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Limited information is available regarding the acoustic communication of Antillean manatees, however, studies have shown that other manatee taxa produce vocalizations as a method of individual recognition and communication. Here, the acoustic signals of 15 Antillean manatees in captivity were recorded, aiming to (1) describe their acoustic repertoire, (2) investigate the influence of sex and age on vocalization, and (3) examine manatee responses to call playback. Six acoustic signals ranging in mean fundamental frequencies from 0.64 kHz to 5.23 kHz were identified: squeaks and screeches were common to adult males, adult females, and juveniles; trills were common to adult males and females; whines were specific to males; creaks were specific to females; and rubbing was specific to juveniles. The structure of squeak vocalizations was significantly different between age and sex classes and screech structure was significantly different between age classes. Squeaks and screeches produced by juveniles had higher frequencies of maximum energy when compared to those produced by adult males and females. A significant increase in the vocalization rate following vocalization playbacks was found for all three age/sex groups. Our results introduce the potential of using acoustic signals in identifying and noninvasively monitoring manatees in the wild in Brazil.  相似文献   

Given the expense and time required to monitor marine mammal populations effectively, approaches that fully exploit the resulting data certainly are warranted. We employed a two‐step modeling approach to estimate key demographic parameters, including immigration, from aerial surveys of manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in the Northwest management unit of Florida. Abundances of adults and calves were predicted by multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) models, after accounting for heterogeneous detection rates caused by variable environmental conditions. The resulting predictions were incorporated into a stage‐structured, deterministic model that used an inverse method to estimate parameters with and without immigration. The model without immigration estimated mean survival probabilities of 0.966, 0.923, and 0.794 for adults, subadults and calves, respectively, with a per capita reproductive rate of 0.135. These parameter estimates yielded an overall mean population growth rate of approximately 1.037, which is comparable to rates from mark‐recapture studies. When we added an immigration term that accounted for the greater slope in adult counts since 1999, as identified by the MARS model, the estimated per capita reproductive rate was 0.122, with survival probabilities for adults, subadults and calves of 0.926, 0.920, and 0.833, respectively. These rates were coupled with an estimated mean winter immigration rate corresponding to roughly 5.2% of the adult and subadult population. In this latter scenario, the number of manatees in the core population of the Northwest management unit was predicted to remain constant, with a population growth rate near one, and additional manatees counted during aerial surveys were deemed to be immigrants. While further studies could certainly expound on the potential effects of migrants on population indices, we present this first published immigration estimate for wintering manatees in northwest Florida.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the residency patterns of marine mammals is an important element for management and conservation strategies. Here we investigate a population of Grampus griseus off Pico Island, Azores. Our data set covers the period 2004–2007, based on at‐sea observations of 1,250 individually identified animals, 303 of known or assumed sex. Using photo identification and GPS locations we calculated mean monthly sighting rates and lagged identification rates to analyze temporal patterns, and estimated kernel density to study the home range. Our results show site fidelity and relatively restricted home ranges, which corroborate the existence of a resident population on the study site. We further document sex differences, including a higher number of males present in the area at any given time but females staying for longer consecutive periods, and male home ranges with significantly less overlap than those of females. These observations are consistent with a mating system based on multimale pods defending areas where females periodically return. We hypothesize that squid distribution is a major factor in structuring these patterns. These findings reinforce the need for a precautionary management approach that would include limiting pressure from commercial activities.  相似文献   

We employed landmark‐based 3D geometric morphometrics to assess cranial size and shape diversification in Trichechus manatus and T. inunguis to compare it with patterns among all manatee taxa (T. manatus latirostris, T. m. manatus, T. inunguis and T. senegalensis), and to analyse geographic variation within American manatee populations, using a sample of 189 skulls. Chromosome G‐ and C‐banding techniques were performed in T. m. manatus from Brazil. All taxa were statistically discriminated by skull shape. Trichechus m. manatus and T. m. latirostris have larger skulls than T. inunguis. A morphological discontinuity was noted within T. m. manatus, with the Brazilian population south of the Amazon discriminated from the T. m. manatus Caribbean and T. m. latirostris USA populations. Specimens from Suriname and Guyana had a skull shape more similar to the one from the Caribbean population. The Brazil Antillean manatee population exhibited morphological differences similar in magnitude to those found between the Amazonian and African species. Additionally, structural chromosome differences were detected between that population (chromosome pair 4 is metacentric and 10 is submetacentric) and manatees from Puerto Rico and Florida. Based on such morphological discontinuity and chromosomal divergence, we hypothesize that the Amazon River mouth may be acting as a reproductive barrier for the T. m. manatus population in Brazil, thus indicating that its taxonomic status and conservation strategies need an urgent reassessment.  相似文献   

Species richness and similarity in metazoan parasite communities of fishes can be influenced by several biotic (age, body size, vagility, feeding and social behavior, among others), and local abiotic (temperature, salinity, etc.) factors. The parasite communities of three species of Oligoplites, marine fishes from the Pacific coast of Mexico, were quantified and analyzed. Four hundred sixty‐eight leatherjackets (O. altus, n=94; O. saurus, n=260; and Orefulgens, n=114) were collected from February 2016 to June 2017 from five locations. Twenty‐eight species of metazoan parasites were recovered and identified: four species of Monogenea (adults), nine of Digenea (seven adults and two metacercariae); two of Cestoda (larvae); four of Nematoda (two adults and two larvae); four of Acanthocephala (two adults, one juvenile, and one cystacanth); four of Copepoda; and one Pentastomida (larvae). At the component community level, species richness ranged from 9 in O. saurus to 19 in O. altus. Different species of helminth dominated the component communities of each species of host. Community composition and species richness of parasites differed among the three species of host, locations, and sampling years. Host feeding behavior, body size, and vagility had the most influence on these differences.  相似文献   

We present a comparative analysis of the morphological and reproductive characteristics of adult female Anolis nebulosus, an arboreal lizard found on both mainland and insular habitats near the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Females from San Pancho Island were larger in all measured morphological variables than females from Biological Field Station Chamela (BFSCH) on the mainland, and those also reproduced at smaller body size (snout‐vent length, SVL: range = 35–44,  = 39 mm) than females on San Pancho Island (range = 40–47,  = 43 mm). Egg mass and egg volume were also greater on San Pancho Island, but clutch frequency was higher on BFSCH during breeding season; in this place, one egg every 8 days over a period of 4 months (123 days) versus one egg every 10 days over a period of 4 months (130 days) on San Pancho Island. Thus, we conclude that certain characteristics related to reproduction (e.g. size at sexual maturity, egg mass and egg volume) in A. nebulosus with populations inhabiting islands and mainland, vary primarily in accordance with female SVL. These variations are most likely a response to the different pressures where A. nebulosus inhabits on environments the islands and mainland near the Pacific Coast of Mexico.  相似文献   

Cymbula nigra is the largest limpet in the Mediterranean. It has been listed since 1993, as an ‘endangered species’. Its historical range in the Mediterranean includes the southern Spanish, the Moroccan and the Algerian coasts. Recent observations have confirmed its proliferation in southern Spain and its progression along the European and North African Mediterranean coasts. Field surveys carried out along the Tunisian coasts during winter 2011 revealed the presence of this species in the Gulf of Tunis and the Cap Bon. The finding of C. nigra represents a range extension possibly enhanced by the current global warming, as it is a ‘warm‐water species’. The absence of records in previous surveys to the same sampling sites (2006–2007), together with the small sizes recorded in 2011, confirms the recent installation of the species. The limpet was recorded in areas spared of pollution, characterized by a predominant influence of the Atlantic current, and also showed a preference for steep cliffs exposed to strong waves. This is the first population study of this endangered gastropod outside of its original range of distribution. The determination of the ecological characteristics of newly colonized habitats might serve as a starting point for the establishment of appropriate recommendations for its conservation.  相似文献   

The benthic flora, and the vegetative and reproductive characters of the algae Batophora oerstedii and B. occidentalis (Chlorophyta) were recorded from five sites of Chetumal Bay, Quintana Roo, Mexico. A sewage gradient has been reported along those sites. Plants were sampled in May and October 1999, which corresponded to dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Forty taxa were found, 11 are new records for the Chetumal Bay, and 6 are new records for the Mexican Caribbean. Enteromorpha species were present in sites known as rich in organic matter (both from anthropogenic and natural sources). Batophora spp. is the dominant algae in all Chetumal Bay. However, it was absent next to sewage outfalls. The morphological characters of B. oerstedii and B. occidentalis did not change significantly along the sites reported as polluted. The length and width of gametophores, as well as the diameter of the gametangia were clearly different for both species. Different reproductive strategies may help B. oerstedii and B. occidentalis to closely coexist in the Chetumal Bay.  相似文献   

The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) is an economically and ecologically valuable marine bivalve occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. This study builds upon previous research that identified two divergent populations of eastern oysters in the western Gulf of Mexico. Allelic and genotypic patterns from 11 microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic structure and migration between the previously described oyster populations in Texas. The main findings are as follows: (1) there are two distinct populations (FST = 0.392, P < 0.001) of oysters that overlap in the Corpus Christi/Aransas Bay estuarine complex in Texas, (2) the distribution of genotypes among individuals in the contact zone suggests limited hybridization between populations, (3) the variables of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and depth are not correlated with allele frequencies on reefs in the contact zone or when analyzed across Texas, and (4) there is little evidence of directional selection acting on the loci assayed here, although patterns at four markers suggested the influence of balancing selection based on outlier analyses. These results are consistent with long‐term historical isolation between populations, followed by secondary contact. Recent hydrological changes in the area of secondary contact may be promoting migration in areas that were previously inhospitable to eastern oysters, and observed differences in the timing of spawning may limit hybridization between populations. Comparison of these findings with the results of an earlier study of oysters in Texas suggests that the secondary contact zone has shifted approximately 27 km north, in as little as a 23‐year span.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution, size structure, growth, and diet of the freshwater prosobranch Melanopsis etrusca in experimental and natural population samples. This snail is endemic to isolated headwaters of thermal springs in central Italy. In recent times, several anthropogenic pressures such as water extraction and stream contamination have caused population declines and local extinctions of M. etrusca. Consequently, this species was included on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The streams inhabited by M. etrusca had oligohaline waters; however, some physicochemical variability existed among sites. We found that the two variables most directly related to the patterns of distribution and life history of M. etrusca were water pH and temperature. In particular, individual growth was faster in streams with water temperatures constantly >30°C, which was reflected by a shorter life cycle than in cooler streams (13°–26°C), where snails showed a seasonal pattern of growth. Finally, we observed that individuals in a population that is exposed to extreme temperatures (>35°C) performed a peculiar behavior, spending long periods outside the water. We also found that the diet of M. etrusca reflected the local composition of the periphytic community and was dominated by macrophyte fragments. Our data suggest that heat‐adapted populations of M. etrusca hold the greatest potential for recolonization after collapse events. From a conservation perspective, reintroduction programs could be useful to avoid local extinction or bottleneck effects but at the risk of the loss of evolutionary innovations that may have emerged at the population level.  相似文献   

A 2‐year capture–mark–recapture study was conducted to estimate home ranges and weekly travel distance of Mastomys natalensis (Smith 1834) in an irrigated rice ecosystem and fallow fields. We found that adults have larger home ranges than subadults in fallow fields but not in rice fields, indicating that fallow fields are more suitable for breeding. Travel distances were larger in rice fields, especially in the transplanting stage, during which rice fields are flooded and provide less food, causing movements into neighbouring fallow fields that then temporarily experience higher population density. A decrease in travel distance was observed in rice fields during the maturity stage, which can be explained by higher food availability and a more suitable, nonflooded situation. Movement of M. natalensis in rice‐fallow mosaic landscapes thus seems to be driven by food availability and flooding status of the rice fields, which can be attributed to land use practices.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the diminutive bolitoglossine salamanders of the subgenus Nanotriton has previously been a source of confusion among specialists. At various times, at least three different species of Nanotriton have been reported to occur in Honduras: Bolitoglossa nympha, B. occidentalis and B. rufescens. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S and cyt b from samples from three localities in Honduras (departments of Yoro, Copán and Cortés) confirms that most populations are assignable to B. nympha. Nine samples collected from a single locality on the northern slope of the Sierra de Omoa, between 120 and 190 m in elevation, were found to represent two distinct taxa: B. nympha and B. rufescens. Field examination of these nine specimens found them to be morphologically indistinguishable, including a lack of maxillary teeth in all specimens. As such, in situ identification of the two species in north‐western Honduras is problematic given the occurrence of the two taxa in microsympatry in at least one locality. The discovery of yet another divergent lineage of B. rufescens highlights the need for a taxonomic reassessment within this species complex.  相似文献   

Capitella capitata was traditionally used as a biological indicator species due to its ubiquitous distribution and high densities in disturbed and polluted marine and estuarine sediments. Based on allozyme and developmental studies, it is now clear that C. capitata is a species complex consisting of multiple distinct lineages worldwide, including the recently described C. teleta, a model species for spiralian development. The coast of the northern Gulf of Mexico, with its numerous bays and estuaries and frequently occurring natural and anthropogenic disturbances, provides an appropriate region for such studies. We sequenced a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene for individuals of C. cf. capitata and C. cf. aciculata (distinguished by acicular spines on the first two chaetigers) collected from Texas and Florida coasts and analyzed them in conjunction with data available in GenBank. Our results indicate the presence of a Gulf of Mexico clade that is distinct from populations in Canada and the Indo‐Pacific. Populations in the northern Gulf of Mexico are structured geographically, with support for Texas and Florida clades, and there do not seem to be clear boundaries between C. cf. capitata and C. cf. aciculata. This is corroborated by the fact that multiple specimens were morphologically intermediate between the two species. In future studies, we aim to clarify whether the intermediate morphologies represent ontogenetic stages, neutral morphological variation, phenotypic plasticity, or sexual dimorphism in a single species or whether several lineages with incomplete reproductive barriers are present.  相似文献   

Marc Engler  Oliver Krone 《Ibis》2022,164(1):188-201
Exploratory movements and natal dispersal form essential processes during early life history stages of raptors, but identifying the factors shaping individual movement decisions is challenging. Global positioning system (GPS) telemetry thereby provides a promising technique to study movement patterns on adequate spatio-temporal scales. We analysed data of juvenile White-tailed Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla (WTSE) in north-east Germany (n = 24) derived from GPS tracking to extensively analyse movements between fledging and emigration from the natal territory. Our goal was to determine the time point of fledging, characterize pre-emigration movements and the onset of natal dispersal while investigating the influence of the natal environment. WTSE fledged at an average age of 72 days and showed strong excursive behaviour during the post-fledging period regarding the number, distance and duration of excursions, yet with high individual variability. Excursive behaviour did not differ between sexes. On average, WTSE left the parental territory 93 days after fledging. The quantity of excursive behaviour delayed the timing of emigration and WTSE tended to postpone their emigration when foraging water was accessible within the boundaries of their parental territory. The overall results suggest that young WTSE assess the quality of the natal environment via pre-emigration movements and stay in their territory of origin for as long as internal and external conditions allow for it. Our study is one of the first to characterize post-fledging and natal dispersal movements of young WTSE to such an extent and applies modern techniques to understand related movements in relation to the natal environment. The results emphasize the urgent necessity for the extension of currently existing nest protection periods and guaranteeing sustainable management of potential breeding and foraging grounds for WTSE. Ultimately, the results are relevant for all large raptor species sensitive to human-related disturbance, as they support the increasing importance of regulations with spatio-temporal specifications for breeding populations of large raptors in densely human-inhabited areas with increasing alteration of land.  相似文献   

Little is known about the natural history, biology, and population genetic structure of the Hardhead Silverside, Atherinomorus stipes, a small schooling fish found around islands throughout the Caribbean. Our field observations of A. stipes in the cays of Belize and the Florida Keys found that populations tend to be in close association with the shoreline in mangrove habitats. Due to this potential island‐based population structuring, A. stipes represents an ideal system to examine questions about gene flow and isolation by distance at different geographic scales. For this study, the mitochondrial gene nd2 was amplified from 394 individuals collected from seven different Belizean Cays (N = 175) and eight different Floridian Keys (N = 219). Results show surprisingly high haplotype diversity both within and between island‐groups, as well as a high prevalence of unique haplotypes within each island population. The results are consistent with models that require gene flow among populations as well as in situ evolution of rare haplotypes. There was no evidence for an isolation by distance model. The nd2 gene tree consists of two well‐supported monophyletic groups: a Belizean‐type clade and a Floridian‐type clade, indicating potential species‐level differentiation.  相似文献   

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