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Monodelphoxyuris dollmeiri n. g., n. sp. is described from the caecum of Monodelphis emiliae (Thomas) (Marsupiala: Monodelphidae) collected in the eastern region of the Andes of Peru. M. dollmeiri n. sp. differs from the closest pinworm described from marsupials in the Neotropics (Didelphoxyuris thylamisis Gardner & Hugot, 1995) in having operculate eggs and males that possess a tip prolonged of tail and a different kind of area rugosa. Several other species of pinworms have been described from marsupials in Australia, but all are characterised by possessing of a buccal capsule that is strongly cuticularised with interradial lamellae. These structures are lacking both in M. dollmeiriandD. thylamisis. Monodelphoxyuris n. g. is characterised by a mouth opening into a depression and lateral alae composed of two longitudinal crests. Males possess an area rugosa composed of six ventral sagittal mamelons, a caudal extremity prolonged by a robust tip of the tail which is directed backwards, four pairs of genital papillae (two pairs lateral adanal and sessile, one pair just posterior to the spicule aperture, and the last pair at posterior extremity and pedunculate). Females possess an opisthodelphic uterus, a reflected ovary and operculate, unembryonated, oval eggs.  相似文献   

Durettechina beveridgei n. g., n. sp. (Nematoda: Seuratidae) is described from Antechinus flavipes (Dasyuridae) from Victoria and New South Wales. A single female from A. bellus from the Northern Territory may also be D. beveridgei. This new genus is compared with other genera of the Echinonematinae, to which it has been assigned. The genus has a unique body armature and most closely resembles Chabaudechina, in the armature of the cephalic bulb, but has four rather than five rows of hooks, and Linstowinema, in having body hooks on the cuticle of the anterior region, but has 18–22 hooks in each row rather than 14–16. The hooks of Durettechina are also smaller and have a less complex root morphology than those of Linstowinema. Durettechina resembles Seurechina and Chabaudechina in having caudal alae into which papillae extend, but differs from both these genera in the number and arrangement of the caudal papillae, as well as in the body armature. Durettechina, is most different from Bainechina, which has neither hooks on a cephalic bulb nor body hooks on the anterior region nor caudal alae.  相似文献   

Sauertylenchus labiodiscus n. gem, n. sp. is described and illustrated from soil around Rhagodia sp. in Australia. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Tylenchorhynchus Cobb, 1913 by the distinctly set-off, rounded, lip region with a conspicuous labial disc, and long thin stylet. The face view and spicules of Sauertylenchus labiodiscus are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. The subfamilies Tylenchorhynchinae and Merlininae ale discussed.  相似文献   

Spalacina n. g. (Heligmonellidae, Nippostrongylinae) is erected for S. yanchevi n. sp. (type-species) [syns Heligmonina nevoi of Genov & Janchev (1982) and Genov (1984)] from Spalax leucodon (Spalacidae) and two other species from spalacid rodents previously considered as members of Heligmonina Baylis, 1928: S. spalacis (Sharpilo, 1973) n. comb. and S. nevoi (Wertheim & Durette-Desset, 1975) n. comb. The new genus belongs to the subfamily Nippostrongylinae and is closely related to the genus Heligmonina from which it can be distinguished by a greater angle of rotation of the synlophe, the absence of a gradient on the ventral ridges and a weakly developed right dorsal ridge. The zoogeographical distribution of Spalacina spp. is associated with that of Palaearctic spalacids. S. yanchevi differs from S. spalacis and S. nevoi in the number and size of the ridges, the distance between the extremities of the rays 6 and 8, the degree of reduction of the dorsal ray and the length of the spicules.  相似文献   

Haycocknema perplexum n. g., n. sp. (Nematoda: Robertdollfusidae) is described from a man in Tasmania, Australia. Adult male and female nematodes and larvae were recovered from myofibres following biopsy of the right vastus lateralis muscle and were associated with a polymyositis. H. perplexum is distinguished from all other genera of the Muspiceoidea by the presence of a large amorphous cell supporting a granule-filled, flask- or gourd-shaped reservoir in the rectal region of mature and gravid female nematodes, often containing one or more large, refractile, thick-rimmed globules on the external surface of the reservoir, by the small number of ova/eggs/larvae developing in each uterus, by the minute, weakly-sclerotised, almost tubular spicule, by the presence of a pair of ampulla-shaped glands posteriorly and by the presence of lateral bacillary bands comprised of a single row of pore cells spaced irregularly and extending posteriorly to the region of the vulva in immature females.  相似文献   

Rugonema labiatum n. g., n. sp. is described from the stomach of Macropus irma (Jourdan) from Western Australia. The new genus possesses four branches to the dorsal ray, has a cylindrical buccal capsule and lacks a cervical groove, placing it within the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899. The presence of a prominently striated buccal capsule and labial as well as cephalic collars places the genus within the tribe Pharyngostrongylinea Popova, 1952, but it is distinguished from all existing genera within the tribe by the possession of four lips. The presence of lips is an important characteristic of the related tribe Zoniolaiminea (Popova, 1952) and the characters used in distinguishing these two tribes are discussed.  相似文献   

A new nippostrongyline, Suttonema delta n. g., n. sp., is described from the intestine of Oxymycterus rufus (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) from Argentina, in a host from which trichostrongylid nematodes were hitherto unknown. The new genus is very similar to Stilestrongylus Freitas, Lent & Almeida, 1937 and Malvinema Digiani, Sutton & Durette-Desset, 2003, both parasites of Neotropical sigmodontines, in the features of the caudal bursa (with a pattern of type 1-4, asymmetrical with hypertophied right lobe) and the presence of cephalic structures resembling cuticular cordons. The larval synlophe is also identical to that of Stilestrongylus freitasi Durette-Desset, 1968. The new genus is differentiated by an adult synlophe with few ridges (9-12 at mid-body) of two different types: small, rounded ridges without cuticular support on the dorsal side, and pointed ridges of unequal size on the ventral side and in lateral fields. It is also characterised by the presence of comaretes on the left ventral and ventral fields of the synlophe.  相似文献   

In the course of a revision of species of Haemonchus Cobb, 1898 (Nematoda), commonly referred to as large stomach worms and significant pathogens of ruminants, a new species was discovered in the grey rhebuck Pelea capreolus, and the bontebok Damaliscus pygarthus, in South Africa. The new species, Haemonchus horaki, was previously reported as a long-spicule form of H. contortus (Rudolphi, 1803) Ransom, 1911. The new species, compared with H. contortus, can be distinguished by significantly longer spicules (555-615 microm vs. 383-475 microm); a synlophe with fewer ridges (26 vs. 30 in the region of the posterior part of the esophagus) that extend more posteriorly (within 1 mm of the copulatory bursa in males and postvulvar in females, vs. 2/3 to 3/4 of prebursal and prevulvar lengths); and an asymmetrical dorsal lobe with a long dorsal ray divided for more than half of its length, forming 2 branches of unequal length (vs. a dorsal ray divided for less than half of its length and forming 2 equal branches in H. contortus).  相似文献   

Antarctylus humus n. gen., n. sp. from peat soil in the subantarctic is proposed. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Helicotylenchus by the arrangement of the esophageal glands, the broadly rounded lip region, and the tapering pointed tail in the female.  相似文献   

Neorhabditostomum yeni n. g., sp. is described from the intestine of the barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak, from Simatuoh, Sapulot, Sabah, Malaysia. It is distinguished from the nearest genera, namely Bourgelatoides and Rhabditostomum, in the subfamily Oesophagostominae by the presence of an elongate, unsegmented, oesophageal funnel, a single leaf crown, the separation of the oral collar by a wide groove from the cephalic vesicle, the position of the cervical papillae, the absence of filaments on the spicules and the absence of an evagination of the vulva. The significance of the arrangement of the cephalic papillae within the Stronglyloidea is discussed. ac]19860428  相似文献   

Tylenchocriconema alleni n.g.n.sp, is described from soil about roots of a bromeliad from Guatemala City, Guatemala. It has characteristics of both the Tylenchoidea and Criconematoidea. Tylenchocriconematidae, n. fam., and Tylenchocriconematoidea, n. superfam., are proposed to express the relationship of this species to other taxa. Tylenchulidae and Paratylenchidae are considered closely related, and Tylenchulidoidea, n. rank, is proposed to indicate their relationship.  相似文献   

A new nematode from the stomach of the estuarine fish Sillaginopsis panijus of West Bengal, India is described. The nematodes are characterised by small body size, the structure of the male tail (the presence of two large dorso-lateral caudal lobes bearing a distinct papilla on each and a pair of large subventral adanal papillae), the structure of the spicule (wider in proximal and distal regions and with smooth surface), the non-spinous spicular sheath, the structure of the stichosome (stichocytes number 25–32 and regularly aligned throughout the length of the oesophagus), the large bell-shaped vulvar appendage, and elongate-oval eggs with a thin wall and protruding polar plugs. A diagnosis of the new genus and a key to the genera of fish capillariids are provided.  相似文献   

Summary Lobatodiscus australiensis n.g., n.sp. (family and subfamily uncertain) and Elseyatrema microacetabularis n.g., n.sp. (family Paramphistomidae, subfamily Dadaytrematinae?), from the intestine of the freshwater turtle Elseya dentata (Gray) in Queensland, Australia, are described. Lobatodiscus has a large lobed acetabulum, small oral diverticula which do not protrude out of the oral sucker, two pairs of lymph vessels and no oesophageal bulb. Elseyatrema has a small acetabulum, large protruding oral diverticula, an oesophageal bulb, juxtaposed testes, one pair of rudimentary lymph vessels and no cirrus-sac. ac]19830626  相似文献   

Travassostrongylus yungaensis n. sp. and Hoineffia simplicispicula n. sp., belonging to the family Viannaiidae and collected from the intestine of Thylamys venustus cinderellus and Lutreolina crassicaudata from Tucamán and Salta, Argentina, are described. T. yungaensis n. sp. differs from T. tourei, T. quintus, T. quatuor and T. paraquintus because it possesses a well-developed dorsal lobe of the caudal bursa without accessory rays. Furthermore, the absence of a telamon distinguishes it from T. quatuor and T. quintus. H. simplicispicula differs from H. cayennensis in its shorter cephalic vesicle, simple spicular structure and gubernaculum, the absence of accessory pieces in the caudal extremity of the female and the lack of ornamentation between rays 2 and 6 and the dorsal lobe of the male. The distribution of the parasites along the intestine of the host suggest that both genera may co-exist, sharing the same ecological habitat but each having its preferential microbiotope.  相似文献   

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