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Chick embryo mitochondria, studied with the electron microscope, show crista-free areas of low electron opacity. These areas are observable after fixation with osmium tetroxide, calcium permanganate, potassium permanganate, formaldehyde, acrolein, acrolein followed by osmium tetroxide, uranyl acetate followed by calcium permanganate, and acetic acid-alcohol. Staining of sections with lead hydroxide or uranyl acetate, or with both, resulted in an increased density of a fibrous material within these areas. The appearance of the fibrous structures varied with the fixative employed; after fixation with osmium tetroxide the material was clumped and bar-like (up to 400 A in diameter), whereas after treatment of osmium tetroxide-fixed tissues with uranyl acetate before dehydration the fibrous structures could be visualized as 15 to 30 A fibrils. Treatment with ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) in place of uranyl acetate coarsened the mitochondrial fibrils. After fixation with calcium permanganate or potassium permanganate, or a double fixation by uranyl acetate followed by calcium permanganate, the fibers appeared to have a pattern and ultrastructure similar to that observed after the osmium tetroxide-uranyl acetate technique, except that some of them had a slightly greater diameter (up to 50 A). Other fixatives did not preserve the fibers so well. The fibers appeared strongly clumped by formaldehyde fixation, and were difficult to identify after fixation with acrolein or acetic acid-alcohol. The staining of nucleic acid-containing structures by uranyl acetate and lead hydroxide was improved by treatment of osmium tetroxide-fixed sections with hydrogen peroxide, and the mitochondrial fibers also had an increased density in the electron beam after this procedure. The staining characteristics suggest the fibrous material of chick embryo mitochondria to be a nucleic acid-containing structure, and its variable appearance after different fixations parallels that previously reported, or described in this paper, for the nucleoplasm of bacteria and blue-green algae. The results, in addition to those described in the accompanying communication, indicate that these mitochondria contain DNA.  相似文献   

Quercetin zinc(II) complex was investigated focusing on its hydrolytic activity toward DNA. The complex successfully promotes the cleavage of plasmid DNA, producing single and double DNA strand breaks. The amount of conversion of supercoiled form (SC) of plasmid to the nicked circular form (NC) depends on the concentration of the complex as well as the duration of incubation of the complex with DNA. The rate of conversion of SC to NC is 1.68x10(-4) s(-1) at pH 7.2 in the presence of 100 microM of the complex. The hydrolytic cleavage of DNA by the complex is supported by the evidence from free radical quenching, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) assay, and T4 ligase ligation.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activities associated with Golgi apparatus-, endoplasmic reticulum-, plasma membrane-, mitochondria-, and microbody-rich cell fractions isolated from rat liver were determined and used as a basis for estimating fraction purity. Succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase (mitochondria) activities were low in the Golgi apparatus-rich fraction. On the basis of glucose-6-phosphatase (endoplasmic reticulum) and 5'-nucleotidase (plasma membrane) activities, the Golgi apparatus-rich fraction obtained directly from sucrose gradients was estimated to contain no more than 10% endoplasmic reticulum- and 11% plasma membrane-derived material. Total protein contribution of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, plasma membrane, microbodies (uric acid oxidase), and lysosomes (acid phosphatase) to the Golgi apparatus-rich fraction was estimated to be no more than 20–30% and decreased to less than 10% with further washing. The results show that purified Golgi apparatus fractions isolated routinely may exceed 80% Golgi apparatus-derived material. Nucleoside di- and triphosphatase activities were enriched 2–3-fold in the Golgi apparatus fraction relative to the total homogenate, and of a total of more than 25 enzyme-substrate combinations reported, only thiamine pyrophosphatase showed a significantly greater enrichment.  相似文献   

Enzymatic multiplex DNA sequencing.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
M Chee 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(12):3301-3305
The problem of reading DNA sequence films has been reformulated using an easily implemented, multiplex version of enzymatic DNA sequencing. By utilizing a uniquely tagged primer for each base-specific sequencing reaction, the four reactions can be pooled and electrophoresed in a single lane. This approach has been previously proposed for use with fluorescently labelled probes (1), and is analogous to the principle used in four-dye fluorescence sequencing except that the signals are resolved following electrophoresis (2). After transfer to a nylon membrane, images are obtained separately for each of the four reactions by hybridization using oligonucleotide probes. The images can then be superimposed to reconstitute a complete sequence pattern. In this way the correction of gel distortion effects and accurate band registration are considerably simplified, as each of the four base-specific ladders require very similar corrections. The methods therefore provide the basis for a second generation of more accurate and reliable film reading programs, as well as being useful for conventional multiplex sequencing. Unlike the original multiplex protocol (3), the approach described is suitable for small projects, as multiple cloning vectors are not used. Although more than one vector can be utilized, only a library of fragments cloned into any single phage, phagemid or plasmid vector is actually required, together with a set of tagged oligonucleotide primers.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase. II. Enzymatic properties   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

R J Isfort 《BioTechniques》1992,12(6):798-800, 802, 804
A novel method for plasmid DNA purification using enzymes that degrade all major types of contaminating nucleic acids present in crude plasmid DNA mixtures (but not plasmid DNA) has been devised. This method is quick (can be accomplished in two hours), requires no expensive laboratory equipment (an ultracentrifuge is not necessary) and is inexpensive. Plasmid DNA purified by this methodology can be used in a variety of molecular biological techniques including restriction enzyme digestions, subcloning, sequencing, nick translation and end labeling. This plasmid purification technique will be very useful for the molecular biologist performing cloning experiments.  相似文献   

This report describes an accurate and sensitive method for quantitatively measuring periodate concentration. The substances used to determine periodate are 4(p-nitrophenoxy)1,2-butanediol and 4(2,4-dinitrophenoxy)1,2-butanediol. These substances are readily oxidized by periodate yielding β-nitrophenoxy aldehydes which undergoes a facile β-elimination in base to yield the colored nitrophenolate ion. The concentration of the nitrophenolate ion is thus equivalent to the concentration of periodate. This report documents the validity of this reaction as an analytical method. The method was shown to be capable of accurately measuring periodate in concentrations as low as 10?8M. Its value in biochemical analyses was demonstrated by quantitatively measuring the amount of periodate used to oxidize small quantities of adenosine 5′-phosphate, d-arabitol and d-glucose. Its accuracy, sensitivity and ease of use was shown by its utility in estimating the molecular weight of yeast transfer RNA using about 6 A260 units of this material.  相似文献   

DNA methylation at cytosines (5mC) is a major epigenetic modification involved in the regulation of multiple biological processes in mammals. How methylation is reversed was until recently poorly understood. The family of dioxygenases commonly known as Ten-eleven translocation (Tet) proteins are responsible for the oxidation of 5mC into three new forms, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), 5-formylcytosine (5fC) and 5-carboxylcytosine (5caC). Current models link Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation with active DNA demethylation. The higher oxidation products (5fC and 5caC) are recognized and excised by the DNA glycosylase TDG via the base excision repair pathway. Like DNA methyltransferases, Tet enzymes are important for embryonic development. We will examine the mechanism and biological significance of Tet-mediated 5mC oxidation in the context of pronuclear DNA demethylation in mouse early embryos. In contrast to its role in active demethylation in the germ cells and early embryo, a number of lines of evidence suggest that the intragenic 5hmC present in brain may act as a stable mark instead. This short review explores mechanistic aspects of TET oxidation activity, the impact Tet enzymes have on epigenome organization and their contribution to the regulation of early embryonic and neuronal development. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(11): 609-618]  相似文献   

Almost all DNA and RNA metabolizing enzymes can be assayed rapidly and very sensitively by exploiting the enhanced fluorescence of ethidium intercalated into duplex DNA or RNA. Denatured DNA and natural RNAs contain duplex regions due to intramolecular hydrogen-bonding and can also be sensitively measured. Where the product is truly single-stranded (e.g. dTn) it can be assayed by adding the appropriate complementary strand (e.g. dAn or rAn). Some of the assays described provide information not readily obtained by other assay procedures. Among the enzymes readily assayed are DNA and RNA polymerases, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferases, nucleases of all varieties (e.g. single-strand specific, endonucleases including for example AP endonucleases, exonucleases, RNase H, etc.), ligases, topoisomerases including gyrases, and indirectly enzymes such as proteases and superoxide dismutase. DNA binding proteins such as histones and helix destablizing proteins can also be quantitatively assayed.  相似文献   

Glycerol-extracted rabbit psoas muscle fibers were examined by electron microscopy both before and after ATP-induced isotonic shortening. Ultrastructural changes were correlated with the initial sarcomere length and the degree of shortening. The ultrastructural appearance of the resting fiber at rest length was identical with that described by H. E. Huxley and Hanson. At sarcomere lengths greater than 3.7 to 3.8 µ, the A and I filaments were detached and separated by a gap. The presence of "gap" filaments was confirmed, and evidence is presented which indicates that these filaments form connections between the ends of the A and I filaments. Shortening from initial sarcomere lengths at which the filaments overlapped took place through sliding of the filaments. If shortening was initiated from sarcomere lengths at which there was a gap, a narrowing of the I band was brought about by a curling of the I filaments at the boundary between the A and I bands. No evidence could be found that the I filaments moved into the A band.  相似文献   

Further studies have confirmed our earlier observations that in the presence of EDTA, degradation of phage PBS2 [3H]uracil-labeled DNA is effected by an N-glycosidase activity in extracts of Bacillus subtilis that removes free uracil from DNA. In addition, such extracts contain a nuclease activity that attacks PBS2 DNA in the presence of CaCl2. The nuclease activity is not observed under conditions that inactivate N-glycosidase activity but does attack DNA that has been preincubated to remove uracil by N-glycosidase action. We therefore postulate that the nuclease requires N-glycosidase action to generate substrate for its activity, i.e., the nuclease appears to attack depyrimidinated sites rather than uracil sites in phage PBS2 DNA.  相似文献   

The enzymatic profiles of 234 wild strains of thermophilic Campylobacters, seven type strains ofCampylobacter species, and 18 reference strains ofCampylobacter species and Campylobacter-like organisms were studied by use of API strips. These strips allow the detection of 56 arylamidases, one transpeptidase, and ten esterases.Forty enzymes were present at least once. The mean number of enzymes per strain was 13. The enzymatic activity was usually weak. Three enzymes were present in all the strains: esterases of butyric and valeric acids, andl-phenylalanine-l-proline arylamidase. A combination of three enzymes provided a good predictive value for the species differentiation ofC. jejuni andC. coli. There were no differences in relation to the geographical origin of the strain nor to the animal species from which it was isolated. The -glutamyl transpeptidase could be used for the biotyping of the strains.A portion of this work was presented at the Second Workshop of Campylobacter Infections, held in Brussels, Belgium, in September 1983.  相似文献   

Oligothymidylic acids couple to an activated ester silica (N-hydroxysuccinimidyl-silica) only when they contain an added aminoalkyl group. Heteropolymeric oligomers containing other nucleotide bases were shown to also couple by way of the nucleotide base (adenine, cytosine, or guanine); however, when a heteropolymeric oligonucleotide also contains a 5'-aminoalkyl moiety, coupling by way of the latter is the favored reaction. When duplex hybrids of oligonucleotides are formed, the nucleotide bases are protected from chemical coupling. Coupling by way of nucleotide bases would be detrimental to some chromatography experiments. On the basis of these observations, two different procedures were developed to produce DNA-silicas in which a single strand of the DNA is coupled by only its 5'-terminus. In the first of these, the polymerase chain reaction was used with a 5'-aminoalkyl primer to make a duplex DNA with one strand containing the 5'-aminoalkyl group and the duplex DNA is then coupled to the activated ester silica. This yielded a silica containing about 0.17 nmol of a 242-mer per gram silica which bound only probes specific for the coupled strand. In the other procedure, a template DNA strand was poly(A) tailed and hybridized to (dT)18-silica. DNA polymerase I (Klenow large fragments) was then used to copy the template-specified sequence directly onto the 3'-terminus of the (dT)18. This procedure yielded about 1.2 to 2.7 nmol DNA copied/g of silica of a specific 21-mer sequence. The DNA-silica produced selectively hybridized only with complementary sequences and not with DNA lacking that sequence. Either of these procedures thus produces DNA-silicas from heteropolymeric DNA sequences with a predetermined, specific 5'-terminal site of attachment.  相似文献   

Human Y-chromatin : II. DNA replication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The DNA synthesis of the human Y-chromatin in its various morphological configurations was studied by labeling with tritiated thymidine (3H-TdR) and autoradiography. Continuous terminal and pulse labeling studies revealed that while condensed, the Y-body lagged in DNA synthesis behind the rest of the nucleus. The highest rate of incorporation of 3H-TdR by the Y-body occurred when it was dispersed. These observations are consistent with the replication characteristics of the Y chromosome as determined by conventional late labeling studies and strongly suggest that the Y-body uncoils at the time it replicates its DNA.  相似文献   

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