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Understanding the genetic diversity and structure of invasive pathogens in source and in introduced areas is crucial to the revelation of hidden biological features of an organism, to the reconstruction of the course of invasions and to the establishment of effective control measures. Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus (anamorph: Chalara fraxinea) is an invasive and highly destructive fungal pathogen found on common ash Fraxinus excelsior in Europe and is native to East Asia. To gain insights into its dispersal mechanisms and history of invasion, we used microsatellite markers and characterized the genetic structure and diversity of H. pseudoalbidus populations at three spatial levels: (i) between Europe and Japan, (ii) in Europe and (iii) at the epidemic's front in Switzerland. Phylogenetic and network analysis demonstrated that individuals from both regions are conspecific. However, populations from Japan harboured a higher genetic diversity and were genetically differentiated from European ones. No evident population structure was found among the 1208 European strains using Bayesian and multivariate clustering analysis. Only the distribution of genetic diversity in space, pairwise population differentiation (GST) and the spatial analysis of principal components revealed a faint geographical pattern around Europe. A significant allele deficiency in most European populations pointed to a recent genetic bottleneck, whereas no pattern of isolation by distance was found. Our data suggest that H. pseudoalbidus was introduced just once by at least two individuals. The potential source region of H. pseudoalbidus is vast, and further investigations are required for a more accurate localization of the source population.  相似文献   

Tree declines have been recorded across forests and woodlands on most continents, causing tree mortality over thousands of square kilometres, yet the impact of tree declines upon mammals have only rarely been quantified. Once the dominant tree over the western parts of the Swan Coastal Plain in Western Australia, tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) forest has been reduced to less than a third of its former range through clearing for agriculture and urban development. Additionally, over the last 30 years, the remnant population has been heavily impacted by a decline that has an unknown cause, but is likely related to a root pathogen coupled with abiotic factors (reduced rainfall, increased salinity and elevated temperatures). Tuart decline is evident as marked canopy dieback, replacement with epicormic growth and increasing bare branches, while leaf litter is lost from the tree surrounds. We examined the effect of tuart decline and other vegetation measures upon bat activity using auditory monitoring. Vegetation structure was correlated with Vespertilionidae bat activity. Falsistrellus mackenziei were more likely to forage around healthy canopies (activity positively correlated with tuart crown density and negatively correlated with tuart crown dieback). By contrast, the other three taxa were more often encountered in declining rather than healthy tuart sites. Chalinolobus gouldii was positively associated with tuart crown dieback. Activity of Vespadelus regulus and Nyctophilus spp. (species not distinguishable from their calls) were significantly positively correlated with an open tall canopy (positively with cover of plants >10 m tall and negatively with overall canopy cover density). There were no vegetation measurements that were strong predictors of activity of two Molossidae species (Ozimops kitcheneri and Austronomus australis), which intercept insects above the forest canopy. This study clearly reveals different factors influencing the activity of bat taxa, which are likely related to where they feed and their manoeuvrability around tree canopies.  相似文献   

Restoration of postmining substrates to native forest is a standard requirement of resource consents for mine sites located within areas of native forest in New Zealand. Unweathered waste rock presents significant challenges for plant growth, and past research highlights the importance of replacing soil as part of restoration. However, replacing soil with its horizon structure intact or even obtaining sufficient soil for restoration can be a challenge in some situations. In this paper, we describe the results of two trials undertaken at the OceanaGold Ltd. open‐cast gold mine in Reefton to explore the influence of substrate conditions on the growth of native forest seedlings. We show that beech (Nothofagus) seedlings grown on A‐horizon soil grew significantly better than those grown on soil mixed with waste rock, and both grew significantly better than plants grown just on waste rock. In the second trial, we show that bark chips are not a good substitute for soil. These results confirm the importance of having the correct substrate for successful native forest restoration.  相似文献   

To elucidate potential ecological and evolutionary processes associated with the assembly of plant communities, there is now widespread use of estimates of phylogenetic diversity that are based on a variety of DNA barcode regions and phylogenetic construction methods. However, relatively few studies consider how estimates of phylogenetic diversity may be influenced by single DNA barcodes incorporated into a sequence matrix (conservative regions vs. hypervariable regions) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny. Here, we use general linear mixed‐effects models to examine the influence of different combinations of core DNA barcodes (rbcL, matK, ITS, and ITS2) and phylogeny construction methods on a series of estimates of community phylogenetic diversity for two subtropical forest plots in Guangdong, southern China. We ask: (a) What are the relative influences of single DNA barcodes on estimates phylogenetic diversity metrics? and (b) What is the effect of using a backbone family‐level phylogeny to estimate topology‐based phylogenetic diversity metrics? The combination of more than one barcode (i.e., rbcL + matK + ITS) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny provided the most parsimonious explanation of variation in estimates of phylogenetic diversity. The use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny showed a stronger effect on phylogenetic diversity metrics that are based on tree topology compared to those that are based on branch lengths. In addition, the variation in the estimates of phylogenetic diversity that was explained by the top‐rank models ranged from 0.1% to 31% and was dependent on the type of phylogenetic community structure metric. Our study underscores the importance of incorporating a multilocus DNA barcode and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny to infer phylogenetic diversity, where the type of DNA barcode employed and the phylogenetic construction method used can serve as a significant source of variation in estimates of phylogenetic community structure.  相似文献   

Wild pollinators have been shown to enhance the pollination of Brassica napus (oilseed rape) and thus increase its market value. Several studies have previously shown that pollination services are greater in crops adjoining forest patches or other seminatural habitats than in crops completely surrounded by other crops. In this study, we investigated the specific importance of forest edges in providing potential pollinators in B. napus fields in two areas in France. Bees were caught with yellow pan traps at increasing distances from both warm and cold forest edges into B. napus fields during the blooming period. A total of 4594 individual bees, representing six families and 83 taxa, were collected. We found that both bee abundance and taxa richness were negatively affected by the distance from forest edge. However, responses varied between bee groups and edge orientations. The ITD (Inter‐Tegular distance) of the species, a good proxy for bee foraging range, seems to limit how far the bees can travel from the forest edge. We found a greater abundance of cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.) of Andrena spp. and Andrena spp. males at forest edges, which we assume indicate suitable nesting sites, or at least mating sites, for some abundant Andrena species and their parasites (Fig.  1 ). Synthesis and Applications. This study provides one of the first examples in temperate ecosystems of how forest edges may actually act as a reservoir of potential pollinators and directly benefit agricultural crops by providing nesting or mating sites for important early spring pollinators. Policy‐makers and land managers should take forest edges into account and encourage their protection in the agricultural matrix to promote wild bees and their pollination services.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Left, a Nomada sp male; right, an Andrena sp male. Caption Left, a Nomada sp male; right, an Andrena sp male.


Pollinators play an important functional role in most terrestrial ecosystems and provide a key ecosystem service (Ashman et al. 2004 ). Insects, particularly bees, are the primary pollinators for the majority of the world's angiosperms (Ollerton et al. 2012 ). Without this service, many interconnected species and processes functioning within both wild and agricultural ecosystems could collapse (Kearns et al. 1998 ). Brassica napus (oilseed rape, OSR) represents the most widespread entomophilous crop in France with almost 1.5 Mha in 2010 (FAOSTAT August 10th, 2012). Results differ between varieties, but even though it seems that OSR produces 70% of its fruits through self‐pollination (Downey et al. 1970 in Mesquida and Renard 1981 ), native bees are also known to contribute to its pollination (Morandin and Winston 2005 ; Jauker et al. 2012 ). Bee pollination leads to improved yields (Steffan‐Dewenter 2003b ; Sabbahi et al. 2005 ) and to a shorter blooming period (Sabbahi et al. 2006 ), thus increasing the crop's market value (Bommarco et al. 2012 ). The most widely used species in crop pollination is the honeybee (Apis mellifera L) which is sometimes assumed to be sufficient for worldwide crop pollination (Aebi and Neumann 2011 ). However, this assertion has been questioned by different authors (Ollerton et al. 2012 ), and several studies show that many wild bees are also efficient pollinators of crops (Klein et al. 2007 ; Winfree et al. 2008 ; Breeze et al. 2011 ). Recently, Garibaldi et al. ( 2013 ) found positive associations of fruit set with wild‐insect visits to flowers in 41 crop systems worldwide. They demonstrate that honeybees do not maximize pollination, nor can they fully replace the contributions of diverse, wild‐insect assemblages to fruit set for a broad range of crops and agricultural practices on all continents with farmland. Unfortunately, not only are honey bees declining due to a variety of different causes (vanEngelsdorp et al. 2009 ), wild bee populations are also dwindling (Potts et al. 2010 ). Their decline has been documented in two Western European countries (Britain and the Netherlands) by comparing data obtained before and after 1980 (Biesmeijer et al. 2006 ). These losses have mostly been attributed to the use of agrochemicals, the increase in monocultures, the loss of seminatural habitat and deforestation (Steffan‐Dewenter et al. 2002 ; Steffan‐Dewenter and Westphal 2008 ; Brittain and Potts 2011 ). Several studies have shown the importance of natural or seminatural habitats in sustaining pollinator populations or pollination services close to fruit crops (Steffan‐Dewenter 2003a ; Kremen et al. 2004 ; Greenleaf and Kremen 2006a ; Carvalheiro et al. 2010 ). Morandin and Winston ( 2006 ) presented a cost–benefit model that estimates profit in OSR agroecosystems with different proportions of uncultivated land. They calculated that yield and profit could be maximized with 30% of the land left uncultivated within 750 m of field edges. Other studies have demonstrated a negative impact of the distance from forests on pollination services or bee abundance and richness both in tropical ecosystems (De Marco and Coelho 2004 ; Blanche et al. 2006 ; Chacoff and Aizen 2006 ) and in temperate ecosystems (Hawkins 1965 ; Taki et al. 2007 ; Arthur et al. 2010 ; Watson et al. 2011 ). These studies all suggest that natural or seminatural habitats are important sources of pollinators, probably because they provide “partial habitats” (Westrich 1996 ) such as complementary mating, foraging, nesting, and nesting materials sites that bees need to complete their life cycle. In this study, we focused on the effect of distance to forest edge on bee assemblages in OSR ecosystems. Forest edges could provide one or more important partial habitats for different bee species in agricultural landscapes, in particular when associated with a mass‐flowering crop such as OSR (Le Feon et al. 2011 ). For example, the availability of untilled soil and dead branches might provide ground‐nesting and cavity‐nesting bee species with numerous nesting sites. Moreover, during spring at least, the understory and the forest edge can provide cover containing flowering plants and wild trees such as Prunus spp, Castanea sativa, or Salix spp and thereby allow bees to find alternative floral resources. During spring 2010 and 2011, in two areas in France, we examined wild bee abundance and taxa richness both along forest edges and inside OSR fields at different distances from the forest. Like other taxa, bees respond to environmental variables according to their biologic traits that determine access and requirements for nesting, mating, and forage resources, species mobility or physiological tolerance. Specifically, we hypothesized that (1) bee abundance, species richness, and composition of bee communities within the crop field are dependent on the distance from the forest edge (where complementary floral resources, nesting sites, shelters, etc. can be found) and on the orientation of the forest edge; (2) the identity of bees in the crop is related to their foraging range which we measured with the ITD (Inter‐Tegular distance); (3) the forest edge may be the nesting or mating sites for cavity‐nesting or ground‐nesting bees such as Osmia spp or Andrena spp which are important groups of potential early spring pollinators for OSR.  相似文献   

Seasonal fecundity is a composite metric that is determined by component parameters such as clutch size, nest survival and re‐nesting probability. Many of these component parameters are known to vary with environmental conditions, in particular rainfall prior to or during the breeding season. In some species, seasonal fecundity is positively related to rainfall, but little is known about which component parameters of seasonal fecundity respond most strongly to rainfall. We used intensive nest monitoring of a multi‐brooded tropical forest passerine, the Montserrat Oriole Icterus oberi, to examine the effects of rainfall during the pre‐breeding season on component parameters of annual fecundity. We monitored all nests of a total of 42 pairs over 5 years in which rainfall varied substantially. We then related clutch size, nest survival, onset and length of the breeding season, re‐nesting probability and re‐nesting interval to pre‐breeding season rainfall using generalized linear mixed models that accounted for random variation across sites and individual pairs, and incorporated other variables known to affect the response. Higher pre‐breeding season rainfall led to an increase in clutch size and a decrease in re‐nesting interval, but nest survival, re‐nesting probability and length of the breeding season were not affected by variation in rainfall. The onset of the breeding season was delayed in very dry years. We conclude that higher rainfall is likely to increase food availability and thus body condition of female Montserrat Orioles, leading to an increase in fecundity due to larger clutch sizes.  相似文献   

Some carnivorous mammals ingest fruit and disperse seeds of forest plant species capable of colonizing disturbed areas in ecosystems. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the dissemination of Arctostaphylos pungens and Juniperus deppeana seeds by the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), coyote (Canis latrans), and other carnivores in the Protected Natural Area Sierra Fría, in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Scat collection was undertaken via transects using the direct search method, while the seasonal phenology of A. pungens and J. deppeana was evaluated by recording flower and fruit abundance on both the plant and the surrounding forest floor ground. Seed viability was assessed by optical densitometry via X‐ray and a germination test. It was found that the gray fox, coyote, ringtail (Bassariscus astutus), and bobcat (Lynx rufus) disseminated seeds of A. pungens (212 ± 48.9 seeds/scat) and J. deppeana (23.6 ± 4.9 seeds/scat), since a large proportion of the collected scat of these species contained seeds (28/30 = 93.33%, 12/43 = 27.9%, 6/12 = 50% and 7/25 = 28% respectively). The gray fox, coyote, ringtail, and bobcat presented an average of seed dispersion of both plant species of 185.4 ± 228.7, 4.0 ± 20.0, 12.1 ± 30.4, and 0.8 ± 1.5 per scat; the seed proportions in the gray fox, coyote, ringtail, and bobcat were 89.6/10.4%, 82.3/17.7%, 90.4/9.6%, and 38.1/61.9% for A. pungens and J. deppeana, respectively. The phenology indicated a finding related to the greater abundance of ripe fruit in autumn and winter (p < .01). This coincided with the greater abundance of seeds found in scats during these seasons. Endozoochory and diploendozoochory enhanced the viability and germination of the seeds (p > .05), except in those of A. pungens dispersed by coyote. These results suggest that carnivores, particularly the gray fox, the coyote, and the bobcat, play an important role in forest seed dissemination, and thus forest regeneration, by making both a quantitative and qualitative contribution to the dispersal of the two pioneer species under study.  相似文献   

Determining soil carbon (C) responses to rising temperature is critical for projections of the feedbacks between terrestrial ecosystems, C cycle, and climate change. However, the direction and magnitude of this feedback remain highly uncertain due largely to our limited understanding of the spatial heterogeneity of soil C decomposition and its temperature sensitivity. Here we quantified C decomposition and its response to temperature change with an incubation study of soils from 203 sites across tropical to boreal forests in China spanning a wide range of latitudes (18°16′ to 51°37′N) and longitudes (81°01′ to 129°28′E). Mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation primarily explained the biogeographic variation in the decomposition rate and temperature sensitivity of soils: soil C decomposition rate decreased from warm and wet forests to cold and dry forests, while Q10‐MAT (standardized to the MAT of each site) values displayed the opposite pattern. In contrast, biological factors (i.e. plant productivity and soil bacterial diversity) and soil factors (e.g. clay, pH, and C availability of microbial biomass C and dissolved organic C) played relatively small roles in the biogeographic patterns. Moreover, no significant relationship was found between Q10‐MAT and soil C quality, challenging the current C quality–temperature hypothesis. Using a single, fixed Q10‐MAT value (the mean across all forests), as is usually done in model predictions, would bias the estimated soil CO2 emissions at a temperature increase of 3.0°C. This would lead to overestimation of emissions in warm biomes, underestimation in cold biomes, and likely significant overestimation of overall C release from soil to the atmosphere. Our results highlight that climate‐related biogeographic variation in soil C responses to temperature needs to be included in next‐generation C cycle models to improve predictions of C‐climate feedbacks.  相似文献   

The woodwasp Urocerus albicornis (Fabricius, 1781) (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) is a forest pest native to North America and occasionally introduced into European countries. One of these invasive woodwasps was collected in a local forest in Nagano Prefecture, Central Japan. The collected individual was an adult female ovipositing on a log from a Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière). Although several of these woodwasps have been found on imported logs in Japan, this is the first record of the alien woodwasp in a local forest within Japan and Asia. This finding indicates that a population of this invasive woodwasp may be established in Japanese forests.  相似文献   

In seed predation studies, removal of a seed is only the first step of a dynamic process that may result in dispersal rather than seed death. This process, termed seed fate, has received little attention in African forests, particularly in Central Africa. We experimentally assessed the initial steps of seed fate for two tree species—the large‐seeded Pentaclethra macrophylla and the relatively small‐seeded Gambeya lacourtiana—in northeastern Gabon. Specifically, we evaluated whether seed size and seed consumer identity are important determinants of seed fate. We established experimental stations under conspecific fruiting trees, each comprising three seeds fitted with telemetric thread tags to facilitate their recovery, and a motion‐sensitive camera to identify visiting mammals. In total, animals removed 76 tagged seeds from experimental stations. Small Murid rats and mice primarily removed small Gambeya seeds, whereas large‐bodied rodents and mandrills primarily removed large Pentaclethra seeds. Gambeya seeds were carried shorter distances than Pentaclethra seeds and were less likely to be cached. The two large‐bodied rodents handled seeds differently: Cricetomys emini larderhoarded nearly all (= 15 of 16) encountered Pentaclethra seeds deep in burrows, while Atherurus africanus cached all (= 5 of 5) encountered Pentaclethra seeds singly under 1–3 cm of leaf litter and soil, at an average distance of 24.2 m and a maximum distance of 46.3 m from experimental stations. This study supports the hypothesis that seed fate varies based on seed size and seed consumer identity, and represents the first telemetric experimental evidence of larderhoarding and scatterhoarding in the region.  相似文献   

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