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Li Y  Zhang L  Zhang D  Zhang X  Lu X 《遗传学报》2010,37(10):695-702
It has been shown that duplicate genes on the X chromosome evolve much faster than duplicate genes on autosomes in Drosophila melanogaster.However,whether this phenomenon is general and can be applied to other species is not known.Here we examined this issue in chicken that have heterogametic females(females have ZW sex chromosome).We compared sequence divergence of duplicate genes on the Z chromosome with those on autosomes.We found that duplications on the Z chromosome indeed evolved faster than those on autosomes and show distinct patterns of molecular evolution from autosomal duplications.Examination of the expression of duplicate genes revealed an enrichment of duplications on the Z chromosome having male-biased expression and an enrichment of duplications on the autosomes having female-biased expression.These results suggest an evolutionary trend of the recruitment of duplicate genes towards reproduction-specific function.The faster evolution of duplications on Z than on the autosomes is most likely contributed by the selective forces driving the fixation of adaptive mutations on Z.Therefore,the common phenomena observed in both flies and chicken suggest that duplicate genes on sex chromosomes have distinct dynamics and are more influenced by natural selection than antosomal duplications,regardless of the kind of sex determination systems.  相似文献   

A chicken Z-linked BAC probe containing the aldolase B gene was used for fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) mapping in four different avian species. The biotinylated BAC clone showed distinct unique hybridization sites on the structurally different Z chromosomes. This result, together with previous data, lends credence to the notion that, despite undergoing structural rearrangements, the gene content of the avian Z chromosome remained conserved during evolution. Our study also demonstrates the feasibility of using large genomic clones for comparative mapping of Z-linked genes in birds.  相似文献   

Chromosomes of schistosome parasites among digenetic flukes have a unique evolution because they exhibit the sex chromosomes ZW, which are not found in the other groups of flukes that are hermaphrodites. We conducted molecular cytogenetic analyses for investigating the sex chromosome evolution using chromosome paint analysis and BAC clones mapping. To carry this out, we developed a technique for making paint probes of genomic DNA from a single scraped chromosome segment using a chromosome microdissection system, and a FISH mapping technique for BAC clones. Paint probes clearly identified each of the 8 pairs of chromosomes by a different fluorochrome color. Combination analysis of chromosome paint analysis with Z/W probes and chromosome mapping with 93 BAC clones revealed that the W chromosome of Schistosoma mansoni has evolved by at least four inversion events and heterochromatinization. Nine of 93 BAC clones hybridized with both the Z and W chromosomes, but the locations were different between Z and W chromosomes. The homologous regions were estimated to have moved from the original Z chromosome to the differentiated W chromosome by three inversions events that occurred before W heterohcromatinization. An inversion that was observed in the heterochromatic region of the W chromosome likely occurred after W heterochromatinization. These inversions and heterochromatinization are hypothesized to be the key factors that promoted the evolution of the W chromosome of S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Using direct R-banding fluorescence in situ hybridization, we determined the location of 31 functional genes on chicken chromosomes. Replication R-banded chromosomes were obtained by synchronizing splenocyte cultures with excessive thymidine, followed by BrdU treatment. Thirty-one functional genes were directly localized to banded chicken chromosomes using genomic DNA and cDNA fragments as probes. The possibility of conserved linkage homology between chicken and human chromosomes was demonstrated for seven chicken chromosome regions (1p, 1q, 2q, 4p, 4q, and 5q).  相似文献   

William J Murphy  Roscoe Stanyon  Stephen J O'Brien 《Genome biology》2001,2(6):reviews0005.1-reviews00058
Comparative genome analyses, including chromosome painting in over 40 diverse mammalian species, ordered gene maps from several representatives of different mammalian and vertebrate orders, and large-scale sequencing of the human and mouse genomes are beginning to provide insight into the rates and patterns of chromosomal evolution on a whole-genome scale, as well as into the forces that have sculpted the genomes of extant mammalian species.  相似文献   

The distribution of various isochore families on mitotic chromosomes of domestic chicken and Japanese quail was studied by the method of fluorescence in situ DNA--DNA hybridization (FISH). DNA of various isochore families was shown to be distributed irregularly and similarly on chromosomes of domestic chicken and Japanese quail. The GC-rich isochore families (H2, H3, and H4) hybridized mainly to microchromosomes and a majority of macrochromosome telomeric regions. In chicken, an intense fluorescence was also in a structural heterochromatin region of the Z chromosome long arm. In some regions of the quail macrochromosome arms, hybridization was also with isochore families H3 and H4. On macrochromosomes of both species, the pattern of hybridization with isochores of the H2 and H3 families resembled R-banding. The light isochores (L1 and L2 families) are mostly detected within macrochromosome internal regions corresponding to G bands, whereas microchromosomes lack light isochores. Although mammalian and avian karyotypes differ significantly in organization, the isochore distribution in genomes of these two lineages of the warm-blooded animals is similar in principle. On macrochromosomes of the two avian species studied, a pattern of isochore distribution resembled that of mammalian chromosomes. The main specific feature of the avian genome, a great number of microchromosomes (about 30% of the genome), determines a compositional specialization of the latter. This suggests the existence of not only structural but also functional compartmentalization of the avian genome.  相似文献   

Filatov DA 《Genetics》2005,170(2):975-979
The sex chromosomes of dioecious white campion, Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae), are of relatively recent origin (10-20 million years), providing a unique opportunity to trace the origin and evolution of sex chromosomes in this genus by comparing closely related Silene species with and without sex chromosomes. Here I demonstrate that four genes that are X-linked in S. latifolia are also linked in nondioecious S. vulgaris, which is consistent with Ohno's (1967) hypothesis that sex chromosomes evolve from a single pair of autosomes. I also report a genetic map for four S. latifolia X-linked genes, SlX1, DD44X, SlX4, and a new X-linked gene SlssX, which encodes spermidine synthase. The order of the genes on the S. latifolia X chromosome and divergence between the homologous X- and Y-linked copies of these genes supports the "evolutionary strata" model, with at least three consecutive expansions of the nonrecombining region on the Y chromosome (NRY) in this plant species.  相似文献   

Dioecy is relatively rare in plants and sex determination systems vary among such species. A good example of a plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes is hop (Humulus lupulus). The genotypes carrying XX or XY chromosomes correspond to female and male plants, respectively. Until now no clear cytogenetic markers for the sex chromosomes of hop have been established. Here, for the first time the sex chromosomes of hop are clearly identified and characterized. The high copy sequence of hop (HSR1) has been cloned and localized on chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The HSR1 repeat has shown subtelomeric location on autosomes with the same intensity of the signal. The signal has been present in the subtelomeric region of the long arm and in the near-centromeric region but absent in the telomeric region of the short arm of the X chromosome. At the same time the signal has been found in the telomeric region only of the long arm of the Y chromosome. This finding indicates that the sex chromosomes of hop have evolved from a pair of autosomes via ancient translocation or inversion. The observation of the meiotic configuration of the sex bivalents shows the location of a pseudoautosomal region on the long arms of X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sex determination in major vertebrate groups appears to be very variable, including systems of male heterogamety, female heterogamety and a variety of genetic and environmental sex determining systems. Yet comparative studies of sex chromosomes and sex determining genes now suggest that these differences are more apparent than real. The sex chromosomes of even widely divergent groups now appear to have changed very little over the last 300+ million years, and even independently derived sex chromosomes seem to have followed the same set of evolutionary rules. The sex determining pathway seems to be extremely conserved, although the control of the genes in this pathway is vested in different elements. We present a scenario for the independent evolution of XY male heterogamety in mammals and ZW female heterogamety in birds and some reptiles. We suggest that sex determining genes can be made redundant, and replaced by control at another step of a conserved sex determining pathway, and how choice of a gene as a sex switch has led to the evolution of new sex chromosome systems. J. Exp. Zool. 290:449-462, 2001.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping of chicken and human genomes is described, primarily of regions corresponding to human chromosomes 1, 4 and 9. Segments of chicken orthologues of selected human genes were amplified from parental DNA of the East Lansing backcross reference mapping population, and the two parental alleles were sequenced. In about 80% of the genes tested, sequence polymorphism was identified between reference population parental DNAs. The polymorphism was used to design allele-specific primers with which to genotype the backcross panel and place genes on the chicken linkage map. Thirty-seven genes were mapped which confirmed the surprisingly high level of conserved synteny between orthologous chicken and human genes. In several cases the order of genes in conserved syntenic groups differs between the two genomes, suggesting that there may have been more frequent intrachromosomal inversions as compared with interchromosomal translocations during the separate evolution of avian and mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes of birds and mammals are highly differentiated and share several cytological features. However, comparative gene mapping reveals extensive conserved synteny between the chicken Z sex chromosome and human chromosome 9 but not the human X sex chromosome, implying an independent origin of avian and mammalian sex chromosomes. To better understand the evolution of the avian Z chromosome we analysed the synteny of chicken Z-linked genes in zebrafish, which is the best-mapped teleost genome so far. Existing zebrafish maps do not support the existence of an ancestral Z linkage group in the zebrafish genome, whereas mammalian X-linked genes show at least some degree of synteny conservation. This is consistent with in situ hybridisation mapping data in the freshwater pufferfish, Tetraodon nigroviridis where mammalian X-linked genes show a much higher degree of conserved synteny than human chromosome 9 or the avian Z chromosome. Collectively, these data argue in favour of a more recent evolution of the avian Z chromosome, compared with the mammalian X.  相似文献   

Using direct R-banding fluorescence in situ hybridization, we assigned five functional genes-growth hormone receptor (GHR), prolactin receptor (PRLR), spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK), aldolase B (ALDOB), and muscle skeletal receptor tyrosine kinase (MUSK)-to the chicken Z chromosome. SYK and MUSK were newly localized to the chicken Z chromosome in this study. GHR and PRLR were situated close to each other on the short arm of the chicken Z chromosome, as are their counterparts on human chromosome 5. SYK, MUSK, and ALDOB, which have been mapped to human chromosome 9, were localized to the long arm of the chicken Z chromosome. Thus, the present results indicate the presence of conserved synteny between the chicken Z chromosome and human chromosomes 5 and 9. Using the same method, four of the genes (GHR, PRLR, ALDOB, and MUSK) were assigned to the Japanese quail Z chromosome. The locations of these four Z-linked genes were conserved between chicken and Japanese quail. The results support the notion that the avian Z chromosome and the mammalian X chromosome did not evolve from a common ancestral linkage group.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among major clades of anuran amphibians were studied using partial sequences of three nuclear protein coding genes, Rag-1, Rag-2, and rhodopsin in 26 frog species from 18 families. The concatenated nuclear data set comprised 2,616 nucleotides and was complemented by sequences of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes for analyses of evolutionary rates. Separate and combined analyses of the nuclear markers supported the monophyly of modern frogs (Neobatrachia), whereas they did not provide support for the monophyly of archaic frog lineages (Archaeobatrachia), contrary to previous studies based on mitochondrial data. The Neobatrachia contain two well supported clades that correspond to the subfamilies Ranoidea (Hyperoliidae, Mantellidae, Microhylidae, Ranidae, and Rhacophoridae) and Hyloidea (Bufonidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, and Pseudidae). Two other families (Heleophrynidae and Sooglossidae) occupied basal positions and probably represent ancient relicts within the Neobatrachia, which had been less clearly indicated by previous mitochondrial analyses. Branch lengths of archaeobatrachians were consistently shorter in all separate analyses, and nonparametric rate smoothing indicated accelerated substitution rates in neobatrachians. However, relative rate tests confirmed this tendency only for mitochondrial genes. In contrast, nuclear gene sequences from our study and from an additional GenBank survey showed no clear phylogenetic trends in terms of differences in rates of molecular evolution. Maximum likelihood trees based on Rag-1 and using only one neobatrachian and one archaeobatrachian sequence, respectively, even had longer archaeobatrachian branches averaged over all pairwise comparisons. More data are necessary to understand the significance of a possibly general assignation of short branches to basal and species-poor taxa by tree-reconstruction algorithms.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was used to identify and probe sex chromosomes in several XY and WZ systems. Chromosomes were hybridized simultaneously with FluorX-labelled DNA of females and Cy3-labelled DNA of males in the presence of an excess of Cot-1 DNA or unlabelled DNA of the homogametic sex. CGH visualized the molecular differentiation of the X and Y in the house mouse, Mus musculus, and in Drosophila melanogaster: while autosomes were stained equally by both probes, the X and Y chromosomes were stained preferentially by the female-derived or the male-derived probe, respectively. There was no differential staining of the X and Y chromosomes in the fly Megaselia scalaris, indicating an early stage of sex chromosome differentiation in this species. In the human and the house mouse, labelled DNA of males in the presence of unlabelled DNA of females was sufficient to highlight Y chromosomes in mitosis and interphase. In WZ sex chromosome systems, the silkworm Bombyx mori, the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella, and the wax moth Galleria mellonella, the W chromosomes were identified by CGH in mitosis and meiosis. They were conspicuously stained by both female- and male-derived probes, unlike the Z chromosomes, which were preferentially stained by the male-derived probe in E. kuehniella only but were otherwise inconspicuous. The ratio of female:male staining and the pattern of staining along the W chromosomes was species specific. CGH shows that W chromosomes in these species are molecularly well differentiated from the Z chromosomes. The conspicuous binding of the male-derived probe to the W chromosomes is presumably due to an accumulation of common interspersed repetitive sequences. Received: 6 January 1999; in revised form: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 11 February 1999  相似文献   

The development and morphology of the wheat spike is important because the spike is where reproduction occurs and it holds the grains until harvest. Therefore, genes that influence spike morphology are of interest from both theoretical and practical stand points. When substituted for the native chromosome 2A in the tetraploid Langdon (LDN) durum wheat background, the Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides chromosome 2A from accession IsraelA confers a short, compact spike with fewer spikelets per spike compared to LDN. Molecular mapping and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of these traits in a homozygous recombinant population derived from LDN × the chromosome 2A substitution line (LDNIsA-2A) indicated that the number of spikelets per spike and spike length were controlled by linked, but different, loci on the long arm of 2A. A QTL explaining most of the variation for spike compactness coincided with the QTL for spike length. Comparative mapping indicated that the QTL for number of spikelets per spike overlapped with a previously mapped QTL for Fusarium head blight susceptibility. The genes governing spike length and compactness were not orthologous to either sog or C, genes known to confer compact spikes in diploid and hexaploid wheat, respectively. Mapping and sequence analysis indicated that the gene governing spike length and compactness derived from wild emmer could be an ortholog of the barley Cly1/Zeo gene, which research indicates is an AP2-like gene pleiotropically affecting cleistogamy, flowering time, and rachis internode length. This work provides researchers with knowledge of new genetic loci and associated markers that may be useful for manipulating spike morphology in durum wheat.  相似文献   

Cloned genes were used to probe a highly redundant library of large cloned fragments of the Dictyostelium discoideum genome carried in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). Each gene recognized several independent YAC clones, thereby grouping them into a contig. Individual YACs were arranged within the contig by positioning genes relative to rare restriction sites and the YAC ends. Genes that had been previously assigned to one of the six linkage groups by parasexual genetics were used to establish physically mapped regions on specific chromosomes. Previously unmapped genes were assigned to specific chromosomes when they recognized members of a mapped contig. Linkage was confirmed by congruence of large-scale restriction maps centered on either the previously mapped or the newly mapped genes. At present, the chromosome-assigned map segments comprise approximately 50% of the genome. About half of each map segment is covered by overlapping YACs.  相似文献   

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