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Recently, dated phylogenies have been increasingly used for ecological studies on community structure and conservation planning. There is, however, a major impediment to a systematic application of phylogenetic methods in ecology: reliable phylogenies with time-calibrated branch lengths are lacking for a large number of taxonomic groups and this condition is likely to continue for a long time. A solution for this problem consists in using undated phylogenies or taxonomic hierarchies as proxies for dated phylogenies. Nonetheless, little is known on the potential loss of information of these approaches compared to studies using dated phylogenies with time-calibrated branch lengths. The aim of this study is to ask how the use of undated phylogenies and taxonomic hierarchies biases a very simple measure of diversity, the mean pairwise phylogenetic distance between community species, compared to the diversity of dated phylogenies derived from the freely available software Phylomatic. This is illustrated with three sets of data on plant species sampled at different scales. Our results show that: (1) surprisingly, the diversity computed from dated phylogenies derived from Phylomatic is more strongly related to the diversity computed from taxonomic hierarchies than to the diversity computed from undated phylogenies, while (2) less surprisingly, the strength of this relationship increases if we consider only angiosperm species.  相似文献   

The existence of positive associations between rates of molecular and morphological evolution (calculated from branch lengths of phylogenetic trees reconstructed using molecular and morphological characters, respectively) is important to issues of neutrality in sequence evolution, phylogenetic reconstructions assuming neutrality, and evolutionary genotype-phenotype mapping. Rates correlate positively when including branches leading to extant species (tips). Excluding tips, trends are similar, but statistical significances decrease systematically. This is due to (a) lower statistical power (excluding tips reduces sample sizes), and (b) rates are solely calculated from inaccurately reconstructed character states of extinct ancestral species, and this noise decreases correlation strengths. Correlations between molecular and morphological rates of evolution increase as more morphological characters are included for phylogenetic reconstruction. Sequence lengths apparently affect correlations along similar principles. Analyses of plant phylogenies confirm those from animals: sampling biases decrease correlations between molecular and morphological rates of evolution. Results confirm that genotype and phenotype are linked, and suggest adaptive components for molecular evolution. The discussion stresses the difficulties associated with analyses and conclusions based on data deduced from phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic imputation has recently emerged as a potentially powerful tool for predicting missing data in functional traits datasets. As such, understanding the limitations of phylogenetic modelling in predicting trait values is critical if we are to use them in subsequent analyses. Previous studies have focused on the relationship between phylogenetic signal and clade‐level prediction accuracy, yet variability in prediction accuracy among individual tips of phylogenies remains largely unexplored. Here, we used simulations of trait evolution along the branches of phylogenetic trees to show how the accuracy of phylogenetic imputations is influenced by the combined effects of 1) the amount of phylogenetic signal in the traits and 2) the branch length of the tips to be imputed. Specifically, we conducted cross‐validation trials to estimate the variability in prediction accuracy among individual tips on the phylogenies (hereafter ‘tip‐level accuracy’). We found that under a Brownian motion model of evolution (BM, Pagel't λ = 1), tip‐level accuracy rapidly decreased with increasing tip branch‐lengths, and only tips of approximately 10% or less of the total height of the trees showed consistently accurate predictions (i.e. cross‐validation R‐squared >0.75). When phylogenetic signal was weak, the effect of tip branch‐length was reduced, becoming negligible for traits simulated with λ < 0.7, where accuracy was in any case low. Our study shows that variability in prediction accuracy among individual tips of the phylogeny should be considered when evaluating the reliability of phylogenetically imputed trait values. To address this challenge, we describe a Monte Carlo‐based method that allows one to estimate the expected tip‐level accuracy of phylogenetic predictions for continuous traits. Our approach identifies gaps in functional trait datasets for which phylogenetic imputation performs poorly, and will help ecologists to design more efficient trait collection campaigns by focusing resources on lineages whose trait values are more uncertain.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen an increasing effort to incorporate phylogenetic hypotheses to the study of community assembly processes. The incorporation of such evolutionary information has been eased by the emergence of specialized software for the automatic estimation of partially resolved supertrees based on published phylogenies. Despite this growing interest in the use of phylogenies in ecological research, very few studies have attempted to quantify the potential biases related to the use of partially resolved phylogenies and to branch length accuracy, and no work has examined how tree shape may affect inference of community phylogenetic metrics. In this study, we tested the influence of phylogenetic resolution and branch length information on the quantification of phylogenetic structure, and also explored the impact of tree shape (stemminess) on the loss of accuracy in phylogenetic structure quantification due to phylogenetic resolution. For this purpose, we used 9 sets of phylogenetic hypotheses of varying resolution and branch lengths to calculate three indices of phylogenetic structure: the mean phylogenetic distance (NRI), the mean nearest taxon distance (NTI) and phylogenetic diversity (stdPD) metrics. The NRI metric was the less sensitive to phylogenetic resolution, stdPD showed an intermediate sensitivity, and NTI was the most sensitive one; NRI was also less sensitive to branch length accuracy than NTI and stdPD, the degree of sensitivity being strongly dependent on the dating method and the sample size. Directional biases were generally towards type II errors. Interestingly, we detected that tree shape influenced the accuracy loss derived from the lack of phylogenetic resolution, particularly for NRI and stdPD. We conclude that well‐resolved molecular phylogenies with accurate branch length information are needed to identify the underlying phylogenetic structure of communities, and also that sensitivity of phylogenetic structure measures to low phylogenetic resolution can strongly vary depending on phylogenetic tree shape.  相似文献   

The use of phylogenetic comparative methods in ecological research has advanced during the last twenty years, mainly due to accurate phylogenetic reconstructions based on molecular data and computational and statistical advances. We used phylogenetic correlograms and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) to model body size evolution in 35 worldwide Felidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) species using two alternative phylogenies and published body size data. The purpose was not to contrast the phylogenetic hypotheses but to evaluate how analyses of body size evolution patterns can be affected by the phylogeny used for comparative analyses (CA). Both phylogenies produced a strong phylogenetic pattern, with closely related species having similar body sizes and the similarity decreasing with increasing distances in time. The PVR explained 65% to 67% of body size variation and all Moran's I values for the PVR residuals were non-significant, indicating that both these models explained phylogenetic structures in trait variation. Even though our results did not suggest that any phylogeny can be used for CA with the same power, or that "good" phylogenies are unnecessary for the correct interpretation of the evolutionary dynamics of ecological, biogeographical, physiological or behavioral patterns, it does suggest that developments in CA can, and indeed should, proceed without waiting for perfect and fully resolved phylogenies.  相似文献   

Abstract New inference techniques, such as supertrees, have improved the construction of large phylogenies, helping to reveal the tree of life. In addition, these large phylogenies have enhanced the study of other evolutionary questions, such as whether traits have evolved in a neutral or adaptive way, or what factors have influenced diversification. However, supertrees usually lack branch lengths, which are necessary for all these issues to be investigated. Here, divergence times within the largest family of flowering plants, namely the Asteraceae, are reviewed to estimate time‐calibrated branch lengths in the supertree of this lineage. An inconsistency between estimated dates of basal branching events and the earliest asteraceous fossil pollen record was detected. In addition, the impact of different methods of branch length assignment on the total number of transitions between states in the reconstruction of sexual system evolution in Asteraceae was investigated. At least for this dataset, different branch length assignation approaches influenced maximum likelihood (ML) reconstructions only and not Bayesian ones. Therefore, the selection of different branch length information is not arbitrary and should be carefully assessed, at least when ML approaches are being used. The reviewed divergence times and the estimated time‐calibrated branch lengths provide a useful tool for future phylogenetic comparative and macroevolutionary studies of Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Ancestral state reconstruction is a method used to study the evolutionary trajectories of quantitative characters on phylogenies. Although efficient methods for univariate ancestral state reconstruction under a Brownian motion model have been described for at least 25 years, to date no generalization has been described to allow more complex evolutionary models, such as multivariate trait evolution, non‐Brownian models, missing data, and within‐species variation. Furthermore, even for simple univariate Brownian motion models, most phylogenetic comparative R packages compute ancestral states via inefficient tree rerooting and full tree traversals at each tree node, making ancestral state reconstruction extremely time‐consuming for large phylogenies. Here, a computationally efficient method for fast maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction of continuous characters is described. The algorithm has linear complexity relative to the number of species and outperforms the fastest existing R implementations by several orders of magnitude. The described algorithm is capable of performing ancestral state reconstruction on a 1,000,000‐species phylogeny in fewer than 2 s using a standard laptop, whereas the next fastest R implementation would take several days to complete. The method is generalizable to more complex evolutionary models, such as phylogenetic regression, within‐species variation, non‐Brownian evolutionary models, and multivariate trait evolution. Because this method enables fast repeated computations on phylogenies of virtually any size, implementation of the described algorithm can drastically alleviate the computational burden of many otherwise prohibitively time‐consuming tasks requiring reconstruction of ancestral states, such as phylogenetic imputation of missing data, bootstrapping procedures, Expectation‐Maximization algorithms, and Bayesian estimation. The described ancestral state reconstruction algorithm is implemented in the Rphylopars functions anc.recon and phylopars.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to conduct phylogenetic analyses of comparative or interspecific data when the true phylogeny is not known. Standard models of speciation and/or extinction or other methods are used to generate a sample from the set of all possible phylogenies for the measured species. The comparative data are then analyzed on each of the possible trees to obtain a distribution of possible evolutionary statistics for these data. The mean of this distribution is proposed as a reasonable estimate of the true evolutionary statistic of interest. Ways of obtaining confidence intervals and of developing hypothesis tests for this mean statistic are also proposed. The method can be used with any comparative method or phylogenetic analysis technique when phylogenetic relationships among species are not known or when branch lengths for a phylogeny in units of expected character change (as required by most methods) are not available. Computer programs to conduct the analyses are available on request.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding shows enormous promise for the rapid identification of organisms at the species level. There has been much recent debate, however, about the need for longer barcode sequences, especially when these sequences are used to construct molecular phylogenies. Here, we have analysed a set of fungal mitochondrial sequences - of various lengths - and we have monitored the effect of reducing sequence length on the utility of the data for both species identification and phylogenetic reconstruction. Our results demonstrate that reducing sequence length has a profound effect on the accuracy of resulting phylogenetic trees, but surprisingly short sequences still yield accurate species identifications. We conclude that the standard short barcode sequences ( approximately 600 bp) are not suitable for inferring accurate phylogenetic relationships, but they are sufficient for species identification among the fungi.  相似文献   

Ecologists are increasingly making use of molecular phylogenies, especially in the fields of community ecology and conservation. However, these phylogenies are often used without full appreciation of their underlying assumptions and uncertainties. A frequent practice in ecological studies is inferring a phylogeny with molecular data from taxa only within the community of interest. These “inferred community phylogenies” are inherently biased in their taxon sampling. Despite the importance of comprehensive sampling in constructing phylogenies, the implications of using inferred community phylogenies in ecological studies have not been examined. Here, we evaluate how taxon sampling affects the quantification and comparison of community phylogenetic diversity using both simulated and empirical data sets. We demonstrate that inferred community trees greatly underestimate phylogenetic diversity and that the probability of incorrectly ranking community diversity can reach up to 25%, depending on the dating methods employed. We argue that to reach reliable conclusions, ecological studies must improve their taxon sampling and generate the best phylogeny possible.  相似文献   

Elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) is a highly conserved ubiquitous protein involved in translation that has been suggested to have desirable properties for phylogenetic inference. To examine the utility of EF-1 alpha as a phylogenetic marker for eukaryotes, we studied three properties of EF-1 alpha trees: congruency with other phyogenetic markers, the impact of species sampling, and the degree of substitutional saturation occurring between taxa. Our analyses indicate that the EF-1 alpha tree is congruent with some other molecular phylogenies in identifying both the deepest branches and some recent relationships in the eukaryotic line of descent. However, the topology of the intermediate portion of the EF-1 alpha tree, occupied by most of the protist lineages, differs for different phylogenetic methods, and bootstrap values for branches are low. Most problematic in this region is the failure of all phylogenetic methods to resolve the monophyly of two higher-order protistan taxa, the Ciliophora and the Alveolata. JACKMONO analyses indicated that the impact of species sampling on bootstrap support for most internal nodes of the eukaryotic EF-1 alpha tree is extreme. Furthermore, a comparison of observed versus inferred numbers of substitutions indicates that multiple overlapping substitutions have occurred, especially on the branch separating the Eukaryota from the Archaebacteria, suggesting that the rooting of the eukaryotic tree on the diplomonad lineage should be treated with caution. Overall, these results suggest that the phylogenies obtained from EF-1 alpha are congruent with other molecular phylogenies in recovering the monophyly of groups such as the Metazoa, Fungi, Magnoliophyta, and Euglenozoa. However, the interrelationships between these and other protist lineages are not well resolved. This lack of resolution may result from the combined effects of poor taxonomic sampling, relatively few informative positions, large numbers of overlapping substitutions that obscure phylogenetic signal, and lineage-specific rate increases in the EF-1 alpha data set. It is also consistent with the nearly simultaneous diversification of major eukaryotic lineages implied by the "big-bang" hypothesis of eukaryote evolution.  相似文献   

Species enter and persist in local communities because of their ecological fit to local conditions, and recently, ecologists have moved from measuring diversity as species richness and evenness, to using measures that reflect species ecological differences. There are two principal approaches for quantifying species ecological differences: functional (trait‐based) and phylogenetic pairwise distances between species. Both approaches have produced new ecological insights, yet at the same time methodological issues and assumptions limit them. Traits and phylogeny may provide different, and perhaps complementary, information about species' differences. To adequately test assembly hypotheses, a framework integrating the information provided by traits and phylogenies is required. We propose an intuitive measure for combining functional and phylogenetic pairwise distances, which provides a useful way to assess how functional and phylogenetic distances contribute to understanding patterns of community assembly. Here, we show that both traits and phylogeny inform community assembly patterns in alpine plant communities across an elevation gradient, because they represent complementary information. Differences in historical selection pressures have produced variation in the strength of the trait‐phylogeny correlation, and as such, integrating traits and phylogeny can enhance the ability to detect assembly patterns across habitats or environmental gradients.  相似文献   

New inference techniques,such as supertrees,have improved the construction of large phylogenies,helping to reveal the tree of life.In addition,these large phylogenies have enhanced the study of other evolutionary questions,such as whether traits have evolved in a neutral or adaptive way,or what factors have influenced diversification.However,supertrees usually lack branch lengths,which are necessary for all these issues to be investigated.Here,divergence times within the largest family of flowering plants,namely the Asteraceae,are reviewed to estimate time-calibrated branch lengths in the supertree of this lineage.An inconsistency between estimated dates of basal branching events and the earliest asteraceous fossil pollen record was detected.In addition,the impact of different methods of branch length assignment on the total number of transitions between states in the reconstruction of sexual system evolution in Asteraceae was investigated.At least for this dataset,different branch length assignation approaches influenced maximum likelihood(ML)reconstructions only and not Bayesian ones.Therefore,the selection of different branch length information is not arbitrary and should be carefully assessed,at least when ML approaches are being used.The reviewed divergence times and the estimated time-calibrated branch lengths provide a useful tool for future phylogenetic comparative and macroevolutionary studies of Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods play a critical role in our understanding of the adaptive origin of primate behaviors. To incorporate evolutionary history directly into comparative behavioral research, behavioral ecologists rely on strong, well-resolved phylogenetic trees. Phylogenies provide the framework on which behaviors can be compared and homologies can be distinguished from similarities due to convergent or parallel evolution. Phylogenetic reconstructions are also of critical importance when inferring the ancestral state of behavioral patterns and when suggesting the evolutionary changes that behavior has undergone. Improvements in genome sequencing technologies have increased the amount of data available to researchers. Recently, several primate phylogenetic studies have used multiple loci to produce robust phylogenetic trees that include hundreds of primate species. These trees are now commonly used in comparative analyses and there is a perception that we have a complete picture of the primate tree. But how confident can we be in those phylogenies? And how reliable are comparative analyses based on such trees? Herein, we argue that even recent molecular phylogenies should be treated cautiously because they rely on many assumptions and have many shortcomings. Most phylogenetic studies do not model gene tree diversity and can produce misleading results, such as strong support for an incorrect species tree, especially in the case of rapid and recent radiations. We discuss implications that incorrect phylogenies can have for reconstructing the evolution of primate behaviors and we urge primatologists to be aware of the current limitations of phylogenetic reconstructions when applying phylogenetic comparative methods.  相似文献   

Despite benefits for precision, ecologists rarely use informative priors. One reason that ecologists may prefer vague priors is the perception that informative priors reduce accuracy. To date, no ecological study has empirically evaluated data‐derived informative priors' effects on precision and accuracy. To determine the impacts of priors, we evaluated mortality models for tree species using data from a forest dynamics plot in Thailand. Half the models used vague priors, and the remaining half had informative priors. We found precision was greater when using informative priors, but effects on accuracy were more variable. In some cases, prior information improved accuracy, while in others, it was reduced. On average, models with informative priors were no more or less accurate than models without. Our analyses provide a detailed case study on the simultaneous effect of prior information on precision and accuracy and demonstrate that when priors are specified appropriately, they lead to greater precision without systematically reducing model accuracy.  相似文献   

Cophylogeny is the congruence of phylogenetic relationships between two different groups of organisms due to their long‐term interaction. We investigated the use of tree shape distance measures to quantify the degree of cophylogeny. We implemented a reverse‐time simulation model of pathogen phylogenies within a fixed host tree, given cospeciation probability, host switching, and pathogen speciation rates. We used this model to evaluate 18 distance measures between host and pathogen trees including two kernel distances that we developed for labeled and unlabeled trees, which use branch lengths and accommodate different size trees. Finally, we used these measures to revisit published cophylogenetic studies, where authors described the observed associations as representing a high or low degree of cophylogeny. Our simulations demonstrated that some measures are more informative than others with respect to specific coevolution parameters especially when these did not assume extreme values. For real datasets, trees’ associations projection revealed clustering of high concordance studies suggesting that investigators are describing it in a consistent way. Our results support the hypothesis that measures can be useful for quantifying cophylogeny. This motivates their usage in the field of coevolution and supports the development of simulation‐based methods, i.e., approximate Bayesian computation, to estimate the underlying coevolutionary parameters.  相似文献   

Aim Charles Darwin posited that introduced species with close relatives were less likely to succeed because of fiercer competition resulting from their similarity to residents. There is much debate about the generality of this rule, and recent studies on plant and fish introductions have been inconclusive. Information on phylogenetic relatedness is potentially valuable for explaining invasion outcomes and could form part of screening protocols for minimizing future invasions. We provide the first test of this hypothesis for terrestrial vertebrates using two new molecular phylogenies for native and introduced reptiles for two regions with the best data on introduction histories. Location California and Florida, USA. Methods We performed an ordination of ecological traits to confirm that ecologically similar species are indeed closely related phylogenetically. We then inferred molecular phylogenies for introduced and native reptiles using sequence data for two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes. Using these phylogenies, we computed two distance metrics: the mean phylogenetic distance (MPD) between each introduced species and all native species in each region (which indicates the potential interactions between introduced species and all native species in the community) and the distance of each introduced species to its nearest native relative – NN (indicating the degree of similarity and associated likelihood of competition between each introduced species and its closest evolutionary analogue). These metrics were compared for introduced species that established and those that failed. Results We demonstrate that phylogenetically related species do share similar ecological functions. Furthermore, successfully introduced species are more distantly related to natives (for NN and MPD) than failed species, although variation is high. Main conclusions The evolutionary history of a region has value for explaining and predicting the outcome of human‐driven introductions of reptiles. Phylogenetic metrics are thus useful inputs to multi‐factor risk assessments, which are increasingly required for screening introduced species.  相似文献   

Interest in methods that estimate speciation and extinction rates from molecular phylogenies has increased over the last decade. The application of such methods requires reliable estimates of tree topology and node ages, which are frequently obtained using standard phylogenetic inference combining concatenated loci and molecular dating. However, this practice disregards population‐level processes that generate gene tree/species tree discordance. We evaluated the impact of employing concatenation and coalescent‐based phylogeny inference in recovering the correct macroevolutionary regime using simulated data based on the well‐established diversification rate shift of delphinids in Cetacea. We found that under scenarios of strong incomplete lineage sorting, macroevolutionary analysis of phylogenies inferred by concatenating loci failed to recover the delphinid diversification shift, while the coalescent‐based tree consistently retrieved the correct rate regime. We suggest that ignoring microevolutionary processes reduces the power of methods that estimate macroevolutionary regimes from molecular data.  相似文献   

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