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Do aggressive dominance and subordination in vertebrate broods and litters affect development? We examined 1,167 fledglings from two-chick broods of the blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii), a species in which the first-hatched chick dominates with violent attacks throughout the nestling period and subordinates suffer lower fledging success, but if both broodmates survive, they grow to the same size. There was little evidence that dominant fledglings were more likely to recruit into the breeding population than were subordinate fledglings, and there was no evidence that dominant and subordinate recruits differed in their age, date, brood size, or nest success at first reproduction or in their summed brood sizes or total nest success over the first 5 yr or first 10 yr of life. Compared with dominants, subordinate fledglings were less prejudiced by late hatching and established clutches earlier over the first 10 yr, and subordinate recruits had 33% larger broods over the first 5 yr. However, in broods where both chicks fledged, accumulated reproductive success for chicks up to age 5 yr was similar for dominants and subordinates. Exercising dominance throughout infancy apparently does not fortify a chick for the future and may incur a long-term cost, and suffering violent subordination throughout infancy has little or no prejudicial effect and may even steel a chick for adult life.  相似文献   

Survival is a vexing parameter to measure in many young birds because of dispersal and delayed impacts of natal rearing conditions on fitness. Drawing upon marking and resighting records from an 18‐yr study of territorial behavior, we used Cormack–Jolly–Seber analysis with Program MARK to estimate juvenile survival and its predictors in a population of common loons Gavia immer. In addition, we investigated predictors of chick mass, survival and inter‐sibling size disparity in two‐chick broods. Both small size and low pH of natal lakes predicted poor survival among chicks and juveniles; thus, features of the natal environment have both immediate and lasting effects on fitness. The pH × stage interaction retained in our MARK models indicates that the detrimental impact of lake chemistry on fitness diminishes with time; the retention of pH × lake size as a predictor of chick mass and condition pinpoints small lakes as those where acidity impacts chicks most severely. Our adjusted estimate of 0.53 probability of for survival to age 3 suggests that loon populations are healthier than often supposed.  相似文献   

1. Two hypotheses may explain how long-lived seabirds regulate the food provisioning to their chick. The fixed level of investment hypothesis states that the parents provide food for their chick according to an intrinsic rhythm, independent of their chick's need. The flexible investment hypothesis states that the parents adjust their food provisioning both according to their chick's and their own need.
2. We tested how the Antarctic petrels adjust the food-provisioning according to their own body condition or to their chick's need. First, we selected parents in poor and good body condition. Then we gave all parents randomly a chick of different body mass, but of the same age. We then measured the chicks daily until they were fed for the first time after swapping.
3. Parents in good body condition at hatching were more likely to produce a chick that was still alive 9 days after hatching than parents in poor body condition. Chick body mass at day 9 and at the end of the guarding period was positively related to the mean body condition of the parents at hatching.
4. The meal size provided by parents in good body condition was larger than that provided by parents in poor body condition. Parents in good body condition delivered more food to small than to large chicks, whereas no such relationship was found among parents in poor body condition.
5. Our results suggest that the Antarctic petrel parents adjust the amount of food delivered to their chick according to both the chick's need and their own body condition, and that the ability to respond to the chick's need is dependent upon their own body condition.  相似文献   

Parental care in long‐lived bird species involves a trade‐off between the benefits of increasing the effort expended on current offspring and the costs that this represents for future reproductive output. Under regimes of high environmental variability, long‐lived seabirds can adjust their breeding effort to buffer the negative effects of this variability on their offspring. However, the potential impacts of variation in breeding effort on offspring physiology in the short term and on longer‐term survival are poorly understood. In this study, we manipulated brood age through a cross‐fostering experiment to assess whether increasing or decreasing parental reproductive expenditure led to costs in Blue‐footed Booby Sula nebouxii chicks. Specifically, we tested the consequences of altered parental reproductive expenditure on the offspring's physiological condition (plasma metabolites, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio (H/L) and body condition index (BCI)) and survival. Offspring from broods in which parental investment was experimentally increased showed a lower BCI and lower alkaline phosphatase levels and higher H/L ratios than controls. Conversely, offspring showed the opposite pattern when reproductive expenditure was experimentally decreased. We observed no effects of manipulation of parental investment on triglyceride levels or on survival rates. Although our findings suggest that Blue‐footed Booby parents have the ability to adjust their breeding effort according to the demands of their offspring, parental effort could influence the effect of hatching order by suppressing the aggressive tendency of the senior chick.  相似文献   

Body mass of Brünnich's guillemots Uria lomvia breeding at Coats Island, Canada, was measured during incubation and chick‐rearing in 1988–2001. In most years, mass increased during incubation and fell after hatching, leveling off by the time chicks were 18 d old, close to the age at which chicks departed. Mass during incubation increased with age up to about 12 yr, but the mass of birds brooding chicks was not related to age. The trend towards increasing mass during incubation was mainly a consequence of mass increases of young breeders as older birds maintained a constant mass. The variation in adult mass with age during incubation seems likely to reflect age‐related variation in foraging ability, but the loss of mass after hatching, being greater for older birds, appears best explained as a response to the demands of provisioning chicks, with older birds transferring their accumulated reserves to their chicks via higher provisioning rates.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that increasing chick plasma testosterone concentrations, transmitted from the mothers via their eggs, enhances survival of their offspring and that the fitness of the young, depending on the maternal hormones, is influenced by parental quality. To test our hypotheses we distinguished the broods of white storks Ciconia ciconia L. where chicks died and those where all chicks survived. We analysed the plasma testosterone concentrations in the chicks, the ability of the chicks to be first to receive food and the mass of chicks before fledging in relation to their hatching order and recorded the body mass of parents and food mass delivered by them.
Female storks used the asymmetries in testosterone concentrations within a brood to control brood size and adjusted the number of young hatched to match the parental ability to rear offspring. Females of poor condition altered the testosterone concentrations to produce large differences between the chicks: The first-hatched chicks, which had high plasma testosterone levels, responded faster to the feeding parent and received more food than did their younger siblings. One or two later-hatched chicks, which had lower testosterone levels, died in these broods. Females in good condition produced small differences in testosterone concentrations between the chicks and all chicks survived in their brood. Chicks that were raised by the females of poor condition in reduced broods were heavier than chicks that were raised by females of good condition in broods where all chicks survived.
We suggest that the control of brood size by testosterone concentration, transmitted by the mother to the chicks, is a hormonal means of condition-dependent reproductive strategy in the white stork.  相似文献   

When resources are limited, parents should decide the optimal number, size, and sex of progeny, and offspring should decide the optimal allocation of resources to different costly functions, such as growth and immunity. We manipulated clutch sizes of Eurasian kestrels by one egg to estimate possible cumulative effects of incubation and chick rearing costs on parental body condition, feeding effort, and offspring viability. No obvious effects of clutch size manipulations on feeding effort were found while feeding effort was adjusted to the original clutch size. Enlarged and control nests suffered from higher nestling mortality than reduced nests, and chicks of the enlarged group were in poorer body condition than chicks of the reduced group. Controlling for body mass, male chicks exhibited lower cell-mediated immunity assessed by a cutaneous hypersensitivity response than females, but only in treatments suffering from food restrictions, as indicated by chick starvation. These novel results reveal inter-sexual differences in physiological strategies in early life, suggesting sex-related differences in susceptibility to disease and consequently in survival prospects of offspring.  相似文献   

As stresses in early development may generate costs in adult life, sibling competition and conflict in infancy are expected to diminish the reproductive value of surviving low‐status members of broods and litters. We analysed delayed costs to blue‐footed booby fledglings, Sula nebouxii, of junior status in the brood, which involves aggressive subordination, food deprivation and elevated corticosterone, but little or no deficit in size at fledging. In ten cohorts observed for up to 16 years, juniors showed no deficit in breeding success at any age, independent of lifespan, including in a sample of sibling pairs. Among females, juniors actually outreproduced seniors across the 16‐year span. However, offspring produced by juniors in the first 3 years of life were less likely to recruit into the breeding population than offspring of seniors. Since junior fledglings survive, recruit and compete as well as seniors (shown earlier), and breed as successfully as seniors across the lifespan, it appears the delayed cost of subordination is passed to offspring, and only to those few offspring produced in the first 3 years of life. These correlational results indicate that systematic competition‐related differences in developmental conditions of infant siblings can alter their reproductive value by affecting the viability of their eventual offspring.  相似文献   

Intraclutch egg size variation may non‐adaptively result from nutritional/energetic constraints acting on laying females or may reflect adaptive differential investment in offspring in relation to laying/hatching order. This variation may contribute to size hierarchies among siblings already established due to hatching asynchrony, and resultant competitive asymmetries often lead to starvation of the weakest nestling within a brood. The costs in terms of chick mortality can be high. However, the extent to which this mortality is egg size‐mediated remains unclear, especially in relation to hatching asynchrony which may operate concomitantly. I assessed effects of egg size and hatching asynchrony on nestling development and survival of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), where the smaller size and later hatching of c‐eggs may represent a brood‐reduction strategy. To analyze variation in egg size, I recorded the laying order and laying date of 870 eggs in 290 three‐egg clutches over a 3‐yr period (2010–2012). I measured hatchlings and monitored growth and survival of 130 chicks from enclosed nests in 2011 and 2012. The negative effect of laying date (β = ?0.18 ± SE 0.06, P = 0.002) on c‐egg size possibly reflected the fact that late breeders were either low quality or inexperienced females. The mass, size, and condition of hatchling Herring Gulls were positively related to egg size (all P < 0.0001). C‐chicks suffered from increased mortality risk during the first 12 d, identified as the brood‐reduction period in my study population. Although intraclutch variation in egg size was not directly related to patterns of chick mortality, I found that smaller relative egg size interactively increased differences in relative body condition of nestlings, primarily brought about by the degree of hatching asynchrony during this brood‐reduction period. Thus, the value of relatively small c‐eggs in Herring Gulls may lie in reinforcing brood reduction through effects on nestling body condition. A reproductive strategy Herring Gulls might have adopted to maintain a three‐egg clutch, but that also enables them to adjust the number of chicks they rear relative to the prevailing environmental conditions and to their own condition during the nestling stage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT For seabirds raising young under conditions of limited food availability, reducing chick provisioning and chick growth rates are the primary means available to avoid abandonment of a breeding effort. For most seabirds, however, baseline data characterizing chick growth and development under known feeding conditions are unavailable, so it is difficult to evaluate chick nutritional status as it relates to foraging conditions near breeding colonies. To address this need, we examined the growth and development of young Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia), a cosmopolitan, generalist piscivore, reared in captivity and fed ad libitum and restricted (ca. one‐third lower caloric intake) diets. Ad libitum‐fed chicks grew at similar rates and achieved a similar size at fledging as previously documented for chicks in the wild and had energetic demands that closely matched allometric predictions. We identified three general characteristics of food‐restricted Caspian Tern chicks compared to ad libitum chicks: (1) lower age‐specific body mass, (2) lower age‐specific skeletal and feather size, such as wing chord length, and (3) heightened levels of corticosterone in blood, both for baseline levels and in response to acute stress. Effects of diet restriction on feather growth (10–11% slower growth in diet‐restricted chicks) were less pronounced than effects on structural growth (37–52% slower growth) and body mass (24% lower at fledging age), apparently due to preferential allocation of food resources to maintain plumage growth. Our results suggest that measurements of chick body mass and feather development (e.g., wing chord or primary length) or measurement of corticosterone levels in the blood would allow useful evaluation of the nutritional status of chicks reared in the wild and of food availability in the foraging range of adults. Such evaluations could also inform demography studies (e.g., predict future recruitment) and assist in evaluating designated piscivorous waterbird conservation (colony) sites.  相似文献   

The immune system is essential for health and survival of vertebrates, yet still little is known about the ontogeny of the immune system in wild birds. The southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) is a semi-altricial seabird with a long developmental period and reversed hatching asynchrony, favouring the survival of B-chicks. We compared leucocyte counts and baseline corticosterone levels of southern rockhopper penguin chicks under different preconditions such as sex and origin from an A- or B-egg from 4 to 51 days of age. We conducted an experiment to compare leucocyte profiles and baseline corticosterone levels in A- and B-chicks in single-egg clutches as well as in B-chicks from normal two egg-clutches (one A- and one B-egg). None of these treatments influenced leucocyte counts or corticosterone levels, indicating a similar investment in the immune system. Our main finding was an increase of leucocytes/10,000 erythrocytes with age, which was mainly caused by an increase in lymphocyte numbers. This suggests differential investment into acquired immunity at this stage of development. As the granulocyte/lymphocyte (G/L) ratio did not change with age or body condition, G/L ratios seem not to reflect stress caused by poor provisioning of penguin chicks. This was also reinforced by the decrease of plasma corticosterone levels with age. Body condition was negatively correlated with monocyte numbers, suggesting a poorer health status of penguin chicks in poorer body condition. Yet, there was no link between body condition and other leucocyte parameters, indicating that chicks in a good body condition did not additionally invest into their immune system.  相似文献   

The number of offspring surviving until independence is the fundamental drive in the evolution of parental care. Because of the related costs, parental investment must be balanced with essential resources for parents themselves, among the resources available in the environment under the current parental condition. It is advantageous for parents to adjust their level of investment to the number of offspring; however, there is little evidence that parents employ numerical competence in adjusting their investment level. We investigated how parents respond to experimentally manipulated brood sizes in a passerine species, known as a host of a brood parasitic cuckoo whose chicks presumably deceive their hosts numerically. Parents reduced their provisioning to broods of reduced sizes, whereas parents did not increase provisioning to enlarged broods compared to that in the control condition. These parental responses can be attributed to the response of chicks to the experimental treatments compared to that in the control: chicks lowered begging intensity in the reduced condition, while they did not intensify being in the enlarged condition. Further analyses revealed that eagerness of parents to respond to chick begging intensity differed between the experimental treatments: strong parental response was detected toward begging chicks only in the reduced condition. We propose that the detected equivocality of parental responses might be related to the difference in the number of chicks between the unmanipulated and experimentally manipulated broods, the former reflecting the initial parental decision on the amount of resources to allocate to the brood.  相似文献   

In response to unpredictability of both food availability and core offspring failure, parents of many avian species initially produce more offspring than they commonly rear (overproduction). When parental investment is insufficient to raise the whole brood the handicap of hatching last means ‘marginal’ chicks are less likely to survive if brood reduction occurs. Conversely, if marginal offspring are required as replacements for failed ‘core’ chicks, or parental investment is sufficient to rear the whole brood, the handicap imposed on marginal chicks must be reversible if overproduction is to be a viable strategy. I investigated the ability of marginal offspring to overcome the handicap imposed by hatching asynchrony using a combination of a field experiment, designed to manipulate both the amount of total competition and the relative competitive ability of chicks within a brood, and data on the growth and survival of unmanipulated, three‐chick broods from three consecutive years. The results indicate that, even when resources are abundant, marginal offspring do not begin to overcome the competitive handicap imposed by hatching asynchrony until the period of growth when energetic requirements reach their peak, and subsequent survival to fledging is almost assured. This is apparently a consequence of parents controlling allocation of early parental investment, so that any brood reduction ‘decisions’ can be left as late as possible. Marginal chicks initially channel resources into maintaining mass, relative to skeletal size, as a buffer against starvation. However this also means competitiveness is reduced, so if conditions are poor marginal chicks are rapidly out‐competed, lose condition and die. Conversely, when food availability is good marginal offspring devote more resources to skeletal growth and quickly close the gap on their core siblings, meaning the handicap is reversible. The benefits of overproduction and hatching asynchrony as reproductive strategies to maximise success in Lesser Black‐backed Gulls are discussed in relation to the reproductive alternatives.  相似文献   

In many territorial breeders, conspecifics that intrude during the chick‐rearing period pose a threat to survival of young. Defense of young from intruders is costly to parents, so it is likely that intense selective pressure has shaped chick defense so as to maximize parental fitness. We simulated territorial intrusion by exposing adult common loons Gavia immer and their chicks to a decoy and used mixed models to investigate responses. We tested two hypotheses: 1) the value hypothesis, which holds that parents should defend large broods of offspring more strongly because of the greater potential fitness benefits they offer, and 2) the vulnerability hypothesis, which predicts vigorous defense of young offspring, whose small size and limited mobility render them vulnerable to sudden attacks from intruders that approach under water. Under natural conditions, parents spent over 80% of their time within 20 m of chicks younger than two weeks (‘young chicks’) but 66% or less of their time close to chicks four weeks or older (‘old chicks’). Parents of young chicks associated less with the decoy but yodelled and penguin danced more during decoy trials than did parents of old chicks, supporting the conclusion that the parents protected young chicks not by engaging intruders directly but by remaining close to chicks and using vocalization and display to keep intruders at a distance. While these findings lent clear support to the vulnerability hypothesis, the value hypothesis too was supported, as males with two‐chick broods were almost three times more likely to yodel than males with singleton chicks. Age of parents was not associated with any aspect of chick defense, but the paucity of known‐aged parents in the oldest age classes makes future investigation of age effects warranted.  相似文献   

In several seabirds, nutritional state of a nest-bound chick is negatively correlated with the activity of its hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Increased corticosterone (cort) secretion has been shown to facilitate changes in behavior that allow hungry chicks to obtain more food from parents. However, if parents are not willing/able to buffer their young from temporary food shortages, increased cort secretion could be detrimental to undernourished chicks. In a system where parents are insensitive to chick demands, low benefits and high costs of activation of the HPA-axis in hungry chicks should lead to a disassociation of the nutritional state of the young and the activity of its HPA-axis. We tested this novel hypothesis for the tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata), a seabird with intermittent provisioning of a nest-bound semi-precocial chick. We examined the HPA-axis activity of captive chicks exposed to the following: (1) a short-term (24 h) food deprivation; and (2) an array of prolonged (3 weeks) restrictions in feeding regimens. We found that in response to a short-term food deprivation chicks decreased baseline levels of cort and thyroid hormones. In response to prolonged restrictions, food-limited chicks exhibited signs of nutritional deficit: they had lower body mass, endogenous lipid reserves, and thyroid hormone titers compared to chicks fed ad libitum. However, baseline and maximum acute stress-induced levels of cort were also lower in food-restricted chicks compared to those of chicks fed ad libitum. These results support a major prediction of the study hypothesis that puffin chicks suppress HPA-axis activity in response to short- and long-term nutritional deficits. This physiological adaptation may allow a chick to extend its development in the nest, while eluding detrimental effects of chronic cort elevation.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of altricial young are influenced by their parents’ abilities to invest in a breeding attempt. As a result, chick growth and survival in one breeding season may be indicative of their parents’ long-term reproductive potential. To determine whether variation in long-term reproductive success is driven by differential breeding investment, parental care and chick growth in wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) were correlated with parental historical reproductive success. Effects of age and breeding experience (determined from past breeding attempts) and pre-laying body condition (mass–size indices) on chick growth and survival also were tested. Longer brooding of chicks increased their survival, but length of chick brooding did not differ between historically unproductive and successful breeders. Past reproductive success also was not correlated with chick growth rates or fledging mass or size. Chick brooding period, chick growth rates, final mass and size were independent of parental body condition. Older and more experienced parents brooded chicks for longer and their chicks grew faster, supporting previous findings that breeding competence is a learnt skill. Chick care and growth characteristics differed more between than within pairs, suggesting that differences in these characteristics are driven by variation among pairs.  相似文献   

Behavioral and/or developmental plasticity is crucial for resisting the impacts of environmental stressors. We investigated the plasticity of adult foraging behavior and chick development in an offshore foraging seabird, the black noddy (Anous minutus), during two breeding seasons. The first season had anomalously high sea-surface temperatures and ‘low’ prey availability, while the second was a season of below average sea-surface temperatures and ‘normal’ food availability. During the second season, supplementary feeding of chicks was used to manipulate offspring nutritional status in order to mimic conditions of high prey availability. When sea-surface temperatures were hotter than average, provisioning rates were significantly and negatively impacted at the day-to-day scale. Adults fed chicks during this low-food season smaller meals but at the same rate as chicks in the unfed treatment the following season. Supplementary feeding of chicks during the second season also resulted in delivery of smaller meals by adults, but did not influence feeding rate. Chick begging and parental responses to cessation of food supplementation suggested smaller meals fed to artificially supplemented chicks resulted from a decrease in chick demands associated with satiation, rather than adult behavioral responses to chick condition. During periods of low prey abundance, chicks maintained structural growth while sacrificing body condition and were unable to take advantage of periods of high prey abundance by increasing growth rates. These results suggest that this species expresses limited plasticity in provisioning behavior and offspring development. Consequently, responses to future changes in sea-surface temperature and other environmental variation may be limited.  相似文献   

The most critical assumption of communication models regarding parent–offspring conflict is that food solicitation displays of genetic offspring are honest signals to elicit beneficial parental care. A critical requirement of honesty is the reliable change of perceivable aspects of begging calls with physiological needs. We experimentally tested whether and how the acoustic structure and begging call rate of individual Grey Warbler Gerygone igata nestlings change with hunger level and age. We also examined a rarely documented component of chick begging calls, namely the temporal dynamics of acoustic modulation after nestlings heard parental feeding calls. Begging call structure narrowed in frequency range and, surprisingly, decreased in amplitude as chick hunger levels increased. We also found that begging calls changed with chick age, with the frequency increasing and the duration decreasing for older chicks. These results indicate that the acoustic properties of nestling Grey Warbler begging calls are complex and may be used to signal several aspects of nestling traits, including hunger level and age (or size, a correlate of age). Overall, begging calls of Grey Warbler chicks appear to be honest, implying that parents are likely to benefit from relying on the acoustic features of their progeny’s calls which predict chick need. Our results have important implications regarding the reliability and information content of nestling solicitation signals for the brood parasite shining cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus exploiting Grey Warbler parental care, in that these begging‐call mimetic specialist cuckoos might also need to match closely the dynamics of acoustic features of their host chicks’ calls.  相似文献   

SERGIO HIDALGO-GARCIA 《Ibis》2006,148(4):727-734
The Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus is a passerine bird in which both sexes provide substantial care to the offspring and display conspicuous carotenoid-based plumage coloration. It has been shown that carotenoid-based coloration in birds reflects both individual quality and foraging ability. Because the body condition of nestlings usually depends on the capacity of their parents to feed them, I predicted that, independent of sex, those individuals with the most exaggerated carotenoid-based plumage coloration should raise offspring in better health. I found that although, in my study population, the smallest females were paired with the largest males, the brightest females were paired with the brightest and most intensely coloured males. I used body condition and T-cell-mediated immune response of nestlings as measures of their health status. Generalized mixed models showed that brighter and more-yellow adults reared offspring in better than average condition and immune response. Older males and smaller females were also able to raise offspring with better immune response. All these results suggest that the carotenoid-based plumage coloration of parents is somehow linked with individual quality, as it presents a significant and positive correlation with the health status of their growing chicks. Thus, the brightest and more intensely coloured individuals raised the healthiest offspring.  相似文献   

It is now widely acknowledged that mothers can transfer their own immune experience to their progeny through the allocation of specific maternal antibodies (hereafter referred as MatAb) that can shape offspring phenotype and affect their fitness. However, the importance of environmental variability in modulating the effects of MatAb on offspring traits is still elusive. Using an experimental approach, we investigated how food availability interacted with MatAb to solve the trade‐off between humoral immunity and growth in young feral pigeons Columba livia. Results show that the inhibitory effect of MatAb on the humoral response of chicks was detected regardless of the food treatment. In addition, body mass growth was higher in chicks receiving lower amounts of maternal antibodies but only in chicks of the ad libitum food treatment. This contradicts previous studies and suggests that the transfer of MatAb could entail some costs for chicks and reduce their growth. Taken together these results reinforce the idea that the maternal antibodies play a central role in shaping offspring life‐history traits but that their adaptive value is highly dependent on the environmental context in which they are transmitted by the mother.  相似文献   

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