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Plasmodium berghei infection in euthymic mice induced the formation of smooth muscle autoantibodies (SMA) persisting in cured immune mice. Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) were found in challenged hyperimmune mice, but not in acutely infected mice. The autoantibodies were not detected in infected and cured athymic, nude mice, and are therefore T-cell dependent. No evidence for other autoantibodies was obtained. Parallel studies on deposited immune complexes in renal glomeruli served as control for any absence of autoantibodies.  相似文献   

Following primary in vitro Stimulation by Plasmodium berghei, IgM titers by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) were negative in in vitro reconstituted syngeneic mouse spleen cultures containing T cells and macrophages, or B cells and macrophages, or macrophages alone, but IgM titers of 1:20 were obtained from cultures containing B cells, T cells, and macrophages. IFAT IgG titers were negative for cultures with T cells and macrophages together, or macrophages alone, but rose to 1:40 with cultures containing B cells and macrophages and 1,80 with cultures of B cells, T cells, and macrophages together. After a second in vitro challenge, IgM and IgG titers were similar to the stimulated cultures from immunized mice; the IgM titer reached only 1:20 but the IgG titer rose to 1:160. Total immunoglobulin was higher in the cultures from immunized mice than from in vitro primed cultures.  相似文献   

Repeated intravenous (IV) immunizing injections with 25,000 Plasmodium berghei heat-treated sporozoites gave an average protection of 13% in five experiments (0–53%). Four injections of 105 sporozoites gave 50% protection, seven injections of 105 gave 37% protection, and six injections of 105 gave 11% protection. Viable spleen cells (1.2 × 108) from twice challenged immune syngenic mice did not protect naïve mice against iv challenge. Six ip injections of the supernatant of Parr Bomb disintegrated sporozoites gave no protection against ip challenge, but 7 ip injections gave 40% protection. Centrifuged pellets from French Pressure Cell-disintegrated sporozoites gave almost no protection either iv, sc, or ip. The supernatant was disc-electrophoresed and compared to normal mosquito heads and salivary glands in order to select sporozoite bands for immunizing injections. Results were discussed with respect to uniformity of antigen batches.  相似文献   

Percoll (colloidal silica coated with polyvinylpyrrolidone) and Ficoll (MW 400,000) were used to separate erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium yoelii and Plasmodium berghei from uninfected red blood cells. Samples of blood collected from mice in different phases of malarial infection were overlaid on cushions of 55% Percoll, 20% Ficoll, or 28% Ficoll, respectively, centrifuged, and the interphase layers compared. The best yield of parasitized erythrocytes (PE) was achieved using Percoll when about 95% of the erythrocytes infected by the late developmental forms of the parasites (late trophozoites, schizonts, and gametocytes) were recovered from the gradient interphase, irrespective of the phase of the infection and the number of young erythrocytes in the sample. No alteration of antigenicity (assessed by immunofluorescence) or of osmotic fragility (over the range of 160–460 mOsm) could be detected in PE separated by Percoll or by Ficoll. In addition, parasites separated on Percoll gradients showed no significant ultrastructural changes and retained their normal infectivity to mice. Although both gradient media could be used for the separation of Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes, Percoll presented some advantages over Ficoll. Apart from the better reproducibility of the separation of high yields of very pure PE obtained with Percoll, its lower viscosity allowed easier handling, and lower centrifugal forces were needed to enable the cells to reach their isopycnic positions. Thus, Percoll fulfilled many of the criteria for an ideal density gradient medium. Parasitized erythrocytes were isolated by an easy, reproducible, and inexpensive procedure, and separated cells retained their normal structure, antigenicity, and infectivity.  相似文献   

The capacity of mouse erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei to accumulate chloroquine is developed with maturation of the parasites. This is shown by direct comparison of the early and mature stages, which are separated by density difference. After drug accumulation, infected cells were fractionated by saponin lysis or nitrogen decompression to study the drug distribution. Effectiveness of isolating intact parasites and host components was checked by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by low leakage of parasite-specific lactate dehydrogenase used as a marker enzyme. At low external drug concentration (~10?7M), chloroquine is principally accumulated in the parasites. However, at higher drug concentrations (~10?5and ~10?3M), the proportion of the drug found in the host cytosol fraction is increased. A small but significant proportion of the drug (<20%) is associated with the host cell membrane. The pellet fraction of the freed parasites, further fractionated by freeze-thaw lysis, contains a major proportion of the drug at low external concentrations. However, the pellet fraction obtained from prolonged sonication of the parasites, which contains the bulk of hemozoin pigment, carries only a small proportion of the drug. This indicates that parasite membrane components may bind most of the drug. As external chloroquine concentration is increased, the proportion of drug in the parasite supernatant increases, some or most of which is probably bound by soluble hemecontaining compounds. However, the presence of chloroquine in the parasite does not affect the partition of heme in particulate and soluble forms.  相似文献   

The role of the spleen during Babesia microti and B. hylomysci infection was investigated by examining the course of infection in both intact and splenectomized mice. The presence of the spleen was critical during the early stages of infection to control excessive multiplication of either parasite, a role taken over by other lymphoid sites as the infection progressed. Mice splenectomized prior to or within 1 week of B. microti inoculation developed extended infections with some deaths, and others were unable to check their parasitemias. All intact mice, and those splenectomized 1 week after infection with B. microti, recovered completely with subsequent development of sterile immunity. Mice splenectomized prior to or within 1 week of B. hylomysci inoculation succumbed to hyperacute infections: Some of the intact mice, and those splenectomized 12 days after infection, recovered but continued to harbor a low-grade infection with periodical recrudescences. Erythrophagocytosis of infected and uninfected erythrocytes was detected in saline preparations and impression smears of spleen and bone marrow and rarely in blood smears of infected mice. This coincided with anemia, splenomegaly, and relatively high levels of opsonizing antibodies, especially during B. microti infection. The colloidal carbon clearance method was used to investigate the phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system. Carbon clearance rates increased rapidly during both infections, but peak B. hylomysci parasitemia coincided with reticuloendothelial phagocytic depression and death of the host. Babesia microti stimulated a consistently higher reticuloendothelial phagocytic activity with higher erythrophagocytosis both in the spleen and bone marrow than did B. hylomysci.  相似文献   

The osmotic properties of intraerythrocytic and ultrasonically liberated malaria parasites (Plasmodium berghei) were analyzed and compared with those of mouse host erythrocytes utilizing a multiple tube fragility test. Cells were incubated in phosphate buffered saline solutions of varying osmolalities ranging from 20–4000 mOsm. Changes in cell ultrastructure and parasite infectivity were used as indicators of osmotic damage. Intraerythrocytic and host cell-free plasmodia showed similar patterns of cell alteration and changes in infectivity following osmotic stress. The various developmental forms within each of the preparations responded somewhat differently to hypo-osmotic stress, however. The majority of merozoites seemed to be more sensitive than many trophozoites, schizonts, and segmenters. Small trophozoites were, on the average, more resistant than other developmental forms. Incubation of parasite populations in hypotonic salt solutions with osmolalities slightly greater than the infectivity threshold of 100 mOsm lysed the majority of the merozoites, whereas many small trophozoites were still intact. While normal erythrocytes were more resistant to hypo-osmotic stress than were either intracellular or free parasites, the majority of parasitized erythrocytes was less resistant than normal erythrocytes. The predominant alteration induced by hyperosmotic stress appears in the parasite's nuclear region with myelination of the nuclear membranes and chromatin clumping. The infectivity threshold in the hypertonic range was found to be approximately 2500 mOsm. Results indicate that these obligate intracellular parasites have a wide range of osmotic sensitivities and that they are capable of existing for short periods in various osmotic environments ranging from 100–2500 mOsm without complete loss of infectivity. This suggests that these parasites have osmotic regulatory capabilities at least comparable to those of host cells.  相似文献   

Loss of immunity to Plasmodium berghei in mice was found to be correlated with the gradual clearance of parasites from circulating blood and from tissues; complete clearance apparently is followed by a period of residual sterile immunity. Starting with the day of challenge, the pattern of the time-dependent loss of immunity was the same in young adult and old mice, and was not influenced by previous challenges. Since the clearance of parasites from the peripheral blood occurred much faster in old mice, and in view of the observed similarity of clearance rates in different tissues, the period of residual sterile immunity in old mice is different from that in young adults.  相似文献   

Strains of Plasmodium berghei resistant to clindamycin or minocycline were selected by a procedure in which groups of infected mice were treated with increasing doses of drug during each of a series of subpassages. Groups of five mice, each infected by intravenous inoculation with 10 million parasitized erythrocytes, were treated orally with different doses of drug for four consecutive days beginning on the day of infection. Subpassages were routinely made by Day 7, using donor mice from the group that had been treated with the highest dose of drug that allowed for some development of parasitemia during the preceding passage. Drug doses were increased in each passage as dictated by the development of parasitemia during the previous treated passage.The rate of development of resistance to clindamycin or minocycline was much slower than to conventional antimalarials such as chloroquine, quinine, or pyrimethamine. P. berghei developed total resistance to the latter compounds in nine to 12 treated passages in mice over a period of 60 to 85 days. In contrast, development of total resistance to clindamycin required 42 treated passages over a period of 300 days. Total resistance to minocycline was not attained during 86 successive minocycline-treated passages in mice over a period of 600 days, but a sixfold increase in resistance to minocycline was observed.The clindamycin-resistant strain was normally sensitive to minocycline, chloroquine, quinine, and pyrimethamine. The strain partially resistant to minocycline was normally sensitive to clindamycin, chloroquine, quinine, and pyrimethamine. Resistance to clindamycin was stable during 51 drug-free passages in mice over a period of 1 year. Resistance to minocycline was unstable. During 16 drug-free passages in mice the strain reverted towards normal sensitivity to minocycline. Strains resistant to clindamycin or minocycline showed no difference in rate of development in mice as compared to the parent strain. Likewise, only minor morphological modifications were seen in Giemsa-stained blood smears between the two resistant strains and the parent strain.These results suggest that other species of malaria may develop resistance to clindamycin or minocycline. Should resistance to one of these compounds appear, however, it should not invalidate the use of the other in the treatment of malaria.  相似文献   

Red blood cells from mice infected with Plasmodium berghei and from uninfected mice were labeled with stable, free radical derivatives of stearic acid. Electron spin resonance spectra of these samples showed that the degree of molecular order in these membranes decreased, and the rate of motion of the probe increased, with increasing levels of parasitemia. Parasitemia increased the ratio of unsaturated to saturated 18-carbon fatty acids, and decreased the percentage of arachidonic acid and of cholesterol. The effects of parasitemia on the membrane properties correlated with decreases in cholesterol/fatty acid ratios.  相似文献   

This paper documents the maximal activities of the glycolytic enzymes in the red blood cells of normal mice and mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. There appears to be sufficient parasite-related activity of each glycolytic enzyme to support the increased glycolytic rate, i.e., increased glucose consumption, of the parasite-infected red blood cell. The relative proportions of glycolytic enzyme activities in parasite-infected red cells are different from the proportions in either normal or reticulocyte-rich blood, indicating that the increased enzyme activities associated with infected cells are not due to contaminating host red cells or reticulocytes. A comparison of maximal enzyme activities to the rate of whole cell glucose consumption indicates that different glycolytic control mechanisms are operating in the infected RBC from those in the uninfected cells.  相似文献   

A soluble extract of Plasmodium berghei was prepared from parasites freed from infected erythrocytes by saponin lysis. The extract was separated into 12 fractions by preparative disc electrophoresis, and the fractions were employed (1) to seek precipitins in hyperimmune rat serum, and (2) in the vaccination of rats. Species-specific antigens were identified in some of them.Two regions of the disc-electrophoretic column (Fractions 4–5 and 7–8) were regularly the most reactive in all systems tested. Thus, they reacted most frequently by precipitating with hyperimmune rat sera containing protective antibody, while other fractions were nonreactive or only rarely reactive. Antigens in these disc-electrophoretic regions were among those inducing precipitins in rats, though they were not the only ones to do so. These regions contained species-specific antigens, not shared with the noncross-protecting Plasmodium vinckei. Finally, fractions from these regions employed as vaccines were capable of inducing immunobiological effects: enhancement or protection in varying limited degrees.  相似文献   

Plasmodium berghei salivary gland and oocyst sporozoites were examined with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-lectins to determine if sporozoites had carbohydrate-containing molecules on their surfaces. None of the eight fluorescein isothiocyanate-lectins bound to the sporozoites. However, incubation of sporozoites in mouse serum permitted subsequent binding of concanavalin A and Ricinus communis agglutinin I. In general, serum binding occurred when sporozoites were incubated in serum from hosts susceptible to sporozoite infection. Sporozoites of the rodent parasite, P. berghei, tended to bind rodent but not primate serum, while sporozoites of the monkey parasite, Plasmodium knowlesi, tended to bind primate but not rodent serum. The serum component(s) that bound to sporozoites were concentrated considerably by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by concanavalin A—Sepharose affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

An attenuated strain of malaria causing limited parasitemia in mice was derived from a highly virulent strain of Plasmodium berghei (NK65) which produced 100% lethality in mice. A pool of mouse blood infected with the original highly virulent P. berghei was exposed to 40 Krad irradiation and parasites were inoculated into nude mice as well as into thymus competent normal littermates. Thymus competent mice showed no parasitemia, while one out of the five nude mice inoculated with the irradiated parasites developed a slow and progressive parasitemia. These parasites induced a self-limiting parasitemia in thymus competent mice, even when a large inoculum was administered. Maintenance of the low virulence strain required passage through nude mice. After 50 passages at two weekly intervals, reversion to virulence did not occur. A single vaccination with the attenuated strain induced immunity in mice against a challenge inoculation with the original virulent strain. Specific IgG persisted at high titer for more than 9 weeks in mice receiving a single inoculation of the attenuated strain.  相似文献   

The effect of irradiation on the in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum was investigated. The cultured malarial parasites at selected stages of development were exposed to gamma rays and the sensitivity of each stage was determined. The stages most sensitive to irradiation were the ring forms and the early trophozoites; late trophozoites were relatively insensitive. The greatest resistance was shown when parasites were irradiated at a time of transition from the late trophozoite and schizont stages to young ring forms. The characteristics of radiosensitive variation in the parasite cycle resembled that of mammalian cells. Growth curves of parasites exposed to doses of irradiation upto 150 gray had the same slope as nonirradiated controls but parasites which were exposed to 200 gray exhibited a growth curve which was less steep than that for parasites in other groups. Less than 10 organisms survived from the 106 parasites exposed to this high dose of irradiation; the possibility exists of obtaining radiation-attenuated P. falciparum.  相似文献   

Statistically significant (P < 0.05) thyroid hyperactivity (131I% uptakes) occurs on certain days in Plasmodium berghei infected C3H mice. Male mice thyroid glands are made more hyperactive by the malaria than the female glands. Hyperactive thyroid glands may be at least one cause of hypocholesterolemia in plasmodium-infected rodents. Thyroid hyperplasia was found only in experimental mice (620 males; 820 females). A hyperactive thyroid gland appears to be an unreported aspect of experimental acute P. berghei infections in mice. The hyperthyroidism may be due to possible toxic substances acting either directly on the thyroid gland, or indirectly on the hypothalamus affecting TSH production.  相似文献   

New electrophoretic variants of the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) are described from two malaria subspecies. Differences were found in the mobility of ADA enzymes from Plasmodium yoelii yoelii (isolate 17X) and P. y. nigeriensis (isolate N67). Five attempts to cross these two subspecies were made, each of which demonstrated successful hybridization. The four genetic markers differentiating the parent lines appeared to segregate independently of each other. There was no marked preference for the gametes of one subspecies to self-fertilize rather than cross-fertilize with the other subspecies.  相似文献   

The human malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, incorporated significant radioactivity into glycoconjugates when cultured in the presence of [14C]- or [3H]glucosamine for 48 to 50 hr. Digestion of the labeled proteins with pronase and subsequent precipitation with absolute ethanol showed that 90 to 95% of the radioactive glucosamine was incorporated into the precipitated material. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the labeled macromolecules revealed eight bands with approximate molecular weights from 19,000 to 90,000 daltons.  相似文献   

A/J mice were splenectomized (Splx) or sham-splenectomized (SSplx) prior to administration of a single injection of irradiated sporozoites. Following challenge 7 days after immunization, it was found that none of the splenectomized mice were protected whereas 50% of the sham-splenectomized and intact animals were resistant to challenge. In another series of experiments similar groups, along with mice splenectomized just prior to challenge, were injected with 1.5 × 105 irradiated sporozoites over a 5 week period. This resulted in protection of (1) 60–100% of the animals splenectomized before immunization, and (2) 90–100% protection of the animals splenectomized prior to challenge, as well as the intact and sham-splenectomized mice. Serum levels of antisporozoite antibodies (CSP and SNA) increased during immunization of the intact animals. Only 15–20% of the animals splenectomized prior to immunization presented positive CSP reactions and little if any sporozoite neutralizing activity (SNA) was detected. Serum from intact animals immunized and found resistant to sporozoite challenge was used for passive transfer studies. Immune serum recipients were challenged with small numbers of sporozoites. Only one out of 18 recipients was protected against sporozoite challenge.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of Plasmodium simium infections in the squirrel monkey has supplied information on the ultrastructure of erythrocytic trophozoites, schizonts, merozoites, and gametocytes, in addition to an unusual form of host cell pathology. In general, the structural features, as well as certain specialized functions, e.g., hemoglobin ingestion and utilization, nuclear and cytoplasmic division, were found to be similar to those described for other malarial parasites. Some striking features were noted, however. A highly asynchronous mode of merozoite production was observed within single segmenting parasites in spite of the overall developmental synchrony displayed by the population as a whole. Secondly, during parasite segmentation, newly formed merozoites are connected to one another, as well as to the parasitophorous membrane, by periodic surface strands. It is speculated that these interparasite bridges serve as structural support to the segmenting parasite. When merozoites are matured fully, these interconnections break, leaving a uniform array of short surface bristles. In addition, a number of different pathological changes in host cell structure have been noted. Localized surface discontinuities appear in region of infected cells where apical regions of developing or fully mature merozoites are abutted against the plasma membrane. These profiles suggest that these specialized apical regions of the merozoite function in release as well as in host cell penetration. More generalized surface pathology occurs within parasitized erythrocytes in the form of surface blebs, surface clefts, and associated cytoplasmic microvesicles. The severity of this pathology increases as the intraerythrocytic parasite matures. Topographically these altered cells have a “berry-like” surface texture which makes them quite distinctive when viewed by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

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