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We monitored the underwater behavior of botos (Inia geoffrensis) using stereo acoustic data loggers to observe their local habitat use and its diel changes at the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Brazil. A‐tags were set at five sites in three different habitat types: Lake (low current), Channel (middle current), and Junction (junction of two channels). The presence index during nighttime was significantly greater than during daytime in the Lake and Junction. Underwater movement was estimated from the changing pattern (trajectory) of the relative angle of the sound source from A‐tags. A staying‐type trajectory was dominant in the Lake, although the prevalence of moving‐type trajectory increased at night. More than 80% of detected trajectories were the staying type in the Junction, while moving‐type trajectories dominated in the Channel. The frequency of click trains was greatest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channels. The average interpulse interval, which reflects the mean target distance of echolocation, was shortest in the Lake, followed by the Junction and Channel. These results suggest that the botos used the Lake as their primary habitat for active behaviors like foraging, especially at night, and the Junction as their primary habitat for relatively inactive behaviors at night.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication is a taxonomically widespread phenomenon, crucial for social animals. We evaluate social sounds from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) of Laguna, southern Brazil, whose social structure is organized around a cooperative foraging tactic with artisanal fishermen. This tactic involves stereotyped and coordinated behaviour by dolphins and fishermen and is performed by a subset of the dolphin population, splitting it into two distinct social communities. We compared the acoustic parameters and type of whistles emitted by dolphins of the “non‐cooperative” and “cooperative” communities, both during their interactions with fishermen and in times where dolphins were engaged in other types of foraging. Our findings show how dolphins’ social sounds differ between foraging tactics and social communities. The frequencies of six whistle types (ascending, descending, concave, convex, multiple, flat) were significantly dependent on tactics and communities. Ascending whistles were more common than expected during foraging without fishermen, and among dolphins of the non‐cooperative community. Whistle acoustic parameters (duration, number of inclination changes and inflection points, and initial, final, maximum, minimum frequencies) also varied between social communities. In general, whistles emitted by cooperative dolphins, mainly when not interacting with fishermen, tended to be shorter, had higher frequency and more inflections than those emitted by non‐cooperative dolphins. These results suggest that different whistles may convey specific information among dolphins related to foraging, which we hypothesize promote social cohesion among members of the same social community. These differences in acoustic repertoires add a new dimension of complexity to this unique human–animal interaction.  相似文献   

The perception of moving sound stimuli that imitate directional sound source movement was studied in healthy subjects and in patients with temporal lobe lesions, as well as in a group of patients with simultaneous lesions of the temporal cortex and hippocampus. Under the conditions of dichotic stimulation of patients with the rightor left-side foci of convulsive activity, the nature and length of the trajectories of the emerging subjective sound images (SSI) were estimated depending on the direction of movement and interaural time difference (700, 400, 200 μs). The audiograms of all patients did not differ from those of healthy subjects, suggesting that the auditory sensitivity of patients remained unimpaired. However, in the patients, the trajectories were shorter than the trajectories in healthy subjects at all the values of the initial time delay and at all the directions of SSI movements. In patients with the cortical temporal epilepsy, changes of the subjective sound field were the most significant in the case of the right-side localization of foci of the convulsive activity. In patients with simultaneous lesions of the temporal cortex and hippocampus, the averaged trajectories of SSI movement differed significantly from those in the group of healthy subjects (p < 0.01) and in patients with a relatively isolated lesion of the temporal cortex (p < 0.05); these trajectories were independent of the initial delay. The mediobasal structures of the temporal lobe that are involved in the epileptic process proved to play a significant role in the perception and estimation of the moving sound stimuli, although they do not belong to the auditory system proper. The possible mechanisms underlying disorders in patients with temporal epilepsy are discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of summertime movement and habitat use of yellow‐stage American eels Anguilla rostrata within York River and estuary and Gaspé Bay (Gaspesia, Québec, Canada) were examined using acoustic telemetry. Fifty fish were tagged with acoustic transmitters and released, either in the river or in the upper estuary, and their patterns of movement and habitat use were monitored at short spatial and temporal scales during the summer months using a dense hydrophone array. Approximately half of the fish released in the river swam to the estuary; two‐thirds of the fish released within the estuary did not move out of the estuary. Anguilla rostrata were detected more frequently and had a greater areal range of detections during night, suggesting greater nocturnal activity. Longitudinal movements within the estuary tended to occur nocturnally, with upstream movements from early to late evening, and downstream movements from late evening to early morning. Approximately one‐third of fish showed a regular pattern of movement, tending to reside in the deeper, downstream part of the estuary during day and in the shallower, more upstream part of the estuary during night. Approximately a quarter of fish, located in the upper estuary, remained upstream during both night and day. The remaining fish showed patterns intermediate between these two.  相似文献   

Bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) calls were recorded using autonomous passive acoustic recorders deployed in the northeastern Chukchi Sea between October 2007 and October 2010. Continuous acoustic data were acquired during summer (August to mid‐October), and overwinter data (mid‐October through July) were acquired on a duty cycle of 40/48 min every 4 h. We investigated the spatio‐temporal distribution and acoustic behavior of vocalizing bearded seals in this multiyear data set. Peaks in calling occurred in spring, coinciding with the mating period, and calls stopped abruptly in late June/early July. Fewer calls were detected in summer, and the vocal presence of seals increased with the formation of pack ice in winter. Vocal activity was higher at night than during the day, with a peak around 0400 (AKST). Monthly patterns in proportional use of each call type and call duration were examined for the first time. The proportion and duration of AL1(T) and AL2(T) call types increased during the mating period, suggesting that males advertise their breeding condition by producing those specific longer trills. The observed seasonal and diel trends were consistent between years. These results improve our understanding of occurrence and acoustic behavior of bearded seals across the northeastern Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

Cetaceans produce a variety of vocalizations to communicate; however, little information exists on the acoustic behavior displayed by Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) in the wild other than their echolocation behavior. Most available literature suggests that Commerson's dolphins do not produce any other sound type besides narrow‐band high‐frequency (NBHF) clicks, such that no signals are emitted below 100 kHz. We conducted acoustic recordings together with sightings to study the acoustic behavior of Commerson's dolphins in Bahia San Julian, Argentina. This is the first study that provides evidence that this species produces a variety of acoustic signals, including whistles and broad‐band clicks (BBC), with frequency content well below 100 kHz. Whistles were recorded mostly in the presence of mother and calf and were associated with parental behavior. BBC may be used for communication purposes by adults. These vocalizations are within the hearing range of killer whales and so could pose a risk of predation for Commerson's dolphins. Whether this population of Commerson's dolphins produce all these types of signals while they are in the open sea out of the waters of Bahía San Julián, which are apparently safe from predation, remains unknown.  相似文献   

Marine traffic is a significant source of disturbance to the bottlenose dolphin population in the Istanbul Strait, Turkey. To determine the importance of this threat, behavioral data together with sighting data of both dolphins and marine vessels were assessed for 2012. The current study suggests that the Istanbul Strait is used mostly as a foraging ground for bottlenose dolphins. Nonetheless, in the same area there is intense marine traffic as well as increase of industrial fishing activities in autumn. The findings of this study indicated that high‐speed ferries and high‐speed boats were the most significant source of disturbance. Moreover, increased densities of fishing vessels resulted in a drastic decline of dolphin sightings. This study highlights that vessel type, speed, distance, and density have a cumulative negative effect on dolphins. In order to mitigate the impacts of vessels, it is necessary to establish managed areas in the Istanbul Strait. Such proposed areas should limit speed and density of marine traffic and have specific restrictions on vessel routes. We propose three different seasonal managed areas according to their values as critical habitat for bottlenose dolphins in the strait.  相似文献   

The Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are an endangered species. Thus, up-to-date information on the distribution pattern of dolphins is critical for its proper management and conservation. Using a towed passive acoustic monitoring device, the distribution pattern of the Irrawaddy dolphins in the middle reaches of the Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar, was investigated during a vessel-based survey between Mingun and Katha. This region was successively divided into segments 1–4 from upstream to downstream. Sixteen echolocation encounters, with a series of click trains separated by <8 min and 26 dolphin acoustic trajectories were recorded. The mean dolphin detection rate (animals/kilometer) across the four segments progressively increased from upstream to downstream. High relative abundance was observed in segment 4 (46%) and segment 1 (23%) which was consistent with findings from historical boat-based visual surveys. The averaged interclick intervals of each click train in segment 2 and 4 was significantly shorter than that in segment 3, indicating that the dolphins in these segments frequently use shorter-ranged biosonar. More frequent and consistent surveys with a systematic sampling track design that incorporates other factors and covering the whole distribution range along the Ayeyarwady River and at varied water levels are needed in the future.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the acoustic context on active and passive discrimination of moving sound signals. Different contexts were created by reversing the role of standard and deviant stimuli in the oddball blocks, while their acoustical features were kept the same. Three types of sounds were used as standard or deviant stimuli in different blocks: stationary midline noises and two (smooth and abrupt) moving sounds moving to the left or right of the midline. Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during passive listening (the sound stimulation ignored), and mismatch negativity potentials (MMNs) were obtained. Active discrimination of sound movements was measured by the hit rate (percent correct responses) and false alarm rate, as well as the reaction time. The influence of the stimulus context on active and passive discrimination of the moving sound stimuli was reflected in the phenomenon known as the effect of deviance direction. The hit rate and MMN amplitude were higher when the deviant moved faster than the standard. The MMN amplitude was more responsive to the velocity of sound stimuli than the hit rate and false alarm rate. The psychophysical measurements in the reversed contexts suggest that smooth and abrupt sound movements may belong to the same perceptual category (moving sounds), while the stationary stimuli form another perceptual category.  相似文献   

Many cetaceans are known to be acoustically active at night. However, for most dolphin species, there is little information about their nocturnal acoustic activities. To study the acoustic repertoire of Sotalia guianensis, diurnal and nocturnal sounds (whistles, burst pulses, low-frequency narrowband (LFN) sounds, and clicks) were identified in the Cananéia estuary (25° 01′ S–25° 13′ S/47° 52′ W–48° 06′ W), south of the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, during April, June, and November of 2012. The emission rate of these sounds was compared between daytime and nighttime using the chi-squared statistical test. The mean values of the acoustic parameters of whistles, burst pulses, LFN sounds, and clicks were compared using the t test. Whistles, burst pulses, and LFN sounds were more frequent at night, as these individuals require greater acoustic communication in the absence of light, mainly for social communication. Echolocation emission rates were similar in both day and nighttime. Dolphin sound structure also varied throughout the day, with dolphins emitting lower-frequency sounds at night. Low-frequency sounds, with longer wavelengths, provide many advantages for dolphins active at night because such sounds propagate greater distances. This study demonstrates that the sounds produced by S. guianensis are dependent on the time of day, with social communication sounds being more influenced by the presence of light.  相似文献   

Seamounts are considered hot spots of biodiversity and can aggregate pelagic predators and their prey. Passive acoustic monitoring was conducted over 3 mo in 2012 to document the occurrence of odontocetes near a seamount chain in the central equatorial Pacific in relation to oceanographic changes over time. Beaked whale echolocation signals were most frequently encountered. The main beaked whale signal was an unknown type, BW38, which resembled signals produced by Blainville's beaked whales. It had high occurrence during high sea surface temperature and low sea surface salinity. Cuvier's beaked whales were the second most detected. They had an opposite pattern and were encountered more often when sea surface temperature was low and net primary productivity was high. Risso's dolphins and short‐finned pilot whales had high acoustic densities, and echolocated predominantly at night. Risso's dolphins occurred more often during low sea surface height deviation. False killer whales were less frequently detected and mostly occurred during the day. Sperm whale detections were fewer than expected and associated with high chlorophyll a. Short duration Kogiidae encounters occurred on average every third day. These types of long‐term site studies are an informative tool to comparatively assess species composition, relative abundance, and relationship to oceanographic changes.  相似文献   

Behavioural flexibility plays a key role in facilitating the ability of invasive species to exploit anthropogenically‐created resources. In Australia, invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) often gather around commercial beehives (apiaries), whereas native frogs do not. To document how toads use this resource, we spool‐tracked cane toads in areas containing beehives and in adjacent natural habitat without beehives, conducted standardized observations of toad feeding behaviour, and ran prey‐manipulation trials to compare the responses of cane toads versus native frogs to honeybees as potential prey. Toads feeding around beehives travelled shorter distances per night, and hence used different microhabitats, than did toads from nearby control sites without beehives. The toads consumed live bees from the hive entrance (rather than dead bees from the ground), often climbing on top of one another to gain access to the hive entrance. Prey manipulation trials confirm that bee movement is the critical stimulus that elicits the toads’ feeding response; and in standardized trials, native frogs consumed bees less frequently than did toads. In summary, cane toads flexibly modify their movements, foraging behaviour and dietary composition to exploit the nutritional opportunities created by commercial beehives, whereas native anurans do not.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the EU Life+ project named LIFE09 NAT/IT/000190 ARION, a permanent automated real-time passive acoustic monitoring system for the improvement of the conservation status of the transient and resident population of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) has been implemented and installed in the Portofino Marine Protected Area (MPA), Ligurian Sea. The system is able to detect the simultaneous presence of dolphins and boats in the area and to give their position in real time. This information is used to prevent collisions by diffusing warning messages to all the categories involved (tourists, professional fishermen and so on). The system consists of two gps-synchronized acoustic units, based on a particular type of marine buoy (elastic beacon), deployed about 1 km off the Portofino headland. Each one is equipped with a four-hydrophone array and an onboard acquisition system which can record the typical social communication whistles emitted by the dolphins and the sound emitted by boat engines. Signals are pre-filtered, digitized and then broadcast to the ground station via wi-fi. The raw data are elaborated to get the direction of the acoustic target to each unit, and hence the position of dolphins and boats in real time by triangulation.  相似文献   

Acoustic predator recognition has rarely been studied in anurans, in spite of the fact that hearing is widespread in these animals and that it has been demonstrated to play an important role in both arthropods and other vertebrates. Using field playback experiments, we tested the hypothesis that adult common toads (Bufo bufo) are capable of recognizing natural vocalizations of a common predator, the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), and show antipredator responses. We found that toads exposed to both natural (two types of otter sounds) and synthetic stimuli [white noise (WN) and otter sound‐based amplitude modulated WN] increased time allocated to locomotion and escape behaviour. These responses were correlated with time elapsed from sunset to the onset of testing and were independent from the type of acoustic signal, toad features and other environmental factors monitored. We conclude that B. bufo has not developed a selective recognition of predator vocalizations, suggesting that low‐frequency or seismic sounds associated with predator movements may provide anurans with better cues about an approaching risk. We propose that the time‐dependent response to acoustic stimuli of common toads represents a case of threat‐sensitivity and demonstrates that it can occur even when the response to the threat is not predator specific.  相似文献   

We present a new sound type recorded from bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus , in eastern Australian waters: low-frequency, narrow-band (LFN) harmonic sounds (defined as less than 2 kHz). Most of these sounds were of frequencies less than 1 kHz and were recorded commonly from socializing dolphins. These sounds differ significantly from narrow-band whistles, which are higher in frequency and longer in duration. The absence of these sounds in most studies of the acoustic behavior of bottlenose dolphins may reflect geographic differences in repertoires or result from insufficient sampling. Alternatively, these sounds may have been ignored where the focus of research was on other sound types.  相似文献   

The auditory organs of the cricket which are situated in the front legs are joined together by a large transverse trachea which decisively influences their directional characteristics. The transverse trachea is medially divided by a septum. The importance of this septum for the localization of a sound source was tested by means of behavioural experiments in which the phonotactic movements of intact Gryllus bimaculatus females were compared quantitatively with those of the same specimen after perforation of the septum. The septal perforation does not noticeably influence locomotion in the absence of acoustic stimuli but selectively changes essential characteristics of phono taxis: 1) The animals walk in less straight lines. The oscillations around the mean course, typical of phonotaxis, are increased in amplitude, while the frequency decreases. 2) Course deviations from the direction of the sound source become more pronounced. 3) The threshold for phonotaxis is raised by about 10 dB. 4) Both the speed at which the animals walk and the proportion of time during which they are mobile are reduced. The results are discussed in relation to the role of the septum in the mechanism of sound localization, and with regard to its possible importance for the recognition of acoustic patterns.  相似文献   

 Subjects made fast goal-directed arm movements towards moving targets. In some cases, the perceived direction of target motion was manipulated by moving the background. By comparing the trajectories towards moving targets with those towards static targets, we determined the position towards which subjects were aiming at movement onset. We showed that this position was an extrapolation in the target’s perceived direction from its position at that moment using its perceived direction of motion. If subjects were to continue to extrapolate in the perceived direction of target motion from the position at which they perceive the target at each instant, the error would decrease during the movements. By analysing the differences between subjects’ arm movements towards targets moving in different (apparent) directions with a linear second-order model, we show that the reduction in the error that this predicts is not enough to explain how subjects compensate for their initial misjudgements. Received: 10 February 1995/Accepted in revised form: 30 May 1995  相似文献   

This study presents bioacoustic recordings in combination with movements and diving behavior of three free‐ranging harbor porpoises (a female and two males) in Danish waters. Each porpoise was equipped with an acoustic data logger (A‐tag), a time‐depth‐recorder, a VHF radio transmitter, and a satellite transmitter. The units were programmed to release after 24 or 72 h. Possible foraging occurred mostly near the surface or at the bottom of a dive. The porpoises showed individual diversity in biosonar activity (<100 to >50,000 clicks per hour) and in dive frequency (6–179 dives per hour). We confirm that wild harbor porpoises use more intense clicks than captive animals. A positive tendency between number of dives and clicks per hour was found for a subadult male, which stayed near shore. It showed a distinct day‐night cycle with low echolocation rates during the day, but five times higher rates and higher dive activity at night. A female traveling in open waters showed no diel rhythm, but its sonar activity was three times higher compared to the males'. Considerable individual differences in dive and echolocation activity could have been influenced by biological and physical factors, but also show behavioral adaptability necessary for survival in a complex coastal environment.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to analyze the sequential foraging behavior of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Foraging sequences were defined when more than two feeding bouts occur with a traveling bout between them. We hypothesized that traveling costs of searching for prey patches were related to the time spent feeding on a patch. In addition, the distribution and seasonal variation of anchovy schools were studied in the area to better understand dolphins' behavior. We observed dolphins from a research vessel from 2001 to 2007, and recorded their location and behavior. Anchovy data were collected during two hydro‐acoustic surveys. Dusky dolphin behaviors varied seasonally; they spent a greater proportion of time traveling and feeding in the warm season (Kruskal‐Wallis: = 172.07, < 0.01). During the cold season dolphin groups were more likely to exhibit diving behavior and less surface feeding. We found a positive correlation between searching and foraging time (= 0.88, = 0.019), suggesting that the costs associated with searching were compensated by an increase in the energy intake during the foraging bout. There was an association between dusky dolphin and anchovy distribution, in that they co‐varied spatially and seasonally.  相似文献   

Autonomous acoustic recorders are an increasingly popular method for low‐disturbance, large‐scale monitoring of sound‐producing animals, such as birds, anurans, bats, and other mammals. A specialized use of autonomous recording units (ARUs) is acoustic localization, in which a vocalizing animal is located spatially, usually by quantifying the time delay of arrival of its sound at an array of time‐synchronized microphones. To describe trends in the literature, identify considerations for field biologists who wish to use these systems, and suggest advancements that will improve the field of acoustic localization, we comprehensively review published applications of wildlife localization in terrestrial environments. We describe the wide variety of methods used to complete the five steps of acoustic localization: (1) define the research question, (2) obtain or build a time‐synchronizing microphone array, (3) deploy the array to record sounds in the field, (4) process recordings captured in the field, and (5) determine animal location using position estimation algorithms. We find eight general purposes in ecology and animal behavior for localization systems: assessing individual animals' positions or movements, localizing multiple individuals simultaneously to study their interactions, determining animals' individual identities, quantifying sound amplitude or directionality, selecting subsets of sounds for further acoustic analysis, calculating species abundance, inferring territory boundaries or habitat use, and separating animal sounds from background noise to improve species classification. We find that the labor‐intensive steps of processing recordings and estimating animal positions have not yet been automated. In the near future, we expect that increased availability of recording hardware, development of automated and open‐source localization software, and improvement of automated sound classification algorithms will broaden the use of acoustic localization. With these three advances, ecologists will be better able to embrace acoustic localization, enabling low‐disturbance, large‐scale collection of animal position data.  相似文献   

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