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This paper uses the large cross sectional survey of 8544 workers in nine industries (pig iron, bar iron, steel, coal, coke, cottons, woolens, and glass) in the United States and five European countries (Belgium, Great Britain, France, Belgium, and Switzerland) to examine inequality in the industrial working class in the late nineteenth century. The paper looks at incomes, the food budget share (estimated using the Almost Ideal Demand System), and home ownership. The results show regular gradients with the unskilled workers doing less well than semi-skilled and skilled workers. Despite the lack of proprietors, farmers, and other groups with significant income from property, such surveys can be useful in the study of the historical aspects of inequality.  相似文献   

Implications of a revised United States American Indian nadir population and the pattern of decline leading to it are examined. Substituting the new nadir for that used by Dobyns (1966) lowers by several million his estimates of Indian population for the United States (and Canada) area. These estimates then become more compatible with ones currently being suggested by other scholars. The nineteenth century decline leading to this nadir is found to be remarkably linear. Assuming linearity in decline from initial European contact through the eighteenth century, an aboriginal population estimate of 1,845,183 for the United States area may be extrapolated, along with estimates for intervening years. The nineteenth century decline is then graphed with the data extrapolated to 1492. The resulting pattern of population decline is quite different from the ones suggested by Mooney (1928) and Dobyns (1966).  相似文献   

Noma (necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis, stomatitis gangrenosa, or cancrum oris) is a devastating orofacial gangrene that occurs mainly among children. The disease has a global yearly incidence of 140,000 cases and a mortality rate of approximately 90 percent. Patients who survive noma generally suffer from its sequelae, including serious facial disfigurement, trismus, oral incontinence, and speech problems. The medical history of noma indicates that the disease was already known in classical and medieval civilizations in Europe. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Dutch chirurgeons clearly described noma as a clinical entity and realized that the popular name "water canker" was not sufficient, because this quickly spreading ulceration in the faces of children was different from "cancer." In the eighteenth century, awareness that noma is related to poverty, malnutrition, and preceding diseases such as measles increased in northwestern Europe. In the first half of the nineteenth century, extensive surgical procedures were described for the treatment of the sequelae of noma. At the end of that century, noma gradually disappeared in the Western world because of economic progress, which gave the poorest in society the opportunity to feed their children sufficiently. Only in the twentieth century were effective drugs (sulfonamides and penicillin) against noma developed, as well as adequate surgical treatment for the sequelae of noma. These modes of treatment remain inaccessible for the many present-day victims of noma because of their extreme poverty. The only truly effective approach to the problem of noma throughout the world is prevention, namely, combating the extreme poverty with measures that lead to economic progress. In the meantime, medical doctors in the Western world should not forget their own history and ignore this global health problem; rather, they should face "the face of poverty" with the eyes of mercy and concern suited to their profession.  相似文献   

The expected decline of health indicators with economic recessions and improvement with economic growth in the nineteenth century Sweden was reversed in the twentieth century, giving the counterintuitive pattern of higher mortality and lower life expectancy in economic expansions and improvement of these indices in recessions. The change or “tipping point” occurred at the end of the nineteenth century or early in the twentieth century when electrification was introduced into Sweden. All 5 of the reversals of annual industrial electric energy use in the US between 1912 and 1970 were accompanied by recessions with lowered GDP, increased unemployment, decreased mortality and increased life expectancy. The health indices were not related to residential electricity use. The mortality improvement between 1931 and 1932 by state in the US strongly favored urban areas over rural areas. Rural unemployment by state in 1930 was significantly positively correlated with residential electrification percentage by state in 1930. The health effects of economic change are mediated by electrical exposure.  相似文献   

Long regarded as the major disease of cattle, rinderpest is now eradicated. It was inflicting from 60 to 90% mortality on livestock. Installed in Asia, it arrived in France in waves, but never became endemic there. Four outbreaks of rinderpest hit the country during the eighteenth century. Their geographical extension has been reconstituted. They forced the State to devise the consistent set of health actions the nineteenth century benefited before the advent of microbiology.  相似文献   

The native snails of the Hawaiian Islands are disappearing. One cause is predation by introduced carnivorous snails. Habitat destruction/modification is also important, facilitating the spread of other non-indigenous snails and slugs. Eighty-one species of snails and slugs are recorded as having been introduced. Thirty-three are established: 12 freshwater, 21 terrestrial. Two or three species arrived before western discovery of the islands (1778). During the nineteenth century about one species per decade, on average, was introduced. The rate rose to about four per decade during the twentieth century, with the exception of an especially large number introduced in the 1950s as putative biocontrol agents against the giant African snail, Achatina fulica. The geographical origins of these introductions reflect changing patterns of commerce and travel. Early arrivals were generally Pacific or Pacific rim species. Increasing trade and tourism with the USA, following its annexation of Hawaii, led to an increasing proportion of American species. More general facilitation of travel and commerce later in the twentieth century led to a significant number of European species being introduced. African species dominated the 1950s biological control introductions. The process continues and is just part of the homogenization of the unique faunas of tropical Pacific islands.  相似文献   

The article describes how the medical school in Montpellier, organized in 1498, responded to the development of the Jussiaean classification of plants. Though overshadowed by Paris in the eighteenth century as a center of medical and botanical training, botany as taught at Montpellier provided the impetus for the conversion of traditional herbalism into a biology-based medicine by the nineteenth century. In addition, the plant affinities and analogies underlying natural classification led to the conception of a viable theory of evolution, as Darwin acknowledged. The opposition to these advances, evident in the nineteenth century, remains alive today.  相似文献   

This article is about a unique case of assimilation: the entry of descendants of nineteenth‐ and early‐twentieth‐century European immigrants to southern Brazil into Afro‐Brazilian religious groups, some as heads of their own centres. The discussion is placed within the framework of the contemporary multiculturalist debate over assimilation. The emigration of Europeans to rural southern Brazil is summarized. African slaves are shown to have been established ‐ with their syncretized Afro‐Catholic religions ‐ in the incipient urban centres. The transformation of Brazilian society in the second half of the twentieth century is examined focusing on 1) the massive growth of the population and 2) its urbanization. The difficulties faced by the migrants to the cities and their descendants is discussed. Umbanda, a secondary religious syncretism of the Afro‐Catholic tradition with European Spiritism, is shown to provide help to those in need as it competes with Catholicism and other religions for converts. Large numbers of Brazilians have converted to Umbanda, with some of them later turning to the more ‘African’ Candomblé, Batuque, etc. Cases of European immigrants who joined Umbanda and Batu‐que centres in Porto Alegre are presented.  相似文献   

2006—2010年5年来,我国昆虫学工作者获得了国家自然科学基金736项、国家科技支撑计划2项19个课题,公益性行业科研专项34项,"973"项目6项;共发表与昆虫有关的学术论文13772篇,其中SCI收录论文2625篇,Science6篇,Nature1篇,PNAS6篇,Annual Review of Entomology1篇,Nature Bioteachnology4篇;获得了国家科技进步奖二等奖13项。本文分析了2006—2010年我国昆虫学研究项目、研究成果在不同昆虫学分支学科和不同研究区域的分布特征,透视了我们昆虫学研究前沿,旨在为制定我国昆虫学未来发展战略提供基础信息。  相似文献   

Niche construction theory (NCT) has been represented as a new and comprehensive theory of evolution, one that breaks the constraints imposed by the dominant and largely gene-selectionist standard evolutionary model that is presently mischaracterized as “Darwinian.” I will argue that NCT is not so much a new theory, as it is a fruitful readmission of a venerable physiological perspective on adaptation, selection and evolution. This perspective is closer in spirit and philosophy to the original (and richer) Darwinian idea developed by Darwin himself, and that animated much of the rich late nineteenth century debate about evolution, heredity, adaptation and development, a debate that was largely eclipsed by the early twentieth century emergence of the Neodarwinian synthesis. I will argue that a full realization of the promise of NCT turns on a full understanding of another intellectual revolution of the nineteenth century, Claude Bernard’s conception of homeostasis, a profound statement of the nature of life that has, through the twentieth century, come to be widely misunderstood and trivialized.  相似文献   

Abstract   The Australian Entomological Society was founded in 1965 and provides a journal of world-class and annual scientific meetings for members. The world-wide impact of entomology publications is growing faster than that of the Australian Journal of Entomology , and membership of the society is declining slowly. In a recent survey members were generally happy with the society, but much of the exciting research involving insects is probably being published in specialist journals. Challenges identified for the future include building membership through greater connection with amateur entomologists and with students interested in ecology and insects. The growth area for entomology is seen to be in the application of insect biodiversity to the sustainable management of Australia's ecosystems. This special issue of the journal includes 10 papers illustrating the breadth and depth of entomology in the society.  相似文献   

Skeletal evidence exists for life stresses of 120 Black individuals from 25 sites in Maryland, Virginia, and the Carolinas. Periods for statistical comparison are eighteenth century, 1690-1770; Catoctin Furnace, Maryland industrial slaves, 1790-ca.1820; 1800-ca.1860, nineteenth century; and a twentieth-century Black sample compiled from forensic (accidental deaths) cases. From these archaeological sources, skeletal age at death shifts from 36 years, female, and 30 years, male in eighteenth century (N = 29) to 34.8, female, and 36.3, male in nineteenth century (N = 56). Catoctin Furnace slaves' longevity may reflect special conditions for skilled males (34.6 years, female; 41.2 years, male (N = 16). Nutritional stresses are indicated by dental lesions, hypoplasias, stature, and skull base height and pelvic brim index. Occupational stress occurs in some adolescents and in many adults as exaggerated development of lifting muscles (deltoid and pectoral crests) and early vertebral and shoulder breakdown. Lead content of bone may reflect site of occupation. The most common pathology is anemia or sicklemia; parietal depressions and ulna fractures ("parry") indicate violence-related trauma.  相似文献   

This article elaborates a relational historical geography of human, chimpanzee and elephant populations, working mainly from precolonial and early colonial (nineteenth and twentieth century) narratives by travellers to regions now corresponding to parts of Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal. It then compares a global ‘West African trade’ model of human and animal population’s spatial distribution with elements of an ‘East African settlement colony’ model drawn from other historical research. This perspective balances mainstream evolutionary approaches to animal biogeography with the human history, ecology and the geopolitics of their habitats. Taking such historical processes into account helps to unravel contrastive spatial and temporal dynamics of large mammal populations and to raise new questions about the anthropogenic causes of present-day population distributions.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of Cu and Zn have been found in the upper part of three sediment cores collected from Llangorse Lake, in south Wales. Palaeomagnetic evidence from one of the cores and 210Pb analysis of another, suggests that the increase in sediment Cu and Zn concentrations began during the eighteenth century. A sharp increase in the concentrations of these metals in the sediment profile appears to have occurred during the latter part of the eighteenth century and these concentrations remained high until the mid to late nineteenth century.The absence of known ore deposits and industry around the lake suggests that the lake and catchment soils were increasingly contaminated by long-range aerial transport of emissions from the expanding activity of Cu and Zn smelters located some 80 km upwind in the Swansea area during the Industrial Revolution. Evidence from agricultural crop returns indicates a significant increase in the amount of land devoted to tillage in the catchment, particularly to cereal production, during the late eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century which included the Napoleonic Wars. This agricultural shift appears to coincide with increased concentrations of Cu and Zn in the lake sediments. It is suggested that newly ploughed soils, contaminated with metals for many years by long-range aerial transport from the Swansea area, eroded, and were carried into the lake by catchment run-off and added to the sediment burden of Cu and Zn. A subsequent decline of Cu and Zn emissions due to the collapse of the non-ferrous smelting industry and reduced soil erosion because of a 50% reduction of tillage due to an agricultural depression in the second half of the 19th century may explain the fall in Cu and Zn concentrations in the upper part of the sediment profile. The most recent sediments (20th century) show the increase in heavy metals characteristic of many lakes around the world.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of publications, the principal directions of research carried out in the field of forest entomology in Russia and abroad are considered. Most of the foreign papers are published by entomologists from the USA (27%), Sweden (14%), Canada (12%), and Finland (8%), many studies are carried out by international research teams. In all, the publications considered cover over 90 species of forest insects (excluding predators and parasites) that may act as more or less important forest pests. Most of the papers are devoted to species of great economic significance. Most effort in entomological studies carried out in Russia is focused on the role of phytophagous insects in forest ecosystems, their population dynamics and the factors of its regulation, and ecology of selected pest species. In the studies carried out abroad, much more attention is paid to physiology of insects, the problems of communication, looking for pheromones, kairomones, and antifeedants to be used as new agents of plant protection and improvement of methods of their application, and also to interactions between phytophages and their host plants. The problems hindering development of forest entomology in Russia are considered; most of them result from lack of steady financial support of this field of research from the government.  相似文献   

Explanations for protoplasmic streaming began with appeals to contraction in the eighteenth century and ended with appeals to contraction in the twentieth. During the intervening years, biologists prop...  相似文献   

Over the past two centuries, myology (i.e. the basic and clinical science of muscle and muscle disease) has passed through 3 stages of development: the classical period, the modern stage and the molecular era. The classical period spans the last part of nineteenth century and the earlier part of the twentieth century. During this time, several major muscle diseases were clinically and pathologically characterized, including Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), myotonic dystrophy (DM) and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD). The modern stage in the second half of the twentieth century is characterized by the adaptation of histo and cytochemical techniques to the study of muscle biopsies. These tools improved the diagnostic accuracy and made possible the identification of new changes and structures (Engel and Cunningham, 1963; Scarlato, 1975).  相似文献   

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