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Male gain curves describe the relationship between allocation to sperm production and male reproductive success and are central to models of sex allocation in hermaphrodites. Sperm competition is expected to result in more linear gains and select for increased allocation. We hypothesized that high sperm production in passively mating systems may also be the result of selection to enhance the ability to fertilize distant ova. Consequently, we explored the effect of distance on male gain curves in a free‐spawning colonial ascidian. The performance of focal males that varied in sperm production was assayed at three distances via microsatellite markers. An advection‐diffusion model was used to estimate sperm concentration gradients, to predict male reproductive gain integrated across multiple downstream females, and explore effects of hydrodynamic conditions. As distance increased, male reproductive success decreased and empirical gain curves became increasingly linear. Our model predicted that the expected net gain curve is relatively insensitive to variation in flow regime and will saturate much more slowly than if only a single, nearby distance is considered. Thus, high levels of sperm production may enhance fitness both in competitive situations and with increasing fertilization distance, highlighting the need to consider distance effects when evaluating gain curves.  相似文献   

Despite the functional and phyletic ubiquity of highly polymorphic genetic recognition systems, the evolution and maintenance of these remarkable loci remain an empirical and theoretical puzzle. Many clonal invertebrates use polymorphic genetic recognition systems to discriminate kin from unrelated individuals during behavioral interactions that mediate competition for space. Space competition may have been a selective force promoting the evolution of highly polymorphic recognition systems, or preexisting polymorphic loci may have been coopted for the purpose of mediating space competition. Ascidian species in the family Botryllidae have an allorecognition system in which fusion or rejection between neighboring colonies is controlled by allele-sharing at a single, highly polymorphic locus. The behavioral sequence involved in allorecognition varies in a species-specific fashion with some species requiring extensive intercolony tissue integration prior to the allorecognition response, while other species contact opposing colonies at only a few points on the outer surface before resolving space conflicts. Due to an apparent species-specific continuum of behavioral variation in the degree of intercolony tissue integration required for allorecognition, this system lends itself to a phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of an allorecognition system. We constructed a molecular phylogeny of the botryllids based on 18S rDNA sequence and mapped allorecognition behavioral variation onto the phylogeny. Our phylogeny shows the basal allorecognition condition for the group is the most internal form of the recognition reaction. More derived species show progressively more external allorecognition responses, and in some cases loss of some features of internal function. We suggest that external allorecognition appears to be a secondary function of a polymorphic discriminatory system that was already in place due to other selective pressures such as gamete, pathogen, or developmental cell lineage recognition.  相似文献   

The decline of tissue regenerative potential with the loss of stem cell function is a hallmark of mammalian aging. We study Botryllus schlosseri, a colonial chordate which exhibits robust stem cell-mediated regeneration capacities throughout life. Larvae, derived by sexual reproduction and chordate development, metamorphose to clonal founders that undergo weekly formation of new individuals by budding from stem cells. Individuals are transient structures which die through massive apoptosis, and successive buds mature to replicate an entire new body. As a result, their stem cells, which are the only self-renewing cells in a tissue, are the only cells which remain through the entire life of the genotype and retain the effects of time. During aging, a significant decrease in the colonies’ regenerative potential is observed and both sexual and asexual reproductions will eventually halt. When a parent colony is experimentally separated into a number of clonal replicates, they frequently undergo senescence simultaneously, suggesting a heritable factor that determines lifespan in these colonies. The availability of the recently published B. schlosseri genome coupled with its unique life cycle features promotes the use of this model organism for the study of the evolution of aging, stem cells, and mechanisms of regeneration.  相似文献   

Understanding adaptive evolution to differing environments requires studies of genetic variances, of natural selection, and of the genetic differentiation between populations. Plant physiological traits such as leaf size and water-use efficiency (the ratio of carbon gained per water lost) have been suggested by physiological plant ecologists to be important in local adaptation to environments differing in water availability. In this study, I raised families of Cakile edentula var lacustris derived from a wet-site population and a dry-site population in a common greenhouse environment to determine the degree of genetic differentiation between the two populations and the genetic architecture of the traits. The dry-site population had significantly smaller leaf size and significantly greater water-use efficiency than the wet-site population. I used a retrospective selection analysis to compare long-term selection inferred from these results to measures of phenotypic selection from a field experiment. Both direct measures in the field and the retrospective selection gradients were consistent with the hypothesis that greater water-use efficiency and smaller leaves were adaptive in drier environments. Though the correlation between population means for water-use efficiency and leaf size was negative, the genetic correlation within populations between water-use efficiency and leaf size was positive and thus would be expected to constrain the evolutionary response to selection.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory suggests that natural selection should synchronize senescence of reproductive and somatic systems. In some species, females show dramatic discordance in senescence rates in these systems, leading to a clear menopause coupled with prolonged postreproductive life span. The Mother Hypothesis proposes that menopause evolved to avoid higher reproductive‐mediated mortality risk in late‐life and ensure the survival of existing offspring. Despite substantial theoretical interest, the critical predictions of this hypothesis have never been fully tested in populations with natural fertility and mortality. Here, we provide an extensive test, investigating both short‐ and long‐term consequences of mother loss for offspring, using multigenerational demographic datasets of premodern Finns and Canadians. We found no support for the Mother Hypothesis. First, although the risk of maternal death from childbirth increased from middle age, the risk only reached 1–2% at age 50 and was predicted to range between 2% and 8% by 70. Second, offspring were adversely affected by maternal loss only in their first two years (i.e., preweaning), having reduced survival probability in early childhood as well as ultimate life span and fitness. Dependent offspring were not affected by maternal death following weaning, either in the short‐ or long‐term. We suggest that although mothers are required to ensure offspring survival preweaning in humans, maternal loss thereafter can be compensated by other family members. Our results indicate that maternal effects on dependent offspring are unlikely to explain the maintenance of menopause or prolonged postreproductive life span in women.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of circulatory blood cells from the colonial tunicateBotryllus schlosseri were cultivated in 96-well plates for up to 3 mo. in a medium based on Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium, supplemented with salts to the botryllid ascidian hemolymph osmolarity, HEPES buffer,l-glutamin, fetal bovine serum, and antibiotics. Intercellular bridges between granular pigment cells were established within 24 h. The viability of these cells decreased slowly, and most died within 1 mo. without any sign of cell proliferation. Other cell types remained in an arrested state and were subjected to a weekly medium exchange. Spontaneous cell proliferation was randomly recorded in 6 to 10% of the wells from 2 wk to 1 mo. This proliferation was followed by the formation of masses of cell clumps, from which uniform hemocytes (5 μm, lymphocytelike cells) migrated peripherally. Stress conditions, which included longer intervals between medium exchanges and partial medium replacement, increased the probability of cell proliferation. From each proliferating primary culture, we successfully performed up to 10 plating cycles over a period of 15 wk, during which the cells differentiate in size but are uniformly structured. This produced the firstBotryllus lymphocytelike cell line. From this stage, cell numbers remained constant for up to 6 mo. without increase in cell number. Several mitogenic factors were employed on primary cultures.Botryllus and sea cucumber hemolymphs and mixed interleukins were found to augment significantly proliferation of at least one specific cell size, whereas cells were not markedly responsive to lectins (Concavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin,Ulex europaeus agglutinin), insulin, and retinoic acid. The results are discussed with respect to future efforts in the development of tunicate blood cell cultures.  相似文献   

We propose a simple model for analyzing the effects of microenvironmental variation in quantitative genetics. Our model assumes that the sensitivity of the phenotype to fluctuations in microenvironment has a genetic basis and allows for genetic correlation between trait value and microenvironmental sensitivity. We analyze the effects of short-term stabilizing and directional selection on the genotypic and microenvironmental components of phenotypic variance. Our model predicts that stabilizing selection on a quantitative trait increases developmental canalization. We show that stabilizing selection can result in an increase in the heritability. Our findings may provide an explanation for the results of selection experiments in which artificial stabilizing selection did not change the heritability coefficient or increased it.  相似文献   

In theory, parasites can create time-lagged, frequency-dependent selection in their hosts, resulting in oscillatory gene-frequency dynamics in both the host and the parasite (the Red Queen hypothesis). However, oscillatory dynamics have not been observed in natural populations. In the present study, we evaluated the dynamics of asexual clones of a New Zealand snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, and its trematode parasites over a five-year period. During the summer of each year, we determined host-clone frequencies in random samples of the snail to track genetic changes in the snail population. Similarly, we monitored changes in the parasite population, focusing on the dominant parasite, Microphallus sp., by calculating the frequency of clones in samples of infected individuals from the same collections. We then compared these results to the results of a computer model that was designed to examine clone frequency dynamics for various levels of parasite virulence. Consistent with these simulations and with ideas regarding dynamic coevolution, parasites responded to common clones in a time-lagged fashion. Finally, in a laboratory experiment, we found that clones that had been rare during the previous five years were significantly less infectible by Microphallus when compared to the common clones. Taken together, these results confirm that rare host genotypes are more likely to escape infection by parasites; they also show that host-parasite interactions produce, in a natural population, some of the dynamics anticipated by the Red Queen hypothesis.  相似文献   

Host–parasite coevolution is often suggested as a mechanism for maintaining genetic diversity, but finding direct evidence has proven difficult. In the present study, we examine the process of coevolution using a freshwater New Zealand snail ( Potamopyrgus antipodarum ) and its common parasite (the sterilizing trematode, Microphallus sp.) Specifically, we test for changes in genotypic composition of clonal host populations in experimental populations evolving either with or without parasites for six generations. As predicted under the Red Queen model of coevolution, the initially most common host genotype decreased in frequency in the presence, but not the absence, of parasitism. Furthermore, the initially most common host genotype became more susceptible to infection by the coevolving parasite populations over the course of the experiment. These results are consistent with parasite-meditated selection leading to a rare advantage, and they indicate rapid coevolution at the genotypic level between a host and its parasite.  相似文献   

Male genitalia exhibit a taxonomically widespread pattern of rapid and divergent evolution. Sexual selection is generally believed to be responsible for these patterns of evolutionary divergence, although empirical support for the sexual selection hypothesis comes mainly from studies of insects. Here we show that sexual selection is responsible for an evolutionary divergence in baculum morphology among populations of house mice Mus domesticus. We sourced mice from three isolated populations known to be subject to differing strengths of postcopulatory sexual selection and bred them under common‐garden conditions. Mice from populations with strong postcopulatory sexual selection had bacula that were relatively thicker compared with mice from populations with weak selection. We used experimental evolution to determine whether these patterns of divergence could be ascribed to postcopulatory sexual selection. After 27 generations of experimental evolution, populations of mice subjected to postcopulatory sexual selection evolved bacula that were relatively thicker than populations subjected to enforced monogamy. Our data thereby provide evidence that postcopulatory sexual selection underlies an evolutionary divergence in the mammalian baculum and supports the hypothesis that sexual selection plays a general role in the evolution of male genital morphology across evolutionary diverse taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

The pattern of selection acting in nature on the chromosomal polymorphism of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii was investigated by comparing inversion and karyotypic frequencies through four different life-cycle stages: adult males, eggs, third-instar larvae, and immature adults. All population samples were obtained in June 1981 at an old Opuntia ficus-indica plantation near Carboneras, Spain. The analysis rests on several assumptions which are explicitly set forth and discussed. The results, if these assumptions prove true, indicate strong directional selection for larval viability acting on the second-chromosome karyotypes and also suggest selective differences in fecundity and longevity. Heterotic selection, however, cannot be ruled out for other fitness components such as male mating success. This kind of selection could be operating on the fourth-chromosome polymorphism as well. Some gene arrangements showed significant and opposite changes in frequency at different parts of the life cycle, thus demonstrating endocyclic selection.  相似文献   

This paper describes a path model for the analysis of phenotypic selection upon continuous morphological characters. The path-analysis model assumes that selection occurs on unmeasured general size and shape allometry factors that summarize linear relations among sets of ontogenetically, phylogenetically, or functionally related traits. An unmeasured factor for general size is considered the only aspect of morphometric covariance matrices for which there is an a priori biological explanation. Consequently, selection coefficients are derived for each measured character by holding constant only a general size factor, rather than by using multiple regression to adjust for the full covariance matrix. Fitness is treated as an unmeasured factor with loadings, representing directional selection coefficients, computed as the covariances of the size-adjusted characters with the measured fitness indicator. The magnitudes and signs of the selection coefficients, combined with biological insight, may suggest hypotheses of selection on one or more shape allometry factors. Hypotheses of selection on general size and shape allometry factors are evaluated through cycles of measurement, analysis, and experimentation, designed to refine the path diagram depicting the covariances among the measured characters, the measured indicator of fitness, and unmeasured factors for morphology and fitness. The path-analysis and multiple-regression models were applied to data from remeasurement of Lande and Arnold's (1983) pentatomid bugs and to Bumpus's (1899) data on house sparrows. The path analysis suggested the hypothesis that variation in bug survivorship was an expression of directional selection on wing loading. Bumpus's data are consistent with a hypothesis of stabilizing selection on general size in females and directional selection for small wing size relative to body size in males.  相似文献   

Notropis cornutus and N. chrysocephalus are two cyprinid fishes which hybridize extensively in the midwest. In this paper, statistical analysis was used to determine if the deficiency of Notropis cornutus × N. chrysocephalus hybrids can be attributed partly to selection against hybrids. Principal component analysis was used to construct a folded hybrid index (FHI) using morphological and electrophoretic characters which distinguish N. cornutus, N. chrysocephalus, and their hybrids. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test comparing mean FHI between successive age classes within cohorts and regression analysis of FHI on age supported the conclusion that hybrids are less fit than parentals in nature; however, this analysis did not include a test of selection at zygotic and larval life history stages or partial infertility of hybrids. Selection eliminated hybrids at a rate of 9.2% per year. Considering the intensity of selection and the age of hybridization, it is surprising that premating reproductive isolating mechanisms have not been perfected by selection against gametic wastage as predicted by classical speciation theory. It appears that the reinforcement of premating isolating mechanisms is an extremely slow process, if it occurs at all, despite apparently intense selection against hybrids.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed whether sexual selection against hybrids contributes to reproductive isolation between two sympatric stickleback species. The species are recently diverged and possibly in the final stages of speciation. Our aim was to find whether mating discrimination of the parental species selects against F1 hybrids, and what conditions are necessary for such sexual selection to operate. We used conservative no-choice laboratory trials with reproductively naive, lab-reared fish to measure female mating preferences. Females exhibited ranked preferences, preferring in order: conspecific, hybrid, then heterospecific males. However, intermediate attractiveness does not necessarily imply selection against hybrids: two-way ANOVAs suggested that limnetic, benthic, and hybrid males were statistically equivalent when averaged across females. Thus, this experiment found no evidence for a hybrid mating disadvantage. Our interpretation is that if sexual selection against hybrids is present in the wild, then some factor that biases encounter rates between hybrids and parental species (e.g., habitat selection) is necessary to produce it.  相似文献   

Initial characterization of a protochordate histocompatibility locus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The colonial protochordate, Botryllus schlosseri, undergoes a natural transplantation reaction which is controlled by a single, highly polymorphic locus called the Fu/HC. We are using map-based cloning to identify Fu/HC gene(s), and have currently delineated their location to an approximately 1-cM region of the B. schlosseri genome. The Fu/HC physical map currently consists of 85 sequence-tagged sites mapped on a minimum tiling path of 800 kb which consists of five contigs, with four gaps remaining to be crossed, and is estimated to be 75% completed. Approximately half this region has been sequenced throughout the locus, allowing the first analysis of a metazoan histocompatibility locus outside of vertebrates. This has resulted in the identification of 18 predicted genes, a number of which have been found to be expressed. Several of these genes are well conserved among the chordates; however, none of the predicted or expressed genes are linked within the genome of any organism in the databases. In addition, the Fu/HC is one of the most polymorphic loci ever described, and physical mapping has revealed that the locus is quite dynamic, and includes features such as hotspots of recombination.  相似文献   

Natural selection is known to produce convergent phenotypes through mimicry or ecological adaptation. It has also been proposed that social selection—i.e., selection exerted by social competition—may drive convergent evolution in signals mediating interspecific communication, yet this idea remains controversial. Here, we use color spectrophotometry, acoustic analyses, and playback experiments to assess the hypothesis of adaptive signal convergence in two competing nonsister taxa, Hypocnemis peruviana and H. subflava (Aves: Thamnophilidae). We show that the structure of territorial songs in males overlaps in sympatry, with some evidence of convergent character displacement. Conversely, nonterritorial vocal and visual signals in males are strikingly diagnostic, in line with 6.8% divergence in mtDNA sequences. The same pattern of variation applies to females. Finally, we show that songs in both sexes elicit strong territorial responses within and between species, whereas songs of a third, allopatric and more closely related species (H. striata) are structurally divergent and elicit weaker responses. Taken together, our results provide compelling evidence that social selection can act across species boundaries to drive convergent or parallel evolution in taxa competing for space and resources.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory is central to our understanding of the evolution of social behavior. By showing the importance of genetic transmission through nondescendent relatives, it helps to explain the evolution of reproductively altruistic behaviors, such as those observed in the social insects. Inclusive fitness thinking is quantified by Hamilton's rule, but Hamilton's rule has often been criticized for being inexact or insufficiently general. Here I show how adopting a genic perspective yields a very general version that remains pleasingly simple and transparent.  相似文献   

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