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Mother–calf interactions and the behaviors of mothers during separation from their calves were examined in four Commerson’s dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) mother–calf pairs. Four infants were observed: 56.8 h over 30 days from birth to 263 days of age, 36.9 h over 20 days from birth to 149 days of age, 10.4 h over 3 days from birth to 2 days of age, and 15.0 h over 3 days from birth to 2 days of age. All four pairs shared common characteristics in the rate and frequencies of mother–calf interactions and the behaviors of mothers during the first week of life. After the first week, individual differences in changes in the frequency of each behavior were observed. The three behaviors considered representative of maternal care (parallel swimming, synchronous breathing, and body-to-body contact) were frequently performed in the first week; thereafter, the frequencies declined. Separate behaviors of mothers were infrequent during the first week and increased with an increase in infants’ age. Bumping by infants increased with time, suggesting an increase in soliciting by calves and conflict between mothers and calves. The frequency of flipper-to-body rubbing also changed but in a complex manner, probably because the calves needed to learn how to perform this behavior from their mothers and because initiator and recipient of this behavior can be changed quickly.  相似文献   

The behavioral development of two aquarium bottlenose dolphin calves, one male (born to a primiparous mother) and one female (born to a multiparous mother), was examined. From birth to 9 weeks of age, a total of 558.7 h of nursing and behavioral data were collected using focal sampling methods. Data from both calves revealed a pattern of increasing independence as they aged, but there were significant differences between the two calves. Suckling rates, mean suckles per bout, suckling bout rates, and bout durations for the male calf were higher than those for the female calf throughout the study. These frequencies declined significantly over time in the male's case but not in the female's case. Her suckling durations (lock-on time) were longer than his. The male spent more time in infant position (under the mother) than the female calf and less time swimming in echelon position (alongside the mother). Over time, the male spent less time in infant position, and the female calf spent more time socializing and less time echelon swimming. Both calves decreased the amount of time spent close to their mothers over the 9 week period, and the mothers decreased their role in proximity maintenance over time. We suggest that factors related to maternal primiparity caused the male calf to develop an effective compensatory response of frequent nursing and spending more time in infant position. Both calves survived and were healthy at the end of the observation period. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Methods to increase the productivity of beef cattle include induced twinning and multiple fostering of calves on nurse cows, but little is known about the capacity of cows to rear more than one calf in a rangeland environment.Eight single and 14 twin calves and their mothers were studied in a 30.4-ha enclosure in a California rangeland environment from 2 to 20 weeks following parturition. Data were obtained on ingestive, grooming, agonistic, play and sexual behaviors, as well as spatial proximity of calves to mothers and peers.Initially, twins spent more time suckling their mothers than did single calves (presumably due to insufficient milk intake), but later adapted by utilizing natural forage and obtaining milk from alien cows. By 15–20 weeks of age, twins were suckling their dams for less than one-quarter of the time spent at 3–6 weeks, whereas the suckling time of single calves did not decline. Thus, twins may experience a natural early weaning from mother's milk.The hypothesis that mother—Offspring bonds are weaker with twins than with singles was supported by the fact that mothers bearing twins groomed their offspring less than mothers with singles, and twins were normally found at greater distances from their mothers than singles.Most long-distance cow—Calf separations resulted from the cow moving to feed or to obtain water. Reunion of mother and young depended on auditory communication; the calf normally traversed most of the intervening distance.  相似文献   

Calves can develop long-lasting social relationships with peers. We examined the strength of the relationships between calves according to the time they had been together. Twenty-four female dairy calves were assigned to six groups of four animals (Type-1 partners) at 0.5 month of age. At 3.5 months of age, they were mixed with other calves (Type-2 partners) to form groups of 14. Type-3 partners were calves added to the experimental groups after 5.25 months. The calves stayed together until 1.5 years of age. Social preferences between the three partner types were examined in a Y-maze, and the position and activity of animals in the barn and pasture were followed in three periods. Behavioural synchrony, distance between animals, proximity and nearest neighbour were analysed. The calves more frequently butted Type-3 than Type-1 partners in the Y-maze (P < 0.05). They spent more time in proximity to Type-1 partners, and these were more often the nearest neighbours than other partners (P < 0.001). Synchrony and distance between animals were greater at pasture than in the barn (P < 0.01). Calves seem to form preferential relationships before 3.5 months of age. Keeping cattle together from an early age seems beneficial for them.  相似文献   

Synchrony among Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) is crucial for successfully overcoming bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) during interspecies aggression (Cusick and Herzing 2014). The present study examined synchrony in adult Atlantic spotted dolphins during aggressive encounters with bottlenose dolphins. Across group size, aggressive behaviors increased preceding synchrony, peaked during synchrony, and decreased dramatically after synchrony. Although smaller groups (< 10 dolphins) became synchronous more frequently than larger groups (> 10 dolphins), larger groups remained synchronous longer; however, smaller groups exhibited greater aggressive behaviors during synchrony, suggesting that additional aggressive behaviors may be necessary to compensate for the smaller group size, whereas larger groups may be able to rely on synchrony with less aggression. Disorganized squawk bouts synchronized as physical synchrony began, but only if coupled with escalating aggression.  相似文献   

Effects of maternal age and experience on long-term contact maintenance interactions with female offspring were examined in bison (Bison bison), as part of a study of factors influencing dyadic behavioural interaction. During the first five months, patterns of change in interactions varied with maternal age and parity. Young (largely primiparous) mothers and their calves steadily increased the frequency with which they maintained contact, while older mothers and their calves became increasingly independent (e.g. calves walked away from mothers more and followed them less often). Filial independence was most extreme in the (last) calves of the two oldest mothers. These age-specific patterns appeared to result largely from contrasting shifts in maternal behaviour from Month 1 to 2; differences between groups before and after this shift were opposite in direction. In the first month, older mothers maintained more frequent contact and were behaviourally more synchronized with their calves. After the first month, however, the efforts of older mothers to maintain dyadic proximity abruptly decreased, while those of young mothers and their calves gradually increased. Subsequent differences between groups were more consistent. Young mothers and their daughters maintained closer contact and continued to do so well past weaning, at least as late as the third year, when daughters reached sexual maturity. Filial behaviour played an important role in determining patterns of dyadic spatial relations; the close proximity maintained by young mothers and their offspring appeared due largely to the frequency with which these calves followed their mothers' movements. The relatively independent calves of older mothers took greater initiative in contact interactions with mothers (e.g. nosing, licking). Young mothers appeared to strengthen long-term bonds with daughters by initiating contact frequently; the closeness of post-weaning dyadic association increased with the frequency of pre-weaning maternal contact.  相似文献   

The kill of dolphins ( Stenella attenuata and S. longirostris ) in the eastern tropical Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery has been underestimated because of unobserved deaths of nursing calves due to separation from their mothers during fishing. Based on an analysis of dolphins killed from 1973 to 1990, and depending on the length at which calves are assumed to become independent, there was a deficit of calves relative to the number of lactating females killed in 24%–32% of 1,847 spotted-dolphin sets and in 13%–19% of 563 spinner-dolphin sets. We found a deficit of 0.31–0.45 spotted dolphin and 0.15–0.26 spinner dolphin calves per set. If these missing calves were added to the observed kill, it would represent an increase in the kill of 10%–15% for spotted dolphins and 6%–10% for spinner dolphins in the sets we examined. We did not attempt to estimate the actual number of unobserved calf deaths due to purse-seine fishing on dolphins, either in the sets we examined or in all dolphin sets. The actual number of unobserved calf deaths is likely to be higher than the calf deficit we found. Separation of dolphin mothers from calves could occur at any of several points in the fishing process, but most of these would be invisible to us and not produce a calf deficit. Estimation of the actual number of unobserved calf deaths would require further information on how frequently permanent mother-calf separations occur, the fraction of calves that survive after separation, the fraction of lactating females set upon that are carrying calves, and the fraction of calves killed that are actually related to lactating females killed in the same set. In any case, the observation of a calf deficit indicates that the reported dolphin kill fails to measure the full impact of purse-seine fishing on spotted and spinner dolphin populations.  相似文献   

Spatial synchrony in population dynamics is a ubiquitous feature across a range of taxa. Understanding factors influencing this synchrony may shed light on important drivers of population dynamics. Three mechanisms influence the degree of spatial synchrony between populations: dispersal, shared predators, and spatial environmental covariance (the Moran effect). We assessed demographic spatial synchrony in recruitment (calf:cow ratio) of 10 northern mountain caribou herds in the Yukon Territory, Canada (1982–2008). Shared predators and dispersal were ruled out as causal mechanisms of spatial recruitment synchrony in these herds and therefore any spatial synchrony should be due to the Moran effect. We also assessed the degree of spatial synchrony in April snow depth to represent environmental variability. The regional average spatial synchrony in detrended residuals of April snow depth was 0.46 (95% CI 0.37 to 0.55). Spatial synchrony in caribou recruitment was weak at 0.13 (95% CI −0.06 to 0.32). The spatial scale of synchrony in April snow depth and caribou recruitment was 330.2 km (95% CI 236.3 to 370.0 km) and 170.0 km (95% CI 69.5 to 282.8 km), respectively. We also investigated how the similarity in terrain features between herds influenced the degree of spatial synchrony using exponential decay models. Only the difference in elevation variability between herds during calving was supported by the data. Herds with more similar elevation variability may track snowmelt ablation patterns in a more similar fashion, which would subsequently result in more synchronized predation rates on calves and/or nutritional effects impacting juvenile survival. Interspecific interactions with predators and alternate prey may also influence spatial synchrony of recruitment in these herds.  相似文献   

Changes in spatial relationships between mother and calf right whales (Eubalaena australis) from birth to the separation of yearling calves from their mothers were observed. During the first few weeks of a calf's life, mother and calf were within close proximity over 90% of the time, and mothers were responsible for maintenance of contact with their infants. Later calves strayed farther and initiated many more leaves and approaches than their quiescent mothers. The mothers still maintained contact with their infants. Just before migration away from the area, pair members resumed close proximity and leaves and approaches by both diminished. Yearling calves, returning to the area with their mothers after six months, stayed close to their mothers and few leaves and approaches by either pair member were recorded. The yearling calves were responsible for maintaining contact as the mothers left them more than approached them. This behaviour on the part of mothers probably contributed to weaning of yearlings and separation after a few weeks in the area.  相似文献   

The prolonged nursing period and strong, extended mother-infant bond observed among bottlenose dolphins may reflect social and physical ontogeny critical for infant survival. This study was conducted to quantify ontogentic changes in mother-infant contact time and the amount of time infants spent in specific spatial states with their mothers from birth to age 12 mo. These behaviors were studied through a systematic, longitudinal study of six mother-infant pairs of captive bottlenose dolphins from three different social groups. There was a significant decrease in the time infants spent with their mothers (logistic regression, P < 0.001), following the general mammalian pattern of increasing independence with age. When with their mothers, the probability that infants would be found in “echelon” position, flanking the mother, decreased as the calf aged (logistic regression, P <0.001), possibly due to anatomical and hydrodynamic factors. The probability that infants would be found in “infant” position, underneath the mother, increased with calf age (logistic regression, P < 0.001). Results obtained in this study are consistent with similar studies of wild bottlenose dolphin mother-infant pairs, indicating a suite of ontogenetically comparable behaviors between wild and captive bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

At least 626 southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) calves died at the Península Valdés calving ground, Argentina, between 2003 and 2014. Intense gull harassment may have contributed to these deaths. In the 1970s, Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) began feeding on skin and blubber pecked from the backs of living right whales at Valdés. The frequency of gull attacks has increased dramatically over the last three decades and mother-calf pairs are the primary targets. Pairs attacked by gulls spend less time nursing, resting and playing than pairs not under attack. In successive attacks, gulls open new lesions on the whales’ backs or enlarge preexisting ones. Increased wounding could potentially lead to dehydration, impaired thermoregulation, and energy loss to wound healing. The presence, number and total area of gull-inflicted lesions were assessed using aerial survey photographs of living mother-calf pairs in 1974–2011 (n = 2680) and stranding photographs of dead calves (n = 192) in 2003–2011. The percentage of living mothers and calves with gull lesions increased from an average of 2% in the 1970s to 99% in the 2000s. In the 1980s and 1990s, mothers and calves had roughly equal numbers of lesions (one to five), but by the 2000s, calves had more lesions (nine or more) covering a greater area of their backs compared to their mothers. Living mother-calf pairs and dead calves in Golfo Nuevo had more lesions than those in Golfo San José in the 2000s. The number and area of lesions increased with calf age during the calving season. Intensified Kelp Gull harassment at Península Valdés could be compromising calf health and thereby contributing to the high average rate of calf mortality observed in recent years, but it cannot explain the large year-to-year variance in calf deaths since 2000.  相似文献   

Observations on the behavioral development of two okapi calves and one giraffe calf were made at Brookfield Zoo. The following behaviors were monitored for 4 to 6 mo after birth; nursing duration and nursing attempts, mother-infant distance, bunting the mother's udder, lying, moving, maternal grooming, mother and infant autogrooming, object licking, tail chewing, and contact by others in the herd. Behaviors in both species showed oscillating patterns with high levels of mother-infant contact behaviors at 3–4 wk, 9–11 wk, and 14–15 wk in okapis. Giraffe infants showed similar oscillations with high periods of contact about 2–5 wk later than those in okapis. Other behaviors oscillated in concert with these, with specific correlations occurring between nursing behaviors and grooming behaviors. A main difference between okapi and giraffe development centered around maternal motivation during the high contact (regressive) periods. In okapis, after 10–12 wk there was a low rate of nursing success, whereas in giraffes the percentage of success in nursing rose with later behavioral oscillations. The regressive periods became conflict periods in okapis, whereas in the giraffe, the mother initiated the periods. This difference was in accordance with the unique strategy of infant rearing in wild giraffes in which there is an extended “hider” period when older calves are left together in shaded areas with an adult sentry. Field studies also indicated probable oscillations of mother-infant contact and a prolonged period of the mother initiating contact with her calf.  相似文献   

Optimizing feeding regimens in early life to maximize lifelong growth and production are essential in the dairy industry. This study investigated the effects of milk replacer (MR) feeding frequency and calf age on behavior, and glucose and insulin kinetics of pre- and post-weaned calves fed an elevated plane of MR. Ten male Holstein calves (42.2±1.8 kg BW) were blocked by BW and randomly assigned to two treatments offering 8 l MR/day (150 g/l) in two (2×; meal size 4 l) or four (4×; meal size 2 l) feedings via an automated calf feeder. Milk replacer was gradually stepped down by 1 l/day during week 8, with calves being weaned by week 9. Water and pelleted calf starter were offered ad libitum. Individual intake of MR and starter were recorded daily, and BW was recorded weekly. The number of visits to the MR feeder (rewarded and unrewarded), and behaviors such as lying, cross-sucking, non-nutritive sucking and occupancy time in the feeder were recorded for individual calves from weeks 4 to 10. Jugular catheters were placed on weeks 4, 7 and 10 to facilitate postprandial blood sampling and glucose tolerance tests. Statistical analysis was conducted using the PROC GLIMMIX procedure (SAS) for behavioral observations, and the MIXED procedure (SAS) with repeated measures for BW, intake, plasma glucose and plasma insulin data. Final BW, starter and MR intake did not differ between treatments. There were no differences in observed calf behaviors; with the exception that 2× calves visited the MR feeder more often (P<0.01; total: unrewarded and rewarded). Baseline concentrations (mmol/l) and the maximum change in glucose (delta, mmol/l) were greater and lower (P=0.02) in 4×compared to 2×calves, respectively. Postprandial insulin AUC240 tended (P=0.09) to be greater in 2×calves, compared to 4×calves at week 7. Similarly, Tmax (min), AUC240 and delta values (µU/ml) were greater (P⩽0.05) in 2×calves, compared to 4×calves. No treatment ×age interactions were observed for glucose or insulin during the glucose tolerance tests. Therefore, we conclude that feeding an elevated plane of MR (8 l/day) at a lower frequency (2× v. 4×) increased feeder visits, but not other hunger-related behaviors, and while postprandial glucose and insulin parameters varied, insulin sensitivity remained stable in Holstein dairy calves up to 10 weeks of age in calves consuming similar levels of calf starter.  相似文献   

Different species in a given site or population of a given species in different sites may fluctuate in synchrony if they are affected similarly by factors such as spatially autocorrelated climate, predation, or by dispersal between populations of one species. We used county wise time series of hunting bag records of four Norwegian tetraonid species covering 24 years to examine patterns of interspecific and intraspecific synchrony. We estimated synchrony at three spatial scales; national, regional (consisting of counties with similar climate), and county level. Ecologically related species with overlapping distributions exhibited strong synchrony across Norway, but there was much variation between the different regions and counties. Regions with a long coastline to both the North Sea and the Norwegian Ocean exhibited an overall stronger synchrony than those consisting of more continental areas. Intraspecific synchrony was generally low across all counties, but stronger synchrony between counties within regions defined by climatic conditions. Synchrony was negatively related to distance between populations in three of four species. Only the synchrony in willow ptarmigan showed a clear negative relationship with distance, while the other species had both strong positive and negative correlations at short distances. Strong interspecific synchrony between some species pairs within regions and weak intraspecific synchrony across counties within regions suggest a stronger synchronizing effect from environmental factors such as weather or predation and less effect from dispersal. Our results suggest that the complete tetraonid community is structured by environmental factors affecting the different species similarly and causes widespread interspecific synchrony. Local factors affecting the population dynamics nevertheless frequently forces neighbouring populations out of phase.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of separating dairy calves from their mothers at 1 day (early separation) and 14 days (late separation) after birth. Behavioural observations were conducted on 24 Holstein dairy cow–calf pairs during the first 24 h after separation. Before separation, cow–calf pairs were generally inactive. After separation, cows from the late-separation treatment group showed higher rates of calling, movement and placing the head outside the pen, than cows in the early-separation group. Parity did not influence cow behaviour. During the first 2 weeks after calving, cows in the late-separation group (i.e. still with their calves) yielded less milk at milking, a difference at least partly due to the milk consumed by the calf. Milk yields from days 15–150 did not differ between the two groups. After separation, calves in the late-separation group moved and placed their heads outside the pen more often than early-separation calves. During the first 14 days after birth, late-separation calves gained weight at more than three times the rate of those separated early. When introduced to an unfamiliar calf at 6 weeks of age, calves from the late-separation group showed more intense social behaviour towards the unfamiliar calf than did those calves separated early. Thus, the response to separation by both cows and calves increased when calves were separated at 2 weeks rather than 1 day of age, but calves separated at the later age gained more weight and delayed separation appeared to influence the development of calf social behaviour.  相似文献   

The steroid testosterone (T) and neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) have each been implicated in the development of parental care in humans and animals, yet very little research addressed the interaction between these hormones at the transition to parenthood in mothers and fathers. One hundred and sixty mothers and fathers (80 couples) were visited 1 and 6 months after the birth of their first child, plasma OT and T were assayed at each time-point, and interactions between each parent and the infant were observed and micro-coded for two key parental behaviors; affectionate touch and parent-infant synchrony. T showed gender-specific effects. While paternal T was individually stable across the first six months of parenting and predicted lower father-infant synchrony, maternal T was neither stable nor predictive of maternal behavior. An interaction of OT and T showed that T has complex modulatory effects on the relations of OT and parenting. Slope analysis revealed that among fathers, only when T was high (+ 1SD), negative associations emerged between OT and father affectionate touch. In contrast, among mothers, the context of high T was related to a positive association between OT and maternal touch. Our findings, the first to test the interaction of OT and T in relation to observed maternal behavior, underscore the need for much further research on the complex bidirectional effects of steroid and neuropeptide systems on human mothering and fathering.  相似文献   

Mother-child adrenocortical synchrony, the coupling of cortisol (CT) secretion in mother and child, has been associated with shared parent-child experiences and maladaptive familial contexts. Yet, few studies tested adrenocortical synchrony in diurnal CT patterns. Guided by the bio-behavioral synchrony model, we examined whether mother-child relational behavior and maternal psychopathology may moderate the degree of concordance between mother and child's diurnal CT. Ninety-seven mothers and their six-year old children participated in two groups; mothers diagnosed with major depression disorder (N = 28) and non-depressed controls (N = 69). Mother-child interactions were observed and coded for dyadic reciprocity and dyadic tension and diurnal cortisol was collected from mother and child over two consecutive weekend days. Concordance between maternal and child's diurnal CT was found, significant above and beyond time of measurement. Maternal depression, while associated with attenuated child diurnal CT variability, was unrelated to adrenocortical synchrony. Higher child diurnal CT production predicted a stronger linkage between maternal and child's diurnal CT, suggesting that greater child physiological stress is associated with increased susceptibility to the influences of maternal stress physiology. Mother-child reciprocity was related to lower adrenocortical synchrony. Findings suggest that higher adrenocortical synchrony is associated with greater physiological stress and less adaptive dyadic relational patterns. Results raise the possibility that diurnal adrenocortical synchrony taps a unique aspect of HPA-axis functioning whose role in the cross-generational transfer of stress physiology requires further research.  相似文献   

Sucking duration in ungulates does not only mean milk transfer, but is also associated with maternal care in general. It seems to be a reflection of offspring demand rather than solely milk transfer rate. Thus, the objective of this study was to discriminate between sucking and allosucking (i.e. sucking non-maternal hind) behaviour in red deer according to the sucking duration.We hypothesized that: (1) calves should suck longer from their mothers than allosuck from non-maternal hinds; (2) sucking duration of calves frequently nursed by a particular non-maternal hind should be longer than that of calves occasionally allonursed; (3) sucking duration should be longer for bouts including one calf than two or more calves sucking simultaneously; (4) male calves should suck and allosuck longer than female calves; and (5) primiparous hinds should nurse and allonurse longer than multiparous hinds. We observed sucking behaviour of 25 hinds and their 38 calves (from birth until the youngest calf reached one month of age) in two seasons. We recorded 1730 sucking bouts, of which 11.62% in the first season and 4.37% in the second season were non-filial. The duration of filial sucking was significantly longer than non-filial sucking. A large individual variance in the incidence of non-filial sucking in both the calves and hinds was found. Therefore, the non-filial hind–calf pairs were categorized in two clusters according to the frequency of nursing non-filial calves for one hind in relationship to all nursing events for this hind by a cluster analysis (PROC CLUSTER, SAS). We used a general linear mixed model, GLMM (PROC MIXED, SAS) to test the influence of hind relationship to the nursed calf (filial, frequently allosucking non-filial, or occasionally allosucking non-filial pair). Sucking duration of occasionally allosucking non-filial calves was only marginally different from that of filial calves. There was no difference between the two groups of non-filial calves. Multiple sucking bouts were shorter than those with one calf. Male calves sucked longer than female calves; however, the greatest difference was recorded between frequently allosucking non-filial pairs of both sexes. Frequently allosucking non-filial males sucked the longest and differently from occasionally allosucking non-filial males. Frequently allosucking non-filial females sucked the shortest and differently from filial calves of both sexes. It is more likely that allosucking seems to be more important for male rather than female calves.Therefore, it is concluded that allosucking calves differ in their sucking behaviour and two types of allosuckers (frequent and occasional) should be taken into account when analyzing allosuckling behaviour.  相似文献   

The New York Zoological Society's captive-breeding program on St Catherine's Island, Georgia, includes a herd of sable antelope (Hippotragus niger). Two aspects of mother-infant interactions, nursing and hiding, are described herein. Three younger calves, up to 6 d of age, and three older calves, 8 to 50 d of age, were the subjects of focal-animal and continuous observations and instantaneous time-point samples. Two of the younger calves were born to multiparous cows. One cow was primiparous. Between the three calves, quantitative differences in nursing episodes were found in the mean duration (1.7–3.6 min), mean number per d (1.0–8.6 episodes), and mean total time per d (2.6–14.6 min). Despite these differences, all calves thrived. The multiparous cows exhibited a pattern described in captive and wild ungulates: approaching their calves prior to nursing before the calves emitted any response; and nursing their calves early and late in the day. The cows also exhibited nursing-time synchrony. Three instances of calves suckling younger calves' mothers are also described. Two new interpretations of the function of hiding behavior are offered: (1) If older calves exploit the inexperience of newborn calves by nursing from their mothers, then younger calves may benefit by hiding out of the view of other herd members. Hiding behavior may result from intercalf competition; and (2) if newborns vacillate between arousal-increasing and arousal-reducing activities, then “hider” species may hide to attain arousal-reduction.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify prognostic indicators of calf survival in SCNT-derived beef calves. Ultrasonographic parameters of fetal well-being and development, maternal clinical parameters, and neonatal parameters were evaluated as predictors of calf survival in cows carrying SCNT-derived beef fetuses (n = 38). Calf survival was 61.5% (88.2% female and 40.9% male calves; P = 0.0026). Cow respiratory rate and cow temperature were significantly greater in the nonsurviving (NS) group 1 week prepartum. In surviving (S) calves, fetal heart rate (FHR) decreased during the last 2 weeks of gestation (P < 0.01). However, this final deceleration was not observed in NS calves, resulting in higher FHRs in this group (P < 0.0001). Fetal movement and fluid scores did not differ with calf classification. Mean amniotic fluid depth was smaller in S (5.5 ± 0.7 cm) than NS (8.7 ± 1.4 cm) calves (P = 0.0398). However, mean allantoic fluid depth did not differ (P = 0.6120). There was a significant association between the body weight of calf and the diameter of the fetal aorta (P = 0.0115; r2 = 0.3762). Surviving calves were lighter at birth (P = 0.0028) and were born later (P = 0.007) than NS calves. Calves born vaginally had a smaller fetal aorta (2.1 ± 0.1 cm vaginal and 2.4 ± 0.1 cm Cesarean) (P = 0.0487) and a lighter birth weight (41.4 ± 4.2 kg vaginal and 60.4 ± 2.1 kg Cesarean) (P = 0.0001) than calves born by Cesarean. Also, calves that underwent spontaneous labor (52.2% S and 0% NS; P = 0.0029) had a lighter birth weight (44.9 ± 3.8 kg) than calves that did not initiate labor (61.6 ± 2.2 kg) (P = 0.0004). Frequent ultrasonographic fetal monitoring allowed identification of differences between S and NS calves. Calves without a final decrease in FHR or with a large aortic diameter were more likely to require a Cesarean because of failure to initiate labor or fetomaternal disproportion. Parameters of fetal well-being and development during the last 3 weeks of gestation were first described in SCNT-derived beef calves.  相似文献   

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