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Phaeocystis was cultured at a range of ecologically significantdaily irradiances under nutrient-replete conditions. Below athreshold of 100 W h m–1 day–1, the cells were smalland flagellated, and remained solitary. Above this threshold,the cells were larger and able to form colonies. Growth rateand colony formation were maximum at sea surface irradiances(>700 W h m–2 day–2). Presumably, colonial growthis a strategy to maintain optimum growth rates in the watercolumn. Sinking, nutrient-stressed colonies reach low irradiancesand colonial cells can transform into small solitary flagellatedcells. These observations are important in understanding theecology and life cycle of Phaeocystis.  相似文献   

The bloom-forming prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis globosa forms hollow,spherical, mucilaginous colonies that vary from micrometresto millimetres in size. A recent paper gave the first empiricalevidence that colony size increase in P. globosa is a defensiveresponse against grazers, and knowing the signalling mechanism(s)behind this response will thus be a key to understanding thetrophodynamics in systems dominated by this species. I conductedexperiments with specially designed diffusion incubators, eachof which consists of a non-grazing chamber (with P. globosaonly) and a grazing chamber (grazers + phytoplankton) connectedby 2 µm polycarbonate membrane filters. The results showedthat physical contact with grazers was not required to initiatethe defensive response; instead, P. globosa colony size increasewas found to be stimulated by dissolved chemicals generatedby ambient grazing activities. This signal was non-species specific,such that various combinations of three species of grazers andfour species of phytoplankton in the grazing chambers all resultedin significant, but different extents of colony enlargementin P. globosa in the non-grazing chambers (30–300% largerthan the ‘grazer-free’ control). High concentrationsof ambient solitary P. globosa cells and other phytoplanktonseemed to suppress colony enlargement in P. globosa, and grazerswould help reduce this inhibition by removing the ambient solitaryP. globosa cells and other phytoplankton. These non-species-specificmechanisms would allow P. globosa to regulate colony size developmentand defend itself in diverse planktonic systems, which may helpto explain the global success of this species.  相似文献   

The vitamin B requirement of Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In batch cultures of flagellates and non-flagellate cells ofPhaeocystis globosa, the biomass yield was significantly enhancedby the addition of a mixture of the vitamins thiamine (B1),cyanocobalamin (B12) and biotin (H). A bioassay with B1 andB12 using the non-flagellate cells of P.globosa showed thatthis prymnesiophyte is a B1 auxotroph. The bioassay also indicateda significant difference in growth rate between culture mediumwith 10 nmol l–1 B1 (µ = 0.80 day–1) and culturemedium with 10 nmol l–1 B12 (µ = 0.52 day–1).These findings are discussed in relation to the hypothesis thatcentric diatoms, through vitamin B1 excretion or B12 depletion,initiate Phaeocystis blooms. It is concluded, however, thatan alternative hypothesis, that diatoms provide a solid substratefor colony initiation, has more experimental support.  相似文献   

Using well plates of Phaeocystis pouchetii colonies isolatedfrom experimental mesocosms in western Norway, increases incolony size and division were documented. Median longest lineardimensions increased 0–7 µm h–1; literaturePhaeocystis globosa values are 0.9–4.7 µm h–1.Ten to twelve percent of colonies divided at rates of 0.21–0.28divisions day–1. Daughter colonies were 100 µm smallerthan mother colonies. Colonies delayed 3.5–4.9 days tofirst division, compared with literature values of 4–5days for P. globosa. This study provides the first experimentalevidence for colony division of wild P. pouchetii.  相似文献   

Sequence variation among 22 isolates representing a global distribution of the prymnesiophyte genus Phaeocystis has been compared using nuclear-encoded 18S rRNA genes and two non-coding regions: the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) separating the 18S rRNA and 5.8S rRNA genes and the plastid ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBISCO) spacer flanked by short stretches of the adjacent large and small subunits (rbcL and rbcS). 18S rRNA can only resolve major species complexes. The analysis suggests that an undescribed unicellular Phaeocystis sp. (isolate PLY 559) is a sister taxon to the Mediterranean unicellular Phaeocystis jahnii; this clade branched prior to the divergence of all other Phaeocystis species, including the colonial ones. Little divergence was seen among the multiple isolates sequenced from each colonial species complex. RUBISCO spacer regions are even more highly conserved among closely related colonial Phaeocystis species and are identical in Phaeocystis antarctica, Phaeocystis pouchetii and two warm-temperate strains of Phaeocystis globosa, with a single base substitution in two cold-temperate strains of P. globosa. The RUBISCO spacer sequences from two predominantly unicellular Phaeocystis isolates from the Mediterranean Sea and PLY 559 were clearly different from other Phaeocystis strains. In contrast, ITS1 exhibited substantial inter- and intraspecific sequence divergence and showed more resolution among the taxa. Distinctly different copies of the ITS1 region were found in P. globosa, even among cloned DNA from a single strain, suggesting that it is a species complex and making this region unsuitable for phylogenetic analysis in this species. However, among nine P. antarctica strains, four ITS1 haplotypes could be separated. Using the branching order in the ITS1 tree we have attempted to trace the biogeographic history of the dispersal of strains in Antarctic coastal waters.  相似文献   

Two cell types of the same clone of Phaeocystis globosa, solitarynon-flagellate cells and flagellates, were grown in batch culturesunder identical conditions. The non-flagellate cells had a shorterlag phase (1.4 versus 2.8 days) and a higher growth rate (0.72versus 0.65 day–1) than flagellate cells. The flagellateshad a longer stationary phase (15.6 versus 9.5 days) and a lowerdeath rate (0.07 versus 0.52 day–1) than non-flagellatecells. All differences were statistically significant. Biomassyield did not differ between the two cell types. The short lagphase and high growth rate of nonflagellate cells correspondsto field observations of rapidly developing non-flagellate Phaeocystisblooms that are typically observed in nutrient-rich environmentssuch as temperate seas in spring. The flagellate cell type,with its longer stationary phase and lower death rate than non-flagellatecells, is better equipped for survival in oligotrophic environments.This explains why the flagellates of Phaeocystis are abundantafter the spring phytoplankton bloom in temperate seas and inother nutrient-poor environments such as the open ocean.  相似文献   

The diatom silicified cell wall (frustule) contains pore arrays at the micro‐ to nanometer scale that display efficient luminescence within the visible spectrum. Morphometric analysis of the size and arrangement of pores was conducted to observe whether any correlation exists with the photoluminescence (PL) of two diatom species of different ages. UV‐excited PL displays four clearly defined peaks within the blue‐region spectrum, on top of the broad PL characteristic of synthetic porous silicon dioxide, recorded for reference and where discrete lines are absent. A set of shifted emission lines was observed when diatom cultures reached adulthood. These discrete line shifts correlate with structural changes observed in adult frustules: reduction in pore diameter; appearance of pores within pores, 10 nm in size; an increase in the gap distance between stria; and the deposition of several girdle bands with a concomitant increase in the diatom waist length, as well as the appearance of pores on such bands. Destruction of the pores results in the disappearance of all discrete emission lines. The PL shifts are correlated with a substantial increment of Si–OH groups adsorbed on the frustule surface, as revealed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The colony-forming haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica is an important primary producer in the Ross Sea, and must survive long periods of darkness and freezing temperature in this extreme environment. We conducted experiments on the responses of P. antarctica-dominated phytoplankton assemblages to prolonged periods of darkness and freezing. Chlorophyll and photosynthetic capacity of the alga declined nonlinearly and independently of each other in the dark, and darkness alone would potentially reduce photosynthetic capacity by only 60 per cent over 150 days (approximately the length of the Antarctic winter in the southern Ross Sea). The estimated reduction of colonial mucous carbon is higher than that of colonial cell carbon, suggesting metabolism of the colonial matrix in the dark. The alga quickly resumed growth upon return to light. Phaeocystis antarctica also survived freezing, although longer freezing durations lengthened the lag before growth resumption. Particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate relative to chlorophyll increased upon freezing and decreased upon darkness. Taken together, the abilities of P. antarctica to survive freezing and initiate growth quickly after darkness may provide it with the capability to survive in both the ice and the water column, and help explain its repeated dominance in austral spring blooms in the Ross Sea and elsewhere in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Viruses infecting the harmful bloom-causing alga Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae) were readily isolated from Dutch coastal waters (southern North Sea) in 2000 and 2001. Our data show a large increase in the abundance of putative P. globosa viruses during blooms of P. globosa, suggesting that viruses are an important source of mortality for this alga. In order to examine genetic relatedness among viruses infecting P. globosa and other phytoplankton, DNA polymerase gene (pol) fragments were amplified and the inferred amino acid sequences were phylogenetically analyzed. The results demonstrated that viruses infecting P. globosa formed a closely related monophyletic group within the family Phycodnaviridae, with at least 96.9% similarity to each other. The sequences grouped most closely with others from viruses that infect the prymnesiophyte algae Chrysochromulina brevifilum and Chrysochromulina strobilus. Whether the P. globosa viruses belong to the genus Prymnesiovirus or form a separate group needs further study. Our data suggest that, like their phytoplankton hosts, the Chrysochromulina and Phaeocystis viruses share a common ancestor and that these prymnesioviruses and their algal host have coevolved.  相似文献   

Viruses infecting the harmful bloom-causing alga Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae) were readily isolated from Dutch coastal waters (southern North Sea) in 2000 and 2001. Our data show a large increase in the abundance of putative P. globosa viruses during blooms of P. globosa, suggesting that viruses are an important source of mortality for this alga. In order to examine genetic relatedness among viruses infecting P. globosa and other phytoplankton, DNA polymerase gene (pol) fragments were amplified and the inferred amino acid sequences were phylogenetically analyzed. The results demonstrated that viruses infecting P. globosa formed a closely related monophyletic group within the family Phycodnaviridae, with at least 96.9% similarity to each other. The sequences grouped most closely with others from viruses that infect the prymnesiophyte algae Chrysochromulina brevifilum and Chrysochromulina strobilus. Whether the P. globosa viruses belong to the genus Prymnesiovirus or form a separate group needs further study. Our data suggest that, like their phytoplankton hosts, the Chrysochromulina and Phaeocystis viruses share a common ancestor and that these prymnesioviruses and their algal host have coevolved.  相似文献   

Reasonably accurate estimates of biomass energy use are important, both to emphasise the size of this resource compared with conventional, commercially traded fuels, and for other applications such as energy planning and assessing the environmental impact of energy production and use. Most studies to date have concentrated on particular regions or countries, and many have had to combine data from various authorities. In some cases, these may be traced back to original sources which are already obsolete and often of questionable value. A comprehensive estimate has been made here of biomass energy use compared with conventional energy resources for the year 1987. Data are presented globally and for developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

The auxosporulation of Licmophora communis is allogamous and dioecious. Pairing between sessile, shortstalked cells of compatible clones is followed by meiosis and gametogenesis, to form two gametes in each gametangium. The behavior of the gametes differs between the gametangia. In the male gametangium, the gametes detach from the frustule, round up, and migrate out of the gametangium after its dehiscence at the broader, unattached pole. In the female gametangium, both gametes remain attached to the adjacent theca over almost their whole length and do not move. Plasmogamy therefore occurs within the female gametangium and this is where the zygotes are formed and remain. After fertilization, the zygotes detach from the thecae of the female gametangia, contract, and become ellipsoidal, before expanding parallel to the apical axis of the gametangium. We review the types of auxosporulation in other pennate diatoms and the systems used for classifying these. Dioecy and cis‐type anisogamy (in which one gametangium produces active gametes and the other produces passive gametes), as in L. communis, are probably primitive within the pennate group (although there is no information on the AsterionellopsisRhaphoneis clade). However, size can also be restored in various araphid pennates by allogamous sexual reproduction involving the formation of only one gamete per gametangium, or in rare cases by automixis or (apparently) vegetative enlargement.  相似文献   

Phaeocystis antarctica forms extensive spring blooms in the Southern Ocean that coincide with high concentrations of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), dimethylsulfide (DMS), and acrylate. We determined how concentrations of these compounds changed during the growth of axenic P. antarctica cultures exposed to light-limiting, sub-saturating, and saturating PAR irradiances. Cellular DMSP concentrations per liter cell volume (CV) ranged between 199 and 403 mmol · LCV−1, with the highest concentrations observed under light-limiting PAR. Cellular acrylate concentrations did not change appreciably with a change in irradiance level or growth, ranging between 18 and 45 mmol · LCV−1, constituting an estimated 0.2%–2.8% of cellular carbon. Both dissolved acrylate and DMSO increased substantially with irradiance during exponential growth on a per-cell basis, ranging from 0.91 to 3.15 and 0.24 to 1.39 fmol · cell−1, respectively, indicating substantial export of these compounds into the dissolved phase. Average cellular DMSO:DMSP ratios increased 7.6-fold between exponential and stationary phases of batch growth, with a 3- to 13-fold increase in cellular DMSO likely formed from abiotic reactions of DMSP and DMS with reactive oxygen species (ROS). At mM levels, cellular DMSP and acrylate are proposed to serve as de facto antioxidants in P. antarctica not regulated by oxidative stress or changes in ROS. Instead, cellular DMSP concentrations are likely controlled by other physiological processes including an overflow mechanism to remove excess carbon via acrylate, DMS, and DMSO during times of unbalanced growth brought on by physical stress or nutrient limitation. Together, these compounds should aid P. antarctica in adapting to a range of PAR irradiances by maintaining cellular functions and reducing oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay et Miller is an important component of the phytoplankton in open ocean waters. The sensitivity of this cosmopolitan alga to natural levels of UVB radiation has never been tested. Since DNA is believed to be a major target of natural UVB radiation (UVBR: 280–315 nm) in living cells, experiments with E. huxleyi were performed using growth rate reduction and DNA damage as indicators of UVBR stress. Specific growth rate, cell volume, pigment content, and CPD (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer) formation (a measure for DNA damage) were followed during and after prolonged exposure of a series of cultures to a range of UVBR levels. E. huxleyi was found to be very sensitive to UVBR: at a daily weighted UVBR dose of only 400 J·m−2 ·d−1 (BEDDNA300nm), growth was halted. At this UVBR level, both cell volume and contents of the major photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments had increased. The UVBR vulnerability of E. huxleyi cannot be explained by a high potential for cyclobutane thymine dimer formation (the most abundant CPD type) due to a high T content of nuclear DNA: the CG content of this E. huxleyi strain is high (68%) compared with other species. The high UVBR sensitivity may be related to the stage of the cell cycle during UVBR exposure, in combination with low repair capacity. It is concluded that E. huxleyi may experience UVBR stress through the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, with subsequent low repair capacity and thereby arrest of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the functional responsein feeding rate in the various developmental stages of Calanusfinmarchicus to different concentrations of the diatoms Thalassiosiranordenskioeldii and Porosira glacialis, and the haptophyseanPhaeocystis pouchetii. Grazing of copepodite stage I–VC.finmarchicus was measured using two different approaches.Feeding rates were obtained from either incubation experiments,estimating the rate of removal of particles from suspension,or by quantifying the turnover rate of the plant pigments inthe gut. Clearance as a function of algal concentration (1–30µg plant pigment 1–1) was described in juvenilestages of C.finmarchicus fed the diatoms T.nordenskioeldii [20µm equivalent spherical diameter (ESD)], P.glacialis (40µm ESD), and two size categories (30–100 µmand >100 µm ESD) of the gelatinous alga P.pouchetii.When the copepodite stages were fed T.nordenskioeldii, the gutcontent of plant pigments was in general higher than when fedP.glacialis. Rates obtained were variable when the same copepoditestages were offered the two size categories of P.pouchetii,but within the same order of magnitude as those obtained forthe larger diatom. At unialgal diets, diatoms were more readilyconsumed than the larger size fraction among colonies of P.pouchetiiby copepodite stage I–III C.finmarchicus. But given anappropriate prey size, C.finmarchicus grazed both diatoms andcolonies of gelatinous algae at equal rates. A linear relationshipbetween gut content and food concentrations <10 µgchlorophyll 1–1 was found. This indicates that the ingestionrate in C.finmarchicus is directly proportional to the ambientfood concentration during the most productive period in Mayand June in high latitudes irrespective of algal species present. 1Present address: Marine Biological Laboratory, University ofCopenhagen, Strandpromenaden 5, DK-3000 Helsingør, Denmark 2Present address: Greater Copenhagen Council, Gl. KøgeLandevej 1–3, DK-2550 Valby, Denmark  相似文献   

Species in the class Diplura are recorded from Alaska for the first time. Two species, Tricampa rileyi Silvestri from Dall and Prince of Wales Islands in the Alexander Archipelago of Southeast Alaska and Metriocampa allocerca Conde & Geeraert from near Quartz Lake, southeast of Fairbanks, both in the family Campodeidae, are documented based on recently collected specimens deposited in the University of Alaska Museum Insect Collection. A brief review of the history of the documentation of the Alaskan soil microarthropod fauna is provided, as well as discussion of possible glacial refugia.  相似文献   

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