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A new pemphredonine genus, Ammostigmus (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), is described from southwestern India. The new genus differs from the other genera of the subtribe Ammoplanina in the quadridentate apical margin of the clypeus, non-bilobed labrum, the presence of postspiracular carina and omaulus, and the absence of episternal sulcus. Phylogenetically the new genus is most closely related to the genus Protostigmus Turner, 1918.  相似文献   

A new genus, Grangerdoryctes gen. n. (with type species Aivalykus niger Granger), from Madagascar and a new subgenus Pararhacon subgen. n. of the genus Rhaconotus Ruthe (type species R. (P.) haeselbarthi sp. n.) from South Africa are described and illustrated. A discussion of genera without a second radiomedial vein of the fore wing in the tribe Doryctini is presented. The position and content of the subtribe Rhaconotina are discussed and a key for determination of the genera of this subtribe is proposed.  相似文献   

Rhipidocladum longispiculatum, a woody bamboo from the montane forests of Colombia, is described and illustrated. A classification of Rhipidocladum into three sections is proposed based on differences in internode structure, culm leaves, fimbriae of the foliage leaf sheaths, inflorescences, spikelet bracts, and foliar anatomy and micromorphology. Rhipidocladum section Rhipidocladum is distinguished by the zigzag rachis of the inflorescence and obtuse spikelet bracts, and includes only one species, R. harmonicum. Section Didymogonyx is characterized by alternating long and short internodes, and includes R. longispiculatum and R. geminatum. Section Racemiflorum is distinguished by its relatively long culm leaf blades, racemiform inflorescences, and mucronate or aristate spikelet bracts; the remainder of the species of the genus are classified within this section. A review of morphology, foliar anatomy, and micromorphology of the Arthrostylidiinae, the subtribe to which Rhipidocladum belongs, is presented. The problem of generic classification within the subtribe is discussed with respect to its mosaic pattern of morphological and anatomical variation.  相似文献   

The small Asian genus Asiabregma Belokobylskij, Zaldivar & Maeto 2008 is recorded from China for the first time and one new species, A. achterbergi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. A key to species of genus Asiabregma is updated to include A. achterbergi. The relationship between Asiabregma and other members of the subtribe Facitorina and the systematic position of Facitorina are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of the subtribe Cynopoecilina is described from the rio Gravataí basin, laguna dos Patos system, southern Brazil. The relationships of the new species among taxa of the subtribe Cynopoecilina is discussed based on two analyses: one using 71 discrete characters and other with the addition of six continuous characters analyzed without discretization. The addition of the continuous characters resulted in the first fully resolved phylogenies for Cynopoecilus and Leptolebias species, not obtained in the analysis including only discrete characters. The new species is assigned to Cynopoecilus as sister group to the remaining species of the genus. A new diagnosis is proposed for Cynopoecilus to accommodate the new species. The resulting phylogeny indicates that the occupation of the grasslands of the Pampa biome by the species of Cynopoecilus occurred along the evolution of the genus and that this event was significant for the diversification of the genus. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Ranunculus, R. uttaranchalensis, is described from Gangotri National Park, Uttaranchal in Western Himalaya, India. It is distinguished from the closely allied R. lobatus in having radical leaves sub‐cordate with hairy lamina base and petiole hairy above; cauline leaves sessile, 3–7 lobed with linear to narrowly lanceolate lobes; sepals usually reddish brown, externally hairy; petals rounded‐obovate and oblong, receptacle glabrous except 1–3 hairs at the top.  相似文献   

With 71 genera and over 2700 described species, Philonthina is the most speciose subtribe of rove beetle tribe Staphylinini and forms a major component of the largest remaining higher systematics challenge in Staphylinini, the ‘Staphylinini propria’ clade. A related systematics issue concerns the position of the genus Holisus (Hyptiomina), which was recovered within the Neotropical philonthine lineage in several recent analyses of morphology. With the aims of resolving the phylogeny of Philonthina and the position and, thus, validity of Hyptiomina, we performed phylogenetic analyses of the tribe Staphylinini based on molecular (six genes, 4471 bp) and morphological (113 characters) data including 138 taxa from all relevant lineages of Staphylinini. We found that ‘Staphylinini propria’ is a monophylum consisting of six lineages: current subtribes Anisolinina, Philonthina, Staphylinina and Xanthopygina; and two new subtribes, Algonina Schillhammer and Brunke and Philothalpina Chatzimanolis and Brunke. While the previously hypothesized Neotropical lineage of Philonthina was corroborated, Holisus was recovered as a separate subtribe, outside of Philonthina, within an informal ‘Southern Hemisphere clade’. Based on our analyses, we propose tentative new concepts of the polyphyletic genera Belonuchus and Philonthus. We propose the following taxonomic changes: synonymy of the subtribes Staphylinina Latreille (valid name) and Eucibdelina Sharp; resurrection of genera Barypalpus Cameron and Trapeziderus Motschulsky from synonymy with Rientis Sharp and Belonuchus Nordmann, respectively; transfer of 38 Belonuchus species, 16 Hesperus Fauvel species and one Philonthus Stephens species to Trapeziderus as new combinations; transfer of two Hesperus species to Eccoptolonthus Bernhauer as new combinations; transfer of one Belonuchus species to Paederomimus Sharp as a new combination; and transfer of Pridonius Blackwelder new status from its position as a subgenus of Quedius (subtribe Quediina) to Philonthina as a genus, and new combinations for its two described species.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Machilus Nees (Lauraceae) from China, M. parapauhoi F. N. Wei, S. C. Tang & W. B. Xu is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to M. pauhoi Kanehira, but differs in its densely appressed pubescent branchlets and petioles, shorter petiole, 0.8–1.2 cm long and an infructescence conspicuously shorter than the leaf. It is also similar to M. kwangtungensis Yang, but differs by its oblique leaves, with falcately curved apex and 14–18 lateral veins on both sides of the midrib. Based on a study of the type and isotype specimens of M. balansae (Airy Shaw) F. N. Wei & S. C. Tang and M. grandifolia S. Lee & F. N. Wei, M. grandifolia is regarded as a new synonym of M. balansae.  相似文献   

Chiliotrichiopsis peruviana Nesom, H. Rob. & Granda, a new species from Dept. Ayacucho in southwestern Peru, is described and illustrated. It is the only rayless species of the genus, now expanded to four species, and the only one that occurs outside of Argentina.Chiliotrichiopsis is one of six shrubby South American genera of Astereae (subtribe Hinterhuberinae) with paleate receptacles. Observations on morphology and a key to these genera provide perspective for the generic placement of the new species.  相似文献   

Lees, D. C., Rougerie, R., Zeller‐Lukashort, C. & Kristensen, N. P. (2010). DNA mini‐barcodes in taxonomic assignment: a morphologically unique new homoneurous moth clade from the Indian Himalayas described in Micropterix (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 642–661. The first micropterigid moths recorded from the Himalayas, Micropterix cornuella sp. n. and Micropterix longicornuella sp. n. (collected, respectively, in 1935 in the Arunachel Pradesh Province and in 1874 in Darjeeling, both Northeastern India) constitute a new clade, which is unique within the family because of striking specializations of the female postabdomen: tergum VIII ventral plate forming a continuous sclerotized ring, segment IX bearing a pair of strongly sclerotized lateroventral plates, each with a prominent horn‐like posterior process. Fore wing vein R unforked, all Rs veins preapical; hind wing devoid of a discrete vein R. The combination of the two first‐mentioned vein characters suggests close affinity to the large Palearctic genus Micropterix (to some species of which the members of the new clade bear strong superficial resemblance). Whilst absence of the hind wing R is unknown in that genus, this specialization is not incompatible with the new clade being subordinate within it. A 136‐bp fragment of Cytochrome oxidase I successfully amplified from both of the 75‐year‐old specimens strongly supports this generic assignment. Translated to amino acids, this DNA fragment is highly diagnostic of this genus, being identical to that of most (16 of the 26) Micropterix species studied comparatively here, 1–4 codons different from nine other species (including Micropterix wockei that in phylogenetic analyses we infer to be sister to other examined species), whilst 7–15 codons different to other amphiesmenopteran genera examined here. A dating analysis also suggests that the large clade excluding M. wockei to which M. cornuella belongs appeared <31 million years ago. These findings encourage discovery of a significant radiation of Micropterix in the Himalayan region. Our analysis has more general implications for testing the assignment of DNA mini‐barcodes to a taxon, in cases such as museum specimens where the full DNA barcode cannot be recovered.  相似文献   

A new species, Pinda shrirangii Gosavi & Chandore, is described and illustrated from a high-elevation region of northern Western Ghats, India. The new species is closely allied to the only other species in the genus, Pinda concanensis (Dalzell) P.K.Mukh. & Constance which was also described from the northern Western Ghats of Maharashtra state of India. Coloured photographs and illustrations are provided to facilitate the identification.  相似文献   

A new genus belonging to the braconid wasp subfamily Doryctinae, Kauriphanes n. gen. (type species K. khalaimi n. sp.), is described from New Zealand. This genus is placed within the doryctine subtribe Caenophanina. The extent of this subtribe is discussed and the phylogenetic relationships of three of its genera were investigated using one mitochondrial and one nuclear DNA sequence markers. Similar to previous studies, the Bayesian analyses performed significantly support a clade with the included members of Caenophanina as a sister group of a clade with the examined species of Spathiini sensu stricto. The placement of the Caenophanini within Doryctini, however, is left pendant to further exhaustive phylogenetic studies. A key to genera and subgenera belonging to Caenophanina is given.  相似文献   

During a two-year investigation of freshwater microcrustaceans in Thailand, an undescribed species of fairy shrimp of the genus Branchinella Sayce, 1903 in the family Thamnocephalidae, was discovered. This is the first record of the genus and the family from Southeast Asia and the second anostracan reported from Thailand. The new species, Branchinella thailandensis n. sp. appears to be morphologically intermediate between B. kugenumaensis (Ishikawa, 1895) from Japan and east China, and B. madurai Raj, 1951 from India and Pakistan. B. thailandensis n. sp. was collected from several temporary ponds in 11 provinces of the northeast and the central Thailand, often co-occurring with Streptocephalus sirindhornae Sanoamuang, Murugan, Weekers & Dumont, 2000.  相似文献   

A new species Dendrocalamus menglongensis Hsueh & K. L. Wang ex N. H. Xia, R. S. Lin &Y. B. Guo is described and illustrated from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. It differs from D. giganteus by e.g. shorter internodes, 4–5 florets, a perfect terminal floret and persistent culm sheaths. A key to the new species and the other 7 species of Dendrocalamus known from Xishuangbanna is provided.  相似文献   

A new cicada genus and species, Minilomia triquetra, gen. and sp. nov., is described from Borneo. The new genus Minilomia is closely allied to Platylomia Stål and is placed in the subtribe Dundubiina of the tribe Cicadini. Another new cicada species, Pomponia brevicaudata, sp. nov. (subtribe Psithyristriina), is described from Java and Sumatra. The new species belongs to the Pomponia linearis species group and the P. linearis species complex but is distinguished from its congeners by the unusually short male abdomen.  相似文献   

A new ammonite genus Riasanella is described from the Ryazanian Stage of the Russian Platform (type species R. rausingi sp. nov.). The new species R. plana sp. nov., R. olorizi sp. nov., and R. riasanitoides sp. nov. are described. These species come from the lower, strongly condensed beds of the Riasanites rjasanensis Zone of the Moscow Region. The upper subzone of this zone in the Ryazan Region contains specimens of Riasanella, identified in open nomenclature. The new genus is assigned to the family Himalayitidae; one of its species is a possible ancestor of Riasanites Spath.  相似文献   

A review of the Oriental genus Cochinchinula Volk. (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Polycestinae, Acmaeoderini) comprising three species is presented. The new species C. thailandica and C. bilyi spp. n. and the new genus Thaichinula gen. n. (type species T. ohmomoi sp. n.) from Thailand are described. A key to species of the genera Cochinchinula and Thaichinula is provided. The Nearctic genus Paracmaeoderoides Bellamy and Westcott is transferred from the subtribe Nothomorphina to the subtribe Acmaeoderoidina, and the South African genus Richtersveldia Bellamy is transferred from the subtribe Nothomorphina of Acmaeoderini to the tribe Ptosimini. The generic status is restored for another South African genus, Brachmaeodera Volkovitsh and Bellamy. The main evolutionary trends are discussed, and the taxonomic composition and classification of the tribe Acmaeoderini are clarified.  相似文献   

The Elikah River section spanning the Lopingian (Late Permian) to the Griesbachian (Early Triassic) time interval in the Central Alborz Mountains (north Iran) was sampled for ostracod analysis. We report 79 species distributed among 38 genera. Four new species are described: Acratia? pervagata Forel sp. nov., Microcheilinella alborzella Forel sp. nov., Basslerella superarella Crasquin sp. nov. and Cavellina nesenensis Crasquin sp. nov. The ontogeny of 13 species is described and sexual dimorphism in the genus Microcheilinella is here undoubtedly recognized for the first time. Six species show precocious sexual dimorphism of their carapace as early as A‐5 juvenile. The Lilliput effect is for the first time recorded and quantified for two species. Rare long‐time span Palaeocopida species, known throughout the entire Permian, document relatively long‐term evolution, including the size and growth rate modifications associated with the earlier appearance of carapace sexual dimorphism through time. These patterns might be related to the Guadalupian–Lopingian events and/or to climatic modifications occurring during the Permian interval.  相似文献   

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