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Respiration rate increased significantly in Friesians and insignificantly in Buffaloes with rise in ambient temperature from winter (19.9°C, 37% RH) to spring (29.3°C, 24% RH). It rose even more pronouncedly and significantly in summer (31.0°C, 42% RH) in both species. Pulse rate and rectal temperature did not change significantly from winter to spring, while in summer they increased significantly in both species. Similar results were obtained with similar rise in ambient temperature in controlled climates (19.8°C, 38% RH; 29.0°C, 50% RH; 42.0°C, 50% RH). Solar radiation (412 Langley) was found to accentuate the effect of heat with water deprivation (27.6° to 32.2°C, 61% – 41% RH) on the three measurements. Buffaloes showed lower average respiration rate, pulse rate and rectal temperature than Friesians in the three experiments. The per cent increase in respiration rate with temperature rise from 19.8° to 29.0°C in controlled or natural climate was greater in Friesians than Buffaloes. The reverse was true at 42.0°C in controlled climate or at 27.6° to 32.2°C with solar radiation and water deprivation, which partially resulted in a greater elevation of rectal temperature in Friesians than Buffaloes. Friesians critical temperature was shifted about 5°C higher than the breed average due to acclimatization in the hot desert. Buffaloes endured solar radiation with heat and water deprivation better than Friesians.
Zusammenfassung Die Atemfrequenz von friesischen Rindern und Wasserbüffeln nahm beim Anstieg der Lufttemperatur von Winter (19.9°C, 37% RF) zum Frühling (29.3°C, 24% RF) zu und zeigte einen noch deutlicheren Anstieg im Sommer (31.0°C, 42% RF). Die Pulsfrequenz und die Rektaltemperatur änderten sich zwischen Winter und Frühling nicht signifikant, dagegen waren sie bei beiden Tierarten im Sommer signifikant erhöht. Ähnliche Befunde wurden bei einem simulierten Anstieg der Temperatur in künstlichen Klimaten erhoben. Sonnenstrahlung (412 Langley) verstärkte den Einfluss der Hitze mit Wasserentzug (27.6°–32.2°C, 61-41% RF) auf die 3 untersuchten Funktionen. Wasserbüffel hatten eine niedrigere mittlere Atemfrequenz, Pulsfrequenz und Rektaltemperatur. Der prozentuale Anstieg der Atemfrequenz bei Anstieg der Temperatur von 19.8°C auf 29.0°C im künstlichen und natürlichen Klima war bei den Rindern grösser als bei den Wasserbüffeln. Dagegen war die Reaktion umgekehrt bei 42.0°C im künstlichen Klima oder zwischen 27.6° und 32.2°C mit Sonnenstrahlung und Wasserentzug. Unter diesen Bedingungen zeigten die friesischen Rinder teilweise eine höhere Rektaltemperatur. Ihre kritische Temperatur war ungefähr 5°C über dem Mittelwert bei dieser Rasse als Folge der Akklimatisation an das Wüstenklima. Wasserbüffel ertrugen Sonnenstrahlung mit Hitze und Wasserentzug besser als die Rinder.

Resume En passant de l'hiver (19,9°C et 37% hr) au printemps (29,3°C et 24% hr), l'activité respiratoire augmente de façon significative chez les bovins de race frisonne et de façon non significative chez les buffles. L'augmentation est encore plus marquée — et ici de façon significative pour les deux races — en passant à l'éte (31.0°C et 42% hr). Le nombre des pulsations et la température rectale n'ont guère changé entre l'hiver et le printemps. Ils ont par contre augmenté en été et cela pour les deux races. Des résultats analogues et de même importance furent obtenus en atmosphère contrôlée (19,8°C et 38% hr, 29,0°C et 50% hr, 42,0°C et 50% hr). Le rayonnement solaire (412 Langleys) accentue les effets de la chaleur et du manque d'eau et cela pour les trois fonctions observées (passage de 27,6° à 32,2°C et de 61% à 41%). Les buffles ont eu une moins forte respiration, moins de pulsations et une température rectale plus basse que les frisonnes et cela dans les 3 cas. Le taux d'augmentation de l'activité respiratoire parallèlement à l'augmentation de température de 19,8°C à 29,0°C en atmosphère contrôlée ou dans la nature a été plus importante chez les frisonnes que chez les buffles. On a observé le contraire à 42,0°C ou en passant de 27,6° à 32,2°C avec rayonnement solaire et privation d'eau. Ceci est dû en partie à une plus forte augmentation de la température rectale chez les frisonnes que chez les buffles. La température critique des vaches frisonnes dont il est fait mention ici est d'environ 5° supérieure à la moyenne de la race en raison de leur adaptation au climat désertique. Les buffles ont mieux supporté le rayonnement solaire accompagné de chaud et de manque d'eau que les frisonnes.

Neospora caninum is now recognized as a major cause of abortion in cattle worldwide, but there is no report of N. caninum infection in cattle in India. Serum samples from 427 dairy cattle and 32 dairy water buffaloes from 7 organized dairy farms located in Punjab, India, were tested for N. caninum antibodies using a commercial monoclonal antibody-based competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 35 of 427 cattle from 6 of the 7 farms; 9.6% of cows, 5.1% of heifers, and 5.0% of calves were seropositive, suggesting postnatal transmission of N. caninum on the farm. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 16 of 32 buffaloes tested from 2 dairy farms. In total, 64 cattle and 16 buffalo sera already tested by ELISA were also evaluated by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) to verify ELISA results. Of the 64 cattle samples, 29 sera were negative by both tests and of the 35 ELISA-positive sera, 12 had IFAT titers of 1:100 or higher (1 had IFAT titer of 100, 2 had IFAT titer of 200, and 9 had IFAT titers of 400 or higher). Of the 16 buffalo sera positive by ELISA, 1 had an IFAT titer of 1:400. Thus, antibodies to N. caninum were demonstrated in cattle sera by 2 serologic methods. To our knowledge this is the first report of N. caninum infection in cattle and buffaloes in India.  相似文献   

The effect of microwave irradiation on the status of the thyroid gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiple irradiation of rats with microwaves of continuous generation (2450 MHz, 1 mW/cm2) increased and of pulsed generation (3000 MHz, 0.1 to 2.5 mW/cm2) decreased the functional activity of the thyroid gland with no changes in the triiodothyronine and thyroxin in blood serum. The role of the thyroid gland in inducing behaviour effects of microwaves was demonstrated by the method of extirpation.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structural localization of the endogeneous peroxidase activity in the thyroid of the young frog was studied. The reaction product for peroxidase was observed over the peripheral luminal colloid and apical region of the follicular epithelial cell. Most apical small granules and some parts of Golgi lamellae and a few Golgi vesicles were specifically stained. The cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear cisternae did not demonstrate any positive reaction for peroxidase activity with difference from that of various cells of mammalia. In this study, only mature peroxidase seems to be positive for its reaction and the enzyme in the rough endoplasmic reticulum is considered to be too immature to react for DAB method in the frog thyroid cell. The relationship between the localization of peroxidase reaction and the site of the iodination of thyroglobulin was discussed.  相似文献   

Aquaporins are the intrinsic membrane proteins functioning as water channel to transport water and/or mineral nutrients across the biological membrane systems. In this research, we aimed to clarify if the selected mineral water can affect aquaporin functions in vitro and the assumption of the mineral water can modify aquaporin expression and activate natural killer cell activity in human body. First, we expressed six human and eight plant aquaporin genes in oocytes and compared the effect of different kinds of natural mineral water on aquaporin activity. The oocyte assay data show that Hita tenryosui water could promote water permeability of almost all human and plant aquaporins in varying degrees, and freeze-dry and organic solvent extraction could reduce AQP2 activity but pH change and boiling could not. Second, each volunteer in two groups (10 in one group) received an oral Hita tenryosui or tap water load of 1000 ml/day for total four weeks. We found that these two kinds of water did not directly affect the relative expression levels of AQP1 and AQP9 in the blood cells, but intriguingly, the natural killer cell activities of the volunteers drinking Hita tenryosui water were significantly improved, suggesting that Hita tenryosui water has obvious health function, which opens a new and interesting field of investigation related to the link between mineral water consumption and human health and the therapies for some chronic diseases.  相似文献   

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