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Larvae of Crystallodytes pauciradiatus (Creediidae) are described from 47 individuals (2·9–21·3 mm). They are elongate, slender, lightly pigmented, have prominent preopercular spines and unique small spines on the lower jaw. Early stages are restricted to the nearshore water around Easter Island, South Pacific.  相似文献   

Thirty-five larvae and adults of the paedomophic goby Schindleria praematura were collected around Easter Island, during November 1999. Mean abundance from the five stations where they were caught ( n =26) was 10.2 ± 6.1 individuals 1000 m−3. They occurred only in shallow areas. Oocyte counts ranged from 70 to 110. Otolith examination suggests that adults appear to live no longer than 3 months.  相似文献   

Importations of biological control agents for insect pests and weeds in New Zealand are summarized and factors contributing to the relative success of the programmes are examined. The establishment rate of 30.9% is similar to that achieved worldwide, but is significantly lower than the rate achieved in the island habitat of Hawaii. The pioneering role of New Zealand in biological control is shown by the high proportion of programmes first attempted in this country. Although this novelty has not reduced the establishment rate, introductions against endemic species have not succeeded. Size of release was not a dominant feature in the establishment of agents. Complete or substantial success is recorded for 17 of the 70 target pests, with a relatively high success rate in forestry programmes. Examples of the influence of climate matching and competitive exclusion are also discussed. Changing practices and attitudes to the introduction of biological control agents are documented to show the increasing emphasis on specialists. No adverse effects of introductions are reported. The challenge to practitioners and regulators is to develop systems to evaluate conflicts of interest and develop workable mechanisms to determine which biological control agents are suitable for release.  相似文献   

This study assesses seasonal variation in the morphology and diet of juveniles and adults of the Easter Island endemic goby Kelloggella disalvoi from intertidal pools during September–October 2015 (spring) and June–July 2016 (winter), utilizing geometric morphometric and gut‐content analyses. A set of 16 landmarks was digitized in 128 individuals. Shape changes related to size changes (i.e. allometry) were low (18·6%) and were seasonally similar. Body shape changes were mainly dorsoventral (44·2% of variance) and comprised posteroventral displacement of the premaxilla and bending of the body. The latter included vertical displacement of the anterior portion of the first and second dorsal fins and the entire base of the caudal fin. Diets mainly comprised developmental stages of harpacticoid copepods (from eggs to adults), ostracods, isopods, gastropods and bivalves. Also, trophic niche breadth remained constant throughout development and did not vary between seasons. Nonetheless, significant dietary differences were detected in specimens collected during spring (main prey items: harpacticoid copepods and copepod eggs) and winter (harpacticoid copepods and copepod nauplii). Finally, there was weak but significant covariation between diet and morphology: molluscivores were characterized by having an inferior mouth gape, whereas planktivores had an anteriorly directed premaxilla.  相似文献   

枇杷害虫发生与防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
调查研究结果表明,福建枇杷发生常见害虫约35种。叶部主要害虫有枇杷瘤蛾、苹掌舟蛾,在6-8月份发生为害叶片;果实主要害虫有燕灰蝶、长卷蛾,在3-5月份发生为害果实。研究应用90%万灵WP和10%吡虫灵WP防治低龄瘤蛾幼虫,效果分别为92.61%和90.34%;采用喷5%齐螨素结合套袋(牛皮纸)保果能有效控制果蛀虫的为害,防效为96.5%。  相似文献   

害虫研究与防治中的生态学尺度   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
尺度已成为生态学上的一个重要概念和研究热点 ,但在害虫防治中尚未引起足够的重视 .本文从生态学尺度概念和等级理论出发 ,分析了不同尺度水平上害虫研究的方法、内容、关键问题及研究成果对害虫防治的意义 .在对害虫发生为害特征、害虫种群动力学原理、农业生态系统结构的演变、害虫防治的社会化、害虫防治技术的发展等因素的分析的基础上 ,指出害虫防治策略在时空尺度上拓展的趋势和必要性 .  相似文献   

Papua New Guinea isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae from the rhinoceros beetles, Scapanes australis and Oryctes rhinoceros; the black palm weevil, Rhynchophorus bilineatus (Coleoptera); and three other insect orders (Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, and Dermaptera) were all short-spored (M. anisopliae var. anisopliae). Isolates from Scapanes were also pathogenic to Rhynchophorus and Oryctes. When a Scapanes isolate was grown on brown rice and released into the frond axils of young palms, 32% of dead Scapanes adults collected during the following 48 weeks were infected compared to 1% in the control nonrelease palms. Some infection of Rhynchophorus also occurred. Infection in Scapanes but not Rhynchophorus also increased in a plot of palms adjacent to the release zone. The rice inoculum could be recovered and the fungus reisolated up to 84 days after release, but infection of Scapanes continued to occur after all trace of the inoculum had disappeared.  相似文献   

Cultural and biological data suggests the Polynesian origin of the Rapanui population, although the presence of foreign genes in the native population, as a result of admixture with Europeans in the last two centuries has also to be considered. In order to estimate the genetic affinities of the present-day inhabitants of Easter Island and the nearby populations, we used seven polymorphisms of the Y chromosome. However we want to estimate the grade of admixture on the genetic structure that was brought from foreigners within the last two centuries upon the more geographically isolated populations in the world. The preliminary results showed the presence of 18 haplotypes analyzed on 30 male samples. The analysis of the allelic frequency showed a distribution typical of the Polynesian populations. Available data in literature, even with some differences probably due to either the founder effect or historical and ecological events that created sudden demographic variations on the island population. The phylogentic analysis of the haplotypes obtained through Network Median Joining showed two different cluster of haplotypes, of which one represents about 64% of the present haplotypes on Easter Island, which are characterized from the presence of the allele DYS19*16, very frequent in the Pacific populations. The other cluster is characterized from the presence of the allele DYS19*14, absent within the populations in the Pacific and with reasonable high frequency within the European populations and South American. Most probably the two clusters are the product of several colonizations that Easter Island had endured from the time of the Chilian and European Colonies. It was demonstrated in fact, that the arrival in 1914 of 50 German and English prisoners would have left a considerable genetic impact on the population of Rapanui, which during this period was of small size.  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. China has the second largest area of the rice growing in the world and the highest yield of rice produced. Infestation by insect pests, especially rice planthoppers, stem borers and leaf folders, is always a serious challenge to rice production in China. Current methods for controlling insect pests in China mainly include good farming practices, biological control, breeding and growing resistant varieties, and the use of chemical insecticides. However, for farmers, the favorite method for insect pest control is still the application of chemical insecticide, which not only causes severe environmental pollution and the resurgence of herbivores but also reduces populations of the natural enemies of herbivores. To control insect pests safely, effectively and sustainably, strategies encouraging biological control are currently demanded. Here we review the progress that has been made in the development and implementation of biological controls for rice in China since the 1970s. Such progress includes the species identification of the natural enemies of rice insect pests, the characterization of their biology, and the integration of biological controls in integrated pest management. To develop effective ecological engineering programs whose aim is to implement conservation biological controls, further research, including the evaluation of the roles of plants in non-crop habitats in conservation biological controls, volatiles in enhancing efficiency of natural enemies and natural enemies in manipulating insect pests, and education to increase farmers’ knowledge of biological controls, is proposed.  相似文献   

The possibility of using sphecid wasps to control acridid pests is discussed. A list of 19 Ethiopian species that could be utilized for this purpose is provided.  相似文献   

Apple is one of the most important fruits in China, and both yield and quality are greatly affected by insect pests. According to surveys, there are more than 200 species of natural enemies in apple orchards. Few, however, have been closely studied. Major natural enemies including parasitoids, predators and pathogens are briefly described in this review, especially focusing on two parasitoids of Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura and Aphelinus mali Haldeman, predatory mites and a pathogenic fungus of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin as case studies. Augmentation, one important strategy of biological control, supplements the natural control provided by the existing natural enemy community in apple orchards, and greatly increases their efficiency in controlling pests. Conservation biological control is also widely applied in four major apple-producing areas. Based on habitat manipulation, the ground cover planting system helps regulate the microclimate and enhance the biodiversity of apple orchards, effectively conserving the richness and diversity of beneficial insect species. Certain achievements have been made in the main biological control strategies including successful introduction of some exotic natural enemies such as A. mali and Typhlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt, augmentative production and application of biological control agents such as T. dendrolimi, B. bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis, and further research in conservation of establishing adaptive ground cover planting patterns to local environment. Challenges, however, still exist. Biological control of insect pests in apple orchards is an important part of integrated pest management programs, requiring more research and application in China.  相似文献   

本文报道红麻全秆贮存期主要害虫生话习性与综合防治方法。红麻全秆贮存期主要害虫有9种,其综合防治方法是:控制含水量、不存隔年麻、切除秆梢贮、保护新麻秆、防治陈麻秆,采用以上综合防治方法,可使红麻全秆贮存不生虫或很少生虫。经检验,效果很好,其防治效果达98%以上。  相似文献   

 Christmas (Kiritimati) Island is an unusually large coral atoll, of which a large proportion of the surface is presently subaerial. Extensive outcrops of in situ branching Acropora corals, together with Porites microatolls, Tridacna, and other shallow marine biota, indicate that the present low-lying area of interconnecting lakes in the island interior formed as a reticulate lagoon. Radiocarbon dating indicates that these lagoonal reefs flourished between 4500 and 1500 radiocarbon years BP, and surveying confirms that sea level was 0.5–1.0 m above present at that time, with subaerial exposure resulting from Late Holocene emergence. Boreholes undertaken for a water resources survey of the island penetrated near-surface Pleistocene limestones on the northern, southern, and eastern sides of the island. These are highly weathered and fractured, and although aragonitic clasts are preserved, U-series dating indicates a Middle Pleistocene or older age. At one location flanking the Bay of Wrecks, an outcrop of limestone, with an erosional notch, 1–2 m above present sea level, yielded a U-series age of 130 ka, and is interpreted as Last Interglacial in age. In contrast to previous interpretations which have suggested that Christmas Island comprised an atoll superstructure that is entirely Holocene, or the layer-cake interpretation appropriate for many mid-ocean atolls, Christmas Island appears to have had a form similar to its present in the Middle Pleistocene or earlier. It has undergone karstification during lowstands. Interglacials, particularly the Last Interglacial and the Holocene, appear to have resulted in only a minor veneer of coral over older limestone surfaces. Christmas Island is considered characteristic of an atoll that has not experienced significant subsidence through the Late Quaternary. Accepted: 15 May 1998  相似文献   

21世纪我国害虫生物防治研究的进展、问题与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈学新 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):615-625
害虫生物防治是昆虫学的重要分支学科,进入21世纪以来,随着生命科学和生物技术的发展以及新原理、新方法的不断渗透、交叉与融合,使该分支学科在我国得到了快速发展。本文就近年来我国在天敌昆虫及其利用、昆虫病原微生物及其利用、昆虫信息素及其应用、生物农药及其推广应用、新兴生物技术在害虫生物防治中的应用等方面所取得的主要进展作了简要的回顾与总结;并在分析我国本领域学科发展水平与国际差距的基础上,指出了我国生物防治领域存在的主要问题及几个亟待加强的优先发展领域。  相似文献   

Concern over the impact of chemical pesticides on human health and the environment continues to stimulate the study of alternative, biological pest control agents (BCA). In Africa, use of BCA products is just emerging, primarily in the export sector where growers are using a mixture of products from new African companies and products imported from outside Africa. In contrast, although interest in BCA for use in domestic markets has been widely supported by development funding partners for many years, few products have become available to these growers. The limited uptake of BCA in Africa suggests there may be constraints and issues working against their wider implementation. Here, we focus on non-technical constraints and issues facing microbial BCA applied inundatively, but arguments extend to a greater or lesser degree to all BCA. The challenges to wider BCA availability could be overcome by: a more coherent approach to their regulation across the continent; support for BCA development that is based on evidence of need and applicability; and political advocacy to lobby for necessary resources being made available to all stakeholders.  相似文献   

1993-1996年作者研究了豆田16种可控因素对夏大豆病虫害、天敌和产量的综合效应。根据既控病虫增产又保护生态的原则,综合评价了可控因素,提出了夏大豆病早了优控制策略:同穴(4:1式)或间作(9:2式),鲁豆4,6月10日前后播种、1800g/hm^2微肥拦种,N45kg/hm^2,P2O560kg/hm^2,K20150kg/hm^2,有机肥22500kg/hm^2,甲拦磷0.36%拌种,多菌  相似文献   

频振式杀虫灯在茶树害虫测报、防治中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋昌琪  蓝建军  徐火忠 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):324-325,283
应用佳多频振式杀虫灯进行了茶树害虫的预测预报和防治试验。结果表明,该灯对茶园中的茶细蛾Caloptiliatheivora(walsingham)、茶毛虫EuproctispseudoconspersaStrand、斜纹夜蛾Prodenialitura(Fabricius)等茶树主要害虫有明显的诱集作用;同时,根据害虫成虫诱集时间、数量与面上生育期观察,其动态变化基本一致,可以用于幼虫的发生期、发生量预报,在面上应用频振式杀虫灯对3种的防治试验中取得明显的效果。认为该灯是一种安全、经济、有效、无污染的茶树害虫预测预报和防治工具。  相似文献   

茶园害虫生态控制若干问题的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
茶园害虫生态控制是一种较新的控制有害生物的策略。本文讨论了茶园害虫生态控制的特点、原理和方法,认为茶园害虫生态控制是在深入了解茶园生态系统内有关因素的特性、动态、以及相关联系的情况下,运用有效的技术和手段,创造不利于害虫而有利于茶叶生产的条件,充分发挥生态系统中各种害虫调控因子的作用,使茶园害虫种群密度在生态系统内长期处在不足以引起经济损失的水平,使整个茶园生态系统高效、低耗和持续发展。同时详细分析了茶园各种生态因子在生态控制中的作用,并提出了今后茶园害虫生态控制的研究方向和工作重点。  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of nematophagous fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson in control of the most destructive greenhouse pests such as: greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, glasshouse red spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii and western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis was examined in laboratory and pot experiments. The fungus showed the greatest efficacy in controlling winged and wingless forms of the cotton aphid. The cotton aphid’s population was almost totally eliminated. In controlling the greenhouse whitefly, P. lilacinus was most successful when applied against nymphal growth stages (L3-L4). Control of the western flower thrips was most efficient against prepupal and pupal stages when the fungus was applied as a water spore suspension to the soil. When the fungus was applied at temperatures below 10 °C, it was able to reduce a glasshouse red spider mite population by 60%.  相似文献   

近年广西银杏病虫害发生及防治对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁惠凌  唐辉  韦霄  李锋   《广西植物》2000,20(3):264-268
近年来 ,银杏病虫害在广西各栽培地区普遍发生。主要报导了在广西危害比较严重 ,造成较大经济损失的病虫害及其危害症状、形态特征、发生规律和防治措施。这些病虫害在广西多属首次发现报导。  相似文献   

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