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Species–energy theory posits that energy availability regulates population sizes, extinction rates and ultimately species richness. This theory has focused mostly on total energy as a measure of energy availability. However, because energy variation can also influence population sizes and extinction rates, species–energy theory should arguably consider simultaneously both total energy and its variation. Using data on species richness of land birds and mammals, we compared the fit of three species–energy models including total energy, energy variation or both combined. We show that the combination of total energy and energy variation has greater predictive power than any of them considered separately. We also evaluate three crucial assumptions of this modified species–energy theory and show that they are supported by available data. These results illuminate the current debate on climate change, given that both average conditions and variability of climatic conditions are likely to change in the future.  相似文献   

The species–abundance distribution (SAD) describes the abundances of all species within a community. Many different models have been proposed to describe observed SADs. Best known are the logseries, the lognormal, and a variety of niche division models. They are most often visualized using either species richness – log abundance class (Preston) plots or abundance – species rank order (Whittaker) plots. Because many of the models predict very similar shapes, model distinction and testing become problematic. However, the variety of models can be classified into three basic types: one that predicts a double S‐shape in Whittaker plots and a unimodal distribution in Preston plots (the lognormal type), a second that lacks the mode in Preston plots (the logseries type), and a third that predicts power functions in both plotting types (the power law type). Despite the interest of ecologists in SADs no formal meta‐analysis of models and plotting types has been undertaken so far. Here we use a compilation of 558 species–abundance distributions from 306 published papers to infer the frequency of the three SAD shapes in dependence of environmental variables and type of plotting. Our results highlight the importance of distinguishing between fully censused and incompletely sampled communities in the study of SADs. We show that completely censused terrestrial or freshwater animal communities tend to follow lognormal type SADs more often than logseries or power law types irrespective of species richness, spatial scale, and geographic position. However, marine communities tend to follow the logseries type, while plant communities tend to follow the power law. In incomplete sets the power law fitted best in Whittaker plots, and the logseries in Preston plots. Finally our study favors the use of Whittaker over Preston plots.  相似文献   

A central problem in ecology is to understand spatial–temporal variation in abundance–occupancy relationship (AOR) and to identify the biological and anthropogenic drivers behind this variation. How AOR is influenced by ecological traits and anthropogenic disturbances is poorly understood. A data set of woody plants from eleven forest fragments around Kampala area, Uganda, recorded in 1990 and resampled in 2010 was used to analyse spatial variation in AORs at regional scales, variation between tree size classes and temporal change in these patterns. Slopes of the AORs for each forest were related to data on forest disturbances and effects of species traits on AOR at regional scales assessed. There were statistically significant positive interspecific AORs at regional scales. Over two decades, the strength of AOR and slopes increased at the regional scale. At local scale, slopes decreased, in correspondence with increasing disturbance. Species traits interacted with abundance to explain statistically significant variation in occupancy. Species successional status best explained occupancy variability. Incorporating species' traits and anthropogenic disturbance over time may lead to better understanding of the variation in interspecific AOR, and these results suggest that anthropogenic exploitation could be responsible for the changes in slope over time.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric homeostasis of heterotrophs is a common, but not always well‐examined premise in ecological stoichiometry. We experimentally evaluated the relationship between substrate (plant litter) and consumer (microorganisms) stoichiometry for a tropical terrestrial decomposer system. Variation in microbial C : P and N : P ratios tracked that of the soluble litter fraction, but not that of bulk leaf litter material. Microbial N and P were not isometrically related, suggesting higher rates of P than N sequestration in microbial biomass. Shifts in microbial stoichiometry were related to changes in microbial community structure. Our results indicate that P in dissolved form is a major driver of terrestrial microbial stoichiometry, similar to aquatic environments. The demonstrated relative plasticity in microbial C : P and N : P and the critical role of P have important implications for theoretical modelling and contribute to a process‐based understanding of stoichiometric relationships and the flow of elements across trophic levels in decomposer systems.  相似文献   

In terrestrial walking organisms, long legs help to decrease the cost of running, allowing animals to step over environmental interstices rather than walking through them. However, long legs can complicate the infiltration of these interstices, which may contain food sources and refugia. Since the number of environmental interstices perceived by an organism (rugosity) increases as it body size decreases (size-grain hypothesis, SGH), natural selection should favor proportionally smaller legs with decreasing body size. Recent work demonstrated that ants fit this hypothesis. We experimentally tested the assumption of the SGH that small ants, which have proportionally smaller legs than larger ants, are more successful in exploring environmental interstices because they can easily penetrate them. We examined the ability of tropical litter ant species with different body sizes to access food baits in 'landscapes' (=plots) with different levels of rugosity and food exposure. In the first experiment, three levels of landscape rugosity were defined by manipulating the density of leaf litter placed on the ground plots: a) plain landscape: no litter fall, b) intermediate rugosity (∼0.5 kg of litter fall) and c) high rugosity (∼1 kg). In a second experiment, food baits were in plain landscapes, exposed or covered by leaf litter. The body lengths of ants that first accessed food baits ranged from 1.5 to 12 mm. Ants that first reached food baits in the most rugose landscapes were ∼40% smaller than ants that first found baits in plain landscapes. Smaller ants were also the first to access covered food. The application of a phylogenetic comparative method suggested the same patterns. We conclude that these results support the size grain hypothesis. Environmental rugosity might have operated as a selective force to shape the morphological characteristics of litter ant species.  相似文献   

Land use change is accelerating globally at the expense of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Invertebrates are numerically dominant and functionally important in old growth tropical rain forests but highly susceptible to the adverse effects of forest degradation and fragmentation. Ants (Formicidae) and termites (Blattodea: Termitoidae) perform crucial ecosystem services. Here, the potential effects of anthropogenic disturbance on ant and termite communities in dead wood are investigated. Community composition, generic richness, and occupancy rates of ants and termites were compared among two old growth sites (Danum Valley and Maliau Basin) and one twice‐logged site (the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems’ (SAFE) Project), in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Occupancy was measured as the number of ant or termite encounters (1) per deadwood items, and (2) per deadwood volume, and acts as surrogates for relative abundance (or generic richness). Termites had a lower wood‐occupancy per volume in logged forest. In contrast, there were more ant encounters, and more ant genera, in logged sites and there was a community shift (especially, there were more Crematogaster encounters). The disruption of soil and canopy structure in logged forest may reduce both termite and fungal decay rates, inducing increased deadwood residence times and therefore favoring ants that nest in dead wood. There is an anthropogenic‐induced shift of dead wood in ants and termites in response to disturbance in tropical rain forests and the nature of that shift is taxon‐specific.  相似文献   

为筛选出适用于云南热带雨林生态区的红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren防治药剂,通过7种杀虫剂对红火蚁蚁巢田间灭除效果试验测定。结果表明,20%多杀霉素悬浮剂(SC)、30%螺虫·噻虫嗪悬浮剂(SC)、70%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂(WP)、10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺悬浮剂(SC)和1%联苯·噻虫嗪颗粒剂(GR)对红火蚁蚁巢处理效果较好,药后1 d和10 d虫口减退率分别在95%和90%以上。其中10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺SC和1%联苯·噻虫嗪GR可作为红火蚁巢点处置的首选药剂;0.05%茚虫威饵剂(EB)速效性差,但药后10 d虫口减退率上升到86.8%。1.8%阿维菌素乳油(EC)药后1 d和10 d虫口减退率分别为89.3%和81%。这2种药剂可与前5种药剂交替使用。  相似文献   

On the basis of a comparison of Nearctic and Neotropical ants, social insects have been proposed to show a latitudinal gradient in colony size. Further, the "fasting endurance hypothesis," which predicts larger colonies in areas with extended periods of low food availability, was proposed as the mechanism driving the gradient. To test the generality of the pattern and its mechanism, we examined the relationships between termite colony size and both latitude and annual evapotranspiration, a measure of plant productivity. We found no evidence that colony size increases with increasing latitude or decreasing plant productivity. We conclude that the pattern identified for ants cannot be generalized to include social insects as a whole. As is the case for ecogeographic gradients in insect body sizes, a pattern that is reported for one taxon may not be consistent for other taxa at the global level.  相似文献   

The top‐down and indirect effects of insects on plant communities depend on patterns of host use, which are often poorly documented, particularly in species‐rich tropical forests. At Barro Colorado Island, Panama, we compiled the first food web quantifying trophic interactions between the majority of co‐occurring woody plant species and their internally feeding insect seed predators. Our study is based on more than 200 000 fruits representing 478 plant species, associated with 369 insect species. Insect host‐specificity was remarkably high: only 20% of seed predator species were associated with more than one plant species, while each tree species experienced seed predation from a median of two insect species. Phylogeny, but not plant traits, explained patterns of seed predator attack. These data suggest that seed predators are unlikely to mediate indirect interactions such as apparent competition between plant species, but are consistent with their proposed contribution to maintaining plant diversity via the Janzen–Connell mechanism.  相似文献   

1. Canopy‐foraging ants have carbohydrate‐rich diets and the stoichiometric excess of carbon may result in energetic allocation decisions that facilitate ecological dominance. 2. If dietary carbohydrates facilitate ecological dominance in canopy ants, then the mechanism for this relationship is unknown. 3. Four hypotheses were posit that may explain how a carbohydrate‐rich diet might facilitate ecological dominance in canopy ants: Aggressive Defense, Metabolic Fuel, Foraging Success, and Prey Acquisition. 4. To assess these hypotheses, experiments were conducted on the canopy‐foraging bullet ant, Paraponera clavata (Fabricius), an omnivorous species that demonstrates high variability in the relative contribution of carbohydrates to the diets of colonies. 5. No support was found for the Aggressive Defense, Metabolic Fuel and Prey Acquisition hypotheses. 6. The Foraging Success hypothesis was supported, as the proportion of nectar in the diet predicted the overall foraging success. 7. It was argued that there is no explicit advantage in the exploitation of nectar over other food resources, other than the fact that it is the most accessible food resource in the rainforest canopy.  相似文献   

1. Trail‐sharing between different ant species is rare and restricted to a small number of species pairs. Its underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. For trail‐sharing to occur, two factors are required: (i) one or both species must recognise the other species or its pheromone trails and (ii) both species must tolerate each other to a certain extent to allow joint use of the trail. A species that follows another's trails can efficiently exploit the other's information on food sources contained in the pheromone trails. Hence, food competition and thus aggressive interactions between a species following another's trail and the species being followed, seem likely. 2. In the present study, we investigated interspecific trail following and interspecific aggression in trail sharing associations (i) among Polyrhachis ypsilon, Camponotus saundersi, and Dolichoderus cuspidatus, and (ii) among Camponotus rufifemur and Crematogaster modiglianii. We tested whether trail‐sharing species follow each other's pheromone trails, and whether the ants tolerated or attacked their trail‐sharing partners. In both associations, we confronted workers with pheromone trails of their associated species, and, for the former association, measured interspecific aggression among the trail‐sharing species. 3. In our assays, D. cuspidatus and C. rufifemur regularly followed heterospecific pheromone trails of P. ypsilon and C. modiglianii, respectively. However, only few workers of the remaining species followed heterospecific pheromone trails. Thus, shared trails of P. ypsilon and C. saundersi cannot be explained by interspecific trail‐following. 4. Interspecific aggression among P. ypsilon, C. saundersi, and D. cuspidatus was strongly asymmetric, C. saundersi being submissive to the other two. All three species differentiated between heterospecific workers from the same or another site, suggesting habituation to the respective trail‐sharing partners. We therefore hypothesise that differential tolerance by dominant ant species may be mediated by selective habituation towards submissive species and this way determines the assembly of trail‐sharing associations.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the effects of habitat loss on individual performance is limited due to a lack of experimental studies that take the potential genetic and parental effects producing phenotypic variation into consideration. To assess the relative role of habitat loss on offspring phenotype while controlling for the confounding effects of genetic and parental variation we performed a partial cross‐fostering experiment using the Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris. The experiment was carried out by swapping half the nestlings in a brood between small and large nesting forest patches to determine the effect of nesting forest patch size on five nestling traits reflecting morphological size, body condition, physiological stress and inflammation status. There was no effect of nesting forest patch size on the offspring traits examined. Instead, we found evidence of genetic and early parental effects on all traits except inflammation status, as well as parental effects after cross‐fostering for all of the measured offspring traits. Our results suggest that genetic and parental effects should be taken into account when making inferences about species’ responses to habitat loss.  相似文献   

The relationship between sampled area and the number of species within that area, the species–area relationship (SAR), is a major biodiversity pattern and one of a few law‐like regularities in ecology. While the SAR for isolated units (islands or continents) is assumed to result from the dynamics of species colonization, speciation and extinction, the SAR for contiguous areas in which smaller plots are nested within larger sample areas can be attributed to spatial patterns in the distribution of individuals. The nested SAR is typically triphasic in logarithmic space, so that it increases steeply at smaller scales, decelerates at intermediate scales and increases steeply again at continental scales. I will review current theory for this pattern, showing that all three phases of the SAR can be derived from simple geometric considerations. The increase of species richness with area in logarithmic space is generally determined by overall species rarity, so that the rarer the species are on average, the higher is the local slope z. Rarity is scale‐dependent: species occupy only a minor proportion of area at broad spatial scales, leading to upward accelerating shape of the SAR at continental scales. Similarly, species are represented by only a few individuals at fine spatial scales, leading to high SAR slope also at small areas. Geometric considerations reveal links of the SAR to other macroecological patterns, namely patterns of β‐diversity, the species–abundance distribution, and the relationship between energy availability (or productivity) and species richness. Knowledge of the regularities concerning nested SARs may be used for standardizing unequal areas, upscaling species richness and estimating species loss due to area loss, but all these applications have their limits, which also follow from the geometric considerations.  相似文献   

The results of a landscape‐scale test of ALEX, a widely used metapopulation model for Population Viability Analysis (PVA), are described. ALEX was used to predict patch occupancy by the laughing kookkaburra and the sacred kingfisher in patches of eucalypt forest in south‐eastern Australia. These predictions were compared to field surveys to determine the accuracy of the model. Predictions also were compared to a “naïve” null model assuming no fragmentation effects.
The naïve null model significantly over‐predicted the number of eucalypt patches occupied by the sacred kingfisher, but the observed patch occupancy was not significantly different from that predicted using ALEX. ALEX produced a better fit to the field data than the naïve null model for the number of patches occupied by the laughing kookaburra. Nevertheless, ALEX still significantly over‐predicted the number of occupied patches, particularly remnants dominated by certain forest types – ribbon gum and narrow‐leaved peppermint. The predictions remained significantly different from observations, even when the habitat quality of these patches was reduced to zero. Changing the rate of dispersal improved overall predicted patch occupancy, but occupancy rates for the different forest types remained significantly different from the field observations. The lack of congruence between field data and model predictions could have arisen because the laughing kookaburra may move between an array of patches to access spatially separated food and nesting resources in response to fragmentation. Alternatively, inter‐specific competition may be heightened in a fragmented habitat. These types of responses to fragmentation are not incorporated as part of traditionally applied metapopulation models. Assessments of predictions from PVA models are rare but important because they can reveal the types of species for which forecasts are accurate and those for which they are not. This can assist the collection of additional empirical data to identify important factors affecting population dynamics.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the potential for reforestation to assist the recovery of rainforest biodiversity. There is also a need to identify taxonomically tractable groups for use as cost‐effective indicators when monitoring the status of biodiversity within reforested sites. Insects are an important component of terrestrial biodiversity but often require considerable resources to sample at species level. Ant genera and generic‐based functional groups have been suggested as possible indicators of environmental disturbance. Here we ask to what extent the development of biodiversity is indicated by epigaeic ant genera and functional groups, across different types of reforestation in tropical and subtropical Australia. In each region, we used pitfall traps to sample the ants in replicate sites of: unmanaged regrowth, monoculture and mixed species plantations and ‘ecological restoration’ plantings, together with reference sites in pasture and rainforest. We recorded 35 epigaeic ant genera (and 4623 individuals) from 50 tropical sites, and 39 genera (and 9904 individuals) from 54 subtropical sites, with 47 genera overall. Community composition of both genera and functional groups differed between pasture and rainforest, although many genera were widespread in both. Reforested sites were intermediate between pasture and rainforest in both regions, and showed a gradient associated with decreasing grass and increasing tree and litter cover. Older monoculture plantations and ecological restoration plantings had the most rainforest‐like ant assemblages, and mixed‐species cabinet timber plots the least, of the reforested sites. We conclude that ground‐active ant genera and functional groups sampled in rapid surveys by pitfall‐trapping showed only a modest ability to discriminate among different types of reforestation. Species‐level identification, perhaps together with expanded sampling effort, could be more informative, but would require resourcing beyond the scope of rapid assessments.  相似文献   

Information on animal communities inhabiting Neotropical fragmented landscapes is important for developing conservation strategies. The structure of amphibian and reptile communities in six tropical rainforest fragments (<20?ha) and two reference areas in continuous forest at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico was studied. A total of 3,481 individuals of 51 species of amphibians and reptiles were recorded across 12 bimonthly surveys during 2 years. Taxonomic composition was different between the smallest fragments and the reference areas. Six species were exclusive to large undisturbed forest and richness was significantly lower in the five smallest fragments (1.4–6.6?ha) compared with the largest patch, one or both of the reference areas. Amphibian abundance tended to be higher in large areas, while reptiles were more abundant in the five smallest fragments. Craugastor loki and Anolis uniformis were the dominant species in all sites, and particularly in the smaller fragments. Amphibian and reptile richness was positively related to larger patch sizes, deeper leaf litter, closed canopy cover, and higher relative humidity and negatively related to linear patch shape and high temperatures. Abundance of reptiles was positively associated to high temperatures, high density of woody debris, and closed canopy cover; it was negatively affected by linear patch shape, low humidity levels, and steeper slopes. While amphibian and reptile communities were strongly affected in vegetation fragments, these patches retained a considerable number of rainforest species. Fragments up to at least 17?ha have the potential for preserving communities with similar structure to those occurring in large tropical rainforests.  相似文献   

Relationships between avian diversity and habitat area are assumed to be positive; however, often little attention has given to how these relationships can be influenced by the habitat structure or quality. In addition, other components of biodiversity, such as functional diversity, are often overlooked in assessing habitat patch value. In the Sandhills Ecoregion of Georgia, USA, we investigated the relationship between avian species richness and functional diversity, forest basal area, and patch size in pine forests using basal area as a surrogate for overstory structure which in turn impacts vegetation structure and determines habitat quality within a patch. We conducted bird surveys in planted mature pine stands, during breeding season of 2011. We used three classes of stand basal area (BA): OS, overstocked (BA ≥ 23 m2/ha); FS, fully/densely stocked (13.8 m2/ha ≤ BA < 23 m2/ha); and MS, moderately stocked (2.3 m2/ha ≤ BA < 13.8 m2/ha). MS patches showed more structural diversity due to higher herbaceous vegetation cover than other two pine stocking classes of patches. Total species richness and functional richness increased with the size of MS patches, whereas functional divergence decreased with the size of OS patches (< 0.05). Functional richness tended to be lower than expected as the size of OS patches increased. Greater richness of pine–grassland species was also found at MS patches. Percent cover of MS patches within a landscape influenced positively the richness of pine–grassland species (< 0.05). Our results suggest that (a) avian species–habitat area relationship can be affected by habitat quality (structural diversity) and varies depending on diversity indices considered, and (b) it is important to maintain moderate or low levels of pine basal area and to preserve large‐sized patches of the level of basal area to enhance both taxonomic and functional diversity in managed pine forests.  相似文献   

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