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Recombination arrest between X and Y chromosomes, driven by sexually antagonistic genes, is expected to induce their progressive differentiation. However, in contrast to birds and mammals (which display the predicted pattern), most cold‐blooded vertebrates have homomorphic sex chromosomes. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to account for this, namely high turnover rates of sex‐determining systems and occasional XY recombination. Using individual‐based simulations, we formalize the evolution of XY recombination (here mediated by sex reversal; the “fountain‐of‐youth” model) under the contrasting forces of sexually antagonistic selection and deleterious mutations. The shift between the domains of elimination and accumulation occurs at much lower selection coefficients for the Y than for the X. In the absence of dosage compensation, mildly deleterious mutations accumulating on the Y depress male fitness, thereby providing incentives for XY recombination. Under our settings, this occurs via “demasculinization” of the Y, allowing recombination in XY (sex‐reversed) females. As we also show, this generates a conflict with the X, which coevolves to oppose sex reversal. The resulting rare events of XY sex reversal are enough to purge the Y from its load of deleterious mutations. Our results support the “fountain of youth” as a plausible mechanism to account for the maintenance of sex‐chromosome homomorphy.  相似文献   

The canonical model of sex‐chromosome evolution predicts that sex‐antagonistic (SA) genes play an instrumental role in the arrest of XY recombination and ensuing Y chromosome degeneration. Although this model might account for the highly differentiated sex chromosomes of birds and mammals, it does not fit the situation of many lineages of fish, amphibians or nonavian reptiles, where sex chromosomes are maintained homomorphic through occasional XY recombination and/or high turnover rates. Such situations call for alternative explanatory frameworks. A crucial issue at stake is the effect of XY recombination on the dynamics of SA genes and deleterious mutations. Using individual‐based simulations, we show that a complete arrest of XY recombination actually benefits females, not males. Male fitness is maximized at different XY recombination rates depending on SA selection, but never at zero XY recombination. This should consistently favour some level of XY recombination, which in turn generates a recombination load at sex‐linked SA genes. Hill–Robertson interferences with deleterious mutations also impede the differentiation of sex‐linked SA genes, to the point that males may actually fix feminized phenotypes when SA selection and XY recombination are low. We argue that sex chromosomes might not be a good localization for SA genes, and sex conflicts seem better solved through the differential expression of autosomal genes.  相似文献   

Sex determination is often seen as a dichotomous process: individual sex is assumed to be determined either by genetic (genotypic sex determination, GSD) or by environmental factors (environmental sex determination, ESD), most often temperature (temperature sex determination, TSD). We endorse an alternative view, which sees GSD and TSD as the ends of a continuum. Both effects interact a priori, because temperature can affect gene expression at any step along the sex‐determination cascade. We propose to define sex‐determination systems at the population‐ (rather than individual) level, via the proportion of variance in phenotypic sex stemming from genetic versus environmental factors, and we formalize this concept in a quantitative‐genetics framework. Sex is seen as a threshold trait underlain by a liability factor, and reaction norms allow modeling interactions between genotypic and temperature effects (seen as the necessary consequences of thermodynamic constraints on the underlying physiological processes). As this formalization shows, temperature changes (due to e.g., climatic changes or range expansions) are expected to provoke turnovers in sex‐ determination mechanisms, by inducing large‐scale sex reversal and thereby sex‐ratio selection for alternative sex‐determining genes. The frequency of turnovers and prevalence of homomorphic sex chromosomes in cold‐blooded vertebrates might thus directly relate to the temperature dependence in sex‐determination mechanisms.  相似文献   

In sharp contrast with birds and mammals, the sex chromosomes of ectothermic vertebrates are often undifferentiated, for reasons that remain debated. A linkage map was recently published for Rana temporaria (Linnaeus, 1758) from Fennoscandia (Eastern European lineage), with a proposed sex‐determining role for linkage group 2 (LG2). We analysed linkage patterns in lowland and highland populations from Switzerland (Western European lineage), with special focus on LG2. Sibship analyses showed large differences from the Fennoscandian map in terms of recombination rates and loci order, pointing to large‐scale inversions or translocations. All linkage groups displayed extreme heterochiasmy (total map length was 12.2 cM in males, versus 869.8 cM in females). Sex determination was polymorphic within populations: a majority of families (with equal sex ratios) showed a strong correlation between offspring phenotypic sex and LG2 paternal haplotypes, whereas other families (some of which with female‐biased sex ratios) did not show any correlation. The factors determining sex in the latter could not be identified. This coexistence of several sex‐determination systems should induce frequent recombination of X and Y haplotypes, even in the absence of male recombination. Accordingly, we found no sex differences in allelic frequencies on LG2 markers among wild‐caught male and female adults, except in one high‐altitude population, where nonrecombinant Y haplotypes suggest sex to be entirely determined by LG2. Multifactorial sex determination certainly contributes to the lack of sex‐chromosome differentiation in amphibians.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that sex‐specific selection can facilitate adaptation in sexually reproducing populations. However, sexual conflict theory and recent experiments indicate that sex‐specific selection is potentially costly due to sexual antagonism: alleles harmful to one sex can accumulate within a population because they are favored in the other sex. Whether sex‐specific selection provides a net fitness benefit or cost depends, in part, on the relative frequency and strength of sexually concordant versus sexually antagonistic selection throughout a species’ genome. Here, we model the net fitness consequences of sex‐specific selection while explicitly considering both sexually concordant and sexually antagonistic selection. The model shows that, even when sexual antagonism is rare, the fitness costs that it imposes will generally overwhelm fitness benefits of sexually concordant selection. Furthermore, the cost of sexual antagonism is, at best, only partially resolved by the evolution of sex‐limited gene expression. To evaluate the key parameters of the model, we analyze an extensive dataset of sex‐specific selection gradients from wild populations, along with data from the experimental evolution literature. The model and data imply that sex‐specific selection may likely impose a net cost on sexually reproducing species, although additional research will be required to confirm this conclusion.  相似文献   

Nonrecombining Y chromosomes are expected to degenerate through the progressive accumulation of deleterious mutations. In lower vertebrates, however, most species display homomorphic sex chromosomes. To address this, paradox I propose a role for sex reversal, which occasionally occurs in ectotherms due to the general dependence of physiological processes on temperature. Because sex‐specific recombination patterns depend on phenotypic, rather than genotypic sex, homomorphic X and Y chromosomes are expected to recombine in sex‐reversed females. These rare events should generate bursts of new Y haplotypes, which will be quickly sorted out by natural or sexual selection. By counteracting Muller's ratchet, this regular purge should prevent the evolutionary decay of Y chromosomes. I review empirical data supporting this suggestion, and propose further investigations for testing it.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased genes—genes that are differentially expressed within males and females—are nonrandomly distributed across animal genomes, with sex chromosomes and autosomes often carrying markedly different concentrations of male‐ and female‐biased genes. These linkage patterns are often gene‐ and lineage‐dependent, differing between functional genetic categories and between species. Although sex‐specific selection is often hypothesized to shape the evolution of sex‐linked and autosomal gene content, population genetics theory has yet to account for many of the gene‐ and lineage‐specific idiosyncrasies emerging from the empirical literature. With the goal of improving the connection between evolutionary theory and a rapidly growing body of genome‐wide empirical studies, we extend previous population genetics theory of sex‐specific selection by developing and analyzing a biologically informed model that incorporates sex linkage, pleiotropy, recombination, and epistasis, factors that are likely to vary between genes and between species. Our results demonstrate that sex‐specific selection and sex‐specific recombination rates can generate, and are compatible with, the gene‐ and species‐specific linkage patterns reported in the genomics literature. The theory suggests that sexual selection may strongly influence the architectures of animal genomes, as well as the chromosomal distribution of fixed substitutions underlying sexually dimorphic traits.  相似文献   

Occasional XY recombination is a proposed explanation for the sex‐chromosome homomorphy in European tree frogs. Numerous laboratory crosses, however, failed to detect any event of male recombination, and a detailed survey of NW‐European Hyla arborea populations identified male‐specific alleles at sex‐linked loci, pointing to the absence of XY recombination in their recent history. Here, we address this paradox in a phylogeographic framework by genotyping sex‐linked microsatellite markers in populations and sibships from the entire species range. Contrasting with postglacial populations of NW Europe, which display complete absence of XY recombination and strong sex‐chromosome differentiation, refugial populations of the southern Balkans and Adriatic coast show limited XY recombination and large overlaps in allele frequencies. Geographically and historically intermediate populations of the Pannonian Basin show intermediate patterns of XY differentiation. Even in populations where X and Y occasionally recombine, the genetic diversity of Y haplotypes is reduced below the levels expected from the fourfold drop in copy numbers. This study is the first in which X and Y haplotypes could be phased over the distribution range in a species with homomorphic sex chromosomes; it shows that XY‐recombination patterns may differ strikingly between conspecific populations, and that recombination arrest may evolve rapidly (<5000 generations).  相似文献   

Dioecious plant species commonly exhibit deviations from the equilibrium expectation of 1:1 sex ratio, but the mechanisms governing this variation are poorly understood. Here, we use comparative analyses of 243 species, representing 123 genera and 61 families to investigate ecological and genetic correlates of variation in the operational (flowering) sex ratio. After controlling for phylogenetic nonindependence, we examined the influence of growth form, clonality, fleshy fruits, pollen and seed dispersal vector, and the possession of sex chromosomes on sex‐ratio variation. Male‐biased flowering sex ratios were twice as common as female‐biased ratios. Male bias was associated with long‐lived growth forms (e.g., trees) and biotic seed dispersal and fleshy fruits, whereas female bias was associated with clonality, especially for herbaceous species, and abiotic pollen dispersal. Female bias occurred in species with sex chromosomes and there was some evidence for a greater degree of bias in those with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Although the role of interactions among these correlates require further study, our results indicate that sex‐based differences in costs of reproduction, pollen and seed dispersal mechanisms and sex chromosomes can each play important roles in affecting flowering sex ratios in dioecious plants.  相似文献   

Parallels have been drawn between the evolution of nonrecombining regions in fungal mating‐type chromosomes and animal and plant sex chromosomes, particularly regarding the stages of recombination cessation forming evolutionary strata of allelic divergence. Currently, evidence and explanations for recombination cessation in fungi are sparse, and the presence of evolutionary strata has been examined in a minimal number of fungal taxa. Here, the basidiomycete genus Microbotryum was used to determine the history of recombination cessation for loci on the mating‐type chromosomes. Ancestry of linkage with mating type for 13 loci was assessed across 20 species by a phylogenetic method. No locus was found to exhibit trans‐specific polymorphism for alternate alleles as old as the mating pheromone receptor, indicating that ages of linkage to mating type varied among the loci. The ordering of loci in the ancestry of linkage to mating type does not agree with their previously proposed assignments to evolutionary strata. This study suggests that processes capable of influencing divergence between alternate alleles may act at loci in the nonrecombining regions (e.g., gene conversion) and encourages further work to dissect the evolutionary processes acting upon genomic regions that determine mating compatibility.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transitions between sex‐determining mechanisms (SDMs) are an enigma. Among vertebrates, individual sex (male or female) is primarily determined by either genes (genotypic sex determination, GSD) or embryonic incubation temperature (temperature‐dependent sex determination, TSD), and these mechanisms have undergone repeated evolutionary transitions. Despite this evolutionary lability, transitions from GSD (i.e. from male heterogamety, XX/XY, or female heterogamety, ZZ/ZW) to TSD are an evolutionary conundrum, as they appear to require crossing a fitness valley arising from the production of genotypes with reduced viability owing to being homogametic for degenerated sex chromosomes (YY or WW individuals). Moreover, it is unclear whether alternative (e.g. mixed) forms of sex determination can persist across evolutionary time. It has previously been suggested that transitions would be easy if temperature‐dependent sex reversal (e.g. XX male or XY female) was asymmetrical, occurring only in the homogametic sex. However, only recently has a mechanistic model of sex determination emerged that may allow such asymmetrical sex reversal. We demonstrate that selection for TSD in a realistic sex‐determining system can readily drive evolutionary transitions from GSD to TSD that do not require the production of YY or WW individuals. In XX/XY systems, sex reversal (female to male) occurs in a portion of the XX individuals only, leading to the loss of the Y allele (or chromosome) from the population as XX individuals mate with each other. The outcome is a population of XX individuals whose sex is determined by incubation temperature (TSD). Moreover, our model reveals a novel evolutionarily stable state representing a mixed‐mechanism system that has not been revealed by previous approaches. This study solves two long‐standing puzzles of the evolution of sex‐determining mechanisms by illuminating the evolutionary pathways and endpoints.  相似文献   

X and Y chromosomes can diverge when rearrangements block recombination between them. Here we present the first genomic view of a reciprocal translocation that causes two physically unconnected pairs of chromosomes to be coinherited as sex chromosomes. In a population of the common frog (Rana temporaria), both pairs of X and Y chromosomes show extensive sequence differentiation, but not degeneration of the Y chromosomes. A new method based on gene trees shows both chromosomes are sex‐linked. Furthermore, the gene trees from the two Y chromosomes have identical topologies, showing they have been coinherited since the reciprocal translocation occurred. Reciprocal translocations can thus reshape sex linkage on a much greater scale compared with inversions, the type of rearrangement that is much better known in sex chromosome evolution, and they can greatly amplify the power of sexually antagonistic selection to drive genomic rearrangement. Two more populations show evidence of other rearrangements, suggesting that this species has unprecedented structural polymorphism in its sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been elaborated to account for the evolutionary decay commonly observed in full-fledged Y chromosomes. Enhanced drift, background selection and selective sweeps, which are expected to result from reduced recombination, may all share responsibilities in the initial decay of proto-Y chromosomes, but little empirical information has been gathered so far. Here we take advantage of three markers that amplify on both of the morphologically undifferentiated sex chromosomes of the European tree frog (Hyla arborea) to show that recombination is suppressed in males (the heterogametic sex) but not in females. Accordingly, genetic variability is reduced on the Y, but in a way that can be accounted for by merely the number of chromosome copies per breeding pair, without the need to invoke background selection or selective sweeps.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits are often influenced by dynamic resource allocation trade‐offs which, when occurring over the course of individual lifespan, may manifest as trait aging. Although aging is studied for a variety of traits that are closely tied to reproduction or reproductive effort, the aging of multiple traits related to fitness in other ways are less well understood. We took advantage of almost 30 years of data on human whole‐organism performance in the National Basketball Association (USA) to examine trends of aging in performance traits associated with scoring. Given that patterns of aging differ between sexes in other animal species, we also analyzed a smaller dataset on players in the Women's National Basketball Association to test for potential sex differences in the aging of comparable traits. We tested the hypothesis that age‐related changes in a specific aspect of overall performance can be compensated for by elevated expression of another, related aspect. Our analyses suggest that the aging of performance traits used in basketball is generally characterized by senescence in males, whereas age‐related changes in basketball performance are less evident in females. Our data also indicate a different rate of senescence of different performance traits associated with scoring over a male's lifetime.  相似文献   

Sex‐allocation theory predicts that females in good condition should preferentially produce offspring of the sex that benefits the most from an increase in maternal investment. However, it is generally assumed that the condition of the sire has little effect on progeny sex ratio, particularly in species that lack parental care. We used a controlled breeding experiment and molecular paternity analyses to examine the effects of both maternal and paternal condition on progeny sex ratio and progeny fitness in the brown anole (Anolis sagrei), a polygynous lizard that lacks parental care. Contrary to the predictions of sex‐allocation theory, we found no relationship between maternal condition and progeny sex ratio. By contrast, progeny sex ratio shifted dramatically from female‐biased to male‐biased as paternal condition increased. This pattern was driven entirely by an increase in the production of sons as paternal condition improved. Despite strong natural selection favoring large size and high condition in both sons and daughters, we found no evidence that progeny survival was related to paternal condition. Our results emphasize the importance of considering the paternal phenotype in studies of sex allocation and highlight the need for further research into the pathways that link paternal condition to progeny fitness.  相似文献   

In sharp contrast with birds and mammals, sex‐determination systems in ectothermic vertebrates are often highly dynamic and sometimes multifactorial. Both environmental and genetic effects have been documented in common frogs (Rana temporaria). One genetic linkage group, mapping to the largest pair of chromosomes and harbouring the candidate sex‐determining gene Dmrt1, associates with sex in several populations throughout Europe, but association varies both within and among populations. Here, we show that sex association at this linkage group differs among populations along a 1500‐km transect across Sweden. Genetic differentiation between sexes is strongest (FST = 0.152) in a northern‐boreal population, where male‐specific alleles and heterozygote excesses (FIS = ?0.418 in males, +0.025 in females) testify to a male‐heterogametic system and lack of X‐Y recombination. In the southernmost population (nemoral climate), in contrast, sexes share the same alleles at the same frequencies (FST = 0.007 between sexes), suggesting unrestricted recombination. Other populations show intermediate levels of sex differentiation, with males falling in two categories: some cluster with females, while others display male‐specific Y haplotypes. This polymorphism may result from differences between populations in the patterns of X‐Y recombination, co‐option of an alternative sex‐chromosome pair, or a mixed sex‐determination system where maleness is controlled either by genes or by environment depending on populations or families. We propose approaches to test among these alternative models, to disentangle the effects of climate and phylogeography on the latitudinal trend, and to sort out how this polymorphism relates to the ‘sexual races’ described in common frogs in the 1930s.  相似文献   

The canonical model of sex‐chromosome evolution assigns a key role to sexually antagonistic (SA) genes on the arrest of recombination and ensuing degeneration of Y chromosomes. This assumption cannot be tested in organisms with highly differentiated sex chromosomes, such as mammals or birds, owing to the lack of polymorphism. Fixation of SA alleles, furthermore, might be the consequence rather than the cause of recombination arrest. Here we focus on a population of common frogs (Rana temporaria) where XY males with genetically differentiated Y chromosomes (nonrecombinant Y haplotypes) coexist with both XY° males with proto‐Y chromosomes (only differentiated from X chromosomes in the immediate vicinity of the candidate sex‐determining locus Dmrt1) and XX males with undifferentiated sex chromosomes (genetically identical to XX females). Our study finds no effect of sex‐chromosome differentiation on male phenotype, mating success or fathering success. Our conclusions rejoin genomic studies that found no differences in gene expression between XY, XY° and XX males. Sexual dimorphism in common frogs might result more from the differential expression of autosomal genes than from sex‐linked SA genes. Among‐male variance in sex‐chromosome differentiation seems better explained by a polymorphism in the penetrance of alleles at the sex locus, resulting in variable levels of sex reversal (and thus of X‐Y recombination in XY females), independent of sex‐linked SA genes.  相似文献   

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