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Multi‐species mixed plantations can be designed to meet social, economic, and environmental objectives during forest restoration. This paper reports results from an experiment in southern Sweden concerning the influence of three different fast growing nurse tree species on the cover of herbaceous vegetation and on the performance of several target tree species. After 10 years, the nurse trees had reduced the competing herbaceous vegetation but the effect was weak and it may take more than a decade to achieve effective vegetation control. The nurse tree species Betula pendula and Larix x eurolepis did improve stem form in some target tree species, but had a minor effect on survival and growth. The open conditions before crown closure of nurse trees strongly influence seedling performance and so delayed planting of target tree species may provide a means to avoid those conditions. Survival and growth differed greatly among the tree species. Besides the two nurse tree species mentioned above, high survival was found in Picea abies and Quercus robur and intermediate survival in Fagus sylvatica, Tilia cordata, and in the N‐fixing nurse tree Alnus glutinosa. Survival was low in the target tree species Fraxinus excelsior L. and Prunus avium. For restoration practitioners, our results illustrate the potential of using nurse trees for rapidly building a new forest structure and simultaneously increase productivity, which might be a cost‐effective strategy for forest restoration.  相似文献   

Species interactions can shape the structure of natural communities. Such sets of interactions have been described as complex ecological networks, an example of which is the commensal network formed by epiphyte–phorophyte interactions. Vascular epiphytes germinate and grow on phorophytes (support trees), assuming a horizontal distribution (among the phorophyte species) and a vertical distribution (from the base of the tree trunk to the crown of phorophytes, i.e., through ecological zones). Here, we investigated the organization of these structural dimensions of the epiphyte–phorophyte network in a Brazilian tropical montane cloud forest. The analyzed network, comprising 66 epiphyte species and 22 phorophyte species, exhibited a nested structure with a low degree of specialization, a typical pattern for epiphyte–phorophyte networks in forests. The network was slightly modular, with 65% of the species common to three modules, and had vertical structure corresponding to the vertical organization of the phorophytes. The size (diameter at breast height) of phorophyte individuals influenced the network structure, possibly due to the increase in habitat area, the time available for colonization by epiphytes, and a greater number of microenvironments. We found that the distribution of the epiphyte species differed between the phorophyte ecological zones, with greater richness in the lower portions and greater abundance in the upper portions of the phorophytes. The results provide relevant guidance for future research on the characteristics and the vertical and horizontal organization of vascular epiphyte and phorophyte networks. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   



The exceptional occurrence of tall rain forest patches on foggy coastal mountaintops, surrounded by extensive xerophytic shrublands, suggests an important role of plant–plant interactions in the origin and persistence of these patches in semi‐arid Chile. We asked whether facilitation by shrubs can explain the growth and survival of rain forest tree species, and whether shrub effects depend on the identity of the shrub species itself, the drought tolerance of the tree species and the position of shrubs in regard to wind direction.


Open area–shrubland–forest matrix, Fray Jorge Forest National Park, Chile.


We recorded survival after 12 years of a ~3600 tree saplings plantation (originally ~30‐cm tall individuals) of Aextoxicon punctatum, Myrceugenia correifolia and Drimys winteri placed outside forests, beneath the shrub Baccharis vernalis, and in open (shrub‐free) areas. We assessed the effects of neighbouring shrubs and soil humidity on survival and growth along a gradient related to the direction of fog movement.


B. vernalis had a clear facilitative effect on tree establishment and survival since, after ~12 years, saplings only survived beneath the shrub canopy. Long‐term survival strongly depended on tree species identity, drought tolerance and position along the soil moisture gradient, with higher survival of A. punctatum (>35%) and M. correifolia (>14%) at sites on wind‐ and fog‐exposed shrubland areas. Sites occupied by the shrub Aristeguietia salvia were unsuitable for trees, presumably due to drier conditions than under B. vernalis.


Interactions between shrubs and fog‐dependent tree species in dry areas revealed a strong, long‐lasting facilitation effect on planted tree's survival and growth. Shrubs acted as benefactors, providing sites suitable for tree growth. Sapling mortality in the shrubland interior was caused by lower soil moisture, the consequence of lower fog loads in the air and thus insufficient facilitation. While B. vernalis was a key ecosystem engineer (nurse) and intercepted fog water that dripped to trees planted underneath, drier sites with A. salvia were unsuitable for trees. Consequently, nurse effects related to water input are strongly site and species specific, with facilitation by shrubs providing a plausible explanation for the initiation of forest patches in this semi‐arid landscape.  相似文献   

Insect olfactory orientation along odour plumes has been studied intensively with respect to pheromonal communication, whereas little knowledge is available on how plant odour plumes (POPs) affect olfactory searching by an insect for its host plants. The primary objective of this review is to examine the role of POPs in the attraction of insects. First, we consider parameters of an odour source and the environment which determine the size, shape and structure of an odour plume, and we apply that knowledge to POPs. Second, we compare characteristics of insect pheromonal plumes and POPs. We propose a ‘POP concept’ for the olfactory orientation of insects to plants. We suggest that: (i) an insect recognises a POP by means of plant volatile components that are encountered in concentrations higher than a threshold detection limit and that occur in a qualitative and quantitative blend indicating a resource; (ii) perception of the fine structure of a POP enables an insect to distinguish a POP from an unspecific odorous background and other interfering plumes; and (iii) an insect can follow several POPs to their sources, and may leave the track of one POP and switch to another one if this conveys a signal with higher reliability or indicates a more suitable resource. The POP concept proposed here may be a useful tool for research in olfactory‐mediated plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

1. When herbivores of distinct feeding guilds, such as phloem feeders and leaf chewers, interact, the outcome of these interactions often shows facilitation. However, whether this facilitation turns into competition at stronger herbivory pressure remains unknown. 2. Using an integrative approach that links ecological processes (behavioural choices of insects) with physiological plant mechanisms (nutrient and phytohormone levels) for the wild crucifer Brassica nigra (L.) Koch., this study evaluates preferences of leaf chewers for plants previously infested with several densities of the specialist aphid Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera, Aphididae). As leaf chewers, four species of caterpillars (Lepidoptera) were selected that differ in their degree of specialisation in crucifers. 3. These results show that, whereas at low and medium aphid densities caterpillars displayed a preference for aphid‐infested plants or no preference, at high aphid infestation density, all four species of caterpillar preferred uninfested plants, with a significant difference for Pieris rapae and Mamestra brassicae. 4. In contrast to our expectation, the consistent preference for uninfested plants at a high aphid density could not be associated with a decrease in plant nutrition. However, while jasmonate concentrations [i.e. 12‐oxo‐phytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid (JA)] at medium aphid‐density infestation decreased compared with low levels of infestation, at high infestation level, the jasmonates JA as well as JA conjugated with the amino acid isoleucine were present at higher levels compared with low‐infestation treatments. 5. This work provides evidence that positive interactions observed in herbivore communities can be transient, leading to negative interactions mediated by changes in plant defences rather than in plant nutrition.  相似文献   

The enemy release hypothesis posits that non‐native plant species may gain a competitive advantage over their native counterparts because they are liberated from co‐evolved natural enemies from their native area. The phylogenetic relationship between a non‐native plant and the native community may be important for understanding the success of some non‐native plants, because host switching by insect herbivores is more likely to occur between closely related species. We tested the enemy release hypothesis by comparing leaf damage and herbivorous insect assemblages on the invasive species Senecio madagascariensis Poir. to that on nine congeneric species, of which five are native to the study area, and four are non‐native but considered non‐invasive. Non‐native species had less leaf damage than natives overall, but we found no significant differences in the abundance, richness and Shannon diversity of herbivores between native and non‐native Senecio L. species. The herbivore assemblage and percentage abundance of herbivore guilds differed among all Senecio species, but patterns were not related to whether the species was native or not. Species‐level differences indicate that S. madagascariensis may have a greater proportion of generalist insect damage (represented by phytophagous leaf chewers) than the other Senecio species. Within a plant genus, escape from natural enemies may not be a sufficient explanation for why some non‐native species become more invasive than others.  相似文献   

Large‐scale losses of seagrass areas have been associated with eutrophication events, which have led to an overproduction of photosynthetic organisms including epiphytes. Grazers that feed on epiphytes can exert a significant top–down control in the system, but the effects of physical factors on grazing activity and feeding behaviour have been rarely examined. We addressed the combination of hydrodynamic regime and seagrass shoot density can alter the feeding and foraging behaviours of mesograzers. A full factorial experiment, with flow velocity (high, medium and low) and shoot density (high versus low) as main factors, was conducted in a racetrack flume using artificial seagrass plots. The results showed that when high flow velocity conditions were combined with low shoot density, consumption of epiphytes by mesograzers was strongly reduced. In contrast, when flow velocity was low or shoot density was high, mesograzers exhibited high feeding rates and vigorous swimming behaviour. These results clearly indicate that hydrodynamic stress reduces the time that mesograzers can spend feeding, since it inhibits their swimming behaviour, and thus indirectly affecting to the density of epiphytes. Therefore, the triggering of trophic cascade effects in seagrass communities under these experimental conditions depended on the interrelationship and feedbacks among shoot density, abiotic (flow velocity) and biotic (epiphytes and mesograzers) compartments, with flow velocity exerting a top–down control on seagrass ecosystems.  相似文献   

The alien moth Epiblema sugii (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) induces stem galls on an invasive alien weed, Ambrosia trifida. During summer, along riverbanks in central Japan, the native insects Protaetia brevitarsis, P. orientalis submarumorea (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), and Camponotus vitiosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) feed on the sap exuded from the galls. The cetoniine beetles are highly aggregated among the galls and make wounds on the galls to facilitate sap exudation. Feeding on gall sap may be beneficial to the beetles due to the efficient intake of water and sugar, and the beetles’ inflicting wounds and feeding on the sap seem to have little effect on the gallers. This is a unique finding, where alien plant–galler interaction provides a feeding site for native insects.  相似文献   

Plant–plant interspecific competition via pollinators occurs when the flowering seasons of two or more plant species overlap and the pollinator fauna is shared. Negative sexual interactions between species (reproductive interference) through improper heterospecific pollen transfer have recently been reported between native and invasive species demonstrating pollination‐driven competition. We focused on two native Impatiens species (I. noli‐tangere and I. textori) found in Japan and examined whether pollinator‐mediated plant competition occurs between them. We demonstrate that I. noli‐tangere and I. textori share the same pollination niche (i.e., flowering season, pollinator fauna, and position of pollen on the pollinator's body). In addition, heterospecific pollen grains were deposited on most stigmas of both I. noli‐tangere and I. textori flowers that were situated within 2 m of flowers of the other species resulting in depressed fruit set. Further, by hand‐pollination experiments, we show that when as few as 10% of the pollen grains are heterospecific, fruit set is decreased to less than half in both species. These results show that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs between I. noli‐tangere and I. textori. This study suggests that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs in the wild even when interacting species are both native and not invasive.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) portion of the solar radiation functions as an environmental signal for which plants have evolved specific and sensitive UV‐B perception systems. The UV‐B‐specific UV RESPONSE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) and the multifunctional E3 ubiquitin ligase CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) are key regulators of the UV‐B response. We show here that uvr8‐null mutants are deficient in UV‐B‐induced photomorphogenesis and hypersensitive to UV‐B stress, whereas overexpression of UVR8 results in enhanced UV‐B photomorphogenesis, acclimation and tolerance to UV‐B stress. By using sun simulators, we provide evidence at the physiological level that UV‐B acclimation mediated by the UV‐B‐specific photoregulatory pathway is indeed required for survival in sunlight. At the molecular level, we demonstrate that the wild type but not the mutant UVR8 and COP1 proteins directly interact in a UV‐B‐dependent, rapid manner in planta. These data collectively suggest that UV‐B‐specific interaction of COP1 and UVR8 in the nucleus is a very early step in signalling and responsible for the plant's coordinated response to UV‐B ensuring UV‐B acclimation and protection in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Understanding how ecological networks are organised over the course of an organism's lifetime is crucial for predicting the dynamics of interacting populations and communities across temporal scales. However, most studies so far considered only one life history stage at a time, such as adult, when studying networks of interacting species. Therefore, knowledge about how multiple life history stages affect the development and stability of plant–plant association networks is lacking. We measured the understory adult plant community and the soil seed bank across a plant age gradient of the nurse shrub Retama sphaerocarpa in an arid ecosystem in Spain. Using a multilayer network approach, we built adult understory–nurse and seed bank–nurse networks and analysed how network nestedness, species’ role, and species specificity varied between them and with nurse plant age. We found that seed bank and adult understory networks changed depending on nurse plant age in two different ways. With increasing nurse plant age, adult understory networks became significantly more nested than seed bank networks. The nested architecture of seed bank networks was therefore a poor predictor of adult understory network nestedness. The contribution and specificity of species to network nestedness increased with increasing nurse plant age more in the adult understory than in seed bank networks, despite high species turnover. Our data show that life history and ontogeny affect the development of plant–plant association networks. Niche construction and environmental filtering along nurse ontogeny seem pivotal mechanisms structuring adult understory networks while the assembly of seed bank networks seems rather stochastic. We highlight the importance of mature plant communities for maintaining rare species populations and supporting the stability of ecological communities through time.  相似文献   

Geminiviruses include a large number of single‐stranded DNA viruses that are emerging as useful tools to dissect many fundamental processes in plant hosts. However, there have been no reports yet regarding the genetic dissection of the geminivirus–plant interaction. Here, a high‐throughput approach was developed to screen Arabidopsis activation‐tagged mutants which are resistant to geminivirus Beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV) infection. A mutant, lsb1 (less susceptible to BSCTV 1), was identified, in which BSCTV replication was impaired and BSCTV infectivity was reduced. We found that the three genes closest to the T‐DNA were up‐regulated in lsb1, and the phenotypes of lsb1 could only be recapitulated by the overexpression of GDU3 (GLUTAMINE DUMPER 3), a gene implicated in amino acid transport. We further demonstrated that activation of LSB1/GDU3 increased the expression of components in the salicylic acid (SA) pathway, which is known to counter geminivirus infection, including the upstream regulator ACD6. These data indicate that up‐regulation of LSB1/GDU3 affects BSCTV infection by activating the SA pathway. This study thus provides a new approach to study of the geminivirus–host interaction.  相似文献   

We present a simple and effective high‐throughput experimental platform for simultaneous and continuous monitoring of water relations in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum of numerous plants under dynamic environmental conditions. This system provides a simultaneously measured, detailed physiological response profile for each plant in the array, over time periods ranging from a few minutes to the entire growing season, under normal, stress and recovery conditions and at any phenological stage. Three probes for each pot in the array and a specially designed algorithm enable detailed water‐relations characterization of whole‐plant transpiration, biomass gain, stomatal conductance and root flux. They also enable quantitative calculation of the whole plant water‐use efficiency and relative water content at high resolution under dynamic soil and atmospheric conditions. The system has no moving parts and can fit into many growing environments. A screening of 65 introgression lines of a wild tomato species (Solanum pennellii) crossed with cultivated tomato (S. lycopersicum), using our system and conventional gas‐exchange tools, confirmed the accuracy of the system as well as its diagnostic capabilities. The use of this high‐throughput diagnostic screening method is discussed in light of the gaps in our understanding of the genetic regulation of whole‐plant performance, particularly under abiotic stress.  相似文献   

Plants mount defense responses during pathogen attacks, and robust host defense suppression by pathogen effector proteins is essential for infection success. 4E02 is an effector of the sugar beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. Arabidopsis thaliana lines expressing the effector‐coding sequence showed altered expression levels of defense response genes, as well as higher susceptibility to both the biotroph H. schachtii and the necrotroph Botrytis cinerea, indicating a potential suppression of defenses by 4E02. Yeast two‐hybrid analyses showed that 4E02 targets A. thaliana vacuolar papain‐like cysteine protease (PLCP) ‘Responsive to Dehydration 21A’ (RD21A), which has been shown to function in the plant defense response. Activity‐based protein profiling analyses documented that the in planta presence of 4E02 does not impede enzymatic activity of RD21A. Instead, 4E02 mediates a re‐localization of this protease from the vacuole to the nucleus and cytoplasm, which is likely to prevent the protease from performing its defense function and at the same time, brings it in contact with novel substrates. Yeast two‐hybrid analyses showed that RD21A interacts with multiple host proteins including enzymes involved in defense responses as well as carbohydrate metabolism. In support of a role in carbohydrate metabolism of RD21A after its effector‐mediated re‐localization, we observed cell wall compositional changes in 4E02 expressing A. thaliana lines. Collectively, our study shows that 4E02 removes RD21A from its defense‐inducing pathway and repurposes this enzyme by targeting the active protease to different cell compartments.  相似文献   

The strength of competitive and facilitative interactions in plant communities is expected to change along resource gradients. Contrasting theoretical models predict that with increasing abiotic stress, facilitative effects are higher, lower, or similar than those found under more productive conditions. While these predictions have been tested in stressful environments such as arid and alpine ecosystems, they have hardly been tested for more productive African woodlands. We experimentally assessed the strength of tree seedling facilitation by nurse trees in mesic and dry woodlands in Benin, West Africa. We planted seedlings of the drought‐sensitive Afzelia africana and the drought‐tolerant Khaya senegalensis under three microsite conditions (closed woodland, woodland gap, and open fields). Seedling survival was greater within woodlands compared with open fields in both the mesic and dry woodlands. The relative benefits in seedling survival were larger at the dry site, especially for the drought‐sensitive species. Nevertheless, plant interactions became neutral or negative during the dry season in the drier woodland, indicating that the net positive effects may be lost under very stressful abiotic conditions. We conclude that facilitation also occurs in the relatively more productive conditions of African woodlands. Our results underscore the role of environmental variation in space and time, and the stress tolerance of species, in explaining competitive and facilitative interactions within plant communities. Abstract in French is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Localized expression of genes in plants from T‐DNAs delivered into plant cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens is an important tool in plant research. The technique, known as agroinfiltration, provides fast, efficient ways to transiently express or silence a desired gene without resorting to the time‐consuming, challenging stable transformation of the host, the use of less efficient means of delivery, such as bombardment, or the use of viral vectors, which multiply and spread within the host causing physiological alterations themselves. A drawback of the agroinfiltration technique is its temperature dependence: early studies have shown that temperatures above 29 °C are nonpermissive to tumour induction by the bacterium as a result of failure in pilus formation. However, research in plant sciences is interested in studying processes at these temperatures, above the 25 °C experimental standard, common to many host–environment and host–pathogen interactions in nature, and agroinfiltration is an excellent tool for this purpose. Here, we measured the efficiency of agroinfiltration for the expression of reporter genes in plants from T‐DNAs at the nonpermissive temperature of 30 °C, either transiently or as part of viral amplicons, and envisaged procedures that allow and optimize its use for gene expression at this temperature. We applied this technical advance to assess the performance at 30 °C of two viral suppressors of silencing in agropatch assays [Potato virus Y helper component proteinase (HCPro) and Cucumber mosaic virus 2b protein] and, within the context of infection by a Potato virus X (PVX) vector, also assessed indirectly their effect on the overall response of the host Nicotiana benthamiana to the virus.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of pollinators is an important factor determining the biogeographical pattern of floral evolution and diversification. In Africa, a guild of plant species has converged in a floral syndrome for pollination by long‐tongued hawkmoths (predominantly Agrius convolvuli). It is hypothesized that such floral convergence could track the geographical distribution of long‐tongued hawkmoths, so it may not be confined to Africa. We investigated the pollination biology of Lilium sargentiae E. H. Wilson, which is endemic to China and exhibits traits suggestive of long‐tongued hawkmoth pollination. Lilium sargentiae was visited by A. convolvuli as well as small beetles (Nitidulidae) but pollination was mostly or totally effected by the moth. It was consistent with other hawkmoth‐pollinated plants in terms of floral tube length, nectar traits, tepal reflectance, and scent composition. We present the first experimental evidence for the hypothesis proposed above and for hawkmoth pollination in the widespread and ornamentally and economically important genus Lilium L. in a natural habitat. Our findings imply that long‐tongued hawkmoths (especially the extremely widespread A. convolvuli) as a distinctive pollinator niche may have underlain the evolution of long‐tubed (>8 cm) flowers across different continents.  相似文献   

Little is known about the simultaneous effects of drought stress and plant resistance on herbivorous insects. By subjecting the green peach aphid Myzus persicae Sulzer to well‐watered and drought‐stressed plants of both susceptible and resistant peach (Prunus persica), the effects of both stressors on aphid performance and proteomics are tested. Overall, the influence of the water treatment on aphid performance is less pronounced than the effect of host plant genetic resistance. On the susceptible cultivar, aphid survival, host acceptance and ability to colonize the plant do not depend on water treatment. On the resistant cultivar, aphid survival and ability to colonize are higher on drought‐stressed than on well‐watered plants. A study examining the pattern of protein expression aiming to explain the variation in aphid performance finds higher protein expression in aphids on the drought‐stressed susceptible cultivars compared with the well‐watered ones. In the susceptible cultivar, the regulated proteins are related to energy metabolism and exoskeleton functionality, whereas, in the resistant cultivar, the proteins are involved with the cytoskeleton. Comparison of the protein expression ratios for resistant versus susceptible plants reveals that four proteins are down‐regulated in well‐watered plants and 15 proteins are down‐regulated in drought‐stressed plants. Drought stress applied to the susceptible cultivar induces the regulation of proteins in M. persicae that enable physiological adaptation to maintain an almost unaltered aphid performance. By contrast, for aphids on the resistant cultivar subjected to drought stress, the down‐regulation of proteins responds to an induced host susceptibility effect.  相似文献   

1. While both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and plant and insect genotype are well known to influence plant and herbivore growth and performance, information is lacking on how these factors jointly influence the relationship between plants and their natural herbivores. 2. The aim of the present study was to investigate how a natural community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affects the growth of the perennial herb Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae), as well as its interaction with the Glanville fritillary butterfly [Melitaea cinxia L. (Nymphalidae)]. For this, a multifactorial experiment was conducted using plant lines originating from multiple plant populations in the Åland Islands, Finland, grown either with or without mycorrhizal fungi. For a subset of plant lines, the impact of mycorrhizal inoculation, plant line, and larval family on the performance of M. cinxia larvae were tested. 3. Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation did not have a consistently positive or negative impact on plant growth or herbivore performance. Instead, plant genetic variation mediated the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth, and both plant genetic variation and herbivore genetic variation mediated the response of the herbivore. For both the plant and insect, the impact of the arbuscular mycorrhizal community ranged from mutualistic to antagonistic. Overall, the present findings illustrate that genetic variation in response to mycorrhizal fungi may play a key role in the ecology and evolution of plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

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