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The little auk population of the Thule district in Greenland is generally believed to be the largest anywhere and to comprise more than half of the world population, although published numbers have largely been conjectural. In 1996/1997 we estimated breeding density of little auks at Hakluyt Island in this district by colour-marking a number of birds in three study plots and subsequently counting marked and unmarked birds present in the plots. The density estimate considered most representative of the colony was 1.8 birds/m2 or 0.73 pairs/m2 (±7%). From surveys of the inhabitated area of the scree slopes, this density implies a total little auk population for the island of 130,000 pairs. An extrapolation to the entire Thule district suggests a population in the area of at least 15 million pairs, which is in general agreement with previously published assumptions. Accepted: 3 January 2000  相似文献   

In seabirds, variation in breeding phenology and success is often induced by macro- and mesoscale fluctuations in oceanographic conditions, which is recordable at the regional or colony scale. Variation in breeding parameters may also exist at the microscale—among discrete breeding aggregations and subcolonies. The aim of this study was to compare breeding phenology and parameters (hatching success, chick survival, chick body mass indices) among little auks (Alle alle) nesting in three subcolonies differing in their microtopographic and microclimatic features, situated in Magdalenefjorden (north-western Spitsbergen). The hatching phenology varied significantly among the subcolonies. This was probably due to the different duration of snow persistence in spring, as nests are occupied as soon as the snow cover melts sufficiently to allow access to them. The earliest hatching was recorded in the subcolony located on steep slopes at low altitude in the vicinity of the fjord, which favours early ice and snow melting in spring. Hatching success differed significantly among subcolonies, which could also have been due to the microclimatic features of the subcolonies. Hatching success was the lowest in the subcolony where birds started to breed while patchy snow was still persisting. Water from the melting snow could have flooded some of the nests. Alternatively, the low hatchability could have been caused by a higher frequency of less experienced breeders (e.g., first-time breeders) among the individuals nesting in this subcolony. Other breeding parameters (chick survival and growth) were generally similar in all the subcolonies.  相似文献   

As diving seabirds use vision underwater, it is presumed they should preferentially select sites where their preferred food items are not only abundant but also clearly visible. To test this, we studied the optical properties of the seawater in the West Spitsbergen Shelf, in combination with zooplankton abundance in the feeding grounds of the planktivorous little auks from the nearby colonies in Hornsund. We estimated the relative attractiveness of the foraging sites using a novel parameter—visual prey availability (VPAv), which relates density and proportion of the preferred food item (Calanus glacialis) of the little auk, in total zooplankton, to the optical properties of the seawater. We found a significant positive correlation between the density of foraging little auks and VPAv values. Birds chose areas where C. glacialis was both abundant and clearly visible, because of the clarity of the water and low proportion of other zooplankton species. The birds avoided foraging over the warmer Atlantic-type waters, characterised by a high abundance of zooplankton taxa mostly ignored by birds and where VPAv values were low. VPAv values could potentially also be applied to other visual planktivores for which prey preference and visual acuity are known.  相似文献   

A bimodal foraging strategy has previously been described for procellariiform seabird species and is thought to have evolved in response to local resource availability being too low for adult birds to meet chick requirements and simultaneously maintain their own body condition. Here, we examine the dual foraging trip pattern of an alcid, the little auk Alle alle , at five colonies with contrasting oceanographic conditions. In spite of large variation in local conditions, little auks at all colonies showed the same general pattern of alternating a single long-trip with several consecutive short-trips. However, we found that the foraging pattern was flexible and could be adjusted at three levels: (1) the length of long-trips, (2) the frequency of short-trips, and (3) the total time spent foraging. Birds facing unfavorable conditions increased the duration of long-trips and reduced the number of short-trips. These adjustments resulted in reduced provisioning rates of chicks despite the fact that birds also increased the time allocated to foraging. Travel times during foraging trips were positively correlated to the total duration of the trip suggesting that differences in trip length among colonies were partly driven by variation in the distance to foraging areas. Most birds spent substantially more time traveling during long compared to short-trips, indicating that they accessed distant foraging areas during long-trips but remained close to the colony during short-trips. However, the difference in travel times was small at the site with the most favorable conditions suggesting that bimodal foraging in the little auk may be independent of the existence of high-quality areas at distance from the breeding ground.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity is typically rather infrequent in seabirds, as in most other long-lived and socially monogamous birds. Here we report the first paternity study of the little auk Alle alle , a high arctic seabird which raises only a single chick per year. Parentage was determined using three highly polymorphic microsatellite markers. We found that all 26 chicks in our sample were true genetic offspring of their social parents, with an upper 95% confidence limit of 10.88% for the frequency of extra-pair paternity. This level of extra-pair paternity is not significantly different from frequencies reported from the closely related common Uria aalge and Brünnich's guillemots U. lomvia .  相似文献   

Large areas with hydrocarbon prospects offshore northwest Greenland necessitate seabird studies in this region. The little auk population breeding in Thule District is the largest seabird population in northwest Greenland, as well as the largest known population of this species. In 1994 and 1995 we mapped the distribution of little auk colonies in Thule District during aerial surveys. Most colonies are situated in sloping screes facing the sea, some as far as 11 km from the coast in valleys or facing glaciers. The total horizontal extent of the colonies is about 400 km. Our surveys generally confirm previous and local knowledge, although the information obtained is more detailed. Received: 11 November 1996 / Accepted: 21 September 1997  相似文献   

Delayed maturity, low fecundity, and high adult survival are traits typical for species with a long‐life expectancy. For such species, even a small change in adult survival can strongly affect the population dynamics and viability. We examined the effects of both regional and local climatic variability on adult survival of the little auk, a long‐lived and numerous Arctic seabird species. We conducted a mark‐resighting study for a period of 8 years (2006‐2013) simultaneously at three little auk breeding sites that are influenced by the West Spitsbergen Current, which is the main carrier of warm, Atlantic water into the Arctic. We found that the survival of adult little auks was negatively correlated with both the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and local summer sea surface temperature (SST), with a time lag of 2 and 1 year, respectively. The effects of NAO and SST were likely mediated through a change in food quality and/or availability: (1) reproduction, growth, and development of Arctic Calanus copepods, the main prey of little auks, are negatively influenced by a reduction in sea ice, reduced ice algal production, and an earlier but shorter lasting spring bloom, all of which result from an increased NAO; (2) a high sea surface temperature shortens the reproductive period of Arctic Calanus, decreasing the number of eggs produced. A synchronous variation in survival rates at the different colonies indicates that climatic forcing was similar throughout the study area. Our findings suggest that a predicted warmer climate in the Arctic will negatively affect the population dynamics of the little auk, a high Arctic avian predator.  相似文献   

Yeasts are a distinctive group of microfungi, but compared to other microorganisms, their ecological function and biodiversity are poorly known. This is especially so where polar ecosystems are concerned. With climate changes and increasing pollution levels in the Arctic, it can be anticipated that there will be an increase in the prevalence and diversity of fungi colonizing live organisms. With these changes, it is crucial to investigate and monitor species diversity and prevalence of fungi in this fragile environment. In this study, yeasts were examined from throat and cloaca of a small colonial seabird, the little auk (Alle alle), a keystone species in the Arctic ecosystem. Samples were collected from 94 adults and 17 nestlings in breeding colony in Magdalenefjorden (NW Spitsbergen) in 2009. In total, twelve species of yeast from eight genera were found in 12 % of the samples, with the Dipodascus genus being the most prevalent. All yeast species were found in the adults, but only one species, Cryptococcus macerans, was found in a single nestling. In individuals where fungus was isolated, it was only isolated from either the throat or the cloaca, except for two cases, where fungus was found in both throat and cloaca. The presence of yeast was not related to sex but age of the birds, with adults being more prone to colonization by yeasts than the nestlings. The relatively low prevalence and diversity of yeast in little auks suggest that these birds are random carriers of fungi, with minor health impacts.  相似文献   

The little auk (Alle alle) is one of the most numerous seabirds in the world, but their winter prey selection has never been thoroughly studied. In the present study, we analyzed the proventricular contents of 205 little auks caught in coastal areas off southwest Greenland during December–February and off Newfoundland in March. Large Calanoid copepods are known to be the main prey during summer. We found krill to become the crucial winter prey in both areas, followed by Themisto spp. and young capelin (Mallotus villosus). No difference was found between the diet of juvenile and adult birds. Copepods constituted around 1 % of the diet and close to all copepods were in birds caught near Cape Farwell in December. These findings provide new and important insight into the forage ecology of the little auk, and they support other studies showing that large Calanoid copepods in the Arctic decent for winter hibernation at depths that are below the diving range of the little auks. More studies to determine offshore diet and annual variation are, however, needed in order to get a more complete picture.  相似文献   

During the last decade, increasing information on little auk (Alle alle) biology, ecology and behaviour has been reported. However, only a few of these studies have focused on the breeding population in the Avanersuaq (Thule) district of Northwest Greenland, where 80 % of the global little auk population is estimated to breed. This study reports on the chick diet composition from one of the largest colonies, the Paakitsoq colony, located on the south-eastern margin of the North Water (NOW) Polynya. Results revealed the highest proportion of Calanus hyperboreus, a large lipid-rich copepod, in chick diet reported for any little auk colony. Results confirmed that the cold, highly productive waters of the NOW Polynya are favourable foraging grounds for the little auks during the breeding season. Species diversity within and between the chick meals was low, which probably reflects a high availability of a few preferred prey species. Individual chick meals were generally low in number of prey items and total energy content compared with other published results. This may be explained by a higher feeding frequency or by the samples being collected late in the breeding period (during late chick rearing), when chicks have a reduced growth rate and may require less energy than at earlier developmental stages.  相似文献   

Energy and time allocation differs between incubation and chick‐rearing periods, which may lead to an adjustment in the foraging behaviour of parent birds. Here, we investigated the foraging behaviour of a small alcid, the little auk Alle alle during incubation and compared it with the chick‐rearing period in West Spitsbergen, using the miniature GPS (in Hornsund) and temperature loggers (in Magdalenefjorden). GPS‐tracking of 11 individuals revealed that during incubation little auks foraged 8–55 (median 46) km from the colony covering 19–239 (median 120) km during one foraging trip. Distance from the colony to foraging areas was similar during incubation and chick‐rearing period. During incubation 89% of foraging positions were located in the zone over shallower parts of the shelf (isobaths up to 200–300 m) with sea surface temperature below 2.5°C. Those environmental conditions are preferred by Arctic zooplankton community. Thus, little auks in the Hornsund area restrict their foraging (both during the incubation and chick‐rearing period) to the area under influence of cold, Arctic‐origin water masses where its most preferred prey, copepod Calanus glacialis is most abundant. The temperature logger data (from 4 individuals) indicate that in contrast to the chick‐rearing period, when parent birds alternated short and long trips, during the incubation they performed only long trips. Adopting such a flexible foraging strategy allows little auks to alter their foraging strategy to meet different energy and time demands during the two main stages of the breeding.  相似文献   

Among the most numerous seabird and pinniped species of the Fram Strait and the Greenland Sea, little auks Alle alle and harp seals Pagophila (Phoca) groenlandica are very abundant in the mixed Polar/Arctic Waters at the front between the two water masses. This must reflect the presence of very high concentrations of their food, Arctic zooplankton and nekton, massively attracting their predators. Such a high biological production seems to be depending on new primary production based on upwelling and high nutrient concentration. This usually takes place at the ice edge (e.g. July 2005), but hydrological conditions such as eddies can modify its position, east of the front in open water as caused by a subsurface eddy (August 2005), or in ice-covered areas if westerly winds push the pack ice to the east, eventually covering an eddy and causing very high concentrations of little auks and harp seals (July 2008). On the other hand, a dramatic decrease of pack ice coverage can move this water mass farther north and west, making it inaccessible to little auks during their breeding season, and apparently causing breeding failure in Jan Mayen in July 2005. In future years, if a much stronger diminution in sea ice coverage will take place, similar to the retreat in 2005 and 2007, the failure might affect the whole Spitsbergen population, as well as other seabird species feeding mainly at the ice edge.  相似文献   

One of 14 dovekeys (Alle alle) investigated in August 1993 on Hooker Island (Franz Joseph Land) was found to harbour a single specimen of an early immature dilepidid cestode attributed as Alcataenia sp. The rostellum bears a double crown of 22 hooks, 0.025-0.027 mm in length. Except Threlfall (1971) there was no information concerning dovekey's parasites.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids participate in the control of whole body homoeostasis and an organism’s response to stress. Corticosterone, which is the principal glucocorticoid in birds, has been shown to increase in response to different energetic demands and perturbations that individuals have to cope with. In this study, a non-invasive method to examine the corticosterone secretion by measuring faecal corticosterone metabolites (FCM) has been established for an Arctic seabird, the Little Auk (Alle alle). A group-specific immunoassay was successfully validated for adults and chicks using an adrenocorticotropic challenge test. Then, FCM levels were investigated under different energetic and physiological demands, determined by weather conditions, week of chick rearing in adults, and age in chicks. The amount of rainfall had no effect on FCM levels in adults, whereas it negatively affected FCM levels in chicks. There was no variation in FCM concentrations among weeks of chick rearing in adults. In chicks, the FCM levels increased with age. Moreover, chicks with higher FCM levels had lower body mass and fledged later than chicks with lower FCM levels. This study demonstrates that environmental stress such as poor weather conditions can trigger significant changes in corticosterone levels in seabird chicks. Furthermore, the results indicate that corticosterone may be involved in the physiological and behavioural adjustments necessary for successful fledging and post-fledging survival.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize for the first time seabird diving behavior during bimodal foraging. Little auks Alle alle, small zooplanktivorous Alcids of the High Arctic, have recently been shown to make foraging trips of short and long duration. Because short (ST) and long trips (LT) are thought to occur in different locations and serve different purposes (chick‐ and self‐feeding, respectively) we hypothesized that foraging differences would be apparent, both in terms of water temperature and diving characteristics. Using Time Depth Recorders (TDRs), we tested this hypothesis at three colonies along the Greenland Sea with contrasting oceanographic conditions. We found that diving behavior generally differed between ST and LT. However, the magnitude of the disparity in diving characteristics depended on local foraging conditions. At the study site where conditions were favorable, diving behavior differed only to a small degree between LT and ST. Together with a lack of difference in diving depth and ocean temperature, this indicates that these birds did not increase their foraging effort during ST nor did they travel long distances to seek out more profitable prey. In contrast, where local foraging conditions were poor, birds increased their diving effort substantially to collect a chick meal during ST as indicated by longer, more U‐shaped dives with slower ascent rates and shorter resting times (post‐dive intervals and extended surface pauses). In addition, large differences in diving depth and ocean temperature indicate that birds forage on different prey species and utilize different foraging areas during LT, which may be up to 200 km away from the colony. Continued warming and deteriorating near‐colony foraging conditions may have energetic consequences for little auks breeding in the eastern Greenland Sea.  相似文献   

We removed first eggs from early‐laying females to measure rates and consequences of relaying in Cassin's auklets Ptychoramphus aleuticus and rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata at Triangle Island, British Columbia, Canada. Based on egg size and composition, the investment that Cassin's auklets made in first eggs was very close to that predicted from adult body mass, whereas rhinoceros auklets invested more. In both species, a high percentage of females relaid (90% of Cassin's and 87% of rhinoceros auklets). Breeding success declined weakly with later laying among control Cassin's auklet pairs, but pairs that we induced to relay bred more successfully than naturally late pairs, and similar to values predicted from laying dates of their first eggs. Their chicks also fledged heavier and younger than late control chicks, and similar to values in early control chicks, but followed the population‐wide seasonal decline in wing length at fledging. Nestling diets were dominated by Neocalanus copepods until late in the season, a sign that feeding conditions remained favourable until late. In contrast, rhinoceros auklet pairs induced to relay followed the population‐wide seasonal decline in breeding success, which was driven by a decline in hatching success. Pacific sandlance Ammodytes hexapterus, thought to be a preferred prey species, virtually disappeared from nestling diets in mid‐to‐late season, yet there was no seasonal decline in fledging mass. However, chicks from replacement eggs followed the declines among control chicks in both age and wing length at fledging. Despite the female having produced a replacement egg, and despite delayed breeding, there appeared to be little immediate consequence associated with relaying for Cassin's auklets, except for a tendency for their chicks to fledge with short wings. Consequences were more marked in rhinoceros auklets (greatly reduced hatching success, and having their chicks fledge with short wings), and this may have been due to the large investment made in eggs, and/or to delayed breeding. Results of this study show that attributes of Cassin's and rhinoceros auklets that lay at different times in the season can be important in driving seasonal declines in breeding performance, as found in studies on other Alcidae. They also show how decisions taken during the egg stage can have variable yet potentially important implications for fitness, even in relatively long‐lived species that lay single‐egg clutches.  相似文献   

Seabirds are important components in marine ecosystems. However, knowledge of their ecology and spatial distribution during the non-breeding season is poor. More investigations during this critical period are required urgently, as marine environments are expected to be profoundly affected by climate change and human activities, with both direct and indirect consequences for marine top predators. Here, we studied the distribution of little auks (Alle alle), one of the most abundant seabird species worldwide. We found that after the breeding season, birds from East Greenland quickly travelled north-east to stay for several weeks within a restricted area in the Greenland Sea. Activity patterns indicated that flying behaviour was much reduced during this period, suggesting that this is the primary moulting region for little auks. Birds then performed a southerly migration to overwinter off Newfoundland. These preliminary results provide important information for the conservation of this species and emphasise the need for further studies at a larger spatial scale.  相似文献   

Birds construct nests for several reasons. For species that breed in the Arctic, the insulative properties of nests are very important. Incubation is costly there and due to an increasing surface to volume ratio, more so in smaller species. Small species are therefore more likely to place their nests in thermally favourable microhabitats and/or to invest more in nest insulation than large species. To test this hypothesis, we examined characteristics of nests of six Arctic breeding shorebird species. All species chose thermally favourable nesting sites in a higher proportion than expected on the basis of habitat availability. Site choice did not differ between species. Depth to frozen ground, measured near the nests, decreased in the course of the season at similar non-species-specific speeds, but this depth increased with species size. Nest cup depth and nest scrape depth (nest cup without the lining) were unrelated to body mass (we applied an exponent of 0.73, to account for metabolic activity of the differently sized species). Cup depth divided by diameter(2) was used as a measure of nest cup shape. Small species had narrow and deep nests, while large species had wide shallow nests. The thickness of nest lining varied between 0.1 cm and 7.6 cm, and decreased significantly with body mass. We reconstruct the combined effect of different nest properties on the egg cooling coefficient using previously published quantitative relationships. The predicted effect of nest cup depth and lining depth on heat loss to the frozen ground did not correlate with body mass, but the sheltering effect of nest cup diameter against wind and the effects of lining material on the cooling coefficient increased with body mass. Our results suggest that small arctic shorebirds invest more in the insulation of their nests than large species.  相似文献   

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