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Stipa narynica M. Nobis sp. nov. from the western Tian‐Shan Mts (western Kyrgyzstan) is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to sect. Smirnovia Tzvel. Morphologically the species is similar to S. aktauensis, a species from which it is easily distinguished by its longer glumes (41–)44–55(–62) mm vs 35–45 mm, longer anthecium (11.5–) 12.0–14.2(–14.8) mm vs 9.5–11.2(–11.7) mm, longer hairs on the seta (5.5–)6.0–8.0(–8.5) mm vs (3.0–)3.8–5.5(–6.0) mm and by the top of the lemma which in S. narynica is either glabrous or with a poorly developed ring of short hairs, while in S. aktauensis, the top of lemma is always distinctly and densely pilose. The lemma and leaf blade structure of both species were examined by means of SEM. The main features differentiating S. narynica and S. aktauensis and distribution of the taxa are presented. An original key to the middle Asiatic species of the sect. Smirnovia, the most similar to Stipa narynica is provided.  相似文献   

Stipa ×brozhiana M. Nobis nothosp. nov. (Poaceae) is described and illustrated. The taxon belongs to sect. Smirnovia Tzvel. and originated from the hybridization of species belonging to sect. Smirnovia and Barbatae Junge. Stipa ×brozhiana is morphologically close to Stipa lipskyi Roshev., but is easily distinguished by its much shorter hairs on the seta, thinner, uni‐ or indistinctly bigeniculate awns, differently shaped callus and longer ligules of vegetative shoots. Characters distinguishing S. ×brozhiana from the parental species and other similar hybrid taxa belonging to sect. Smirnovia and occurring in the Pamir Alai Mts are discussed. In addition, the taxonomical status of S. ×tzvelevii Ikonn. pro sp., another taxon that has originated from hybridization between species belonging to sect. Smirnovia and Barbatae, is discussed. The taxon was originally described as a distinct species, but is now considered to be the hybrid S. caucasica×S. orientalis. The main characters distinguishing S. ×tzvelevii from parental species are given.  相似文献   


A new species of Stipa, endemic to Sicily, named Stipa valdemonensis is described here. The new taxon is related to Stipa crassiculmis. Owing to the small number of individuals observed, in few restricted localities only, it is assigned the IUCN threat status “vulnerable”.  相似文献   

Abelmoschus enbeepeegearense J. John et al. is a new species occurring at low elevations in the Western Ghats of India, comprising Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The taxon is morphologically allied to A. moschatus subsp. moschatus, A. moschatus subsp. tuberosus and A. crinitus, but easily distinguishable by virtue of its orthotropic branching, 3–5‐angled leaves, glandular hairy plant body with whitish waxy secretions, glandular non‐setose epiclayx segmens which is more than eight in number and ovate hirsute fruits with a short mucro at the apex. It can be crossed with all three taxa with varying degree of success, but the hybrids are sterile. The material belonging to it was earlier identified as and placed under A. moschatus Medik. The taxon is described and illustrated with notes on its phenology, ecology and distribution. In additions, a key to all Abelmoschus taxa occurring in India is provided.  相似文献   

Momordica sahyadrica is a new species occurring in a very narrow habitat range in Western Ghats of India. Formerly, material of it was placed under Momordica dioica , but it appeared distinct from that species in various morphological and ecological features. It is described and illustrated with a note on its distribution and ecology.  相似文献   

Actaea muliensis (Ranunculaceae), a new species from Muli County, Sichuan Province, China, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, it is somewhat similar to A. mairei, but is most readily distinguishable from that species and others within A. sect. Cimicifuga by, among other characters, the dark purple (vs yellow) staminodes. Actaea muliensis is revealed to be a diploid (2n = 16) species with 3‐colpate pollen.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhiza and fungal root endophytes of three weeds, Galium tricornutum, Lycopsis orientalis and Scandix pecten-veneris, were studied in an altitudinal gradient of the Pamir Alai Mountains. Colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was found in all species. Only in the case of G. tricornutum was there a rise in mycorrhizal parameters values found for the medium altitude range. Similar tendencies were observed in the case of the AMF colonisation potential assessment. This suggests that plant species' identity, dependency on symbiosis and interactions with soil properties determine root colonisation and the abundance of AMF in soils at the elevations in question. Four AMF species, Claroideoglomus claroideum, Funneliformis mosseae, Scutellospora dipurpurescens and Septoglomus constrictum, were isolated from trap cultures established on soil taken from under the weeds. Dark septate endophytes (DSE) accompanied the AMF in the roots of G. tricornutum and S. pecten-veneris; however, they were neither frequently occurring nor abundant. The sporangia of Olpidium spp. were observed with low frequency occurrence in G. tricornutum and S. pecten-veneris and more often in the roots of L. orientalis. However, in both cases, they were low in abundance. No differences were found for the presence of DSE and Olpidium in the altitudinal gradient.  相似文献   

Stipa adamii M. Nobis sp. nov. (Poaceae), endemic to Kazakhstan, is described and illustrated. The species belongs to the section Smirnovia Tzvel. and is distributed in the central Karatau Mountains (western Tian‐Shan). It is morphologically close to Stipa karataviensis Roshev. but is easily distinguishable by longer glumes, lemmas, awns and the callus. The awn is scabrous in the lower part and the callus is bearded in S. adamii whereas both organs are glabrous in S. karataviensis. Characters distinguishing S. karataviensis and S. adamii are presented in a table, together with photographs of the callus. The analysis of morphological characters of the taxa provides new information on their variability. A key to the species of Stipa sect. Smirnovia occurring in Kazakhstan, typification of the name S. manrakica and synonymization of the name S. saurica as a syn. nov. are included.  相似文献   

Maclurochloa K. M. Wong (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) is a genus of clambering bamboos with dry caryopses. It was thought to be monotypic in Peninsular Malaysia, but here we report one more species from Vietnam which is new to science: Maclurochloa tonkinensis H. N. Nguyen et V. T. Tran sp. nov. Maclurochloa tonkinensis is most similar to M. montana (Ridl.) K. M. Wong from which differs mainly by having internodes 50–58 × 3.0–3.5 cm and culm leaves with auriculate sheaths and erect blade.  相似文献   

The saxicolous lichenized ascomycete Diploicia africana comb. nov. (Physciaceae) is endemic in the Cape Floral Kingdom (South Africa). Its taxonomy, morphology, chemistry, biogeography, and ecology is discussed. The most important characters of the genus Diploicia and the better known species of the genus are outlined.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of phytosociological research conducted on the vegetation of rock clefts and ledges in the Pamir-Alai Mountains (Tajikistan, Middle Asia). During the field studies, done in 2010–2012, 101 phytosociological relevés were taken. Plant species were recorded according to the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale. Communities of calcareous rock clefts and ledges with small soil amounts from several ranges (Zeravshan Mts, Hissar Mts, Hazratishokh Mts, Darvaz Mts, Rushan Mts and Vanch Mts), inhabiting mainly the alpine and subnival zone, have been described. A synopsis of the rock communities of the Pamir-Alai is proposed. In the examined vegetation plots 77 vascular plant and 6 moss species were noted. The most frequent were: Achoriphragma pinnatifidum, Artemisia rutifolia, Asperula albiflora, Campanula incanescens, C. lehmanniana, Parietaria judaica, Pentanema albertoregelia, Poa relaxa and Stipa zeravshanica among vascular plants and Brachythecium albicans and Bryum caespiticum among mosses. Most of them are narrow endemics of Tajikistan or Middle Asia. The collected material presents most of the variability among the phytocoenoses of large crevices and rock ledges in limestone massifs in the alpine and subnival zones. As a result of field research and numerical analyses, 7 associations have been distinguished: Achoriphragmetum pinnatifidi, Asperulo albiflorae-Stipetum zeravshanicae, Inuletum glaucae, Paraquilegietum anemonoidis, Pentanemetum albertoregeliae, Rhinactinidietum popovii and Saussureaetum ovatae. The distinctiveness of habitat and species composition of Middle Asiatic rock communities makes it necessary to distinguish a new suballiance, Pentanemenion albertoregeliae, within the Asperulo albiflorae-Poion relaxae alliance. The main factors determining the species composition of classified associations seem to be the elevation above sea level and exposition. Alpine rock communities are one of the most unique and interesting plant formations in the moutainous areas of Pamir-Alai. Despite not being species-rich they often harbour many specialists adapted to harsh and extreme environments, especially in areas of Mediterranean-like climate.  相似文献   

A new species, Tropaeolum sparrei Ståhl (Tropaeolaceae), is described from submontane cloud forest habitat in western Ecuador. It differs from T. papillosum Hughes (the species it resembles most) by having thinner, tomentose stems, smaller, glabrous or subglabrous leaves with the petiole inserted relatively closer to the lower leaf margin, and flowers with uniformly coloured and straight calyx spurs. In leaf shape it is also similar to T. repandum Heilborn, from which it differs in its larger flowers with entirely black petals and blue anthers.  相似文献   

The new species Aloe nugalensis Thulin, a shrubby plant with long, drooping leaves and a drooping, branched inflorescence with long‐pedicellate orange red flowers, is described from a gypsum hill in the Nugaal valley of northeastern Somalia. The only known material is an individual grown in the Botanical Garden of Uppsala University from seeds collected in Nov 1985 that first flowered in Feb 2011.  相似文献   

Trembleya laniflora is an endemic shrub from neotropical montane rocky savannas of southeastern Brazil. It has been indicated as a potential candidate for ecological restoration of abandoned iron‐ore mines due to heavy metal accumulation. Here, we evaluated the seed germination requirements of T. laniflora. Seeds collected in 2005 and 2008 were set to germinate under a broad range of temperature and light conditions. Seed viability was estimated by dissecting seeds under a dissecting microscope for embryo presence/absence. Seeds were photoblastic and optimum temperature range was 20–25°C, coinciding with the onset of the rainy season. Seeds were viable after 42 months of storage, which together with small seeds that easily get buried and light requirement for germination suggest formation of soil seed banks. Except the large fraction of embryoless seeds, almost all tested seeds germinated when incubated under light conditions; therefore, T. laniflora should be regarded to have nondormant seeds. Easiness of burial resulting from small seed size and positive photoblastism may both contribute to incorporation into soil seed banks. Our data suggest that the long‐term storage of T. laniflora seeds provides a useful strategy for plant reintroduction.  相似文献   

Psychotria monensis Cheek & Séné (Rubiaceae) from lowland evergreen forest in western Cameroon is described and illustrated. Its conservation status is assessed as ‘Critically Endangered’ according to the IUCN criteria, and its taxonomic affinities are discussed.  相似文献   

A new bicarpellate Buxus species, Buxus sirindhorniana W. K. Soh, M. von Sternburg, Hodk. & J. Parn., is described from northern Thailand. This is the first reported bicarpellate species of Buxus. The pollen morphology and the degree of pollen viability of the species are reported. DNA was extracted from herbarium samples and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA sequenced. The palynological evidence and the phylogenetic reconstruction support the contention that this new species belongs to the genus Buxus. The morphological diversity of reproductive organs in the Buxaceae, in relation to this new species, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Saussurea balangshanensis, based on populations from Balang Mountain in the Hengduan Mountains region, SW China, is described and illustrated as a new species of Asteraceae. It can be distinguished from other species in Saussurea by its concolorous leaves, swollen and hollow upper stems, articulate hairs and stipitate glandular hairs, laciniate margins of uppermost stem leaves, numerous and sessile capitula, and narrow involucre. Based on nucleotide sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), phylogenetic analyses also support the recognition of these populations as representing a new species. The new species is known only from a single location in Balang Mountain, at elevations of 4500–4700 m. Its habitat can be easily disturbed or destroyed by a tourist arterial highway and the over grazing. We propose that the species should be listed as Critically Endangered based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Categories and Criteria B2a.  相似文献   

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