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The refractive index increment of a protein solution is a property not only of the protein, but also of the solvent. This is demonstrated theoretically and confirmed experimentally using analytical interferometry. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 489–492, 1998  相似文献   

The refractive index increments (RIIs) of several important low-molecular-weight compounds that bind to DNA or RNA were determined with a differential refractometer for correction of data obtained on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors. Although the ability to investigate small molecule-macromolecule interactions by SPR is relatively new, the technique is rapidly becoming a primary method to screen focused combinatorial libraries and to quantitatively characterize the interactions between compounds identified as binders and target macromolecules. The most widely used SPR analysis software, BIAevaluation (Biacore, Inc.), assumes that the RIIs of ligand and macromolecule are identical. While the assumption is reasonable for studies involving like molecules such as protein-protein interactions, results presented here demonstrate that RII values for small molecules can be significantly different than those of protein or nucleic acid receptors. The results also show that the RII values can vary greatly depending on the structure of the small molecule. Indeed, the RIIs of the molecules investigated here differ by a factor of 2. Any difference in the RII of interacting molecules must be considered for complete analysis of SPR data. Failure to correct for RII differences can result in serious error in data interpretation, especially for systems involving a ligand:receptor stoichiometry greater than 1. The results serve as the beginning of an SPR correction database for the RIIs of small molecules. Additionally, the results can be used to approximate the RIIs of a variety of other small molecules.  相似文献   

The structure of the adsorbing layers of native and denatured proteins (fibrinogen, gamma-immunoglobulin, albumin, and lysozyme) was studied on hydrophilic TiO(2) and hydrophobic Teflon-AF surfaces using the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation and optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy techniques. The density and the refractive index of the adsorbing protein layers could be determined from the complementary information provided by the two in situ instruments. The observed density and refractive index changes during the protein-adsorption process indicated the presence of conformational changes (e.g., partial unfolding) in general, especially upon contact with the hydrophobic surface. The structure of the formed layers was found to depend on the size of the proteins and on the experimental conditions. On the TiO(2) surface smaller proteins formed a denser layer than larger ones and the layer of unfolded proteins was less dense than that adsorbed from the native conformation. The hydrophobic surface induced denaturation and resulted in the formation of thin compact protein films of albumin and lysozyme. A linear correlation was found between the quartz crystal microbalance measured dissipation factor and the total water content of the layer, suggesting the existence of a dissipative process that is related to the solvent molecules present inside the adsorbed protein layer. Our measurements indicated that water and solvent molecules not only influence the 3D structure of proteins in solution but also play a crucial role in their adsorption onto surfaces.  相似文献   

Using lysozyme as a primary standard, a refractive index monitor designed for column chromatography was used to determined protein concentration and hence absorption coefficients. the method is non-destructive, requires only small amounts of protein 0.2 mg, and could be adapted for smaller samples.  相似文献   

Density increments (?ρ/?c2μ in solutions of NaDNA in NaCl and CsDNA in CsCl were determined over a wide range of salt concentrations; calf thymus DNA, fragmented by sonic irradiation to a molecular weight of 4–6 × 105 was used. The partial specific volume v?2° of NaDNA at 25°C was found to ho 0.500 ml/g in water, and that of CsDNA 0.440 ml/g. Both values increase with increasing NaCl and CsCl concentration. Refractive index increments under various experimental conditions were also determined. The relevance of the density increments (at constant, chemical potential of diffusible solutes) to equilibrium sedimentation in a density gradient and the evaluation of molecular weights is discussed. Distribution coefficients of diffusible components, sometimes referred to as preferential solvation or net hydration, were derived from the density increments and partial volumes and compared with direct experimental results, whenever available, from membrane distribution and isopiestic distillation. The thermo-dynamic significance of the distribution coefficients as well as possible interpretations in terms of specific molecular mechanisms are considered.  相似文献   

Using an original laser interferometer of enhanced sensitivity, an increase in the refractive index of a protein solution was observed during the reaction of proteolysis catalyzed by pepsin. The increase in the refractive index of the protein solution at a concentration of 4 mg/ml was \( 9 \times 10^{-6} \) for bovine serum albumin and \(2.4 \times 10^{- 6}\) for lysozyme. The observed effect disproves the existing idea that the refractive index of protein solutions is determined only by their amino acid composition and concentration. It is shown that the refractive index also depends on the state of protein fragmentation. A mathematical model of proteolysis and a real-time method for estimating the state of protein hydration based on the measurement of refractive index during the reaction are proposed. A good agreement between the experimental and calculated time dependences of the refractive index shows that the growth of the surface of protein fragments and the change in the number of hydration cavities during proteolysis can be responsible for the observed effect.  相似文献   

We have used refractive index matching to determine the concentration of protein in the fibers in fibrin clots and of needlelike crystals of native fibrinogen. Our results are in agreement with those of Carr and Hermans [(1978) Macromolecules 11 , 46–50], as determined by light scattering—namely, that protein makes up about 20% of the volume of the fiber. However, we have found that the protein concentration is strongly dependent on ionic strength. An increase in ionic strength caused a substantial drop in the protein concentration. In a buffer containing 100 mM NaCl, the protein concentration was 26.6–29.8 g of protein per 100 cm3 of polymer, and at 200 mM NaCl it was reduced to 22.1–23.1 g/100 cm3.  相似文献   

Kinetic refractive index spectroscopy has been applied to the study of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle. A fully hydrated purple membrane film was examined in the temperature range from 10° to 40°C using 532 nm excitation (doubled Nd YAG laser) and 633 nm (He–Ne laser) testing beam. Multiexponential fitting of the data revealed five processes. Four of them are well known from kinetic optical absorption studies. The fifth process has only recently been observed in optical absorption experiments where it has a relatively small amplitude. In our refractive index experiments it has an amplitude of up to 30% of the full signal amplitude. It is characterized by an Arrhenius temperature dependence with an activation enthalpy of 40±5 kJ/mol and a decay time of about 0.8 ms at 20°C.  相似文献   

In order to understand how a compound eye channels light to the retina and forms an image, one needs to know the refractive index distribution in the crystalline cones. Direct measurements of the refractive indices require sections of fresh, unfixed tissue and the use of an interference microscope, but frequently neither is available. Using the eye of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba (the main food of baleen whales) we developed a computational method to predict a likely refractive index distribution non-invasively from sections of fixed material without the need of an interference microscope. We used a computer model of the eye and calculated the most realistic spatial distribution of the refractive index gradient in the crystalline cone that would enable the eye to produce a sharp image on the retina. The animals are known to see well and on the basis of our computations we predict that for the eyes of the adult a maximum refractive index of 1.45-1.50 in the centre of the cone yields a better angular sensitivity and light absorption in a target receptor of the retina than if N(max) were 1.55. In juveniles with a narrower spatial separation between dioptric structures and retina, however, an N(max) of 1.50-1.55 gives a superior result. Our method to determine the most likely refractive index distribution in the cone without the need of fresh material and an interference microscope could be useful in the study of other invertebrate eyes that are known to possess good resolving power, but for a variety of reasons are not suitable for or will not permit direct refractive index measurements of their dioptric tissues to be taken.  相似文献   

Can individual cells, including live cells, be imaged using hard x rays? Common wisdom until now required sophisticated staining techniques for this task. We show instead that individual cells and cell details can be detected in culture solution and tissues with no staining and no other contrast-enhancing preparation. The sample examined can be much thicker than for many other microscopy techniques without sacrificing the capability to resolve cells. The key factor in our approach is the use of a coherent synchrotron source and of contrast mechanisms based on the refractive index. The first successful tests were conducted on a variety of cell systems including skin and internal leaf cells, mouse neurons, rabbit fibroblast cells, and human tumor cells.  相似文献   

Infection of cells by pathogens leads to both biochemical and structural modifications of the host cell. To study the structural modifications in a label‐free manner, we use digital holographic microscopy, DHM, to obtain the integral refractive index distribution of cells. Primary murine bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDM) infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, undergo highly significant reduction in refractive index, RI, compared to uninfected cells. Infected BMDM cells from genetically modified mice lacking an inflammatory protein that causes cell death, caspase 1, also exhibit similar decrease in RI. These data suggest that any reduction in RI of Salmonella ‐infected BMDMs is pathogen induced and independent of caspase 1‐induced inflammation or cell death. This finding suggests DHM may be useful for general real time monitoring of host cell interactions with infectious pathogens. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

From the analysis of the measured radii of gyration of the RNA (Rg = 6.6 +/- 0.3 nm) and protein (Rg = 10.2 +/- 0.5 nm) components of the 50-S subparticle of Escherichia coli ribosomes it is concluded that proteins containing a large amount of hydrodynamically bound water are located on the periphery of the tightly packed RNA. We found that the common features of the measured X-ray scattering curves of the E. coli 70-S ribosome, its 30-S and 50-S subparticles and wheat 80-S ribosomes in the region of scattering angles corresponding to scattering vectors mu from 1 to 5 nm-1 reflect features of the RNA compact packing. A hypothesis is proposed that the compact packing of RNA helices in the range of Bragg distances of 4.5--2.0 nm is a general structural feature of all ribosomal particles.  相似文献   


In this paper, a plasmonic perfect absorber (PPA) based on metal-insulator-metal-insulator-metal (MIMIM) structure has been designed for refractive index sensing of glucose solutions (analyte) and then a new method has been proposed for fast, low-cost, and easy measurement of sensor’s sensitivity. Simulation results show that the absorption spectrum of the proposed sensor has two resonance peaks that with an increase in analyte refractive index, both of them are red-shifted. In our proposed measurement technique, two conventional single-wavelength lasers (with wavelengths of 1050 nm and 1750 nm) are used for vertical plane wave light illumination on the structure. Then, the absorbed powers at 1750 nm (A2) and 1050 nm (A1) wavelengths are calculated and variation of the absorption ratio (A2/A1) due to change of analyte refractive index would be introduced as the sensitivity of sensor (S = Δ(A2/A1)/Δn). Obtained results show that the increase of analyte refractive index from n = 1.312 to n = 1.384 will result in an increase of sensor’s sensitivity from 9.3/RIU to 33.475/RIU.


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