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T. Heard, A. Chandra, G. Culora, S.S. Gupta, A. Herbert and M. Morgan
Use of the ThinPrep Imaging System for internal quality control of cervical cytology Objective: To audit the use of the ThinPrep Imaging System (TIS) for internal quality control (IQC) in the place of rapid review (RR), and to compare its performance with routine primary screening. Method: During 9 months, 16 462 ThinPrep slides were processed by TIS. Slides were initially reviewed using the TIS review scope, as recommended by the manufacturer: 22 fields of view were observed and, if considered abnormal, a full microscopic review was conducted using the review scope. Different biomedical scientists (BMSs), working on each procedure in rotation, performed batches of TIS‐assisted quality control and routine primary screening independently on unmarked slides. Any slides with abnormalities detected by either method were referred to a consultant pathologist or advanced BMS practitioner for a final report. TIS results were compared with both previous records of RR and routine primary screening carried out on the same slides. We used the UK terminology in which ‘dyskaryosis’ is equivalent to squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) and borderline to atypical (including squamous and glandular cells). Results: TIS preview detected significantly more high‐grade dyskaryosis compared with RR during the previous 4 years: 2.0–4.2 compared with 0.1–1.8 detected per 1000 slides (P = 0.0001). TIS and routine screening were equivalent in sensitivity and specificity for the final cytology result, but BMSs were significantly more likely to classify slides as dyskaryotic rather than borderline when using TIS compared with routine screening. Referrals for potentially high‐grade abnormalities detected by TIS‐assisted IQC alone found 28 biopsies of at least cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (CIN2+), whereas 15 CIN2+ biopsies were found on routine screening but missed using TIS. There was no significant change in the rates of inadequate tests, high‐ or low‐grade cytological abnormalities, or positive predictive value for CIN2+ when TIS was in use. Conclusions: Screening with TIS was more sensitive than RR for IQC, providing a rescreening method equivalent to routine primary screening in overall accuracy.  相似文献   

M. Waldstrom and D. Ornskov
Comparison of the clinical performance of an HPV mRNA test and an HPV DNA test in triage of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC‐US) Objective: The effect of triaging women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC‐US) with human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing has been well documented. New tests detecting HPV E6/E7 mRNA are emerging, claiming to be more specific for detecting high‐grade disease. We evaluated the clinical performance of two HPV tests: the Linear Array HPV genotyping test (LA) detecting HPV DNA from 37 oncogenic and non‐oncogenic HPV types and the Aptima HPV assay detecting E6/E7 mRNA from 14 oncogenic HPV types. Methods: We identified 369 consecutive PreservCyt samples diagnosed with ASC‐US tested for HPV DNA using the LA test. The Aptima HPV test was performed on residual material in the same vial. Follow‐up of 325 women was available. The gold standard used was histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2+ or 3+. Results: LA and Aptima HPV assays were positive in 44.3% and 31.7% of the cases, respectively. The concordance was 81.2%. The two tests had identical sensitivity for detecting CIN3+ [92.6% (95% CI, 75.7–99.1)] but the Aptima HPV assay showed a significantly better specificity of 73.8% (95% CI, 68.5–78.7) versus 60.1% (95% CI, 54.3–65.7) for LA for detecting CIN3+. When using CIN2+ as the gold standard the sensitivity for LA was higher than for the Aptima HPV assay [93.8% (95% CI, 82.8–98.7) versus 87.5% (95% CI, 74.8–95.3)], but the specificity was higher for the Aptima HPV assay: 78.0% (95% CI, 72.6–82.7) versus 64.3% (95% CI, 58.3–69.9). Conclusions: Both tests showed good and equal clinical sensitivities for detecting CIN3+, but the Aptima HPV assay had significantly higher specificity for detecting CIN2+ and CIN3+ in women aged 30 years or older with ASC‐US.  相似文献   

N. Gupta, N. Dudding, J. Crossley, S.J. Payyappilly and J.H.F. Smith
Outcome of SurePath? cervical samples reported as borderline nuclear changes by cytological subtype and high‐risk HPV status Background: The average borderline rate in cervical cytology samples for English laboratories was 3.8% with the range being 2.0–6.8% at the time of the present study, which was undertaken in order to determine the association between different subtypes of borderline nuclear change (BNC), high‐grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and high‐risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) status. Materials and methods: Of 68 551 SurePathTM cervical samples reported in one laboratory over a period of 2 years, 2335 (3.4%) were reported as BNC. hrHPV status was known in 1112 cases (47.6%). The outcome was known only for women with hrHPV‐positive BNC, who were recommended for colposcopy under the National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme sentinel site protocol. Women with hrHPV‐negative BNC were returned to 3‐yearly recall. The cases were subdivided into BNC, high‐grade dyskaryosis cannot be excluded (B‐HG; 105 cases); BNC with koilocytosis (B‐K; 421 cases); BNC with other features of HPV (B‐HPV; 160 cases); and BNC, not otherwise specified (B‐NOS; 426 cases) and were correlated with the histological outcome where available. Results: The study population age ranged from 23 to 65 years. Cases that tested positive for hrHPV by Qiagen HCII assay comprised 78.1%, 81.0%, 73.1% and 67.8% of B‐HG, B‐K, B‐HPV and B‐NOS categories, respectively. CIN2 or worse (CIN2+) was found in 64.6%, 10.0%, 19.7% and 20.1% of hrHPV‐positive cases of B‐HG, B‐K, B‐HPV and B‐NOS, respectively, which was significantly higher in the B‐HG category (P < 0.001) and lower in the B‐K category compared with B‐NOS (p < 0.001) and B‐HPV (p = 0.006) respectively. CIN3+ comprised 55.6%, 6.3%, 26.3% and 19.1% of biopsies in the same categories, respectively. Conclusions: Subtyping BNC is useful, especially B‐K and B‐HG, which, respectively, had the lowest and highest rates of detection of both CIN2+ and CIN3+, confirming that koilocytosis is likely to be associated with transient HPV infection. Women with B‐HG should be referred to colposcopy in the absence of HPV triage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In this study, we focus on the prevalence and occurrence of different anogenital human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes in a first abnormal cervical screening test, and correlate HPV genotyping with the cytological diagnosis on thin-layer liquid-based preparations in routine gynaecological screening. METHODS: Out of 780 abnormal smears, 513 tested positive for HPV. All 25 different HPV types were identified by Line Probe Assay. RESULTS: The prevalence of high-risk HPV types increased from 72% in atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance to 94.5% in high-grade intra-epithelial lesion (HSIL). Co-infection with multiple HPV types was predominantly found in HSIL (35.8%). In the HSIL group the most common HPV types were 16, 52, 51 and 31; type 18 was rarely present. CONCLUSION: The role of types 31, 51 and 52 should be considered in future studies on vaccine development.  相似文献   

X. Jing, E. Wey and C. W. Michael Diagnostic value of fine needle aspirates processed by ThinPrep® for the assessment of axillary lymph node status in patients with invasive carcinoma of the breast Objective: To evaluate the utility of ThinPrep® as an optional specimen processing method for the detection of axillary lymph node metastasis of invasive breast carcinoma. Methods: A computer SNOMED search from the file at our institution between January 2003 and August 2011 retrieved a total of 209 fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens of axillary lymph nodes prepared by ThinPrep and followed by axillary lymph node biopsy and/or dissection. Original cytological diagnoses and corresponding histological diagnoses were documented. Using the histological diagnoses as the gold standard, the diagnostic parameters including sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) and diagnostic accuracy were calculated. Both cytology and histology slides from cyto‐histologically discrepant cases were reviewed. Results: Out of a total of 209 specimens, 193 (92%) had adequate diagnostic material while the remaining 16 specimens (8%) were inadequate for cytological assessment. The diagnostic specimens included 168 invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC), 15 invasive lobular carcinomas (ILC) and 10 mixed carcinomas (IDC and ILC). Excluding 19 cases with malignant cells on FNA in which no residual tumour was found in fibrotic lymph nodes after neoadjuvant therapy (cytology and histology confirmed on review) ThinPrep detected nodal metastasis with an overall sensitivity of 77.5%, specificity of 100%, PPV of 100% and NPV of 53.7%. Diagnostic accuracy was 82.2%. There was no difference in Bloom–Richardson grade or the number or size of metastases between tumours with true‐positive and false‐negative cytology. Sampling error was the sole factor contributing to cyto‐histological discrepancy. Conclusions: ThinPrep is a good alternative to the conventional smear for cytological assessment of axillary lymph node status in patients with invasive breast carcinoma, particularly when specimens are collected at remote sites or when cytologists are not available for assistance during FNA.  相似文献   

H. Ohsaki, T. Hirouchi, N. Hayashi, E. Okanoue, M. Ohara, N. Kuroda, E. Hirakawa and Y. Norimatsu
Diagnostic value of urine erythrocyte morphology in the detection of glomerular disease in SurePath? liquid‐based cytology compared with fresh urine sediment examination Objective: To assess whether the morphology of urine erythrocytes can be an effective tool for distinguishing glomerular disease from lower urinary tract disease in SurePath? liquid‐based cytology (SP‐LBC). Methods: We examined four morphological parameters of erythrocytes: (1) irregular erythrocytes (of all types including fragmented forms) comprising greater than or equal to 20% of erythrocytes; (2) uniform erythrocytes (>80%); (3) doughnut or target‐like shaped (D/T) erythrocytes (≥1%); and (4) acanthocytes (≥1%) in glomerular disease (n = 32) and lower urinary tract disease (n = 20) with SP‐LBC slides in cases that had also been assessed by fresh urine sediment examination. Results: Sensitivity of D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes (dysmorphic erythrocytes) for glomerular disease were 100% and 87.5%, respectively, with urine sediment examination, and 81.3% and 46.9%, respectively, in SP‐LBC slides. Specificity was 100% for D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes using either procedure. While irregular erythrocytes were specific for glomerular disease using urine sediment examination, they were seen in 70% of those with lower urinary tract disease using SP‐LBC slides as a result of the deformation of erythrocytes by the fixative. Conclusions: Although the sensitivity of D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes for glomerular disease was lower in SP‐LBC slides than fresh urine sediment examination, their specificity was equally high. Therefore, urine erythrocyte morphology is useful in the detection of glomerular disease with the SP‐LBC slides. However, morphological features apart from D/T erythrocytes and acanthocytes are not useful in SP‐LBC slides.  相似文献   

In juvenile rats born from mothers with obstructive cholestasis during pregnancy (OCP), transient latent cholestasis together with alterations in the secretion of biliary lipids have been reported. Here we investigated whether the expression of genes involved in this function is already modified at birth and examined the effect of treating pregnant rats with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA; i.g., 60 microg/100 g b.w./day). Cholanemia was markedly higher in mothers with OCP, and was further increased by UDCA. In the Control pups, cholanemia increased after birth, whereas in OCP and OCP+UDCA pups, hypercholanemia decreased after birth. Steady-state mRNA levels in neonatal liver were measured by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. The expression of basolateral bile acid transporters was not affected by OCP and was unchanged (Oatp1/1a1 and Oatp4/1b2) or moderately increased (Ntcp and Oatp2/1a4) by UDCA. In both groups, the expression of ABC proteins was either not modified (Bsep, Bcrp and Mrp2) or enhanced (Mrp1 and Mrp3), that of phospholipid flippase Mdr2 was not changed, whereas that of cholesterol transporter Abcg5/Abcg8 was impaired. The expression of the nuclear receptor FXR was not affected by OCP or UDCA, whereas that of SHP and key enzymes in bile acid synthesis (Cyp7a1, Cyp8b1 and Cyp27) was increased in both groups. In conclusion, OCP affects the expression in the neonatal liver of genes involved in hepatobiliary function, which cannot be prevented, at this stage, by treating pregnant rats with UDCA, even though this treatment has been found to partially restore normal lipid secretion later during post-natal development.  相似文献   

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