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Reduced-impact logging (RIL) is known to be beneficial in biodiversity conservation, but its effects on tree diversity remain unknown. Pattern of tree diversity following disturbance usually varies with spatial scale of sampling (i.e., plot size). We examined the impacts of RIL on species richness and community composition of tree species at different spatial scales, and the scale (plot size) dependency of the two metrics; species richness versus community similarity. One 2-ha and three to four 0.2-ha plots were established in each of primary, RIL, and conventionally logged (CL) forest in Sabah, Malaysia. Species richness (the number of species per unit number of stems) was higher in the RIL than in the CL forest at both scales. The relationship between species richness and logging intensity varied with plot size. Species richness was greater in the RIL than in the primary forest at the 2-ha scale, while it was similar between the two forests at 0.2-ha scale. Similarly, species richness in the CL forest demonstrated a greater value at the 2-ha scale than at the 0.2-ha scale. Greater species richness in the two logged forests at the 2-ha scale is attributable to a greater probability of encountering the species-rich, small patches that are distributed heterogeneously. Community composition of the RIL forest more resembled that of the primary forest than that of the CL forest, regardless of plot size. Accordingly, species richness is a scale-dependent metric, while community similarity is a more robust metric to indicate the response of tree assemblage to anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

Species are predicted to shift their distributions upslope or poleward in response to global warming. This prediction is supported by a growing number of studies documenting species migrations in temperate systems but remains poorly tested for tropical species, and especially for tropical plant species. We analyzed changes in tree species composition in a network of 10 annually censused 1‐ha plots spanning an altitudinal gradient of 70–2800 m elevation in Costa Rica. Specifically, we combined plot data with herbarium records (accessed through GBIF) to test if the plots' community temperature scores (CTS, average thermal mean of constituent species weighted by basal area) have increased over the past decade as is predicted by climate‐driven species migrations. In addition, we quantified the contributions of stem growth, recruitment, and mortality to the observed patterns. Supporting our a priori hypothesis of upward species migrations, we found that there have been consistent directional shifts in the composition of the plots, such that the relative abundance of lowland species, and hence CTS, increased in 90% of plots. The rate of the observed compositional shifts corresponds to a mean thermal migration rate (TMR) of 0.0065 °C yr?1 (95% CI = 0.0005–0.0132 °C yr?1). While the overall TMR is slower than predicted based on concurrent regional warming of 0.0167 °C yr?1, migrations were on pace with warming in 4 of the 10 plots. The observed shifts in composition were driven primarily by mortality events (i.e., the disproportionate death of highland vs. lowland species), suggesting that individuals of many tropical tree species will not be able to tolerate future warming and thus their persistence in the face of climate change will depend on successful migrations. Unfortunately, in Costa Rica and elsewhere, land area inevitably decreases at higher elevations; hence, even species that are able to migrate successfully will face heightened risks of extinction.  相似文献   

Aim Climate warming and increased wildfire activity are hypothesized to catalyse biogeographical shifts, reducing the resilience of fire‐prone forests world‐wide. Two key mechanisms underpinning hypotheses are: (1) reduced seed availability in large stand‐replacing burn patches, and (2) reduced seedling establishment/survival after post‐fire drought. We tested for regional evidence consistent with these mechanisms in an extensive fire‐prone forest biome by assessing post‐fire tree seedling establishment, a key indicator of forest resilience. Location Subalpine forests, US Rocky Mountains. Methods We analysed post‐fire tree seedling establishment from 184 field plots where stand‐replacing forest fires were followed by varying post‐fire climate conditions. Generalized linear mixed models tested how establishment rates varied with post‐fire drought severity and distance to seed source (among other relevant factors) for tree species with contrasting post‐fire regeneration adaptations. Results Total post‐fire tree seedling establishment (all species combined) declined sharply with greater post‐fire drought severity and with greater distance to seed sources (i.e. the interior of burn patches). Effects varied among key species groups. For conifers that dominate present‐day subalpine forests (Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa), post‐fire seedling establishment declined sharply with both factors. One exception was serotinous Pinus contorta, which did not vary with either factor. For montane species expected to move upslope under future climate change (Larix occidentalis, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Populus tremuloides) and upper treeline species (Pinus albicaulis), establishment was unrelated to either factor. Greater post‐fire tree seedling establishment on cooler/wetter aspects suggested local topographic refugia during post‐fire droughts. Main conclusions If future drought and wildfire patterns manifest as expected, post‐fire tree seedling establishment of species that currently characterize subalpine forests could be substantially reduced. Compensatory increases from lower montane and upper treeline species may partially offset these reductions, but our data suggest important near‐ to mid‐term shifts in the composition and structure of high‐elevation forests under continued climate warming and increased wildfire activity.  相似文献   

1. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the structure of multi-species assemblages. Among these, abiotic environmental factors and biotic processes are often favoured. Several recent studies examining anuran communities identified environmental factors to be only of minor importance in the composition of leaf-litter and canopy assemblages in pristine forests. Instead, spatial effects and spatially structured environments were considered more important. 2. In this study, we investigated whether these findings could also be confirmed for very heterogeneous stream habitats in the primary rainforest of the Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei Darussalam. We thus investigated anuran assemblage compositions on 50 stream sites with regard to environmental and spatial influences. 3. Cross-product correlations indicated that both factors (spatial and environmental parameters) determined assemblage composition of anurans. Environment itself may be spatially structured, yet this interrelation did not contribute to the explainable variation of frog community compositions within the study area. 4. Detailed analyses of the environmental parameters with nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed that community structure was mostly affected by three major environmental characters: stream turbidity, river size and the density of understorey vegetation. Based on these habitat characteristics, we assigned species to three distinct habitat guilds. 5. The results underline the importance of riparian habitat heterogeneity in pristine forests in structuring anuran assemblages. We conclude that different anuran assemblages, that is, leaf litter, canopy and stream communities, follow different assemblage rules and thus are not directly comparable.  相似文献   

Abstract The impacts of prescribed burning and timber harvesting on species diversity have been the subject of considerable debate. The temporal and spatial scale of these disturbances often presents major limitations to many studies. Here we present the medium‐term results of a planned long‐term study examining the impacts of logging and prescribed burning on the understorey floristic richness in shrubby dry sclerophyll forest in the south‐east of New South Wales, Australia. Generalized estimating equations were used to model the effect of environmental factors and disturbance variables on species richness at the coupe (~30 ha) and plot (~0.01 ha) scale. At the plot scale, fire effects on separate components of the vegetation were broadly consistent with other studies, with frequent fire resulting in a relative increase of species richness for species less than 1 m in height and a decline of larger species taller than this height. At the coupe scale, there was no decline in richness of larger shrub species, possibly owing to the spatial heterogeneity of fire frequency at this scale. Logging resulted in significantly greater species richness in the shrub layer, but had no significant effect on species richness in the ground layer. During the study period, there was a general decline in plant species richness at both coupe and plot scales which occurred independently of imposed management regimes. This is thought to be related to a natural succession following wildfire, and may be due to the absence of high‐intensity fire in the study area since 1973, or to an effect related to season of burning.  相似文献   

Question: In November 2000, Chusquea culeou, a bamboo species dominating Andean forest understories in southern Argentina and Chile, massively flowered and died over a north‐south distance of ca. 120 km. Because bamboo is the major forage for large herbivores in these forests, we examined the interactive influences of the bamboo die‐off and herbivory by introduced cattle on understory and tree regeneration. Location: Lanín National Park, Argentina. Methods: Permanent plots, in and outside livestock exclosures, were installed in a Nothofagus dombeyi forest in patches of flowered and non‐flowered C. culeou. Plots were monitored over four years for changes in understory composition and tree seedling densities and heights. Results: After the C. culeou die‐off, new establishment of N. dombeyi was low, both with and without herbivory. Livestock alone directly increased N. dombeyi seedling mortality through physical damage. However, tree seedling browse ratings and height growth were interactively affected by bamboo flowering and herbivory; unfenced plots in flowered bamboo patches had the shortest seedlings, highest browse ratings, and lowest tree seedling annual growth rates. Understory cover was higher where livestock were excluded, and this effect was intensified in the patches of flowered bamboo. Neither herbivory nor bamboo flowering resulted in major changes in species composition, with the exception of Alstroemeria aurea. Conclusion: Effects of livestock on N. dombeyi regeneration were contingent on flowering of C. culeou. Prior to introduction of livestock, N. dombeyi regeneration was probably successful beneath canopy gaps during windows of opportunity following bamboo die‐off, but now livestock impede tree regeneration. Herbivory during bamboo withering periods also produces more open understories, particularly affecting palatable heliophyllous herb species such as Alstroemeria aurea. The results underscore the importance of assessing herbivore impacts on tree regeneration during relatively short periods of potential tree regeneration immediately following rare bamboo flowering and die‐off.  相似文献   

In forest systems, drought acts as a disturbance that can generate impacts on community structure and composition at multiple scales. This study focused on a 2-month drought event within an early successional forest system to determine the mechanism(s) of community response to, and recovery from, drought. Drought induced a 28% decline in neighborhood species richness and cover as a result of decreased colonization and increased extinction rates. Following drought, neighborhood richness quickly recovered via increased colonization rates while extinction rates were unaltered. Drought had little long-term effect on neighborhood structure (species richness and cover) and generated only subtle changes in neighborhood composition. Ruderal (annual and biennial) species were more likely to change (increase or decrease) in cover and frequency than the more stress tolerant perennial and woody species. However, population dynamics appeared to be generally driven by stochastic species turnover among fields and not by uniform shifts in species performance across the site. Although drought impacts and recovery appeared predictable at the neighborhood scale, population responses to drought within the site were rather unpredictable. Our findings suggest that stochastic fine-scale processes can generate predictable course-scale dynamics within a disturbed system. The scale-specific mechanisms of community change presented here should be explored in other systems to determine the extent of their generality in driving disturbance impacts on communities.  相似文献   

Contrasting theories have been proposed to explain the structure of ecological communities. Here, we studied the impact of environmental factors and spatial patterns on ground‐foraging ant communities in four different forest types of Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia. Forest types differed in their environmental parameters and were inhabited by distinct ant communities, with various indicator species characteristic for single forest types. Three environmental parameters, soil volume, number of trees and amount of leaf litter, had the most influence on ant communities. Spatial patterns were correlated with environmental parameters and also influenced ant communities. Environmental parameters influenced community composition only moderately (r2=0.14), but had a high impact on species richness (r2=0.44). Spatial patterns explained only a small fraction of the total variance in species patterns, while much of the residual space in the ordination space of ant community patterns remained unexplained. We conclude that environmental parameters shape the number of niches within a tropical soil habitat, but identities of species that occupy those niches are accounted for by other factors like competition, traits and neutral processes that may further reduce unexplained variance in species ordination.  相似文献   

Recovery from weight loss after stress is important for all organisms, although the recovery mechanisms are not fully understood. We are working to clarify these mechanisms. Here, we recorded enhanced feeding activity of Drosophila melanogaster larvae from 2 to 4 h after heat stress at 35°C for 1 h. During the post‐stress period, expression levels of sweet taste gustatory receptor genes (Grs), Gr5a, Gr43a, Gr64a, and Gr64f, were elevated, whereas bitter taste Grs, Gr66a, and Gr33a, were decreased in expression and expression of a non‐typical taste receptor Gr, Gr68a, was unchanged. Similar upregulation of Gr5a and downregulation of Gr66a was recorded after cold stress at 4°C. Expression levels of tropomyosin and ATP synthase ß subunit were significantly increased in larval mouth parts around 3 to 5 h after the heat stress. We infer that up‐regulation of post‐stress larval feeding activity, and weight recovery, is mediated by increasing capacity for mouth part muscular movements and changes in taste sensing physiology. We propose that Drosophila larvae, and likely insects generally, express an efficient mechanism to recover from weight loss during post‐stress periods.  相似文献   

Question: What are the main forces driving natural regeneration in burned mature Mediterranean forests in the medium‐long term and what are the likely successional trajectories of unmanaged vegetation? Location: Valencia Region, eastern Spain. Methods: A wildfire burned 33 000 ha of Pinus halepensis and P. pinaster forest in 1979, and subsequent smaller wildfires took place between 1984 and 1996. The study was designed to sample the range of environmental and disturbance (fire recurrence and land use) conditions. The territory was classified into 17 different geomorphological and fire‐recurrence units. Vegetation cover and floristic composition were measured on a total of 113 plots (1000 m2 each) randomly selected within these units. Results: The results show that 23 years after the fire the regenerated vegetation consists of successional shrublands, and that forest ecosystem resilience can be very low. The vegetation presents a strong correlation with most of the environmental variables, but fire (one or two fires), soil type and land use (in that order) are the main drivers of vegetation composition. Quercus coccifera shrublands persist on limestone soils while diverse types of other shrublands (dominated by seeder species) are found on marl soils. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that disturbance factors strongly coupled to human activities, such as land use and fire, play a critical role in the current state of vegetation. Fire creates vegetation patches in different successional states while land use and soil type define the different types of shrubland in terms of their specific composition.  相似文献   

The occurrence of threatened vascular plant species has been occasionally reported from some disturbed sites. Nevertheless, almost nothing is known about the conservation potential of post‐mining habitats for vascular plant species at a landscape scale. We asked how much threatened species occur in the artificial habitats, and if the participation of particular threatened species categories differ over the course of succession. We studied 10 successional series running in 321 post‐mining sites across the Czech Republic, Central Europe. In total, 2,597 vegetation samples comprising 935 vascular plant species were analyzed. We found 235 threatened species (14% of the country's threatened flora). The majority of the threatened plants, namely 223, avoided plots overgrown by woody species, in which only 48 species occurred. The importance of spontaneously revegetated habitats for nature conservation differed among successional stages formed by discontinuous vegetation cover (not fully developed and still open, up to approximately 25 years since site abandonment), which harbored especially critically endangered species of open habitats, and continuous vegetation cover (fully developed and closed, over approximately 25 years), which was suitable for specialized threatened species typical of fully established vegetation. A mosaic of various successional stages comprising both categories of vegetation cover should be applied as an effective restoration solution to maintain a variety of habitats for threatened species.  相似文献   

Natural host‐parasite interactions exhibit considerable variation in host quality, with profound consequences for disease ecology and evolution. For instance, treatments (such as vaccination) may select for more transmissible or virulent strains. Previous theory has addressed the ecological and evolutionary impact of host heterogeneity under the assumption that hosts and parasites disperse globally. Here, we investigate the joint effects of host heterogeneity and local dispersal on the evolution of parasite life‐history traits. We first formalise a general theoretical framework combining variation in host quality and spatial structure. We then apply this model to the specific problem of parasite evolution following vaccination. We show that, depending on the type of vaccine, spatial structure may select for higher or lower virulence compared to the predictions of non‐spatial theory. We discuss the implications of our results for disease management, and their broader fundamental relevance for other causes of host heterogeneity in nature.  相似文献   

Question: What environmental factors and physiological traits determine the juvenile survival rates of 11 dipterocarp species (Dipterocarpaceae) co-occurring in a Bornean tropical rain forest? Location: Tropical northwestern Borneo. Methods: In 248 quadrats, distributed over 12 ha, the juvenile (height< 2.0 m) survival of 11 shade-tolerant dipterocarp species was monitored for one year. The probability of survival for each species was expressed as a logistic function of plant height and three environmental factors: canopy openness, soil water potential and conspecific individual density. The correlation between survival under shaded conditions and several physiological traits of juveniles was tested by normal Pearson correlation and a phylogeny based manner using independent contrasts. Results: Seven species had increased survival under more open canopies, one species had increased and two species had decreased survival at drier sites. Six species had higher survival as the density of conspecifics increased, whereas two species had lower survival. The magnitudes of the effects for the three environmental factors were similar. However, the interspecific difference in survival was largely determined by a dependence of small seedlings on the light environment. Survival under low light was correlated positively with root dry mass and negatively with total leaf area of juveniles. Conclusions: Responses of seedlings to the fine-scale gradient of light availability were considerably different among the 11 species. Species that suffered increased mortality under low light had a set of structural traits that would potentially allow rapid growth under bright conditions. Differential performance along the light gradient may contribute to the stable coexistence of these species.  相似文献   

Intense droughts combined with increased temperatures are one of the major threats to forest persistence in the 21st century. Despite the direct impact of climate change on forest growth and shifts in species abundance, the effect of altered demography on changes in the composition of functional traits is not well known. We sought to (1) quantify the recent changes in functional composition of European forests; (2) identify the relative importance of climate change, mean climate and forest development for changes in functional composition; and (3) analyse the roles of tree mortality and growth underlying any functional changes in different forest types. We quantified changes in functional composition from the 1980s to the 2000s across Europe by two dimensions of functional trait variation: the first dimension was mainly related to changes in leaf mass per area and wood density (partially related to the trait differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms), and the second dimension was related to changes in maximum tree height. Our results indicate that climate change and mean climatic effects strongly interacted with forest development and it was not possible to completely disentangle their effects. Where recent climate change was not too extreme, the patterns of functional change generally followed the expected patterns under secondary succession (e.g. towards late‐successional short‐statured hardwoods in Mediterranean forests and taller gymnosperms in boreal forests) and latitudinal gradients (e.g. larger proportion of gymnosperm‐like strategies at low water availability in forests formerly dominated by broad‐leaved deciduous species). Recent climate change generally favoured the dominance of angiosperm‐like related traits under increased temperature and intense droughts. Our results show functional composition changes over relatively short time scales in European forests. These changes are largely determined by tree mortality, which should be further investigated and modelled to adequately predict the impacts of climate change on forest function.  相似文献   

Grain (size of sampling units) affects the spatial resolution at which ecological patterns can be observed and analysed, and potentially has an important effect on the results of broad‐scale studies on diversity gradients. Here we examine the effect of grain on patterns of species richness and turnover in lowland rainforests of western Amazonia (Peru and Colombia). We inventoried pteridophytes (ferns and lycophytes), melastomes (Melastomataceae) and palms (Arecaceae) in four line transects of 22–29 km length. Different grains were obtained by aggregating original 100‐m‐long sampling units into larger segments up to 19.2 km long. With any given grain and plant group, local species richness varied considerably both within and among transects, and a transect segment that was species‐rich with one grain could be relatively species‐poor with another. Which transect had the highest vs lowest mean species richness per sampling unit (α richness) differed among plant groups. It also varied to some degree with grain, as transects differed in how rapidly local species richness increased with increasing grain. Patterns of species turnover were more consistently correlated among plant groups than patterns of species richness were, and NMDS ordinations were rather similar with all grains and plant groups. Floristic heterogeneity within the Amazonian terra firme rainforest seems to contain a general compositional pattern that is sufficiently robust to be detectable with various sampling schemes, but patterns of species richness appear more case‐specific. Therefore, using one plant group as an indicator for patterns in other plant groups can be expected to work better for species turnover than for species richness.  相似文献   

Long‐term conservation of forested areas requires an estimate of nonnative species’ impact on a scale of centuries. However, long‐term changes in forest structure have not been included in previous succession studies, which have typically covered only 20–50 yr. To estimate persistence of nonnative plant species on a longer time scale, and to examine the development of spatial structure in their distributions, we selected thirty‐seven second‐growth forest sites in southeastern Ohio, USA, to form a chronosequence spanning 160 yr. At each site nonnative species were surveyed in 100 contiguous plots forming a 50‐m belt transect. Nineteen nonnative species were encountered, largely consisting of shade‐intolerant herbs typical of abandoned agricultural land. Nonnative species richness, abundance, and frequency declined through the chronosequence with most species dropping out after the first twenty years, although three persisted 120–140 yr. Most species appeared to be residual populations from the open‐habitat stage. Presence of Rosa multiflora and Polygonum hydropiper in stands older than their date of arrival in the region indicate their capacity to colonize long‐established forest. Distributions of four species showed dependence on micro‐environmental gradients. All four were positively autocorrelated at scales up to 2–8 m, but pattern did not vary among age classes. We conclude that pattern in nonnative species’ distributions arises very early, possibly in the open‐habitat stage. Most species encountered in these sites are not likely to become long‐term components of the forest community and do not require active management. Small‐gap disturbances have not allowed colonization of long‐established forest stands, nor released pre‐existing populations from competitive suppression. Management should focus on the small number of shade‐tolerant species able to persist in long‐established forest.  相似文献   

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