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Parasitism of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) megagametophytes by the seed chalcid, Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl, occurs naturally after pollination but before fertilization. In the absence of fertilization, the presence of insect larvae within the megagametophyte prevents abortion and the storage tissue continues to develop as if the seed had been fertilized. We investigated the effect of parasitism on the metabolism of abscisic acid (ABA), auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins during early development of Douglas fir seeds. Hormones and hormone metabolites of infested and uninfested megagametophytes with or without pollination were analyzed by HPLC–ESI/MS/MS. At 1 week after Megastigmus introduction, the insect’s presence stimulated ABA accumulation in unpollinated megagametophytes compared to unpollinated, unparasitized megagametophytes. In pollinated material, parasitism did not stimulate ABA accumulation compared to levels present in unparasitized megagametophytes. In all four treatments, the metabolism of ABA occurred primarily through conjugation to the ABA glucose ester (ABAGE), while the 7′-, 8′- and, 9′-hydroxylation pathways were only minor. ABAGE levels declined with time in all treatments and this occurred to a greater extent in pollinated, parasitized megagametophytes, suggesting that the insect’s presence induced the dramatic decrease in ABAGE. Although there were temporal variations in the auxin, cytokinin, and gibberellin profiles of parasitized megagametophytes, the profiles were generally similar to those of unparasitized megagametophytes. Our results suggest that failure of parasitized megagametophytes to abort may be due to the insect inducing similar hormone profiles to those present during normal development of Douglas fir seed.  相似文献   

银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)是最古老裸子植物之一,其传粉受精过程表现出许多特殊的原始性状和特征,在种子植物的系统演化上具有重要研究价值;同时,银杏种实经济价值高,但栽培上由于授粉受精不良而导致落花落果现象严重,因此了解银杏传粉生物学特性对于其种实的优质高产具有实际意义.本文从银杏雌雄株开花物候学、雌雄花形态结构特征、花粉和胚珠发育进程、花粉和胚珠生物学特性、传粉机制及花粉在胚珠内萌发生长进程等方面,对银杏传粉生物学相关研究进行综述,为银杏的系统演化、授粉受精和种实发育研究提供参考.  相似文献   

The changes in cytoplasmic fine structure during the interval between pollination and zygotic division in the megagametophyte of Zea mays are reported. The rate of membrane synthesis appears to be low in the mature unfertilized megagametophyte. This megagametophyte is suggested to be in a state of relative metabolic inhibition. The rate of membrane synthesis is high in the zygote and free nuclear endosperm. After fertilization the swelling of the mitochondria in all cytoplasms is interpreted to reflect a presumed increase in metabolic rate relative to growth. In the zygote and endosperm, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) production is associated with the nuclear envelope. In all of the material the ribosomes not associated with the ER are helical polysomes which increase in length after fertilization. On the basis of permanganate staining, the ribonucleoprotein of the endosperm is suggested to be different from that of the other cytoplasms. The specific plastid form of each cell type does not change during the first few hours after fertilization. Dictyosomes are most numerous and active in the antipodals. They are least numerous in the egg and zygote. The smallest dictyosome vesicles are in the synergids. Dictyosome number and vesicle size increase in the egg and central cell after fertilization. Similarities among the megagametophytes of several angiosperms are enumerated.  相似文献   

Gymnosperms, and conifers in particular, are sometimes very productive trees yet angiosperms dominate most temperate and tropical vegetation. Current explanations for angiosperm success emphasize the advantages of insect pollination and seed dispersal by animals for the colonization of isolated habitats. Differences between gymnosperm and angiosperm reproductive and vegetative growth rates have been largely ignored. Gymnosperms are all woody, perennial and usually have long reproductive cycles. Their leaves are not as fully vascularized as those of angiosperms and are more stereotyped in shape and size. Gymnosperm tracheids are generally more resistant to solute flow than angiosperm vessels. A consequence of the less efficient transport system is that maximum growth rates of gymnosperms are lower than maximum growth rates of angiosperms in well lit, well watered habitats. Gymnosperm seedlings may be particularly uncompetitive since their growth depends on a single cohort of relatively inefficient leaves. Later, some gymnosperms attain a higher productivity than co-occurring angiosperm trees by accumulating several cohorts of leaves with a higher total leaf area. These functional constraints on gymnosperm growth rates suggest that gymnosperms will be restricted to areas where growth of angiosperm competitors is reduced, for example, by cold or nutrient shortages. Biogeographic evidence supports this prediction since conifers are largely confined to high latitudes and elevations or nutrient-poor soils. Experimental studies show that competition in the regeneration niche (between conifer seedlings and angiosperm herbs and shrubs) is common and significantly affects conifer growth and survival, Fast-growing angiosperms, especially herbs and shrubs, may also change the frequency of disturbance regimes thereby excluding slower-growing gymnosperms. Shade-tolerant and early successional conifers share similar characteristics of slow initial growth and low plasticity to a change in resources. Shade-tolerant gymnosperms would be expected to occur only where forest openings are small or otherwise unsuitable for rapid filling by fast-growing angiosperm trees, lianas or shrubs. The limited evidence available suggests that shade-tolerant conifers are confined to forests with small gap sizes where large disturbances are very rare. The regeneration hypothesis for gymnosperm exclusion by angiosperms is consistent with several aspects of the fossil record such as the early disappearance of gymnosperms from early successional environments where competition with angiosperms would have been most severe. However there are unresolved difficulties in interpreting process from paleoecological pattern which prevent the testing of alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   

Accessory costs of reproduction frequently equal or exceed direct investment in offspring, and can limit the evolution of small offspring sizes. Early angiosperms had minimum seed sizes, an order of magnitude smaller than their contemporaries. It has been proposed that changes to reproductive features at the base of the angiosperm clade reduced accessory costs thus removing the fitness disadvantage of small seeds. We measured accessory costs of reproduction in 25 extant gymnosperms and angiosperms, to test whether angiosperms can produce small seeds more economically than gymnosperms. Total accessory costs scaled isometrically to seed mass for angiosperms but less than isometrically for gymnosperms, so that smaller seeds were proportionally more expensive for gymnosperms to produce. In particular, costs of abortions and packaging structures were significantly higher in gymnosperms. Also, the relationship between seed:ovule ratio and seed size was negative in angiosperms but positive in gymnosperms. We argue that the carpel was a key evolutionary innovation reducing accessory costs in angiosperms by allowing sporophytic control of pre- and postzygotic mate selection and timing of resource allocation. The resulting reduction in costs of aborting unfertilized ovules or genetically inferior embryos would have lowered total reproductive costs enabling early angiosperms to evolve small seed sizes and short generation times.  相似文献   

In Franklinia alatamaha (Theaceae) an extended period of dormancy, associated with winter, separates pollination in the late summer and autumn from observable fruit growth, which occurs during the subsequent summer season. Here, ovule and early seed development were examined to decipher the timing of reproductive events that underlie this unusual phenological pattern. Female gametophytes were found to be mature before pollination. Evidence for double fertilization was observed soon after pollination. Early endosperm development progresses for up to 3 months after fertilization but comes to a standstill at the onset of winter. The zygote becomes dormant shortly after fertilization and does not divide during the autumn or winter. At the start of the following growing season, endosperm development is reinitiated and the first events associated with the formation of an embryo occur. Seed development is completed roughly at the same time as new flowers are opening, a full year after pollination and fertilization. Dehiscence of fruits does not occur until later in autumn. The prolonged zygotic dormancy in Franklinia is exceedingly rare among angiosperms and differs markedly from patterns of delayed fertilization that typically underlie extended periods between pollination and seed maturation in other temperate, perennial species.  相似文献   

Seed development in angiosperms initiates after double fertilization, leading to the formation of a diploid embryo and a triploid endosperm. The active repression of precocious initiation of certain aspects of seed development in the absence of fertilization requires the Polycomb group proteins MEDEA (MEA), FERTILIZATION-INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM (FIE) and FERTILIZATION-INDEPENDENT SEED2. Here we show that the Arabidopsis WD-40 domain protein MSI1 is present together with MEA and FIE in a 600 kDa complex and interacts directly with FIE. Mutant plants heterozygous for msi1 show a seed abortion ratio of 50% with seeds aborting when the mutant allele is maternally inherited, irrespective of a paternal wild-type or mutant MSI1 allele. Further more, msi1 mutant gametophytes initiate endosperm development in the absence of fertilization at a high penetrance. After pollination, only the egg cell becomes fertilized, the central cell starts dividing prior to fertilization, resulting in the formation of seeds containing embryos surrounded by diploid endosperm. Our results establish that MSI1 has an essential function in the correct initiation and progression of seed development.  相似文献   

In Chamaecrista fasciculata, fruit abortion levels are high and seed mass is highly variable, necessary preconditions for differential resource allocation of the female to seed and fruit sired by different males. This study investigated the relative role of pollen donor and seed parent on the allocation of resouces to developing seed and fruit, and assessed the role of genetic relatedness in contributing to any observed paternal effect in C. fasciculata. In addition, pollen donor effects were contrasted to within-seed parent sources of variation in resource allocation due to pollination date and ovule position in the pod. Plants collected from the field were brought to a greenhouse where single-donor crosses were conducted controlling for pollen donor source and interplant distance, a measure of genetic relatedness. Seed mass, number of seed/fruit, fruit maturation time, and fruit abortion rate were measured as indicators of resource allocation to developing seed and fruit. Variation in resource allocation was largely determined by the seed parent. Pollen donor effects were limited to differences between self vs. non-self pollinations, suggesting that inbreeding depression following mating events between related individuals is the source of any variation among pollen donors on differential resource allocation to developing seed and fruit. Once the effect of inbreeding was removed, however, pollination date and ovule position played larger roles than pollen source. Since there was no detectable variation among male pollen donors in their ability to accrue resources from the female seed parent apart from inbreeding effects, it is concluded that the opportunity for postzygotic mate choice is limited in C. fasciculata.  相似文献   

The rise to dominance of the angiosperms is frequently considered to be directly or indirectly due to co-evolutionary mutualisms with vertebrate seed dispersers and insect pollinators ('reproductive co-evolution hypothesis'). The decline of the gymnosperms is considered to be due to the inefficiency of wind pollination in maintaining heterozygosity in angiosperm-enriched communities or the limited scope for speciation of wind-pollinated taxa. Contrasting hypotheses for the rise of the angiosperms focus on either environmental change or superior reproductive and vegetative innovations leading to faster growth rates.
We suggest that plant-animal interactions have been overemphasized and competitive interactions largely overlooked, as determinants of the Cretaceous revolution in plant history.  相似文献   

Age at maturity and diversification in woody angiosperms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Angiosperm diversification has been associated with plant-animal interactions such as seed dispersal and pollination and life-history characters such as rapid growth and fast reproduction. This paper relates a life-history character (age at maturity) to woody angiosperm diversification. Here I present a comparative analysis of data drawn from the literature, indicating that time to first reproduction is shorter in woody angiosperms than in gymnosperms. In addition, age at maturity is negatively correlated with the rate of diversification (measured as the number of species per genus) at all the taxonomic levels analyzed and also when phylogenetically independent contrasts were conducted. This correlation suggests that early reproduction promotes diversification in woody angiosperms. Furthermore, this correlation is not a confounding effect of the association between age at maturity and other ecological factors that promote angiosperm diversification, such as pollination and seed dispersal systems.  相似文献   

Megagametophytes of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco) accumulated storage products following fertilization. As megagametophytes matured, the number of nuclei per cell rose, resulting in syncytial storage cells. Studies carried out on trees in France and Canada confirmed that such previously unreported, free nuclear cells were a normal part of late megagametophyte development. Unfertilized megagametophytes showed that some binucleate cells before degeneration resulted in empty seed. Insect parasitism prevented megagametophyte abortion in unfertilized ovules. Oviposition by a torymid chalcid wasp (Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl) early in megagametophyte development resulted in normal megagametophyte development. Around the time of plant egg maturation, binucleate and trinucleate cells were observed. As megagametophytes matured, multinucleate mature storage cells rich in proteins, lipids and starch were formed. The insect was able to induce identical nuclear behaviour in infested, unfertilized megagametophytes, as that of uninfested, fertilized megagametophytes.  相似文献   

Seed size,pollination costs and angiosperm success   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Seed plants capture pollen before seeds are dispersed and abort unpollinated ovules. As a result, each seed is associated with an accessory cost that represents the costs of pollen capture and the costs of aborted ovules. Accessory costs may explain the minimum seed size among species, because these costs are likely to comprise a greater proportion of total reproductive allocation in species with smaller seeds. For very small propagules, the costs of pollination may not be worth the benefits, perhaps explaining the persistence of pteridophytic reproduction at small propagule sizes. The smallest angiosperm seeds are much smaller than the smallest gymnosperm seeds, both in the fossil record and in the modern flora. This suggests that angiosperms can produce pollinated ovules more cheaply than gymnosperms. Pollination becomes less efficient as a species decreases in abundance, and this loss of efficiency is greater for species with a higher accessory cost per seed. We propose that the greater reproductive efficiency of angiosperms when rare can explain why angiosperm-dominated floras were more speciose than the gymnosperm-dominated floras they replaced.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to update figures for the presence of dioecy among the gymnosperms and investigate its correlation with climate, growth form, pollination and seed dispersal syndromes, and risk of extinction. Dioecy was found in almost 65% of contemporary gymnosperm species, a higher percentage than previous estimates. It dominates in 8 of the 12 families. As in angiosperms, dioecious gymnosperms are particularly common in climbers and are more commonly found in tropical climates. Analysis of the degree of threat using IUCN red list categories showed that the proportion of threatened species is higher in dioecious than in monoecious species only in temperate climate. The high sensitivity of dioecious species to environmental changes associated with human activity in temperate climate may explain this phenomenon. The monophyly of extant gymnosperms and the relatively small number of species (about 1000) create the possibility of treating them as a model group in investigating the evolution of sexual systems.  相似文献   

JOHRI  B. M. 《Annals of botany》1992,70(5):471-475
In angiosperms, the pollen tube is siphonogamous and its mainfunction is to carry the male gametes for double fertilization.In some taxa, as in Cucurbitaceae, the tube branches after enteringthe ovule, prior to fertilization. The tube may even swell andform a bulla. During post-fertilization development of the ovule,a portion of the tube may persist in the micropyle, or in theembryo sac, or in both, sometimes even in the micropyle of themature seed. Haustorial function has been presumed in a numberof taxa. In Grevillea, following fertilization, the pollen tube branchesat the micropyle, and the branches grow intercellularly intothe ovarian tissue where further branching occurs. A haustorialrole of the pollen tube is presumed from circumstantial evidence.In gymnosperms (for example, Cycas, Zamia and Ginkgo) the pollentube is nonsiphonogamous, arises from the distal (upper) poleof pollen grain, and grows laterally in the apical region ofthe nucellus. The tube branches in Cycas and Ginkgo but remainsunbranched in Zamia. These pollen tube branches are enucleate,and are not concerned with the transport of male gametes forfertilization. However, the haustorial role has been well documented.In Podocarpus, the pollen tube is siphonogamous and arises fromthe proximal (lower) pole of pollen grain. After traversingthe nucellus, the tube forms a bulla at the point of contactwith the female gametophyte, and several branches originatefrom the bulla. The pollen tube branches grow along the innersurface of the nucellus and the outer surface of the femalegametophyte. The haustorial role of the pollen tube branchesis uncertain. Procedures for convincingly demonstrating thehaustorial role of pollen tubes are discussed. Angiosperms, gymnosperms, pollen tube, bulla, fertilization, haustorial role  相似文献   

Nina Hewitt 《Oecologia》1998,114(3):432-440
Large seed size is a trait associated with plant species of mature, closed habitats, and is thought to supply an ample nutrient reserve necessary for seedling establishment. While this relationship has been shown for annuals and short-lived perennials, it is poorly documented for trees. A comparative method was used to determine whether North American temperate tree species which typically establish in shady conditions have larger seeds than those requiring more open conditions. Both angiosperms (hardwoods) and gymnosperms (conifers) were involved in the study. A significant relationship was found between large seed mass and shade-tolerance for angiosperms, but not for gymnosperms. These contrasting results seem to relate to unique evolutionary opportunities or constraints in different taxa. The absence of a relationship for gymnosperms is discussed in terms of character traits which might prevent seed size selection in response to shade. The finding for angiosperms underlines the importance of the regeneration niche in promoting coexistence among temperate hardwood species through seed size differentiation. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 November 1997  相似文献   

Two animal-pollinated hermaphrodite plants, Pedicularis siphonantha and P. longiflora , have been used to investigate factors limiting seed production in natural populations. To evaluate the potential seed abortion due to resources limitation, seed development has been observed and seed count conducted twice. Seed production per capsule has been compared when flowers have been removed and in a control group. Open pollination has been investigated and pollen supplementation undertaken to estimate the possibility of pollen limitation. Results show that seed abortion is frequent. Stigmatic pollen load is significantly higher than ovule number per ovary under open pollination for both species. Additional self and outcross pollen did not affect seed production. Flower removal significantly increases seed production per capsule, which indicates that seed production of the studied species is limited by available resources. To detect differences in seed production between flowers pollinated by self and outcross pollen, hand pollination of bagged flowers has also been conducted in natural populations of the two Pedicularis species. Compared with open pollination, hand-pollinating self-pollen decreases, while outcross pollen increases seed production per capsule. Such results suggest that inbreeding depression in the two self-compatible species may also result in partial seed abortion under open pollination if mixed pollen is deposited on the stigma. Our results also suggest that pollen interference plays an important role in low female fertility in the two Pedicularis species.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 83–89.  相似文献   

Pines provide a model system for the gymnosperms, an old and successful group of vascular plants that last shared a common ancestor with the angiosperms about 285 million years ago. Gymnosperms are distinct from angiosperms in their reproduction, development, metabolism, adaptations, and evolution. Pines cover vast areas of the globe, are one of the most important genera of forest trees, dominate the ecology of many temperate and subtropical forest ecosystems, and provide a major fraction of the world's wood. Here, we summarize many features of pine that make it a useful model for gymnosperms and woody plants. We also describe the influence of its reproductive system on methods for genetic analysis and the prospects for genomic studies and genetic engineering. Pines are limited as model systems by their long generation times, large size, large genomes, and the long time from fertilization to seed set.  相似文献   

裸子植物传粉滴研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王莉  程芳梅  陆彦  金飚 《植物学报》2015,50(6):802-812
传粉滴是裸子植物胚珠在传粉期所产生的一种分泌物, 在珠孔处聚集成液滴状。传粉滴的分泌和形成在裸子植物传粉、花粉萌发和受精等有性生殖过程中发挥重要作用。该文综合国内外裸子植物传粉滴的研究进展, 并结合作者近年来所取得的实验结果, 全面综述了传粉滴的产生、分泌规律、成分、收缩机制以及在有性生殖过程中的功能, 系统总结了传粉滴选择和识别花粉功能, 以及促进花粉萌发与花粉管生长和防御病菌侵染等方面的作用。此外, 文中还提出了传粉滴研究存在的一些问题, 并从生物化学和分子生物学层面进一步明确了传粉滴与花粉之间相互作用的分子机理。  相似文献   

王晓伟  韩佳玲  张爱勤 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4872-4881
种子的选择性败育在被子植物中普遍存在,开展结籽格局及其影响因素的研究有助于深入了解种子的形成机制及多样化的生殖对策。以刺叶锦鸡儿Caragana acanthophylla为材料,通过传粉过程、胚珠发育动态和资源分配状况的研究,以探讨种子的选择性败育格局及相关影响因素。结果显示:(1)刺叶锦鸡儿具高度自交不亲和性,为泛化的传粉系统,蜂类是主要的传粉者。自然状态的结实率为(86.00±4.96)%,不存在传粉限制,但受精具明显的时间效应。(2)刺叶锦鸡儿单花期4—5d,每朵花有(14.00±0.14)粒胚珠。胚珠的发育从荚果顶部开始,其中,开花后第3天荚果顶部胚珠开始膨大;第11天绝大多数胚珠出现了膨大,此时,在荚果基部的胚珠开始败育,随后荚果顶端受精后的胚珠也出现败育,最终仅荚果中部形成2—3粒种子。其结籽格局为成熟荚果中部胚珠,而败育荚果顶部和基部胚珠的选择性败育类型。(3)受微地形影响,居群内开花植株具斑块分布,对较少开花植株通过添加水肥进行资源调控后,结籽率显著提高,说明在种子形成过程中存在资源限制。综上所述,受精顺序和资源限制两个互逆的资源梯度决定了刺叶锦鸡儿的结籽格局。其中,...  相似文献   

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