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The effects of nutrients, temperature and light on gametogenesis in Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kütz, were studied in culture. Concentrations of nitrogen in the medium employed showed a marked influence on gamete production. Gametogenesis is inhibited by N excess but is not a response to N starvation or depletion. A drop in N level from that of the growth medium is not required, nor does it per se trigger gametogenesis. The N concentration satisfying growth requirements insufficiently low to permit sexual differentiation. Nitrogen level in the growth medium has no effect on subsequent N to maintain a typical culture. Number of gametes present at maximum production time is inversely related to N concentration, but neither time of onset of gametogenesis, nor time of maximum gamete production is affected by N concentration. Cultures incubated at 15 C in medium lacking N take a minimum of 20—24 h to develop cells irreversibly committed to gamete formation. At the concentrations tested, no medium component other than the N-containing salt affected gametogenesis. Temperature influences both time of maximum production and numbers present at maximum production time. Time of maximum production is inversely related to incubation temperature; a 15 C incubation temperature yielded highest gamete production. Light enhances gametogenesis but gamete formation can occur in absence of light. Achievement of a light-saturated response is dependent upon illumination given at two critical periods: one occurs shortly after N withdrawal; the other occurs later, when cells are becoming irreversibly committed to gamete formation. Ability to produce gametes diminished with prolonged laboratory culture.  相似文献   


淀山湖河蚬性腺发育分期的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者研究了河蚬性腺发育并确定了性腺分期标准。雌雄性腺发育皆可分为五个时期:第Ⅰ期增殖期、第Ⅱ期小生长期、第Ⅲ期在雌性为大生长期,在雄性为成形期、第Ⅳ期成熟期、第Ⅴ期在雌性为排卵期,在雄性为耗尽期。此外,还发现河蚬存在雌雄同体现象。  相似文献   

陈介  云波 《云南植物研究》1995,17(4):400-400
苏铁属一新亚种陈介,云波(中国科学院昆明植物研究所,昆明650204)(个旧市第二中学,个旧661400)关键词苏铁科,苏铁属,新亚种、蔓耗苏铁蔓耗苏铁新亚种ANEWTAXAOFCYCAS(CYCADACEAk)INYUNNAN¥CNENCheih(...  相似文献   

报道在中国首次发现的颚姬蜂属Clodeates Towaes,1969并1新纪录种:盘颚姬蜂Claseates discedens(Woldstedt,1874).  相似文献   

安健  汪明  孔繁瑶  殷佩云 《动物学报》2001,47(4):431-435
利用透射电镜对柔嫩艾美耳球虫配子生殖阶段的超微结构进行了,大配子体和小配子体于相邻的宿主肠上皮细胞内相产生,由末代裂殖子入后,长大变圆而形成,小配子的形成为直接分化型,首先细胞核分裂成为多核体,随后细胞核向周边移动,然后紧靠细胞处的限制向外突出,临近突出部位的限制膜下陷,在核上方形成中心粒,中心粒发育为基粒,鞭毛中的微管和附着微管,早期形成的小配子仍与小配子体的殖体相连,成熟的小配子与配子体分离,外型香蕉状,外被单位膜,内有一电子结构十分致密的细胞核,核的头端侧面有一个巨大的线粒体,小配子有鞭毛2根,每根鞭毛内有微管,组成为9+2结构,此外,小配子至少有6根附着微管,大配子体和大配子外被单位膜,内部形成大量的成囊体1和成囊体2,并有大量的支链淀粉和脂肪体,中央有一个细胞核,卵囊臂有5层,细胞核位于细胞中央,细胞内有大量的支链淀粉和脂肪体。  相似文献   

The effects of a range of constant temperatures on gametogenesiswere investigated in two freshwater snail species which occursympatrically in the Umsin-dusi River, Natal, South Africa,Physa acuta (invasive) and Bulinus tropicus (endemic). Bothwere shown to be simultaneous hermaphrodites with slight protandry.An increase in temperature accelerated the process of gametogenesisbut P. acuta responded more rapidly to these changes than B.tropicus. This, coupled with the greater fecundity and shorterincubation period of P. acuta, gives it a reproductive advantageover the endemic species, providing a possible explanation forthe invasive's success in rapidly repopulating disturbed riverinehabitats. (Received 16 November 1990; accepted 1 May 1991)  相似文献   

Abbott , Isabella A. (Hopkins Marine Sta. of Stanford U., Pacific Grove, Calif.) Morphological studies in a new species of Acrosymphyton (Rhodophyceae). Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(8): 845–849. Illus. 1962.—Acrosymphyton taylori sp. nov. (Dumontiaceae, Cryptonemiales, Rhodophyceae) is shown to have a sexual cycle essentially similar to that of the 2 other species in the genus, but differs in some details of the sexual structures and the vegetative structure. Acrosymphyton taylori, from the Hawaiian Islands, is the only member of the genus from the Pacific. Acrosymphyton is only one of several genera of red algae possessing soft, gelatinous, uniaxial thalli. A study of specimens from various herbaria showed that specimens of Dudresnaya and Calosiphonia have been confused with Acrosymphyton.  相似文献   

本文描述了地衣型石耳属一新种,周鳞石耳.新种脐叶体上表面以周边皮层碎片上翘而形成的大量准鳞芽,类似于淡腹鳞石耳,但是,不同之处在于新种脐叶体下表面黑色,覆以大量同色而多分枝的假根以及具有不同的地理分布.从而呈现为地理替代现象.文中为新种提供了拉丁文特征提要、英文描述、图片与地理分布图以及新种及其相关种的检索表.  相似文献   

云南松(Pinus yunnanensis Fr.)花粉于三月在四细胞时期散粉。花粉在珠心顶端萌发,然后花粉管进入珠心组织,管核进入花粉管。第二年三月,休眠的花粉管在珠心内恢复活动,四月形成二个不等的雄配子。在雄配子周围有一些淀粉粒分布。花粉孵育在含蔗糖的培养基中生长要比在BKBM-WS培养基中缓慢。花粉粒及花粉管中含有大量直径4—8微米的淀粉粒,在不含蔗糖的培养基中,淀粉粒积累较少,直径约2—5微米。培养在2—5℃低温下的花粉可以缓慢地萌发,但不能形成雄配子。花粉管的伸出以及外壁的裂开总是发生在远极端薄壁区,花粉管可产生2—5条分枝或向两侧平行地生长,在萌发的早期,花粉粒以及花粉管中的细胞质十分稠密,蛋白质含量丰富。管核的蛋白质染色反应最深,生殖核次之。当生殖细胞分裂形成不育细胞及精原细胞后,管核染色反应稍有下降,花粉管中细胞质集中在顶端区域。当精原细胞分裂形成二精子时,花粉管中细胞质仅分布在二个精细胞及不育细胞和管核四周,其余部分已很少或缺乏。  相似文献   

粘虫 Pseudaletia separata (Walk.)血细胞的类型辨识和病态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用相差显微镜,并辅以涂片染色、化学反应方法,将粘虫各虫态虫龄的血细胞分为8个类型。他们是:原血胞、浆血胞、粒血胞、珠血胞、类绛血胞、囊血胞、梭血胞及脂血胞。并统计出各类血细胞在粘虫一生中的数量变化。本文认为足血胞与粒血胞不同之处在于前者的伸延部分含有细胞质。符合这一标准的足血胞在此次工作中看到的不多,因此对粘虫足血胞的存在问题暂作保留。 苏芸金杆菌处理后,粘虫血细胞产生了明显的病态变化,随着病症的进展,非正常血胞自2%上升为30%,50%,83%左右。直到死亡,血淋巴内未发现杆菌出现。  相似文献   

文章报道了寄生于鲫(Carassius auratus)鳃部的锚首虫一新种, 鲫锚首虫(Ancyrocephalus carassii sp. nov.)。该虫几丁质结构与寄生于鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)的河鲈锚首虫(A. mogurndae)在整体上很相似, 尺寸略大, 但鲫锚首虫的背联结棒上有两个突起, 背中央大钩基部较后者更粗壮, 且在近钩顶处有一明显的小凹。这是首次在鲫上发现锚首虫科(Ancyrocephalidae)单殖吸虫的寄生。  相似文献   

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