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Studying patterns of parasite local adaptation can provide insights into the spatiotemporal dynamics of host–parasite coevolution. Many factors, both biotic and abiotic, have been identified that influence parasite local adaptation. In particular, dispersal and population structuring are considered important determinants of local adaptation. We investigated how the shape of the spatial dispersal network within experimental landscapes affected local adaptation of a bacteriophage parasite to its bacterial host. Regardless of landscape topology, dispersal always led to the evolution of phages with broader infectivity range. However, when the spatial dispersal network resulted in spatial variation in the breadth of phage infectivity range, significant levels of parasite local adaptation and local maladaptation were detected within the same landscape using the local versus foreign definition of local adaptation. By contrast, local adaptation was not detected using the home versus away or local versus global definitions of local adaptation. This suggests that spatial dispersal networks may play an important role in driving parasite local adaptation, particularly when the shape of the dispersal network generates nonuniform levels of host resistance or parasite infectivity throughout a species’ range.  相似文献   

The role and importance of ecological interactions for evolutionary responses to environmental changes is to large extent unknown. Here it is shown that interspecific competition may slow down rates of adaptation substantially and fundamentally change patterns of adaptation to long-term environmental changes. In the model investigated here, species compete for resources distributed along an ecological niche space. Environmental change is represented by a slowly moving resource maximum and evolutionary responses of single species are compared with responses of coalitions of two and three competing species. In scenarios with two and three species, species that are favored by increasing resource availability increase in equilibrium population size whereas disfavored species decline in size. Increased competition makes it less favorable for individuals of a disfavored species to occupy a niche close to the maximum and reduces the selection pressure for tracking the moving resource distribution. Individual-based simulations and an analysis using adaptive dynamics show that the combination of weaker selection pressure and reduced population size reduces the evolutionary rate of the disfavored species considerably. If the resource landscape moves stochastically, weak evolutionary responses cause large fluctuations in population size and thereby large extinction risk for competing species, whereas a single species subject to the same environmental variability may track the resource maximum closely and maintain a much more stable population size. Other studies have shown that competitive interactions may amplify changes in mean population sizes due to environmental changes and thereby increase extinction risks. This study accentuates the harmful role of competitive interactions by illustrating that they may also decrease rates of adaptation. The slowdown in evolutionary rates caused by competition may also contribute to explain low rates of morphological change in spite of large environmental fluctuations found in fossil records.  相似文献   

The rate of climatic‐niche evolution is important to many research areas in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology, including responses of species to global climate change, spread of invasive species, speciation, biogeography, and patterns of species richness. Previous studies have implied that clades with higher rates of climatic‐niche evolution among species should have species with narrower niche breadths, but there is also evidence suggesting the opposite pattern. However, the relationships between rate and breadth have not been explicitly analyzed. Here, we examine the relationships between the rate of climatic‐niche evolution and climatic‐niche breadth using phylogenetic and climatic data for 250 species in the salamander family Plethodontidae, a group showing considerable variation in both rates of climatic‐niche evolution and climatic‐niche breadths. Contrary to some expectations, we find no general relationship between climatic‐niche breadth and the rate of climatic‐niche evolution. Climatic‐niche breadths for some ecologically important climatic variables considered separately (temperature seasonality and annual precipitation) do show significant relationships with the rate of climatic‐niche evolution, but rates are faster in clades in which species have broader (not narrower) niche breadths. In summary, our results show that narrower niche breadths are not necessarily associated with faster rates of niche evolution.  相似文献   

Is genetic evolution predictable? Evolutionary developmental biologists have argued that, at least for morphological traits, the answer is a resounding yes. Most mutations causing morphological variation are expected to reside in the cis‐regulatory, rather than the coding, regions of developmental genes. This “cis‐regulatory hypothesis” has recently come under attack. In this review, we first describe and critique the arguments that have been proposed in support of the cis‐regulatory hypothesis. We then test the empirical support for the cis‐regulatory hypothesis with a comprehensive survey of mutations responsible for phenotypic evolution in multicellular organisms. Cis‐regulatory mutations currently represent approximately 22% of 331 identified genetic changes although the number of cis‐regulatory changes published annually is rapidly increasing. Above the species level, cis‐regulatory mutations altering morphology are more common than coding changes. Also, above the species level cis‐regulatory mutations predominate for genes not involved in terminal differentiation. These patterns imply that the simple question “Do coding or cis‐regulatory mutations cause more phenotypic evolution?” hides more interesting phenomena. Evolution in different kinds of populations and over different durations may result in selection of different kinds of mutations. Predicting the genetic basis of evolution requires a comprehensive synthesis of molecular developmental biology and population genetics.  相似文献   

MIRAN EPSTEIN 《Bioethics》2010,24(5):226-233
An educated guess about the future of academic bioethics can only be made on the basis of the historical conditions of its success. According to its official history, which attributes its success primarily to the service it has done for the patient, it should be safe at least as long as the patient still needs its service. Like many other academic disciplines, it might suffer under the present economic downturn. However, in the plausible assumption that its social role has not been exhausted yet, it should recover as soon as the economy does. But if, as this paper tries to argue, the success of academic bioethics should be attributed first and foremost to the service it has done for the neoliberal agenda, then its future would have to depend on the fate of the latter. The exact implications of the downturn for the neoliberal agenda are obviously impossible to predict. Among the various options, however, the one of going back to ‘normal’ seems to be the least likely. The other options suggest that the future of academic bioethics, as we have known it, is bleak.  相似文献   

Accumulation of deleterious mutations has important consequences for the evolution of mating systems and the persistence of small populations. It is well established that consanguineous mating can purge a part of the mutation load and that lethal mutations can also be purged in small populations. However, the efficiency of purging in natural populations, due to either consanguineous mating or to reduced population size, has been questioned. Consequences of consanguineous mating systems and small population size are often equated under "inbreeding" because both increase homozygosity, and selection is though to be more efficient against homozygous deleterious alleles. I show that two processes of purging that I call "purging by drift" and "purging by nonrandom mating" have to be distinguished. Conditions under which the two ways of purging are effective are derived. Nonrandom mating can purge deleterious mutations regardless of their dominance level, whereas only highly recessive mutations can be purged by drift. Both types of purging are limited by population size, and sharp thresholds separate domains where purging is either effective or not. The limitations derived here on the efficiency of purging are compatible with some experimental studies. Implications of these results for conservation and evolution of mating systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Obligate freshwater taxa are frequently distributed among catchments isolated by marine and terrestrial barriers. Such distributions can arise through vicariant changes in drainage geometry, or dispersal via intermittent freshwater connections. We employed two adjacent rivers in southern New Zealand to test for interdrainage dispersal while controlling for historical drainage geometry, and analyzed four ecologically distinct freshwater-limited fish taxa to assess any relationship with habitat preference. Individuals from the Mararoa and Oreti catchments (n >100 per species) were sequenced for a minimum of 1297 bp of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and control region). Phylogeographic relationships were consistent with ecological expectations of interdrainage dispersal capability, with the two obligate riverine taxa each exhibiting reciprocal monophyly between catchments, whereas the two facultative swamp dwellers revealed paraphyletic relationships, one of which shared a haplotype between catchments. Statistical phylogeography, accommodating taxon-specific mutation rates and the known age of the last major riverine connection between these catchments, rejected complete isolation of populations for one of the swamp dwellers. Therefore, dispersal across a young (145-240 kyr) drainage divide is inferred for one species, and can be predicted to some extent by species ecology. Moreover, our study highlights the importance of historical drainage geometry when assessing the causes of contemporary genetic structuring in freshwater taxa.  相似文献   

Interest in the possibility of sexual selection in plants has focused primarily on competition among pollen donors based on the speed of pollen-tube growth. However, when pollen arrives on stigmas, there is the opportunity for both races for access to ovules (exploitation competition) and interference with the germination and growth of pollen from other donors (interference competition). We considered whether this second form of competition might occur among pollen grains of wild radish in two experiments. In the first, interference likely occurred because the amount of pollen germination was less in mixed-donor than in single-donor pollinations. This result was duplicated in a second experiment, which also showed that interference occurred only when pollen grains from different donors were in direct contact with each other. In addition, in the second experiment, the opportunity for interference affected the frequency of seeds sired by different pollen donors. Because pollen loads are often mixed in nature, interference competition among pollen grains may be important in the ecology and evolution of plant reproduction.  相似文献   

Recent speciation research has generally focused on how lineages that originate in allopatry evolve intrinsic reproductive isolation, or how ecological divergence promotes nonallopatric speciation. However, the ecological basis of allopatric isolation, which underlies the most common geographic mode of speciation, remains poorly understood and largely unstudied. Here, we explore the ecological and evolutionary factors that promote speciation in Desmognathus and Plethodon salamanders from temperate eastern North America. Based on published molecular phylogenetic estimates and the degree of geographic range overlap among extant species, we find strong evidence for a role for geographic isolation in speciation. We then examine the relationship between climatic variation and speciation in 16 sister-taxon pairs using geographic information system maps of climatic variables, new methods for modeling species' potential geographic distributions, and data on geographic patterns of genetic variation. In contrast to recent studies in tropical montane regions, we found no evidence for parapatric speciation along climatic gradients. Instead, many montane sister taxa in the Appalachian Highlands inhabit similar climatic niches and seemingly are allopatric because they are unable to tolerate the climatic conditions in the intervening lowlands. This temporal and spatial-ecological pattern suggests that niche conservatism, rather than niche divergence, plays the primary role in promoting allopatric speciation and montane endemism in this species-rich group of vertebrates. Our results demonstrate that even the relatively subtle climatic differences between montane and lowland habitats in eastern North America may play a key role in the origin of new species.  相似文献   

The effect of colchicine and vinblastine on cell aggregation was studied, using BHK cells and their transformed derivatives (pyBHK cells). When cells were dissociated with EDTA and the assay was made in a Ca2+-containing medium, the aggregation of transformed cells was prevented by colchicine and vinblastine, whereas the aggregation of normal cells was unaffected. When a Ca2+-free medium was used for aggregation, neither type of cell was influenced by these drugs. BHK and pyBHK cells, dissociated by trypsin in the presence of Ca2+, can aggregate only in the Ca2+-containing medium and the aggregation of both cell types was equally prevented by colchicine and vinblastine. Based on these results, it was concluded that colchicine and vinblastine inhibited the Ca2+-dependent mechanism of cell adhesion, but not the Ca2+-independent one which occurs in the Ca2+-free aggregation medium.  相似文献   

Although the spectral quality of light in the ocean varies considerably with depth, the effect of light quality on different physiological processes in marine phytoplankton remains largely unknown. In cases where experiments are performed under full spectral irradiance, the meaning of these experiments in situ is thus unclear. In this study, we determined whether variations in spectral quality affected the sinking rates of marine diatoms. Semicontinuous batch cultures of Thalassiosira weissflogii (Gru.) Fryxell et Hasle and Ditylum brightwellii (t. West) Grunow in Van Huerk were grown under continuous red, white, or blue light. For T. weissflogii, sinking rates (SETCOL method) were twice as high (~0.2 m·d?1)for cells grown under red light as for cells grown under white or blue light (~0.08 m·d?1), but there were no significant differences in carbohydrate content (~105 fg·μm?3) or silica content (~ 17 fg·μ?3) to account for the difference in sinking rates. Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under blue light was significantly smaller (495 μm3) than cells grown under red light (661 μm3), which could contribute to its reduced sinking rate. However, cells grown under white light were similar in size to those grown under red light but had sinking rates not different from those of cells grown under blue light, indicating the involvement of factors other than size. There were no significant differences in sinking rate (~0.054 m·d?1) or silica content (~20 fg·μm?3) in D. brightwellii grown under red, white, or blue light, but cells grown under red light were significantly (20%) larger and contained significantly (20%) more carbohydrate per μm3 than cells grown under white or blue light. Spectral quality had no consistent effect on sinking rate, biochemical composition (carbohydrate or silica content), or cell volume in the two diatoms studied. The similarity in sinking rate of cells grown under white light compared to those grown under blue light supports the ecological validity of sinking rate studies done under white light.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that positive relationships between sinking rate and irradiance were due to increases in cell density caused by accumulations of carbohydrate. In semicontinuous batch cultures of Thalassiosira weissflogii (Gru.) Fryxell el Hasle and Ditylum brightwellii (t. West) Grunow in Van Huerk, carbohydrate content was varied by growing cells under diel cycles of high or low light. Sinking rate was measured at the end of the light period and the end of the dark period, on live and heat-killed cells. No positive correlations were found between sinking rate (which varied from – 0.060 to 0.13 m·d?1) and carbohydrate content (which varied from 10 to 950 pg · cell?1), indicating that accumulations of carbohydrate did not significantly affect sinking rate. There were no large diel variations in the sinking rate of T. weissflogii, but sinking rates of D. brightwellii grown under high light ranged from being negative (i.e. cells were floating) at the end of the light period to positive at the end of the dark period. This is the first report of positive buoyancy in vegetative D. brightwellii, a phenomenon that may only occur in D. brightwellii grown under diel cycles.  相似文献   

It is widely believed (following the 1957 hypothesis of G. C. Williams) that greater rates of “extrinsic” (age- and condition-independent) mortality favor more rapid senescence. However, a recent analysis of mammalian life tables failed to find a significant correlation between minimum adult mortality rate and the rate of senescence. This article presents a simple theoretical analysis of how extrinsic mortality should affect the rate of senescence (i.e., the rate at which probability of mortality increases with age) under different evolutionary and population dynamical assumptions. If population dynamics are density independent, extrinsic mortality should not alter the senescence rate favored by natural selection. If population growth is density dependent and populations are stable, the effect of extrinsic mortality depends on the age specificity of the density dependence and on whether survival or reproduction (or both) are functions of density. It is possible that higher extrinsic mortality will increase the rate of senescence at all ages, decrease the rate at all ages, or increase it at some ages while decreasing it at others. Williams's hypothesis is most likely to be supported when density dependence acts primarily on fertility and does not differentially decrease the fertilities of older individuals. Patterns contrary to Williams's prediction are possible when density dependence acts primarily on the survival or fertility of later ages or when most variation in mortality rates is due to variation in nonextrinsic mortality.  相似文献   

The role of ecology in the origin of species has been the subject of long‐standing interest to evolutionary biologists. New sources of spatially explicit ecological data allow for large‐scale tests of whether speciation is associated with niche divergence or whether closely related species tend to be similar ecologically (niche conservatism). Because of the confounding effects of spatial autocorrelation of environmental variables, we generate null expectations for niche divergence for both an ecological‐niche modeling and a multivariate approach to address the question: do allopatrically distributed taxa occupy similar niches? In a classic system for the study of niche evolution—the Aphelocoma jays—we show that there is little evidence for niche divergence among Mexican Jay (A. ultramarina) lineages in the process of speciation, contrary to previous results. In contrast, Aphelocoma species that exist in partial sympatry in some regions show evidence for niche divergence. Our approach is widely applicable to the many cases of allopatric lineages in the beginning stages of speciation. These results do not support an ecological speciation model for Mexican Jay lineages because, in most cases, the allopatric environments they occupy are not significantly more divergent than expected under a null model.  相似文献   

Abstract: Past studies suggest that the productivity of common loons (Gavia immer) is lower on acidic lakes in northern Wisconsin, USA, than on neutral lakes. Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain low chick survival: (1) reduced food consumption related to changes in prey communities on lower pH lakes and (2) high mercury (Hg) exposure on lower pH lakes. To address these hypotheses, we quantified prey and Hg consumption by loon chicks on 51 lakes and survival on 55 lakes ranging in pH from 4.9 to 9.5 in northern Wisconsin in 1995 and 1996. The time adults spent providing prey to chicks was unrelated to lake pH but increased with number of chicks and chick age. The number of prey caught per provisioning time declined as lake pH declined because adults made fewer dives, not because success of prey capture declined. Chicks consumed more insect larvae on acidic lakes and more crayfish (Family Astacidae) on neutral lakes. Biomass consumed ranged from an average 1.99 ± 1.05 (SE) g/hr/chick during the first week of a chick's life to a peak of 7.93 ± 1.93 g/hr/chick during the eighth week. Biomass intake per chick body weight (g/Wg/hr) declined with lake acidity but was not related to chick survival (P = 0.25). Although the Hg concentration in the 3 major prey species was positively related to lake acidity and blood Hg level of chicks at a lake, total Hg consumption (μg/Wg/hr) was highest on moderately acidic lakes rather than on the most acidic lakes. We suggest that loon chick survival in northern Wisconsin lakes is more likely related to prey availability than to Hg exposure. When we removed from our analysis 1 lake where 2 11-day-old chicks were killed by predators, chick survival was negatively related to lake acidity but not to biomass or Hg consumption. We discuss mechanisms of Hg excretion that may allow young chicks to survive on acidic lakes in northern Wisconsin despite high Hg intake.  相似文献   

A fundamental contribution of paleobiology to macroevolutionary theory has been the illumination of deep time patterns of diversification. However, recent work has suggested that taxonomic diversity counts taken from the fossil record may be strongly biased by uneven spatiotemporal sampling. Although morphological diversity (disparity) is also frequently used to examine evolutionary radiations, no empirical work has yet addressed how disparity might be affected by uneven fossil record sampling. Here, we use pterosaurs (Mesozoic flying reptiles) as an exemplar group to address this problem. We calculate multiple disparity metrics based upon a comprehensive anatomical dataset including a novel phylogenetic correction for missing data, statistically compare these metrics to four geological sampling proxies, and use multiple regression modeling to assess the importance of uneven sampling and exceptional fossil deposits (Lagerstätten). We find that range‐based disparity metrics are strongly affected by uneven fossil record sampling, and should therefore be interpreted cautiously. The robustness of variance‐based metrics to sample size and geological sampling suggests that they can be more confidently interpreted as reflecting true biological signals. In addition, our results highlight the problem of high levels of missing data for disparity analyses, indicating a pressing need for more theoretical and empirical work.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression can reduce the performance of offspring produced by mating between relatives, with consequences for population dynamics and sexual-system evolution. In flowering plants, inbreeding depression commonly acts most intensely during seed development. This predispersal component is typically estimated by comparing seed production following exclusive self- and cross-pollination, but such estimates are unbiased only if seed production is limited by ovule availability, rather than by pollen receipt or seed-development resources. To overcome this problem, we propose experimental and statistical methods based on a model of ovule fertilization and seed development that accounts for differential fertilization by self- and cross-pollen, limited ovule viability or receptivity, differential survival of self- and cross-zygotes and limited resource availability. Simulations illustrate that the proposed methods eliminate bias in estimated predispersal inbreeding depression caused by pollen limitation and can improve estimates under resource limitation. Application of these methods to two orchid species further demonstrates their utility in identifying and estimating diverse influences on reproductive performance under typical conditions. Although our theoretical results raise questions about the reported intensity of predispersal inbreeding depression, our proposed methods guard against bias while also providing insight into plant reproduction.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A persistent question in the evolution of life histories is the fitness trade-off between reproducing only once (semelparity) in a lifetime or reproducing repeated times in different seasons (iteroparity). The problem can be formulated into a research agenda by assuming that one reproductive strategy is resident (has already evolved) and by asking whether invasion (evolution) of an alternative reproductive strategy is possible. For a spatially nonstructured system, Bulmer (1994) derived the relationship v + PA < 1 (PA is adult survival; vbs and bs are offspring numbers for iteroparous and semelparous breeding strategies, respectively) at which semelparous population cannot be invaded by an iteroparous mutant. When the inequality is changed to v + PA > 1, invasion of a semelparous mutant is not possible. From the inequalities, it is easy to see that possibilities for evolutionary establishment of a novel reproductive strategy are rather narrow. We extended the evolutionary scenario into a spatially structured system with dispersal linkage among the subunits. In this domain, a rare reproductive strategy can easily invade a population dominated by a resident reproductive strategy. The parameter space enabling invasion is far more generous with spatially structured evolutionary scenarios than in a spatially nonstructured system.  相似文献   

Positive correlations between pollen-ovule ratio and seed size, and negative correlations between pollen-ovule ratio and pollen grain size have been noted frequently in a wide variety of angiosperm taxa. These relationships are commonly explained as a consequence of sex allocation on the basis of a simple model proposed by Charnov. Indeed, the theoretical expectation from the model has been the basis for interest in the empirical pattern. However, the predicted relationship is a necessary consequence of the mathematics of the model, which therefore has little explanatory power, even though its predictions are consistent with empirical results. The evolution of pollen-ovule ratios is likely to depend on selective factors affecting mating system, pollen presentation and dispensing, patterns of pollen receipt, pollen tube competition, female mate choice through embryo abortion, as well as genetic covariances among pollen, ovule, and seed size and other reproductive traits. To the extent the empirical correlations involving pollen-ovule ratios are interesting, they will need explanation in terms of a suite of selective factors. They are not explained simply by sex allocation trade-offs.  相似文献   

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