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Traditional and small-scale farmers may know of practices that control weedy species. When these species are also problematic in restored or managed areas, a collection of this knowledge might assist control efforts. However, past criticisms of using local ecological knowledge (LEK) from small-scale farmers state that small sample sizes and highly variable responses among informants hinders LEK’s utility in management. Here I document weed-control knowledge held by New Jersey salt-hay farmers to control common reed and adapt strategies to control its invasion in two restoration settings. Accounts indicated that repeated cutting could eradicate the invasive, and subsequent experimental treatments in restoration settings demonstrated this technique to be very effective. However, only one farmer knew of this technique, and this farmer’s accounts seemingly contradicted other farmers’ accounts of cutting. This study demonstrates that small sample sizes and highly variable responses are more problematic to studies of knowledge, per se, than in finding valuable knowledge, which simply must be held by a community member rather than be common or well-distributed.  相似文献   

This article reports previously unpublished results of a collaborative study undertaken in 2003 by health workers of the UK-based organisation Health Unlimited, and by researchers of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. This study marked the first of a series of collaborative activities aimed at highlighting the situation of Indigenous peoples, some in the most isolated ecosystems of the planet. While many researchers focus on quantitative analysis of the health and environmental conditions of Indigenous peoples, our 2003 study aimed at exploring the views of Indigenous peoples in isolated communities in five countries on their environment and their health. In this article we look closely at the web of knowledge and belief that underpins Indigenous peoples’ concepts of health and well-being, and their relationship to land and the environment. Although many Indigenous people have been forced off their traditional lands and live in rural settlements, towns, and cities, there are still a large number of people living in very small Indigenous communities in remote areas. This article focuses on 20 such communities in six countries. We explore traditional knowledge and practice and its relationship to Western medicine and services. The research findings highlight the importance of Indigenous knowledge systems for the emerging ecohealth community and suggest that we have much to learn from Indigenous peoples in our pursuit of a more holistic science. Utz Wachil is from the K’iche language originating in Totonicapan Department, Guatemala. It translates literally as “fine/well face-ness,” face meaning one’s aspect in general, not only physical appearance.  相似文献   

This cultural case study investigates one U.S. psychosocial rehabilitation organization’s (Horizons) attempt to implement the recovery philosophy of the U.S. Recovery Movement and offers lessons from this local attempt that may inform global mental health care reform. Horizons’ “recovery-oriented” initiatives unwittingly mobilized stressful North American discourses of valued citizenship. At times, efforts to “empower” people diagnosed with schizophrenia to become esteemed self-made citizens generated more stressful sociocultural conditions for people whose daily lives were typically remarkably stressful. A recovery-oriented mental health system must account for people diagnosed with schizophrenia’s sensitivity to stress and offer consumers contextually relevant coping mechanisms. Any attempt to export U.S. mental health care practices to the rest of the world must acknowledge that (1) sociocultural conditions affect schizophrenia outcomes; (2) schizophrenia outcomes are already better in the developing world than in the United States; and (3) much of what leads to “better” outcomes in the developing world may rely on the availability of locally relevant techniques to address stress.  相似文献   

This article examines the perception of the Bhotiya tribal community on the use and conservation of natural resources in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR), north-western Himalaya in India with an objective of identifying the bottlenecks in the sustainable management of forest resources of NDBR through people’s participation. Despite, 85% of the respondents supporting the concept of conservation of forest resources, management decisions such as ban on mountaineering activities by creation of the Nanda Devi National Park (NDNP) in 1982 and NDBR in 1988, developed negative attitude among local people towards NDBR management, mainly because of restricted access to the forest resources for their livelihood. Promotion of some alternative income generating activities to reduce the dependence on natural resources was responded positively by the local people.  相似文献   

Kinship and reciprocity are two main predictors of altruism. The ultimatum game has been used to study altruism in many small-scale societies. We used the ultimatum game to examine effects of individuals’ family and kin relations on altruistic behavior in a kin-based horticultural community in rural Dominica. Results show sex-specific effects of kin on ultimatum game play. Average coefficient of relatedness to the village was negatively associated with women’s ultimatum game proposals and had little effect on men’s proposals. Number of brothers in the village was positively associated with men’s ultimatum game proposals and negatively associated with women’s proposals. Similarly, presence of father in the village was associated with higher proposals by men and lower proposals by women. We interpret the effect of brothers on men’s proposals as a consequence of local competition among brothers. We speculate that daughter-biased parental care in this community creates a sense of entitlement among women with brothers, which may explain the inverse relation between number of brothers and women’s ultimatum game proposals. The pattern of results may be consistent with how matrifocality affects cultural models of fairness differently along gender and family lines.  相似文献   

Since 1990, an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional team of scientists has led a research-intervention initiative examining pesticide impacts on agricultural production, human health, and the environment in the highly commercial potato growing province of Carchi, Ecuador. This article synthesizes the key results of that initiative, analyzes the lessons concerning the process of transdisciplinary ecosystems health research from a methodological perspective, and identifies priority future research opportunities. Research on this initiative has covered a broad range of activities with a full spectrum of rural stakeholders. These have included: health studies of the incidence of pesticide poisonings and the neurological impacts of pesticide exposure on farmers and their families; environmental and personal exposure studies; economic studies on the role of pesticides in agricultural production; sociological studies of farmers attitudes, knowledge, and practices related to pesticide use; and participatory interventions to reduce pesticide-related impacts. Research results have shown that pesticide poisoning incidence in the potato growing zones of Carchi, Ecuador match the highest reported rates in the world. A majority of farm household members suffer significant neurological impairment. Economic and participatory research has shown that there are viable alternatives to the use of Class 1 highly toxic pesticides in the zone. Nevertheless, cultural and political factors are impeding substantial changes in current practices. Future research-intervention activities include longitudinal analyses of the health, environmental, and production impacts of participatory interventions, and a scaling up of analyses to encompass other regions in the Andean mountain ecosystem with more limited indicators of key constructs.  相似文献   

This study explored the health, well-being, and social capital benefits gained by community members who are involved in the management of land for conservation in six rural communities across Victoria. A total of 102 people participated in the study (64 males; 38 females) comprising 51 members of a community-based land management group and 51 controls matched by age and gender. Mixed methods were employed, including the use of an adapted version of Buckner’s (1988) Community Cohesion Scale. The results indicate that involvement in the management of land for conservation may contribute to both the health and well-being of members, and to the social capital of the local community. The members of the land management groups rated their general health higher, reported visiting the doctor less often, felt safer in the local community, and utilized the skills that they have acquired in their lifetime more frequently than the control participants. Male members reported the highest level of general health, and the greatest satisfaction with daily activities. Members also reported a greater sense of belonging to the local community and a greater willingness to work toward improving their community than their control counterparts. Of equal importance is evidence that involvement in voluntary conservation work constitutes a means of building social capital in rural communities which may help reduce some of the negative aspects of rural life.  相似文献   



Traditional gold mining is associated with mercury exposure. Especially vulnerable to its neurotoxic effects is the developing nervous system of a child. We aimed to investigate risk factors of mercury exposure among children in a rural mining town in Chile.


Using a validated questionnaire distributed to the parents of the children, a priori mercury risk factors, potential exposure pathways and demographics of the children were obtained. Mercury levels were measured through analyzing fingernail samples. Logistic regression modeling the effect of risk factors on mercury levels above the 75th percentile were made, adjusted for potential confounders.


The 288 children had a mean age of 9.6 years (SD = 1.9). The mean mercury level in the study population was 0.13 µg/g (SD 0.11, median 0.10, range 0.001–0.86 µg/g). The strongest risk factor for children’s odds of high mercury levels (>75th percentile, 0.165 µg/g) was to play inside a house where a family member worked with mercury (OR adjusted 3.49 95% CI 1.23–9.89). Additionally, children whose parents worked in industrial gold mining had higher odds of high mercury levels than children whose parents worked in industrial copper mining or outside mining activities.


Mercury exposure through small-scale gold mining might affect children in their home environments. These results may further help to convince the local population of banning mercury burning inside the households.  相似文献   

汞矿山环境汞污染研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汞矿山开采对周边环境的汞污染一直受到关注,尽管全球多数汞矿山已经相继停产、闭坑,但这些废弃的汞矿山仍然通过采矿所遗留的尾矿等固体废弃物、坑道废水和污染的土壤等对当地的环境和居民健康产生着持续的影响和危害.本文总结了环境样品中各形态汞的分析方法,评述了全球范围内汞矿的分布以及汞矿山开采和冶炼过程所造成的环境影响,提出了对于污染治理和风险评价的展望.  相似文献   

In this article we present an international Indigenous people’s partnership project co-led by two Indigenous communities, Musqueam (Coast Salish, Canada) and Totoras (Quichua, Ecuador), as a community-driven health initiative. The Musqueam-Totoras partnership includes Indigenous organizations, universities, international agencies, government, and nongovernmental organizations to address Indigenous health concerns in both communities. Our collaborative approach provides a framework to (a) increase the development expertise of Indigenous people internationally, (b) increase skills among all participants, and (c) facilitate Indigenous knowledge mobilization and translation to promote cultural continuity. This international Indigenous people’s partnership between north and south reflects the diversity and commonalities of Indigenous knowledge, contributes to cultural revitalization, and minimizes the impact of assimilation, technology, and globalization. Indigenous people’s partnerships contribute to self-determination, which is a prerequisite to the building and maintenance of healthy communities and the promotion of social justice. The exchange of Indigenous knowledge upholds Indigenous values of respect, reciprocity, relevance, and responsibility. Given the history of colonization and the negligence of governments in the exercising of these values with respect to Indigenous communities, this contemporary exchange among Indigenous people in the Americas serves to reclaim these values and practices. International cooperation empowering Indigenous people and other marginalized groups has become fundamental for their advancement and participation in globalized economies. An international Indigenous people’s partnership provides opportunities for sharing cultural, historical, social, environmental, and economic factors impacting Indigenous health. These partnerships also create beneficial learning experiences in community-based participatory research and community-driven health initiatives, provide culturally sensitive research ethics frameworks, increase capacity building, and address basic human needs identified by participating communities.  相似文献   

Many factors such as poverty, ineffective institutions and environmental regulations may prevent developing countries from managing how natural resources are extracted to meet a strong market demand. Extraction for some resources has reached such proportions that evidence is measurable from space. We present recent evidence of the global demand for a single commodity and the ecosystem destruction resulting from commodity extraction, recorded by satellites for one of the most biodiverse areas of the world. We find that since 2003, recent mining deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru is increasing nonlinearly alongside a constant annual rate of increase in international gold price (∼18%/yr). We detect that the new pattern of mining deforestation (1915 ha/year, 2006–2009) is outpacing that of nearby settlement deforestation. We show that gold price is linked with exponential increases in Peruvian national mercury imports over time (R2 = 0.93, p = 0.04, 2003–2009). Given the past rates of increase we predict that mercury imports may more than double for 2011 (∼500 t/year). Virtually all of Peru''s mercury imports are used in artisanal gold mining. Much of the mining increase is unregulated/artisanal in nature, lacking environmental impact analysis or miner education. As a result, large quantities of mercury are being released into the atmosphere, sediments and waterways. Other developing countries endowed with gold deposits are likely experiencing similar environmental destruction in response to recent record high gold prices. The increasing availability of satellite imagery ought to evoke further studies linking economic variables with land use and cover changes on the ground.  相似文献   

Recent discussions of local knowledge emphasize its dynamic nature invoking local peoples’ ability to effectively integrate traditional or local with science-based or “modern” knowledges. The smallholder timber industry of the Amazon’s estuarine floodplain provides an outstanding example of local patterns of resource management and economic activities transformed from within by smallholder farmers who participated in the industrial timber boom of the 1970s and 1980s. These farmers of eastern Amazonia have developed a vertically integrated local industry based on expertise reflecting profound locally developed knowledge of specific forests and management of ecological processes, individual observation and experimentation, as well as concepts and practices derived from temporary employment by large-scale industrial timber firms. At each stage of the smallholder forestry process—from managing natural regeneration to running small sawmills and marketing lumber—local managers apply an innovative set of practices reflecting their diverse experiences. This combination of technical, market, and ecological knowledge results in forests, timber markets, and economic patterns that do not correspond to many of the widely-held generalizations concerning either local or industrial tropical timber exploitation. This article uses data from 7 years of research in the Amazon floodplain.
Christine PadochEmail:

Nature conservation in tropical developing countries is particularly challenging as the human population is highly dependent on natural resources. Several approaches, such as small-scale, community-based conservation projects aiming to generate benefits for the community, have been applied to alleviate poverty and at the same time promote conservation. In Madagascar such projects are considered a promising alternative as large-scale conservation often fails. However, few evaluations to date have analyzed both ecological and socioeconomic aspects. Our study focuses on the ecological and socioeconomic aspects of a small-scale, community-based conservation project, called “Park Bandro”, at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. At first glance, the area seems to conserve its natural flora and fauna. However, closer examination shows that the park suffers from isolation, disconnectivity and illegal activities, while its management suffers from an unequal distribution of benefits and a lack of recognition at community level. We use our results to discuss where challenges arise and to draw recommendations which will be relevant beyond Lake Alaotra. We show that institutional settings can foster the detachment of local management associations from the community and facilitate elite capture. Existing conflicts of interests and a lack of transparency in administration hinders long-term success. The managerial framework needs to be revised and adapted to foster capacity building, providing a basis for negotiation with the community and the integration of different social groups.  相似文献   

Garnering support from local people is critical for maintaining ecologically viable and functional protected areas. However, empirical data illustrating local people’s awareness of the importance of nature’s services is limited; hence possibly impeding effective ecosystem (environmental)-services based conservation efforts. Using data from five protected forests in four developing Southeast Asian countries, we provide evidence that local people living near parks value a wide range of environmental services, including cultural, provisioning, and regulating services, provided by the forests. Local people with longer residency valued environmental services more. Educated as well as poor people valued forest ecosystem services more. Conservation education has some influence on people’s environmental awareness. For conservation endeavors to be successful, large-scale transmigration programs should be avoided and local people must be provided with alternative sustenance opportunities and basic education in addition to environmental outreach to reduce their reliance on protected forests and to enhance conservation support.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact of small-scale gold mining on the environment and communities of the Puyango River basin in the southwest of Ecuador between 1999 and 2001. Our primary objectives were to measure mercury, manganese, and lead in the river, to identify pathways of population exposure, and biological indicators of human exposure. A multi-method design at the catchment scale was applied to the analysis of water, sediments, and particulate matter for mercury, lead, and manganese over two different seasons. A household survey was undertaken, and individuals were assessed for lead (blood samples), and for mercury (urine and hair samples). River water samples had high concentrations of particulate matter (700 mg/L). Mercury and lead levels in water at the gold processing plants were very high in both seasons (250 ng Hg/L and 160 μg Pb/L). Mercury and lead, there was a downstream gradient with the areas adjacent to the gold processing plants having the highest levels. In Portovelo, the Upper Basin city, 14% of the population reported occupational exposure to inorganic mercury. Although no one in Portovelo consumes water from the river, 10% of the population consume local fish. This contrasts the Lower Basin where 98% of the population consume fish, and 100% use river water for drinking and cooking. Lead blood levels over 20 μg/dl were found in 39.4% of the study population and blood mercury over 10 μg/L only in 10.0%. Urinary mercury over 4 μg/L was found in 66.5% of the examined persons. Hair methylmercury did not exceed the safe limit of 2 μg/g, the mean concentration was 1.2 μg/g. Mining activity and erosion contributes to heavy-metal contamination (mercury, lead, and manganese) throughout the Puyango Basin. The relation between environmental contamination is complex and further research is being conducted to understand these relations.  相似文献   

目的:探讨陕西省安康市居民健康相关行为及影响因素,为以后开展安康市社区居民健康教育提供数据。方法:选择定额抽样法,对安康市的15岁以上的4500名居民的健康行为行为进行问卷调查,其中2370名医院门诊患者、2130名社区居民,问卷调查内容包含吸烟、酗酒、运动锻炼与获取卫生保健知识的主动性,采用Logistic回归、X2检验进行影响因素分析。结果:经过调查得知,12.9%吸烟者、6.9%的酗酒者、61.8%经常参加运动锻炼者、67.1%主动获取保健知识者。通过Logistic分析得知,年龄是酗酒、获取卫生知识主动性的影响因素;性别是影响吸烟、酗酒、获取卫生保健知识主动性的影响因素;文化程度是吸烟、酗酒、获取卫生保健知识主动性的影响因素;在业状况是运动锻炼、获取卫生保健知识主动性的影响因素。结论:经过本次调查分析后,陕西省安康市的居民健康相关行为主要与在业状况、性别与文化程度相关,协助城市居民养成良好的健康行为,健康教育主要目标是阻止危害健康的行为,以提高全民的健康水平。  相似文献   

Occupational health problems in developing countries, especially those situated in the tropical zone, are difficult to define. The conditions are more adverse in unorganized small-scale industries. The application of ergonomic principles in the practice of occupational health in developing countries must be subject to all aspects of community health and impact of industrialization as well. Ergonomics offers a broad concept to health scientists in developing countries. "Systems ergonomics" is not applicable. On the contrary, the fact that ergonomics conveys a different meaning to those in developing countries is highlighted by a few examples from Sri Lanka. The author presents his view for consideration in the development of international instruments to prescribe the sale of guarded machinery to developing countries and the limitation of incentive schemes for performing arduous tasks leading to occupational illnesses.  相似文献   

This study characterized the sources and scales of mercury variability in agricultural soils of the river Ebro (9.5 million ha) using geostatistical methods and data from 624 samples. The Ebro basin (20% of Spanish land mass) is an important agricultural area that is industrialized. Spatial analysis was done on a local scale (20 km) and indicated that high Hg concentrations were related to mining and specific agronomic practices, such as sewage effluents from irrigation. The intermediate scale (100 km) was associated with mercury from atmospheric deposition (mining, smelting, and industrial activities). The regional scale (220 km) corresponded to mineralogical structure and bedrock influence. The analysis demostrates that while geographical and geochemical processes and anthropogenic influences, such as industrialization and agricultural practices, can influence the content and distribution of mercury in the valley, the calcareous nature of the soils (alkaline pH and low organic matter) minimize the effect of the mercury load.  相似文献   

Under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s mission to protect human health and the environment, the agency seeks to conduct research on the structure and function of ecosystems and to improve our understanding of the processes that contribute to the sustained health of the nation’s ecosystems and the well-being of human populations. Changes in biodiversity can profoundly impact the ability of ecosystems to provide clean water, energy, food, recreation, and other services that contribute to human well-being. In addition, changes in biodiversity can affect the transmission of infectious disease to humans, particularly vectorborne diseases such as malaria and Lyme disease. The Environmental Protection Agency’s new initiative supports interdisciplinary research to characterize the mechanisms that link biodiversity and human health and to use this knowledge to develop integrative tools and approaches for quantifying and predicting these relationships. Research on these links can have an important impact on our view of biodiversity and how we manage resources to protect human and ecosystem health. Disclaimer: This work was funded in part under Grant #CX3-832328 with the American Association for the Advance of Science (AAAS). The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

BackgroundUnderstanding how knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding leprosy differ in endemic countries can help us develop targeted educational and behavioural change interventions. This study aimed to examine the differences and commonalities in and determinants of knowledge, attitudes, practices and fears regarding leprosy in endemic districts in India and Indonesia.Principle findingsA cross-sectional mixed-methods design was used. Persons affected by leprosy, their close contacts, community members and health workers were included. Through interview-administered questionnaires we assessed knowledge, attitudes, practices and fears with the KAP measure, EMIC-CSS and SDS. In addition, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were conducted. The quantitative data were analysed using stepwise multivariate regression. Determinants of knowledge and stigma that were examined included age, gender, participant type, education, occupation, knowing someone affected by leprosy and district. The qualitative data were analysed using open, inductive coding and content analysis.We administered questionnaires to 2344 participants (46% from India, 54% from Indonesia) as an interview. In addition, 110 participants were interviewed in-depth and 60 participants were included in focus group discussions. Knowledge levels were low in both countries: 88% of the participants in India and 90% of the participants in Indonesia had inadequate knowledge of leprosy. In both countries, cause, mode of transmission, early symptoms and contagiousness of leprosy was least known, and treatment and treatability of leprosy was best known. In both countries, health workers had the highest leprosy knowledge levels and community members the highest stigma levels (a mean score of up to 17.4 on the EMIC-CSS and 9.1 on the SDS). Data from the interviews indicated that people were afraid of being infected by leprosy. Local beliefs and misconceptions differed, for instance that leprosy is in the family for seven generations (Indonesia) or that leprosy is a result of karma (India). The determinants of leprosy knowledge and stigma explained 10–29% of the variability in level of knowledge and 3–10% of the variability in level of stigma.ConclusionOur findings show the importance of investigating the perceptions regarding leprosy prior to educational interventions in communities: even though knowledge levels were similar, local beliefs and misconceptions differed per setting. The potential determinants we included in our study explained very little of the variability in level of knowledge and stigma and should be explored further. Detailed knowledge of local knowledge gaps, beliefs and fears can help tailor health education to local circumstances.  相似文献   

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