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A new species, Alyssum kaynakiae Y?lmaz, is described from southwest Anatolia, Turkey. The new species belongs to Alyssum sect. Gamosepalum (Hausskn.) T. R. Dudley. Alyssum kaynakiae is closely related to A. niveum T. R. Dudley, but differs by its biennial life form, longer ascendent stems, not imbricated linear cauline leaves and equally inflated fruits.  相似文献   

Photinia taishunensis G. H. Xia, L. H. Lou & S. H. Jin (Rosaceae, Spiraeoideae) from Zhejiang, China, is described and illustrated. It has previously been confused with P. lochengensis Yü, but differs in details of habit, leaf size, leaf shape, inflorescence, flower size and pubescence. The pollen grains of P. taishunensis are monads, elliptical with trisulcate apertures, and the exine is rugulose, dotted with sparse punctures.  相似文献   

Aletris simpliciflora R. Li & S. D. Zhang, a new species of Nartheciaceae from southwest Xizang, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar, and apparently closely related, to A. nana S. C. Chen, but differs by having usually solitary flower, pubescent bract and bracteole, and distinct filaments ca 1.2 mm long.  相似文献   

Primula zhui a new species of Primula endemic to the Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to P. intanoensis from Thailand, and P. calyptrata from southeast Yunnan, affiliated to Primula sect. Carolinella (Hemsl.) Pax. However, it is easily distinguished from the Thailand species by its longer corolla tube and distylous flowers, and it differs from the Chinese species by its leaf ovate to ovate‐elliptic blade and distylous flowers.  相似文献   

Myosotis wumengensis, a distinct new species endemic to Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species differs from all Myosotis species in China by having exserted anthers and a long corolla tube. Phylogenetic analysis confirms the generic position of the new species. In addition, the pollen morphology of the new species is described.  相似文献   

Crataegus coriifolia Sharifnia & Zarrinkolah is described as a new species from Iran. Its taxonomic relationships, ecology and distribution are discussed. An identification key to C. coriifolia and other two‐styled species of Crataegus occurring in Iran is provided.  相似文献   

The morphological variation of four Baltic representatives of the genus Potentilla section Aurea–P. neumanniana, P. arenaria, P. subarenaria and P. crantzii was studied with multivariate methods. Altogether 41 characters were used. The most important characters for the phenetical classification are those of the epidermis: characters of stellate and glandular hairs and numbers of cells. Macromorphological characters are less important, the most useful of these being the length of sepals and stipules and the number of teeth of the central leaflet. All four species are significantly distinct. Even P. subarenaria, a putative hybrid of P. arenaria and P. neumanniana, is clearly separated. At the same time, the species are morphologically quite variable, and it is possible to distinguish subclusters (morphotypes) within P. neumanniana, P. subarenaria and P. crantzii, which are also statistically distinct. The varieties described by Wolf (1908) under the name P. verna (P. neumanniana) do not agree well with the morphs in our material. However, it can be admitted that var. typica and var. neumanniana axe prevalent, var. pseudo-incis? and var. incis? occur occasionally; only var. longifoli? can be quite clearly delimited.  相似文献   

Carex dapanshanica X. F. Jin, Y. J. Zhao & Z. L. Chen, a new species of Cyperaceae from Mount Dapan, Zhejiang Province, eastern China is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to C. chungii C. P. Wang, but differs in having 2 or 3spikes, pistillate scales with brown margins and short‐awned at apex, and glabrous perigynia. Micromorphological photographs of the achenes of C. dapanshanica and C. chungii under SEM (scanning electron microscope) are provided as well.  相似文献   

Sorbus cibagouensis sp. nov. (Rosaceae subfam. Rosaceae), a new taxon from Cibagou National Nature Reserve, Zayü County, southeastern Xizang (Tibet), China, is described and illustrated. It is related to S. monbeigii (Cardot) Balakr., but primarily differs in the number of styles (S. cibagouensis = 5; S. monbeigii = 4) and the shape of stipules and leaves (S. cibagouensis: stipules caducous, small, with entire margin, leaflets in 9–11 pairs; S. monbeigii: stipules persistent, large, serrate, leaflets in 6–8 (–10) pairs).  相似文献   

Angelica muliensis (Apiaceae), a new species from Sichuan Province, southwest China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles A. biserrata, but differs in the shapes of the leaflets and sheaths, umbel number and size and especially mericarp features. The diagnostic characters of these two species are presented and compared.  相似文献   

Carex sinosupina, a new species from Gansu, China is described and illustrated. This species is similar to C. aridula and C. ivanoviae, but differs by having broader leaves, 2.0–3.5 mm wide, perigynia 3–5‐veined abaxially and achenes concave at the middle of one lateral surface. Based on a field survey and SEM (scanning electron microscope) observation of the micromorphology of perigynia and achenes, the morphology and micromorphology of the new species, C. aridula and C. ivanoviae is compared.  相似文献   

Pterygiella trichosepala (Orobanchaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species endemic to Yunnan, southwest China. It grows in calcareous grasslands or scrubs at elevations of 2000–2600 m a.s.l. This new species is closely related to P. nigrescens Oliv., but clearly differs from the latter by being pilose–hirsute throughout, with stems simple or rarely branched, 10–30 cm tall, and leaves 10–20 mm long and 3–6 mm wide (with L/W ratio 3.5–5.0), racemose inflorescences, and calyx 13–20 mm long and 8–13 mm in diameter; moreover its seed micromorphological features are significantly different from those of P. nigrescens.  相似文献   

Carex yandangshanica C. Z. Zheng & X. F. Jin, a new species of Carex sect. Rhomboidales Kükenth. from Zhejiang, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. thibetica Franch. and C. brevicuspis C. B. Clarke, but differs from the former by having trabeculate leaves, pistillate spikes with 6–10 staminate flowers or without staminate flower at the apex, and achenes at apex contracted into a slightly curved beak, and from the latter by having lateral culms, trabeculate leaves, and elliptic, rubiginous and awned pistillate scales. SEM microphotographs of perigynia and achenes are provided for the new species and related taxa.  相似文献   

Onobrychis oshnaviyehensis (Fabaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species. This species, which belongs to the section Hymenobrychis , is confined to northwest Iran (Azarbaijan Province) and is only known from a single population close to the Turkish border.  相似文献   

本研究报道了丝膜菌属的一个新种:李玉丝膜菌,该种采自中国吉林省蒙古栎林中,其主要特征为担子体小型、幼时具蓝紫色调,菌盖强水浸状、具条纹,担孢子近球形。该种在系统发育树中形成一个独立的分支,与斑丝膜菌组形成姐妹关系,但遗传关系较远,属于新组李玉丝膜菌组。本文对新分类单元进行了详细描述,并对其系统发育上相近的物种进行了比较。  相似文献   

Centaurea molesworthiae E. López, Devesa & García Rojas (Cardueae, Compositae), a new species from southwest Spain is described and illustrated. The morphological variability of C. molesworthiae and the three closest species, C. prolongoi, C. crocata and C. occasus is analyzed and discussed. The chromosome number (2n = 40) of this new species is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species, Bilacunaria anatolica A. Duran (Apiaceae) is described and illustrated from southwest Turkey. The species grows on eroded marly stony slopes and in openings of Pinus brutia forest in Fethiye district (C2 Mu?la province). Bilacunaria anatolica, an endemic confined to southwest Anatolia, is related to B. microcarpa and B. scabra. It is also similar to the Mediterranean species Cachrys crassiloba and C. cristata in terms of habit, but differs in fruit characteristics. Diagnostic morphological and carpo‐anatomical characters are discussed. Notes are also presented on ecology and conservation status. In addition, pollen characteristics and mericarp surface features are examined by SEM. The geographical distribution of the new species and related species is mapped.  相似文献   

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