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The ocean is a net source of N2O, a potent greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting agent. However, the removal of N2O via microbial N2O consumption is poorly constrained and rate measurements have been restricted to anoxic waters. Here we expand N2O consumption measurements from anoxic zones to the sharp oxygen gradient above them, and experimentally determine kinetic parameters in both oxic and anoxic seawater for the first time. We find that the substrate affinity, O2 tolerance, and community composition of N2O-consuming microbes in oxic waters differ from those in the underlying anoxic layers. Kinetic parameters determined here are used to model in situ N2O production and consumption rates. Estimated in situ rates differ from measured rates, confirming the necessity to consider kinetics when predicting N2O cycling. Microbes from the oxic layer consume N2O under anoxic conditions at a much faster rate than microbes from anoxic zones. These experimental results are in keeping with model results which indicate that N2O consumption likely takes place above the oxygen deficient zone (ODZ). Thus, the dynamic layer with steep O2 and N2O gradients right above the ODZ is a previously ignored potential gatekeeper of N2O and should be accounted for in the marine N2O budget.Subject terms: Water microbiology, Biogeochemistry, Microbial ecology  相似文献   

土壤含水量与N2O产生途径研究   总被引:42,自引:5,他引:42  
土壤含水量变化对N2O产生和排放影响的研究表明,不同含水量情况下,N2O排放也不相同.特别是用乙炔抑制技术证明了在播种前后,气候干燥而土壤含水量较低的情况下,N2O产生主要来自于硝化过程;降雨后,土壤含水量较高时,N2O主要是通过反硝化过程产生;而在农田中等含水量情况下,土壤微生物的硝化和反硝化作用产生的N2O大约各占一半.指出旱作农田N2O产生途径主要取决于土壤水分的控制和调节.  相似文献   

The effect of six Siberian tree species on two stages of denitrification—N2O production and consumption—was studied. Broadleaf species (aspen and birch) proved to have lower rates of N2O consumption compared to coniferous species. The factors influencing production and consumption of N2O were also evaluated. The replacement of coniferous forests with broadleaf trees will double the N2O/N2 ratio in the denitrification end-products. Doubled N2O emission from Siberian forest soils to the atmosphere can be expected due to changes in tree species composition of forest ecosystems even without considering changes in water and temperature regimes in soil.  相似文献   

Here we report on a controlled environment experiment in which we applied 13C- and 15N-enrichment approaches to quantify methane oxidation rates and source partition N2O production in a silt loam soil following application of NH4NO3, enabling us to look for potential interactions between methane oxidation and nitrifier-N2O production. 15N-N2O, 14+15N-N2O and CO2 fluxes and mineral N concentrations were measured over a 23-day period after application of NH4NO3 (5 at.% excess 15N) at rates of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 g N m?2 to a silt loam soil. Change in 12/13C-CH4 concentrations (as indicative of 13C-CH4 oxidation rates) and production of 13C-CO2 were monitored over the first 72 h after addition of 1.7 ??l 13C-CH4 l?1 (10 at.% excess 13C) to these N treatments. Oxidation of applied 13C-CH4 was slower in the 5, 10, 20 and 30 g N m?2 (5 at.% excess 15N) treatments (0.24?C0.32 ??g 13C-CH4 l?1 day?1) than in the control (0.40 ??g 13C-CH4 l?1 day?1), suggesting that these N loadings inhibited oxidation. N2O production was raised after N addition, and in the 10, 20 and 30 g N m?2 treatments nitrification was the predominant source of N2O accounting for 61, 83 and 57% of the total 15N-N2O produced, respectively. Our results point towards the possibility of methylotrophs switching function to oxidise ammonia in the presence of N, which may result in greater atmospheric loading of both CH4 and N2O.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Tree species composition shifts can alter soil CO2 and N2O effluxes. We quantified the soil CO2 and N2O efflux rates and temperature sensitivity from Pyrenean oak, Scots pine and mixed stands in Central Spain to assess the effects of a potential expansion of oak forests.


Soil CO2 and N2O effluxes were measured from topsoil samples by lab incubation from 5 to 25 °C. Soil microbial biomass and community composition were assessed.


Pine stands showed highest soil CO2 efflux, followed by mixed and oak forests (up to 277, 245 and 145 mg CO2-C m?2 h?1, respectively). Despite contrasting soil microbial community composition (more fungi and less actinomycetes in pine plots), carbon decomposability and temperature sensitivity of the soil CO2 efflux remain constant among tree species. Soil N2O efflux rates and its temperature sensitivity was markedly higher in oak stands than in pine stands (70 vs. 27 μg N2O-N m?2 h?1, Q10, 4.5 vs. 2.5).


Conversion of pine to oak forests in the region will likely decrease soil CO2 effluxes due to decreasing SOC contents on the long run and will likely enhance soil N2O effluxes. Our results present only a seasonal snapshot and need to be confirmed in the field.  相似文献   

Summary The method described here makes it possible to determine gaseous and volatile compounds produced by stationary and shaken cultures of microorganisms, and by soil samples. In a closed system oxygen consumed by a biological sample is electrolytically replenished and CO2 produced is trapped in a KOH solution. Oxygen from the electrolyzer was replenished through a distribution bottle with the aid of a system of polyethylene tubings equipped with injection needles at both ends. The amount of the oxygen consumed is permanently reflected by volume of the electrolytically released hydrogen. The reverse flow of atmosphere from the cultivation flasks was prevented by a liquid seal formed by a KOH solution or the cultivation medium itself. Suba-seal type flasks (125 ml) with rubber caps served for the cultivation. Glass cylinders placed inside cultivation flasks or penicillin flasks (20 ml) connected with cultivation flasks by polyethylene tubings served as adsorption vessels. By exchanging the KOH solution it is possible to follow CO2 production even during individual cultivation phases. Volatile acids adsorbed in the KOH solution could be determined after their release by mineral acid. Samples of atmosphere were analyzed by gas chromatography. The whole system had to be temperature equilibrated.  相似文献   

The N2O flux from the surface of grass-covered pots was only significant following grass maturing. Removal of the above-ground plant material resulted in an immediate and long-lasting increase in N2O production in the soil. The results suggest that easily available organic matter from the roots stimulates the denitrification when the plants are damaged. Grass cutting might therefore result in a marked nitrogen loss through denitrification. The quantitative effect was equal in soil with and without succinate added. The size of the anaerobic zone around the roots is therefore sufficient to allow for denitrification activity mediated by increased organic matter availability because of plant cutting.  相似文献   

Arable soil continues to be the dominant anthropogenic source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions owing to application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers and manures across the world. Using laboratory and in situ studies to elucidate the key factors controlling soil N2O emissions remains challenging due to the potential importance of multiple complex processes. We examined soil surface N2O fluxes in an arable soil, combined with in situ high-frequency measurements of soil matrix oxygen (O2) and N2O concentrations, in situ 15N labeling, and N2O 15N site preference (SP). The in situ O2 concentration and further microcosm visualized spatiotemporal distribution of O2 both suggested that O2 dynamics were the proximal determining factor to matrix N2O concentration and fluxes due to quick O2 depletion after N fertilization. Further SP analysis and in situ 15N labeling experiment revealed that the main source for N2O emissions was bacterial denitrification during the hot-wet summer with lower soil O2 concentration, while nitrification or fungal denitrification contributed about 50.0% to total emissions during the cold-dry winter with higher soil O2 concentration. The robust positive correlation between O2 concentration and SP values underpinned that the O2 dynamics were the key factor to differentiate the composite processes of N2O production in in situ structured soil. Our findings deciphered the complexity of N2O production processes in real field conditions, and suggest that O2 dynamics rather than stimulation of functional gene abundances play a key role in controlling soil N2O production processes in undisturbed structure soils. Our results help to develop targeted N2O mitigation measures and to improve process models for constraining global N2O budget.  相似文献   

Li  Yongchun  Li  Yongfu  Chang  Scott X.  Xu  Qiufang  Guo  Zhiying  Gao  Qun  Qin  Ziyan  Yang  Yunfeng  Chen  Junhui  Liang  Xue 《Plant and Soil》2017,415(1-2):507-520
Plant and Soil - Loss of biodiversity caused by intensive agriculture is a major worldwide concern. Crop rotation can enhance crop productivity and increase soil microbial diversity. However, the...  相似文献   

Net productions of permanent soil atmosphere gases (N2, CO2, O2) and temporary gases (N2O, NO) were monitored in soil cores using a non-interfering, fully automated measuring technique allowing highly time resolved measurements over prolonged periods. The influence of changes in available organic carbon on CO2, N2O, NO and N2 production was studied by changing the soil carbon content through aerobic preincubations of different length, up to 21 days.The aerobic preincubation caused an increase in NO3 - concentration and a decrease in available carbon content. Available carbon content dominated both CO2 and total N gas (N2+N2O+NO) production during anaerobiosis. Both CO2 and total N gas production rates decreased with increasing length of the previous aerobic preincubation, this in spite of the higher initial NO3 - concentration.Total denitrification rates were closely related to the anaerobic CO2 production rates. No relation was found between water soluble carbon content and total denitrification. The N2O/N2 ratio could be explained by an interaction of carbon availability, NO3 - concentration and enzyme status. Net N2O consumption was monitored. The balance between cumulative total N gas production and NO3 - consumption varied according to the different treatments. Cumulative N2O production exceeded cumulative N2 production for 0 up to 5 days.  相似文献   

Denitrification and N2O emission from urine-affected grassland soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Denitrification and N2O emission rates were measured following two applications of artificial urine (40 g urine-N m–2) to a perennial rye-grass sward on sandy soil. To distinguish between N2O emission from denitrification or nitrification, urine was also applied with a nitrification inhibitor (dicyandiamide, DCD). During a 14 day period following each application, the soil was frequently sampled, and incubated with and without acetylene to measure denitrification and N2O emission rates, respectively.Urine application significantly increased denitrification and N2O emission rates up to 14 days after application, with rates amounting to 0.9 and 0.6 g N m–2 day–1 (9 and 6 kg N ha–1 day–1), respectively. When DCD was added to the urine, N2O emission rates were significantly lower from 3 to 7 days after urine application onwards. Denitrification was the main source of N2O immediately following each urine application. 14 days after the first application, when soil water contents dropped to 15% (v/v) N2O mainly derived from nitrification.Total denitrification losses during the 14 day periods were 7 g N m–2, or 18% of the urine-N applied. Total N2O emission losses were 6.5 and 3 g N m–2, or 16% and 8% of the urine-N applied for the two periods. The minimum estimations of denitrification and N2O emission losses from urine-affected soil were 45 to 55 kg N ha–1 year–1, and 20 to 50 kg N ha–1 year–1, respectively.  相似文献   

Nitrogen stable-isotope compositions (delta15N) can help track denitrification and N2O production in the environment, as can knowledge of the isotopic discrimination, or isotope effect, inherent to denitrification. However, the isotope effects associated with denitrification as a function of dissolved-oxygen concentration and their influence on the isotopic composition of N2O are not known. We developed a simple steady-state reactor to allow the measurement of denitrification isotope effects in Paracoccus denitrificans. With [dO2] between 0 and 1.2 microM, the N stable-isotope effects of NO3- and N2O reduction were constant at 28.6 per thousand +/- 1.9 per thousand and 12.9 per thousand +/- 2.6 per thousand, respectively (mean +/- standard error, n = 5). This estimate of the isotope effect of N2O reduction is the first in an axenic denitrifying culture and places the delta15N of denitrification-produced N2O midway between those of the nitrogenous oxide substrates and the product N2 in steady-state systems. Application of both isotope effects to N2O cycling studies is discussed.  相似文献   

土壤动物与N素循环及对N沉降的响应   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
徐国良  莫江明  周国逸  彭少麟 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2453-2463
以主要的生态过程之一——N循环为对象,论述了土壤动物不仅对凋落物的分解有重要影响,而且在N素矿化和植物对N的吸收过程中也起着重要作用。同时,日益严重的全球变化问题之一——N沉降对土壤动物的多样性及其在生态系统中的功能构成了极大的威胁。另还对土壤动物与N循环研究的方法、土壤动物在N循环过程中的作用机制、热带地区的需求及N沉降下土壤动物的响应作了探讨,并提出,开展大尺度的专类研究及长期定位研究成为下一步研究的需要。  相似文献   

Intermittent drainage of rice fields isdiscussed as an option to mitigate emission ofCH4, an important greenhouse gas. HoweverN2O, a potentially more effective greenhouse gas,may be emitted during the aeration phase. Therefore,the metabolism of NO, N2O, NH ,NO and NO and the kinetics ofCH4 oxidation were measured after aeration ofmethanogenic rice field soil. Before aeration, thesoil contained NH in relatively highconcentrations (about 4 mM), while NO andNO were almost undetectable. Immediatelyafter aeration both NO and N2O were produced withrates of about 15 pmol h-1 gdw-1 and 5 pmolh-1 gdw-1, respectively. Simultaneously,NH decreased while NO accumulated. Later on, NO was depletedwhile NO concentrations increased.Characteristic phases of nitrogen turnover wereassociated with the activities of ammonium oxidizers,nitrite oxidizers and denitrifiers. Oxidation ofNH and production of NO and N2O wereinhibited by 10 Pa acetylene demonstrating thatnitrification was obligatory for the initiation ofnitrogen turnover and production of NO and N2O.Ammonium oxidation was not limited by the availableNH and thus, concomittant production of NOand N2O was not stimulated by addition ofNH . However, addition of NO stimulated production of NO and N2O in bothanoxic and aerated rice soil slurries. In this case,10 Pa acetylene did not inhibit the production of NOand N2O demonstrating that it was due todenitrification which was obviously limited by theavailability of NO . In the aerated soilslurries CH4 was only oxidized if present atelevated concentrations >50 ppmv CH4). Atatmospheric CH4 concentrations (1.7 ppmv)CH4 was not consumed, but was even slightly produced.CH4 oxidation activity increased afterpreincubation at 20% CH4, and then CH4was also oxidized at atmospheric concentrations. CH4oxidation kinetics exhibited sigmoid characteristicsat low CH4 concentrations presumably because ofinhibition of CH4 oxidation by NH .  相似文献   

Analyses of the complete genomes of sequenced denitrifying bacteria revealed that approximately 1/3 have a truncated denitrification pathway, lacking the nosZ gene encoding the nitrous oxide reductase. We investigated whether the number of denitrifiers lacking the genetic ability to synthesize the nitrous oxide reductase in soils is important for the proportion of N2O emitted by denitrification. Serial dilutions of the denitrifying strain Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 lacking the nosZ gene were inoculated into three different soils to modify the proportion of denitrifiers having the nitrous oxide reductase genes. The potential denitrification and N2O emissions increased when the size of inoculated C58 population in the soils was in the same range as the indigenous nosZ community. However, in two of the three soils, the increase in potential denitrification in inoculated microcosms compared with the noninoculated microcosms was higher than the increase in N2O emissions. This suggests that the indigenous denitrifier community was capable of acting as a sink for the N2O produced by A. tumefaciens. The relative amount of N2O emitted also increased in two soils with the number of inoculated C58 cells, establishing a direct causal link between the denitrifier community composition and potential N2O emissions by manipulating the proportion of denitrifiers having the nosZ gene. However, the number of denitrifiers which do not possess a nitrous oxide reductase might not be as important for N2O emissions in soils having a high N2O uptake capacity compared with those with lower. In conclusion, we provide a proof of principle that the inability of some denitrifiers to synthesize the nitrous oxide reductase can influence the nature of the denitrification end products, indicating that the extent of the reduction of N2O to N2 by the denitrifying community can have a genetic basis.  相似文献   

Coleman  M. D.  Dickson  R. E.  Isebrands  J. G. 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):129-139
Tree root activity, including fine-root production, turnover and metabolic activity are significant components of forest productivity and nutrient cycling. Differences in root activity among forest types are not well known. A 3-year study was undertaken in red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) and hybrid poplar (Populus tristis X P. balsamifera cv `Tristis no. 1') plantations to compare belowground root dynamics. We measured fine-root production, mortality and standing crop, as well as soil CO2 efflux. Pine fine-root production was only 2.9% of that of poplar during three years; 85 pine roots were observed in minirhizotron tubes compared with 4088 poplar roots. Live-root density oscillated seasonally for both species with late winter minimum and autumn maximum. Poplar reached constant maximum live-root length within the first growing season, but pine continued to increase observed fine-root length for three growing seasons. Within the first 100 days following initial appearance, 22% of the pine roots disappeared and 38% of the poplar roots disappeared. Median fine-root longevity of pine was 291 days compared with 149 days for poplar roots. Fine-root longevity increased with depth in the soil, and was greater for roots with initial diameter >0.5 mm. The probability of poplar root death from late February to May was more than three times that in any other season, regardless of root age. Despite the greater poplar root production and live-root length, fine-root biomass and soil CO2 efflux was greater in pine. Greater metabolic activity in the pine stand may be due to greater fine-root biomass or greater heterotrophic respiration. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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