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Changes in the vibrational spectrum of the chaperonin GroEL in the presence of ADP and ATP have been followed as a function of time using rapid scan Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The interaction of nucleotides with GroEL was triggered by the photochemical release of the ligands from their corresponding biologically inactive precursors (caged nucleotides; P3-1-(2-nitro)phenylethyl nucleotide). Binding of either ADP or ATP induced the appearance of small differential signals in the amide I band of the protein, sensitive to protein secondary structure, suggesting a subtle and localized change in protein conformation. Moreover, conformational changes associated with ATP hydrolysis were detected that differed markedly from those observed upon nucleotide binding. Both, high-amplitude absorbance changes and difference bands attributable to modifications in the interaction between oppositely charged residues were observed during ATP hydrolysis. Once this process had occurred, the protein relaxed to an ADP-like conformation. Our results suggest that the secondary structure as well as salt bridges of GroEL are modified during ATP hydrolysis, as compared with the ATP and ADP bound protein states.  相似文献   

The dynamics of selected conformational coordinates, key roles in the understanding of the CO-rebinding process, are investigated in horse heart carbonmonoxy myoglobin (MbCO) through time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy. We present here the results obtained at 90 K in the second time scale. The approach of the CO molecule towards the Fe atom in the active site pocket is speculated to act as a natural precursor to the Fe displacement with the consequent undoming of the protein porphyrin plane. The arrangement of the Fe-C-O bonding angle geometry follows and the final MbCO active site configuration is completely reached within 1 min.  相似文献   

Recently developed NMR methods have been applied to discover carbohydrate ligands for proteins and to identify their binding epitopes. The structural details of carbohydrate-protein complexes have also been examined by NMR, providing site-specific information on the architecture, binding selectivity and plasticity of the carbohydrate-binding sites of the proteins. New insights into the conformational behaviour of free and protein-bound glycomimetics pave the way for the design of carbohydrate-based therapeutics. Finally, recent progress towards elucidating the influence of glycosylation on peptide conformation will be of key importance to fully understanding the role of carbohydrates in the function of glycopeptides.  相似文献   

The ordering and H-bonding characteristics of the hydration water of the lipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) were studied using polarized infrared spectroscopy by varying either the temperature or the relative humidity of the ambient atmosphere of multibilayer samples. The OH-stretching band of lipid-bound water was interpreted by a simplified two-state model of well-structured, low density “network” water and of less-structured dense “multimer” water. The IR-spectroscopic data reflect a rather continuous change of the water properties with increasing distance from the membrane and with changing temperature. Network and multimer water distribute across the whole polar interphase with changing composition and orientation. Upon dehydration the fraction of network water increases from about 30 to 60%, a value which is similar to that in supercooled water at −25°C. The highly ordered gel phase gives rise to an increased fraction of structured network water compared with the liquid crystalline phase. The IR order parameter shows that the water dipoles rearrange from a more parallel towards a more perpendicular orientation with respect to the membrane normal with progressive hydration. Dedicated to Prof. K. Arnold on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

This study describes a computer-based technique for classifying and identifying bacterial samples using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) patterns. Classification schemes were tested for selected series of bacterial strains and species from a variety of different genera. Dissimilarities between bacterial IR spectra were calculated using modified correlation coefficients. Dissimilarity matrices were used for cluster analysis, which yielded dendrograms broadly equated with conventional taxonomic classification schemes. Analyses were performed with selected strains of the taxa Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Clostridium, Legionella and Escherichia coli in particular, and with a database containing 139 bacterial reference spectra. The latter covered a wide range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Unknown specimens could be identified when included in an established cluster analysis. Thirty-six clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and 24 of Streptococcus faecalis were tested and all were assigned to the correct species cluster. It is concluded that: (1) FT-IR patterns can be used to type bacteria; (2) FT-IR provides data which can be treated such that classifications are similar and/or complementary to conventional classification schemes; and (3) FT-IR can be used as an easy and safe method for the rapid identification of clinical isolates.  相似文献   

The structurally well-characterized enzyme ribonuclease T1 was used as a model protein to further evaluate time-resolved Fourier transform IR difference spectroscopy in conjunction with temperature-jump techniques as a useful detection technique for protein folding studies. Compared to the wild-type protein, it was confirmed that the lack of one cis-proline bond at position 55 of the S54G/P55N variant is sufficient to significantly simplify and accelerate the refolding process. This result was sustained by the characterization of the early refolding events that occurred within the experimental dead time.  相似文献   

Panick G  Winter R 《Biochemistry》2000,39(7):1862-1869
In this paper, we illustrate the use of high-pressure Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to study the reversible presssure-induced unfolding and refolding of ribonuclease A (RNase A) and compare it with the results obtained for the temperature-induced transition. FT-IR spectroscopy monitors changes in the secondary structural properties (amide I' band) or tertiary contacts (tyrosine band) of the protein upon pressurization or depressurization. Analysis of the amide I' spectral components reveals that the pressure-induced denaturation process sets in at 5. 5 kbar at 20 degrees C and pH 2.5. It is accompanied by an increase in disordered structures while the content of beta-sheets and alpha-helices drastically decreases. The denatured state above 7 kbar retains nonetheless some degree of beta-like secondary structure and the molecule cannot be described as an extended random coil. Increase of pH from 2.5 to 5.5 has no influence on the structure of the pressure-denatured state; it slightly changes the stability of the protein only. All experimental evidence indicates that the pressure-denatured states of monomeric proteins have more secondary structure than the temperature-denatured states. Different modes of denaturation, including pressure, may correlate differently with the roughness of the energy scale and slope of the folding funnel. For these reasons we have also carried out pressure-jump kinetic studies of the secondary structural evolution in the unfolding/refolding reaction of RNase A. In agreement with the theoretical model presented by Hummer et al. [(1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 1552-1555], the experimental data show that pressure slows down folding and unfolding kinetics (here 1-2 orders of magnitude), corresponding to an increasingly rough landscape. The kinetics remains non-two-state under pressure. Assuming a two-step folding scenario, the calculated relaxation times for unfolding of RNase A at 20 degrees C and pH 2.5 can be estimated to be tau(1) approximately 0.7 min and tau(2) approximately 17 min. The refolding process is considerably faster (tau(1) approximately 0.3 min, tau(2) approximately 4 min). Our data show that the pressure stability and pressure-induced unfolding/refolding kinetics of monomeric proteins, such as wild-type staphylococcal nuclease (WT SNase) and RNase A, may be significantly different. The differences are largely due to the four disulfide bonds in RNase A, which stabilize adjacent structures. They probably lead to the much higher denaturation pressure compared to SNase, and this might also explain why the volume change of WT SNase upon unfolding is about twice as large.  相似文献   

Thermal unfolding of ribonculease (RNase) T1 was studied by 1H nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) and 1H- 15N heteronuclear single-quantum coherence (HSQC) NMR spectroscopy at various temperatures. Native RNase T1 is a single-chain molecule of 104 amino acid residues, and has a single alpha-helix and two beta-sheets, A and B, which consist of two and five strands, respectively. Singular value decomposition analysis based on temperature-dependent HSQC spectra revealed that the thermal unfolding of RNase T1 can be described by a two-state transition model. The midpoint temperature and the change in enthalpy were determined as 54.0 degrees C and 696 kJ/mol, respectively, which are consistent with results obtained by other methods. To analyze the transition profile in more detail, we investigated local structural changes using temperature-dependent NOE intensities. The results indicate that the helical region starts to unfold at lower temperature than some beta-strands (B3, B4, and B5 in beta-sheet B). These beta-strands correspond to the hydrophobic cluster region, which had been expected to be a folding core. This was confirmed by structure calculations using the residual NOEs observed at 56 degrees C. Thus, the two-state transition of RNase T1 appears to involve locally different conformational changes.  相似文献   

Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used to examine the secondary structure of rabbit liver cytochrome b5 and the polar and nonpolar domains of the protein. The data for both the polar and nonpolar domains agree well with those previously obtained by other physical techniques. In particular it was found that the nonpolar membrane-binding domain was predominantly alpha helix and that the polar domain was also highly helical, but not all alpha helix. The independence of the two domains in the whole molecule was, in general, confirmed by the additivity of the spectra of the two domains. The small differences that were seen indicate that there is a loss of alpha helix when the protein is cut into the two domains. In addition, there appeared to be a slight difference in the exposure to solvent of the amide NH groups in the alpha-helical portion of the nonpolar domain when it was examined in isolation.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of lipid A, the endotoxic principle of the lipopolysaccharides of gram-negative bacteria, has been investigated in the fully hydrated state at temperatures between 5 degrees and 58 degrees C via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. These measurements were supplemented by X-ray diffraction, fluorescence intensity techniques and differential thermal analysis. Up to three distinct phase transitions could be detected, with the main transition temperatures lying at approximately 41 degrees, 46 degrees, 44 degrees and 47 degrees C for Escherichia coli lipid A, Salmonella minnesota lipid A, and the synthetic lipid A compounds 506 and 516, respectively. 4'-Monophosphoryl-lipid A samples exhibited their main transition temperatures at considerably higher temperatures (about 52 degrees C for E. coli lipid A). The analysis of greater than CH2 stretching absorption bands as well as the wide-angle scattering behaviour of the lipid A samples showed that the main transition apparently involved the completion of hydrocarbon chain melting of lipid A, as typically observed for phospholipids. However, the phase transition behaviour was found to be much more complex than that usually observed for model phospholipid systems. Even below the main transition temperature, considerable amounts of the methylene segments of the acyl chains of lipid A were found to assume gauche conformations. These conformational changes might be related to the occurrence of up to two further transitions located at about 22 degrees, 30 degrees, 27 degrees and 25.5 degrees C (first transition) and at about 34 degrees, 42 degrees, 38.5 degrees and 40.5 degrees C (second transition) for E. coli lipid A, S. minnesota lipid A and the synthetic lipid A compounds 506 and 516, respectively. Furthermore, by the analysis of some characteristic infrared absorption bands related to the hydrophilic backbone, it could be demonstrated that the temperature-induced conformational changes occurring within the hydrocarbon chains were constantly and simultaneously accompanied by detectable rearrangements within the interfacial region and the polar head group of lipid A. The following conclusions were drawn: Up to about 30 degrees C the lipid A assemblies were supposed to adopt virtually bilayered, true lamellar arrangements, as revealed by the analysis of greater than CH2 scissoring vibrations and X-ray diffraction pattern. However, as indicated by fluorometric techniques, no stable closed vesicles seemed to be formed even under these conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Stopped-flow Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (SF-FTIR) was used to identify native as well as non-native secondary structures during the refolding of the calcium-binding protein alpha-lactalbumin. Infrared absorbance spectra were recorded in real time after a pH jump induced refolding of the protein. In the presence of calcium, the refolding is fast with concerted appearance of secondary structures; in its absence, folding is much slower and intricate, with transient formation and disappearance of non-native beta-sheet. The possibility of detecting native as well as non-native structures at the same time is especially valuable in providing insight into the complexity of the refolding process of a protein.  相似文献   

8-Bromoguanosine 2'- and 3'-phosphates have been shown to bind to RNase T1 with the same affinity as the corresponding guanosine phosphates, inducing difference absorption and circular dichroism spectra similar to those induced by the guanosine phosphates. Since the brominated ligands have reduced electron density on N-7 of the guanine ring and syn-fixed conformation due to a bulky, electron-withdrawing Br substituent on C-8, the difference spectra are not attributable to the protonation on N-7 and to the restriction of the ligand to syn-conformation as proposed previously.  相似文献   

In previous Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) studies of the photocycle intermediates of bacteriorhodopsin at cryogenic temperatures, water molecules were observed in the L intermediate, in the region surrounded by protein residues between the Schiff base and Asp96. In the M intermediate, the water molecules had moved away toward the Phe219-Thr46 region. To evaluate the relevance of this scheme at room temperature, time-resolved FTIR difference spectra of bacteriorhodopsin, including the water O-H stretching vibration frequency regions, were recorded in the micro- and millisecond time ranges. Vibrational changes of weakly hydrogen-bonded water molecules were observed in L, M, and N. In each of these intermediates, the depletion of a water O-H stretching vibration at 3645 cm-1, originating from the initial unphotolyzed bacteriorhodopsin, was observed as a trough in the difference spectrum. This vibration is due to the dangling O-H group of a water molecule, which interacts with Asp85, and its absence in each of these intermediates indicates that there is perturbation of this O-H group. The formation of M is accompanied by the appearance of water O-H stretching vibrations at 3670 and 3657 cm-1, the latter of which persists to N. The 3670 cm-1 band of M is due to water molecules present in the region surrounded by Thr46, Asp96, and Phe219. The formation of L at 298 K is accompanied by the perturbations of Asp96 and the Schiff base, although in different ways from what is observed at 170 K. Changes in a broad water vibrational feature, centered around 3610 cm-1, are kinetically correlated with the L-M transition. These results imply that, even at room temperature, water molecules interact with Asp96 and the Schiff base in L, although with a less rigid structure than at cryogenic temperatures.  相似文献   

The photoinduced reaction cycle of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) has been studied by means of a recently developed picosecond infrared spectroscopic method at ambient temperature. BR - K difference spectra between 1560 and 1700 cm-1 have been recorded at delay times from 100 ps to 14 ns. The spectrum remains unchanged during this period. The negative difference OD band at 1660 cm-1 indicates the peptide backbone responds within 50 ps. A survey in the region of carboxylic side chain absorption around 1740 cm-1 reveals that perturbations of those groups, present in low-temperature FTIR spectra, are not observable within 10 ns, suggesting a slow conformational change.  相似文献   

The phase behaviour, particularly the fluidity within each phase state and the transitions between them, of lipopolysaccharides and of their lipid moiety, free lipid A, of various species of Gram-negative bacteria, especially of Salmonella minnesota and Escherichia coli, has been investigated by applying mainly Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. For enterobacterial strains, the transition temperatures of the gel----liquid crystalline (beta----alpha) phase transition of the hydrocarbon chains in dependence on the length of the sugar moiety are highest for free lipids A (around 45 degrees C) and lowest for deep rough mutant lipopolysaccharides (around 30 degrees C). Evaluating certain infrared active vibration bands of the hydrocarbon moiety, mainly the symmetric stretching vibration of the methylene groups around 2850 cm-1, it was found that, in the gel state, the acyl chains of lipopolysaccharides and free lipid A have a higher fluidity as compared with saturated and the same fluidity as compared with unsaturated phospholipids. This 'partial fluidization' of lipopolysaccharide below the transition temperature correlates with its reduced enthalpy change at that temperature compared to phospholipids with the same chain length. The fluidity depends strongly on ambient conditions, i.e. on the Mg2+ and H+ content: higher Mg2+ concentrations and low pH values make the acyl chains of free lipid A and lipopolysaccharide preparations significantly more rigid and also partially increase the transition temperature. The influence of Mg2+ is highest for free lipid A and decreases with increasing length of the sugar side chain within the lipopolysaccharide molecules, whereas the effect of a low pH is similar for all preparations. At basic pH, a fluidization of the lipopolysaccharide and lipid A acyl chains and a decrease in transition temperature take place. Free lipid A and all investigated rough mutant lipopolysaccharides exhibit an extremely strong lyotropic behaviour in the beta----alpha melting enthalpy but not in the value of the transition temperature. The phase transition is distinctly expressed only at water concentrations higher than 50-60%. A further increase of the water content still leads to an increase in the phase-transition enthalpy, particularly for lipopolysaccharides with a more complete sugar moiety. The fluidity of the hydrocarbon chains is shown to be an important parameter with respect to the expression of biological activities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of bacterial ribonuclease in the interval of pH 2.5-7.0 has been investigated by means of infra-red spectroscopy method. The protein melting for pH 2.5 begins at the temperature 25 degrees C and is accompanied by secondary protein structure reconstruction, partially destroying native beta-structure and leading to new denatured conformation appearance of different types of beta-turns. Spectral changes for pH 3.5 and 7.0 are significantly less in the same frequency areas. At the temperature more than 50 degrees C protein aggregation takes place with inter-molecule-beta-form formation.  相似文献   

P W Holloway  C Buchheit 《Biochemistry》1990,29(41):9631-9637
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used to examine the secondary structure of the membrane-binding domain (nonpolar peptide) of rabbit liver cytochrome b5 in D2O and in the presence of phospholipids and deoxycholate. In all situations, the predominant structure was alpha helix, but an examination of the components of the amide I band in the spectrum of the nonpolar peptide showed that the major peak was shifted from 1655 cm-1 in the lipids to 1650 cm-1 in deoxycholate. This shift to lower frequency, together with a decrease in intensity of the amide II band, is indicative of N-H to N-D exchange of the peptide backbone. A semiquantitative analysis indicated that the alpha helix of the peptide is over 95% exchanged in the presence of deoxycholate but is only 10% exchanged in the presence of lipid. These data suggest that the membrane-inserted portion of the peptide is alpha helical and is largely protected from N-H to N-D exchange by the bilayer. We suggest that this technique appears to provide a general method for determining the type of secondary structure involved in membrane interaction and the percentage of this structure which is involved in the interaction.  相似文献   

J. Pilet  J. Brahms 《Biopolymers》1973,12(2):387-403
DNA-oriented samples of various origins were studied under different conditions of humidiity and sodium chloride content by means of infrared spectroscopy. (1) Oriented DNA (M. Lysodeikticus, E. coli, calf thymus and salmon sperm) films at 3–4% sodium chloride yield polarized spectra which show drastic changes at relative humidities (r.h.) between 94% and 0% indicative of conformational changes: B form → a form → disordered form The measurements of the infrared dichroism at frequencies of about 1230 cm?1 and at about 1090 cm?1 allow one to determine the orientation of the phosphate group, whereas the measurements at 1710 cm?1 characterize the base orientation. At humidities higher than 90% r.h. (B form) the bisector of OPO forms an angle of 70° relative to the helix axis, whereas at lower humidities, between 75% and 50% r.h. (A form) a rotation to about 45° is observed. Simultaneously, the 0—0 line of phosphate group changes its orientation from 55° to 65° to the helix when B → A transition takes place. The results are in general agreement with that of X-ray diffraction and allow one to determine the orientation of the phosphate group with greater precision. (2) The B–A conformational change is not observed for satellite DNA, isolated from Cancer pagurus, of which the guanine + cytosine content is below 5%. As a function of decreasing humidities, one observes the transition: B form → disordered form A diagram of conformational changes of DNA's as a function of base composition and of r.h., suggests that B–A transition will occur for DNA of relatively higher G + C content, whereas for high (A + T) content, base sequence may be of importance. The B–A transition is prevented in DNA at a relatively high or very low sodium chloride content.  相似文献   

The potential of Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy for biochemical applications is demonstrated by the gel to liquid crystal phase transition of the title compound. While the changes occurring in the vibrational pattern of the hydrophobic palmitoyl chains are easily monitored, this technique also discriminates between no change in the choline moiety and a small yet significant change in the carbonyl moiety, both located in the hydrophylic head group.  相似文献   

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