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PD-L4, a type 1 ribosome inactivating protein from Phytolacca dioica leaves, has been successfully crystallized using vapour diffusion methods and PEG 4000 as a precipitant agent. In addition, crystals of a PD-L4 mutant, which has been recently observed to have a lower polynucleotide-adenosine glycosidase activity on DNA, rRNA and poly (A) substrates, have been obtained. To gather information on PD-L4 reaction mechanism both forms have been co-crystallized with adenine, the major product of their catalytic reaction. Diffraction patterns extend to atomic resolution and crystals belong to the orthorhombic P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group, with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. Structure determination has been achieved using molecular replacement; preliminary electron density maps have clearly given evidence of adenine binding.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe species from the genus Phytolacca constitute one of the best sources of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) that have been used both in the therapy against virus and tumors and in the construction of transgenic plants resistant to virus, bacteria, fungi and insects. Here we investigate new activities of three representative RIPs from Phytolacca dioica (dioicin 2, PD-S2 and PD-L4).ResultsThe three RIPs displayed, in addition to already reported activities, rRNA N-glycosylase activities against plant, bacterial and fungal ribosomes. Additionally dioicin 2 and PD-L4 displayed endonuclease activity on a supercoiled plasmid DNA, and dioicin 2 and PD-S2 arrested the growth of the fungus Penicillium digitatum. Furthermore, dioicin 2 induced caspase activation and apoptosis in cell cultures.ConclusionsThe different activities of the RIPs from Phytolacca dioica may explain the antipathogenic properties attributed to these RIPs in plants and their antiviral and antitumoral effects. In spite of the similarity in their rRNA N-glycosylase and DNA polynucleotide:adenosine glycosylase activities, they differed in their activities against viral RNA, plasmid DNA, fungi and animal cultured cells. This suggests that the presence of isoforms might optimize the response of the plant against several types of pathogens.General significanceRIPs from Phytolacca can induce plant resistance or tumor cell death not only by means of ribosome inactivation but also by the activities found in this report. Furthermore, the induction of cell death by different mechanisms turns these RIPs into more useful tools for cancer treatment rendering the selection of RIP-resistant mutants impossible.  相似文献   

Four type-1 (single-chain) ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs), with isoelectric points between 9.5 and 9.7, were isolated from leaves of Phytolacca dioica L. The purification procedure furnished the four proteins with an overall yield of about 16% and separated them from a protein of 29 407 ± 2 Da, as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry, whose N-terminal amino acid sequence differed from that of pokeweed (Phytolacca americana L.) leaf chitinase (PLC-B) by only one amino acid (R17I). The four RIPs (PD-L1 to PD-L4) inhibited protein synthesis by a rabbit reticulocyte lysate with 50% inhibition at the picomolar level, and produced the β-fragment, diagnostic of the specific enzymatic action of RIPs, on yeast ribosomes. Comparison of their N-terminal sequences, up to residue 45, showed that PD-L1 is identical to PD-L2 [designated the isoleucine (Ile) form from the N-terminal residue] and PD-L3 is identical to PD-L4 [designated the valine (Val) form from the N-terminal residue] and that there are 35 identical residues between the two forms. Furthermore, the Val form presents the same number of identical residues as PD-S2, an RIP isolated from the seeds of the same plant. With the exception of PD-L4, the purified RIPs gave a positive reaction when stained for sugars on SDS-PAGE gels and, when analyzed by electrospray mass spectrometry, had Mr values of 32 715 ± 1 (PD-L1), 31 542 ± 1 (PD-L2), 30 356 ± 1 (PD-L3) and 29 185 ± 1 Da (PD-L4). The 1171 kDa difference in Mr, within the same RIP form, could be due to glycosylation. Like leaf saporins and many other RIPs, the four RIPs released several adenines from poly(A), herring sperm DNA and rRNA 16S + 23S, thus acting as polynucleotide:adenosine glycosidases. This property was less pronounced in PD-L1 and PD-L3 than in PD-L2 and PD-L4, respectively. The proteins PD-L1 and PD-L4 showed 3.7% reactivity with the antiserum anti-dianthin 32 and no reactivity with antisera to PAP-R saporin-S6, momordin I and even PD-S2, an RIP isolated from the seeds of the same plant. Protein PD-L4 showed 12.5% cross-reactivity with anti-PD-L1, while the opposite cross-reactivity was 100%. Received: 5 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 October 1998  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides, also called Host Defence Peptides (HDPs), are effectors of innate immune response found in all living organisms. In a previous report, we have identified by chemical fragmentation, and characterized the first cryptic antimicrobial peptide in PD-L4, a type 1 ribosome inactivating protein (RIP) from leaves of Phytolacca dioica L. We applied a recently developed bioinformatic approach to a further member of the differently expressed pool of type 1 RIPs from P. dioica (PD-L1/2), and identified two novel putative cryptic HDPs in its N-terminal domain. These two peptides, here named IKY31 and IKY23, exhibit antibacterial activities against planktonic bacterial cells and, interestingly, significant anti-biofilm properties against two Gram-negative strains. Here, we describe that PD-L1/2 derived peptides are able to induce a strong dose-dependent reduction in biofilm biomass, affect biofilm thickness and, in the case of IKY31, interfere with cell-to-cell adhesion, likely by affecting biofilm structural components. In addition to these findings, we found that both PD-L1/2 derived peptides are able to assume stable helical conformations in the presence of membrane mimicking agents (SDS and TFE) and intriguingly beta structures when incubated with extracellular bacterial wall components (LPS and alginate). Overall, the data collected in this work provide further evidence of the importance of cryptic peptides derived from type 1 RIPs in host/pathogen interactions, especially under pathophysiological conditions induced by biofilm forming bacteria. This suggests a new possible role of RIPs as precursors of antimicrobial and anti-biofilm agents, likely released upon defensive proteolytic processes, which may be involved in plant homeostasis.  相似文献   

Cooperativity in nucleosomes assembly on supercoiled pBR322 DNA.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Many studies have shown that in reconstituted chromatin model systems, containing only purified DNA and histone octamer, nucleosomes can adopt well defined locations with respect to DNA nucleotide sequence. Recently, nucleosome-nucleosome interactions were suggested as one of the factors underlying preferential nucleosomes positioning. In the present paper this aspect has been studied by topological analysis and electron microscopy visualization of minichromosomes reconstituted at different histone/DNA ratios. Both methods suggest that cooperativity plays a role in nucleosomes formation. A linear cooperative model in which nucleosomes are formed on discrete sites with cooperative interactions occurring only between nearest neighbours allows to calculate the cooperative constant. The reported results show that basic interactions, which are of relevance in the process of chromatin folding, are present also in very simple model system.  相似文献   

The ribosome inactivating protein PD-L4 from Phytolacca dioica is a N-beta-glycosidase, probably involved in plant defence. The crystal structures of wild type PD-L4 and of the S211A PD-L4 mutant with significantly decreased catalytic activity were determined at atomic resolution. To determine the structural determinants for the reduced activity of S211A PD-L4, both forms have also been co-crystallized with adenine, the major product of PD-L4 catalytic reaction. In the structure of the S211A mutant, the cavity formed by the lack of the Ser hydroxyl group is filled by a water molecule; the insertion of this non-isosteric group leads to small albeit concerted changes in the tightly packed active site of the enzyme. These changes have been correlated to the different activity of the mutant enzyme. This work highlights the importance of atomic resolution studies for the deep understanding of enzymatic properties.  相似文献   

Current status of ribosome inactivating proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a group of naturally occurring plant proteins with a RNA-N-glycosidases activity which depurinate rRNA at a specific universally conserved position (i.e. cleavage of N-glycosidic bond of a specific adenine of 28S rRNA). These proteins are found in different parts of plants, in concentrations ranging from a few micrograms to several hundred mg per 100 g of plant tissues. RIPs exist in two forms, type 1 having a single polypeptide chain with a molecular mass of approximately 30 kDa possessing N-glycosidase activity; and type 2 with two or four polypeptide chains having a molecular mass of approximately 60 kDa and approximately 120 kDa respectively showing lectin activity along with N-glycosidase moiety. Such biomolecules causing cytotoxicity are being exploited for designing immunotoxins/hormonotoxins using heterobifunctional conjugates. These carrier conjugates with the RIPs can influence cellular trafficking and inhibition of protein synthesis. We are witnessing a novel protein from plants that can be utilised for various therapeutical treatments ranging from cancers, AIDS and other viral diseases of present times.  相似文献   

对超螺旋DNA(DNAⅠ)的碱处理产物进行了琼脂糖凝胶电泳,氯化铯-溴化乙锭密度梯度超离心分析,紫外吸收光谱分析和电镜观察。实验结果表明超螺旋DNA在碱性环境中的结构改变发生在很窄的pH范围内(pH12.88─13.00).超过pH临界点的超螺旋DNA碱变构产物紫外吸收高于同浓度天然DNA紫外吸收的29%。变构产物在CsCl-EB密度梯度超离心中的高密度区形成稳定的区带.用透射电镜的观察表明碱变构的超螺旋pBR322DNA具有高电子密度并呈中空颗粒状,以上事实表明,DNA在高pH下可产生一种结构有序的相对稳定的产物.这些结果意味着在碱处理过程中,超螺旋DNA在构象上发生了改变,使其分子由扭曲线形变成球形颗粒状。根据实验事实本文对超螺旋DNA的碱变构产物(DNAⅣ)提出一个新的结构模型──压缩模型。这个模型能更合理地解释一些实验现象。  相似文献   

NaeI endonuclease binding to pBR322 DNA induces looping.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Previous work has demonstrated the existence of both resistant and cleavable NaeI sites. Cleavable sites introduced on exogenous DNA can act in trans to increase the catalysis of NaeI endonuclease cleavage at resistant sites without affecting the apparent binding affinity of the enzyme for the resistant site [Conrad, M., & Topal, M. D. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 9707-9711]. This activation suggests allosteric regulation of NaeI cleavage by distant cis- and trans-acting sites in DNAs containing both resistant and cleavable sites. Plasmid pBR322 contains four NaeI sites, at least one of which is resistant to cleavage. Electron microscopy is used here to demonstrate that NaeI endonuclease simultaneously binds to multiple recognition sites in pBR322 DNA to form loops with NaeI protein bound at the loop's base. The maximum number of loops formed with a common base suggests four binding sites per enzyme molecule. Looping was inhibited by addition of enzyme-saturating amounts of double-stranded oligonucleotide containing an NaeI site, whereas another double-strand oligonucleotide without the NaeI site had no effect. The number of loops seen was not above background when double-stranded M13 DNA, which contains only a single NaeI recognition site, was used as substrate.  相似文献   

Cleavage of pBR322 DNA I by the restriction endonuclease HinfI is preferentially inhibited at specific HinfI cleavage sites. These sites in pBR322 DNA I have been identified and ordered with respect to the frequency with which they are cleaved. The HinfI site most resistant to cleavage in pBR322 DNA I is unique in that runs of G-C base pairs are immediately adjacent on both sites. Two differently permuted linear (DNA III) species were produced by cleavage with two different restriction endonucleases, PstI and AvaI. Only one of these linear molecules, that produced by PstI, exhibits the same preferential cleavage pattern as DNA I. The second linear species, that arising from AvaI digestion, shows pronounced relative inhibition of cleavage at the HinfI sites nearest the ends of the molecule (100 to 120 base pairs away, respectively). This result suggest that proximity to the termini of a linear DNA molecule might also influence preferential cleavage. The possibility of formation of stem-loop structures does not appear to influence preferential cleavage by HinfI.  相似文献   

Recently, we have found that the assembly of nucleosomes reconstituted on negatively supercoiled DNA is cooperative. In the present paper the role of DNA topology and of histone tails in nucleosome assembly was explored. Reconstituted minichromosomes on relaxed DNA at different histone/DNA ratios (R) were assayed by topological analysis and electron microscopy visualization. Both methods show a linear relationship between average nucleosome number (N) and R. This suggests that in the case of relaxed DNA, cooperative internucleosomal interactions are small or absent. The influence of histone tails in nucleosome assembly was studied on minichromosomes reconstituted with trypsinized histone octamer on negatively supercoiled DNA by topological analysis. The topoisomers distribution, after trypsinization, dramatically changes, indicating that nucleosome-nucleosome interactions are remarkably decreased. These results show that, in chromatin folding, in addition to the well known role of histone H1, the interactions between histone octamer tails and DNA are also of importance.  相似文献   

Recombinant organisms used in biopharmaceutical production processes are destroyed prior to environmental release into a private or municipal wastewater treatment system. However, concern over the fate of recombinant DNA used in these processes may adversely affect product regulatory approval. This study examined the fate of DNA from the plasmid pBR322 in an activated sludge-derived matrix. DNA suitable for PCR amplification was extracted from the activated sludge matrix and a 1042-bp fragment from pBR322 rapidly decreased in concentration from 0 to 2 h after it was spiked into the activated sludge matrix at an initial DNA concentration of 25 ng ml−1. While some evidence of the 1042-bp fragment was observed at 4 h, no evidence of amplified DNA was observed at 6 h. Plasmid DNA in buffer that served as a positive control exhibited no significant reduction in concentration over time. The intensity of each DNA band over the first 4 h was analyzed. A linear regression of the natural log transformation of these results yielded a mean first-order rate constant of 3.55 h−1 and half-life of 0.2 h. This study demonstrated that recombinant DNA released from industrial processes into wastewater treatment systems should be rapidly degraded. Received 14 August 1998/ Accepted in revised form 19 February 1999  相似文献   

Plasmid pBR322 DNA (0.5mg/mL) isolated from Escherichia coli HB101 was suspended in Tris-HCl-EDTA (1 mol/L - 0.1 mol/L, pH8.5); then a drop of the above solution was deposited on freshly cleaved mica substrate. After adsorption for about 1 min, the sample was stained with phosphotungstic acid. The residua] solution was removed with a piece of filter paper. Afterwards the sample was imaged with a home-made atomic force microscope (AFM) in air. The AFM images of pBR322 DNA with a molecular resolution have been obtained. These images show that pBR322 DNA exists in several different topological structures: (i) relaxed circular DNA with a different diameter; (ii) supercondensed DNA with different particle sizes; (iii) dimeric catenane connected by one relaxed circular molecule and another dose-compacted molecule which might be either supercoiled or intramolecular knotted form; (iv) oligomeric catenane with multiple irregular molecules in which DNA is interlocked into a complex oligomer; (v) possibly-existing  相似文献   

The rRNA N-glycosidase activities of the catalytically active A chains of the heterodimeric ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) ricin and abrin, the single-chain RIPs dianthin 30, dianthin 32, and the leaf and seed forms of pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) were assayed on E. coli ribosomes. All of the single-chain RIPs were active on E. coli ribosomes as judged by the release of a 243 nucleotide fragment from the 3′ end of 23S rRNA following aniline treatment of the RNA. In contrast, E. coli ribosomes were refractory to the A chains of ricin and abrin. The position of the modification of 23S rRNA by dianthin 32 was determined by primer extension and found to be A2660, which lies in a sequence that is highly conserved in all species.  相似文献   

Treatment of supercoiled pBR322 DNA with ozone resulted in the conversion of closed circular DNA to open circular DNA. Restriction analysis of the resulting open circular DNA showed that ozonolysis in the absence of salt caused single strand cleavage at specific sites.  相似文献   

G Muzard  B Thveny    B Rvet 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(4):1289-1298
A map of local curvature of the pBR322 DNA has been established by electron microscopy analysis of linearized plasmid molecules. To determine their polarity these molecules are one end labelled with an avidin-ferritin-biotin complex and the images are digitized. Local curvature is calculated from two mathematical treatments of the DNA trajectory and expressed in term of a mean dinucleotide wedge angle. Eight regions of curvature are distinguished. The four main regions of curvature have a high content of phased AA runs. The experimental curvature map is compared to theoretical maps of curvature obtained from four available models for DNA curvature.  相似文献   

Efficient transformation of Serratia marcescens with pBR322 plasmid DNA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J D Reid  S D Stoufer  D M Ogrydziak 《Gene》1982,17(1):107-112
Eight Serratia marcescens strains tested could be transformed with the plasmid pBR322. Transformants were selected on the basis of resistance to high levels of ampicillin (400 to 500 micrograms/ml). For six of the strains, the CaCl2- mediated transformation procedure developed for Escherichia coli was successful. For the other two strains, no transformants were obtained with the CaCl2-mediated transformation procedure unless the cells first received a heat treatment. Transformation frequency was dependent on DNA concentration, and no transformation was detected with linear pBR322 DNA. The stability and copy number of pBR322 were similar in S. marcescens and E. coli. As in E. coli, the pBR322 DNA was amplified in S. marcescens after inhibition of proteins synthesis. Based on these results, cloning in S. marcescens should be possible and pBR322 should be a useful cloning vehicle.  相似文献   

We present a new Monte Carlo simulation code system (DBREAK) of the detailed events that occur when ionizing radiation interacts with water and DNA molecules. The model treats the initial energy deposition by radiation, the formation of chemically active species, subsequent diffusion-controlled chemical reactions, and induction of DNA strand breaks. DBREAK assumes one-hit single-strand break (SSB) and two-hit double-strand break (DSB) mechanisms. A high-resolution model of plasmid DNA structure has been introduced. The calculated results are compared with the results of previously performed experiments of the same type. Under aerobic conditions, 89.4% of the DNA damage was attributed to OH-radical and 10.5% and 0.1% to e aq and H, respectively. We also compared the differences between liquid-water track structure and gas-phase-water track structure. The calculated yield of SSBs by liquid-water track structure exceeded that of gas-phase-water track structure by a factor of 1.2. Received: 13 February 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 26 August 1997  相似文献   

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