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Twenty species of freshwater fishes were collected from Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan and their whole-body carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents and the respective C:N:P ratios were determined. Patterns were examined in intra- and interspecific variation, allometry and variation caused by habitat and trophic level in whole fish while controlling for the role of phylogeny. Stoichiometric variation was greater across than within species, C:N:P allometry was species-specific, nutrient content within a species was somewhat habitat-specific and P concentration showed a strong phylogenetic signal. Stoichiometric relationships with allometry and feeding guild were observed but were not significant in an analysis accounting for non-independence of closely related species. Supportive evidence for the hypothesis that the considerable variation in whole fish phosphorus concentrations could be ascribed to differences in bone and scale development, as previously suggested, is shown. Whole fish Ca:P ratios had a nearly constant stoichiometry consistent with the chemical signature of bone. This result combined with a phylogenetic signal for fish P indicated that the great stoichiometric variability among fish taxa in P content was derived almost entirely from skeletal investment.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Understanding why certain host species harbor more parasites is an important question in parasite and fish ecology. Parasite infection among sympatric species may integrate various...  相似文献   

The similarity in species composition between two communities generally decays as a function of increasing distance between them. Parasite communities in vertebrate definitive hosts follow this pattern but the respective relationship in intermediate invertebrate hosts of parasites with complex life cycles is unknown. In intermediate hosts, parasite communities are affected not only by the varying vagility of their definitive hosts (dispersing infective propagules) but also by the necessary coincidence of all their hosts in environmentally suitable localities. As intermediate hosts often hardly move they do not contribute to parasite dispersal. Hence, their parasite assemblages may decrease faster in similarity with increasing distance than those in highly mobile vertebrate definitive hosts. We use published field survey data to investigate distance decay of similarity in trematode communities from three prominent coastal molluscs of the Eastern North-Atlantic: the gastropods Littorina littorea and Hydrobia ulvae, and the bivalve Cerastoderma edule. We found that the similarity of trematode communities in all three hosts decayed with distance, independently of local sampling effort, and whether or not the parasites used the mollusc as first or second intermediate host in their life cycle. In H. ulvae, the halving distance (i.e. the distance that halves the similarity from its initial similarity at 1 km distance) for the trematode species using birds as definitive hosts was approximately two to three times larger than for species using fish. The initial similarities (estimated at 1 km distance) among trematode communities were relatively higher, whereas mean halving distances were lower, compared to published values for parasite communities in vertebrate hosts. We conclude that the vagility of definitive hosts accounts for a high similarity at the local scale, while the strong decay of similarity across regions is a consequence of the low probability that all necessary hosts and suitable environmental conditions coincide on a large scale.  相似文献   

Aim The rate at which similarity in species composition decays with increasing distance was investigated among communities of parasitic helminths in different populations of the same host species. Rates of distance decay in similarity of parasite communities were compared between populations of fish and mammal hosts, which differ with respect to their vagility and potential to disperse parasite species over large distances. Location Data on helminth communities were compiled for several populations of three mammalian host species (Ondatra zibethicus, Procyon lotor and Canis latrans) and three fish host species (Perca flavescens, Catostomus commersoni and Esox lucius) from continental North America. Methods Distances between localities and similarity in the composition of helminth communities, the latter computed using the Jaccard index, were calculated for all possible pairs of host populations within each host species. Similarity values were then regressed against distance to see if they decayed at exponential rates, as reported for plant communities; the significance of the regressions was assessed using randomization tests. Results The number of hosts examined per population did not correlate with the number of helminth species found per population, and thus sampling effort is unlikely to have confounded the results. In four (two mammals and two fish) of the six host species, similarity in helminth communities decayed exponentially with distance. When the log of similarity is plotted against untransformed distance, the slopes obtained for the two fish species are lower than those obtained for the two mammalian host species. Main conclusions Similarity in the composition of parasite communities appears to decay exponentially with increasing distance in some host species, but not in all host species. The rate of decay is not necessarily associated with the vagility of the host. Although distance decay of similarity is generally occurring, it seems that other ecological processes, related either to the host or its habitat, can obscure it.  相似文献   

Aim We evaluate, for the first time, the decay of similarity over distance in four species of marine fishes with different vagility: Trachurus murphyi (pelagic, highly vagile), Merluccius gayi (demersal, highly vagile), Sebastes capensis (demersal, low vagility) and Hippoglossina macrops (benthic, non‐vagile). Location We use our own data of the species composition of parasite communities in four host species: T. murphyi (Perciformes), M. gayi (Gadiformes), H. macrops (Pleuronectiformes) and S. capensis (Scorpaeniformes), from the coast of Chile and southern Argentina. Trachurus murphyi, M. gayi and H. macrops in the area studied live closely associated with the cold waters of the Humboldt Current System, while S. capensis in southern Chile is associated with the fjord areas south of c. 43° S, and in Argentina this species lives in close association with the cold water of the Malvinas Current, which mixes with the warm water of the Brazilian Current in the sampled area. Thus, for all four host species there are no known geographical (oceanographic) barriers that interrupt their continuous distributions. Methods Fish were collected and frozen (?18 °C) until examination in the laboratory. After thawing, each visceral organ was dissected separately, washed in running water, filtered using a mesh of 0.25 mm, and examined under a stereomicroscope (20×). For S. capensis, only ectoparasites were included in this study because data on endoparasites for some locations are not available. The approach of Poulin [Journal of Biogeography 30 (2003) 1609] was used. For each host species, we computed similarity in parasite composition using the Bray–Curtis distance on a presence/absence matrix. Similarity between each pair of localities was correlated (linear regression on raw and transformed data) with the distance (in nautical miles) among those sites. Results Among conspecific populations of host fish, there was no correlation between sample size and parasite species richness. The same pattern was evident when all host populations were pooled and treated as a single sample. Except for H. macrops, an important proportion of the geographical ranges of the host species was covered. The decay in similarity of parasite communities over distance was recorded in three of the four hosts analysed. For H. macrops, no relationship between distances and decay of similarity was evident. A linear regression on non‐transformed data provided a good fit, and the regression on log(n + 1) does not change significantly for both r2 and probability, but slopes are smaller for log‐transformed than for non‐transformed data. Main conclusions Three of the four fish parasite systems studied fit well with the expected decay of similarity over distance. The slopes of the relationship between distance and similarity in the marine fishes studied are lower, but significant (three orders of magnitude) than those recorded in freshwater fishes by Poulin (2003) . In our case, Hippoglossina macrops (benthic, non‐vagile host) does not show any relationship, suggesting homogeneity over the geographical area studied for this species.  相似文献   

Synopsis The seasonal transmission ofRaphidascaris acus was studied in two small lakes on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Dragonfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae, acting as paratenic hosts, contained second-stage larvae. Several fishes, including percids and cyprinids, were intermediate hosts with second, third, and fourth-stage larvae in the liver. Yellow perch,Perca flavescens, was the most important of these. Intensities were up to 928 and increased with length and age of the perch; prevalence was 100%. Abundance ofR. acus tended to be higher in females but was not related to condition of the perch. Second-stage larvae were acquired from invertebrates in summer and developed to the fourth stage by November. They became surrounded by fibrous capsules during the next summer but remained alive for at least another year. The longevity of larvae in the intermediate host may ensure survival of the parasite through periods of low host abundance after winterkill. Northern pike,Esox lucius, was the definitive host. Abundance ofR. acus tended to be greater in larger pike but was not related to sex or condition of the fish. The parasite was acquired in late fall. Prevalence was 100% and mean intensities were over 200 in winter and spring, declining to 64–100% and less than 15, respectively, in summer. Mature worms were present from early spring through summer. Seasonality of infection in the definitive host is not attributable to seasonal availability of larvae in perch. Instead it may be controlled by timing of predation on perch and rate of development and longevity of the parasite. Transmission to pike apparently continues in summer. Low intensity may result from low recruitment rate and rapid turnover of the parasite population.  相似文献   

Published data were used to compare the distance decay of similarity in parasite communities of three marine fish hosts: Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, the dab Limanda limanda and the flounder Platichthys flesus in two adjacent areas that differ with respect to the strength of a salinity gradient. In the Baltic Sea, which exhibits a strong salinity gradient from its connection with the North Sea in the west to its head in the north‐east, parasite communities in all three fish hosts showed a significant decline of similarity with increasing distance. In contrast, among host populations in the North Sea, which is a fully marine environment, there was no such decline or only a weak relationship. The results suggest that environmental gradients like salinity can be strong driving forces behind patterns of distance decay in parasite communities of fishes.  相似文献   

We used metadata on nine reproductive traits of 67 species of Brazilian iteroparous, oviparous, teleost freshwater fishes to test phenotypes associations to discriminate species that only spawn in large rivers (lotic fishes) from those capable to spawn in lentic habitats (lentic fishes). We tested the hypothesis that lotic fishes present spawning migration, shorter spawning season, single spawning, no parental care, free eggs, higher relative fecundity, faster embryogenesis, and larger size, while lentic fishes present no spawning migration, longer spawning season, multiple spawning, parental care, adhesive eggs, lower relative fecundity, slower embryogenesis, and smaller size. Our analyses supported the hypothesis but not all phenotypic associations satisfied it, specifically with regard to lentic fishes or to pairs of phenotypes typical of lentic fishes. We also concluded that spawning in large rivers is a better predictor of bionomic characters than spawning in lentic habitats, and lotic fishes are specialists compared to lentic fishes.  相似文献   

Linking ecology with parasite diversity in Neotropical fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparative analysis was performed to seek large-scale patterns in the relationships between a set of fish species traits (body size, type of environment, trophic level, schooling behaviour, depth range, mean habitat temperature, geographical range, ability to enter brackish waters and capability of migration) and the diversity of their metazoan parasite assemblages among 651 Neotropical fish species. Two measurements of parasite diversity are used: the species richness and the taxonomic distinctness of a fish's parasite assemblage, including all metazoan parasites, ectoparasites only, or endoparasites only. The results showed that, on this scale, the average taxonomic distinctness of parasite assemblages was clearly more sensitive to the influence of host traits than parasite species richness. Differences in the taxonomic diversification of the parasite assemblages of different fish species were mainly related to the fish's environment (higher values in benthic–demersal species), trophic level (positive correlation with increasing level), temperature (positive correlation with temperature in marine ectoparasites, negative in endoparasites; positive for all groups of parasites in freshwater fishes) and oceanic distribution (higher values in fish species from the Pacific Ocean than those of the Atlantic). The results suggest that, among Neotropical fish species, only certain key host traits have influenced the processes causing the taxonomic diversification of parasite assemblages.  相似文献   

Robert Poulin 《Oecologia》1991,86(3):390-394
Summary An increased transmission of ectoparasites among individual animals is considered to be an inevitable cost of living in groups, since several kinds of ectoparasites require close proximity between large numbers of hosts for successful transmission. However, we do not know whether individuals belonging to group-living species incur a greater risk of ectoparasitism than individuals of solitary species. Here, using published data from 3 families (60 species) of Canadian freshwater fishes, I test the hypothesis that group-living species are host to more species of contagious ectoparasites (copepods and monogeneans) than solitary host species. As the different fish species have been studied with varying intensity, I used the mean number of parasite species recorded per study as a standard measure of parasite numbers. Multiple regression analyses were performed separately for each family to determine the effects of group-living and of 3 other variables (host size, age, and range) on the richness of the recorded parasite fauna. Once the effects of the other variables were removed, I found no significant effect of sociality on the richness of the parasite fauna per fish species, for contagious ectoparasites and other types of parasites. Neither of the other variables had any influence on the numbers of parasite species per fish species. These results suggest that a richer ectoparasite fauna is not a cost of group-living in fishes.  相似文献   

Despite their ubiquity, in most cases little is known about the impact of eukaryotic parasites on their mammalian hosts. Comparative approaches provide a powerful method to investigate the impact of parasites on host ecology and evolution, though two issues are critical for such efforts: controlling for variation in methods of identifying parasites and incorporating heterogeneity in sampling effort across host species. To address these issues, there is a need for standardized methods to catalogue eukaryotic parasite diversity across broad phylogenetic host ranges. We demonstrate the feasibility of a metabarcoding approach for describing parasite communities by analysing faecal samples from 11 nonhuman primate species representing divergent lineages of the primate phylogeny and the full range of sampling effort (i.e. from no parasites reported in the literature to the best‐studied primates). We detected a number of parasite families and regardless of prior sampling effort, metabarcoding of only ten faecal samples identified parasite families previously undescribed in each host (x? = 8.5 new families per species). We found more overlap between parasite families detected with metabarcoding and published literature when more research effort—measured as the number of publications—had been conducted on the host species' parasites. More closely related primates and those from the same continent had more similar parasite communities, highlighting the biological relevance of sampling even a small number of hosts. Collectively, results demonstrate that metabarcoding methods are sensitive and powerful enough to standardize studies of eukaryotic parasite communities across host species, providing essential new tools for macroecological studies of parasitism.  相似文献   



Identifying barriers that govern parasite community assembly and parasite invasion risk is critical to understand how shifting host ranges impact disease emergence. We studied regional variation in the phylogenetic compositions of bird species and their blood parasites (Plasmodium and Haemoproteus spp.) to identify barriers that shape parasite community assembly.


Australasia and Oceania.


We used a data set of parasite infections from >10,000 host individuals sampled across 29 bioregions. Hierarchical models and matrix regressions were used to assess the relative influences of interspecies (host community connectivity and local phylogenetic distinctiveness), climate and geographic barriers on parasite local distinctiveness and composition.


Parasites were more locally distinct (co‐occurred with distantly related parasites) when infecting locally distinct hosts, but less distinct (co‐occurred with closely related parasites) in areas with increased host diversity and community connectivity (a proxy for parasite dispersal potential). Turnover and the phylogenetic symmetry of parasite communities were jointly driven by host turnover, climate similarity and geographic distance.

Main conclusions

Interspecies barriers linked to host phylogeny and dispersal shape parasite assembly, perhaps by limiting parasite establishment or local diversification. Infecting hosts that co‐occur with few related species decreases a parasite's likelihood of encountering related competitors, perhaps increasing invasion potential but decreasing diversification opportunity. While climate partially constrains parasite distributions, future host range expansions that spread distinct parasites and diminish barriers to host shifting will likely be key drivers of parasite invasions.  相似文献   

Geographical distances between host populations are key determinants of how many parasite species they share. In principle, decay in similarity should also occur with increasing distance along any other dimension that characterizes some form of separation between communities. Here, we apply the biogeographical concept of distance decay in similarity to ontogenetic changes in the metazoan parasite communities of three species of marine fish from the Atlantic coast of South America. Using differences in body length between all possible pairs of size classes as measures of ontogenetic distances, we find that, using an index of similarity (Bray-Curtis) that takes into account the abundance of each parasite species, the similarity in parasite communities showed a very clear decay pattern; using an index (Jaccard) based on presence/absence of species only, we obtained slightly weaker but nevertheless similar patterns. As we predicted, the slope of the decay relationship was significantly steeper in the fish Cynoscion guatucupa, which goes through clear ontogenetic changes in diet and therefore in exposure to parasites, than in the other species, Engraulis anchoita and Micropogonias furnieri, which maintain a roughly similar diet throughout their lives. In addition, we found that for any given ontogenetic distance, i.e. for a given length difference between two size classes, the similarity in parasite communities was almost always higher if they were adult size classes, and almost always lower if they were juvenile size classes. This, combined with comparisons among individual fish within size classes, shows that parasite communities in juvenile fish are variable and subject to stochastic effects. We propose the distance decay approach as a rigorous and quantitative method to measure rates of community change as a function of host age, and for comparisons across host species to elucidate the role of host ecology in the development of parasite assemblages.  相似文献   

Synopsis The fish fauna of the Mulgrave and South Johnstone rivers is diverse relative to other Australian rivers and this study examines the diets of many of the resident fish species. Most species were small (< 200 g), and although considerable overlap in the size of the mouth was observed, closely related species tended to have non-overlapping ranges in mouth size. Five trophic guilds were recognised and substantial discrimination between guilds on the basis of body size was noted. Small fishes (< 5 gm body weight) consumed a variety of insect larvae and small terrestrial insects. The diet of large fish was characterised by the presence of large aquatic invertebrates and fish. A third group of intermediate sized fishes (10–20 gm), which included the 0+ age class of three species of large fish, also consumed aquatic invertebrates but only a small proportion of terrestrial invertebrates. Vegetable material was present in the diet of all three guilds but the source of that material varied. In groups 1 to 3 above, the source of that material was desmids and diatoms, aquatic macrophytes or filamentous alga respectively. A fourth guild fed predominately on detritus and some bivalve molluscs, and a fifth group, containing only two species, fed feavily on gastropod molluscs. The extent of dietary overlap varied both within- and between-rivers. In habitats dominated by low water velocities and sandy substrates, resource partitioning was pronounced and the number of fishes with empty or near empty guts was high, suggesting that food was more limited in this type of habitats. Little resource partitioning was observed in habitats characterised by a coarse substrate, high water velocity and dense riparian canopy.  相似文献   

Heliobacteria are a recently discovered group of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, first described in 1983. Heliobacteria contain bacteriochlorophyll g, a pigment unique to species of this group, and synthesize the simplest photosynthetic complexes of all known phototrophs. Also, unlike all other phototrophs, heliobacteria lack a mechanism for autotrophy and produce endospores. Four genera of heliobacteria containing a total of 10 species are known. Species of the genera Heliobacterium, Heliobacillus, and Heliophilum grow best at neutral pH, whereas species of Heliorestis are alkaliphilic. Heliobacterium, Heliobacillus, and Heliophilum species form one phylogenetic clade of heliobacteria, while Heliorestis species form a second within the phylum Firmicutes of the domain Bacteria. Heliobacteria have a unique ecology, being primarily terrestrial rather than aquatic phototrophs, and may have evolved a mutualistic relationship with plants, in particular, rice plants. The genome sequence of the thermophile Heliobacterium modesticaldum supports the hypothesis that heliobacteria are “minimalist phototrophs” and that they may have played a key role in the evolution of phototrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

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