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Parameters of the chicken genome (Gallus gallus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As more information on the chicken genome is gathered, it is becoming increasingly more important to be able to correlate genetic and physical maps. Quantitation of the chicken karyotype is important in establishing parameters which define the genome. Here we report on the physical lengths of the chicken macrochromosomes and establish the DNA content of each, thus identifying implicitly how much of the genome is represented by the microchromosomal component. For the first time, genetic and physical data on the chicken karyotype are presented in relation to one another.  相似文献   

Many years of domestication and breeding have given rise to the wide range of chicken breeds that exist today; however, an increasing number of local chicken breeds are under threat of extinction. A comprehensive characterization of chicken markers (especially type I markers) is needed to monitor and conserve genetic diversity in this species. The explosion of genomics and functional genomics information in recent years has opened new possibilities for the generation of molecular markers. We analyzed a large number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to test the possibility of using EST-derived microsatellite markers for investigating the Gallus gallus genome. Chromosomal locations for the majority of these SSRs were predicted. Of the 31,576 unigenes assembled from the 544,150 redundant EST sequences, 1757 SSR markers were discovered on 1544 ESTs, using the SSRLocator software, with an average density of 28.7 kb per SSR. The dimer motifs were the most frequent (46.38%), followed by trimeric (38.58%), tetrameric (10.19%), pentameric (4.5%), and hexameric (<1%) markers. Different from the case for cattle and sheep, AT/TA was the most abundant dimeric repeat, accounting for 41.71% of all dimeric repeats in the chicken ESTs. The EST-SSR distribution was not uniform among the chromosomes; the majority of the EST-SSRs were located on chromosomes GGA2 and GGA10. We found that most of the EST-SSRs are involved in positive regulation of cellular and metabolic processes. This is the first time that EST sequences have been mined to find chicken microsatellites. On average, 3.8% of the G. gallus UniGene sequences could be exploited for development of EST-SSRs, indicating a good source for molecular markers as well as for functional genome analysis.  相似文献   

Qu Zhang  Niclas Backström 《Chromosoma》2014,123(1-2):165-168
The complexity of eukaryote genomes makes assembly errors inevitable in the process of constructing reference genomes. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) could provide an efficient way to validate previously assembled genomes. Here, we exploited NGS data to interrogate the chicken reference genome and identified 35 pairs of nearly identical regions with >99.5 % sequence similarity and a median size of 109 kb. Several lines of evidence, including read depth, the composition of junction sequences, and sequence similarity, suggest that these regions present genome assembly errors and should be excluded from forthcoming genomic studies.  相似文献   

1. Neurogenic inflammation has been studied in the anaesthetized adult hen using a variety of different stimuli.2. Plasma extravasation was produced following antidromic stimulation of the external mandibular ramus of the trigeminal nerve which innervates the skin at the angle of the jaw and the anterior part of the wattle.3. Stimulation of the wattle by external application of mustard oil, thermal and mechanical stimuli, as well as intradermal injection of substance P and bradykinin, all produced plasma extravasation.4. These results demonstrate that, in contrast to previous findings in the pigeon, at least in the trigeminal of the chicken peripheral C-fibre nociceptors have similar physiological characteristics in relation to the neurogenic inflammatory mechanism to those seen in mammals.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) play important roles during development and evolution. Chicken, the first genome-sequenced non-mammalian amniote, possesses unique features for developmental and evolutionary studies. However, apart from microRNAs, information on chicken ncRNAs has mainly been obtained from computational predictions without experimental validation. In the present study, we performed a systematic identification of intermediate size ncRNAs (50–500 nt) by ncRNA library construction and identified 125 chicken ncRNAs. Importantly, through the bioinformatics and expression analysis, we found the chicken ncRNAs has several novel features: (i) comparative genomic analysis against 18 sequenced vertebrate genomes revealed that the majority of the newly identified ncRNA candidates is not conserved and most are potentially bird/chicken specific, suggesting that ncRNAs play roles in lineage/species specification during evolution. (ii) The expression pattern analysis of intronic snoRNAs and their host genes suggested the coordinated expression between snoRNAs and their host genes. (iii) Several spatio-temporal specific expression patterns suggest involvement of ncRNAs in tissue development. Together, these findings provide new clues for future functional study of ncRNAs during development and evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Development of the drinking mechanism from the day of hatching to the 4 week old chick was studied in relation to the growth of the oropharynx and drinking performance. Results indicate that due to scaling effects in the growing oropharynx, physical factors require the development of extra mechanisms. The swallowing mechanism to transport water from the pharynx into the esophagus during the tip up phase is already present in hatchlings, and does not change during ontogeny. The mechanism for water intake during the immersion phase changes considerably. Hatchlings display pecking behavior towards water. Week old chicks protrude the tongue far out, and the total volume ingested is sucked up by capillary action between the tongue, the floor, and the roof of the oropharynx. In 2 and 3 week old chicks the relative distance over which water is sucked up by capillarity decreases, whereas the volume of water pushed caudad by the tongue and bills increases. Laryngeal suction also develops in this period. At the age of 4 weeks chickens use the adult mechanism to drink. Most oropharyngeal elements increase two to three times in length and width during post hatching ontogeny. Due to these increases, water transport by capillarity alone does not suffice in the older age groups; therefore additional mechanisms such as pressure development by closing the bills and laryngeal suction must develop. Relative to the oropharyngeal length most elements grow isometrically. The width of the lingual alae and the larynx width, however, increase with positive allometry, which improves both capillary action as well as the transport of water during the tip up phase when the chicks grow older. The need to develop extra water transport mechanisms during growth due to scaling effects is shown to condition the radiation capacity of avian drinking mechanisms. Nidicolous birds are, however, not constrained by the need to have a properly operating drinking mechanism during the early ontogeny and may therefore have a better chance of developing alternativ drinking mechanisms then nidifugous birds.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Bhutanese chickens needs to be understood in order to develop a suitable conservation strategy for these birds in Bhutan. In this, work, we used microsatellite markers to examine the genetic diversity of Bhutanese chickens. Four Bhutanese chicken varieties (Black plumage, Frizzle, Naked neck and Red Junglefowl-like, corresponding to Yuebjha Narp, Phulom, Khuilay and Seim, respectively), two subspecies of Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus gallus and Gallus gallus spadecieus), two varieties of Thai native chickens (Pradhu Hang Dam and Chee; Gallus gallus domesticus) representing the Southeast Asian domestic chicken, and two commercial lines (Broiler and Single Comb White Leghorn) were genotyped with 18 microsatellites that included 16 loci recommended by the FAO/ISAG for investigations of genetic variability in chickens. All loci were polymorphic, with the number of alleles ranging from six (MCW0111) to 23 (MCW0183). Substantial genetic variation was observed in all populations, with the Bhutanese native chicken Yuebjha Narp (Black plumage chicken) showing the lowest genetic variability. Despite extensive intrapopulation variation, the genetic differentiation among 10 populations was moderate. A neighbor-joining tree revealed the genetic relationships involved while principal component analysis showed that Bhutanese native chickens should be given priority in conservation efforts because of their genetic distinctiveness. Chee chickens are especially valuable as a reservoir of predomestic diversity, as indicated by their greater genetic variation and their position in the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

The secondary and primary (mesobronchus) bronchi of chicken lung are lined by a typical respiratory epithelium: pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells. Up to date, four constituting epithelial cell types have been identified: ciliated, mucosecretory, basal and endocrine cells. In this study a putative new epithelial cell type, the brush-like cell, is described. The avian brush-like cells have only been found in the bronchial epithelia but never in the gas-exchange areas. They are scattered among the other epithelial cells, mainly ciliated cells, and their number is extremely low. The characteristic morphological feature of these cells is an apical protruding cytoplasm with microvilli. This cell type is similar to that found in the lung of some mammalian and non-mammalian species. The functional role of these cells is not yet clear; they could carry out absorptive processes.  相似文献   

Although it is known to be useful for certain genotype:phenotype assignments, our knowledge of the nature and extent of variation in the entire chicken (Gallus gallus) mitochondrial genome (mtGenome) is limited. Here, we used experimental and in silico tools to identify nucleotide variants in the mtGenome, including the coding and non-coding (D-loop) regions. The distribution of the experimentally identified mitochondrial DNA variants in meat- (broilers) and egg-type (White Leghorn) chickens was also assessed. A total of 113 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified. The in silico analysis revealed a total of 91 SNPs, with 70 in the coding region and 21 in the non-coding region. Of the 41 experimentally identified SNPs, 27 were in the D-loop. Together, the experimentally identified SNPs in the non-coding region formed 11 haplotypes, whereas the 14 SNPs in the coding region formed 6. Though, 9 of the D-loop region haplotypes were observed only in broilers, 3 of the 6 haplotypes from the coding region occurred at a significantly higher frequency in broilers. To our knowledge, this investigation represents the first whole-mtGenome scan for variation and an evaluation, though limited in sample size, of the haplotype distribution in meat- and egg-type populations, using the SNPs and haplotypes identified.  相似文献   

After enzymatic digestion of chicken myoglobin by trypsin, chymotrypsin or thermolysin, the separation of peptides was performed by column chromatography on various ion exchange resins. Each peptide was purified by high-voltage paper electrophoresis or by chromatography either on paper or on ion-exchange resin, and its complete amino acid sequence was then determined by the combined dansyl-Edman procedure and by endopeptidase digestions. The whole globin was submitted to automatic Edman degradation using the Beckman sequencer. Residues have been positioned from overlaps of sequence data between tryptic (T), chymotryptic (C) and thermolysin (Th) peptides. The stepwise degradation of the whole globin confirmed the alignment of the N-terminal third of the molecule. The combination of these different approaches has led to the complete determination of the 153 residues sequence forming the polypeptide chain of chicken myoglobin. Comparison of the established chicken myoglobin structure with those from other species shows a conservation of structure, although the avian protein exhibits more variations in its amino acid sequence than has been found between other known myoglobins which all belong to mammalian species.  相似文献   

Adrenergic and cholinergic tone on the cardiovascular system of embryonic chickens was determined during days 12, 15, 19, 20, and 21 of development. Administration of the muscarinic antagonist atropine (1 mg/kg) resulted in no significant change in heart rate or arterial pressure at any developmental age. In addition, the general cardiovascular depressive effects of hypoxia were unaltered by pretreatment with atropine. In addition, the ganglionic blocking agent hexamethonium (25 mg/kg) did not induce changes in heart rate. The beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol (3 mg/kg) induced a bradycardia of similar magnitude on all days studied, with a transient hypertensive action on days 19-20, indicating the existence of an important cardiac and vascular beta-adrenergic tone. Injections of the alpha-adrenergic antagonists prazosin or phentolamine (1 mg/kg) reduced arterial pressure significantly on all days of incubation studied. Collectively, the data indicate that embryonic chickens rely primarily on adrenergic control of cardiovascular function, with no contribution from the parasympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells are dendritic leucocytes which reside mainly within stratified squamous epithelia of skin and mucosa. Their visualization requires the use of ATPase histochemistry, electron microscopy for identifying the unique trilaminar cytoplasmic organelles (the Langerhans cell granules or Birbeck granules), and the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules. Following uptake of antigen, Langerhans cells migrate via the afferent lymphatics to the lymph nodes and undergo differentiation from an antigen-processing cell to an antigen-presenting cell. Using the same approach as that employed in previous studies for the identification of chicken epidermal Langerhans cells, we show here the presence of ATPase-positive and major histocompatibility complex class II-positive Langerhans cell-like dendritic cells at the mucosal surface of the eye, tongue and oesophagus of the chicken. Ultrastructurally, these cells qualified as Langerhans cells except that they lack Langerhans cell granules. Thus, as in mammalian skin and mucosa, chicken mucosa contains mucosal dendritic cells with morphological and phenotypical features for the engagement of incoming antigens within epithelium and lamina propria.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, determination of sex identity is a complex, multistage process. Sex hormones are synthesized in gonads and fulfill the role of inductors in this process. The effect of androgen is currently well studied. However, the participation of estrogen in the formation of female gonads and female sex on the whole is not much known. Here, we present the results of experimental sex inversion by inhibition of aromatase (an enzyme involved in estrogen synthesis) and tamoxifen (a modulator of estrogen receptors) in chick embryos. It was shown that masculinization depended on the dose of the substance and quantity of injections. Inhibition of aromatase did not block the meiotic prophase in oogoniums. It has been suggested that retinoic acid and estrogens have different mechanisms of effect on oogenesis. Proteins and nucleoproteins interacting with estrogen receptor 1 and their gene localization in human and chicken genomes have been shown for the first time.  相似文献   

In chickens and other birds, females have two different sex chromosomes (ZW), whereas males carry two homologous sex chromosomes (ZZ). The primary sex ratio can thus be determined by genetic analysis of the sex chromosome of the ovum before fertilization. Sex diagnosis is more reliable when there are more cells, i.e. sufficient DNA, for the analysis. In this study, eggs from virgin hens were incubated for 3 days and the number of cells in the germinal discs was counted. A median of 2.5 cells was counted with a range of two to 20 cells. We also counted cells in the germinal discs of unfertilized eggs of inseminated hens and recorded a median of three cells and a range of two to 40 cells. Sex diagnosis based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of Z and W chromosomes specific fragments from the CHD1 gene in 30 incubated eggs obtained from 35-week-old virgin hens gave a ratio of 13 Z to 15 W chromosomes with two samples undetermined.The unfertilized eggs of three groups of chickens were subjected to sex diagnosis to supplement the sex ratio data of an incubation experiment (see companion paper). The high proportion of Z chromosomes diagnosed in all three groups by two independent gene products suggests a sex difference on developmental potential and/or a sex chromosome segregation biased toward males in unfertilized eggs especially at the beginning of reproduction.  相似文献   

J Boya  L Zamorano 《Acta anatomica》1975,92(2):202-226
The authors studied the pineal glands of chickens (Gallus gallus) between the ages of 2 and 5 days with the electron microscope. They described two distinct areas in the parenchyma of the organ: the follicles, formed by two cellular categories, the pineal A and B cells, and the parafollicular zone, which surrounds and separates the follicles from the connective walls. This area is formed, fundamentally, by two types of cells and nerve fibers. These cells occasionally delimit cavities. We propound the hypothesis of the possible transformation of the parafollicular zone into follicles.  相似文献   

Liang H  Guo W  Nagarajan L 《Genomics》2000,66(2):226-228
A novel C2H2 zinc finger gene, ZNF277, has been localized to human chromosome 7q31.1. The gene is encoded by 12 exons in a genomic fragment of >100 kb between the microsatellite markers D7S523 and D7S471, deleted in a number of malignancies. The predicted open reading frame (ORF) of 438 amino acids shows an overall homology of 50% to the putative ORF F46B6.7 of Caenorhabditis elegans. The presence of a 30-amino-acid coiled-coil domain in both the C. elegans ORF F46B6.7 and ZNF277 is suggestive of functional similarities. ESTs for the murine orthologue ZFP277 are found in early embryonic stem cells, 16-cell stage embryo, and blastocysts. The evolutionary conservation and the expression profile suggest ZNF277 to be a critical regulator of development and differentiation.  相似文献   

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