in the presence of nitrate than in its absence.Abbreviations NR nitrate reductase  相似文献   

Tobacco transformants that express an antisense RBCS construct were used to investigate the consequences of a lesion in photosynthetic carbon metabolism for nitrogen metabolism and secondary metabolism. The results show that an inhibition of photosynthesis and decrease in sugar levels leads to a general inhibition of nitrogen metabolism, and dramatic changes in the levels of secondary metabolites. The response was particularly clear in plants that received excess nitrogen. In these conditions, a decrease of Rubisco activity led to an inhibition of nitrate reductase activity, accumulation of nitrate, a decrease of amino acid levels that was larger than the decrease of sugars, and a large decrease of chlorogenic acid and of nicotine, which are the major carbon- and nitrogen-rich secondary metabolites in tobacco leaves, respectively. Similar changes were seen when nitrogen-replete wild-type tobacco was grown in low light. The inhibition of nitrogen metabolism was partly masked when wild-type plants and antisense RBCS transformants were compared in marginal or in limiting nitrogen, because the lower growth rate of the transformants alleviated the nitrogen deficiency, leading to an increase of amino acids. In these conditions, chlorogenic acid always decreased but the decrease of nicotine was ameliorated or reversed. When the changes in internal pools are compared across all the genotypes and growth conditions, two conclusions emerge. First, decreased levels of primary metabolites lead to a dramatic decrease in the levels of secondary metabolites. Second, changes of the amino acid : sugar ratio are accompanied by changes of the nicotine:chlorogenic acid ratio.  相似文献   

Transformed plants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. constitutively expressing nitrate reductase (35S-NR) or β-glucuronidase (35S-GUS) and untransformed controls were grown for two weeks in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Whereas CO2 enrichment (1000 μl · l−1) resulted in an increase in the carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) ratio of both the tobacco lines grown in pots with vermiculite, the C/N ratio was only slightly modified when plants were grown in hydroponic culture in high CO2 compared to those grown in air. Constitutive nitrate reductase (NR) expression per se did not change the C/N ratio of the shoots or roots. Biomass accumulation was similar in both types of plant when hydroponic or pot-grown material, grown in air or high CO2, were compared. Shoot dry matter accumulation was primarily related to the presence of stored carbohydrate (starch and sucrose) in the leaves. In the pot-grown tobacco, growth at elevated CO2 levels caused a concomitant decrease in the N content of the leaves involving losses in NO 3 and amino acid levels. In contrast, the N content and composition were similar in all plants grown in hydroponic culture. The 35S-NR plants grown in air had higher foliar maximum extractable NR activities and increased glutamine levels (on a chlorophyll or protein basis) than the untransformed controls. These increases were maintained following CO2 enrichment when the plants were grown in hydroponic culture, suggesting that an increased flux through nitrogen assimilation was possible in the 35S-NR plants. Under CO2 enrichment the NR activation state in the leaves was similar in all plants. When the 35S-NR plants were grown in pots, however, foliar NR activity and glutamine content fell in the 35S-NR transformants to levels similar to those of the untransformed controls. The differences in NR activity between untransformed and 35S-NR leaves were much less pronounced in the hydroponic than in the pot-grown material but the difference in total extractable NR activity was more marked following CO2 enrichment. Foliar NR message levels were decreased by CO2 enrichment in all growth conditions but this was much more pronounced in pot-grown material than in that grown hydroponically. Since β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity and message levels in 35S-GUS plants grown under the same conditions of CO2 enrichment (to test the effects of CO2 enrichment on the activity of the 35S promoter) were found to be constant, we conclude that NR message turnover was specifically accelerated in the 35S-NR plants as well as in the untransformed controls as a result of CO2 enrichment. The molecular and metabolic signals involved in increased NR message and protein turnover are not known but possible effectors include NO3 , glutamine and asparagine. We conclude that plants grown in hydroponic culture have greater access to N than those grown in pots. Regardless of the culture method, CO2 enrichment has a direct effect on NR mRNA stability. Received: 17 October 1996 / Accepted: 11 February 1997  相似文献   

The activity of nitrate reductase and the pool sizes of some amino acids and some sugars were measured in relation to the leaf water potential () of maize leaves. The activity of nitrate reductase was severely inhibited in water-stressed maize leaves. This was not due to substrate shortage or the presence of an inhibitor at reduced leaf water potential. While the typical proteinogenic amino acids valine, tyrosine, leucine and isoleucine were almost undetectable in the leaves of the control plants, their concentrations markedly increased with declining , thus indicating protein degradation. The concentrations of serine, glycine and glutamate increased upon water stress, their total amount in severely stressed leaves ranging 5- to 6-fold higher than the total amount of valine, tyrosine, leucine and isoleucine at this stage of water deficit. The pool sizes of glucose, fructose and sucrose decreased in relation to decreasing . The total amount of organic solutes remained almost constant at least up to a of approx.—1.0 MPa and then dropped to about 50% when reached –1.25 MPa.Abbreviations PCR photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle - PCO photosynthetic carbon oxidation cycle - PAR photosynthetically active radiation  相似文献   

Overexpression of inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) from Escherichia coli in the cytosol of plants (ppa1 plants) leads to a decrease of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi; U. Sonnewald, 1992, Plant J 2: 571–581). The consequences for sucrose-starch interconversions have now been studied in growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée) tubers. Sucrose is degraded via sucrose synthase and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in growing tubers, and it was expected that the low PPi in the ppa1 transformants would restrict the mobilisation of sucrose and conversion to starch. Over-expression of PPase resulted in an accumulation of sucrose and UDP-glucose, and decreased concentrations of hexose phosphates and glycerate-3-phosphate in growing ppa1 tubers. Unexpectedly, the rate of degradation of [14C] sucrose was increased by up to 30%, the rate of starch synthesis was increased, and the starch content was increased by 20–30% in ppa1 tubers compared to wild-type tubers. Reasons for this unexpectedly efficient conversion of sucrose to starch in the ppa1 tubers were investigated. (i) The transformed tubers contained increased activities of several enzymes required for sucrose-starch interconversions including two- to threefold more sucrose synthase and 60% more ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. They also contained 30–100% increased activities of several glycolytic enzymes and amylase, increased protein, and unaltered or slightly decreased starch phosphorylase, acid invertase and mannosidase. (ii) The transformants contained higher pools of uridine nucleotides. As a result, although the UDP-glucose pool is increased two- to threefold, this does not lead to a decrease of UTP or UDP. (iii) The transformants contained twofold larger pools of ATP and ADP, and ADP-glucose was increased by up to threefold. In stored ppa1 tubers, there were no changes in the activities of glycolytic enzymes, and nucleotides did not increase. It is concluded that in growing tubers PPi has a wider significance than just being an energy donor for specific reactions in the cytosol. Increased rates of PPi hydrolysis also affect general aspects of cell activity including the levels of nucleotides and protein. Possible ways in which PPi hydrolysis could affect these processes are discussed. Received: 9 July 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Changes in nodule growth and activity and in the concentrations of soluble N compounds in nodules, leaves and xylem sap under conditions of altered N nutrition in the actinorhizal plant Myrica gale L. are reported. Altering the N nutrition of symbiotic plants may alter the internal regulation of combined N which in turn may regulate nodule growth and activity. Flushing nodules daily with 100% O2 caused a decline in amide concentration and an increase in nodule growth although plants had recovered some nitrogenase activity within 4 h of exposure to O2. Samples of nodules, leaves and xylem sap were derivatized and amino acids identified and quantified using either reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in single ion monitoring mode. The ratio of asparagine in the nodules to that in the xylem was much higher in plants fed N (6.7 for NH+4-fed and 8.3 for NO3-fed plants) than for N2-fixing plants (2.5). Significant amounts of 15N added as 15NH+4 or 15NO3 accumulated in nodules following accumulation in the shoot which is consistent with the translocation of N to the nodules via the phloem. The uptake of 15NH+4 led to the synthesis and subsequent translocation of glutamine in the xylem sap. These results are discussed in terms of the feedback mechanisms that may regulate nitrogen fixation in Myrica root nodules.  相似文献   

Growth, chemical composition, and nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of hydroponically cultured Rumex crispus, R. palustris, R. acetosa, and R. maritimus were studied in relation to form (NH4 +, NO3 -, or both) and level of N supply (4 mM N, and zero-N following a period of 4mM N). A distinct preference for either NH4 + or NO3 - could not be established. All species were characterized by a very efficient uptake and utilization of N, irrespective of N source, as evident from high concentrations of organic N in the tissues and concurrent excessive accumulations of free NO3 - and free NH4 +. Especially the accumulation of free NH4 + was unusually large. Generally, relative growth rate (RGR) was highest with a combination of NH4 + and NO3 -. Compared to mixed N supply, RGR of NO3 -- and NH4 +-grown plants declined on average 3% and 9%, respectively. Lowest RGR with NH4 + supply probably resulted from direct or indirect toxicity effects associated with high NH4 + and/or low Ca2+ contents of tissues. NRA in NO3 - and NH4NO3 plants was very similar with maxima in the leaves of ca 40 μmol NO2 - g-1 DW h-1. ‘Basal’ NRA levels in shoot tissues of NH4 + plants appeared relatively high with maxima in the leaves of ca 20 μmol NO2 - g-1 DW h-1. Carboxylate to organic N ratios, (C-A)/Norg, on a whole plant basis varied from 0.2 in NH4 + plants to 0.9 in NO3 - plants. After withdrawal of N, all accumulated NO3 - and NH4 + was assimilated into organic N and the organic N redistributed on a large scale. NRA rapidly declined to similar low levels, irrespective of previous N source. Shoot/root ratios of -N plants were 50–80% lower than those from +N plants. In comparison with +N, RGR of -N plants did not decline to a large extent, decreasing by only 15% in -NH4 + plants due to very high initial organic-N contents. N-deprived plants all exhibited an excess cation over anion uptake (net proton efflux), and whole-plant (C-A)/Norg ratios increased to values around unity. Possible difficulties in interpreting the (C-A)/Norg ratio and NRA of plants in their natural habitats are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The NADPH-dependent conversion of amino acids to their aldoximes is an initial step in glucosinolate biosynthesis. A number of microsomal aldoxime-forming monooxygenase activities were detected in leaves from a variety of glucosi-nolate-containing species, whereas barley, bean and tobacco leaves did not contain any such activities. The substrates for these monooxygenases in each species largely correlated with the spectrum of glucosinolates found in that species. No activity was detected that metabolized homomethionine (supposed precursor of 2-propenylglucosinolate [sinigrin]), even in species where sinigrin was the major glucosinolate. In Sinapis species containing hydroxybenzylglucosinolate (sinalbin), activity with L-Tyr was detected, whereas Brassica species containing sinalbin had no such activity. However, these Brassicas did contain an L-Phe monooxygenase activity. Partial characterization of the monooxygenases indicated that in Brassica species, Nasturtium officinalis and Raphanus sativus these resembled the flavin-linked monooxygenases previously found in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris). The L-Tyr-dependent activity in Sinapis species, and the L-Phe-dependent activity in Tropacolum majus, had characteristics of cytochrome P450-type enzymes. No similarity was found with any other known amino acid metabolizing enzymes (including decarboxylases, amino acid oxidases and diamine/polyamine oxidases).  相似文献   

Summary. We have shown that urinary urea excretion increased in rats fed a low quality protein. The purpose of present study was to determine whether an addition of dietary limiting amino acids affected urea synthesis in rats fed a low gluten diet. Experiments were done on three groups of rats given diets containing 10% gluten, 10% gluten+0.5% L-lysine or 10% gluten+0.5% L-lysine, 0.2% L-threonine and 0.2% L-methionine for 10d. The urinary excretion of urea, and the liver concentrations of serine and ornithine decreased with the addition of dietary L-lysine, L-threonine and L-methionine. The fractional and absolute rates of protein synthesis in tissues increased with the treatment of limiting amino acids. The activities of hepatic urea-cycle enzymes was not related to the urea excretion. These results suggest that the addition of limiting amino acids for the low gluten diet controls the protein synthesis in tissues and hepatic ornithine and decline urea synthesis.  相似文献   

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