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In in vivo experiments, radioactivity from [U-14C]GTP was incorporated into biopterin, and, in fact, all carbon atoms of biopterin synthesized in Ascaris lu lumbricoides suum originated from GTP.Biopterin was also biosynthesized in homogenates of tissue fluid and muscles of Ascaris lumbricoides suum.The enzyme which catalyzes sepiapterin synthesis from D-erythto-7,8-dihydroneopterin-3′-phosphate was found in A. lumbricoides suum extracts and extracted in the 0–30% (NH4)2SO4 fraction from a 40 000 × g supernatant. The enzyme was purified by Sephadex G-200 column and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. It is suggested that sepiapterin could be an intermediate compound in biopterin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Respiration and the phosphorylating capability of mitochondria isolated from one-celled fertilized eggs, 10-day vermiform embryos, 21-day infective larvae, and adult body wall muscle from Ascaris suum were compared with that of rat liver mitochondria. Although oligomycin-sensitive ATPase and O2 consumption/ mitochondrion in the presence of succinate and malate was lower in eggs than in liver, other properties such as respiratory control, ADP:O and P:O ratios at sites I, II, III, and the sensitivity of respiration to cyanide, azide, oligomycin, rotenone, and malonate were similar. In muscle mitochondria, the oligomycin-sensitive ATPase and O2 consumption/ mitochondrion were sharply reduced, respiratory control was poor, and electron transport at sites II and III in particular was inefficiently coupled with phosphorylation. In addition, about 60% of the respiration was insensitive to cyanide or azide but sensitive to salicylhydroxamic acid. The results support earlier evidence that the free-living eggs of A. suum are aerobes. The adult parasite, while continuing to ferment actively in the presence of oxygen, nevertheless possesses one or more electron transport systems that are inefficiently coupled with aerobic phosphyorylations. The physiological significance of these systems has yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Ascaris lumbricoides var. hominis and Ascaridia galli contain 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The chick parasite showed lower levels of monoamines compared to human ascaris. Amine concentrations in females were higher than in males. In all specimens, 5-hydroxytryptamine was the highest while norepinephrine was found to be uniformly low. The female reproductive organ contained the maximum amount of dopamine while intestine was rich in histamine. A progressive increase in the concentrations of biogenic amines was noticed during development.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of a peroxidase previously localized cytochemically in the mitochondria of Hymenolepis diminuta were determined. The method chosen was the o-dianisidine procedure in which the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide has been followed spectrophotometrically. Peroxidase activity was initially demonstrated in the mitochondrial pellet. Subsequently, mitochondrial pellets were sonicated and the membrane and supernatant fractions were tested for peroxidase activity. Enzyme activity was demonstrated in the membrane fraction. The enzyme displayed a pH optimum of 5.0, was ascorbate sensitive, and was inhibited by excess H2O2. Neither peroxidase nor catalase were observed in any other fraction of the tapeworm tissue, confirming previous cytochemical investigations.  相似文献   



Protoporphyrin IX (PPn), an intermediate in the heme biosynthesis reaction, generates singlet oxygen upon exposure to UV light. It has been proposed that PPn is channeled directly to ferrochelatase within a protoporphyrinogen dehydrogenase (PgdH1)-protoporphyrin ferrochelatase (PpfC) complex as a way to avoid this damaging side reaction. However, the PgdH1-PpfC complex has not been characterized, and the question of how heme affects the activities of PgdH1 has not been addressed.


Protein interactions were explored through pull-down assays and western blotting, and the importance of this complex in vivo was examined using inter-species combinations of the two proteins. The purified PgdH1-PpfC complex was characterized kinetically and used for heme binding studies.


In Vibrio vulnificus, PgdH1 and PpfC formed an 8:8 heterohexadecameric complex that was important for maintaining PPn at low levels. PpfC catalyzed PPn efficiently whether or not it was part of the complex. Notably, heme was a noncompetitive inhibitor of V. vulnificus PgdH1, but a competitive inhibitor of the human protoporphyrinogen oxidase PgoX.


The PdgH1-PpfC complex is important for protective channeling of PPn and for efficient catalysis of free PPn. The production of PPn by PgdH1 is regulated by feedback inhibition by heme.

General significance

Both proteobacteria and eukaryotes have evolved mechanisms to prevent the harmful accumulation of the heme biosynthesis intermediate PPn. The data presented here suggest two previously unknown mechanisms: the channeling of PPn through the PgdH1-PpfC complex, and the direct inhibition of PgdH1 activity (PgoX activity as well) by heme.  相似文献   

Treatment with mannosidase or sialidase completely inhibited chemotactic responses of Caenorhabditis elegans wild type, C. elegans mutants CB1377 (daf-6)X and CB1379 (che-3)I, and Panagrellus redivivus to a source of attractants. Trypsin (EC3.4.21.4) caused a partial reduction in the level of chemoresponse. Normal chemotaxis was renewed within 20 hr following exposure to the enzymes. Other enzymes tested had no effect. Experimental and supporting evidence is presented that behavioral modification resulted from functional impairments to receptors located within chemosensory sensilla.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of isocitrate lyase, malate synthase, catalase, fumarase, and NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase have been investigated during larval development of the free-living soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in the presence and absence of Escherichia coli. The specific activities of isocitrate lyase, malate synthase, and catalase are maximal at the time of egg hatching and, thereafter, decline during larval development when larvae feed on E. coli, whereas in the absence of E. coli specific activities of the same enzymes increase for 12 hr and subsequently remain constant. There is, however, no change in specific activity of fumarase or NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase during the same developmental period, in either case. Cycloheximide at 100 μM arrests the decline of isocitrate lyase during development of feeding larvae but has no effect upon the appearance of isocitrate lyase during starvation. The latter is true also for 15 mM itaconate. There is inactivation of isocitrate lyase in crude extracts of frozen worms in comparison to that in analogous extracts prepared from freshly harvested nematodes.  相似文献   

NADH oxidase activity was detected in the 105,000g supernatant (“soluble”) fraction of Trichomonas vaginalis and the enzyme was purified 50-fold by centrifugation, ammonium sulfate precipitation, Sephadex G-200, and DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. The ratio of oxygen uptake to NADH oxidation was approximately one-half. Addition of catalase did not affect the rate of oxygen uptake elicited by NADH. Since the purified fraction was free from interfering enzymes, the postulated reaction is as follows: NADH + H+ + 12 = NAD+ + H2O. Among numerous substances tested, only NADH was a functional substrate, whereas NADPH was not oxidized. The purified enzyme had a Vmax of 16.5 μmole of oxygen consumed/min/mg protein, and the apparent Km for NADH was 7.4 μM. Substrate inhibition was observed at 3.7 mM NADH. The purified NADH oxidase was competitively inhibited by NAD+ as well as by NADP+ with 50% inhibition at 1 and 5 mM, respectively. The enzyme was also markedly inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate, hydrogen peroxide, and transient metal-chelators such as bathophenanthroline or o-phenanthroline. A flavoprotein antagonist, atebrin was slightly less inhibitory. Various quinones, flavin nucleotides and artificial dyes, except for p-benzoquinone, ferricyanide and cytochrome c, did not function in accepting electrons from NADH oxidase. These three compounds, however, were still poor electron acceptors in the enzymatic reaction suggesting that the trichomonad NADH oxidase has little diaphorase activity. All of these findings indicate that T. vaginalis has an unique NADH oxidizing enzyme in that H2O seems to be the prdouct of oxygen reduction. This NADH oxidase appears important in the aerobic metabolism of this parasite.  相似文献   

Rats were injected intraperitoneally withPseudomonas aeruginosa (septic group) or sterile 0.9% NaCl (controls). Soleus muscles were excised 7 h later, and muscle prostaglandin E2 release and tyrosine release were measured in vitro. Muscles of septic rats exhibited 226–326% higher release of prostaglandin E2 and 54–84% higher net proteolysis than muscles of controls. Inclusion of aspirin or indomethacin in the incubation medium almost completely inhibited prostaglandin E2 production, but had no effect on net proteolysis in muscles from either group. Inclusion of cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, increased tyrosine release of control muscles by 42%, whereas no statistically significant increase was observed in muscles from infected rats. However, total proteolytic rate, indexed by tyrosine release in the presence of cycloheximide, was 22% higher in muscles of septic rats compared to that of control animals. Concomitantly, inclusion of cycloheximide inhibited prostaglandin E2 release by muscles of infected rats by 91% and that of controls by 65%. It is concluded that (a) muscles of septic animals exhibit a pronounced stimulation of prostaglandin E2 release and net proteolysis, combined with a small increase in total proteolytic rate, (b) the stimulation of net proteolysis is mainly due to inhibition of protein synthesis, (c) the increases in net and total proteolysis appear to be independent of prostaglandin E2 production, (d) cycloheximide has a previously unrecognized inhibitory effect on muscle prostaglandin E2 production.  相似文献   

Cercariae of Plagiorchis elegans Rudolphi 1802 collected from experimentally infected snails, Lymnaea palustris, were subjected to various histochemical tests for dehydrogenase systems. A high degree of activity was demonstrated for succinic dehydrogenase (EC, malic dehydrogenase (EC, isocitric dehydrogenase (EC, α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (EC, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC These enzymes were present in the tegument, tail, caudal pocket, excretory bladder, acetabulum, and oral sucker, particularly in the muscles around the stylet. Only moderate activity was obtained for lactic dehydrogenase (EC and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC at these sites, glutamic dehydrogenase (EC was localized only in the tails of the cercariae and tests for alcohol dehydrogenase (EC were completely negative. The cerebral ganglia and its commissures stained intensely in the tests for succinic, isocitric, α-glycerophosphate, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase systems. The results indicate the possibility that several energy-producing sequences may be available to these cercariae.  相似文献   

Peptidases (EC.3.4.11 and EC. from bloodstream Trypanosoma brucei were examined by starch gel electrophoresis and substrate specificities and relative activities of six peptidases (S,B,E,A,F,D,) determined. The substrate specificities corresponded closely to those of the peptidases of human blood cells and tissues although human peptidase C appeared not to have a T. brucei equivalent.  相似文献   

The specific activity of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, catalysing the conversion of l-5,6-dihydroorotate (l-DHO) to orotate, in Leishmania mexicana mexicana was found to be 22.1 ± 3.5 nmole/hr/mg protein in the amastigote, and 28.7 ± 4.6 nmole/hr/mg protein in the promastigote. The enzyme was found to be soluble and to require molecular O2 for activity in both forms of the parasite. Oxygen utilisation was not mediated through the mitochondrial cytochrome-containing respiratory chain, and phenazine methosulphate and ferricyanide could be used as electron acceptors by the enzyme in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The enzyme from both amastigote and promastigote had a pH optimum of 7.0, and the Km values for l-DHO were 11.8 ± 4.9 and 2.3 ± 0.4 μM, respectively. The pyrimidine analogs 5-methylorotate (Ki = 8.8 μM) and 5-aminoorotate (Ki = 57 μM) were shown to be competitive inhibitors of the promastigote enzyme, as was the reaction product orotate (Ki = 10 μM).  相似文献   

A high level of chloroquine resistance was developed in the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi. This resistance was stable and its inheritance was shown to be multigenic; intermediate levels of resistance were obtained from a cross between highly resistant and sensitive parasites. Chloroquine resistance was shown to segregate independently of pyrimethamine resistance and enzyme markers.  相似文献   

The present study was concerned with the succinoxidase system in Paragonimus westermani, Paragonimus ohirai, and Paragonimus miyazakii. Potassium cyanide inhibited the motility of larval and adult forms. Succinate stimulated the reduction of methylene blue by homogenates of embryonated eggs, larvae, and adults, while malonate inhibited the reduction. Reduced cytochrome c was oxidized by the 1,000g supernatant from homogenates of embryonated eggs, larvae, and adults. The supernatant prepared from unembryonated eggs did not oxidize reduced cytochrome c. Succinate stimulated oxygen consumption by the homogenate of adult worms. Oxygen consumption markedly increased in the homogenate of adults when both succinate and cytochrome c were added as substrate to the reaction mixture, while malonate and cyanide inhibited oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Alterations in host blood chemistry during mouse trichinosis were studied. Mice infected with Trichinella spiralis showed depressions in serum glucose, serum pyruvate, serum total cholesterol, serum bilirubin, serum alkaline phosphatase, serum total proteins, serum total globulin, uric acid, albumin, and A/G ratio below levels found in uninfected animals. The concentrations of serum lactic dehydrogenase, serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, and serum creatine phosphokinase in infected mice were above that of uninfected mice. Hemoglobin, packed-cell volume (Hematocrit), creatinine, and calcium were at similar levels in infected and uninfected mice. These changes are discussed in terms of primary pathophysiologic lesions occurring in the gut and muscles of the trichinous host.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidases (PPOs) catalyzing the oxygen dependent oxidation of phenols to quinones are ubiquitously distributed in plants and are assumed to be involved in plant defense against pests and pathogens. A protein with high PPO activity was identified in Satsuma mandarine, extracted with Tris–HCl buffer, purified by salt precipitation and column chromatography, and characterized by mass spectrometry as germin-like protein (GLP), which belongs to pathogenesis related protein (PR) family. In the present study, the structure and enzymatic properties of GLP were characterized using spectroscopy methods. Based on native PAGE analysis, the molecular weight of GLP was estimated to be 108 kDa and GLP was identified as a pentamer containing five subunits of 22 kDa. The optimum pH and temperature for PPO catalyzing activity of GLP was 6.5 and 65 °C, respectively. Kinetic constants were 0.0365 M and 0.0196 M with the substrates catechol and pyrogallol, respectively. The structural characterization of GLP provided better insights into the regions responsible for its PPO activity.  相似文献   

The chemotherapeutic potential of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) was studied in adult rats infected with a strain of Trypanosoma brucei that kills the rats in about 100 hr. The median lethal dose, administered intraperitoneally in a carboxymethyl-cellulose suspension, is approximately 820 mg/kg body weight for male and 850 mg/kg for female rats. The apparent cause of death is severe depression of the central nervous system.Half-maximal inhibition of O2 uptake by trypanosomes in vitro requires 15 μM SHAM, whereas 100 μM inhibits over 90%. This inhibitory effect on trypanosome respiration was used as a biological assay for the effective SHAM concentration in rat plasma. After administration of a sublethal SHAM dose to rats, the effective plasma SHAM concentration rose rapidly to about 500 μM and then fell to about 10 μM at 4 hr. Nevertheless, this dose did not significantly affect the survival time of rats infected with T. brucei. Even if, by repeated SHAM administration, the plasma SHAM concentration was kept at around 100 μM for more than 4 hr, no therapeutic effect was observed.These results show that O2 uptake is not essential for the survival of trypanosomes in rats and they support the idea that bloodstream trypanosomes have an alternative pathway for glycolysis, allowing energy production in the absence of respiration.The possibility that SHAM or other inhibitors of trypanosome respiration could stilll be trypanocidal if used in conjunction with another inhibitor of glycolysis is discussed.  相似文献   

Glucosephosphate isomerase (EC of Schistosoma mansoni is inhibited competitively by a number of tetrose, pentose, and hexose phosphates with inhibitor constant (Ki) values in the range of 0.5 to 400 μM. The most potent inhibitor is 5-phospho-d-arabinonate which resembles the cis-enediolate transition state intermediate of the reaction. These analogs were also found to be effective inhibitors of the production of lactate from glucose by suitably supplemented worm homogenates. The rank order of potency of inhibition of glycolysis was inversely related to the magnitudes of the Ki values for glucosephosphate isomerase. These Ki values were similar to those previously reported for mammalian glucosephosphate isomerase, suggesting similarities in the steric and electronic characteristics of the active sites of these isofunctional enzymes. This conclusion was further supported by the observed pH dependence of the inhibition by 5-phospho-d-arabinonate. Although glucosephosphate isomerase is not a rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis, in the conventional sense, its selective inhibition could be of chemotherapeutic importance, in part because of the accumulation in glycolyzing systems of glucose 6-phosphate which is a potent feedback inhibitor of hexokinase.  相似文献   

Peroxidase and phosphatase activities have been reported to be localized in the tegument of adult hymenolepidid tapeworms. In order to localize adenyl cyclase (EC activity in the tegument of mature and gravid sections of Hymenolepis microstoma, 5-adenyl-imidodiphosphate was used as a substrate, and lead was used as a capturing agent. Results indicate that adenyl cyclase activity is present in the crypts between the microtriches of the mature sections and that activity is absent from the gravid sections.  相似文献   

Isopycnic density gradient centrifugation techniques demonstrated that catalase (EC and urate oxidase (EC had similar distribution patterns with a peak at equilibrium density 1.22 suggesting that both enzymes were associated with a single population of subcellular particles. Catalase (EC was shown cytochemically to be associated with peroxisomes in the sediment of the catalase-rich fractions. Protein showed a bimodal distribution with a soluble peak at density 1.10 and a particulate peak at density 1.20. The particulate protein peak corresponded to the mitochondrial peak. Acid phosphatase (EC had an equilibrium density of 1.10. Acid phosphatase (EC localization and ultrastructural examination of the acid phosphatase-rich fraction revealed that activity was associated with vacuoles. No primary lysosomes were identified.  相似文献   

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