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1. Most woody plant species in tropical habitats are primarily vertebrate‐dispersed, but interactions between ants and fallen seeds and fruits are frequent. This study assesses the species‐specific services provided by ants to fallen arillate seeds of Siparuna guianensis, a primarily bird‐dispersed tree in cerrado savanna. The questions of which species interact with fallen seeds, their relative contribution (versus vertebrates) to seed removal, and the potential effects on seedling establishment are investigated. 2. Seeds are removed in similar quantities in caged and control treatments, suggesting that ants are the main dispersers on the ground. Five ant species attended seeds. Pheidole megacephala (≈0.4 cm) cooperatively transported seeds, whereas the smaller Pheidole sp. removed the seed aril on spot. Large (> 1.0 cm) Odontomachus chelifer, Pachycondyla striata, and Ectatomma edentatum individually carried seeds up to 4 m. Bits of aril are fed to larvae and intact seeds are discarded near the nest entrance. 3. Overall, greater numbers of seedlings were recorded near ant nests than in control plots without nests. This effect, however, was only detected near P. megacephala and P. striata nests, where soil penetrability was greater compared with controls. Soil nutrients did not differ between paired plots. 4. This study confirms the prevalence of ant–seed interactions in cerrado and shows that ant‐derived benefits are species‐specific. Ant services range from seed cleaning on the spot to seed displacement promoting non‐random spatial seedling recruitment. Although seed dispersal distances by ants are likely to be shorter than those by birds, our study of S. guianensis shows that fine‐scale ant‐induced seed movements may ultimately enhance plant regeneration in cerrado.  相似文献   

We surveyed the material collected for fungus culturing by attine ants in the cerrado vegetation of southeast Brazil. Six genera of the so-called lower attines (Cyphomyrmex, Mycetarotes, Mycocepurus, Myrmicocrypta, Sericomyrmex and Trachymyrmex) collect a wide variety of plant material as fungal substrate. Plant diaspores of nonmyrmecochorous species comprise a large portion of the items brought to the nest, especially in the rainy season. Removal experiments using fruits of selected plant species revealed that attine ants (including the leaf-cutters Atta and Acromyrmex) not only actively clean the seeds (remove fruit pulp), but also carry them up to 12 m in the cerrado. Germination tests showed that removal of fruit pulp by attine ants increases germination rate in Ocotea pulchella (Lauraceae), Prunus sellowii (Rosaceae), Ouratea spectabilis (Ochnaceae), Rapanea umbellata (Myrsinaceae) and Psychotria stachyoides (Rubiaceae). For P. stachyoides, however, ants had no effect on germination if seeds had already passed the digestive tract of birds. Aril removal by attines also increases germination success of Copaifera langsdorffii (Leguminosae) and Virola sebifera (Myristicaceae) seeds. The results indicate that attine-fruit/seed interactions are particularly conspicuous in the cerrado, suggesting that fungus-growing ants may play a relevant role in fruit/seed biology in this vegetation type. Potential ant-derived benefits to diaspores of nonmyrmecochorous plants in the cerrado would include secondary seed dispersion and/or increased germination success by ant-handled seeds.  相似文献   

  • Although the production of extranuptial nectar is a common strategy of indirect defence against herbivores among tropical plants, the presence of extranuptial nectaries in reproductive structures is rare, especially in ant‐plants. This is because the presence of ants in reproductive organs can generate conflicts between the partners, as ants can inhibit the activity of pollinators or even castrate their host plants. Here we evaluate the hypothesis that the ant‐plant Miconia tococa produces nectar in its petals which attracts ants and affects fruit set.
  • Floral buds were analysed using anatomical and histochemical techniques. The frequency and behaviour of floral visitors were recorded in field observations. Finally, an ant exclusion experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of ant presence on fruit production.
  • The petals of M. tococa have a secretory epidermis that produces sugary compounds. Nectar production occurred during the floral bud stage and attracted 17 species of non‐obligate ants (i.e. have a facultative association with ant‐plants). Ants foraged only on floral buds, and thus did not affect the activity of pollinators in the neighbouring open flowers. The presence of ants in the inflorescences increased fruit production by 15%.
  • To our knowledge, the production of extranuptial nectar in the reproductive structures of a myrmecophyte is very rare, with few records in the literature. Although studies show conflicts between the partners in the ant–plant interaction, ants that forage on M. tococa floral buds protect the plant against floral herbivores without affecting bee pollination.

The fire avoidance hypothesis proposes that a benefit of seed dispersal by ants (myrmecochory) is to protect seeds from being killed during fire and to facilitate post‐fire germination of seeds that require heat shock to break their physical dormancy. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of fire and seed burial by a predominant seed‐dispersing ant, Rhytidoponera metallica (subfamily: Ectatomminae) on germination levels of three ant‐dispersed legume species (Pultenaea daphnoides, Acacia myrtifolia and Acacia pycnantha). Experimental burial of seeds within aluminium cans at a site prior to being burnt and at an adjacent unburnt site showed that fire increased germination levels, particularly for seeds buried at 1‐ and 2‐cm deep and that overall, germination levels differed among the three plant species. To quantify seed burial depths and post‐fire germination levels facilitated by R. metallica ants, seeds were fed to colonies prior to fire at the burnt and unburnt sites. Of the seeds buried within nests that were recovered, between 45% and 75% occurred within the upper 6 cm of the soil profile, although unexpectedly, greater percentages of seeds were recovered from the upper 0–2 cm of nests in the unburnt site compared with nests in the burnt site. Germination levels of buried seeds associated with R. metallica nests ranged from 21.2% to 29.5% in the burnt site compared with 3.1–14.8% in the unburnt site. While increased seed germination levels were associated with R. metallica nests following fire, most seeds were buried at depths below those where optimal temperatures for breaking seed dormancy occurred during the fire. We suggest that R. metallica ants may provide fire avoidance benefits to myrmecochorous seeds by burying them at a range of depths within a potential germination zone defined by intra‐ and inter‐fire variation in levels of soil heating.  相似文献   

The study of nematodes parasitizing native plants plays a crucial role in understanding plant–pathogen interactions. In the present study we describe the patterns of attack by an undescribed species of Ditylenchus occurring in Miconia albicans (Melastomataceae), a widespread, native shrub from the Brazilian cerrado. We also tested the hypothesis that nematode‐induced leaf galls negatively correlate to host plant performance and that gall density is a function of host plant density. We collected paired healthy and attacked shoots from 28 individuals of M. albicans and estimated the leaf area lost to nematode‐induced galls in up to 10 leaves per shoot. We analyzed the relationships between leaf area lost to nematode galls and reproductive traits. Nematode attack levels were also compared to the spatial distribution of the host plant. Inflorescence length and fruit production were significantly reduced in attacked shoots compared with healthy shoots. Seeds from attacked shoots showed no significant reduction in germinability or germination time when compared with seeds collected from healthy shoots. Gall density was positively correlated with host density. Despite being seldom studied in tropical ecosystems, nematodes may play an important role in plant fitness and in structuring tropical communities.  相似文献   

We investigate the ant fauna associated with the Neotropical treehopper, Guayaquila xiphias, on shrubs of Didymopanax vinosum in the cerrado (savanna) of SE Brazil. Treehoppers infested plants at the border of the cerrado almost exclusively and preferably fed near the apical meristem. During the reproductive phase of the host plant, however, the vast majority of the treehoppers aggregated on the inflorescences. We found 21 ant species harvesting honeydew at G. xiphias aggregations, the most frequent being Camponotus rufipes, Ectatomma edentatum, C. crassus, and C. renggeri. Such a taxonomic diversity of ants tending G. xiphias aggregations in the cerrado is far greater than that reported for any other ant-homopteran system. Daily turnover of ant species at a given treehopper aggregation was observed on 29 percent (64 out of 222) of the G. xiphias aggregations recorded on D. vinosum shrubs. Species replacements probably reflect distinct humidity and temperature ranges tolerated by the species, and may ultimately reduce interspecific competition at homopteran aggregations. Since predation and parasitism on G. xiphias can be severe, and tending ants protect the homopterans against predators and parasitoids, the round-the-clock activity by ants at G. xiphias aggregations is regarded as crucial for the survival of these treehoppers in the cerrado.  相似文献   

A positive interaction is any interaction between individuals of the same or different species (mutualism) that provides a benefit to both partners such as increased fitness. Here we focus on seed dispersal mutualism between an animal (bonobo, Pan paniscus) and a plant (velvet tamarind trees, Dialium spp.). In the LuiKotale rainforest southwest of Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, seven species of the genus Dialium account for 29.3% of all trees. Dialium is thus the dominant genus in this forest. Dialium fruits make up a large proportion of the diet of a habituated bonobo community in this forest. During the 6 months of the fruiting season, more than half of the bonobos’ feeding time is devoted to Dialium fruits. Furthermore, Dialium fruits contribute a considerable proportion of sugar and protein to bonobos’ dietary intake, being among the richest fruits for these nutrients. Bonobos in turn ingest fruits with seeds that are disseminated in their feces (endozoochory) at considerable distances (average: 1.25 km after 24 hr of average transit time). Endozoochory through the gut causes loss of the cuticle protection and tegumentary dormancy, as well as an increase in size by water uptake. Thus, after gut passage, seeds are better able to germinate. We consider other primate species as a potential seed disperser and conclude that Dialium germination is dependent on passage through bonobo guts. This plant–animal interaction highlights positive effects between two major organisms of the Congo basin rainforest, and establishes the role of the bonobo as an efficient disperser of Dialium seeds. Am. J. Primatol. 75:394‐403, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Some interactions previously described as mutualistic were revealed to be commensal or parasitic in subsequent investigations. Ant‐mediated seed dispersal has been described as a mutualism for more than a century; however, recent research suggests that it may be commensal or parasitic. Plants demonstrably benefit from ant‐mediated seed dispersal, although there is little evidence available to demonstrate that the interaction benefits long‐term ant fitness. 2. Field experiments were conducted in temperate North America focused on a key seed‐dispersing ant. All herbaceous plants were removed from a forest understorey for 13 years, and supplemented ant colonies with large elaiosome‐bearing seeds aiming to examine potential long‐ and short‐term myrmecochorous plant benefits for the ants. 3. If elaiosome‐bearing seeds benefit ants, suggesting a mutualistic relationship, it is expected that there would be greater worker and/or alate abundance and greater fat reserves (colony lipid content) with seed supplementation (short‐term) and in areas with high understorey herb abundance. 4. Short‐term seed supplementation of ant colonies did not result in an increase with respect to numbers or fat stores, although it did prompt the production of colony sexuals, which is a potential fitness benefit. In the long term, however, there was no positive effect on the ants and, instead, there were negative effects because the removal of elaiosome‐bearing plants corresponded with greater colony health. 5. The data obtained in the present study suggest that the ant–plant interaction ranged from occasionally beneficial to neutral to overall negative for the ant partner. Such results did not support considering the interaction as a mutualism. Collectively, the data suggest the need to reconsider the nature of the relationship between these ants and plants.  相似文献   

The multi‐scale spatial match between bird and food abundances is a main driver of the structure of fruit‐eating bird assemblages. We explored how the activity of fruit‐eating birds was influenced by the abundance of fruits at the local and landscape scales in Andean mountain forests during the breeding season, when most birds forage close to their nest. We measured: (1) the spatial scale of variation in the abundance of fruits, (2) the spatial scale of variation in the activity of fruit‐eating birds, and (3) the spatial match between both variables. The sampling design consisted of eleven 1.2‐ha sites, each subdivided into 30 cells of 20 × 20 m, where we sampled fruits and fruit‐eating birds. We found that fruit consumption, and to a lesser extent bird abundance, were associated with local spatial variation in abundance of selected fruit species. However, fruit‐eating birds did not modify their spatial distribution in the landscape following changes in availability of these fruits. Our study shows that fruit‐eating birds detect local spatial variation in fruit availability in their home breeding ranges, and exploit patches with large clusters of selected fruits. However, it may be unprofitable for breeding birds to stray too far from their nests to exploit fruit‐rich patches, accounting for the absence of fruit tracking at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

Herbivory has been identified as a potent evolutionary force, but its ecological impacts have been frequently underestimated. Leaf‐cutting ants represent one of the most important herbivores of the Neotropics and offer an interesting opportunity to address the role played by herbivorous insects through a perspective that embraces population‐ to ecosystem‐level effects. Here we: (1) qualitatively summarize the multiple ways leaf‐cutting ants interact with food plants and their habitats and elucidate the ultimate outcome of such interactions at multiple organization levels; (2) update our understanding of leaf‐cutting ant‐promoted disturbance regimes; and (3) examine potential ecological roles by leaf‐cutting ants within the context of human‐modified landscapes to guide future research agendas. First, we find that leaf‐cutting ants show that some herbivorous insects are able to generate ecologically important disturbance regimes via non‐trophic activities. Second, impacts of leaf‐cutting ants can be observed at multiple spatio‐temporal scales and levels of biological organization. Third, ecosystem‐level effects from leaf‐cutting ants are ecosystem engineering capable not only of altering the abundance of other organisms, but also the successional trajectory of vegetation. Finally, effects of leaf‐cutting ants are context‐dependent, species‐specific, and synergistically modulated by anthropogenic interferences. Future research should examine how leaf‐cutting ants respond to deforestation and influence remaining vegetation in human‐modified landscapes. By promoting either heterogeneity or homogeneity, leaf‐cutting ants operate not only as agricultural pests but also as ecological key players.  相似文献   

We studied the seed predation and scatter‐hoarding behaviour of Azara's agoutis Dasyprocta azarae (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) in relation to the seeds of the Brazilian ‘pine’, Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae), the rodent's main winter food source. We compared seed‐removal rates, seed‐caching rates, cache distances and recovery rates between a summer period of food abundance (with a low demand for A. angustifolia seeds and no such seeds naturally available) and a winter period of food scarcity (with a high demand for A. angustifolia seeds). We investigated whether the relative seed value affected the rodent's seed‐handling behaviour. We predicted that during the high seed‐demand period (winter): (1) cache distances would be greater; (2) fewer seeds would be stored; (3) more seeds would be recovered and the seed‐recovery time would be lower. In support of our first two predictions, the caching distances were greater in winter (mean ± SE = 15.67 ± 5.11 m) than in summer (9.40 ± 1.59 m), and agoutis hoarded >9 times more seeds in summer (55) than in winter (6). Our third prediction was not supported, and the proportion of unrecovered caches and buried seed recovery times did not differ between winter (mean ± SE = 3.00 ± 0.00 days, n = 5 seeds) and summer (11.05 ± 3.68 days, n = 20 seeds). The high resource density (during summer) rather than the density of A. angustifolia seeds likely influenced seed fate. Agoutis acted mainly as predators, leaving few intact seeds, caching a low proportion of handled seeds (? 8%) and rapidly consuming the caches. Agoutis may cache seeds to keep them safe from competitors on a short‐term basis rather than maintaining medium‐ or long‐term reserves for use during food‐scarcity periods.  相似文献   

1. Energy fluxes between ants and plants have been a focal point for documenting mutualistic behaviour. Plants can provide resources to ants through the production of extrafloral nectaries. In exchange, ants can fertilise plants through their nutrient‐ and microbe‐rich refuse. 2. Here, we test a potential facultative mutualism between the carton‐nesting canopy ant, Azteca trigona, and their host trees. Through observational and experimental approaches, this study documents how nutrient transfer provides a basis for this beneficial ant–plant relationship. 3. In a greenhouse experiment, fertilisation with sterilised refuse (i.e. nutrients only) increased seedling growth three‐fold, while the refuse with its natural microbial community increased growth 11‐fold. 4. Total root density was doubled in refuse piles compared with the surrounding area in situ. On average, refuse provides host trees and the surrounding plant community with access to a > 800% increase in N, P and K relative to leaf litter. 5. Azteca trigona preferentially nests in trees with extrafloral nectaries and on large, longer‐lived tree species. 6. Given the nutrient‐poor nature of the Neotropics, host trees probably experience significant benefits from refuse fertilisation. Conversely, A. trigona benefit from long‐term stable structural support for nests and access to nutrient‐rich extrafloral nectaries. Without clear costs to either A. trigona or host trees, it is proposed that these positive interactions are preliminary evidence of a facultative mutualism.  相似文献   

Abstract. Wooded meadows on the Baltic Island of Öland result from traditional agricultural management over centuries which has led to a species‐rich vegetation with high species diversity. Today, nearly all of these meadows have been abandoned and became rapidly overgrown by deciduous shrub and tree species forming a closed canopy which resulted in a rapid and strong decrease in species numbers of the herb layer. Recent efforts aim to restore overgrown wooded meadows by cutting single shrubs and trees to open the canopy. However, the effects of abandonment as well as of any restoration management in wooded meadows have rarely been documented until now. Mechanisms driving succession after restoration such as the dispersal potential of the respective species over time and space have not been analysed yet. Therefore, a chronosequence was studied which included a traditionally managed wooded meadow, an overgrown meadow which has been abandoned for more than 100 yr and a meadow which was restored 36 yr ago by cutting and is now grazed. We analysed the soil seed bank of the 3 meadows in comparison with the established vegetation and endozoochorous seed dispersal by cattle and sheep. After abandonment 87% of the typical grassland species vanished from the established vegetation and were replaced by species characteristic of woodland and disturbed grassland communities. The mean number of species decreased from 52 species per plot (4 m2) to 18 species. Mean species number and number of seeds in the seed bank declined significantly from the traditionally managed to the overgrown meadow. Most of the grassland species were assigned to a transient seed bank type while only 1/3 could be classified as having a short‐term persistent seed bank. Thus, restoration of wooded meadows cannot rely on the soil seed bank. Endozoochorous seed dispersal by cattle and sheep was shown for 15% of the species with seed densities per 100 g air dried dung of 737 and 767, respectively. Movement of animals between ancient and restored wooded meadows is recommended since many of the species only occurred in low densities and therefore, will probably not be found in the dung samples.  相似文献   

Understanding differences in the components of life‐cycle stages of species between their native and introduced ranges can provide insights into the process of species transitioning from introduction to naturalization and invasion. We examined reproductive variables of the germination (seed predation, seed viability, time to germination), seed output (crown projection, seed production, seed weight) and dispersal (seed weight, dispersal investment) stages of five woody Fabaceae species, comparing native and introduced ranges. We predicted that each species would differ in reproductive variables of at least one life‐cycle stage between their native and introduced ranges, thus allowing us to determine the life‐cycle stage most associated with invasion success in the introduced range. Acacia melanoxylon and Paraserianthes lophantha had reduced seed predation in their introduced ranges while P. lophantha also had higher seed viability indicating that the germination life‐cycle stage is most strongly associated with their invasion success in the introduced range. Only Acacia longifolia varied between ranges for the seed output stage due to larger plant size, greater seed production and smaller seed size in its introduced range. Similar to A. longifolia, Acacia cyclops had smaller seed size in its introduced range but did not have any other variable differences between ranges suggesting that the dispersal stage is best associated with its invasion success in the introduced range. Surprisingly, Acacia saligna was the only species without a clear life‐cycle stage difference between ranges despite it being one of the more invasive acacia species in Australia. Although we found clear differences in reproductive variables associated with life‐cycle stages between native and introduced ranges of these five species, these differences were largely species‐specific. This suggests that a species invasion strategy into a novel environment is complex and varies among species depending on the environmental context, phenotypic plasticity and genotypic variation in particular traits.  相似文献   

Little is known about antiherbivore defenses in non‐myrmecophyte Cecropia trees. We compare two non‐myrmecophyte CecropiaCecropia sciadophylla and Cecropia tacuna—with Cecropia membranacea, a myrmecophyte. High levels of chemical defenses in young leaves and physical toughness of mature leaves compensate for the absence of mutualistic ants in C. sciadophylla. Some C. tacuna trees produce trichilia and Müllerian bodies suggesting it has lost a mutualism with ants.  相似文献   

Plant–plant interspecific competition via pollinators occurs when the flowering seasons of two or more plant species overlap and the pollinator fauna is shared. Negative sexual interactions between species (reproductive interference) through improper heterospecific pollen transfer have recently been reported between native and invasive species demonstrating pollination‐driven competition. We focused on two native Impatiens species (I. noli‐tangere and I. textori) found in Japan and examined whether pollinator‐mediated plant competition occurs between them. We demonstrate that I. noli‐tangere and I. textori share the same pollination niche (i.e., flowering season, pollinator fauna, and position of pollen on the pollinator's body). In addition, heterospecific pollen grains were deposited on most stigmas of both I. noli‐tangere and I. textori flowers that were situated within 2 m of flowers of the other species resulting in depressed fruit set. Further, by hand‐pollination experiments, we show that when as few as 10% of the pollen grains are heterospecific, fruit set is decreased to less than half in both species. These results show that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs between I. noli‐tangere and I. textori. This study suggests that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs in the wild even when interacting species are both native and not invasive.  相似文献   

For hundreds of millions of years, large vertebrates (megafauna) have inhabited most of the ecosystems on our planet. During the late Quaternary, notably during the Late Pleistocene and the early Holocene, Earth experienced a rapid extinction of large, terrestrial vertebrates. While much attention has been paid to understanding the causes of this massive megafauna extinction, less attention has been given to understanding the impacts of loss of megafauna on other organisms with whom they interacted. In this review, we discuss how the loss of megafauna disrupted and reshaped ecological interactions, and explore the ecological consequences of the ongoing decline of large vertebrates. Numerous late Quaternary extinct species of predators, parasites, commensals and mutualistic partners were associated with megafauna and were probably lost due to their strict dependence upon them (co‐extinctions). Moreover, many extant species have megafauna‐adapted traits that provided evolutionary benefits under past megafauna‐rich conditions, but are now of no or limited use (anachronisms). Morphological evolution and behavioural changes allowed some of these species partially to overcome the absence of megafauna. Although the extinction of megafauna led to a number of co‐extinction events, several species that likely co‐evolved with megafauna established new interactions with humans and their domestic animals. Species that were highly specialized in interactions with megafauna, such as large predators, specialized parasites, and large commensalists (e.g. scavengers, dung beetles), and could not adapt to new hosts or prey were more likely to die out. Partners that were less megafauna dependent persisted because of behavioural plasticity or by shifting their dependency to humans via domestication, facilitation or pathogen spill‐over, or through interactions with domestic megafauna. We argue that the ongoing extinction of the extant megafauna in the Anthropocene will catalyse another wave of co‐extinctions due to the enormous diversity of key ecological interactions and functional roles provided by the megafauna.  相似文献   

On the forest floor of two Atlantic forest sites in southeast Brazil, we recorded 26 ant species (12 genera) interacting with the seeds of Cabralea canjerana (Meliaceae), a typical ornithochorous tree whose seeds are covered by a lipid-rich aril. The ants treat the arillate seeds in three different ways: (1) the large ponerine ants Pachycondyla striata and Odontomachus chelifer individually remove the seeds to their nests, (2) many species (Pheidole spp.) recruit workers to remove the aril on the spot, or (3) Solenopsis spp. recruit nestmates and cover the seeds with soil before removing the aril on the spot. The ants remove the aril exceptionally rapidly, and removal greatly facilitates seed germination. Seed predation by insects below fruiting trees is severe, and field experiments using vertebrate exclosures showed that rodents also prey heavily upon seeds found near parent trees. Ponerine ants actively remove seeds from this predation-prone zone. By removing bird-manipulated and naturally fallen seeds, ants can play a key role in the fate of medium-sized seeds like those of C. canjerana.  相似文献   

1. The impact of herbivores on plant fitness depends on multiple ecological mechanisms, including interactions between herbivore guilds. 2. This study assessed the effects of a specialist aphid (Aphis echinaceae) on performance and foliar herbivore damage of a long‐lived perennial plant (Echinacea angustifolia) native to the North American tallgrass prairie. A 2‐year field experiment manipulating aphid infestation on 100 plants was compared with concurrent and past observations of unmanipulated plants in the same outdoor experimental plot. Because ants co‐occur with aphids, the experiment tested the combined effects of aphids and ants. 3. Neither manipulated nor naturally‐occurring aphid infestations led to measurable declines in plant performance. Results for foliar herbivore damage differed between experimental and observational studies: the occurrence of foliar herbivore damage decreased with aphid infestation in the first year of the experiment and increased with aphid infestation over 5 years in unmanipulated plants. 4. While the experimental results concur with other experiments of ant–hemipteran–herbivore relationships, the observational results suggest that ant–aphid interactions do not naturally play a major role in determining patterns of foliar herbivory in this system. This result demonstrates the value of using field observations to interpret the relevance of experimental results.  相似文献   

Large‐seeded plants are especially vulnerable to the loss of seed dispersers in small forest fragments. The palm Attalea humilis goes against this trend by reaching high abundances in small remnants. Productivity, seed dispersal and seed predation of A. humilis were investigated in two large (2400 and 3500 ha) and three small (19, 26 and 57 ha) Atlantic Forest fragments in southeastern Brazil. Palms in the small fragments produced more female inflorescences, resulting in a higher fruit production in these places. Seed dispersal rates were higher in the large fragments, where scatter hoarding was more frequent. Scolytine beetles were the main seed predators and damaged a larger number of seeds in small fragments, but predation by rodents and bruchine beetles was low irrespective of fragment size. As scolytines do not necessarily kill the seeds, low predation by bruchines and rodents, together with its own high productivity, allow A. humilis to be more abundant in small fragments despite the scarcity of its main dispersers. This increased abundance, by its turn, can increase competitive interactions between A. humilis and other plants in small fragments. Thus, abundance patterns of A. humilis are a good example of fragmentation affecting the balance of ecological interactions in a complex way, emphasizing the role of preserving ecological processes for conserving biodiversity in fragmented tropical landscapes. Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

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