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Unlike most transmembrane proteins, phospholipids can migrate from one leaflet of the membrane to the other. Because this spontaneous lipid translocation (flip-flop) tends to be very slow, cells facilitate the process with enzymes that catalyze the transmembrane movement and thereby regulate the transbilayer lipid distribution. Nonenzymatic membrane-spanning proteins with unrelated primary functions have also been found to accelerate lipid flip-flop in a nonspecific manner and by various hypothesized mechanisms. Using deuterated phospholipids, we examined the acceleration of flip-flop by gramicidin channels, which have well-defined structures and known functions, features that make them ideal candidates for probing the protein-membrane interactions underlying lipid flip-flop. To study compositionally and isotopically asymmetric proteoliposomes containing gramicidin, we expanded a recently developed protocol for the preparation and characterization of lipid-only asymmetric vesicles. Channel incorporation, conformation, and function were examined with small angle x-ray scattering, circular dichroism, and a stopped-flow spectrofluorometric assay, respectively. As a measure of lipid scrambling, we used differential scanning calorimetry to monitor the effect of gramicidin on the melting transition temperatures of the two bilayer leaflets. The two calorimetric peaks of the individual leaflets merged into a single peak over time, suggestive of scrambling, and the effect of the channel on the transbilayer lipid distribution in both symmetric 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and asymmetric 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine vesicles was quantified from proton NMR measurements. Our results show that gramicidin increases lipid flip-flop in a complex, concentration-dependent manner. To determine the molecular mechanism of the process, we used molecular dynamics simulations and further computational analysis of the trajectories to estimate the extent of membrane deformation. Together, the experimental and computational approaches were found to constitute an effective means for studying the effects of transmembrane proteins on lipid distribution in both symmetric and asymmetric model membranes.  相似文献   

Diffusion in cell membranes is not just simple two-dimensional Brownian motion but typically depends on the timescale of the observation. The physical origins of this anomalous subdiffusion are unresolved, and model systems capable of quantitative and reproducible control of membrane diffusion have been recognized as a key experimental bottleneck. Here, we control anomalous diffusion using supported lipid bilayers containing lipids derivatized with polyethylene glycol (PEG) headgroups. Bilayers with specific excluded area fractions are formed by control of PEG lipid mole fraction. These bilayers exhibit a switch in diffusive behavior, becoming anomalous as bilayer continuity is disrupted. Using a combination of single-molecule fluorescence and interferometric imaging, we measure the anomalous behavior in this model over four orders of magnitude in time. Diffusion in these bilayers is well described by a power-law dependence of the mean-square displacement with observation time. Anomaleity in this system can be tailored by simply controlling the mole fraction of PEG lipid, producing bilayers with diffusion parameters similar to those observed for anomalous diffusion in biological membranes.  相似文献   

The extent to which current force fields faithfully reproduce conformational properties of lipids in bilayer membranes, and whether these reflect the structural principles established for phospholipids in bilayer crystals, are central to biomembrane simulations. We determine the distribution of dihedral angles in palmitoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine from molecular dynamics simulations of hydrated fluid bilayer membranes. We compare results from the widely used lipid force field of Berger et al. with those from the most recent C36 release of the CHARMM force field for lipids. Only the CHARMM force field produces the chain inequivalence with sn-1 as leading chain that is characteristic of glycerolipid packing in fluid bilayers. The exposure and high partial charge of the backbone carbonyls in Berger lipids leads to artifactual binding of Na+ ions reported in the literature. Both force fields predict coupled, near-symmetrical distributions of headgroup dihedral angles, which is compatible with models of interconverting mirror-image conformations used originally to interpret NMR order parameters. The Berger force field produces rotamer populations that correspond to the headgroup conformation found in a phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayer crystal, whereas CHARMM36 rotamer populations are closer to the more relaxed crystal conformations of phosphatidylethanolamine and glycerophosphocholine. CHARMM36 alone predicts the correct relative signs of the time-average headgroup order parameters, and reasonably reproduces the full range of NMR data from the phosphate diester to the choline methyls. There is strong motivation to seek further experimental criteria for verifying predicted conformational distributions in the choline headgroup, including the 31P chemical shift anisotropy and 14N and CD3 NMR quadrupole splittings.  相似文献   

The influence of cholesterol (CHOL) level on integrin sequestration in raft-mimicking lipid mixtures forming coexisting liquid-ordered (lo) and liquid-disordered (ld) lipid domains is investigated using complementary, single-molecule-sensitive, confocal detection methods. Systematic analysis of membrane protein distribution in such a model membrane environment demonstrates that variation of CHOL level has a profound influence on lo-ld sequestration of integrins, thereby exhibiting overall ld preference in the absence of ligands and lo affinity upon vitronectin addition. Accompanying photon-counting histogram analysis of integrins in the different model membrane mixtures shows that the observed changes of integrin sequestration in response to variations of membrane CHOL level are not associated with altering integrin oligomerization states. Instead, our experiments suggest that the strong CHOL dependence of integrin sequestration can be attributed to CHOL-mediated changes of lipid packing and bilayer thickness in coexisting lo and ld domains, highlighting the significance of a biophysical mechanism of CHOL-mediated regulation of integrin sequestration. We envision that this model membrane study may help clarify the influence of CHOL in integrin functionality in plasma membranes, thus providing further insight into the role of lipid heterogeneities in membrane protein distribution and function in a cellular membrane environment.  相似文献   

Cells store excess energy in the form of neutral lipids that are synthesized and encapsulated within the endoplasmic reticulum intermonolayer space. The lipids next demix to form lipid droplets (LDs), which, surprisingly, bud off mostly toward the cytosol. This directional LD formation is critical to energy metabolism, but its mechanism remains poorly understood. Here, we reconstituted the LD formation topology by embedding artificial LDs into the intermonolayer space of bilayer vesicles. We provide experimental evidence that the droplet behavior in the membrane is recapitulated by the physics of three-phase wetting systems, dictated by the equilibrium of surface tensions. We thereupon determined that slight tension asymmetries between the membrane monolayers regulate the droplet budding side. A differential regulation of lipid or protein composition around a forming LD can generate a monolayer tension asymmetry that will determine the LD budding side. Our results offer, to our knowledge, new insights on how the proteins might regulate LD formation side by generating a monolayer tension asymmetry.  相似文献   

Mixtures of the frog peptides magainin 2 and PGLa are well-known for their pronounced synergistic killing of Gram-negative bacteria. We aimed to gain insight into the underlying biophysical mechanism by interrogating the permeabilizing efficacies of the peptides as a function of stored membrane curvature strain. For Gram-negative bacterial-inner-membrane mimics, synergism was only observed when the anionic bilayers exhibited significant negative intrinsic curvatures imposed by monounsaturated phosphatidylethanolamine. In contrast, the peptides and their mixtures did not exhibit significant activities in charge-neutral mammalian mimics, including those with negative curvature, which is consistent with the requirement of charge-mediated peptide binding to the membrane. Our experimental findings are supported by computer simulations showing a significant decrease of the peptide-insertion free energy in membranes upon shifting intrinsic curvatures toward more positive values. The physiological relevance of our model studies is corroborated by a remarkable agreement with the peptide’s synergistic activity in Escherichia coli. We propose that synergism is related to a lowering of a membrane-curvature-strain-mediated free-energy barrier by PGLa that assists membrane insertion of magainin 2, and not by strict pairwise interactions of the two peptides as suggested previously.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is a key component of eukaryotic membranes, but its role in cellular biology in general and in lipid rafts in particular remains controversial. Model membranes are used extensively to determine the phase behavior of ternary mixtures of cholesterol, a saturated lipid, and an unsaturated lipid with liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered phase coexistence. Despite many different experiments that determine lipid-phase diagrams, we lack an understanding of the molecular-level driving forces for liquid phase coexistence in bilayers with cholesterol. Here, we use atomistic molecular dynamics computer simulations to address the driving forces for phase coexistence in ternary lipid mixtures. Domain formation is directly observed in a long-timescale simulation of a mixture of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, unsaturated 1,2-dilinoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol. Free-energy calculations for the exchange of the saturated and unsaturated lipids between the ordered and disordered phases give insight into the mixing behavior. We show that a large energetic contribution to domain formation is favorable enthalpic interactions of the saturated lipid in the ordered phase. This favorable energy for forming an ordered, cholesterol-rich phase is opposed by a large unfavorable entropy. Martini coarse-grained simulations capture the unfavorable free energy of mixing but do not reproduce the entropic contribution because of the reduced representation of the phospholipid tails. Phospholipid tails and their degree of unsaturation are key energetic contributors to lipid phase separation.  相似文献   

Having a fast, reliable method for characterizing vesicles is vital for their use as model cell membranes in biophysics, synthetic biology, and origins of life studies. Instead of the traditionally used Rayleigh-Gans-Debye approximation, we use an exact extended Lorenz-Mie solution for how core-shell particles scatter light to model vesicle turbidity. This approach enables accurate interpretations of simple turbidimetric measurements and is able to accurately model highly scattering vesicles, such as larger vesicles, those with multiple layers, and those with encapsulated material. We uncover several surprising features, including that vesicle lamellarity has a larger effect on sample turbidity than vesicle size and that the technique can be used to measure the membrane thickness of vesicles. We also examine potential misinterpretations of turbidimetry and discuss when measurements are limited by forward and multiple scattering and by the geometry of the instrument.  相似文献   

Although colistin’s clinical use is limited due to its nephrotoxicity, colistin is considered to be an antibiotic of last resort because it is used to treat patients infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria. In an effort to provide molecular details about colistin’s ability to kill Gram-negative (G(?)) but not Gram-positive (G(+)) bacteria, we investigated the biophysics of the interaction between colistin and lipid mixtures mimicking the cytoplasmic membrane of G(+), G(?) bacteria as well as eukaryotic cells. Two different models of the G(?) outer membrane (OM) were assayed: lipid A with two deoxy-manno-octulosonyl sugar residues, and Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide mixed with dilaurylphosphatidylglycerol. We used circular dichroism and x-ray diffuse scattering at low and wide angle in stacked multilayered samples, and neutron reflectivity of single, tethered bilayers mixed with colistin. We found no differences in secondary structure when colistin was bound to G(?) versus G(+) membrane mimics, ruling out a protein conformational change as the cause of this difference. However, bending modulus KC perturbation was quite irregular for the G(?) inner membrane, where colistin produced a softening of the membranes at an intermediate lipid/peptide molar ratio but stiffening at lower and higher peptide concentrations, whereas in G(+) and eukaryotic mimics there was only a slight softening. Acyl chain order in G(?) was perturbed similarly to KC. In G(+), there was only a slight softening and disordering effect, whereas in OM mimics, there was a slight stiffening and ordering of both membranes with increasing colistin. X-ray and neutron reflectivity structural results reveal colistin partitions deepest to reach the hydrocarbon interior in G(?) membranes, but remains in the headgroup region in G(+), OM, and eukaryotic mimics. It is possible that domain formation is responsible for the erratic response of G(?) inner membranes to colistin and for its deeper penetration, which could increase membrane permeability.  相似文献   

In vitro membrane model systems are used to dissect complex biological phenomena under controlled unadulterated conditions. In this context, lipid monolayers are a powerful tool to particularly study the influence of lipid packing on the behavior of membrane proteins. Here, monolayers deposited in miniaturized fixed area-chambers, which require only minute amounts of protein, were used and shown to faithfully reproduce the characteristics of Langmuir monolayers. This assay is ideally suited to be combined with single-molecule sensitive fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to characterize diffusion dynamics. Our results confirm the influence of lipid packing on lipid mobility and validate the use of FCS as an alternative to conventional surface pressure measurements for characterizing the monolayer. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effect of lipid density on the diffusional behavior of membrane-bound components. We exploit the sensitivity of FCS to characterize protein interactions with the lipid monolayer in a regime in which the monolayer physical properties are not altered. To demonstrate the potential of our approach, we analyzed the diffusion behavior of objects of different nature, ranging from a small peptide to a large DNA-based nanostructure. Moreover, in this work we quantify the surface viscosity of lipid monolayers. We present a detailed strategy for the conduction of point FCS experiments on lipid monolayers, which is the first step toward extensive studies of protein-monolayer interactions.  相似文献   

Plant light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) is the key antenna complex for plant photosynthesis. We present coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of monomeric and trimeric LHCII in a realistic thylakoid membrane environment based on the Martini force field. The coarse-grained protein model has been optimized with respect to atomistic reference simulations. Our simulations provide detailed insights in the thylakoid lipid fingerprint of LHCII which compares well with experimental data from membrane protein purification. Comparing the monomer and trimeric LHCII reveals a stabilizing effect of trimerization on the chromophores as well as the protein. Moreover, the average chromophore distance shortens in the trimer leading to stronger excitonic couplings. When changing the native thylakoid environment to a model membrane the protein flexibility remains constant, whereas the chromophore flexibility is reduced. Overall, the presented LHCII model lays the foundation to investigate the μs dynamics of this key antenna protein of plants.  相似文献   

Allostery plays a crucial role in the mechanism of neurotransmitter-sodium symporters, such as the human dopamine transporter. To investigate the molecular mechanism that couples the transport-associated inward release of the Na+ ion from the Na2 site to intracellular gating, we applied a combination of the thermodynamic coupling function (TCF) formalism and Markov state model analysis to a 50-μs data set of molecular dynamics trajectories of the human dopamine transporter, in which multiple spontaneous Na+ release events were observed. Our TCF approach reveals a complex landscape of thermodynamic coupling between Na+ release and inward-opening, and identifies diverse, yet well-defined roles for different Na+-coordinating residues. In particular, we identify a prominent role in the allosteric coupling for the Na+-coordinating residue D421, where mutation has previously been associated with neurological disorders. Our results highlight the power of the TCF analysis to elucidate the molecular mechanism of complex allosteric processes in large biomolecular systems.  相似文献   

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