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李萍  毕玉  冯慧敏  金崑 《动物学杂志》2021,56(3):392,416
海南长臂猿(Nomascus hainanus)是世界上最为濒危的灵长类动物(IUCN濒危物种红色名录2016),国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,《中国脊椎动物红色名录》(蒋志刚2016)极危级物种,属中国特有的长臂猿物种之一,截至2020年8月,数量为5个家庭群共33只(海南热带雨林国家公园新闻发布会2020,http:/...  相似文献   

海南长臂猿(Nomascus hainanus)是野外研究最少的长臂猿种类之一。在过去的十多年中,只了解其种群数量、种群结构、栖息地和有关于其食物种类的极少量信息。对于世界上最濒危的灵长类之一的海南长臂猿,在长达4年的野外研究中,主要采用扫描取样法和焦点动物取样法观察到了4次海南长臂猿的合群现象,并发现了现存的两群海南长臂猿之间的合群行为不同于其他长臂猿,如白掌长臂猿(Hylobates lar)的合群行为。在海南长臂猿的合群行为中,只观察到了雌雄性成年个体和雄性亚成体以及青年雄性个体之间的鸣叫和追逐行为,而没有发现像白掌长臂猿样的两群体成员间的玩耍和理毛行为,更没有偷情行为和白掌长臂猿那样致命的激烈打斗行为的存在,即只存在着鸣叫行为和竞争性行为。两群体的雌性成年母猿根本就不参与到追逐行为中,它们只是在相距合群行为发生地点20—30m处休息和观望。同时,海南长臂猿相遇的持续时间也不像其他种类的长臂猿那样长,只有24—51min。另外,也没有发生打斗行为。对于海南长臂猿雌雄性成年个体在群体相遇时的行为,我们认为是它们对其领域的保护,而未成年个体则是通过参与这种追逐方式学习如何保护自己今后的领域。  相似文献   

Liu  Guioqi  Lu  Xueli  Liu  Zhao  Xie  Zhi  Qi  Xuming  Zhou  Jiang  Hong  Xiaojiang  Mo  Yanni  Chan  Bosco P. L.  Chapman  Colin A.  Jiang  Zhigang 《International journal of primatology》2022,43(5):932-945
International Journal of Primatology - With the ongoing global biodiversity crisis in the Anthropocene, it is critical to understand how to save endangered species to “bend the curve”...  相似文献   

邓怀庆  任宝平  刘赟  周江 《兽类学报》2022,42(6):615-623
食物种类及其可获得性是动物生存的基本条件,也是生境质量评价的重要指标。2013年1月至2014年7月,对海南长臂猿(Nomascus hainanus) C群生境内食源植物种类、数量、食物可获得性及主要取食植物的径级结构进行调查分析,共记录到64种食源植物(标记胸径≥5 cm的乔木1 484株)。海南长臂猿以高大粗壮的食源植物为主要采食对象。这些乔木型食源植物结果率超过50.0%的有15种,占C群全部乔木型采食植物种数的28.8%;结果率最高的是海南单籽暗罗(Monoon laui, 76.7%),最低的是鹅掌柴(Heptapleurum heptaphyllum, 9.6%)。18种长臂猿主食食源乔木中,白肉榕(Ficus vasculosa)、斜叶榕(Ficus tinctoria)等15种食源植物的植株呈增长型结构。南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaria)、二色波罗蜜(Artocarpus styracifolius)为稳定型结构,而桃榄(Pouteria annamensis)为衰退型结构。提示海南长臂猿食物供应植物仍处于年轻状态,但这些食源植物并非每年结果,...  相似文献   

海南长臂猿(Nomascus hainanus)是世界上最濒危的灵长类动物之一, 但目前有关海南长臂猿的种群遗传学方面的信息以及种群复壮所面临的困难未见报道。为更好地保护该极危物种, 作者以粪便为研究材料, 首次在分子生物学水平上测定了海南长臂猿1个群体(B群)共6个个体的线粒体D-loop区基因序列。结果显示: 202 bp的D-loop区基因共检测到5个变异位点, 4个单倍型, 单倍型多样性(h)为0.6000, 核苷酸多样性(π)为0.00829, 表明海南长臂猿B群的遗传多样性较低; 与此同时, 海南长臂猿还面临着种群数量过小, 性比失衡, 以及栖息地质量低下等严峻的问题。  相似文献   

Li  Ping  Garber  Paul A.  Bi  Yu  Jin  Kun  Qi  Xuming  Zhou  Jiang 《Primates; journal of primatology》2022,63(3):237-243
Primates - Understanding flexibility in the social structure and mating strategies of the world’s last remaining population (35 individuals) of wild Hainan gibbons (Nomascus hainanus) is...  相似文献   

海南坡鹿 (Cervus eldi hainanus)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
坡鹿(Cervus eldi),别名泽鹿,是生活在亚洲热带的鹿科动物,分布于印度、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨、老挝、越南和中国海南岛.海南岛特有的海南坡鹿(C.e.hainanus)是坡鹿的一个亚种, 历史上曾在岛内广泛分布.海南坡鹿在中国濒危动物红皮书中被列入濒危级保护动物,是国家一级重点保护动物.它的野生种群目前仅见于海南岛东方市的大田地区( 东经108°47′~108°49′,北纬19°05′~19°17′).保护海南坡鹿,对于保护全球生物物种多样性具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the reproductive behaviors of Hainan gibbons (Nomascus hainanus), based on 29 mo of field observations. Receptive females initiated courtship displays. Copulatory patterns involved the male mounting dorsoventrally from above and behind. Multiple intromissions with thrusting were brief, lasting <10 s per copulation. We observed multiple copulations ≤4 times/d, but could not confirm multiple ejaculations. We also observed postconception proceptivity and copulations in sexually active females. We estimated the gestation period to be 136–173 d. Infants became independent at 1.5 yr, and the natal group could drive out maturing offspring at ca. 5.5 yr. The interbirth interval is ca. 24 mo. Our limited data also suggest that mating activities peak in the rainy season. The Hainan gibbons are polygynous, with a 1 male-2 females mating system. We hypothesize that suboptimal habitat quality and limited forest area may contribute to the current mating structure, but more work needs to be done over a longer period to understand better the sociosexual behaviors of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

There have never been any documented studies on the vocal or non-vocal behaviour of wild or captive Hainan black gibbons, which are highly endangered in the wild (Hainan Island, China), and very scarce in captivity. The singing behaviour of the only pair of captive Hainan black gibbons outside Southeast Asia was observed, recorded and analyzed in detail. This adult pair produced duets only, with the organizational features of their duets found here to be similar to that in two other concolor gibbon sub-species; however, the acoustical features were very different from any other concolor gibbon pair studied previously. Some functional and evolutionary implications of the singing behaviour of the Hainan black gibbon are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Targeted management actions informed by robust data are needed to conserve species of extreme rarity, and assessing the effectiveness of different field methods for detection and monitoring of such species is a conservation priority. Gibbons are typically detected by their daily song through passive listening surveys, but lone gibbon individuals and low-density populations are less likely to sing, making detection difficult or impossible using standard survey techniques. Call playback represents an alternative potential method for detecting gibbon presence, but there has been no empirical evaluation of the usefulness of this method in the field. We investigated the efficacy of call playback as a survey method for detecting previously unconfirmed or unknown individuals of the Critically Endangered Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus), the world’s rarest primate, in patches of good-quality forest outside the current home ranges of the three known Hainan gibbon social groups in Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan, China. Call playback led to detection of a male-only call likely to have been made by a solitary male, and a previously unknown social group comprising an adult male, adult female, and an infant, increasing the number of known breeding females in the global Hainan gibbon population from five to six. Call playback therefore represents an effective tool for improved monitoring of Hainan gibbons, as well as other gibbon populations; however, it is a moderately disruptive survey technique, and should be employed sparingly, in key locations, and for short periods of time only when attempting to detect gibbon presence.  相似文献   

Gibbons have experienced extensive karyotype rearrangements during evolution and represent an ideal model for studying the underlying molecular mechanism of evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements. It is anticipated that the cloning and sequence characterization of evolutionary chromosomal breakpoints will provide vital insights into the molecular force that has driven such a radical karyotype reshuffle in gibbons. We constructed and characterized a high-quality fosmid li- brary of the white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) containing 192,000 non- redundant clones with an average insert size of 38 kb and 2.5-fold genome coverage. By end sequencing of 100 randomly selected fosmid clones, we generated 196 se- quence tags for the library. These end-sequenced fosmid clones were then mapped onto the chromosomes of the white-cheeked gibbon by fluorescence in situ hy- bridization, and no spurious chimeric clone was detected. BLAST search against the human genome showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the number of chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribu- tion of the fosmid library. The chromosomal distribution of the mapped clones is also consistent with the BLAST search result against human and white-cheeked gibbon genomes. The fosmid library and the mapped clones will serve as a valu- able resource for further studying gibbons‘ chromosomal rearrangements and the underlying molecular mechanism as well as for comparative genomic study in the lesser apes.  相似文献   

Gibbons have experienced extensive karyotype rearrangements during evolution and represent an ideal model for studying the underlying molecular mechanism of evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements. It is anticipated that the cloning and sequence characterization of evolutionary chromosomal breakpoints will provide vital insights into the molecular force that has driven such a radical karyotype reshuffle in gibbons. We constructed and characterized a high-quality fosmid li- brary of the white-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys) containing 192,000 non- redundant clones with an average insert size of 38 kb and 2.5-fold genome coverage. By end sequencing of 100 randomly selected fosmid clones, we generated 196 se- quence tags for the library. These end-sequenced fosmid clones were then mapped onto the chromosomes of the white-cheeked gibbon by fluorescence in situ hy- bridization, and no spurious chimeric clone was detected. BLAST search against the human genome showed a good correlation between the number of hit clones and the number of chromosomes, an indication of unbiased chromosomal distribu- tion of the fosmid library. The chromosomal distribution of the mapped clones is also consistent with the BLAST search result against human and white-cheeked gibbon genomes. The fosmid library and the mapped clones will serve as a valu- able resource for further studying gibbons' chromosomal rearrangements and the underlying molecular mechanism as well as for comparative genomic study in the lesser apes.  相似文献   

海南长臂猿Nomascus hainanus是世界上最为濒危的灵长类动物,历史上曾广泛分布于海南岛。自20世纪50年代以来,由于栖息地的破坏及人为干扰,分布面积急剧缩小,数量急剧减少,现仅存3群20多只分布在海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区16 km2的原始热带季雨林内。食物种类丰富,榕属植物较少,而家域面积较大,反映了海南长臂猿的栖息地质量较低。低质量的栖息地,独特的一夫二妻制的社会结构,较长的生殖间隔及较低的遗传多样性是制约海南长臂猿种群生存和发展的主要原因。加强海南长臂猿生态学、行为学及社区居民参与共管的研究将有助于海南长臂猿的保护。  相似文献   

本文应用生命表和Leslie矩阵等生活史常规研究方法,分析了生存于海南邦溪自然保护区的国家I级珍稀濒危哺乳动物海南坡鹿种群的年龄结构、特定年龄存活率、特定年龄繁殖率、初次产仔年龄、产仔季节、性比、寿命等重要生活史特征,并预测其种群动态趋势.邦溪海南坡鹿种群平均寿命4.6岁,雌性平均寿命略高于雄性,分别为4.7岁,4.4岁;雌性平均初次产仔年龄为24月龄;雌性平均性成熟年龄为16月龄;雌性最长繁殖寿命为8.5岁,雄性最长繁殖寿命约为4岁;成年雌性平均一年一胎,胎仔数为1;新生幼仔数量雄性大于雌性,性比为1.33∶1;种群动态生命表的分析结果表明,各年龄段雄性存活率高于雌性.幼体(0~2岁)死亡数雌性高于雄性,壮年成体(3~8岁)死亡数雄性高于雌性,老体(9岁~)死亡数两性几乎相等.雌性幼体受到较强的自然选择作用,体弱个体被淘汰;壮年雄体为繁殖付出较高的代价,死亡个体数量较高.Leslie矩阵预测结果表明,如果影响出生率和死亡率的因子不变,种群数量将逐年增长,周限增长率为λ≈1.011; 种群内禀增长率r≈0.012;种群世代增长率R0 ≈1.06;世代长度T≈5.12年.产仔时间为秋季与冬季,春、夏季节不产仔,此为适应海南岛独特的热带环境选择压力的结果.  相似文献   

We studied the sleep‐related behavior of two Cao Vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) groups in Bangliang Nature Reserve in Jingxi County, China between January 2008 and December 2009 to test four hypotheses related to sleeping tree selection (predation avoidance, thermoregulation, food access, and range defense). Gibbons entered sleeping trees 88 ± SD 37 min before sunset before their main potential nocturnal predator become active. They usually moved rapidly and straight to sleeping trees and kept silent once settled. Over the course of the study, gibbon groups used many (87 and 57 per group) sleeping trees and reused them irregularly. They also tended to sleep in relatively tall trees without lianas, choosing small branches close to the treetop. These behaviors would make it difficult for potential terrestrial predators to detect and approach the gibbons. Therefore, these results strongly support the predation avoidance hypothesis. Gibbons tended to sleep closer to ridges than to valley bottoms and they did not sleep at lower elevations in colder months. They thus appeared not to select sleeping trees to minimize thermoregulatory stress. Gibbons very rarely slept in feeding trees, instead generally sleeping more than 100 m away from the last feeding trees of the day or the first feeding tree of the next morning. These patterns led us to reject the food access hypothesis. Lastly, we did not find evidence to support the range defense hypothesis because gibbons did not sleep in overlap areas with neighbors more often than expected based on the proportion of overlap and exclusively used areas. Am. J. Primatol. 74:998‐1005, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

海南岛海南长臂猿分布的变迁及成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
综合相关野外调查数据及历史资料,比较了海南长臂猿分布区的变迁,并对导致海南长臂猿分布区减少的原因进行了探讨.人类对热带雨林的破坏和直接猎杀是导致海南长臂猿分布区与种群数量急剧减少的最根本原因;建立生态走廊,扩大栖息地是保护这一濒危物种的最有效的方法.  相似文献   

两栖动物皮肤的显著特征之一是外分泌腺体遍布全身,这些腺体释放的分泌物在繁殖、交流和防御等方面起重要作用。本研究利用组织学技术,对海南原指树蛙(Kurixalus hainanus)头部、背部、体侧、颏部以及腹部的皮肤样本进行了显微结构(包括H.E、AB-PAS和Masson三色染色方法)和超微结构的观察,并利用线性混合效应模型对皮肤厚度、腺体分布和大小进行了统计分析。显微结构的观察和分析结果显示,海南原指树蛙的皮肤中仅有黏液腺(Ⅰ型黏液腺和Ⅱ型黏液腺)和颗粒腺,未发现特化腺体。皮肤腺体的种类未发现性别差异,但同性别个体的皮肤厚度、腺体的分布和大小存在部位差异,且这些指标在特定部位存在性别差异。皮肤厚度的差异可能与海南原指树蛙的运动方式和繁殖方式相适应,腺体分布和大小的差异可能与防御功能和性别二态性有关。超微结构观察结果显示,黏液腺含有中、高电子密度的黏液颗粒;颗粒腺的分泌颗粒有接触相融的现象,可能是一种物质成熟的阶段性反应。本研究为蛙类皮肤结构、腺体种类和分布提供了基础资料,为后续开展海南原指树蛙挥发性分泌物的化学成分研究提供了形态学基础。  相似文献   

2003年8月—2005年8月,对无量山大寨子5个黑长臂猿群体的结构和组成进行了观察。当一个群体在早晨鸣叫或依次通过树冠时,记录群体的结构和组成。每个群体都由1个成年雄性、2个成年雌性及其后代组成。2003年8月平均群体大小为6·2只;到2005年8月,平均群体大小发展为6·4只,其中有2个亚成年雄性从出生群迁出,且有3只幼猿出生。在3个群体(G1、G2和G3)中两个成年雌性都成功繁殖了后代。同一群体内两个成年雌性间无攻击或等级行为。2005年4月15日,当一只亚成年雌性进入G3的领域后,两只成年雌性对其进行追逐驱赶,并且干扰其与成年雄性配合进行二重唱,成年雄性没有直接驱赶流浪的亚成年雌性,10天后这只亚成年雌性离开了G3的领域。亚成年雄性经常与群体其他成员保持一定距离,并且在出生地通过独唱练习鸣叫。黑长臂猿可能通过亚成年雄性和雌性的迁出,及成年雌性对外来流浪雌性的驱赶维持这种一夫二妻的群体结构。  相似文献   

Crested gibbons (Nomascus) are in the rarest genus of the family Hylobatidae, with the Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) being the rarest primate in the world. In the past, the number of species in this genus has been at the center of much controversy, in part, because their color changes during immaturity as well as other factors, such as physical similarities in genitalia, creating difficulties in accurately determining the sex of individuals. Furthermore, owing to their rarity, illusiveness, and the rough terrain that comprises their native habitat, Nomascus is one of the least studied Hylobatidae. This article represents the most comprehensive dissemination of visual characteristics of the genus Nomascus to assist in the accurate identification of captive and wild crested gibbons. Through differences in pelage color, skeletal anatomy, dentition, vocalizations, behavior, distribution, and genetic studies, we are able to determine more accurately whether or not a subspecies should be elevated to species level. From the current data, there are six species and one subspecies in the genus Nomascus. However, reports of a recently identified light-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus sp.) in northeast Cambodia, Central Vietnam, and South Lao PDR, will add additional taxa to this genus.  相似文献   

This study, conducted in a rainforest in Thailand, presents the first evidence for extra-pair copulations in white-handed gibbons - Asian apes that live in monogamous groups. The ratio of in-pair copulations versus extra-pair copulations as observed among three free-ranging, well-habituated groups was 88 versus 12 % and involved one adult paired female and three adult paired males. Extra-pair copulations may be explained as an effort to breed with a partner of superior quality to the current mate and/or may be part of a strategy to forestall infanticide.  相似文献   

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