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The ascigerous teleomorph of Candida lipolytica (Harrison) Diddens et Lodder, previously classified as Endomycopsis lipolytica Wickerham et al. and as Saccharomycopsis lipolytica (Wickerham et al.) Yarrow, has been assigned to the new genus Yarrowia. Yarrowia lipolytica (Wickerham et al.) comb. nov. is the type species for the genus.The remaining species of Saccharomycopsis are revised.  相似文献   

A new chlorarachniophytan alga, Gymnochlora stellata Ishida et Y. Hara gen. et sp. nov., has been isolated from Anae Island in Guam. It is a green, star-shaped, unicellular, amoeboid organism with several filopodia that do not form a reticulopodial network. Neither zoospores nor walled coccoid cells have been observed throughout the life cycle. The chloroplast ultrastructure is similar to those of described species; however, the pyrenoid matrix, which is invaded by many tubular structures originating from the inner membrane of the chloroplast envelope, is unique. A classification system is proposed for the Chlorarachniophyta. In this system, the ultrastructural features of the pyrenoid and the location of the nucleomorph in the periplastidial compartment are used as generic criteria, while the morphological features of the vegetative cells and life cycle patterns are used for species criteria. The described species, except for Cryptochlora perforans Calderon-Saenz et Schnetter, are also reassessed under the new system, and consequent nomenclatural requirements for the genus Chlorarachnion are dealt with in this paper. The taxonomic rank of a previously described species, Chlorarachnion globosum Ishida et Y. Hara, is elevated and Lotharella globosa (Ishida et Y. Hara) Ishida et Y. Hara gen. nov. et comb. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   


Part 4(3) of this monographic series of papers on the genus Hypericum is prefaced by an introduction to the genus and a summary of the aims and methods of the project. This is followed by treatments of the remaining parts of sect. 9. Hypericum sensu stricto and the last segregate section from the original sect. Hypericum, sect. 9b. Graveolentia. Both hitherto untreated parts of the reduced sect. Hypericum are mainly Japanese, but some species extend in distribution as far as Kamchatka, eastern Siberia, central China, and Sabah (Mt. Kinabalu). Sect. Graveolentia is North and Central American. Sect. Hypericum subsect. Hypericum series Senanensia contains seven species from northern Japan and adjacent areas, including H. pibairense (Miyabe & Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov., H. nakaii subsp. miyabei (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov., H. nakaii subsp. tatewakii (S. Watanabe) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov. and H. senanense subsp. mutiloides (R. Keller) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov. Sect. Hypericum subsect. Erecta contains 23 species and one hybrid from Japan, Korea, central China, Taiwan, Luzon, Sabah and Sumatera, including H. kawaranum N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. watanabei N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. kimurae N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. pseudoerectum stat. et nom. nov., H. kitamense (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov., H. kurodakeanum N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. furusei N. Robson, sp. nov., H. nuporoense N. Robson, sp. nov. and H. ovalifolium subsp. hisauchii (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov. Sect. Graveolentia contains nine species and one hybrid from southeastern Canada, the eastern half of the United States, Mexico and western Guatemala, including H. oaxacanum subsp. veracrucense N. Robson, subsp. nov. and H. macvaughii N. Robson, sp. nov.  相似文献   


Cyto-embryological study and geographical distribution of CIRSIUM CASABONAE Lam. et DC. — The mature megagametophyte of Cirsium Casabonae Lam. et DC. (Compositae) is eight nucleate of the normal or Polygonum type.

In the nucellus there is only one megaspore mother cell. After meiosis the three micropylar megaspores degenerate. The three antipodal cells start to degenerate as soon as the gametophyte reaches maturity. Microsporogenesis is regular.

The chromosome number of Cirsium Casabonae Lam. et DC. is 2n = 32. This shows that also in Europe, as in America, there is at least one species of Cirsium with basis number × = 16.

The study of the geographical distribution of Cirsium Casabonae Lam. et DC. shows it to be an Atlantic-West Mediterranean endemism.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Cryptoperidiniopsis brodyi gen. et sp. nov., are described. This new species commonly occurs in estuaries from Florida to Maryland, and is often associated with Pfiesteria piscicida Steidinger et Burkholder, Pseudopfiesteria shumwayae (Glasgow et Burkholder) Litaker et al., and Karlodinium veneficum (Ballantine) J. Larsen, as well as other small (<20 μm) heterotrophic and mixotrophic dinoflagellates. C. brodyi gen. et sp. nov. feeds myzocytotically on pigmented microalgae and other microorganisms. The genus and species have the enhanced Kofoidian plate formula of Po, cp, X, 5′, 0a, 6″, 6c, PC, 5+s, 5″′, 0p, and 2″″ and are assigned to the order Peridiniales and the family Pfiesteriaceae. Because the Pfiesteriaceae comprise small species and are difficult to differentiate by light microscopy, C. brodyi gen. et sp. nov. can be easily misidentified.  相似文献   

Miscanthus subgen. Rubimons (B. S. Sun) Y. C. Liu et H. Peng, a new subgenus of Miscanthus Anderss. (Poaceae) is established and Miscanthus (Rubimons) villosus Y. C. Liu et H. Peng, a new species of this subgenus from southwest Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to M. paniculatus (B. S. Sun) S. L. Chen & Renvoize, but differs mainly by its villous panicle axis, long callus hair, lanceolate lower lemma and the consistently longer awn of the upper lemma.  相似文献   

A new genus of sand‐dwelling photosynthetic dinoflagellate, Testudodinium Horiguchi, Tamura, Katsumata et A. Yamaguchi is proposed based on Testudodinium testudo (Herdman) Horiguchi, Tamura, Katsumata, et A. Yamaguchi comb. nov. (Basionym: Amphidinium testudo Herdman) and a new species in this new genus, Testudodinium maedaense Katsumata et Horiguchi sp. nov. is described. Amphidinium corrugatum is also transferred to this genus, making a new combination T. corrugatum (Larsen et Patterson) Horiguchi, Tamura et A. Yamaguchi. These three species are similar to the members of the genus Amphidinium in having an extremely small episome and a dorsoventrally flattened cell body. They are, however, distinguished from the genus Amphidinium seusu stricto by the possession of a distinct longitudinal furrow in the middle of ventral side of the episome. Phylogenetic trees based on small subunit (SSU) rDNA revealed that all three of these Testudodinium species formed a robust clade and, although statistical support is not high, the tree suggests Testudodinium clade is not closely related to Amphidinium seusu stricto clade. The morphological differences together with molecular data support the establishment of a new genus for A. testudo and its related species.  相似文献   

Yonagunia Kawaguchi et Masuda, gen. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) is proposed to accommodate a new species, Yonagunia tenuifolia Kawaguchi et Masuda and the species currently known as Prionitis formosana (Okamura) Kawaguchi et Nguyen. Based on auxiliary cell ampullar features, Yonagunia is included in the group of genera with the simplest type of ampulla (the Grateloupia type) that comprises Dermocorynus, Grateloupia, Kintokiocolax, Phyllymenia, and Zymurgia. However, Yonagunia differs from these genera in the behavior of cells in the ampullar filaments immediately after diploidization, most cells of the primary and secondary filaments simultaneously dividing to form grape‐like clusters of small globular cells that subsequently elongate and produce involucral filaments to laxly surround the maturing carposporophyte. Yonagunia is resolved by our rbcL gene sequence analyses as one of five monophyletic clades within the Halymeniaceae (an Aeodes/Pachymenia, a Polyopes, a Carpopertis/Cryptonemia/Halymenia, a Yonagunia, and a Grateloupia clade) that is positioned as sister to the Grateloupia clade. Carpogonial branch apparatuses are identified as a potential taxonomic significance on the same level as auxiliary cell ampullae.  相似文献   

通过对红果黄檀(Dalbergia tsoi Merr. et Chun)和白沙黄檀(D. peishaensis Chun et T. Chen)的标本研究及野外观察,确认两者为同种植物,故将白沙黄檀处理为红果黄檀的异名。  相似文献   

Conclusion Plus de 32 années auparavant des publications du Dr. Crile j'ai préparé et décrit les cellules et autres formes organiques qui se produisent par union des lipoïdes et des protéines.  相似文献   


Festuca alpestris R. et S. in the Alps near Belluno.—Some populations of Festuca from the F. varia aggr. occurring in the south-eastern Alps near Belluno have been recognized as belonging to F. alpestris R. et S. The relationships between this species and F. calva (Hackel) Richter from the Julian Alps are discussed and the diacritic characters are newly defined.  相似文献   

Summary Two aerobic mesophilic species of a new genus belonging to the familyActinoplanaceae are described under the nameDactylosporangium (D. aurantiacum strainD/748 type species andD. thailandensis strainD/449). The new genus is characterized by the production of finger shaped sporangia emerging directly from the vegetative mycelium.The motile sporangiospores, three to four in number are arranged in a single straight row inside the sporangium.The genusActinoplanes of the familyActinoplanaceae was described in 1950 byCouch and is characterized by the bacteria-like, flagellated spores formed in sporangia. Other members of the familyActinoplanaceae have been studied byKarling (1954),Rothwell (1957) andCross et al. (1963) in the United States, byGaertner (1955) in Germany, byVan Brummelen andWent (1957) in Holland, byNonomura andOhara (1960) in Japan, byTaig et al. (1962),Tsyganov et al. (1963), andKoniev et al. (1965) in Russia. Except for the organisms studied byKarling and byRothwell, which undoubtedly belonged to theActinoplanes but were not studied in pure culture, the organisms studied by most of the other authors belonged to the genusStreptosporangium.Three new genera having motile spores were described more recently:Ampullariella andSpirillospora described byCouch (1963, 1964), andPlanomonospora byThiemann et al. (1967b).  相似文献   

Résumé Les cestodes récoltés en Côte d'Ivoire chez deux ordres d'oiseaux, les Coraciiformes et les Piciformes, sont présentés. Un nouveau genre, Thaumasiolepis (Hymenolepididae, Hymenolepidinae), est créé et discuté. Il comprend des cestodes récoltés chez différentes espèces de Capitonidae et caractérisés par des crochets rostraux spiniformes tout à fait originaux. L'espèce T. microarmata est créée pour ce matériel. D'autre part deux nouveaux Raillietina de Picidae, R. (S.) campetherae et R. (P.) yapoensis sont décrits. R. (S.) campetherae est la première espèce de ce sous genre trouvée chez les Piciformes. Biuterina meropina macrancistrota est trouvé chez Merops albicollis. Ce taxon est élevé au rang d'espèce et devient par conséquent B. macrancistrota Fuhrmann, 1908. Skrjabinoporus merops (Woodland, 1928) Spassky & Borgarenko, 1960 est retrouvé. Cette espèce peu commune est redécrite et sa position parmi les Metadilepididae confirmée. Enfin, Raillietina cf (P.) bargetzii Mahon, 1954 est signalé chez Gymnobucco calvus.
Cestodes collected in the two bird orders, the Coraciiformes and the Piciformes, in the Ivory Coast are presented. The new genus Thaumasiolepis (Hymenolepididae, Hymenolepidinae) is created and discussed. It includes cestodes collected in two species of the Capitonidae. Its main characteristic is the presence of very unusual spiniform hooks. The species T. microarmata is created for this material. We also describe two new species of Raillietina parasitising the Picidae, R. (P.) yapoensis and R. (S.) campetherae, the latter being the first species of this subgenus recorded from the Piciformes. In addition, Biuterina meropina macrancistrota has been found in Merops albicollis. We recognize a full specific status for this taxon which becomes B. macrancistrota Fuhrmann, 1908. Skrjabinoporus merops (Woodland, 1928) Spassky & Borgarenko, 1960 has been rediscovered. This rare species is redescribed and its position among the Metadilepididae is confirmed. Finally, Raillietina cf (P.) bargetzii Mahon, 1954 is recorded from Gymnobucco calvus.

Ce travail fait partie de la thèse du premier auteur.  相似文献   

Rhipidocotyle fennica n. sp. (= Rhipidocotyle Type A of Taskinen et al., 1991) from the intestine of Esox lucius in central Finland is described and compared by means of a principal components analysis (PCA) with R. campanula (= Rhipidocotyle Type B of Taskinen et al., 1991). Its cercaria develops in the bivalve Anodonta anatina and the metacercaria occurs in the skin and fins of Rutilus rutilus. The metacercaria is discriminated from that of R. campanula by PCA and is described along with aspects of the chaetotaxy of the cercaria. The new species is distinguished from R. campanula, R. kovalae, R. papillosa and R. septpapillata.  相似文献   

Chlorella Beijerinck (Chlorellaceae, Trebouxiophyceae) strains from the collection of the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) were characterized using gene sequence data. The misidentification of a number of strains was rectified. Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck NIES‐2173 was reclassified as C. sorokiniana Shihira et Krauss. Chlorella sp. NIES‐2171 was described as a new species in the genus Micractinium Fresinius, M. inermum Hoshina et Fujiwara. Chlorella sorokiniana NIES‐2167 and Chlorella sp. NIES‐2330 were found to be phylogenetically related to Didymogenes Schmidle. We propose these two strains be transferred to the genus Didymogenes and given new names: D. sphaerica Hoshina et Fujiwara and D. soliella Hoshina et Fujiwara. Taxonomic decisions were primarily based on small subunit‐internal transcribed spacer ribosomal DNA phylogeny for genus assignment and ITS2 sequence‐structure to determine species autonomy. Our findings suggest that this strategy is the most effective way to use the species concept among autosporic coccoids.  相似文献   

Résumé Trois indices chétotaxiques AD, AL et U, des cercaires de quatre espèces pré-identifiées de Schistosoma africains, émises par des Mollusques infestés naturellement ou expérimentalement, ont été calculés. AD et AL correspondant respectivement à la distance relative entre les papilles dorsales et les papilles latérales. U correspond au nombre total des papilles du tronc caudal. La simple comparaison des moyennes arithmétiques d'un ou deux de ces trois indices permet de distinguer les cercaires de Schistosoma haematobium et de S. curassoni émises par Bulinus umbilicatus; les cercaires de S. haematobium et S. bovis émises par B. truncatus; les cercaires de S. bovis et S. intercalatum émises par B. forskalii.
Identification des cercaires de Schistosoma africains émises par Bulinus umbilicatus, B. truncatus et B. forskalii
Three chaetotaxic indices, AD, AL and U, of cercariae of four pre-identified African Schistosoma species, obtained from natural or experimental infections, were established. AD and AL correspond respectively to the relative distance between the dorsal and lateral papillae. U corresponds to the total number of tail stem papillae. The simple comparison of average values of one or two of these three indices facilitated identification of the cercariae of Schistosoma haematobium and S. curassoni emitted by Bulinus umbilicatus, cercariae of S. haematobium and S. bovis shed by B. truncatus, and cercariae of S. bovis and S. intercalatum emitted by B. forskalii.

Three new genera, one new subgenus, and 13 new species (Strogulomorpha separata sp. n., S. davidi sp. n., S. proxima sp. n., Luzarida lata sp. n., Luzara venado sp. n., L. sapani sp. n., Ucayacla pulchella gen. et sp. n., Peruzara atalaya gen. et sp. n., P. loreto sp. n., Amazonacla imitata gen. et sp. n., A. primitiva sp. n., Leptopsis (Leptopsis) ucayali sp. n., and L. (Aberracla subgen. n.) morona sp. n.) are described. The composition of the tribes Paragryllini and Luzarini and of the genera Luzarida Heb. and Luzara Walk is discussed. The new synonymies Luzarida Hebard, 1928 = Ecuazarida Nischk et Otte, 2000, syn. n.; Lerneca Walker, 1869 = Doposia Otte et Perez-Gelabert, 2009, syn. n.; Nemoricantor Desutter-Grandcolas et Hubbell, 1993 = Kumalorina Otte et Perez-Gelabert, 2009, syn. n. are given. The systematic position of some previously described species is corrected.  相似文献   

谢文远  陈锋  陈征海 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1391-1400
该文报道了在浙江葡萄属(Vitis L.)分类研究中的新发现:(1)描述了开化葡萄(V. kaihuaica Z.H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie)、秀丽葡萄(V. amoena Z. H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie) 2新种和腺枝龙泉葡萄(V. longquanensis var. glandulosa Z. H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie) 1新变种;(2)将V. adenoclada Hand.-Mazz.作为毛葡萄(V. heyneana Roem. et Schult.)的变种处理,即腺枝毛葡萄[V. heyneana Roem. et Schult. var. adenoclada (Hand.-Mazz.) Z. H. Chen,F. Chen et W. Y. Xie];(3)报道了蓝果刺葡萄[V. davidii(Roman. Du Caill.) F9ex var. cyanocarpa (Gagnep.) Sarg.]在浙江的分布新记录。  相似文献   

Macrosiagon deuvei n. sp., the second fossil representative of this extant genus of Ripiphoridae: Ripiphorinae: Macrosiagonini is described from the lowermost Eocene amber of Oise (France). The new species is compared with the extant species of the genus. Taxonomic position of other two fossil representatives of the family described from France by Perrichot et al. (2004) is discussed. The genus Paleoripiphorus Perrichot et al. 2004 is tentatively transferred from Ripiphorinae to Ripidiinae.  相似文献   

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