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Rapid cold-hardening (RCH) and cold acclimation (ACC) were examined in eggs of the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). When eggs incubated at 25 degrees C were transferred directly to conditions of -22 degrees C for 2h, less than 30% survived, whereas exposure to 0 degrees C for 4h prior to transfer to -22 degrees C increased survival to nearly 60%. The rapidly enhanced cold tolerance (RCH) was transient and lost rapidly after 1h at 25 degrees C. Incubation at 15.5 degrees C for 9 days (ACC) also enhanced cold tolerance. Comparison of the cold tolerance of non-treated eggs and eggs pre-treated to give RCH, ACC, or ACC+RCH allowed the relationship between the two hardening processes to be determined. At a mild subzero temperature (-10 degrees C) an RCH effect was not detected, whereas only RCH is effective at the severest subzero temperature just above the SCP (-26 degrees C). At intermediate temperatures (-16, -22 and -25 degrees C), ACC and RCH enhanced survival in combination. Therefore, the two hardening processes have different physiological bases but operate concomitantly over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

Rapid cold-hardening (RCH) is a highly conserved response in insects that induces physiological changes within minutes to hours of exposure to low temperature and provides protection from chilling injury. Recently, a similar response, termed drought-induced RCH, was described following as little as 6 h of desiccation, producing a loss of less than 10% of fresh mass. In this study, we investigated the limits and mechanisms of this response in larvae of the goldenrod gall fly Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera, Tephritidae). The cold-hardiness of larvae increased markedly after as few as 2 h of desiccation and a loss of less than 1% fresh mass, as organismal survival increased from 8% to 41% following exposure to −18 °C. Tissue-level effects of desiccation were observed within 1 h, as 87% of midgut cells from desiccated larvae remained viable following freezing compared to 57% of controls. We also demonstrated that drought-induced RCH occurs independently of neuroendocrine input, as midgut tissue desiccated ex vivo displayed improved freeze-tolerance relative to control tissue (78–11% survival, respectively). Finally, though there was an increase in hemolymph osmolality beyond the expected effects of the osmo-concentration of solutes during dehydration, we determined that this increase was not due to the synthesis of glycerol, glucose, sorbitol, or trehalose. Our results indicate that E. solidaginis larvae are extremely sensitive to desiccation, which is a triggering mechanism for one or more physiological pathways that confer enhanced freeze-tolerance.  相似文献   

Insect cold tolerance varies at both the population and species levels. Carbohydrate cryoprotectants and membrane remodeling are two main mechanisms hypothesised to increase chilling tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster, as part of both long-term (i.e., evolutionary) change and rapid cold-hardening (RCH). We used cold-selected lines of D. melanogaster with and without a pre-exposure that induces RCH to test three hypotheses: (1) that increased cold tolerance would be associated with increased free glucose; (2) that increased cold tolerance would be associated with desaturation of membrane phospholipid fatty acids; and (3) that increased cold tolerance would be associated with a change in phospholipid head group composition. We used colourimetric assays to measure free glucose and a combination of thin layer chromatography-flame ionization detection and gas chromatography to measure membrane composition. We observed a consistent decrease in free glucose with RCH, and no relationship between free glucose and basal cold tolerance. Also, phospholipid head group ratios and fatty acid composition showed no change following an RCH treatment. Thus, we conclude that changes in free glucose and membrane composition are unlikely to be significant determinants of variation in cold tolerance of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The rapid cold-hardening (RCH) response increases the cold tolerance of insects by protecting against non-freezing, cold-shock injury. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, plays important roles in development and the elimination of sub-lethally damaged cells. Our objectives were to determine whether apoptosis plays a role in cold-shock injury and, if so, whether the RCH response protects against cold-induced apoptosis in Drosophila melanogaster. The present study confirmed that RCH increased the cold tolerance of the adults at the organismal level. No flies in the cold-shocked group survived direct exposure to ‒7°C for 2 h, whereas significantly more flies in the RCH group survived exposure to ‒7°C for 2 h after a 2-h exposure to 5°C. We used a TUNEL assay to detect and quantify apoptotic cell death in five groups of flies including control, cold-shocked, RCH, heat-shocked (37.5°C, 30 min), and frozen (‒20°C, 24 h) and found that apoptosis was induced by cold shock, heat shock, and freezing. The RCH treatment significantly improved cell viability by 38% compared to the cold-shocked group. Cold shock-induced DNA fragmentation shown by electrophoresis provided further evidence for apoptosis. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed an RCH-specific protein band with molecular mass of ∼150 kDa. Western-blotting revealed three proteins that play key roles in the apoptotic pathway: caspase-9-like (apoptotic initiator), caspase-3-like (apoptotic executioner) and Bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic protein). Consequently, the results of this study support the hypothesis that the RCH response protects against cold-shock-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101862
Spodoptera frugiperda is a highly invasive pest species that recently invaded Africa and Asia causing severe economic losses, primarily related to corn and rice crops. Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors that influence the invasion of pests into new habitats. However, little is known regarding the thermal tolerance characteristics of invasive S. frugiperda. Thus, we investigated the response of four developmental stages of S. frugiperda (i.e., eggs, third and sixth instar larvae, and pupae) to cold acclimation (CA) and rapid cold-hardening (RCH). All individuals suffered high mortality with 24-h temperature treatments at <?5°C and >35 °C. The CA treatment significantly increased the survival rate of the eggs and third instar larvae, although it did not affect the sixth instar larvae and it decreased the pupation rate. The RCH treatment at 5 °C for 5 h or 2 °C for 2 h increased the cold tolerance capabilities of the third and sixth instar larvae, respectively. Thus, the larval stage appears to be crucial for the cold tolerance of S. frugiperda. Our findings improve the current understanding of the cold tolerance characteristics of S. frugiperda and indicate its potential for survival in the newly invaded temperate regions of Asia.  相似文献   

We quantified the variation and plasticity in cold tolerance among four larval stages of four laboratory strains of Drosophila melanogaster in response to both acute (<2 h of cold exposure) and chronic (7 h of cold exposure) cold exposure. We observed significant differences in basal cold tolerance between the strains and among larval stages. Early larval instars were generally more tolerant of acute cold exposures than third-instar larvae. However, wandering larvae were more tolerant of chronic cold exposures than the other stages. Early stages also displayed a more pronounced rapid cold-hardening response than the later stages. Heat pre-treatment did not confer a significant increase in cold tolerance to any of the strains at any stage, pointing to different mechanisms being involved in resolving heat- and cold-elicited damage. However, when heat pre-treatment was combined with rapid cold-hardening as sequential pre-treatments, both positive (heat first) and negative (heat second) effects on cold tolerance were observed. We discuss possible mechanisms underlying cold-hardening and the effects of acute and chronic cold exposures.  相似文献   

Maintenance of membrane fluidity is of crucial importance in ectotherms experiencing thermal changes. This maintenance has in ectotherms most often been indicated using indirect measures of biochemical changes of phospholipid membranes, which is then assumed to modulate the physico-chemical properties of the membrane. Here, we measure bending rigidity characterizing the membrane flexibility of re-constituted membrane vesicles to provide a more direct link between membrane physical characteristics and low temperature tolerance. Bending rigidity of lipid bilayers was measured in vitro using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles formed from phospholipid extracts of the springtail, Folsomia candida. The bending rigidity of these membranes decreased when exposed to 0.4 vol% ethanol (0.23 mM/L). Springtails exposed to ethanol for 24 h significantly increased their cold shock tolerance. Thus, by chemically inducing decreased membrane rigidity, we have shown a direct link between the physico-chemical properties of the membranes and the capacity to tolerate low temperature in a chill-susceptible arthropod.  相似文献   

Maintenance of membrane fluidity is of crucial importance in ectotherms experiencing thermal changes. This maintenance has in ectotherms most often been indicated using indirect measures of biochemical changes of phospholipid membranes, which is then assumed to modulate the physico-chemical properties of the membrane. Here, we measure bending rigidity characterizing the membrane flexibility of re-constituted membrane vesicles to provide a more direct link between membrane physical characteristics and low temperature tolerance. Bending rigidity of lipid bilayers was measured in vitro using Giant Unilamellar Vesicles formed from phospholipid extracts of the springtail, Folsomia candida. The bending rigidity of these membranes decreased when exposed to 0.4 vol% ethanol (0.23 mM/L). Springtails exposed to ethanol for 24 h significantly increased their cold shock tolerance. Thus, by chemically inducing decreased membrane rigidity, we have shown a direct link between the physico-chemical properties of the membranes and the capacity to tolerate low temperature in a chill-susceptible arthropod.  相似文献   

To successfully transplant agricultural species in the spring, prior hardening is of great significance. Low, non-freezing temperature increases cold tolerance in many species. Also, diurnal temperature drops have been suggested to improve cold tolerance, as assessed by ultrastructural studies after short term freezing of leaf discs. Pre-treatment with lower day than night temperature prior to hardening has also been reported to enhance cold resistance in winter rape. This study investigated the effect of temperature drops on cold resistance of different species. In contrast to a period of continuous low temperature, short diurnal temperature drops did not enhance cold tolerance in Arabidopsis, swede, white cabbage or pea, compared to control plants. Exposure to low temperature of 6°C for 6 days increased cold tolerance by 2–5°C compared to plants exposed to diurnal temperature drops or control plants. Pre-treatment with diurnal temperature drops in the entire growth period prior to hardening with constant low temperature did not give any additional hardening in swede and pea. In conclusion, by freeze testing of whole plants under controlled conditions we have found no evidence supporting the hypothesis that diurnal temperature drops improve cold tolerance. However, temperature drops reduce plants size like shown earlier for a number of other species, and thus is a tool to produce compact, robust plants.  相似文献   

Membrane rigidification could be the first step of cold perception in poikilotherms. We have investigated its implication in diacylglycerol kinase (DAGK) activation by cold stress in suspension cells from Arabidopsis mutants altered in desaturase activities. By lateral diffusion assay, we showed that plasma membrane rigidification with temperature decrease was steeper in cells deficient in oleate desaturase than in wild type cells and in cells overexpressing linoleate desaturase. The threshold for the activation of the DAGK pathway in each type of cells correlated with this order of rigidification rate, suggesting that cold induced-membrane rigidification is upstream of DAGK pathway activation.  相似文献   

Summary Six crosses were investigated using combining ability and generation mean analyses for reaction to cold tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The combining ability variances revealed the significance of both additive and nonadditive gene effects, with preponderance of additive gene effects. The generation mean analysis revealed the presence of genie interactions in addition to additive and dominance gene effects. Among the interactions, additive×additive and dominance×dominance with duplicate epistasis were present. Cold tolerance was dominant over susceptibility to cold. Selection for cold tolerance would be more effective if dominance and epistatic effects were reduced after a few generations of selfing.Joint contribution from ICARDA and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru P.O., A.P. 502 324, India. ICRISAT JA No. 1239.  相似文献   

The sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata is a new, invasive pest of Platanus trees in China. Although C. ciliata is often subjected to acute low temperatures in early winter and spring in northern and eastern China, the cold tolerance of C. ciliata has not been well studied. The objectives of this study were to determine whether adults of C. ciliata are capable of rapid cold hardening (RCH), and to compare the benefits of RCH vs. cold acclimation (ACC) in the laboratory. When the adult females incubated at 26 °C were transferred directly to the discriminating temperature (−12 °C) for 2 h, survival was only 22%. However, exposure to 0 °C for 4 h before transfer to −12 °C for 2 h induced RCH, i.e., increased survival to 68%. RCH could also be induced by gradual cooling of the insects at rates between 0.1 and 0.25 °C min−1. The protection against cold shock obtained through RCH at 0 °C for 4 h was lost within 1 h if the adults were returned to 26 °C before exposure to −12 °C. Survival at both −12 and −5 °C was greater for RCH-treated than for ACC-treated adults (for ACC, adults were kept at 15 °C for 5 days), and the lethal temperature (2 h exposure) was lower for RCH-treated than for ACC-treated adults. The results suggest that RCH may help C. ciliata survive the acute low temperatures that often occur in early winter and early spring in northern and eastern China.  相似文献   

The halophilic melanized yeast-like fungi Hortaea werneckii, Phaeotheca triangularis, and the halotolerant Aureobasidium pullulans, isolated from salterns as their natural environment, were grown at different NaCl concentrations and their membrane lipid composition and fluidity were examined. Among sterols, besides ergosterol, which was the predominant one, 23 additional sterols were identified. Their total content did not change consistently or significantly in response to raised NaCl concentrations in studied melanized fungi. The major phospholipid classes were phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, followed by anionic phospholipids. The most abundant fatty acids in phospholipids contained C16 and C18 chain lengths with a high percentage of C18:29,12. Salt stress caused an increase in the fatty acid unsaturation in the halophilic H. werneckii and halotolerant A. pullulans but a slight decrease in halophilic P. triangularis. All the halophilic fungi maintained their sterol-to-phospholipid ratio at a significantly lower level than did the salt-sensitive Saccharomyces cerevisiae and halotolerant A. pullulans. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy measurements showed that the membranes of all halophilic fungi were more fluid than those of the halotolerant A. pullulans and salt-sensitive S. cerevisiae, which is in good agreement with the lipid composition observed in this study.Communicated by W.D. Grant  相似文献   

The effects of combined cold, acid and ethanol on the membrane physical state and on the survival of Oenococcus oeni were investigated. Membrane fluidity was monitored on intact whole O. oeni cells subjected to single and combined cold, acid and ethanol shocks by using fluorescence anisotropy with 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) as a probe. Results showed that cold shocks (14 and 8 °C) strongly rigidified plasma membrane but did not affect cell survival. In contrast, ethanol shocks (10-14% v/v) induced instantaneous membrane fluidisation followed by rigidification and resulted in low viability. Acid shocks (pH 4.0 and pH 3.0) exerted a rigidifying effect on membrane without affecting cell viability. Whatever the shock orders, combined cold (14 °C) and ethanol (14% v/v) shocks resulted in strong membrane rigidification. Interestingly, O. oeni survived combined cold and ethanol shocks more efficiently than single ethanol shock. Membrane rigidification was induced by ethanol-and-acid (10% v/v - pH 3.5) shock and correlated with total cell death. In contrast, O. oeni recovered its viability when subjected to cold (8 °C)-then-ethanol-and-acid shock which strongly rigidified the membrane. Our results suggested a positive short-term effect of combined cold, acid and ethanol shocks on membrane fluidity and viability of O. oeni.  相似文献   

目的:研究糖皮质激素(皮质酮)对肥大细胞胞膜流动性的快速作用。方法:采用荧光偏振法检测膜流动性,检测不同浓度皮质酮对肥大细胞膜流动性的快速影响以及加用糖皮质激素受体拮抗剂RU38486看其是否影响皮质酮对肥大细胞膜流动性的快速作用。结果:与阴性对照组比较,皮质酮能够在7min内剂量依赖性地快速降低肥大细胞胞膜流动性,稳定肥大细胞胞膜(P0.01);加用糖皮质激素受体拮抗剂RU38486后能部分阻断皮质酮对肥大细胞膜流动性的快速作用(P0.01)。结论:糖皮质激素能够快速降低肥大细胞胞膜流动性,稳定肥大细胞胞膜,这一作用可能是糖皮质激素快速抑制肥大细胞脱颗粒非基因组机制作用的靶点之一。  相似文献   

In order to investigate membrane fluidity, the hydrophobic probe, 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH), has been incorporated into intact isolated thylakoids and separated granal and stromal lamellae obtained from the chloroplasts of Pisum sativum. The steady-state polarization of DPH fluorescence was measured as a function of temperature and indicated that at physiological values the thylakoid membrane is a relatively fluid system with the stromal lamellae being less viscous than the lamellae of the grana. According to the DPH technique, neither region of the membrane, however, showed a sharp phase transition of its bulk lipids from the liquid-crystalline to the gel state for the temperature range -20° to 50° C. Comparison of intact thylakoids isolated from plants grown at cold (4°/7°C) and warm (14°/17° C) temperatures indicate that there is an adaptation mechanism operating which seems to maintain an optimal membrane viscosity necessary for growth. Using a modified Perrin equation the optimal average viscosity for the thylakoid membrane of the chill-resistant variety used in the study (Feltham First) is estimated to be about 1.8 poise.Abbreviations DPH 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene - Hepes N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulphonic acid  相似文献   

A synthetic insect juvenile hormone analog (a juvenoid), ethylN-[2-[4-[[2,2-(ethylenedioxy)cyclohexyl]methyl]phenox]ethyl]carbamate, which has displayed high biological activity against different insect species and high stability under field conditions, was selected as a biologically active model compound for a study of a juvenile hormone analog degradation. The biologically active compound itself and its three diversely radiolabeled derivatives were applied to the flesh fly (Sarcophaga bullata) or the tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis), respectively. Monitoring of a fate of the applied juvenile hormone analog was carried out using a detection method of the radioactivity microdistribution within the whole insect body in combination with a radio high performance liquid chromatography (radio-HPLC), both of whole-body extracts made in different, but in advance scheduled, time intervals, and of extracts of insect excreta accumulated over an eight-day experiment.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is a key lipid in mediating the enzyme activity or signaling pathway of many proteins on the plasma membrane in mammalian cells. In this report, we demonstrate for the first time that after overexpressing caveolin-1, the plasma membrane cholesterol level was decreased by about 12% and 30% for doxorubicin-sensitive and doxorubicin-resistant Hs578T breast cancer cells, respectively. However, the total cholesterol level in both cell lines was increased by about 10%. By measuring fluorescence and flow cytometry using the fluorescence dyes 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and Merocyanine 540, we found that overexpressing caveolin-1 resulted in a similar increase in membrane fluidity and loosening of lipid packing density as cholesterol depletion by 1 mM methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) or 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HbetaCD). Moreover, we found that the transport activity of P-gp was significantly inhibited by 1 mM MbetaCD or HbetaCD, which is also similar to the inhibitory effect of caveolin-1 overexpression. Our data demonstrate for the first time that the reduction of the plasma membrane cholesterol level induced by overexpressing caveolin-1 may indirectly inhibit P-gp transport activity by increasing plasma membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

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