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The OmpF and OmpC porins are major outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli. Their expression is affected by medium osmolarity such that OmpF is normally produced at low osmolarity and OmpC at high osmolarity. Potassium ion accumulation is a major means by which cells maintain their internal osmolarity in high osmolarity medium in the absence of organic osmolytes such as glycine-betaine. Starvation for potassium causes cells to become turgor stressed. The effect of turgor stress and potassium ion concentration on OmpF and OmpC expression was examined. It was found that ompF gene expression was switched off by turgor stress but there was no concomitant increase in OmpC. Instead, ompC expression responded to the accumulation of potassium ions by the cell in high osmolarity medium.  相似文献   

The secretion of the outer membrane proteins OmpA and OmpF of Escherichia coli has previously been found to be blocked at an early intracellular step, when these proteins were fused to a bacillar signal sequence and expressed in Bacillus subtilis. We have now fused these proteins to long secretable polypeptides, the amino-terminal portions of alpha-amylase or beta-lactamase. In spite of this, no secretion of the fusion proteins was detected in B. subtilis. With the exception of a small fraction of the beta-lactamase fusion, the proteins were cell-bound with uncleaved signal sequences. Protease accessibility indicated that the fusion proteins were not even partially exposed on the outer surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. Thus there was no change of the location compared to the OmpA or OmpF fused to the signal sequence only. We conclude that, like OmpA and OmpF, the fusion proteins fold into an export-incompatible conformation in B. subtilis before the start of translocation, which we postulate to be a late post-translational event.  相似文献   

This study uses the enteric bacterium Escherichia coli as an experimental system to examine evolutionary responses of bacteria to an environmental acidic-alkaline range between pH 5.3 and 7.8 (15-5000 nM [H(+)]). Our goal was both to test general hypotheses about adaptation to abiotic variables and to provide insights into how coliform organisms might respond to changing conditions inside and outside of hosts. Six replicate lines of E. coli evolved for 2000 generations at one of four different constant pH conditions: pH 5.3, 6.3, 7.0, or 7.8. Direct adaptation to the evolutionary environment, as well as correlated changes in other environments, was measured as a change in fitness relative to the ancestor in direct competition experiments. The pH 5.3 group had the highest fitness gains, with a highly significant increase of 20%. The pH 7.8 group had far less significant gains and much higher variance among its lines. Analysis of individual lines within these two groups revealed complex patterns of adaptation: all of the pH 5.3 lines exhibited trade-offs (reduced fitness in another environment), but only 33% of the pH 7.8 lines showed such trade-offs and one of the pH 7.8 lines demonstrated exaptation by improving fitness in the pH 5.3 environment. Although there was also prevalent exaptation in other groups to the acidic environment, there were no such cases of exaptation to alkalinity. Comparison across the entire experimental pH range revealed that the most acidic lines, the pH 5.3 group, were all specialists, in contrast to the pH 6.3 lines, which were almost all generalists. That is, although none of the pH 5.3 lines showed any correlated fitness gains, all of the pH 6.3 lines did.  相似文献   

The outer membrane protein, OmpC, from Escherichia coli was used to display metal-binding poly-histidine peptides on the surface of this bacterium. SDS-PAGE analysis of outer membrane protein preparations confirmed the expression of the metal-binding epitopes inserted in position 162 of the mature OmpC protein. Display of these epitopes was confirmed by epifluorescence microscopy of cells bound to Ni2+-NTA-agarose beads and metal adsorption experiments. The cells harboring one or two copies of the metal binding epitope were able to adsorb 3 to 6 times more Zn2+ (13.8 mol g–1 cell), Fe3+ (35.3 mol g–1 cell), and Ni2+ (9.9 mol g–1 cell) metallic ions than control cells expressing the wild-type OmpC.  相似文献   

Abstract Electrophoretic analysis of outer membrane proteins showed that Salmonella typhi OmpC expression is not reciprocally regulated relative to OmpF as described for Escherichia coli and S. typhimurium . When bacteria were grown in minimal media, both OmpC and OmpF were repressed as the osmolarity increased. However, in Luria broth, expression of OmpC was slightly induced by osmolarity up to 0.3 osmM. Plasmids bearing E. coli ompC-lacZ or ompF-lacZ gene fusions were studied for their expression in S. typhi and E. coli . Under anaerobic growth conditions, expression of ompC-lacZ in S. typhi was maximal at 0.16 osmM, while in E. coli expression was maximal at 0.7 osmM. ompF-lacZ expression was similarly repressed by medium osmolarity and anaerobiosis in both species. In contrast, a drastic difference in the regulation of OmpF by temperature was observed; at 37 °C ompF-lacZ expression was repressed in E. coli . while in S. typhi it was induced.  相似文献   

Aims: When subjected to dynamic temperatures surpassing the expected maximum growth temperature, Escherichia coli K12 MG1655 shows disturbed growth curves. These irregular population dynamics were explained by considering two subpopulations, i.e. a thermoresistant and a thermosensitive one ( Van Derlinden et al. 2010a ). In this paper, the influence of the initial cell concentration on the subpopulations’ dynamics is evaluated. Methods and Results: Experiments were performed in a bioreactor with the temperature increasing from 42 to 65·2°C (1 and 4°C h?1) with varying initial cell concentrations [6, 12 and 18 ln(CFU ml?1)]. When started from the highest cell concentration, the population was characterized by a higher overall maximum growth temperature and a higher inactivation temperature. For all experimental set‐ups, resistant cells were still growing at the final temperature of 65·2°C. Conclusions: The initial cell concentration had no effect on temperature resistance. The increase in temperature resistance of the sensitive subpopulation was because of the change of the physiological state to the stationary phase. Significance and Impact of the Study: A higher initial cell concentration leads to higher heat stress adaptation when cultures reach a maximum cell concentration. The observed growth at a temperature of 65·2°C is very important for food safety and the temperature treatment of micro‐organisms.  相似文献   

AIMS: To predict and validate survival of non-acid adapted Escherichia coli O157 in an environment mimicking the human stomach. METHODS AND RESULTS: Survival was predicted mathematically from inactivation rates at various, but constant pH values. Predictions were subsequently validated experimentally in a pH-controlled fermentor. Contrary to prediction, acid-sensitive cultures of E. coli O157 survived for a long period of time and died as rapidly as acid-resistant cultures. Experimental results showed that in an environment with changing pH, acid-sensitive cultures became acid-resistant within 17 min. Cyclo fatty acids was reported to be a factor in acid resistance. As synthesis of cyclo fatty acids does not require de novo enzyme synthesis and thus requires little time to develop, we analysed the membrane fatty acid composition of E. coli O157 during adaptation. No changes in membrane fatty acid composition were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Acid adaptation of E. coli O157 can occur during passage of the human gastric acid barrier, which can take up to 4 h. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The ability of acid-adapted bacteria to survive the human stomach is an important virulence factor. The ability of non-acid adapted E. coli O157 to adapt within a very short period of time under extreme conditions further contributes to the virulence of E. coli O157.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 produces both the OmpF and OmpC porins, the relative amounts of which in the outer membrane are affected in a reciprocal manner by the osmolarity of the growth medium. In contrast, E. coli B produces only the OmpF porin, regardless of the medium osmolarity. In this study, it was revealed that there is an extensive deletion within the ompC locus of the E. coli B chromosome. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the regulatory gene, ompR , of E. coli B revealed that there are two amino acid alterations (Lys-6 to Asn and Ala-130 to Thr) in the amino acid sequence of the OmpR protein, as compared with that of E. coli K-12. It is suggested that these particular amino acid alterations are responsible for the constitutive expression of the ompF gene observed in E. coli B.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic patterns of the outer membrane proteins of agar-entrapped Escherichia coli cells were found to be different from those of free organisms. In particular, the porin protein OmpF was underexpressed in immobilized bacteria, that displayed enhanced resistance to latamoxef.  相似文献   

Abstract Two conditionally expressed lacZU131 gene fusions were constructed in vivo to the ompC gene which encodes a major outer membrane protein in Escherichia coli . The resulting hybrid molecules contained approximately 25% and 50% of the mature OmpC protein fused to the LacZ. Export analysis showed that under nonoverproducing conditions essentially all synthesized OmpC-LacZ hybrid protein was effectively processed in vivo unless the signal peptide cleavage was inhibited by ethanol addition. Also, the hybrid proteins were highly accessible to solid phase iodination of whole cells under conditions where cytoplasmic proteins remained unlabelled. Thus, hybrids containing large portions of the OmpC protein were clearly recognized by the cellular export machinery, and probably all synthesized hybrid protein was partially translocated through the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Aims:  Previous work showed that the exponential phase of Escherichia coli K12 MG1655, grown in Brain Heart Infusion broth at temperatures close to its maximum growth temperature, is disturbed. Based on plate count data, microscopic images and literature, the existence of a heat-resistant subpopulation was hypothesized. Here, this hypothesis is mathematically explored via a heterogeneous model.
Methods and Results:  A heat-sensitive and a heat-resistant subpopulation are considered. A large fraction of the population is inactivated, while the remaining smaller fraction is able to resist (or adapt to) the inimical temperature and grows. A heterogeneous model that encloses a growth model (resistant population) and an inactivation model (sensitive population) is used to describe the global population dynamics. Most experimental data can be predicted when taking parameter uncertainty via Monte Carlo simulation into account.
Conclusions:  The heterogeneous model accurately describes disturbed growth curves at superoptimal temperatures, except for high initial cell densities.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study strengthens the hypothesis of the existence of a (small) heat-resistant subpopulation in typical inoculum cultures of E. coli K12 MG1655.  相似文献   

Abstract The synthesis of total cellular proteins in Escherichia coli K12 was studied in batch culture following exposure of cells to low concentrations of monochlorophenol, pentachlorophenol and cadmium chloride. Changes in protein patterns were identified after pulse-chase labelling of proteins with [35S]methionine and subsequent two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). We demonstrated that besides the induction of some stress proteins, also a transient decrease in the rate of synthesis of other proteins occurred. Two of these proteins were identified as OmpF and aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase). Their transient repression appeared to be a general response to stress elicited by different pollutants and may therefore be used as a general and sensitive early warning system for pollutant stress.  相似文献   

An acidic-phospholipid deficiency caused by the pgsA3 allele that encodes a defective phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase in Escherichia coli is lethal. The only known mutations that suppress this lethality fully have been related to the major outer-membrane lipoprotein. We isolated a Bacillus subtilis chromosomal locus that suppresses the lethality when harbored in a low copy-number plasmid, without restoring the synthase activity or phospholipid composition to normal. The locus was first recognized to suppress the conditional lethality of E. coli YA5512 (pgsA3) that harbored an unidentified mutation(s), allowing its growth in LB medium but not in media of lower osmolarities. The locus was then found to suppress the lethality of pgsA3 in wild-type E. coli W3110. This locus, named ypoP in the database, had 37% nucleotide identity with the E. coli mprA gene, but the amplification of mprA had no suppressive effect. Plasmid pPOP1 containing ypoP completely prevented the decrease in the amount of a porin protein, OmpF, in the outer membrane and also cell mucoidy caused by pgsA3. The mechanisms underlying these unusual effects are discussed in relation to a putative stress signal(s) generated by the acidic-phospholipid deficiency.  相似文献   

When Escherichia coli cells are under superoxide stress, proteins SoxR and SoxS, acting sequentially, control the expression of a set of repair and defense genes. One of these genes, fumC, encoding fumarase C, was reported to be also activated by iron deprivation in a soxRS-dependent manner. However, the same condition failed to induce the expression of a soxS'::lacZ fusion. The expression of acnA (aconitase A) is also activated by SoxR alone when under iron deprivation, but not of sodA (Mn-superoxide-dismutase). SoxR completely inhibited the migration of a DNA fragment containing the promoter region of fumC, in gel-shift experiments. SoxR might bind to a different region than SoxS within the fumC promoter, or an unknown intermediate other than SoxS might be acting. It is possible that the regulatory role of SoxR is more complex than previously considered.  相似文献   

进化代谢选育高渗透压耐受型产琥珀酸大肠杆菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在以碳酸钠为酸中和剂的大肠杆菌两阶段发酵产琥珀酸的过程中,由于Na+的积累造成发酵体系中渗透压的提高,严重抑制了琥珀酸的产物浓度。为了增强大肠杆菌对渗透压的耐受性,考察了利用进化代谢方法筛选高渗透压耐受型高产琥珀酸大肠杆菌菌株的可行性。进化代谢系统作为一种菌株突变装置,可以使菌体在连续培养条件下以最大的生长速率生长。以NaCl为渗透压调节剂,通过在连续培养装置中逐步提高NaCl浓度使菌体在高渗透压条件下快速生长,最终得到了一株高渗透压耐受型琥珀酸生产菌株Escherichia coli XB4。以碳酸钠为酸中和剂,在7 L发酵罐中利用Escherichia coli XB4进行两阶段发酵,厌氧培养60 h后,琥珀酸产量达到了69.5 g/L,琥珀酸生产速率达到了1.81 g/(L.h),分别比出发菌株提高了18.6%和20%。  相似文献   

An optimized, defined minimal medium was developed to support balanced growth of Escherichia coli X90 harboring a recombinant plasmid. Foreign protein expression was repressed in these studies. A pulse injection technique was used to identify the growth responses to nutrients in a chemostat. Once the nutrients essential for growth had been identified, the yield coefficients for individual medium components. These yield coefficients were used to develop an optimized, glucose-limited defined minimal medium that supports balanced cell growth in chemostat culture. The biomass and substrate concentrations follow the Monod chemostat model. The maximum specific growth rate determined in a washout experiment is 0.87 h(-1) for this strain in the optimized medium. the glucose yield factor is 0.42 g DCW/g glucose and the maintenance coefficient is zero in the glucose-limited chemostat culture. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

AIMS: Cattle are a known main reservoir for acid-resistant Escherichia coli O157 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104. We studied the response of S. Typhimurium DT104 to extreme low pH environments and compared their response to that of acid-resistant E. coli O157 and other S. Typhimurium phage types. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacteria were grown in nutrient-rich medium and subsequently acid challenged at pH 2.5. We found that stationary phase cultures of various S. Typhimurium strains were able to survive a challenge for 2 h at pH 2.5. As in E. coli, the ability of S. Typhimurium to survive at pH 2.5 was shown to be dependent on the presence of amino acids, specifically arginine. The amount of proton pumping H+/ATPase, both in E. coli O157 and S. Typhimurium strains, was lower when grown at pH values <6 than after growth at pH 7.5. Cyclo fatty acid content of membranes of bacteria grown at pH values <6 was higher than that of membranes of bacteria grown at pH 7.5. CONCLUSIONS: Various S. Typhimurium strains, both DT104 and non-DT104, are able to survive for a prolonged period of time at pH 2.5. Their response to such low pH environment is seemingly similar to that of E. coli O157. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Food-borne pathogens like S. Typhimurium DT104 and E. coli O157 form a serious threat to public health since such strains are able to survive under extreme low pH conditions as present in the human stomach. The emergence these acid-resistant strains suggests the presence of a selection barrier. The intestinal tract of ruminants fed a carbohydrate-rich diet might be such a barrier.  相似文献   

The enteric bacterium and potential human pathogen, Escherichia coli, is known to persist in tropical soils and coastal waters. Vibrio cholerae causes the disease cholera and inhabits marine environments including microbial films on submerged surfaces. The abundances of E. coli and V. cholerae were quantified in biofilm and water-column samples from three harbors in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, which differ in their local and international ship traffic. E. coli and, in some cases V. cholerae, occurred in relatively high abundances in marine biofilms formed on abiotic surfaces, including the exterior hulls of ships. The community fingerprints of the biofilms and the water harboring these pathogens were further analyzed. The community compositions of biofilms from different locations were more similar to each other than to water-column communities from the same locations. These results suggest that biofilms are an overlooked reservoir and a source of dissemination for E. coli and V. cholerae.  相似文献   

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