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To increase the production of anthraquinone colorants in madder (Rubia akane Nakai) cell culture, the effects of elicitation on the colorant production were investigated. Chitosan was the best biotic elicitor among nine plant derived and microbial derived polysaccharides. When elicited with 25 mg/L chitosan, the total production was increased approximately two times in a seven-day culture as compared to that in the unelicited cells. Anthraquinone production was increased in proportion to the contact period up to day 3. Maximum anthraquinone colorants were obtained with 3-day treatment of chitosan. During chitosan elicitation, the total production was increased 1.3 times in MS medium containing galactose as compared to that containing sucrose. The degree of deacetylation in chitosan and the use of growth regulator or addition of precursor did not affect the production of anthraquinone colorants. When madder cells were elicited at optimum condition, anthraquinone concentration and specific anthraquinone content increased 1.3 times (0.69 g/L) and 2.2 times (0.32 g/g DCW), respectively.  相似文献   

To enhance the productivity of anthraquinone colorants during madder (Rubia akane Nakai) cell cultures, the effects of permeabilizing agents on the production of anthraquinone colorants were investigated. Tween 80 was the best among the permeabilizing agents tested. Addition of 1% Tween 80 increased the total and released concentrations of anthraquinones about 1.6 times (159 mg l–1) and 14 times (71 mg l–1), respectively. In addition, anthraquinone production was increased to 220 mg l–1, 2.2 times as the level of control culture by simultaneous use of 1% Tween 80, 5 mg chitosan/l and 2% (w/v) XAD-7. Also, 47% (105 mg l–1) of total anthraquinones was released to medium or adsorbed on XAD-7.  相似文献   

Summary Panax ginseng hairy root cultures were established by infecting petiole segments with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain 15834. Hairy root segments including root tips placed onto phytohormone-free 1/2 Murashige and Skoog solid medium and stored at 4 °C in the dark for 4 months, resumed elongation when the temperature was raised to 25 °C in the dark. For cryopreservation, a vitrification method was applied. Root tips precultured with 0.1 mg/l 2,4-D for 3 days and dehydrated with PVS2 solution for 8 minutes prior to immersion into liquid nitrogen had a survival rate of 60 % and could regenerate. The hairy roots regenerated from cryopreserved root tips grew well and showed the same ginsenoside productivity and patterns as those of the control hairy roots cultured continuously at 25 °C. The conservation of T-DNAs in the regenerated hairy roots was proved by PCR analysis.Abbreviations 1/2 MS a half strength Murashige and Skoog (1962) - B5 Gamborg B5 (Gamborg et al. 1968) - WP woody plant (Lloyd and McCown 1980) - RC root culture (Thomas and Davey 1982) - RCI root culture medium containing 100 mg/l myoinositol - HF phytohormone-free - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid - PCR polymerase chain reaction - PVS2 plant vitrification solution 2 (Sakai et al., 1990) - FDA fluorecein diacetate  相似文献   

An improved protocol for shoot regeneration from hairy roots transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes of the legume species Astragalus sinicus (Chinese milk vetch) has been developed. The A. rhizogenes strain DC-AR2 harboring the binary vector pBI121 which carries the uidAgene encoding -glucuronidase activity and the kanamycin resistance gene nptII, was used to transform cut ends of plantlet hypocotyls. Transformed hairy roots were selected on medium containing 75 g ml–1 kanamycin, and transformation was monitored by detection of the opine mikimopine, histochemical -glucuronidase activity, the polymerase chain reaction, and Southern blot analysis. The cytokinins benzylaminopurine, kinetin, and thidiazuron suppressed the growth of 8-month and 3-year-old hairy roots, but were necessary for adventitious shoot formation that could occur with some lines. Putative somatic embryos developed from transformed roots on medium with 7.5-10.0 mg l–1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Light did not affect shoot regeneration from transformed hairy roots. This transformation and shoot regeneration system should be useful for testing gene expression quickly and be amenable to studies of shoot morphogenesis and interactions with rol gene expression.  相似文献   

Three ejaculates from each of eight stallions were subjected to cryopreservation in a milk/egg yolk-based freezing extender or an egg yolk-based freezing extender. Semen was exposed to a fast prefreeze cooling rate (FAST; semen immediately subjected to cryopreservation) or a slow prefreeze cooling rate (SLOW; semen pre-cooled at a controlled rate for 80 min prior to cryopreservation). Postthaw semen was diluted in initial freezing medium (FM) or INRA 96 (IMV Technologies, L'Aigle, France) prior to analysis of 10 experimental end points: total motility (MOT; %), progressive motility (PMOT; %), curvilinear velocity (VCL; μm/s), linearity (LIN; %), intact acrosomal and plasma membranes (AIMI; %), intact acrosomal membranes (AI; %), intact plasma membranes (MI; %), and DNA quality. Eight of 10 experimental endpoints (MOT, PMOT, average-path velocity [VAP], mean straight-line velocity [VSL], LIN AIMI, AI, and MI) were affected by extender type, with egg yolk-based extender yielding higher values than milk/egg yolk-based extender (P < 0.05). Exposure of extended semen to a slow prefreeze cooling period resulted in increased values for six of eight endpoints (MOT, PMOT, VCL, AIMI, AI, and MI), as compared with a fast prefreeze cooling period (P < 0.05). As a postthaw diluent, INRA 96 yielded higher mean values than FM for MOT, PMOT, VCL, average-path velocity, and mean straight-line velocity (P < 0.05). Treatment group FM yielded slightly higher values than INRA 96 for LIN and MI (P < 0.05). In conclusion, a slow prefreeze cooling rate was superior to a fast prefreeze cooling rate, regardless of freezing extender used, and INRA 96 served as a satisfactory postthaw diluent prior to semen analysis.  相似文献   

Hairy root culture system is a valuable tool to study the characteristics of gene expression, gene function, root biology, biochemical properties and biosynthesis pathways of secondary metabolites. In the present study, hairy roots were established in Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) via Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Three strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A4, A7 and 9435), were used for induction of hairy roots in four various explants (hypocotyl, cotyledon, one-month-old leaf and five-month-old leaf) of Anise hyssop. The highest frequency of transformation was achieved using A4 strain in one-month-old leaves (51.1%). The transgenic states of hairy root lines were confirmed by PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) method. High performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed that the production of rosmarinic acid (RA) in transformed roots of A. foeniculum was almost 4-fold higher than that of the non-transformed roots. In a separate experiment, hairy roots obtained from one-month-old leaves inoculated with A4 strain, were grown in liquid medium and the effects of different concentrations of salicylic acid (0.0, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mM) and chitosan (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg L?1) (as elicitor) and sucrose (20, 30, 40 and 50 g L?1) on the growth of hairy roots were evaluated. The results showed that, 30 g L?1 sucrose and 100 mg L?1 chitosan increased the biomass of hairy root cultures and application of salicylic acid reduced the growth of hairy roots compared with control roots.  相似文献   

葫芦巴(Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)是薯蓣皂素源植物之一,本文以来源于中国山西省的一年生草本植物葫芦巴为实验材料,研究发根农杆菌菌液浓度与超声波辅助处理两个因素对葫芦巴发根转化率的影响。结果显示,随着菌液浓度升高,发根数和发根转化率均逐渐升高,中浓度与低浓度菌液相比,发根数量和转化率分别升高了2.58和3.90倍;利用高浓度菌液侵染获得的发根数量和发根转化率最高,分别是低浓度菌液的7.33和4.32倍。在超声波处理实验中,超声(工作频率40 KHz,超声功率180 W)处理30 s与经未超声处理的对照组相比,发根数量及转化率略有下降;当超声处理60 s时,发根转化率明显上升,为对照组的2.48倍。葫芦巴发根体系的建立可为生产薯蓣皂素以及解析薯蓣皂素合成路径提供一个关键的技术平台。  相似文献   

A fully contained and efficient heterologous protein production system was designed using Brassica rapa rapa (turnip) hairy roots. Two expression cassettes containing a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter with a duplicated enhancer region, an Arabidopsis thaliana sequence encoding a signal peptide and the CaMV polyadenylation signal were constructed. One cassette was used to express the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-encoding gene in hairy roots grown in flasks. A stable and fast-growing hairy root line secreted GFP at >120 mg/l culture medium. GFP represented 60 % of the total soluble proteins in the culture medium. Turnip hairy roots retained sustainable growth and stable GFP production over 3 years. These results were superior to those obtained using tobacco hairy roots.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen sources in the medium were selected for the culture of madder hairy roots producing anthraquinone pigments. The growth and pigment formation of the hairy roots were significantly enhanced by using modified Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium containing fructose and nitrate as the sole carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively, compared with those obtained in conventional MS medium with sucrose. Repeated-batch culture of the hairy roots was carried out, with pigment release into the medium obtained by means of O2 starvation treatment. In three pigment-release operations during 29-d culture, the total amount of released pigments was 21 mg/dm3, representing an average production rate of 0.72 mg/(dm3·d).  相似文献   

In vitro cultures of hairy root derived from Catharanthus roseus accumulate higher levels of indole alkaloids than cell suspension cultures. Hairy roots were interconverted to undifferentiated cells by manipulation of the culture medium. When the concentration of micronutrients in the culture medium was five times that of Phillips and Collins (1979) medium, cell suspensions formed from the hairy roots. The alkaloid content was five times lower in the cell suspensions than in the control, but upon regeneration of the roots the alkaloid content regained its original level. The formation of cell suspensions from hairy roots was also accompanied by a reduction in tryptophan decarboxylase and the strictosidine synthase activity to less than 5% and 30%, respectively. 3-Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity was the same in the cell suspension and in the regenerated line. Received: 12 February 1998 / Revision received: 21 May 1998 / Accepted: 5 June 1998  相似文献   

The effect of two chemical elicitors, salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate, on the production of gossypol, 6-methoxygossypol, and 6,6′-dimethoxygossypol in Gossypium barbadense hairy roots was examined. Methyl jasmonate, but not salicylic acid, was found to increase the production of gossypol and its methylated forms, but with a concomitant reduction in culture growth. The optimal methyl jasmonate dose was between 100 and 300 μM for hairy roots harvested 7 days after elicitation. After 20 d of induction with 100 μM methyl jasmonate, an eightfold increase in the level of gossypol was observed in elicited cultures compared with control cultures, double the highest gossypol levels previously reported for any cotton tissue. A two to threefold increase in the level of 6-methoxygossypol and a slight increase in the levels of 6,6′-dimethoxygossypol were also observed. Although methyl jasmonate stimulated the production of both optical forms of gossypol, the distribution of the enantiomers was different between elicited and control cultures.  相似文献   

Catharanthus roseus has been well-known to contain indole alkaloids effective for treatment of diverse cancers. We examined the intracellular accumulation profiles of phenolic compounds in response to ectopic overexpression of tryptophan feedback-resistant anthranilate synthase holoenzyme (ASalphabeta) in C. roseus hairy roots. Among 13 phenolic compounds measured, 6 phenolic compounds were detected in late exponential phase ASalphabeta hairy roots. Uninduced and induced ASalphabeta hairy roots accumulated up to 1.2 and 4.5 mg/g DW over a 72-h period, respectively. Upon induction, in parallel with a rapid increase in tryptophan in the first 48 h, accumulation of phenolic compounds tended to increase to a maximum level (4.5 mg/g DW) at 48 h, after which phenolic levels decreased back to the uninduced level by 72 h. Naringin was a predominant form that comprised about 72% and 36% of the total content of phenolic compounds in the uninduced and induced lines, respectively. Upon induction, accumulation of catechin drastically increased with the highest level (3.6 mg/g) occurring at 48 h, whereas that of all others except for salicylic acid showed no statistical difference. Catechin is a final product of the flavonoid pathway, and thus metabolic flux into this pathway is transiently increased by overexpression of AS. Like catechin, salicylic acid is very sensitive to induction as it began to increase to 5-fold within 4 h of induction, but unlike catechin, no significant accumulation of salicylic acid was noted after 4 h of induction. The results suggest differential regulation of this particular biosynthesis branch within the phenolic pathway.  相似文献   

Using a step-cooling cryopreservation protocol that held the tissue 60 min at -4 degrees C, 30 min at -8 degrees C, and 10 min at -40 degrees C before plunging into liquid nitrogen, we were able to get a substantial improvement in the magnitude and pattern of chondrocyte recovery following cryopreservation, achieving postthaw recoveries of 62 +/- 13%. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that ice growth within articular cartilage is planar, but they provide no direct support for that hypothesis. Transplanting (step-cooled) cryopreserved osteochondral allografts into adult Suffolk/Romanoff crossbred sheep for periods of 3 months and 1 year further tested the efficacy of the cryopreservation protocol. Unfortunately, the cryoinjury sustained by the chondrocytes during cryopreservation, although apparently nonlethal immediately after thawing in many cases, was not innocuous in the long term. The presence of large clusters of chondrocytes at 1 year after transplantation illustrates that cryoinjury not detectable with a membrane integrity assay can still have far-reaching effects on transplanted tissue.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, hairy root research for the production of important secondary metabolites has received a lot of attention. The addition of knowledge to overcome the limiting culture parameters of the regulation of the metabolic pathway by specific molecules and the development of novel tools for metabolic engineering now offer new possibilities to improve the hairy root technique for the production of metabolites. Furthermore, engineering hairy roots for the production of animal proteins of therapeutic interest in confined and controlled in vitro conditions is seen as one of the exciting spin-offs of the technology. Recent progress made in the scale-up of the hairy root cultures has paved the way for industrial exploitation of this system. This review highlights some of the significant progress made in the past three years and discusses the potential implications of that research.  相似文献   


Hairy root cultures are often used to produce valuable metabolites. They are grown on sucrose-rich medium, which is highly susceptible to contamination. Trapa natans is a unique plant with photosynthesizing roots. It is a promising object to obtain photoautotrophic hairy root culture. Protocols for transformation of this species are yet unknown. We report that hairy roots can be induced in aquarium and in vitro cultures of T. natans by agrobacterium-mediated and biolistic transformation. 64 roots were induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain 15834, two roots were obtained using strain K599. Strain A4 was not effective. Biolistics with either amplicons of rol genes and 1301 pCAMBIA plasmid carrying rol genes resulted in the formation of six roots. All these roots contained chloroplasts. This achievement opens a prospect for genetic transformation of T. natans and use of its green photosynthesizing hairy root cultures in production of bioactive substances and in phytoremediation.


Summary The effects of agitation and aeration on the growth of carrot hairy roots were investigated. When hydrodynamic stress index was above 0.001 cm/s, the growth rate of hairy roots decreased sharply. When volumetric O2 transfer coefficient was high, the specific growth rate was also high. However, the specific growth rate approached the maximum value when the volumetric O2 transfer coefficient was over 4 h–1 . It is therefore necessary to maintain low hydrodynamic stress and high volumetric oxygen transfer for high density culture of hairy roots. By considering hydrodynamic stress and oxygen transfer, a novel bioreactor type was suggested for hairy roots cultivation.This research was supported in part by the Genetic Engineering Research Fund Korean Ministry of Education  相似文献   

Summary Hairy root cultures of Artemisia annua L. were cultivated in three different mist bioreactors, each fitted with three stainless steel meshes. The growth rates in the three 2.3-L mist bioreactors differed. After 25 d, the growth index (final dry weight/initial dry weight) of the roots was 42 in a nutrient mist bioreactor, 61 in an inner-loop nutrient mist bioreactor, and 68 in a modified inner-loop nutrient mist bioreactor. Under a misting cycle of 3/30 (ON 3 min/OFF 30 min) for 25 d, dry weight reached 13.6 g/L of medium in the modified inner-loop nutrient mist bioreactor in which nutrient could be supplied without dilution of mist by air flow.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of different methods of cryopreservation on the cytoskeletal integrity of camel embryos. A total of 32 embryos were recovered on Days 6 and 7 after ovulation and measured before being frozen using either a conventional slow-cooling technique (n=12: six Day 6 and six Day 7 embryos) or vitrification (n=12: four Day 6 and eight Day 7). The remaining 8 'control' embryos (four Day 6 and four Day 7) were not cryopreserved but instead incubated in holding medium for 30 min. After thawing, warming or incubation, the embryos were stained with 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI) to identify dead cells. Subsequently, the embryos were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, permeabilized and labelled with Alexa Fluor 488-Phalloidin to enable assessment of cytoskeleton integrity. Vitrified-warmed embryos contained a significantly higher percentage of dead cells than either conventionally frozen embryos or controls (P<0.05). Although the proportion of dead cells in conventionally frozen embryos tended to be higher than in controls, the difference was not significant (P> or =0.07). Whereas embryo size did not affect the number of dead cells in conventionally frozen embryos, vitrified-warmed embryos >300 microm in diameter had a significantly higher percentage of dead cells than embryos < or =300 microm (P=0.01). Cytoskeleton integrity was also affected by both freezing method and embryo diameter. All 8 control embryos had a Grade I cytoskeleton, compared with only 2/24 (8.3%) frozen or vitrified embryos. Of the 8 slow-frozen or vitrified embryos with a Grade III cytoskeleton post-thaw, 7 had been vitrified and 6 were larger (Day 7) embryos. These results indicate that while both slow-freezing and vitrification of camel embryos lead to cytoskeleton disruption and cell death, embryo quality is better preserved by slow-freezing.  相似文献   

本文研究了蔗糖浓度对发根农杆菌ATCC15834诱导产生的三裂叶野葛毛状根生长及其葛根素和异黄酮类化合物产生的影响以及液体培养基中蔗糖的消耗变化。结果表明:毛状根在含5%、4%、3%和2%蔗糖的MS培养基中培养16天后的干重增殖倍数分别为11.7、11.9、10.1和5.9;其中尤以3%的蔗糖浓度最有利于毛状根中异黄酮类化合物及葛根素的积累;培养12天后,毛状根的葛根素含量达到最高,约5.147mg/gDW;而其异黄酮类化合物的含量则在培养16天后达到最高,约27.76mg/gDW。在毛状根液体培养过程中培养基的蔗糖浓度随着毛状根的生长而降低,其消耗速率与毛状根的生长速度及其可溶性总糖含量成正比。毛状根的可溶性总糖含量在培养12天时达到最高,而培养16天后培养基中的蔗糖消耗完毕。  相似文献   

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