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Investigating intraspecific variation in acoustic signals can indicate the extent of isolation and divergence between populations and adaptations to local environments. Here we analyze the variation in killer whale high‐frequency (>17 kHz) whistles recorded off Norway, Iceland, and in the North Pacific. We used a combination of methods including multivariate comparisons of spectral and temporal parameters and categorization of contours to types. Our results show that spectral and temporal characteristics of high‐frequency whistles recorded in the North Pacific show significant differences from whistles recorded in the Northeast Atlantic, being generally stereotyped, lower in frequency, and slightly longer in duration. Most high‐frequency whistles from the North Pacific were downsweeps, whereas this was one of the least common types recorded in the Northeast Atlantic. The repertoire of whistles recorded in Norway was similar to Iceland, but whistles produced in Norway had significantly lower maximum frequency and frequency range. Most methods were able to discriminate between whistles of the North Pacific and the Northeast Atlantic, but were unable to consistently distinguish whistles from Iceland and Norway. This suggests that macro‐ and microgeographic differences in high‐frequency whistles of killer whales may reflect historical geographic isolation between ocean basins and more recent divergence between adjacent populations.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence links exposure to Navy sonar with certain mass stranding events of deep diving beaked whales. Although the cause of these strandings is unknown, one theory suggests that the animals confuse the sonar signals with vocalizations of killer whales, a known predator. Here we analyze the movement patterns of a tagged female Blainville's beaked whale in reaction to playback of killer whale predation calls. During a deep foraging dive, the whale was exposed to a playback of killer whale vocalizations with the source level slowly increased until the whale prematurely ceased foraging. The heading data from the tag were analyzed using a rotation test with a likelihood ratio calculated for a nonparametric kernel density estimate. We found a significant difference (< 0.005) in the distribution of Δheading (the change in heading averaged over 200 s) after the cessation of the killer whale playback. A test of the angular standard deviation (SD) of the Δheading showed that after the playback, the SD was significantly reduced (= 0.0064), which indicates that the animal maintained a straighter than normal course for an extended period of time. The prolonged directed avoidance response observed here suggests a behavioral reaction that could pose a risk factor for stranding.  相似文献   

Whistle characteristics were quantitatively compared between both geographically separated and neighboring populations of Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) in U.S. waters to evaluate if intraspecific acoustic differences exist between groups. We compared nine whistle characteristics between continental shelf and offshore Atlantic spotted dolphins in the western North Atlantic and between northern Gulf of Mexico and western North Atlantic bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales using discriminant analysis. Offshore Atlantic spotted dolphin whistles were significantly different (Hotelling's T2, P= 0.0003) from continental shelf whistles in high frequency, bandwidth, duration, number of steps, and number of inflection points. Atlantic bottlenose dolphin whistles were significantly different (Hotelling's T2, P < 0.0001) from those in the Gulf of Mexico in duration, number of steps, and number of inflection points. There was no significant difference between pilot whale whistles in the two basins. The whistle differences indicate acoustic divergence between groups in different areas that may arise from geographic isolation or habitat separation between neighboring but genetically distinct populations of dolphins. This study supports the premise that acoustic differences can be a tool to evaluate the ecological separation between marine mammal groups in field studies.  相似文献   

Active acoustic techniques can be used to detect whales. The ability to detect whales from a moving vessel or stationary buoy could reduce conflicts between hazardous human activities and whales, enabling implementation of mitigation procedures. In order to identify acoustic targets correctly as whales, knowledge of whale target strength (TS) is required. Active acoustic detections of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) were made in the Norwegian Sea; acoustic data were collected using calibrated omnidirectional sonar, operating at a discrete frequency of 110 kHz. Three fin whales of similar size (estimated between 16 and 18 m total length) had an overall average TS for all insonified body aspects of ?11.4 dB [95% CI ?12.05, ?10.8] at 110 kHz, with a total spread of nearly 14 dB. As expected, the received signals were stronger when the fin whales were insonified at broadside (?5.6 dB). Individual fin whale TS varied by approximately 12 dB, probably due to variation in lung volume with breathing, and to dynamic swimming kinematics. Our TS values are consistent with values reported previously for other large whales. All data together pave the way for development of automated acoustic whale detection protocols that could aid whale conservation.  相似文献   

Killer whales (Orcinus orca) were first placed into captivity in 1961 and are now found in theme parks around the world. Despite successful breeding of captive killer whales since 1985 there is growing concern for their welfare in captivity, which often includes claims of poor survival. We employed Kaplan‐Meier and Cox Proportional hazards models and annual survival rate analyses on 201 captive killer whales to discern how sex, facility (U.S. vs. foreign), captive‐born vs. wild‐captured, pre‐ vs. post‐1 January 1985, and animal age upon entering captivity affect survival. Overall median survival estimate was 6.1 yr, with no difference between male and female survival. Killer whales in U.S. facilities (12.0 yr) demonstrated a significantly higher median survival than those in foreign facilities (4.4 yr), as did whales entering captivity post‐1 January 1985 (11.8 yr) vs. those entering prior to 1 January 1985 (3.9 yr). Median survival for captive‐born (14.1 yr) was significantly higher than wild‐captured killer whales (5.5 yr), though the two failed to differ among the post‐1 January 1985 cohort. Facility location and pre‐ vs. post‐1 January 1985 were predictors of the hazard rate. Survival of captive killer whale cohorts has generally improved through time, although survival to age milestones are poor when compared to wild killer whales.  相似文献   

Rorqual whales (Family: Balaenopteridae) are the world's largest predators and sometimes feed near or at the sea surface on small schooling prey. Most rorquals capture prey using a behavioral process known as lunge‐feeding that, when occurring at the surface, often exposes the mouth and head above the water. New technology has recently improved historical misconceptions about the natural variation in rorqual lunge‐feeding behavior yet missing from the literature is a dedicated study of the identification, use, and evolution of these behaviors when used to capture prey at the surface. Here we present results from a long‐term investigation of three rorqual whale species (minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata; fin whale, B. physalus; and blue whale, B. musculus) that helped us develop a standardized classification system of surface lunge‐feeding (SLF) behaviors. We then tested for differences in frequency of these behaviors among the three species and across all rorqual species. Our results: (1) propose a unified classification system of six homologous SLF behaviors used by all living rorqual whale species; (2) demonstrate statistically significant differences in the frequency of each behavior by minke, fin, and blue whales; and (3) provide new information regarding the evolution of lunge‐feeding behaviors among rorqual whales.  相似文献   

Sympatric forms of ecologically distinctive killer whales (Orcinus orca) have been documented worldwide. This study focused on a new case of such sympatric occurrence of the “Crozet” type and the recently described “type D” killer whales off the Crozet Islands. The two ecotypes are morphologically and genetically distinct, but they both depredate the same local longline fishery. We used observational, photo‐identification, and fishing data, collected between 2003 and 2015, to examine differences in their patterns of depredation. Of the 828 sets where ecotype could be confirmed, type D killer whales interacted with 82 (11%) of the sets, including 9 (1%) sets that were simultaneously depredated by both ecotypes. Associations between the two types were never observed. Type D killer whales typically occurred in larger groups and both ecotypes preferentially depredated Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). GLMM modeling revealed that the probability of type D depredation significantly increased throughout the study period, especially in deep waters, and photo‐identification data suggested that a subset of all individuals were habituating to depredation. This study documents the partitioning of resources between two distinct ecotypes of killer whales and provides preliminary insight into the feeding ecology of the rare type D killer whale.  相似文献   

Reports of killer whales (Orcinus orca) preying on large whales have been relatively rare, and the ecological significance of these attacks is controversial. Here we report on numerous observations of killer whales preying on neonate humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) off Western Australia (WA) based on reports we compiled and our own observations. Attacking killer whales included at least 19 individuals from three stable social groupings in a highly connected local population; 22 separate attacks with known outcomes resulted in at least 14 (64%) kills of humpback calves. We satellite‐tagged an adult female killer whale and followed her group on the water for 20.3 h over six separate days. During that time, they attacked eight humpback calves, and from the seven known outcomes, at least three calves (43%) were killed. Overall, our observations suggest that humpback calves are a predictable, plentiful, and readily taken prey source for killer whales and scavenging sharks off WA for at least 5 mo/yr. Humpback “escorts” vigorously assisted mothers in protecting their calves from attacking killer whales (and a white shark, Carcharodon carcharias). This expands the purported role of escorts in humpback whale social interactions, although it is not clear how this behavior is adaptive for the escorts.  相似文献   

Seamounts are considered hot spots of biodiversity and can aggregate pelagic predators and their prey. Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted over 3 mo in 2012 to document the occurrence of odontocetes near a seamount chain in the central equatorial Pacific in relation to oceanographic changes over time. Beaked whale echolocation signals were most frequently encountered. The main beaked whale signal was an unknown type, BW38, which resembled signals produced by Blainville's beaked whales. It had high occurrence during high sea surface temperature and low sea surface salinity. Cuvier's beaked whales were the second most detected. They had an opposite pattern and were encountered more often when sea surface temperature was low and net primary productivity was high. Risso's dolphins and short‐finned pilot whales had high acoustic densities, and echolocated predominantly at night. Risso's dolphins occurred more often during low sea surface height deviation. False killer whales were less frequently detected and mostly occurred during the day. Sperm whale detections were fewer than expected and associated with high chlorophyll a. Short duration Kogiidae encounters occurred on average every third day. These types of long‐term site studies are an informative tool to comparatively assess species composition, relative abundance, and relationship to oceanographic changes.  相似文献   

We describe the acoustic behaviour of piscivorous killer whales in Norwegian and Icelandic waters. Whales were assigned to one of three activities (feeding, travelling or other), and sound recordings were made in their proximity with a single hydrophone and a digital audiotape (DAT) recorder. A quantitative analysis of the production of pulsed calls, whistles and echolocation clicks in the three activities revealed that there was a significant effect of activity on the production of these sound types. Both killer whales in Icelandic and Norwegian waters produced high rates of clicks and calls during feeding and low rates of click, calls and whistles during travelling. The differences can be used as acoustical markers and provides new possibilities for acoustic monitoring of killer whales in these areas. Based on the similarity between their prey choice, hunting strategies, phenotype and acoustic behaviour, we suggest that the killer whales in Icelandic and Norwegian waters belong to the same ecotype: Scandinavian herring-eating killer whales.  相似文献   

To evaluate the acoustic behavior of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) located inshore and offshore of southern California, singular A and B calls, D calls, and AB phrases were analyzed from 12 mo of passive acoustic data collected at four locations within the Southern California Bight. The relative proportions of singular calls and phrases were used to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns in sound and song type usage, and singular call and phrase production rates were calculated to investigate spatial and temporal variability in call abundance. Blue whale sounds were recorded from spring through early winter, with the majority of all detections occurring between September and December. The proportions and production rates of singular calls and phrases varied between the inshore and offshore sites. In addition, the percentage of A units within repetitive song phrases was greater inshore than offshore, resulting from a higher proportion of AB song type inshore, in which A and B phrase units were alternating. The ABB song type, in which a single A unit was followed by multiple B units, was more common offshore. The observed differences in calling and singing behaviors may identify distinct and variable acoustic behavioral settings for blue whales off southern California.  相似文献   

We examined melon‐headed whales that mass‐stranded live in two events in Japan: (1) 171 animals at Tanegashima Island in 2001 and (2) 85 animals at Hasaki in 2002. We report here the results of life history traits and group composition of these strandings, and compare them to another mass stranding with 135 individuals at Aoshima in 1982. In the Hasaki event, most stranded animals, including those released were sexed and measured. The proportion of live males released was much higher than that of females, and larger animals, especially females, were more likely to have died. Females were estimated to attain sexual maturity at around 7 yr and give birth every 3–4 yr. The sex ratio was significantly different between the Hasaki and Aoshima events. Among dead specimens, females of various age classes were included in all strandings, while age distribution of males varied considerably among strandings. This suggests females show group fidelity while males move between groups. Asymptotic body length of females from Hasaki was significantly smaller than that from Tanegashima, suggesting that more than one population of melon‐headed whales exist off Japan.  相似文献   

Near the Kodiak Archipelago, fin (Balaenoptera physalus) and humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) whales frequently overlap spatially and temporally. The Gulf Apex Predator‐prey study (GAP) investigated the prey use and potential prey partitioning between these sympatric species by combining concurrent analysis of vertical whale distribution with acoustic assessment of pelagic prey. Acoustic backscatter was classified as consistent with either fish or zooplankton. Whale dive depths were determined through suction cup tags. Tagged humpback whales (n = 10) were most often associated with distribution of fish, except when zooplankton density was very high. Associations between the dive depths of tagged fin whales (n = 4) and the vertical distribution of either prey type were less conclusive. However, prey assessment methods did not adequately describe the distribution of copepods, a potentially significant resource for fin whales. Mean dive parameters showed no significant difference between species when compared across all surveys. However, fin whales spent a greater proportion of dive time in the foraging phase than humpbacks, suggesting a possible difference in foraging efficiency between the two. These results suggest that humpback and fin whales may target different prey, with the greatest potential for diet overlap occurring when the density of zooplankton is very high.  相似文献   

The Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) is a difficult species to study because of its low visual detectability and preference for living within the sea ice habitat, accessible only by ice‐strengthened vessels. Recent identification of the Antarctic minke whale as the source of the seasonally ubiquitous bio‐duck call has allowed the use of this sound, as well as downsweeps, to investigate seasonality trends and diel patterns in Antarctic minke whale call production, and their relationship to sea ice cover. Passive acoustic data were collected using an autonomous Acoustic Recording Package (ARP) off the western Antarctic Peninsula. Bio‐duck calls were classified into four distinct call variants, with one variant having two subtypes. Bio‐duck calls were detected between April and November, with increasing call duration during the austral winter, indicating a strong seasonality in call production. Downsweeps, which were also attributed to Antarctic minke whales, were present throughout most months during the recording period, with a peak in July, and an absence in March and April. Both bio‐duck and downsweeps were significantly correlated with sea ice cover. No diel patterns were observed in bio‐duck calls or in downsweep call production at this site.  相似文献   

A disparate selection of toothed whales (Odontoceti) share striking features of their acoustic repertoires including the absence of whistles and high frequency but weak (low peak-to-peak source level) clicks that have a relatively long duration and a narrow bandwidth. The non-whistling, high frequency click species include members of the family Phocoenidae, members of one genus of delphinids, Cephalorhynchus, the pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps, and apparently the sole member of the family Pontoporiidae. Our review supports the 'acoustic crypsis' hypothesis that killer whale predation risk was the primary selective factor favouring an echolocation and communication system in cephalorhynchids, phocoenids and possibly Pontoporiidae and Kogiidae restricted to sounds that killer whales hear poorly or not at all (< 2 and > 100 kHz).  相似文献   

Guidelines for sustainable tourism involving swimming with large whales are not well‐developed compared to those focused on programs of swimming with delphinids. From September to November 2005 and August to September 2006, we collected behavioral and movement data for southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) exposed to interactions with boats and swimmers at Península Valdés, Argentina. Whales were tracked from shore using a theodolite before, during, and after a series of directed interactions with swimmers and a boat. Resting, socializing, and surface active behavior decreased, traveling increased, and whales swam faster and reoriented more often during interactions. Responses were variable by age/sex class, with mother/calf pairs showing strongest responses. Increased levels of tourism activity are a concern, as reduction in resting time and disruption of socialization among adults, juveniles, and mother/calf pairs have unknown long‐term consequences. Additional data should be collected for whale behavior in proposed tourism and nontourism areas to build a long‐term database which can be used to determine if reactions of whales change over time. Our data suggest that swimming with whales in Chubut Province should not be legalized until further investigations are completed, especially in light of the recent southern right whale die‐offs recorded in Península Valdés.  相似文献   

Acoustic methods may improve the ability to identify cetacean species during shipboard surveys. Whistles were recorded from nine odontocete species in the eastern tropical Pacific to determine how reliably these vocalizations can be classified to species based on simple spectrographic measurements. Twelve variables were measured from each whistle ( n = 908). Parametric multivariate discriminant function analysis (DFA) correctly classified 41.1% of whistles to species. Non-parametric classification and regression tree (CART) analysis resulted in 51.4% correct classification. Striped dolphin whistles were most difficult to classify. Whistles of bottlenose dolphins, false killer whales, and pilot whales were most distinctive. Correct classification scores may be improved by adding prior probabilities that reflect species distribution to classification models, by measuring alternative whistle variables, using alternative classification techniques, and by localizing vocalizing dolphins when collecting data for classification models.  相似文献   

Common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) use individually distinctive signature whistles which are highly stereotyped and function as contact calls. Here we investigate whether Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus) use signature whistles. The frequency trace of whistle contours recorded from three genetically distinct free‐ranging populations was extracted and sorted into whistle types of similar shape using automated categorization. A signature whistle identification method based on the temporal patterns in signature whistle sequences of T. truncatus was used to identify signature whistle types (SWTs). We then compared the degree of variability in SWTs for several whistle parameters to determine which parameters are likely to encode identity information. Additional recordings from two temporarily isolated T. aduncus made during natural entrapment events in 2008 and 2009 were analyzed for the occurrence of SWTs. All populations were found to produce SWTs; 34 SWTs were identified from recordings of free‐ranging T. aduncus and one SWT was prevalent in each recording of the two temporarily isolated individuals. Of the parameters considered, mean frequency and maximum frequency were the least variable and therefore most likely to reflect identity information encoded in frequency modulation patterns. Our results suggest that signature whistles are commonly used by T. aduncus.  相似文献   

There is little previous information on feeding habits of long‐finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the northeast Atlantic. The present study analyzed stomach contents of pilot whales stranded in Portugal (= 6), Galicia (northwest Spain) (= 32), and Scotland (United Kingdom) (= 10), from 1990 to 2011. These animals ranged from 213 to 555 cm in length (24 females, 19 males and 5 of unknown sex). The main prey identified were cephalopods of the families Octopodidae and Ommastrephidae, the former being numerically more important in Iberia (Portugal and Galicia) and the latter more important in Scotland, with Iberian whales also showing a more diverse diet. Multivariate analysis revealed evidence of geographical and seasonal variation in diet. Generalized Additive Modeling results indicated that more octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) were eaten in Iberia than in Scotland, more in the first half of the year, and more in larger whales. Numbers of ommastrephid squids in the stomach decreased over the study period and varied with season and whale length. This study confirms cephalopods as the main prey of pilot whales, as previously reported, although our results also suggest that, in the northeast Atlantic, ommastrephid squid are largely replaced as the main prey by octopods at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Foote AD 《Biology letters》2008,4(2):189-191
The strength of selection to increase the span of a life stage is dependent upon individuals at that stage being able to contribute towards individual fitness and the probability of their surviving to that stage. Complete reproductive cessation and a long post-reproductive female lifespan as found in humans are also found in killer whale (Orcinus orca) and short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), but not in the long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melaena). Each species forms kin-based, stable matrilineal groups and exhibits kin-directed behaviours that could increase inclusive fitness. Here, the initial mortality rate and mortality rate-doubling time of females of these three closely related whale species are compared. The initial mortality rate shows little variation among pilot whale species; however mortality rate accelerates almost twice as fast in the long-finned pilot whale as it does in killer whale and short-finned pilot whale. Selection for a long post-reproductive female lifespan in matrilineal whales may therefore be determined by the proportion of females surviving past the point of reproductive cessation.  相似文献   

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